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Ny HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATAFY20 est STATE ELECTRICrry Sub-Transmission & Distribution System (33 kV and Below Systems) Cost Data FY 2019-20 A. we Sr Exediitive Engineer, Gro sunenmondng Enoiner SupeieningEnaneer Distnbution System Planning, YBSeB Ltd, Khaini, Shirnla-2 HPSEB Lid Khalin Shimta-2 : : HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST OATA FYI COST DATA FOR FY. 2019.20 PREFACE Ca Das i Bsn opr pranss agua T& HPERC [sian on Spy a eA RIOR HE a furpose ales ina stmt oecbon © lc es soe acc sens snl ary en wae bbe oarvosipare [ows ict pat oleate ese ve ata be eco or wea ele iguana wi Sis fr Si Soe apd ones costed Coal ai compar os oT eia eas ERASTO NOS Se ire naeabre nance Ih Etats sha hoor epee te fa one es popesd aetna Shs rise and nascar eo Santangelo [Staci were ng oft oto sas amis ar Sea Ta Ki HeapaDE HG Ga oa TUES TT jotise Theses we spears onan hab a barn rpm he sl [Said sever ea-saLan ane a ERR aRVREGAT TS CHT Da Tue Tals apoE fears Ts einai is woe SGujrans at a speaisaly ames Cala Sal ba REPO ol soak iw (eco jnehae cars rsh peas 8b asessbe a an he tal sobs aba a SED (les rere by Fs tad apeteaios sa one oSRIOAEOG LET Gal IS SSRN T Rs CONS ST NOT (eto ut Oojecans yea xn hat Pates ay ste gre is OSD St eke agpialtn es wie eas een aes we TAcOVaaa a GEREN HOI STURN TIONG AT Tun ey Conca of Ver ones ‘GFT on nah 7 GBT on Seeing Tanejotsav OC Saar oe anand ow aalay ESTES OT [cs Te patna eo 0.4 20D ne ened sepnsay ho CowtSe Sa Godan Soret va cterts Voesaaureg eesiaan| ST Hala Tw wn np ea Js esean sate acrg ocee se Givey eat ad nen ae neds fora Gene es, [tes terms copies erase eames naan csr vg aot can art nf ren feu nasatbecn gpa is Cnt Oa, eet arnt an Oa, [seater i pits ov pon pets cae baa tpn WOT inion ows CS ST [casera rep vss Ras cll consent wow yous hasbeen ore seed orf cee es lees ns Coat ets hee Hore we and mse kwh See ah Gat Ds te sane sal nae he OS ISEUSP) byte et nts aes raison te Set a i afar fr vcr covigs bt fe pou dn diy was Boos Wa ScbOTUN TiS Nea RSI RESTO AT ss atta ite Governet won Seen sh be srw ona 35 cncomtton a rvab niwes lccnasee wie Frees Ooearmans Cros Waronr No-FINPRI() V8 cm 7 OOH Was Frcass Oster Praia Vor ave Doo a li S57 OH hs aula bn os Tce [rer (P03). re Frcs Orso Final Yew ha mrs ove cs Been tag ote ean [een Ine Got Oi af previous yur Fo se oe, cot ae sed ito Rete Esra ood, enya sen nasa Cost tte, deny new cost ye Pal Uris by wy POs! VA nee may 9 alee Ne pmo eS) sng wn cosuneny pot fr [xan Exige in ovat aus Wee Sa BO pH nd Ha rs Pag SPRINT ORT TERS OS [te Ett Re, 205 PERG Recep ii oT ECG Regan AS antonio Da [SEA Tacs Sere or onesie Seve! are al esl ins Repulse, 210 md TERT DAT [Sek stn os Cpe ct eens, 205 rd arora a IEC Seectesti ae Gestuctnn Snes al FeCl es Laos? Scheie PERT Tiss ts sed Ca Ose papell ea SW PLATED a cQHUGTS Te SRS SE| al bo and neotenic shl se ovate acparay ete ins ot rng States. Te cemige ey te Stata cea aid unis may mo pun moan over ot Sanat er a Pensa sty dy The Oe