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Dragon’s Eye Golf Club, Kovai Hills Resort

Golf Course Specifications – PART 1

Earthworks & Course Construction Work

Version 3: 18/2/08 – For issue to Contractors (to be amended as the

project progresses)

Client: Rakindo Developers Private Ltd

No. 1 Subbaraya Avenue, Alwarpet, Chennai
India – 600 018 Doc. No.:
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club, Kovai Hills Resort

Dragon’s Eye Golf Club

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................ 3
1.1. Intent of the Works........................................................................................................... 3
1.2. Base Plan & Proposal Plan..............................................................................................4
1.3. Specification & Target Dates............................................................................................ 4
1.4. Title, Parties, and Project Team.......................................................................................7
APPENDIX TO THE CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT......................................................................
2. GENERAL CONDITIONS...........................................................................................8
2.1. Contractor's Site Assessment...........................................................................................8
2.2. The Designer.................................................................................................................... 8
2.3. Contract Drawings............................................................................................................ 8
2.4. The Project Manager........................................................................................................ 9
2.5. Site Supervision............................................................................................................... 9
2.6. Programmes..................................................................................................................... 9
2.7. Meetings & Communications........................................................................................... 9
2.8. Monitoring of Programme................................................................................................ 9
2.9. Health and Safety at Work etc.......................................................................................10
2.10. Workmanship & Materials.............................................................................................. 10
2.11. General Site Practice..................................................................................................... 11
2.12. Records Plans................................................................................................................ 12
3. PROGRAMME OF WORKS.....................................................................................13
4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS...............................................................................14
4.1. Initial Work..................................................................................................................... 14
4.2. Topsoil & Ground Conditions.......................................................................................... 17
4.3. Earthworks, Excavation & Carting.................................................................................19
4.4. Water Feature Construction........................................................................................... 23
4.5. Drainage & Trenching Work........................................................................................... 26
4.6. Fairway Contouring & Fairway Feature Construction.....................................................31
4.7. Construction of Greens Complexes and Tees................................................................33
4.8. Sand Handling & Spreading........................................................................................... 41
4.9. Fairway, Feature & Rough Seedbed Preparation...........................................................43
4.10. Seeding, Sprigging & Turfing......................................................................................... 45
4.11. Cart-path Construction................................................................................................... 51
4.12. Landscaping Works........................................................................................................ 53
4.13. Other Works................................................................................................................... 58
5. Drawings & Appendices Schedule........................................................................61
5.1. APPENDIX 1 – Schedule of Areas and Volumes...........................................................63
5.2. Bills of Quantities........................................................................................................... 63
5.3. Schedule of Dayworks.................................................................................................... 67
5.4. Labour............................................................................................................................ 68
6. Form of Tender...........................................................................................................
6.1. APPENDIX 1 to the Form of Tender...................................................................................
6.2. APPENDIX 2 to the Form of Tender...................................................................................
6.3. APPENDIX 3 to the Form of Tender...................................................................................
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club

1.1. Introduction and Intent of the Works
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club lies within the proposed Kovai Hills Resort, a new
prestige leisure, residential and Commercial Township on the outskirts of
Coimbatore, second largest city in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. The
Resort will encompass a hotel, spa, hospital, golf course with clubhouse
and golf academy, as well as villas and office accommodation.
Coimbatore, the ‘Manchester of the South’, is situated at an elevation of
about 400 metres. The temperature during both summers and winters
varies anywhere between 37 'C to 25 'C. The highest temperature is 41°C
and lowest is 12°C.
Due to the presence of the mountains and passes, major parts of the area
benefit from the south-western monsoon in the months from June to
August. After a warm, humid September, the regular monsoon starts from
October lasting till early November. These monsoons are brought about by
the retreating north-eastern monsoon. Annual rainfall is around 61cm.
The intention at Kovai Hills Resort is to form an international-standard golf
course constructed and presented to the highest level, and suitable for the
playing of championship-level golf and also good, testing, but fair golf for a
clientele of international golf tourists and Indian golfers.
The course on plan measures over 7,000 yards, Par 72 from the back tees,
with the holes featuring water, trees, and varied slopes to influence strategy
and variety. This minimum length must be preserved during construction.
Academy facilities will include a 9-hole pitch-and-putt course, 60-bay
double-deck driving range (constructed by others), practice putting/chipping
areas and mini-golf (family ’crazy-golf’).
Construction methods, workmanship and quality of finish shall allow the
golf course to be capable of being efficiently maintained to a high,
international quality using standard maintenance equipment and methods.
Part 1 of this Specification covers general construction works, Part 2 of the
Specification covers the irrigation system supply and installation works,
which overlaps with Part 1 primarily on the on the arrangement for
trenching works. The work is currently programmed for three phases of
Access, climatic, soils and other information can be provided through the
Rakindo Developers Private Ltd
No. 1 Subbaraya Avenue,
India – 600 018.
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club -4-

1.2. Base Plan & Proposal Plan

This specification is based on the Master Plan MP8(e) which in turn is
based upon survey data from the Clients’ Surveyors. The Contractor
shall carry out his own verifying checks on levels and topographical
features prior to commencing work.
It is very important that all trees deemed by the Golf Course Architect
to be significant, as marked on the plan, are protected carefully from
damage of any kind during the whole progress of the works and
aftercare stages.
The base plan gives contours at 0.5-metre intervals. Minor
inaccuracies on the ground can be expected, particularly in the forest
area, and supplementary spot-levels must be taken to ensure
conformity to the drawings and good working practices.
Topsoil sample data is available from the Client. However, the Contractor
will be required to carry out detailed verification of site data and make plans
for handling the top soil as per the Designer’s requirement. The exact
strategy for handling soil and stones on site will be the responsibility of the
Contractor, following tree clearance and non-golf earth-moving activities
within the golf site. The source of water is currently undergoing detailed
assessment, therefore assumptions have been made in order to complete
this version of the specification.

1.3. Specification & Target Dates

The two parts to the complete specification are as follows. It is
expected that work in Part 2; Irrigation, shall be carried out by a Sub-
Part 1 - Earthworks, Construction, Shaping, Drainage (including
culverts), Grassing, Landscaping and Cart-path installation.
Part 2 - Irrigation System. To include:
 Submersible pump to storage Lake ‘F’ and transfer pipe work
power supply and electrical to the irrigation pump-station and
water storage tank (proposed situation within the maintenance
 Transfer pipe work, power supply and electrical from the
boreholes to the irrigation pump-station and water storage tank
 Install full, automatic pop-up sprinkler system to greens,
approaches fairways, tees, range and short course. Computer
control system.
 Training in irrigation system use

NB - Other Golf Related Facilities; including all retaining walls, gabions,

lake inflow/outflow structures, culverts, and other civil engineering items,
Driving Range bays and building, Half-way House, ball-stop and other
fencing are the responsibility of the Client’s nominated Civil Engineering
Consultant. Mini-golf area may be the responsibility of a specialist
Contractor under a separate contract.
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club -5-

1.4 Target Dates

A detailed construction programme (PERT or Gantt chart) is available
from the Client. The golf facilities are intended to be constructed in 3
phases, from early Spring 2008. Tree clearance and other preparatory
work, however, may begin prior to this.
The construction of the 18-hole golf course, academy and practice
facilities, water features, and associated works, is to be completed in
full by end of September 2010, with the following key target dates:

September 2008 – Phase 1 areas grassed and completed, including:

Holes 10, 11, 18, 12th tees
Driving Range area
Practice areas
9-hole Pitch-&-Putt
Lakes B, C, D, E, F
Cart-path and landscaping
NB – range buildings, maintenance area building by others;
construction work may be running concurrently with golf.
Maintenance area proposed as temporary compound for construction
equipment and materials.

September 2009 - Phase 2 golf construction work to be completed;

Holes 1 to 9.

June 2010 - Phase 3; All remaining golf construction; holes 12 to 17,

grassing, planting, hard landscaping and other golf work to be fully

Grow-in maintenance by the Contractor until end September 2010

1.5 Specification
The work consists of the following basic elements:

 Site Preparation, temporary fencing, drainage and

 measures, setting-out and verification of layout
 Clearance & Thinning – Whole site.
 Re-direction of watercourses (nalas)
 General Earthworks; cut/fill and excavation/fill carting
 Topsoil and subsoil re-distribution to bedrock areas
 Water-feature construction and lining
 Root zone mixing, processing and carting
 Greens, tees and bunker fine shaping and construction
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club -6-

 Storm-drains and fairway drainage system installation

 Topsoil cleaning and de-stoning
 Soil preparation, seeding, and associated work
 Tree and shrub pruning, planting/re-planting
 Rock landscape featuring work
 Cart-path and other hard landscaping feature
 Bunker trimming and sanding
 Grow-in stage maintenance work

Irrigation work is to be carried out by Contractors to be determined by

the Client. The Irrigation Contractor is to work within the time frame
and in accordance with the requirements of the construction company.
The fine shaping work shall be carried out by vetted, professional
Shapers, employed directly by the Contractor, whose experience and
capabilities shall be presented by the Contractor to the Client for
assessment and agreement at the tendering stage.
Other associated works within or adjacent to the golf course but
outside of this specification include:

 Irrigation water supply borehole work

 Access road, parking, and other non-golf roadways and tracks
 Bridges and other engineering features.
 Clubhouse/Leisure Club/Range/Maintenance buildings work
and landscaping, maintenance area construction.

NB – Earthworks Strategy

Excess soil from the driving range recontouring and area of holes 1 to 3, 9 to 18 is
to be excavated and carted to the bedrock areas on the golf course area Holes 4 to
8. The programming of this shall be agreed before construction begins with the
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club -7-

1.6 Title, Parties, and Project Team.

The title of the project is the Dragon’s Eye Golf Club, Kovai Hills
Resort, Coimbatore, India.

a) The Client is:
Rakindo Developers Private Ltd

No. 1 Subbaraya Avenue,
India – 600 018.

(Otherwise referred to as ‘The Employer’ in the contract documents)

b) Project Manager (Golf; to be employed by the Client)

(Otherwise referred to as ‘The Project Manager’ in this document)


c) The Golf Course Architect:

David Hemstock Associates Ltd.,
The Sycamores Farm, Back Lane,
Derbyshire, SK17 0DS, UK
(Otherwise referred to as ‘The Designer’ in this document)

The Form of Contract used for this work is to be:

Issued by the Client.
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2.1. Contractor's Site Assessment
The Contractor must check all key conditions on site, and shall make
such allowance in his tender as he deems necessary at his sole
discretion to carry out the completion of the contract in accordance
with the Contract Documents and to the complete satisfaction of the
Project Manager and Designer.
No claim on the grounds of lack of knowledge of such conditions will
be considered.

2.2. The Designer

The Designer determines the Contractor's performance, and shall in
general determine if the performance conforms with the contract
documents and the expressed intent and aims of the works, and he
shall inform the Client accordingly of any flaws, over-run, non-
conformity, etc. The Designer is not responsible for any failure on the
part of the Contractor to execute the work in accordance with the
Contract Documents.
The general monitoring of the Designer shall not be confused with the
detailed supervision that the Contractor is required to give the work.
Furthermore, the Designer's monitoring is separate from those
supervisory checks to be performed by the Client or their Project
The Designer and their representatives shall not be held accountable
in any manner for any loss or damage that may happen to the work or
any part thereof, injury to any persons, or other damage resulting from
the Contractor's or Subcontractor's actions or omissions.
The Contractor shall indemnify the Designer and their representatives
from any and all damages, received or sustained by any persons from
the Contractor in construction of the work, through negligence,
omissions, or use of improper materials. The Contractor shall be
further liable for all legal costs arising from any such actions which
may be brought against the Designer or their representatives by
reason of the above.

2.3. Contract Drawings

A schedule of drawings which forms part of the Construction Contract
is provided at the end of this document.
In the event of any discrepancy between the drawings, or between the
drawings and this Specification, the Contractor will refer the matter to
the Project Manager before putting the work in hand. The Project
Manager will decide on each item which document is to take
precedence, in liaison with the Designer.
The Contractor shall at all times keep one clean and protected copy of
all plans in his site office, and shall keep comprehensive notes and
records of all changes to the works available to the Designer and
Project Manager, on plan and in written form.
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2.4. The Project Manager

All communications, queries and requests connected with the site
shall be directed in the first instance through the Project Manager, who
will then refer to the Contractor, Client or Designer as necessary.
Contractor information on costs, worksheets, progress and projected
programmes shall be provided to the Project Manager on a weekly
basis by the Contractor.

2.5. Site Supervision

The Contractor shall maintain on site at all times a qualified Supervisor
to oversee the works and report to the Project Manager

2.6. Programmes
The intended Construction Programme, provided by the Designer and
Project Manager in conjunction with the Contractor, expresses the key
dates related to the Works. This programme must be adhered to since
it provides the interface with the other Contractors and the overall
programme, which includes other aspects. This overall project
programme is available for inspection, and will be amended jointly by
the above parties on agreement, as the work progresses.
The Contractor must in turn provide with his tender details of the
proposed completion dates of particular items, and a method
statement that describes how the item is to be carried out. Throughout
the progress of the project, the Contractor shall provide regular and
updated programmes and schedules of completion of work stages and
working areas, and on delivery times for supplies and materials.

2.7. Meetings & Communications

The Contractor or his senior representative must attend any meetings
as requested, in connection with the progress and planning of the
All reports, memoranda, queries, etc. are to be directed through the
Project Manager to then be distributed to others.

2.8. Monitoring of Programme

The Contractor shall record progress on a copy of the Programme
kept on site and produce comprehensive reports for the Client and
Project Manager at agreed intervals, giving particular reference to
target dates and difficulties of procurement.
At the request of the Project Manager the Contractor must update or
redraft his programme if any circumstances arise which affect the
progress of the works and submit copies of all revisions to the Project
Manager for approval.
The preparation of programmes and all operational planning duties are
to be carried out by a competent planner to the satisfaction of the
Project Manager.
The Contractor should allow for all supervision, labour, plant and
equipment to ensure compliance with the programme dates having
due regard to the time of year in which the Works are to be executed.
The receipt or acceptance of a revised programme by the Project
Manager will neither affect the contract completion dates nor relieve
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 10 -

the Contractor of his responsibility to complete the Works by the

appropriate dates.

2.9. Health and Safety at Work etc.

The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for acceptance a
copy of his general policy with respect to the health and safety at work
of his employees and those outside of his organisation who will be
working or frequenting the site and associated accesses and areas.
Full facilities shall be maintained on site by the Contractor, including
toilets, drinking and cleaning water, first-aid kit, protective clothing,
site transport and emergency transport, electricity supply and
communications facilities.

2.10.Workmanship & Materials

2.10.1 Samples
The Contractor shall submit, prior to the delivery of any materials to site, a
sufficient number of samples of the specified range of materials where
colour, graining, texture, physical parameters or other quality
characteristics may be a feature of the material.
The required characteristics shall be confirmed on the sample, and only
following approval will the material be incorporated into the Works. All
approved samples shall be kept on site as the standard upon which the
incorporated materials shall be judged.
All materials used by the Contractor shall conform to the relevant quality
standards applying internationally as applicable.
2.10.2 Workmanship Generally
The Client expects a high standard of workmanship and finish from the
Contractor and any work which is not to the appropriate standard will
require to be carried out again at the Contractor's sole expense and made
The Contractor shall supply with his tender names and details of the
specialist staff, including Supervisors, shapers, rootzone mixing specialists
and finishers, who are to be dedicated to this project
2.10.3 Testing
Sampling and testing methods shall be made to the approval of the Project
Manager, and at an interval as requested by him. All testing costs shall be
born by the Contractor.
When laboratory testing is required, the test samples shall be delivered by
the Contractor to an approved laboratory, and the Contractor must make
allowance in the programme for the time needed in connection with tests.
2.10.4 Inspection
The Contractor shall give due notice to the Project Manager of any work or
materials requiring inspection and shall allow sufficient time for such a
request to be met. Before proceeding, a Certification should be obtained
following the inspection.
The Contractor shall report daily on the works to be carried out, and agree
new work with the Project Manager prior to starting the work.
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2.11. General Site Practice

2.11.1 Setting out the Works
Main grid lines, offset stations and level datum points will be set out by the
Contractor, in conjunction with the Project Manager and Designer’s
amendments and directions as indicated to the Contractor. Detail setting
out lines will be the responsibility of the Contractor, who must accurately
perform all setting-out by a method to be approved by the Project Manager.
The Contractor must provide all specialists, instruments, templates, rods,
setting-out boards etc., as may be necessary and, where required,
maintain these for reference during the progress of the works.
2.11.2 Site Survey
The Contractor shall check existing site dimensions and levels and agree
the recorded dimensions and levels with the Project Manager before
proceeding with the Construction Contract Works.
Sufficient notice prior to continuation of work shall be given to the Project
Manager in order that record plans can be properly made of all subsurface
2.11.3 Protecting the Works
The Contractor will provide and maintain all temporary works, measures,
and precautions necessary to protect his Works from damage or adverse
weather, particularly during heavy rain and windy conditions.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All specimen trees, bushes and sensitive vegetation
areas shall be meticulously preserved by the Contractor by staying
rigorously to haul routes agreed with the Project Manager. Important trees
and areas shall be cordoned-off by the Contractor using stakes and marker
ribbon, etc., as required.
The Contractor will be held responsible for the adequacy of all protection
and shall make good any damage to protected areas, trees, etc., at his
own expense. He may be required to leave the protection described after
completion of his Works and return to remove this at a date agreed with
the Project Manager. This protection shall continue during the execution of
his Works until the issue of the Certificate of Practical Completion.
2.11.4 Maintenance of Road, Private and Public Services
The Contractor is to maintain all public and private roads to the satisfaction
of the Project Manager, where such accesses are used by the Contractor
in the execution of the Works. Any damage or expense arising from their
use shall be met by the Contractor.
2.11.5 Supervision and Site Workers
The Contractor shall efficiently supervise and execute, using his best skill
and attention, the Contract Works by the employment of competent and
experienced staff engaged to carry out fully these prime management
The Contractor shall employ in connection with the Contract only such
persons skilled and experienced in the performance of their duties, and
exercising due care as required of them.
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 12 -

The Designer and Project Manager are empowered to object to, and may
require removal from the Site of any person employed by the Contractor
who, in the opinion of the Designer or Project Manager, is incompetent,
negligent, abusive, or commits misconduct in the performance of his
duties, or fails to conform with the requirements of site safety policy. Such
person shall not be employed again upon the Construction Contract
without the written permission of the Project Manager.

2.11.6 Records & Plans

The Contractor shall provide an accurate set of record plans for the
drainage system complete, irrigation system complete, other
underground services installed as part of the golf course works (water
and power), as-sown grassing zones, tee, drive point and centre of
green record survey, together with a schedule of as-built areas for
fairways, putting surfaces, teeing surfaces, sanded area of bunkers,
and water surface area of lakes. These shall be combined with a
completion report covering key dates during the construction works,
guarantees, maintenance and operating details for irrigation, drainage,
and turf aspects.
These shall be presented digitally as Autocad-2004 format plans, and
with 3 (three) sets of paper copies.
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The intended programme for completion of the works is as follows.
There are inherent links between golf and villa plot programming with
effects and implications to be determined:

1) March 2008 – work to begin on clearance and earthworks, etc.

2) September 2008 – Phase 1 areas grassed and completed, including:

 Holes 10, 11, 18, 12th tees

 Driving Range area
 Practice areas
 9-hole Pitch-&-Putt
 Lakes B, C, D, E, F
 Cart-path and landscaping

3) September 2009 - Phase 2 golf construction work to be completed;

Holes 1 to 9.

4) June 2010 - Phase 3; All remaining golf construction; holes 12 to 17,

grassing, planting, hard landscaping and other golf work to be fully

Grow-in maintenance by the Contractor until end September 2010

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All proposed levels given on plan refer nominally to the finished levels
in the topsoil layer, root zone level, or bunker sand level following
completion of the construction works. The Contractor shall take this
into account when carrying out the recontouring works.

Final ground levels may be vary from those proposed, following, and in
accordance with, the topsoil/sand placement details. It will be
necessary to pay particular attention to working-in re-contoured land
levels with surrounding tree-trunk levels. If in doubt, the Designer
should be consulted on the finished levels required.

4.1. Initial Work

4.1.1 Survey Points & Staking
Survey reference stations and other markers are located around the site.
Temporary Bench Mark (TBM) points will be provided on the Staking &
Clearing Plan, and supporting data. This data will form the basis of the
course setting-out, progress recording and final record plan work
associated with the project, and is intended to then become part of the
maintenance management system.
The setting-out of the course throughout construction and grow-in will be
based on the centre-lines of the holes, supplemented by other base lines
for lakes and other features. It is therefore important that these centre
lines, and any changes to them, are accurately located, preserved, and
changes properly recorded and transmitted to the Designer.
The Contractor is to install marker stakes as follows. These stakes shall be
pointed at one end, 50 x 50mm cross-section, a minimum of 1.2 metres
long, with 0.5m driven into the ground, white painted and with the top
300mm coloured as follows:

 Back of Tee - the rear of each tee; red colour

 Drive/Landing points - Par 4’s and 5’s; orange colour
 Centre of Green – white only

Each stake shall be marked with black waterproof marker pen "Tee/Hole
No.", "Turning Point/Hole No.", and "Green/Hole No.".
In addition, key stakes are to have supplementary locating pegs, being 4
number iron re-bar set concrete, in a square away from the stake, thus
forming two diagonals from which the main stake can be re-set if disturbed.
All stations, stakes and pegs shall be preserved by the Contractor for their
and the Designer's use in locating all work under this Section. The
Contractor shall provide additional staking to further describe the work or to
indicate minor changes to be made in the limits of cut or fill areas, and
other areas.
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4.1.2 Clearing Work

IMPORTANT NOTE: the golf course is intended to retain the maturity
and landscape value given by the existing trees and bushes, and
therefore it is very important that great care is taken to preserve every
such tree and bush as indicated on the plan and as directed on site.
a) Protection of Vegetation
No trees or shrubs shall be cleared without the express permission of the
Designer. The intent is to save all trees and shrubs that are not directly
affected by the re-contouring work.
Many trees and plant areas have been preserved at expense to the Client
in order to build them into the design concept, and they must be protected,
both by working methods and visible markers. If damaged, these trees or
plant areas shall be either re-established to the exact size of plant and
area at the sole expense of the Contractor, or the Contractor shall incur a
financial penalty of Rs 10 lakhs for each mature tree lost or seriously
damaged. This protection applies to the root system as well as the trunk
and branches.

b) Clearing, Felling & Pruning

As shown on the Staking and Clearing Plan, clearing work will be required
over the whole golf area, but there are only small areas of dense scrub to
clear. Otherwise the work is expected to be limited to open scrubland
clearance, and semi-mature tree removal. Trees to be preserved and/or
pruned shall be marked on site by the Project Manager.
The stumps and full root system to a depth of 1.0 metre shall be thoroughly
grubbed-out for every felled tree. All trunks, stumps and trimmings are to
be carted to an agreed and approved central storage point for disposal by
an agreed method.
A rate shall be given per mature retained tree for crown-lifting and pruning
by a professional tree surgeon, to be approved or requested on site by the
Project Manager..
The Contractor is to provide a price for :
Clearing and Felling
i) Thinning – zones as marked on plan to be thinned to allow mowing
equipment to pass around the remaining trees and bushes
ii) Crown lifting & Pruning; Deciduous tree

c) Protection of services
Services within and around the working site are to be marked clearly along
the full length to protect poles and wires, and restrict working under the
cables and over pipelines, preserving an adequate safety margin. The
Contractor must liaise with the service owner to determine how these lines
should be treated and safety measures to be taken.
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4.1.3 Access Road and Haul Route Establishment

The Contractor shall prepare in conjunction with the Project Manager
agreed access points and haul routes, and mark, prepare and maintain
these as necessary to allow reliable use for all traffic throughout the
Contract period.All existing kerbs, roads and other structures must be
adequately protected from damage by construction equipment.
Traffic off of these agreed routes will be forbidden, for all vehicles.

4.1.4 Turf Nursery Establishment

As a priority, a turf nursery is to be established on the future driving range
turf area. It is intended to use imported Paspalum grasses over the whole
of the active golf areas of the course.
Following re-grading work, and replacement of topsoil material, clean and
prepare the soil, fumigate as per the Project Manager’s instructions and lay
a 100mm layer of the sand rootzone material as described below.
The area shall be formed, cleaned, prepared and sprigged in accordance
with the relevant sections of this specification.
It is estimated that 20% of the intended site will be sprigged with greens
specified grass species. The other 80% will consist of specified sprigs for
fairways and rough.

4.1.5 Removal of existing features

All existing fencing within the golf course boundary, concrete foundations
(surface or buried), and other obstructions are to be removed and carted
to a suitable, agreed off-site dumping area.
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4.2. Topsoil & Ground Conditions

4.2.1 General Intent

a) Topsoil Handling Strategy

Following clearing and removal/disposal of vegetation, all topsoil on all
working areas is to be carefully stripped and stored for re-use on the
course. The Contractor is to allow for keeping grass and weed growth
down to a minimum on all the whole site area during the construction
Stripped topsoil is intended to be stored and re-spread in the same area,
or if in excess carted to areas lacking tpsoil.
On the lakes, cart-paths, buildings and other non-turf areas, the topsoil is
to be stripped and then used on another area, as agreed with the Project
Topsoil mounds shall be lightly tracked-over (NOT compacted) to seal-out
rainwater and keep the soil dry for re-spreading.
It is intended that existing topsoil from the construction work for the
proposed water features shall be stored and carted to points around the
site and used to cover areas,where insufficient quantities of topsoil may
Several areas on the proposed lake zone are expected to yield significant
volumes of good soil, which shall be stored for use as clean topsoil in the
golf features finishing process.
b) Preservation of Topsoil
No detailed survey of topsoil depths or extent has been carried out; the
Contractor must satisfy himself as to the subsurface ground conditions on
site prior to tendering. The site does have a variable soil depth, from
almost zero in the area of the 5th to 7th holes, to several metres of soil and
what is potentially soil-making material on the rest of the site
Some areas may have elevated levels of stone content and/or weathered
bedrock within the excavation depth.
The overall intention is to collect and preserve all stripped excavated
topsoil from those areas of recontouring work, greens, tees, bunker and
lake construction work and associated areas, without contamination with
the subsoil layers below.
Wherever topsoil is found in areas of cut and fill or when grade changes
are made, all the topsoil shall be preserved by stripping and stockpiling.
The intent is to conserve all of the topsoil and to assure that very little is
buried or otherwise lost, and to then re-spread this topsoil on areas with a
Borrow areas are also to be stripped of topsoil, which will be stockpiled and
either replaced on these areas or used elsewhere, under the direction of
the Project Manager. Any topsoil damaged by machinery when damp shall
be replaced with undamaged topsoil at the Contractors expense.
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Topsoil for replacement on the surrounds of greens, tees and bunkers, as

well as other re-contoured areas around the course, shall be re-spread to a
minimum depth of 150mm. The topsoil shall be spread to an even, settled
depth using tracked excavators working with tracks on the subsoil surface

c) Topsoil screening
A proportion of topsoil is to be screened on site to remove all but the
smallest stones, and used during the fine finishing works to greens aprons
and other key areas. If any clean soil is found on site (stone free siltation
soil from valley areas, etc.), this shall be reported to the Project Manager
who may choose to retain this in lieu of a proportion of the screening work.
4.2.2 Existing Topsoil Cleaning
Where topsoil is not to be lifted or moved, and following general clearance
and construction work, the existing soil is to be cleaned by removal of all
large rocks over 100mm in size, and tree/bush stumps and roots. All
efforts must be taken to retain as much topsoil in the process as possible.
Roots shall be lifted and carted to an agreed tip or certified burning point.
The soil should be mechanically raked to pull-up rocks from the top 200-
300mm, with these rocks being collected, loaded and carted to on-site
disposal points as agreed with the Project Manager.
4.2.3 Carting of Materials and Quality
Prior to stripping and/or hauling of the excess topsoil and subsoil, the
Contractor shall receive approval from the Project Manager for the point of
deposition for each type and quality of material, in accordance with an
earthworks and material carting strategy to be drawn-up and agreed by the
Contractor and Project Manager.
Material gathered from the site prior to and during topsoil handling shall be
deposited in accordance with a programme agreed with the Project
4.2.4 Soil material imported from Non-golf zones on Site
Soil material from other parts of the site (built areas) may be made
available for use within golf areas. The Contractor shall include for
handling this material from within the golf area boundary for inclusion on
the golf course earthworks strategy. The Contractor shall discuss and
clarify this point with the Project Manager prior to beginning construction
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4.3. 4.3 Earthworks, Excavation & Carting

4.3.1 General Intent
1) The work under this section of the specification is intended to provide
all suitable unclassified fill and topsoil necessary for the construction of the
golf course features; greens, tees & bunkers, the shaping of fairway and
rough areas, and the excavation of lakes and other areas.
Fill for the golf features shall be from imported material, excavated material
with stone/rock content of no greater than 100mm for rock size, or
gathered from the fairway surfaces or localised borrow-pits, and from
subsoil cut-and-fill within localised areas. The fill shall be deposited in the
estimated volumes required, for further rough and fine shaping to be
carried out.
All fairway areas are to be re-graded to form gently rolling undulations, to
allow drainage into low areas and the drainage sumps within each.