lef SEIDSP) alt betas on ary sxe ay ede te Fa Un 3 he Cost. i oat coer aya Wiad Ante canignaaos onic. Cigaai a CO Fore TR AI CEDTRT AE esa rence cnn nuove no ol rr yoo lear av so ase agaranans Tha Oot SEIREN' oon nol be Ese on any ecamo yan cay re [etnies ronal ts Con Onn neane a dota co SE (B52) may bo canna wr estsiins of costs and oar Comps GEST ils Com Dats Sit NOT Beebe Rt OB]STSNE BTA EAT Nl we Sr ExeSitive Engineer, jperintending Engmeer Glo Superintending Engineer Su Distribution System Planning, APSEB Lid Khaliny Shimia2 ipution System Planning, APSeD Ld., Khalini, Shimla-2 HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATAFY20 INDEX sn Description Bago No| 1 [WAIN COST DATA BASE (including opinal scope often) ie 2 [ABSTRACT COST fea [Configuration #: Estimated Coat (per Km for33 RV Single Creu Line on Single Pole 3 Structure (Deke Formation) using Conductor (Dog / 100 mm*/ACSR 6/1i4.72 and Double [continuous Earth wire [Santguraton 2 Eatirated Cont par Rn for 39 WV Smale Grout SO) Lino on Dowie Paw 4 |OF) Stucture(Herzertal Formation): using Conducor (0g 100 mi*/ACSR ate 72) and) S18 Boube continuous Earth wie Configuration & Estimated Cost (par Ki) for 38 KV Double Greut (DO) Line on Double PO 5 |(OP) Stucture (Vertical Formation), using Dog Conductor (10Omm*:ACSR 6rtis 72) and | 1784 Double continuous Earth wire Configuration & Estimated Coat per Ki) for 17 RV Single irc (SO) Line on SnglePCe |p 6 (SP) Stucture (Data Formstion); using og Conductor (100mm*:ACSR 14.72} and Single continuous Earth wire [Configuration & Estimated Gost (per Kini for 17 RV Doubs Cirull (DG) Line on Doubs Powe 7 (OP) Structure ( Vertical Formation): using Dog Conductos (100 mm ACSR.6/114.72) and Single continuous Earth wire [Coafigaration 6 Estimated Gost ier Kin) or 17 RV Une on Single Pole (SP) Sucre waa | gq 2 [AB Cable (70495 mm) |Goniiguration 7 Esirnaied Coal (per Kin for 17 KV Lina SSxa00 mm Underground LPE | |Cabie [Configuration & Estivated Cost (per Kn for 30 Line on Single Pole (SP) Sruclure 40 |{Vertical Formation); using Condutor (Og 100 mm? /ACSR. 6I1/4.72) ad Single continuous | 26 Earth wire 71 | Optonal Contigoratone ae "BE [Contiguratan 0: Eeimnated Coat for 25 RVA, T1104 WV Pole Mounted Diawiovlon Substation | 2B 7 | Canfiguratan 10: Estimated Cost for 25 KWA, 20/04 WV Pole Mouited Diswibuton Substation| @3 7 [Configuration 11 Estimated Cost for 400 KA, 1104 KV Ouo0r Type Distrbution 3 75 [Configuration 12: Esialed Goal or 63 VA, 1170.23 KV, 1-O Dlatrbuilon SubStaiON a [Configuration Ta" Estimated Coat or 118, 0200 KV Domestic Senvcs (05) Connection vaio’ | SS 16 jaw [Configuration 14 A) Estimated Gost for 1-2, 0230 KV BSINENGICS) SIPIOWIPS Connection 17 fs 20KW 33 B) Estimated Cost for 3-2, 0.415 KY DS/ NONC/ CS/ SIP Connecton = 20 kW [Configuration Te: Etmatod Coat 5-2, 0.475 WV DSI NDNCI CST SPIOWES Cannadion= | 5a °8 |soKw