2) An excess of fill has been arranged within the recontouring work in

order to provide soil material to cover the bedrock areas around holes 4 to
8, and for further ad-hoc shaping and mounding work. Approximate
amounts of cut and fill for each phase are indicated in the Bills of
Quantites, but the Contractor must make their own calculations on total cut
& fill, and the proportion moved by either bulldozer blade alone or to be
excavated, carted and deposited.

3) Rocks greater than 100mm in dimension are to be used in the base of

mounds, and covered with at least 500mm of subsoil. They are to be buried
below the depth of any future working (trenching or shaping) or otherwise
treated to ensure a stable ground condition, which will not in the future
subside due to cavities between the rocks not being filled on the initial
operation. If not buried, then the large rocks may be crushed or broken to
an acceptable size to be used as general fill or base material or as
otherwise directed by the Project Manager
4) In accordance with the re-contouring or rough grading plan, the
Contractor shall transport, place and spread all material in required fill
areas as designated on the plans or as modified by the Designer or Project
Manager in the field. The specified locations and quantities are subject to
field change at the direction of the Designer or Project Manager.The
Contractor shall also carry out localised, ad hoc cut and fill over other parts
of the working area.

5) It is intended to ensure a depth of topsoil and subsoil of at least

700mm over the whole of the golf course area, to allow trenching to be
carried-out in soil rather than rock conditions, and to maintain soil depth for
water-holding capacity. In areas where there is less than 700mm depth of
soil, the Contractor shall allow in the tendered total for supplementing the
soil depths up to this 700mm total requirement.

NB - It is solely the Contractor's responsibility to determine the

quantity of cut and fill required to complete the work, the source of
that material within the designated fill and borrow areas, and the cost
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 20 -

to execute the work. The intent of the Recon touring Plan is only to
assist the Contractor to make his own calculations. No guarantee of
accuracy of total quantity or quality of cut/fill and borrow material
available at each site is made, but instead only estimates based on
plan and surface observation. Unless otherwise stated, the Contractor
shall assume that no fill material will need to be imported and the cut/fill
balance will be obtained from within the site area

5) Extent - The earthworks covers:

 Localised cut and fill, forming new contours within areas of
fairway and rough, and to facilitate drainage within and around
the golf areas.
 Excess fill excavation and carting from water features and
borrow areas, to points around the Golf Course (greens, tees,
bunkers, mounds) for further rough and then fine shaping work.
 Other earthworks, such as the handling of imported fill
deposited within the golf course (provisional at this stage).
 Spoil handling from trenching works for drainage & irrigation
 Protection Works: temporary bunds and drainage to protect
completed work during the construction period.

6) General Fill Material - This material will include existing subsoil, small
stones and rocks, but will expressly exclude rocks in excess of 100mm
maximum dimension, and any material of an organic nature.

4.3.2 Cut/Fill Balance

Where rough grading is done within discrete golf course areas, a balance
of cut and fill shall be achieved by the use of all cut material for filling in
adjacent areas.
All disturbed areas shall be graded to provide both full surface drainage
capacity and to blend with the surrounding contours to the satisfaction of
the Designer or Project Manager.
The finer cut and fill shaping work within fairway working areas shall be
quantified, calculated and priced by the Contractor on the basis of time
taken to achieve the desired effect rather than on volumes moved. The
majority of this finer work involves localised movement of material, and is
expected, to form a gently rolling surface with a flowing series of shallow
ridges and grooves, to achieve a sculpted and artistic effect..
4.3.3 Excavation
Areas where earthwork is contemplated are indicated on the plan as
accurately as possible. All work areas shall have the prior approval of the
Designer, and changes, additions, deletions and adjustments are
contemplated in order to best adapt existing terrain to golf course
The Contractor shall expect at any time to make adjustments, additions
and amendments to the shaping and re-contouring work, to this end. All
levels must be checked back to the site datum point on tees and greens, to
ensure conformity with the irrigation system design levels.
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Excavation shall be carried out with soil material being kept separate from
rock material wherever possible, to allow the latter to be covered over with
a screen of soil material as described above.
4.3.4 Borrow Areas
Borrow areas are to be used as a source of suitable, stable fill material for
stockpiles at green, tee, fairway bunker and mound sites, and as
necessary for filling other areas on the golf course.
All borrow area extents shall receive prior approval from the Designer on
position and amount of fill to be taken, and for all changes, additions
deletions and adjustments in area, depth, and quality of material that are
4.3.5 Quality of Material
All unclassified fill material removed from borrow areas and used for
feature stockpiles and other fill shall be stable, suitable material reasonably
free from boulders and any foreign matter which would otherwise restrict its
use for the shaping of golf course features.
The Contractor shall immediately bring to the attention of the Designer or
Project Manager any unforeseen and unsuitable matter, or excessively
hard-dig conditions discovered during his work before proceeding further.
4.3.6 Fill Stockpiles
Other than excess topsoil material, the lakes, in-situ cut & fill, and other
borrow areas as designated on site by the Designer and/or Project
Manager are to provide the fill material for the golf features. Approximate
fill requirement is shown on the Re-contouring Plan, and schedule of cut/fill
volumes for each feature.
Load and cart fill material from source areas to golf features:
a) At green sites requiring fill, unclassified fill material shall be stockpiled in
accordance with the directions of the Project Manager, normally in an
approximate circle of 30 to 50 metres in diameter.
b) At tee sites, unclassified fill material shall be placed along the line of the
tee to the approximate length indicated on the plan and to a maximum
width of 15m.
c) At fairway bunker and mound sites, unclassified fill shall be stockpiled in
an oval in accordance with the outline given on plan.
NB - Heights of fill shall be determined by the basic levels shown on the
Re-contouring Plan and /or as directed by the Designer or Project
4.3.7 Imported Fill
The imported fill from non-golf areas is to be used within the golf course for
general fill, i.e. for mounding and lower-order re-contouring.
Additional fill may be imported onto the site from the non-golf area.
Loading, carting,deposition and shaping is to be costed pro-rata with other
rates for this work within this section.
NB - Additional cut-off drainage may be required where a significant
mound is formed beyond the extend of the proposed drainage sytem for
the golf course.
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4.3.8 Hard-Dig Conditions

Hard rock conditions exist on site, both at the surface and below a varying
depth of soil.
Where hard dig is unavoidable, a large excavator, rock-breaker or rock-
wheel for trenching shall be used to break-out the subsurface rock, which
will then be loaded and carted as base-layer fill for mounding, under the
direction of the Project Manager.
4.3.9 Precautions - Trees, Infrastructure, Erosion, etc.
The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent any damage
to the retained existing trees; foliage, root system and plants, and other
property of the Client such as fencing, metalled roads, kerbs, and so on..
All construction traffic access points and road use shall be approved by the
Client's representative.
Client survey stakes and Temporary Bench Marks (TBM’s) removed or
damaged due to Contractor negligence shall be replaced at the expense of
the Contractor.
The Contractor shall incorporate into his earthworks temporary erosion
control measures, settlement lagoons, temporary drainage grips and
ditches, to prevent erosion damage and siltation of the lakes and
The Contractor shall immediately inform the Designer or Project Manager
of any unforeseen conditions which may affect the scope of construction
under this item of the specification.
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4.4 Water Feature Construction

4.4.1 General Intent
The basic excavation and carting work for the lakes is covered in the
preceding earthworks sections. Each lake shall have an engineered
overflow arrangement (design by the Client’s Engineer) for daily flow and
storm flows.
Lakes must be constructed in strict accordance with the plans and
specifications of the Designer, with correct bank slopes, and finishing for
the subsequent lining work, cladding and any specified water edge
Any further fill arising from the lakes is to be used in the fill work for golf
features, primarily to tees. The water features currently planned are:
 Lake A – formal/informal edge treatment
 Lake B – formal vertical edge
 Lake C – formal/informal edge treatment
 Lake D – informal edge treatment
 Lake E - informal edge treatment
 Lake F - (irrigation water storage back-up function)
 Lake G – formal/informal edge treatment
 Lake H - informal edge treatment
 Lake I - informal edge treatment
 Lake J - informal edge treatment
 Lake K - informal edge treatment

 Nala re-direction and re-grading (to the Clients Engineer’s

 New watercourses (to the Clients Engineer’s design)
4.4.2 Slopes
Slopes on the banks of the lakes are to conform with the proposed
contouring shown on the plans. Slopes will be generally at 1-in-3 to 1-in-4,
but there are areas where shelves may be formed to allow the
establishment of aquatic plants, and almost vertical faces for formal
The slopes and bed which are to be sealed by the installation of a liner
must be finished to give a smooth, even surface without protruding rock
and other sharp objects, and a layer of sand placed to safely bed the lining
4.4.3 Trimming and Drainage of Lake Bed
Following the primary excavation work, the surface of the lakes shall be
trimmed to provide as smooth a base as possible before the sand layer is
laid, using either a small dozer tracks and blade or large 360-degree
bucket. The trimming will be required to continue above the intended water
level of the lake, and over the full extent of the liner area to the anchor
trench level.
Prior to laying the liner, and in accordance with the following sections on
drainage installation, excavate for and install a 150mm perforated plastic
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land-drain to a depth of 400mm cover and backfill with clean, fine hard
stone, to remove water-pressure build-up under the liner.

Where revetment work is intended, as shown on the detail drawings, form

a recessed step to accommodate and support the base layer and stone
finish at the lower level. All arisings are to be carted away to fill sites.
4.4.4 Sand Layer Spreading
Over the trimmed surface, cart and spread a minimum 75mm layer of clean
medium-fine sand to provide a base for the liner free of sharp edges.
This layer must be kept intact at this minimum depth during subsequent
liner laying work.
4.4.5 Liner Supply and Laying
Using an experienced lining specialist Contractor, supply and install a butyl
rubber liner, with fully welded and pressure tested seams, with a minimum
performance guarantee period of 20 years.
The liner shall be installed in accordance with manufacturers
recommendations for handling (with adequate lifting equipment being
available), and anchoring via an excavated anchor trench above the high
water-line. The liner must be allowed to fully settle into the base of the lake
prior to filling the anchor trench.
Inlet and outlet points – around these and any other necessary breaches to
the integrity of the liner fit galvanised steel pipe sleeve with neoprene seal
and stainless steel battening & bolts, set into a concrete base below the
liner, with all joints sealed and tested.
4.4.6 Geotextile Protection to Liner
a) Supply and install a geotextile protection layer of Terram 1000 or similar
under the geomembrane lake liner
- Provisional -
b) Supply and install a geotextile protection layer of Terram 1000 or similar
over the geomembrane lake liner prior to forming a stone-edging to the
lake, to a total width of 3 metres along the treated revetted section.
- Provisional -
4.4.7 Inflow/Outflow Structure
i) In accordance with the detail plans(provided by others), install the inflow
and outflow structures for each lake, with both permanent concrete or
similar engineered structures, and storm-overflow channels, either grassed
or revetted, as detailed in the Civil Engineers design addendum.
ii) Construct a weir from wing-walls of reinforced SR concrete Grade C35,
with base plate and removable dressed stone, concrete, or treated hard-
wood laths made from approved high density hardwood.
- Provisional -
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4.4.8 Edge Finish

a) Generally, the banks above and to a depth of 300mm below the water
level lake edge finish are to be topsoiled to a minimum, even depth of
200mm, and turfed with a well-rooted, minimum 2-year old turf of a low-
maintenance, water-tolerant grass type, as per the Contractors sample
approved by the Designer.
b) There are sections where an ornamental ‘rip-rap’ type of revetment
finish may be required, and here the banks must be finished to provide a
firm and level foundation in accordance with the detail plans of these
Where rip-rap is to be laid over the liner, a layer of geotextile must be
placed first over the entire affected area. The selected stone, free of
unduly sharp edges, shall then be carefully placed in accordance with the
directions of the Project Manager, to 0.3 metre below water level and 1
metre above.
The top layer of stone shall be set in a minimum 150mm deep mass
concrete, forming a smooth mowing-edge of concrete to turf for ease of
maintenance. The stone for use as rip-rap shall be approved by the
Designer, and artistically arranged for effect, with larger boulders
interspersing smaller random, rounded rocks.
c) Vertical wall edging – formal edging of dressed stone approved by the
Designer, treated wooden palised style, or rock-filled gabion accordance
with the drawings and specification as provided by the Client’s Engineers.
4.4.9 New Watercourses
a) New formal watercourses are to be formed as part of the water overflow
system from off-site and lake to lake. These are to have dimensions of:
 1 to 1.5-metres bed width

 1 to 2-metres depth

 Side slopes of between 30 to 60 degrees, variable to give an

informal, sculpted appearance, under the direction of the Project
Manager on site.

Finish the sides and base with a roughened surface, using a toothed
bucket to help key-in the topsoil, and spread 200mm of topsoil. Sprig, or
seed with an approved, low-maintenance, rhizomatous seed mix, and
b) For 10 metres from the outflow point, and other areas where erosion is
a risk, the watercourse bed and sides are to be finished with a revetment
formed from selected rounded, 250 to 350mm random-sized and light
coloured stones collected from site or otherwise imported, set in mass
concrete, as protection during storm-flow conditions.
c) Gabion Construction – Along watercourse edge at selected sections,
construct stabilising gabion banks in accordance with the detailed drawings
provided by others, and set at a minimum angle of 45 and 90-degrees.

4.4.10 Nala Re-Alignment Work

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As indicated on the master plan, existing Nalas are to be re-aligned in

accordance with the routes shown, and in conjunction with detail
engineering drawings provided by the Client’s Civil Engineering

4.4.11 Footbridges
As indicated on the master plan, buggy/footbridges are to be installed in
accordance with the positions shown, and in conjunction with detail
engineering drawings on bridge structure, abutments and installation
provided by the Client’s Civil Engineering Consultants.

4.5 Drainage & Trenching Work

4.5.1 General Intent
This section covers culvert and general drainage work beyond the
individual golf features of greens, tees and bunkers, the drains of
which are covered in those relevant sections, and are to connect
properly to the drainage in this section as the work progresses. All
part-finished drainage work shall allow for temporary plugging of
drains to prevent soil incursion, pending connection to the main

The Contractor is to provide the trenching for main culverts, subsurface

main and lateral drainage pipes of between 80 and 300mm diameter for
any hard-dig situation encountered. A tabulated schedule of rates for
trenching in a combination of depths, widths and ground conditions,
including bed-rock, is to be provided by the Contractor for this work.
The surface drainage system is to consist of a combination of purpose-
made collection chambers or sumps, fitted with heavy-duty metal grilles,
and placed at low-points around and within each hole; and lateral drainage
pipes with permeable fill (gravel and/or sand) to the surface. The
collecting points shall be connected by purpose-made junctions to a
suitably sized lateral and mains system depositing surface water directly
into either watercourses, lakes, or soakaway pits as identified on plan.
Low points around the golf areas shall have been formed in the previous
earthworks stage, and wherever possible arranged so that key golf areas
do not have a drainage sump in direct line, i.e. greens approaches and
primary drive points. The drainage sumps shall be of either 200 or 300mm
nominal surface opening size, with the selection of the large or small sump
size being made in conjunction with the Project Manager.

NB - The rates for trenching works will also be used in the Specification;
Part 2 for Irrigation work.

4.5.2 Culvert Pipes

To be determined– Size and installation method to be determined by
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Trenches are to be dug by tracked excavator, with topsoil stripped to one

side for finishing, and selected spoil stored on the opposite site for
backfilling after the culvert pipes are installed
4.5.3 Trenching
Equipment intended to be used for this work shall be assessed and agreed
with the Designer or Project Manager prior to delivery to site. Track-laying
rock-wheels will be preferred, preferably fitted with laser-grading control.
The Contractor shall set-out and agree with the Project Manager the line
and slope of each drain to be installed, and the position of collecting
sumps. On cutting, all trenches shall be true to line and gradient, with a
smooth and level bed.
Depth and width shall be the minimum required to properly install the
pipes, allowing a minimum 450mm depth of cover over the pipes. Ensure
accurate grading of the bed, true to line, and with extraneous soil
contamination cleared before laying the pipe. Install pipe and permeable
fill or backfill material as quickly in sequence as possible, to avoid trench
collapse and soil contamination or deleterious grading effects.
Excess spoil material shall be lifted directly as excavated and carted to fill
placement areas as directed.

a) Main Drains - Where trenching is carried out in topsoil areas, the topsoil
shall be carefully stripped and stored prior to trenching over a suitable
width for the size of the trench, and replaced after the work is completed.

b) Lateral drains – drain lines are to be backfilled with permeable fill, and
so all spoil is to be elevated and removed from the trenches.
4.5.4 Drainage Pipe Installation and Backfilling
a) Unperforated Drain
In the previously excavated trenches, install sealed uPVC 110mm, 160mm
& 225mm nominal diameter main drains as shown on the Drawing. All pipe
materials shall conform to BS 4962; 1989, European Standard ISO/DIS
Main drains within the site shall be laid at a minimum depth of 450mm
depth of cover unless otherwise agreed, and to a minimum fall of 1 in 200.
All joints in the line of drains shall be made with purpose made junction
connectors, or by other approved proprietary means according to the type
of pipe.
Purpose-made reducers shall be fitted where a reduction in pipe size is
necessary, cap-type end-stops shall be provided to seal open ends and all
connections between mains shall be formed with purpose made junctions
of appropriate sizes.
Drain trenches shall be evenly graded, using laser-levelling equipment or
similar approved method, with the trench bed being to a tolerance of +/-
10mm maximum over the graded length, and with a trench width of not
more than 100mm wider than the pipe diameter.
The trench bottom shall be smooth, and shaped to bed, fit and secure the
pipes centrally at the required invert depths.
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The trenches shall be backfilled to within 200mm of the surface with

selected, stone-free soil, compacted in 150mm layers to reduce settlement,
and finished to the surface with previously preserved topsoil.
Adequately and evenly firm, leaving the surface flat. All filling shall be
carried out carefully to avoid displacement or damage of pipes, and all
stones and debris removed from the surface after completion.

b) Perforated Drain
In the previously excavated trenches, install perforated uPVC 80mm,
110mm & 160mm nominal diameter main drains as shown on the Drawing.
Main drains within the site shall be laid at a minimum depth of 450mm
depth of cover unless otherwise agreed, and to a minimum fall of 1 in 200.
Perforated plastic drain pipes to ISO/DIS 8771 standards and of sizes
shown on drawing shall be used for the main drains. All joints in the line of
drains shall be made with purpose made junction connectors, or by other
approved proprietary means according to the type of pipe.
Purpose-made reducers shall be fitted where a reduction in pipe size is
necessary, cap-type end-stops shall be provided to seal open ends and all
connections between mains shall be formed with purpose made junctions
of appropriate sizes.
Drain trenches shall be evenly graded, using laser-levelling equipment or
similar approved method, with the trench bed being to a tolerance of +/-
10mm maximum over the graded length, and with a trench width of not
more than 100mm wider than the pipe diameter. The trench bottom shall
be smooth, and shaped to bed, fit and secure the pipes centrally at the
required invert depths.
The stone permeable fill shall either:
a) Be brought to the surface if serving as a cut-off drain;
backfill drain trenches of perforated drains up to 150 mm from ground
level using an approved 6-10 mm gauge clean hard stone chippings,
previously analysed and accepted by the Designer. Cover the permeable
fill with a 50mm firmed depth of approved coarse sand or grit blinding
(choker) layer, finishing to the surface with an approved medium–fine
grade clean sand. OR:

Topped with sand if on a fairway area, as directed by the Project Manager

on site. Backfill drain trenches to 25mm proud of the surface with the
above stone
All filling shall be carried out carefully to avoid displacement or damage of
pipes. Approved permeable fill shall be carefully and accurately introduced
by shovel or chute, and firmed in place to reduce settlement.
4.5.5 Pipes, Junctions, Outfalls and Collecting Chambers
The materials and method of installing these items shall be detailed to the
Designer prior to installation for acceptance. Drawings of typical sump and
outfall construction are provided by the Designer. All materials used shall
conform to the relevant European Standard.
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a) Pipes & Fittings - Preference will be given to corrugated uPVC,

although slotted HD Polyethylene pipes, or twin-wall plastic pipes at the
larger diameters are acceptable. The slotted pipes must have regular and
accurately-cut slot sizes at an acceptable interval, and acceptable crushing
resistance. Samples and/or manufacturer’s information must be provided
on tendering.
Each roll or section of pipe should be supplied with a straight coupler and
end cap. Junctions are to be purpose made as provided by the pipe
manufacturer. Other reducing couplers as necessary shall be included in
the works.
b) Drainage Sumps/Collection Chambers - A collection chamber (otherwise
referred to as 'catchpit' or 'gully pot') is to be fitted generally in accordance
with the subsurface drainage plan, with each low spot having either a
collection chamber, or where collecting surface water from the base of an
embankment, for instance, via an 80mm perforated pipe with permeable
Wherever possible, the collection chamber should be positioned as far
away from the tees, greens, centre line of the hole and other primary in-
play areas as is possible whilst retaining maximum drainage effect.
Low spots shall be exactly determined by use of a laser or dumpy level in
every case, and picked up by additional ad-hoc drain lengths if necessary.
Some on-site additional drainage will be required to ensure that no low
spot resulting from the shaping work is left un-drained by either re-grading
or pipe drainage. Surface water should in all instances have no more than
30 metres to run before entering either a pipe or collection chamber.
Purpose made chambers of 200mm or 300mm surface opening size are to
be set vertically with grilles slightly below finished settled topsoil levels,
firmly held in place with consolidated subsoil and lightly firmed topsoil.
Proposals for site-constructed chambers must be presented to the
Designer for approval, and must be able to both allow the free inflow of
water, and be strong enough to allow the passage of tractors/laden trailers
over them.
c) Silt Chambers - Excavate for and construct a new silt chamber in the
positions as shown on plan. Inside measurements shall be 900 mm x 600
mm, with a depth of 600 mm below the outlet pipe for silt settlement.
The silt chamber shall be set on 150 mm thick concrete base and shall be
constructed with purpose made reinforced pre-cast concrete units to EN
1916:2002 Each unit bedded and pointed in cement mortar.
The silt chamber shall be fitted with heavy duty Grade B cast iron covers
to EN 124, the frames to be bedded on and haunched round in cement
mortar. Covers are to be key-lifted type, and shall be set 25 mm below
finished ground level.
Allowance shall be made for building in inlet and outlet pipes and for
pointing and sealing around all units and pipes to ensure efficient
waterproofing. Surplus subsoil from excavations for silt pits shall be
disposed of as specified.
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d) Outfall structures - Wherever possible, outfalls should be hidden from

direct view from adjacent fairways or greens. They may be required to be
constructed with an ornamental purpose, where pipes outfall into water
features visible on the fairways, for instance. In these cases, the local
stone shall be dressed and used to construct the outfalls, in accordance
with the sketches and drawings of the Designer.
Otherwise, these are expected to be constructed on site from stone and
mortar, or concrete where out of sight. See illustrative drawing; ‘Wing-wall
outfall structure’. The last 3-metres of pipe before the outfall structure shall
be of solid HDPE plastic or metal, with rodent grid fitted.
e) Soakaway Pits – Positive outfalls will be preferred, but where
necessary, tThese are to be positioned away and below playing areas, in
case of periodic over-topping.
Pits shall be sized in accordance with the area drained, but shall be a
minimum of 1 cubic metre in volume, and back-filled with 100mm average
sized rounded rocks, blinded with a suitable material, and finished with
200mm of topsoil level with the general ground surface.
4.5.6 Watercourse De-silting & Re-grading
The existing watercourses which are not to be re-routed, and requiring re-
grading and de-silting are to be treated to provide a permanent, high
capacity channel.
The watercourse shall be evenly graded to its original depth and shape
from the point where it enters the site, along the full active length and if
necessary for an adequate distance off-site (the Project Manager’s
clearance for this work after checking local riparian owners shall be
required first), with silt and spoil being excavated and carted to a suitable
on-site point, the banks trimmed-back, bed graded and stabilised.
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4.6 Fairway Contouring & Fairway Feature Construction

4.6.1 General Intent
Under this Section, the Contractor shall, in accordance with the Designer's
plans sketches, specifications, and field direction;
 Shape all previously placed fairway feature fill into sand and
grass bunkers, and recontour all fairway and associated areas.
 Provide surface drainage and subsurface pipe drainage in
and around the fairways and sand bunkers.
 Providing a variety of rolling, undulating, and aesthetically
pleasing fairway and rough area features and contours under the
direction of the Designer and conforming to his style of
contouring, throughout the golf and surrounding areas.

NB - Regarding shaping generally on the course, the Designer reserves

the right to make on-site amendments to recontouring work either
personally or through the Project Manager, to improve the visual and
golfing effect of all golf features once roughed-out. These changes are to
include greens complex adjustments, though not total re-positioning; tees
adjustment, position and height; bunker position, shaping and sand
presentation outline; and to fairways recontouring (limited to the equivalent
of 1 days work with a D6 Dozer or similar for each changed area). The
Contractor shall include for this within the tendered sum for earthworks and
shaping items.

4.6.2 Equipment
The style of contouring intended requires intricate fine shaping which will in
turn require the use of either small Caterpillar or equivalent D3, D4, D5 Hi-
Drive PAT-blade fitted Dozers, and/or a minimum of 2 no. 360-degree
tracked Excavators fitted with Power-Tilt buckets.
4.6.3 Limits of Work
This area of work under this Section shall include all irrigated fairway and
rough areas, and any non-irrigated rough areas or other areas disturbed
within the limits of work under this section. Areas not included under this
Section are all Tees and Greens.
Additional areas within the general golf course may be designated by the
Designer for rough contour development, and shall be completed as part of
the work under this Section.
4.6.4 Sand Bunkers
Shape, form and drain the sand bunkers as per the item below for
greenside bunkering; for drainage refer to point 4.7.4 (c)
4.6.5 Fairway Grass Bunkers & Hollows
Where the Designer calls for grass bunkers or hollows to be created, these
features, and the associated mounding, shall be shaped such that their
lines will be smooth and flowing and blend gracefully with the surrounding
areas so that they may be easily maintained.
All grass bunker and grass hollows shall be shaped to provide surface
drainage and the elimination of any water holding pockets or depressions,
unless these points are specifically to be drained by pipes or soak-away.
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Where in the opinion of the Designer it becomes necessary to provide

subsurface drain pipe within a grass bunker or hollow or swale to insure
adequate drainage, the Contractor shall install same using material,
dimensions, trenching, backfill, and discharge methods similar to those
installed in the putting surfaces.
Swales shall be constructed in a location as directed by the Designer. The
Contractor shall stake the proposed alignment for Designer's approval prior
to construction, and the Designer may, as necessary, alter their location
due to existing contours to facilitate their construction, or to improve the
appearances and playing qualities of the golf course.
Minimum gradient for swales shall be three (3) per cent to insure the
constant flow of water, unless otherwise directed by the Designer. All
banks shall have smooth side slopes to enable maintenance by fairway
gang mowers, with no scalping or missing caused by sharp ridges or
Where swales run through non-play areas, steeper side slopes and an
adjustment of alignment to avoid plant materials will be permitted upon
approval of the Designer.
Where swales run through fairway areas, their cross-section will be
variable to blend smoothly into the surrounding contours, but in no case
shall they exceed a 1 on 4 slope.
Excavated material shall be used as unclassified fill in adjacent areas, or
elsewhere as directed by the Designer. Where used immediately adjacent
to the swales, it should be graded smoothly to blend with the surrounding
contours, leaving no pockets, ridges, or depressions.
In no case shall the excavated material be deposited as a bund beside the
swale, preventing the surface run-off water from entering the swale.
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4.7 Construction of Greens Complexes and Tees