Fee [oTO85O [PO [este Insc Ua] — fos Taisen? eb 96 arm) — [oseest — [PO [este IASG [11kV) —[Ba6-70 mm" UPEUTT ev 9D Erm [ase [ese featie [ANG (11KV|_—_[SxterTOrUSraRY — ALPE Tav. 3+ Coon —[saz708 —fese [cane [ABC (TTKY) [3 70rTO mr eure av. Sr Ew fem — [erodes [cate [ABC (LT) [oxt0r96005 ree? [PVC Ta 31, A) fm [102668 [Ese assioal Bete Engineer, _- St Execulve Enameer, sae ce Superintes:iieg Engi eer, bio Superintending Engin Distribution Sy 2. 9, Distribution System Plann HPSEB Lid . Khaini, Shimia-2 ¢9PSEB Lid Kholiny Simian HPSESL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20, MAIN COST DATABASE including optional scope of items Coot Escalation In F¥20 over Cost Date for FYB () - 56 7 fiom To reed apes [evr Saeco jit RAD FYED [POI Ese fey lesuur a RSS Sree eT em aes ese De ET] foeao as CCV. 9 CA fu — [Tse be TaBG oT] xosvaerTo mie ever nv ser. Ab [am [15006 [ese : De. (CU) essere mat ever sev are Ahan 18280 — [PO 7 TAB (1) —_—_Jscas-as meV WV. CAD — Jost TB be TasG cr) fox oes mt ven v-aerc- At— em —asaro — [PO De [ABE (ct) [sro 16mm? [PVA CAD — fers — [rose De [ARG (Lt) fo ror evap mar ve ev-se1 6 Ab —Yerh [108580 —[PO- Sole TARE (ct) ——[sasriorromer — [PvCtt tv. 3H1C. a) ams — [avon —[PO- De. [as (or) |e aoetonromat ver ev. 3r1G Ad Jin —[o0558 [PO De [ABC (Lt) ——_[s70es0r05 mt [PWC TW. 3 Cat — [um [p56 [Ea [esp mm a AE [eso [a8 (br) erst? Yvert ari) — fim —fre7o0e [ese [ess [aa ion) ——|szsvzorioma?—[pvercaw-3e1 cm) — [lm —los795 ese [eso Se Ea A es [aac (or) [teas:a6-asmn® —PVCKaR. 9616, — fo —|r¥e709 [ese [oobi Texmiraton ki fas wv Fr xea0 nr, asor POPE es W, 16, AbwB fet fas] et he fares [Sass Temriraten eR fi xeib mar, Guoa pure ps WIE Ay [Set — FOE [ne erste [Sab Teccnaton me TTR tor POPE TSAR TOOT [Sate Tearraten eT fctaee ra Gaon fare WACO AR [Set famed Est ln ferrous [case Temrraten eT Pcraeanr nar pare (en Se Aen [Set reed Ear [ns frre [Sane Temnaton eT ataean onoa Fare nN SCA [Sat raGo et lie frou sabe Teminatan eT RT [sxoisTonm frac asm Sat [555 : [ono Tne [cane Temmraten eT ares aes AT [Set ean Je [passe tive [ae Temivaton eT en Jonsoer tine [abe Terrraton RATA [sevaomsaah——[RSCTTWT SCA [Sat — [7050 Ee Joncoortise . 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HPSEB oy HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 MAIN COST DATABASE - including optional scope of items! ‘Cost Escalation in FY20 over Cost Data for FY18 (4) : 56 i from Te [passe Taner SpesTony Uni Rate FYRD POTESET 7 5, ___lesu | Tan fans ese Ecuement [communeasan ——Canv (OFS) —[OPGA Hrearrcoe lem [aeoas [Ee lEcupment [communieaten USEF fsa forsee ese Equerent cemmaioaton RTT aT Fase pt OTS fae leaupmert [cersmanisaton Sata Pane jet amass se Jectpment [cemmanisaton [Raia je ass aE JEcupment regu [ccmmiston reine TT som jee —asoosao ee Euipment lequpmart [eerste eR ore mre PO secre [Sara Rose lien asm jen fss700 [PO oso [canaossr IaCSr Tae Ian 680 — JP nose [canoer ROS joan ore len rare PO caraiaar CSR Peo jen aaa Po fees leenaucir SR faire sas lee paar 7 fron 7 [cone e [seme Tea len fore JP fs eed [eoraaaer Issam ToT jen pass fp [rcmene [eoncce ane (sane TST a lea area PO lea oancon) onan pane Fa a jen —ssaas FP fra on eenaoc pane ea TOT lee ites Yee [eonaucr TAR a TOE lem are se [oonacaior