4.7.1 General Intent
Under this section, the Contractor shall mould and construct the greens
and tees and associated bunkering complete, and in accordance with the
sketches, specifications, and directions of the Designer, and on site
interpretation by the Project Manager.A schedule listing each feature is
given in the appendix to aid in the pricing process.
Greens and a minimum 1-metre collar are to be constructed to the USGA
Green Section Record Standard ‚USGA Recommendations For A Method
Of Putting GreenConstruction’ (2004 Revision of the USGA
Recommendations) copy available through the USGA Website:
The proposed rootzone material is not available commercially, and so is to
be mixed at the site in a dedicated mixing plant area. Mixing is to be
carried out on a solid, preferably concrete base of sufficient size to
accomodate mixing plant and storage mounds of rootzone. This is to
prevent contamination of the imported sand and the rootzone mix with
loose particles from the working base material. After ,mixing as large a
batch as possible in the restrictions of the mixing area, the rootzone shall
then be carted to each individual working site (green)

The selected sand for the rootzone mix must be checked at source for
consistent quality using the methods described in the USGA website, page:

Other proposed additives, i.e. peat or other organic matter, zeolite, etc
must also be tested and approved prior to starting the mixing operation.
The method for mixing is outlined in the following USGA guidelines:

A sample of the lab tested and approved mix is to be kept on site at all
times for visual assessment of conformity of the rootzone. A test-mix of the
rootzone shall be made on-site, and then tested to prove conformity with
the laboratory approved mix. The Contractor shall be responsible for all
laboratory and associated testing costs
As a precaution, the Contractor shall check deliveries of all materials for
conformity to the specification before allowing unloading, and inform the
Project Manager of any problems. The Contractor shall be responsible for
replacing any materials of a substandard nature which have been installed
without adequate vetting.
Greens are to have in addition to the putting surface, a rootzoned collar of
minimum 1 metre width constructed in accordance with the detail cross-
section drawing. The practice chipping green is to be finished as per the
tees only, with topsoil and a sand dressing of 50mm
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Tees are to be constructed with a perimeter and lateral drains and

minimum of 100mm of rootzone over 200mm of selected topsoil.
4.7.2 Materials:
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is imperative that all greens construction materials
are checked for consistent quality, and conformity to the USGA rootzone
specification, and that very good quality control is exercised in the mixing
operation. The drainage layer material and especially the rootzone
material must be uniform within each green and between greens on the
a) Underdrains
Pipe underdrains installed for subsurface drainage on tees bunkers and
greens shall be nominal 110mm uPVC corrugated, slotted (drainage) and
unslotted (carrier pipe) drain pipe manufactured to ISO/DIS 8771. The
slotted drain pipe shall be installed according to the detail plans, in the
putting surface and collar of all the greens. The unslotted drain pipe shall
be installed as a carrier pipe from the low point of the green or bunker and
discharge at a water feature, outfall, soakaway or other out of play
All junctions must be push-fitting, purpose-made type.
b) Drainage Layer
i) Permeable Fill Base Layer
All material used for subsurface drainage and underdrain trench backfilling
for the slotted drain pipe shall be 4 to 10mm diameter, shall be a uniform,
clean, washed product, being gravel, crushed hard stone or similar and
accepted alternative, (NOT Limestone) tested and approved by a USGA-
certified laboratory, and supplied by a reputable supplier operating a good
quality control system. It shall be clean and free from clay/fine particles
which might interfere with drainage.
Samples shall be submitted to the Designer for approval prior to its use. A
125mm layer shall be installed after filling of the drain trenches.
ii) Blinding Layer Material
The sand or stone for incorporation as the 50mm blinding or choker layer
in the greens construction shall be a uniform, clean, sharp product, tested
and approved by a USGA-certified laboratory for physical conformity and
suitable bridging factor with the underlying and overlying layers, and
supplied by a reputable supplier operating a good quality control system.

c) Rootzone Sand
The sand for the formulation of the rootzone on all putting surfaces, etc.,
shall be a uniform, clean, sharp product, tested and approved by a USGA-
certified laboratory, and supplied by a reputable supplier operating a good
quality control system. The Contractor shall be responsible for protecting
rootzone stockpiles against contamination with dust, soil, etc., and loss of
sand due to wind, rain or other natural cause during and after mixing.
The Contractor shall supply a medium-fine sand for the basis of the rootzone mix,
within the following imits:
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Content of sand 2mm and above - zero

Content of silt - 5% maximum
Content of clay - 3% maximum
Content of fine sand (0.25 to 0.1mm) and very fine sand (0.1 to 0.50mm) - 10%
pH - neutral

Some flexibility is possible within these parameters if necessary, and on on further


d) Organic Material
Organic material for use in the rootzone mixture on putting surfaces, etc.,
is to be a natural peat, humus, composted manure, Coir, or other material
with a minimum 85% by wieght of organic matter (as tested by a loss on
ignition method at a certified USGA Laboratory). It shall be free of lumps,
roots, stones and other contaminants. The acidity range shall be from pH
5.0 to pH 7.5 and the maximum moisture content 70% by weight, on both
tested and delivered materials.
The material shall be graded or chopped into a form which renders it easy
to mix without clumping, but not so fine that it ‘blows’ easily. However, the
Contractor shall protect against contamination and wind erosion of the
stockpiles. Baled or compressed block material is preferred for ease of
mixing amount calculation, and sustainable sources of organic material will
be favoured over non-sustainable sources.
In order to achieve a suitable rootzone mix, an additive of a manufactured
or processed material may be added to the sand, such as Zeolite, pumice,
dried seaweed, Alginure, etc. as approved by the Designer. Zeolite of 0.5
to 2mm partical size is ideal for turf rootzone mixes. Amount used in the mix is to
be determined during the rootzone testing and recommendations by the
Laboratory, but will be based on the following maximum and minimum amounts:

* 1% of mix volume = 10 Kg per M³

* 2.5% of mix volume = 25 Kg per M³

* 5% of mix volume = 50 Kg per M³

4.7.3 Rootzone Mixing

Only those materials specified shall be used in the rootzone mix.
Instructions on the required mixing method must be followed exactly by the
Contractor. Mixing shall be carried out on a weight/volume (sand/organic
matter) basis. Organic matter must be checked for variance, and for even
distribution in the mix without clods or lumps. Sand must be free of all
stones and debris, either imported or arising from any type of site
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Mixing of the sand and organic elements of the rootzone mix shall be
carried out under the direction of the Project Manager and by the
Contractors team dedicated to this operation only, for the duration of the
mixing operation, and under the strict and constant supervision of a skilled
operative, using a high standard of quality control to ensure uniform and
homogeneous mix of rootzone. The preferred method of blending approved
sand and organic matter together to form the root zone shall be by an auger-
type machine designed specifically for the purpose.
Ratios of materials must be accurately monitored to ensure conformity with
the recommendations of the analysing laboratory (STRI Ltd, or European
Turf Laboratories, Scotland are recommended). Mixing must be carried out
to the point where a uniform mix has been truly achieved, using an
approved method.
4.7.4 Construction Method
a) Greens
i) Shaping
The greens and tees and bunkers shall be moulded as shown on the plans
or sketches of the Designer, located in accordance with the reference
points previously installed. The position, size and shape of the associated
mounds and slopes, and the direction of the flow of surface drainage shall
be indicated on the plans or sketches by the Designer.
Topsoil will be stripped and stockpiled and unclassified imported fill
stockpiled at all green and tee locations indicated on the Rough Grading
Plan and the previous section on Fill Stockpiles. Topsoil will be either re-
used on the surrounds or, if poor in quality, for low-priority roughs or carry
Greens and tees shall be rough-shaped and tracked-down firm with a 360-
excavator as specified, using material from the fill stockpile. This material
clean and stable, to allow a firm and solid base for the shaping and
drainage work. Stone contaminated fill will cause problems in trenching
and firming, and must be avoided as a shaping material for the bed of the
greens. Using such material, no stabilising geotextile layer should be need
on the base of the green.
The mounds and valleys of the greens shall be shaped into smooth,
curving lines as indicated on the plans or sketches or as otherwise
designated by the Designer or Consultant in the field. Their lines and
slopes shall blend harmoniously with the surrounding contours.
NB - The Designer reserves the right to alter the design of any green, tee,
fairway bunker or mound cluster at any time during the course of the
Where, in the opinion of the Designer, the size, shape, or slopes of the
greens, tees, fairway bunkers, and mound clusters shall be altered in order
to improve the design, such alteration shall be done by the Contractor at
the Designer's direction, at no additional charge to the Client.
Finer shaping shall be carried out using Tilt-bucket fitted tracked
excavators, at the request of the Designer.
ii) Greens Construction
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The greens are to be formed using the 'Coring' technique, that is where the
full finished putting surface and surrounds contouring is formed at the
subgrade level, and then the putting green and collar area is cut out at a
uniform depth in accordance with the shaping, to the required depth.
Excess material will be smoothed out over the surrounds.
The moulded sub-grade of the greens shall be smoothed and compacted
sufficiently by the use of the Tilt-bucket tracked Excavators to prevent any
future settling or the creation of any water-holding depressions in the

The depth of cut for the green is to allow for a minimum 150 mm settled
depth of topsoil to be laid over the sub-grade of the surrounds beyond the
collar, and layer depths of:

 Root zone 300mm ( +/- 25mm tolerance, but with an average

depth of 300mm over the whole green )
 Blinding layer 50mm (minimum settled depth)
 Stone Permeable Fill 125mm (plus drain trench backfilling)

If no blinding layer is required, due to the suitable grading of the lower

drainage stone layer allowing a 125mm layer of combined draiange and
blinding layer, , then overall tie-in levels must be adjusted accordingly.
All layers must be accurately laid, using hand-held depth gauges and/or
canes during the laying operation, and final hand raking to adjust levels.
In order to create the desired aesthetic effect and playing features of the
green, final shaping shall be done by the use of Tilt-bucket Excavators, in
combination with hand-labour.
The operator will not be allowed to bulk form the moulding of the green; but
instead will be required to push and back-blade small amounts of material
in a repetitive operation to create the feature with firmed material less likely
to settle. The bunkers that form part of the moulded green are to be
shaped as an integral part thereof. They shall conform to the sizes and
shapes as indicated on the plans or sketches, or to such sizes and shapes
as otherwise designated by the Designer in the field.
A minimum 2mm gauge HD Polythene vertical edging material is to be
installed to form a barrier between topsoil surrounds and rootzone material.
This should be held in place using canes or pegs until the rootzone is
No further work such as drainage or construction shall be started on any
green until the approval of the sub-grade surface has been obtained from
the Designer.
iii) Greenside Bunkers
Bunkers forming part of the greens complex shall be formed integrally with
the rest of the green and surrounds.
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The mounding, noses, and outlines of all bunkers shall be shaped in

natural broken lines in order to create a ‘sand-dunes’ effect. The slopes of
the bottoms of all bunkers shall be graded with care, and shall not be so
steep as to prohibit the placing of sand thereon. It is to be expected that
much of this work will be accomplished by a Tilt-bucket (‘knuckle-bucket’)
excavator and worked by hand at the direction of the Designer.
All sand bunkers shall be edged prior to the installation of the drain pipe
and permeable fill, with topsoil formed into a step to demarcate turf and
sand zones. All bunkers shall be edged in strict accordance with the
Designer’s directions, and may require topsoil to be geld in place by sand-
bags, or other supporting method until grassed. A variety of bunker styles
and finishes is intended, as per the accompanying drawings.
Hand labour shall be used for the actual "cutting out" of the bunker, with a
low-ground pressure truck or trailer always available so that spoil can be
loaded in one operation. The Project Manager shall supervise the chosen
line of the future sanded edge so as to maximise the visual effect of the
sand when placed, from the golfer’s key points along the hole.
Sand areas of all bunkers constructed as a part of the greens shall be
provided with slotted pipe drainage and permeable fill. As part of the
shaping, the surface of the sanded areas shall be graded to drain to a low
point in all bunkers.
Perforated underdrains shall be installed along the bottom of the bunker.
Dimensions, trenching and backfill methods shall be the same as those
installed in the putting greens.
Unslotted, sealed drain pipe shall be installed from the low point in the
bunker, and discharge into water features, swale drains or connect with the
underdrain system as indicated on plan. Lining of bunkers is covered in a
later section.

b) Tees Construction
i) Turf - The subgrade of tees shall be such that the teeing surfaces are
smooth, and absolutely to grade, with no pockets or irregularities, and
having good surface drainage by sloping the entire surface at 0.5%
gradient from front down to rear. Side slopes of the tees shall be graded
so as to blend smoothly with surrounding contours and to permit mowing
by fairway and gang mowers wherever possible, using a maximum 1-in-4
The sub-grade must be firmly compacted to ensure that no settlement shall
occur. The surface of the subgrade must be finished, and remain as an
even surface with a tolerance of plus or minus 6mm from the grade,
checked with a 3-metre levelling bar and pegs.
Over the sub-grade of the tee, a 200mm deep stone-free sandy-loam type
topsoil layer is to be laid, with then a finish of 100mm settled depth of
topdressing of rootzone mix
All tees are to have lateral drains installed at 450mm depth of cover, with
premeable fill to the top of the topsoil level, and a spacing of no more than
5-metres, running diagonally across the grade,.
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ii) Artificial turf mats – The driving range lower tee and the Pitch & Putt
course tees are proposed to be of artificial turf, type to be approved by the
Designer. Good quality artificial turf mats are to be fitted on a concrete
bed, underlay material and fixed in accordance with manufacturers

c) Drainage Installation
After the greens, tees and bunkers have been moulded and approved by
the Designer, underdrains shall be installed. Trenches for such
underdrains shall be cut into the subgrade so that all pipes will slope
uniformly, with a minimum slope of 0.5% (one half percent) in all lines.
Trenches shall be cut a minimum of 325mm deep, to true line and grade.
All pipe laid within the greens shall be 110mm diameter perforated pipe.
From the green to the junction pipe with the main fairway drainage system
shall be 110mm unperforated pipe. The Contractor shall include within the
greens, tees and bunker drainage rate for laying the main outfall pipe up to
a distance of 20 metres from the edge of the green, tee or bunker.
Before laying the pipe, a firm bedding under the bottom of the pipe of at
least 25mm of gravel shall be installed. The upper end of each line shall be
sealed with a proprietary plastic cap to prevent ingress of material. Any
pipes left temporarily open before connection shall be capped for similar
puproses. All outfalls shall be protected by a screen at point of discharge.
Under no circumstances shall the drain pipe of the green run through a
All spoil from trenches must be cleared up and deposited off of the
prepared surface. All drains must be tested prior to final backfilling to prove
the gradient and freedom from blockages.
After the underdrains are installed, the trenches containing perforated pipe
shall be completely backfilled with permeable fill. The trenches beyond the
green containing un-slotted pipe shall be backfilled with suitable fill to the
sub-grade and a 250mm minimum final layer of existing topsoil.
d) Greens Material Placement
Permeable Layer - After all underdrains are installed and backfilled, a layer
of permeable fill shall be placed to a uniform thickness of 125mm over the
entire putting surface and 1-metre collar. The Contractor shall be careful to
maintain the contours of the moulded subgrade when placing this layer in
order not to change the design of the feature.
Blinding - After installation of the 125mm permeable layer, a minimum
50mm layer of the specified blinding layer sand or stone shall be placed by
hand over the entire putting surface and 1 metre collar of the green.
Rootzone - The rootzone shall be spread uniformly over the 50mm blinding
layer without disturbing it, incorporating a plastic barrier to the vertical face
of the rootzone/topsoil interface to prevent future weed-grass root
incursion. This barrier shall be 40 or 60 grade HD Polyethylene, 450mm
deep, staked at 0.5-metre intervals with canes to keep it upright during the
laying operation. Following laying of both rootzone and topsoil, the barrier
shall be cut back flush with the surface.
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The uniform compacted thickness of the rootzone mixture shall be 300mm.

Equipment shall be operated with its weight on the surrounds or on the
mixture already placed, in order to avoid disturbing the blinding/permeable
layer or subgrade. Upon completion of the spreading operations, the
mixture shall be firmed uniformly.

The rootzone shall be fully settled by applying sufficient water in a gentle

spray to remove all voids, prior to final finishing. To prevent blowing of the
rootzone, the putting surface should have regular watering, by an
acceptable temporary means which avoids displacing the rootzone if the
automatic irrigation system is not operable.
NB - Special care must be taken to ensure that the very fine contouring
achieved on the subgrade is not lost in any way in the finished contours of
the rootzone.

e) Surrounds Topsoiling
Depending on the programme of works, topsoiling shall be carried out
either before or after irrigation system installation around the green. It shall
be spread and carefully graded as required to tie smoothly into the collars,
and surrounds, to a minimum 200mm depth to a distance of around 6
metres from the putting surface and on teeing surfaces, reducing to a
minimum of 150mm beyond, and on all tee banks. Where the collar
material is feathered-out beyond the putting green, the total depth of
underlying topsoil and sand top layer shall remain at 200mm.

Topsoil shall not be required in the intended sanded areas of the bunkers.
However, all edges, noses, and slopes into the bottom of the bunkers shall
be topsoiled with a full depth of at least 150mm, so that these areas may
be turfed or seeded for erosion control. The final outline of sand areas will
be determined by the Designer in the field.
Special care must be taken to ensure that no contouring is lost during the
re-topsoiling operation, and that all shaping is preserved. This is best
achieved by hand-work and depth-gauging.
The final finish of the topsoil is critical and must be carefully done, using a
Toro or Smithco bunker rake fitted with York rakes and/or small levelling bar
with a maximum width of 1 metre to smooth out or ‘float’ the surfaces
without moving so much material that contouring is lost.
Hand labour can be used as an alternative only as a supplement to this

f) Practice Chipping Green, Driving Range Greens/Tees

i) The practice chipping green is to be formed as part of the priority turf
nursery work, and in the same way as the tees, with 5-metre spaced drains
with gravel and blinding layers, a 200mm topsoil layer and 100mm of sand
dressing over the top of the soil.
ii) The Driving Range greens are to be as per the chipping green, but
without the sand dressing.
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4.7.5 Pitch and Putt 9-hole Course Construction

The 9-hole short course is to be constructed in generally the same way as
the main course. Greens are to be constructed as per the items above,
with full drainage layer construction but without the rootzoned collars.

4.8 Sand Handling & Spreading

4.8.1 Sand Spreading
Fairway Sand Layer – In selected areas such as approaches and narrow
drive points, a 75mm layer of the sand used for rootzone mixing is to be
spread over the topsoil layer to isolate stones and provide a low-
compaction surface layer.
The Contractor is to provide a price for spreading a minimum 75 mm layer
of selected sand over the existing, cleaned topsoil, on the selected fairway
areas only, over a nominal 1,000 square metre area on each fairway. The
Designer will decide on areas to be treated in this way prior to seeding
taking place.
This layer shall be spread after installation of the drainage, irrigation and
the preparation of the topsoil layer, to an even depth, with the seed sown
directly into it after laying.
Where any subsequent excavation work is carried out on the fairway, the
sand layer must be stripped, stored and replaced separately to the topsoil.
- Provisional -
4.8.2 Sand Storage for future works and Topdressing
A proportion of the sand used on the greens is proposed to be used for
future topdressing work, and is to be stored at an agreed point on the site,
away from further works and screened from users of the facilities.
- Provisional -
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4.9 Fairway, Feature & Rough Seedbed Preparation

4.9.1 General Intent
Under this Section the Contractor shall furnish all labour, materials,
transportation and services to prepare the topsoil and sanded or rootzoned
areas in accordance with the plans, specifications and direction of the
Designer. The intent is to develop the optimum seedbed for seeding and
turfing. Work shall include de-stoning, de-compaction, cultivation and
seedbed preparations of all designated features, fairways, rough areas,
and lake edges.
The associated mowing, fertilising and other maintenance work is expected
to be carried out by the contractor until the date stated in the Programme
of Works above, after which the Client’s Greenkeeping team will take over
should the standard of the turf be acceptable..
Areas intended for seedbed preparation under this Section shall include all
in-play and irrigated areas of the features, fairways, rough, and lake
edges. Features shall include tees and tee slopes, bunkers and bunker
slopes, mounds, and green surround. Also, all other disturbed or working
areas that are not irrigated shall be included in this section.
The Driving Range shall also be included in the calculations, although this
need not be de-stoned to the same extent as the fairways.

This work on features, fairways and rough areas shall have been
completed prior to work under this Section, and floated-off smoothly ready
for the cultivations. Such previous work shall have included the provision
of adequate surface drainage for all designated areas.
4.9.2 Cultivation
All areas to be grassed shall be thoroughly loosened by an acceptable
method; discing, harrowing, rotivating, rolling, or other suitable means
(including hand work) to a minimum depth of 150mm below topsoil surface
level prior to fine finish grading. The Contractor must avoid over-working
the soil to a powdery consistency.
These areas shall be machine and hand worked as necessary to eliminate
stones, lumps, and soil clods, with all deleterious material being carted
away and buried in an area acceptable to the Designer.
Cultivation shall include the removal of equipment ruts and tracks, areas of
compaction or erosion, and any other undesirable soil conditions which
would prevent the proper formation of a fine seedbed.
Cultivation shall be accomplished only under proper conditions. The
Designer or Client may, at his discretion, request the cessation of
cultivation operations during periods of sever drought, excessive soil
moisture, dusty or other unsatisfactory soil conditions.
The Contractor must ensure that no damage whatsoever occurs to the
irrigation system; the pipes, sprinklers, hydrants, etc., or any other
previously executed work. Any such damage shall be made good by the
Contractor at his expense.
Under no circumstances shall any previous shaping and subtle contouring
work be lost due to soil movement during cultivation. Wide and heavy-duty
power harrows and rotivators shall not be used where this may occur. The
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Contractor must allow for the use of maximum 1-metre wide power harrows
and stone buriers, working in an orientation such a way that fine contouring
is not lost, i.e. up and down slopes rather than across breaks in grade, or
alternatively for all such work to be carried out or finished by hand.
4.9.3 Removal of Extraneous Material
An initial clearance of large rocks will be required, following loosening by
heavy raking equipment. A further, cleaning operation following basic
cultivation will be required, followed by a stone-burying operation prior to
fine finishing.
Sticks, stones, weeds, and other debris greater than 50mm in size which
might interfere with the formation of a finely pulverised seedbed, impair
planting, or create problems of maintenance shall be removed from the soil
to a depth of 75mm. All material shall be carted to an agreed dumping
4.9.4 Finishing/Grading
Greens, tees, bunkers and all areas to be planted shall be graded and
floated to provide surface drainage with the elimination of water holding
depressions and pockets. Undulations and unsightly variations in grade
that will not permit the use of normal mowing equipment without scalping
or missed cuts, shall be eliminated for the proper use of such equipment.
Seedbed preparation of the green and tee surfaces shall include breaking
of any capping, fine smoothing and levelling; using a Smithco or Toro
mechanical bunker rake with a 1-metre maximum width levelling bar and
drag-mat, and carefully hand raking using light, 1-metre landscape rakes
to eliminate any pockets, ridges or unwanted undulations and remove any
remaining stones.
Special attention shall be given to the tie-in of the rootzone mix of the
putting surface and collar of the green and tee surfaces with the topsoil.
These areas shall be lightly raked and firmed (‘heeling-in’) to provide a
smooth, uniform surface without ridges, depressions or other specified
changes in level.
The greens and tee complexes shall be fine-finished out to the point where
the mechanical finishing of the fairways and rough meets, with the join
between being graded out fully before seeding, with all stones and rakings
collected and removed to tip.

Particular attention must be paid to the method of finishing the bunker

edges. A 150mm turfed topsoil ‚step’ is intended from sanded finish to the
general slope of the bunker.
to give a full depth of soil for grass establishment. Depending on the soil
condition, a ‘shuttering’ arrangement may be required to hold the soil in
place ( heavy duty plastic turf edging, for example) until the grass is
established, or the soiled edge may require turfing to stabilise it. The
Contractor is to include for either of these methods of stabilisation within
the bunker finishing work.
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 44 -

Bunker beds are to be fitted with an open geotextile (‘Enkamat’, ‘Bunker-

Buddy’, Sand-Mat or similar approved material), to prevent stone incursion
into the bunker sand but allow free drainage. Supply and install into the
bunker topsoil edge as per manufacturers recommendations, following
stone removal, levelling and trimming of the bunker bed to ensure free flow
of water over the bed, into the drainage trench.
4.9.5 Designer's Approval
Prior to the completion of this stage, all areas prepared for same shall
receive Designer's approval. Inadequate preparation of the seedbed shall
result in the Contractor's reworking of the area to the complete satisfaction
of the Designer and Project Manager.
4.9.6 Re-work of Damaged Areas
Should inclement weather or other natural causes result in the
deterioration of the prepared seedbed prior to sprigging, the Contractor
shall rework the area for planting when practical to do so and to whatever
degree necessary to regain its original satisfactory condition as specified
herein, at no additional cost to the Client.

4.10 Sprigging, Seeding & Turfing

4.10.1 General Intent
All turf zones and installation methods are detailed on the accompanying
Grassing Plan. Three basic treatments are intended:

i) Sprigging - As an option, Paspalum is to be sprigged over the active golf

areas, the intention is to sprig-out specialised, imported Paspalum spp.
grass cultivars, being a greens-quality type and a fairway quality type, as
specified by the Designer. On delivery, the imported sprigs shall be
transported and quickly sprigged-out on the driving range area to prevent
rotting or other degeneration of the viability of the sprigs. The currently
intended supplier of the sprigs from the Malaysian nursery is:

Lucks Sales Group (Mr Seth Bullock),

5818 Penny Lane, Salisbury , MD 21801
(office) +1 877-860-9643
(cell) +1 443-497-3342
(fax) +1 410-860-9113

The Paspalum shall be vegetatively multiplied to provide sufficient sprigs

for the golf areas under construction, under the instructions and
programme of the Project Manager. This grass requires clean water to
give rapid establishment, but thereafter can thrive on poorer quality, but
monitored water sources.
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ii) Seeding – The preferred option, is for Paspalum to be seeded rather

than sprigged, on all areas except Greens which will probably be sprigged,
and some areas such as roughs, banks, nala edges, etc, which will be
seeded with a low-maintenance grass or wild-flora mix, to be approved by
the Designer.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The intention within the grassing plan is to

establish an interlocking style of vegetation, with rough grass species
coming into the rear of bunkers, into the carry and other areas to give a
random and informal, ‚wild’ effect to the golf course. Careful
adherence to the planted or sown zones as marked on plan and as
directed by the Designer will be imperative.

iii) Turfing (Sodding) - Bunker edges, steep banks, and other areas may
be required to be turfed with a specified pre-grown turf. A rate per m.sq is
to be given by the Contractor for this turfing work. Turf may be required for
correction of general erosion problems, with the allowable budget, as
specified by the Project Manager
4.10.2 Sprigs

All sprigs shall be certified as to genetic purity and shall be inspected and
certified as to freedom from pests and disease by the local and governing
Turfgrass or Agricultural Departments.
All sprigs shall come from a nursery subject to approval by the Project
Manager, who have the right to inspect all turfgrass stolons as they are
delivered and planted, and the right to reject any sprigs or loads of grass
delivered that are deemed unsuitable for planting, and for the purpose of
the contractor guaranteeing healthy fresh stolons applied and planted.
All stolons shall be removed from the grass farms and delivered to the golf
course site within twenty-four (24) hours, and kept moist and as cool as
possible on the truck. Any sprigs dehydrated at the golf course site prior to
planting may also be rejected.

4.10.3 Seed Mix Supply

The Contractor is to supply the following seed from Certified Seed
suppliers, and to be approved by the Designer. Other alternatives will be
considered for other than the greens, to suit the time of year of sowing and
other factors:

a) Fairways – Seeding with Sea Spray Seashore Paspalum: seeding

rate (fast establishment) 65kg/ha(6.5g/m.sq)

b) Roughs 1: Sea Spray Seashore Paspalum (coated seed) single

variety. Sown at a rate of 6.5g/m.sq (for fast establishment). Or at
5.6g/m.sq for normal establishment.

c) Roughs 2: Buffalograss (Buchaloe Dactyloides) ‘Cody' or an

approved mixed variety. Sown at a rate of 19.5g/m.sq (for normal
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 46 -

d) Banks and Low Maintenance Areas - Approved mix consisting of

approved local grass varieties or SeaSpray Seashore Paspalum sown
at a lower rate of 50g/m.sq

e) Wild flora or special effect mixes – seed mixture as provided by the

Designer (Re-planting of native sod and other native grass to be
determined). Allow a PC sum.

4.10.4 Turf Supply

Supply a weed free turf grown on approved soil or rootzone material and
consisting of no less than 99% of the required and approved grass species
and cultivar composition
All turf shall be of a variety approved by the Project Manager and
commercially grown within 250 kilometers of the golf course, unless
otherwise approved in writing by the Project Manager. It shall be cut and
delivered within twenty-four (24) hours. It shall be free from noxious weeds
and grasses. It shall have a soil layer no less than 12 millimeters and no
more than 25 millimeters in thickness and shall have enough moisture to
allow for proper rolling and handling. It is assumed that the sod shall be cut
in standard sizes. Variation of this standard roll must be approved by
Project Manager prior to delivery of the sod to the site.
Turf grown on organic soils to be planted on mineral soils, or visa versa will
only be permitted when written consent from the owner has be obtained
and the contractor has signed a release to accept any damage and/or
repair cost for improper rooting of turf due to this soil texture discontinuity.

4.10.5 Fertiliser & Additives

i) The Contractor is to supply and spread a 15:15:15 or 15:21:9 or 6:9:6
granular pre-seeding fertiliser or similar having a minimum of 25 percent of
the total nitrogen derived from Polymer sulfur coated urea, or approved
equal, to the whole seeded golf course area at a rate of between 40 and
70g/sq.m (700kg/ha), as advised by the Project Manager following soil
analyses. All fertilizer shall be uniform in composition, free flowing and
suitable for application with approved equipment, delivered to the site in
bags or other convenient containers, each fully labeled, conforming to the
name or trademark, and warranty of the producer.
For the putting surfaces the fertiliser must be a Greens-grade particle size
and type, to avoid scorching problems.
The fertiliser shall be spread using a method and machinery that ensures
uniform spread and overlap between passes. Applied fertilizer shall be
lightly worked into the top 25 to 50mm of the topsoil or rootzone by either
raking or rotovator or any method demonstrated to the Project Manager
and approved.
Fertiliser must not be spread onto any non-golf turf areas, in order to
protect the natural vegetation.
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 47 -

Alternatively, the inorganic fertiliser shall be replaced by an approved

locally-sourced organic material, spread and worked into the surface of the
soil prior to sanding at a rate to be given by the Project Manager following
chemical analysis.

ii) Under the direction of the Project Manager, and following analyses and
recommendations from the Designer, Lime or Sulphur shall be similarly
applied and worked into the soil surface at the stated rate to correct any pH
- Provisional -

iii) Additives – Allow for the supply and application of a 15% mixed
volume/volume of Zeolite into the surface of the greens and tees root
zone material and bunker bank topsoil prior to seeding. The Zeolite is
to be lightly mixed in to the top 100mm of the root zone.
- Provisional -

iv) Fumigation – At the direction of the Project Manager and before

fertilizers have been applied as specified, all putting surfaces shall be
sterilized before planting, with Basamid G soil fumigant as manufactured
by Advan LLC (800/250-5024) under strict accordance with the
manufacturer’ recommendations and guidelines.
- Provisional -

4.10.6 Seeding
i) Sowing shall be carried out during suitable, calm weather conditions.
Work during wind and wet conditions which affects soil conditions or the
even application of seed and fertiliser shall not be allowed.
The seed shall be spread using a method and machinery that ensures
uniform spread and overlap between passes, with all equipment calibrated
for the correct application rate prior to seeding. Seed must not be spread
onto any non-golf turf areas, in order to protect the natural vegetation.
Sow the seed in two transverse passes, using either hand labour or turf-
tyred equipment only.
Areas other than tees and greens surfaces - Following seeding, the soil
shall be carefully rolled with a (Cambridge-type) ridged roller at right angles
to the direction of slope, wherever possible, to help prevent surface run-off
and wind erosion, and if required subsequently given a final float over the
surface with a very light drag-mat or hand raking with a 1-metre landscape
rake to remove all seeding marks.
Greens putting surfaces & tees - After planting and fertilizing is
completed, the seed/sprigs shall be very lightly raked into the top six
millimeters of the green bed surface. Rootzone surfaces shall receive a
final tracking-in using a Bunker-rake machine with ‚knobbly’ tyres
(approximately 15mm square tread size at 25mm spacing, to form
depressions to hold seed and water), working forwards and backwards
sequentially over the surfaces.
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Where the seed is so small that it is difficult to calibrate the application rate
properly, the seed shall be bulked-up using a fine, dry silver sand in strict
proportions, and the equipment calibrated this way.
NB - Hydraulic application of seed would be permitted ONLY with written
approval by the Project Manager.

ii) Protection of Areas

Immediately after planting and tracking in, the area shall be protected
against traffic or other use by erecting barricades as needed, and placing
approved warning signs at appropriate intervals.

iii) Mulching
The contractor shall mulch all seeded areas with an approved wheat or oat
straw that is free of mold or mildew, weed free, and is free flowing through
the straw blower. No hay material will be acceptable for mulch. Within
twenty-four (24) hours after any given area is seeded, vegetative mulching
material shall be evenly placed over all seeded areas at the rate of
approximately 3.5 metric tons per hectare. The proper mulch application
when viewed straight down shall appear to be 50% mulch straw and 50%
of the soil surface below.
Mulching materials shall be kept in place with an approved binding
emulsion applied at a minimum rate of 250 litres per metric ton of mulch or
by methods approved to prevent displacement of material, such as
crimping. Other such binders will be considered by the Project Manager.
Emulsion shall be non-toxic to plants and shall be so prepared that it will
not change in transportation or storage. Mulch and binder shall be applied
simultaneously. Mulching which is displaced shall be replaced at once but
only after the seeding or other work which prepared the mulching and
which work was damaged as a result of displacement of mulching
materials has been acceptably repaired.
4.10.7 Sprigging
Sprigs shall be carefully harvested from the on-site turf nursery and
transported quickly to the planting site in covered containers. Plant-out the
sprigs by hand in a 50mm grid and well watered-in over the immediate and
establishment period using clean water only.
- Provisional -
4.10.8 Turfing (Sodding)
Where required, on steep banks where seeding is not feasible, or where a
particular visual or maintenace effect is required, approved turf is to be
laid. Turf samples must be presented to the Designer for approval, and
shall be free of weed-grasses, grown on a suitable soil or rootzone material
matching that laid on the golf course, laid on a firmed, prepared seedbed,
using boards to prevent compaction and surface marking.
No turf shall be hauled to or laid in place if damage to the course will result
from such hauling. All turf shall be delivered when the ground will support
the hauling vehicle. No turf shall be laid in place until the area to be turfed
has been approved by the Project Manager as being ready to receive it.
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Turf will be laid and staked as described above, and rolled in every place
possible before soaking with water. Hand watering is desirable so as not to
over-water adjacent seeded areas with the use of irrigation heads.
All turf on slopes of four to one (4:1) and greater will also be pegged as per
the detail drawings. Peg the turf to banks using either 150mm-long wooden
pegs or galvanised, hooked steel pins, ensuring a close-butted finish, with
turves laid stretcher-bond.
Close-but all joints on all sides. All turf on slopes less than four to one (4:1)
will be rolled by hand or by mechanized roller to tamp butted joints and
flatten irregularities before soaking with water. Brush-in medium-fine sand
to fill inbetween turves and roll where possible with a light hand–roller.
Fertilise with the 15:15:15 fertiliser or similar.

4.10.9 Schedule and Re-Working

As soon as the first several holes or areas are completely ready for
grassing and the irrigation system proven reliable, the contractor shall plant
these areas toprevent erosion of artwork and features, and to take
advantage of primary growth periods.
The contractor shall continue this process as each area or group of holes
becomes ready for grassing. Areas that need replanting will be designated
by the Project Manager at least ten (10) days prior to the period specified
for re-fertilizing, re-sprigging, orre-seeding. Replanting shall be completed
within ten (10) days of date of such designation or with such longer periods
as may be allowed by the Project Manager. All areas of the golf course
shall be carefully inspected after planting for rooting of stolons and
germination of seed.
Any bare sections or areas of poor establishment shall be replanted
immediately, at the owner's expense if it is their responsibility, and at the
contractor's expense if it is their responsibility, until all areas are sufficiently
planted and growing to meet the specifications and requirements of the
grassing phase. Replanting shall be with seed or sprigs as specified in the
appropriate Section relative the area be re-sprigged or re-seeded.
Replanting with seed shall be at the specified rates and in a manner that
will cause a minimum of disturbance to the existing stand of grass. A rotary
harrow or rotovator is recommended for this operation.
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 50 -

4.11 Cart Path Construction

4.11.1 General Intent
The golf cart-path work is to begin from the surrounds to the Clubhouse
(work to the Clubhouse landscaped areas to be carried out by others) and
out around the course. Two types of finishes are intended, with two path
widths. There are sections of path with two-way traffic, of 3.5 metres width,
some of which (close to the Clubhouse) is to be with a formal block-paving
finish, heavy duty to support emergency vehicle access..
The rest of the cart-path is to be 2.6 metres width, and with an informal
crushed stone finish, without a formal path edging. Passing bays and
turning circles will form part of this path system where required.
The proposed options for surfacing materials are to be presented as
samples to the Designer for approval.
All paths shall have topsoil removed for use on the rest of the golf course
construction work. It is expected that the path finishing work will not be
carried out until heavy construction work has finished.
Visually, the path is to be adjusted in line and elevation to avoid intrusive
views of the path from key points, i.e. tees, greens, Clubhouse, et., using
subtle mounding and curvature to provide a aesthetically pleasing effect.

4.11.2 Formal Cartpath

a) Path
The formal sections of cart-path near to the Clubhouse area (2.6m and
3.5-metre width) are to have a block-paving or dressed stone finish,
proposed materials to be submitted for the approval of the Designer.
The block or stones are to be set on a 100mm sand bed over 200mm of
crushed stone base layer, with a dry sand/cement mix brushed into the
joints before compacting with a vibrating plate.The sides of the formal
block-work are to be formed with cut blocks, butted-up against edging
formed from selected, rounded, site-sourced rocks set in mass concrete
with the concrete edge raised 25mm above the finished surfacing level.
b) Drainage
A rate per linear metre is required for path surface drainage, to be used as
required to prevent ponding and erosion around the paths. This is
intended to be of ‘Aco-drain’ type of surface drainage system, consisting of
‘U’-shaped concrete channel with galvanised steel grill set into the upper
surface. The rate shall include for excavation and bedding/grouting the
- Provisional –
4.11.3 Informal Cartpath
a) Path
The majority of the cart-path away from the Clubhouse area is to be either
2.6m or 3.5-metre overall width, with a simple pre-cast concrete edging set
in mass concrete haunching, and with the base layer finished with 50mm
of a selected, crushed stone finish, rolled and compacted into place.
b) Drainage
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Drainage will be via a pipe and permeable fill brought up to the surface,
running along the upper side of the sections of path where the slope and
catchment area is such that storm water flows would cause path surface
erosion problems. A linear rate per metre will be taken from the drainage
work section for this.
4.11.4 Passing Bays
Where required, passing bays will be constructed to the same standard as
the adjacent path, being of 1.5 metre width, and with smoothly-curved run-
in/run-out sections as given on plan.
4.11.5 Turning Circles
Turning circles are to have an edging formed from selected, rounded, site-
sourced rocks, laid in an accurately set-out circle, and set in mass concrete
with the concrete edge raised 25mm above the finished surfacing level.
Cut-off drainage using 80mm lateral pipes with permeable fill to the surface
as detailed in the ‚Drainage’ section shall be installed where required.
4.11.6 Road-Crossing Point
On the Driving Range access path, a crossing point is required over the
main access road. The proposal is to install dropped-kerbs, non-slip
surfacing and baffle barriers to form a formal controlled crossing point on
these holes. (full specification by others)
4.11.7 Golf Cart Parking Areas
At the driving range an area as marked on plan is to be stripped of topsoil
and subsoil to a depth of 300mm, a geotextile mat placed over the subsoil,
and a layer of 250mm clean hard 25 to 50mm stone supplied and levelled,
finished with 50mm of selected and approved fine crushed stone finishing
Finish the edges straight and with topsoil abutting the stone layers, raked
and seeded. (full specification by others)
4.11.8 Clubhouse Area Traffic Island
A landscaped cart-path island is planned in front of the Clubhouse. The
island has a radius of 4.5 metres, and is to be constructed using selected
approved stone blocks, set level and true in a concrete haunching, with
selected stone-free topsoil placed within the central area to a depth of
4.11.9 Watercourse Crossing Points
To be designed by Client’s EngineerArchitect.

4.11.9 Helipad Areas

These are selected zones of flatter ground without mature trees. To be a
drained turf finish only, with 100mm of rootzone finish, marked-out with
temporary white line-marker as directed by the Client.

4.12 Landscaping Works

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4.12.1 In-situ bedrock cleaning for landscape featuring

Zones of existing bedrock are to be cleaned and refurbished to make inter-
fairway and non-golf area features, as directed by the Designer on site.
The work will involve cleaning soil and trimming the rock with a rock-
breaker, and establishing a mowable margin.
4.12.2 Ornamental Rock-placement
A Prime Cost (P.C) sum is to be entered into the Bills of Quantities for
placement of selected ornamental rocks around the site, primarily on tee
banks/ lake-sides as indicated on plan.
Demarcated areas shall have rock carted to them under the Section above,
for placement in this section using 360-degree excavator equipment under
the direct guidance of the Project Manager. If insufficient rock is found on
site, this sum will be spent on importing selected, approved rocks for key
4.12.3 Planting
a) Trees – There is to be a P.C. cost inserted into the Bills of Quantities to
cover new tree planting. Tree species planted sparingly around the site to
match the existing landscaping are to be selected from:

Deciduous trees:

[List to follow]

All deciduous trees to be 8-10cm girth at 1-metre above the ground,

rootballed and free of damage and disease, with a good, fibrous root
mass. Trees are to be wrapped and tied in damp hessian to protect the
roots and trunk whilst in transit, and until the point immediately before
Trees are to be planted into a prepared pit of minimum 0.5 cubic metre,
deep enough not to restrict the full length of the roots when exposed
ensuring that the tree is planted to the same point on the root/trunk dividing
point as it was originally.
Mix in one 25kg bag of planting compost with the excavated soil, fork-over
the bed of the pit, plant and firm the roots into place, watering afterwards.
Attach the tree to a pressure-treated softwood stake set a minimum of
600mm into the ground and with 500mm above ground. Firm the stake
into place to properly support the tree, using proprietary abrasion-free and
adjustable ties.. Protect the tree with a 1.2-metre high deer guard and
attach firmly to the stake to using ties. Apply in a radius of 1 metre around
the tree a minimum 100mm layer of mulching material

During the first growing season, water constantly during dry periods.
Spray conifers with S600 Anti-transpirant in April of the first season to
reduce water loss. Any trees failing due to poor planting or watering shall
be replaced by the Contractor.

Other trees:

[List to follow]
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 53 -

All to be supplied in a minimum 2-litre container, free of damage and

disease, with a good, fibrous root mass. Plant into a pit 2 x larger than the
container size and mix in planting compost Protect with a suitable diameter
of deer guard and stake/tie, minimum 0.9m high

Larger trees are to be planted into a prepared pit of minimum 0.5 cubic
metre, deep enough not to restrict the full length of the roots when
exposed ensuring that the tree is planted to the same point on the
root/trunk dividing point as it was originally.
Mix in one 25kg bag of planting compost with the excavated soil, fork-over
the bed of the pit, plant and firm the roots into place, watering afterwards.
Attach the tree to a pressure-treated softwood stake set a minimum of
600mm into the ground and with 500mm above ground. Firm the stake
into place to properly support the tree, using proprietary abrasion-free and
adjustable ties.. Protect the tree with a 1.2-metre high deer guard and
attach firmly to the stake to using ties. Apply in a radius of 1 metre around
the tree a minimum 100mm layer of mulching material

During the first growing season, water regularly during dry spells. Spray
conifers with S600 Anti-transpirant in April of the first season to reduce
water loss. Any trees failing due to poor planting or watering shall be
replaced by the Contractor.

b) Bushes - P.C. cost is to be inserted into the Bills of Quantities to cover

new bush planting work in areas to be determined following the main
construction stage; woodland area and underplanting. Shrubs species are
to be:.
[List to follow]

All to be supplied in a minimum 2-litre container, free of damage and

disease, with a good, fibrous root mass. Plant into a pit 2 x larger than the
container size and mix in planting compost Protect with a suitable diameter
of deer guard and stake/tie, minimum 0.9m high

During the first growing season, water regularly during dry spells. Spray
evergreens with S600 Anti-transpirant in April of the first season to reduce
water loss. Any plants failing due to poor planting or watering shall be
replaced by the Contractor.

NB - A potential source of indigenously-grown plants is available from:

(List of recommended suppliers)

Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 54 -

Ornamental Seeding
P.C. cost is to be inserted into the Bills of Quantities to cover ad-hoc work
on seeding with semi-ornamental grasses, and wild flora species, in
accordance with general recommendations for seedbed preparation and
sowing, to be issued by the Project Manager prior to planting or sowing.
Species to be planted from the following list:
a) Grass:
Indigenous, locally gathered Reeds and Rushes

[List to follow]

b) Wild Flora:

[List to follow]
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 55 -

4.13 Other Works

4.13.1 Bunker Sanding
Following turf establishment, the bunkers shall be marked-out for trimming
by the Designer or Project Manager, to give the intended sand-line. The
timing of bunker sanding shall be agreed with the Project Manager, and
must be carried with suitable equipment and when damage to the turf will
not occur. Sand laid prematurely shall be cleaned free of leaves, and other
debris at the Contractors expense.
a) Trimming – (For bunkers requiring further treatment after the work is
completed.) Following marking out, fold back 0.25 to 0.5 metres of the turf
and trim back the edge to give smooth curves, forming a step in the topsoil
in the process. Fold back the turf over the step and firm into place. Trim
the turf edge to a smooth curve.
Following the removal of any large stones, trim the bunker bed to form a
smooth, evenly graded surface and compact using a heavy roller or
mechanical compaction plate.
b) Bunker Bed Lining – Supply and install firmly into the bunker topsoil
edge as per manufacturers recommendations, a purpose-made bunker
lining geotextile, i.e. ‘Bunker Buddy’, ‘Enkamat’, Sandmat’ or similar
approved material to prevent stone incursion into the bunker sand but
allow free drainage. Following stone removal, level and trim the bunker
bed to ensure free flow of water over the bed into the drainage trench.
Bunker beds are to be fitted with an open-wove geotextile
c) Sanding - Following trimming, and bed preparation, supply, cart and lay
to an even, minimum settled depth of 150mm the selected clean, 1 to 2mm
grade bunker sand, a sample of which must have been approved for
grading and colour by the Designer. The sand shall be evenly laid up to
the turf edge, and checked for depth with a metal probe. All installation
equipment must be fitted with low ground-pressure turf tyres, and work
carried out without damage to the turf..
4.13.2 Renovation Work
i) Clearing the site – on completion of the works, the Contractor shall tidy
all areas of the site to remove waste material, temporary storage points,
debris and all machinery and equipment, cabins and associated fittings.
ii) Haul Road removal & seeding – following the above, the Contractor
shall work from the distant end of the site, fully loosening the soil on haul
roads and any other temporary working areas, followed by cultivation,
fertilising and seeding.
4.13.3 Maintenance Work
i) Under the monitoring and guidance of the Project Manager, the
Contractor shall be responsible for turf maintenance on the course for the
period up to the end of the grow-in phase, with this date to be agreed with
the Client prior to tendering, but being not less than 6 months from the
date of agreed practical completion of the construction works.
Practical completion shall be taken as the stage at which all areas are
constructed and established with turf, with only sanding of bunkers,
planting works and similar remaining. A certificate of practical completion
shall be issued by the Project Manager following acceptance of the works
by the Client, Project Manager and Designer.
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The maintenance shall cover final stone collection,mowing, overseeding,

sand topdressing, fertilising, weed and disease control, decompaction of
construction work traffic effects and all other operations required to
produce a high quality golf turf suitable for the playing of golf and for
maintenance by others after this date using standard methods and
The contractor has the responsiblity to manage the course for the grow-in
maintenance until this date, when management will be passed over to the
Client’s Head Greenkeeper. The scope of work will be to develop the
course defining greens, tees, approches, semi rough and rough areas, and
ensuring a top-quality turf cover to all areas.
No more than 1/3 of the leave blade shall be cut at any one time during the
trimming down at grow-in; only approved turf machinery will be used when
maintaining the turf.
All golf playing surfaces shall be maintaned to the specifications as
recommended by the USGA. A minimum 95% turf coverage must be in
place to all playing areas when handed over.
At the end of the grow-in maintenance period the golf course will be cut at
appropriate playing heights suitable for that time of year and seasonal

Greens between - 6-7mm

Tees between - 10-14mm
Fairways between - 12-15mm
Semi-rough between - 25-30mm

Handover Point - Handover shall be taken as the stage at which all

areas are fully grown-in and established, with all parts of the golf course
functioning correctly. A handover certificate shall be issued by the Project
Manager following acceptance of the works by the Client, Project Manager
and Designer.
At the handover stage, all areas shall have a high quality, dense turf
suitable for the playing of an international-standard of golf, and capable of
being maintained by standard methods and equipment. All areas shall be
kept free of broad-leaved weeds,and have no more than 5% of weed-grass
species on handover.
All drainage, irrigation and fabric of the course shall be tested and
functioning correctly, and necessary guarantees, reports and completion
documentation including record plans issued, as stated below. On
handover, the defects liability period applying to the maintenance stage
shall be deemed to be completed.

ii) Carry out a soil decompaction (verti-draining) operation to all

fairways, using solid tines set at a 100mm grid, and working to a minimum
of 150mm depth or to the base of the compacted layer, whichever is the
- Provisional -
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 57 -

iii) As ii), but using a smaller machine on all of the greens, surrounds,
tees and banks, bunker mounding and other areas that a larger fairway
machine cannot work. The Contractor must strive to decompact all areas,
including greens surrounds banking, whilst avoiding fixed objects such as
hydrant boxes, sprinklers, drain covers and sumps, etc.
- Provisional -
4.13.4 Quality Measurements - Maintenance
i) Prior to handover of the maintenance of the course and subject to
acceptance by the Client, the Contractor must supply a detailed
internationally-qualified Agronomists report covering all aspects of the turf
status, with recommendations on further management by the Head
Greenkeeper to understand the maintenance needs required to continue
to maintain the golf course in the transferred condition.
ii) Prior to handover of the maintenance of the course and subject to
acceptance by the Client, the Contractor must supply a detailed
internationally-qualified Irrigation Consultants report report covering all
aspects of the turf and irrigation system, with recommendations on further
management by the Head Greenkeeper to understand the maintenance
needs required to continue to maintain the golf course in the transferred
iii) A comprehensive manual of construction details, record plans and
operting instructions shall also be provided as per the clause above in the
general contract conditions.

See separate Specification; PART 2 and documentation


See separate Specification; PART 3 and documentation
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 58 -

5 Drawings & Appendices Schedule

Additional Specifications ill be associated with this document, which are at
present expected to be carried out as separate contracts, being:
Specification Part 2 - Irrigation

Specification Part 3 – Driving Range fittings, building, parking. Mini-golf.

By separate contractor.

The following is a list of drawings relevant to this contract:



MP_8e Master Plan 2/2008

MP_8e Coloured Illustration Plan 2/2008
A1 Staking Plan & Clearing Details /2008
A2 Recontouring Plan 2/2008
A3 Haul routes & Earthworks Zones (to agree with Contractor) /2008
A4 Greens Recontour Plans /2008
A5 Tees Recontour Plans /2008
A6 Grassing Plan /2008
A7 Irrigation System Layout (Irritech Ltd issue) 2/2008
A8 Cart Path Layout 2/2008
A9 Drainage Plan 2/2008
A10 Bunker Schedule 2/2008

a) Items in Block lettering currently available on plan and/or digital format

b) All drawing numbers above will be preceded by the current master plan
number, i, e, MP_8
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 59 -



Std/G/1 Standard Green Cross-section

Std/T/1 Standard Tee Cross-section
Std/b1/a Bunker Type 1
Std/b2/a Bunker Type 2
Std/b3/a Bunker Type 3
Std/b4/a Bunker Type 4/Revetment
Std_Grassing_1 Grassing scheme elements
Std/SlitDrain/01 Cross section of sand-slit drainage
Std_CC_1A Gully pot drainage design A
std_CC_1B Gully pot drainage design B
Std/edge/1 Lake edge finish 1 - Rip-rap
" /2 " 2 - Stone cladding
" /3 " 3 - [Non-retaining] Wall
W1 - Overflow Weir, concrete and wood
CP_TC_1 - Cart-Path Turning Circle & Passing point
CP_XS_1 - Cart-Path Cross-section, (a) & (b)
OF_WW_1 - Wing-wall Outfall Structure
Drain_CC_ 1(A&B) Collection Chamber; A & B
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 60 -

APPENDIX 1 – Schedule of Areas and Volumes

Bills of Quantities
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 61 -


1. The Bill of Quantities includes this Preamble, the parts of the Bill of
Quantities and the Summary.
2. In accordance with the Appendix to the Conditions of Contract, the
measurement of the Bill of Quantities has been prepared as described in
the Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (CESMM) (3rd
Edition 1991) and as modified herein. The various Clauses within the
Preamble shall take precedence over the Civil Engineering Standard
Method of Measurement (2nd Edition 1985) in the event of any dispute.
3. The prices and rates to be inserted in the Schedule of Rates are to
be the full inclusive value of the work described under the several items,
including all costs and expenses which may be required in and for the
construction of the work described, together with all general risks, liabilities
and obligations set forth or implied in the documents on which the Tender is
to be based.
4. Each item shall be priced independently of any other work scheduled
in the Bills of Quantities. A price or rate is to be entered against each item
in the Bills of Quantities, whether quantities are stated or not. Items
against which no price is entered are to be considered as covered by other
prices or rates in the Bills.
5. The Form of Contract, the Conditions of Contract, the Specifications
and Drawings are to be read in conjunction with the Bills of Quantities.
6. General directions and descriptions of work and material given in the
Specifications are not necessarily repeated in the Bills of Quantities.
Reference is to be made to the Specifications for this information.
7. Day works shall be carried out in accordance with the rates and
prices stated in the Day work Schedule only when instructed by the
8. No additional charge shall be made to the Employer in respect of
carrying out the work in isolated sections, co-operation with any of the
Statutory Undertakers or any sub-contractor, or of a break in the continuity
of the Contractor’s operations between one stage and another. Prices and
rates are to include for the cost of all non-productive and temporary works
and for overtime involved in carrying out and completing the Works.
9. The quantities given in these Bills of Quantities are estimated and are
given for the purpose of enabling Contractors to make out their Tenders on
an equal basis and to enable the Engineer to compare them, but they are
not to be taken as a guarantee that the total quantities of work will be
executed or will not be exceeded. All the work will be measured on
completion and only the amount of work executed will be paid for at the
rates given in the Bills of Quantities or at rates analogous thereto. No claim
made by the Contractor arising from any increase, reduction or omission in
the Works will be considered by the Engineer.
10. The General Items shall be deemed to be spread over the whole of
the period that the Contractor is on site, and the amount of the General
Items to be paid in the monthly certificates shall be proportionately equal to
the total time the Contractor has spent on site up to the date of submission
of the certificate.
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 62 -

11. All Provisional Quantities or Provisional Sums of money are to be

understood as being subject to deduction in whole or in part, at the
discretion of the Engineer, from the amount of the Contract. The rates set
out for such items, if any, shall be used for the valuation of works so
ordered by the Engineer in writing, whether the quantities shown are used
wholly or in part.
12. Amendments to Method of Measurement
(a) Contractors should note that in Class E8 (Landscaping), the unit of
surface area is either hectares or square metres as appropriate.
(b) Where appropriate have been amalgamated in the Bills of Quantities
and the rates entered against these amalgamated items shall include for
each of the four functions.
(c) Contractors should note that method related charges have been
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 63 -

Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 64 -

Schedule of Day works

When day work is ordered payment will be made for plant and labour
as follows:
The hourly rates are deemed to allow for all wages costs including
inter-alia bonuses, plus- rates and allowance for conditions, travel
subsistence and lodging. The hourly rates will apply to all labour
including that employed by sub-contractors and plant hirers.

Plant Schedule & Hire Rates to be used in the construction of the Works

Item of Plant Type or Size Hire Rate per

Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 65 -

The Contractor is to list below the rates for the various classes of
labour to be used when Day work is ordered. The rates quoted shall
be the “Amount of Wages” as described in the above-mentioned
Schedule of Day works.


Working during Working Working
Rate/hr inclement Rate/hr Rate/hr

1 Shaper

2 Working

3 Plant
Level 1

4 Plant
Level 2

5 Tradesman

6 Truck Driver

7 Banksman

8 Labourer
Dragon’s Eye Golf Club - 66 -


[Client to insert]

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