aac Pa Tao im pase se eanauer ae rea jen seas [Be eanacr CSS TEST [ea fen roroee [ee Compost) [osnaoctor (covers [07 [SUPE RERE TOA TS Yien —faTOATT FRE Gonduc bros ror [Sonavctor (Covered 007 [SUPE RAC AT SIS ew aD — BE condor [Aros soe [Sansa (Covered [2207 [SPE RRC RT TS ln TTBS Iconator [eno os Panaueee (Coveres 2307 [RUPE anc, an 50S an [ATAU — ESS (concur Vee Sr : — [covered [7 [aE BARC awe Deion foe (FRE concur lags, To) [eanaaae [covered 7507 (RUPE, RAC. OR SOS hon DETERS concur Fangs, eoen a hy 2 ~ ar" ecutive Engineer, St Exeoutlve Enoneer. so aepaetinn Engmeer™ . usitib.** rinter¢ OféSuperintending Engine Soper eR Eoa Distribution System Planning ter ihaiini, § HPSEB Lid Khalin Shimla RBEE ee HPSEB Ltd , Khaini, imlar2 fu HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 MAIN COST DATABASE ‘optional scope of Iter Cost Escalation in £Y20 aver Cost Data fr FY18 (1) . 56 ie sper [rer Spac Tons) JUnit Rate FV20 [POT Eee] les) su [Sear ra rom Tae a [cree me saa Sr [eaters INo——fis7s——fese jorPrunt fav [Prt unk SRUATOVs frecuracy Cae OSS et [Bove [PO ake, 254020) joreT oar ar [PTR FRURTOWS frcsamey Comox — Jeet Jo JR “ene, anise) ea rear [PIG ont amos fcaraey CaaS — [Salve — JESS ‘cise, 2540084), avant Vanstoaner faa eR jzscn_[snace— Po lose caren ancien aR (OOO, (esas faso00 [ee cuantTeanstormer— [eat [aoa TTA lesch_[ea000 est. [Guent-ranefernee — [sav CoESuEEEN IEsen [1000 [est [Garten ranserner —[eakv jews [Ezch_7000 [PO [GuertTraneerner — [9 [SOSA [Esch [3000 ewe [Gurentraneorser — oak [0011.1 [Esch [3000 Test. [curenttranserner [22k oso TA [Esch eo00 en [Gurentrancterner — [v7 poser A ch [52188 ese [curenttronstorne- —[99RV [curt Teanctarnes kv [GurentTanstormes 07 [curensTanstrner —[sokv [cure Transtorer — [ok [cures ranstormer fre yea eet osor [ese Se arse TT geet oe, ie earaa rans — FR psy eae se ee fiat ava Gareos lear weiss —— oa Sa wie OTT [Rana ORES — ese Po lend Since [oamons us [perma Sno er inns 2 |ePT ration 110v, orf oP [nso A lesearnees far loa twice OTT ena SORE — ERG fT JP fata State Te fossve sours Resetmsse [Sm an |*Category-t oo lreaioy [eal leearmaes rr acct Say STO, — ERG VOGT IPS fvcatd State Tor [camo cus Jvecormar(cr- [eames sn [Enrarnaes Cr i CRESTS ORES ERT feientvecenee’ [osnyoye Ses jorecccoosay” [eames lerearmes ——Cr se awrect aromas — ean reas — foo [woes Suter [ossners 8 Mcormesrccr™ [omen cos) leroy es —Ior Sectwisct ana RES — eam aaae lereaad Stas. foswpe-e Ours Mero rc tonf omen lesan or Se eecT —pacsranataas ean fires po Ee Joperated Static Tri- [Categoy-C, OLMS- |Vector metancT- [oomelant he Any ; : we ani evenidive Engineer, Sr Bx6Gutive Engineer. ‘Superintending Engineer Ascistant Evaes Nest, Oo Superintending Engineer Distribution System Planning, ss heaainalie! Distabution System Pianning, HPSEB Lid., Khalini, Shimla-2 Distizulen Sani Fang Pee Td Kal Shimla? EB Lid , nial HPSEB Lid, Khali a HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20, MAIN COST DATABASE acluding optional items Coat Esattin in FY20 over Cos Data for FF : 36 Fa ee Trt Spex ne Sten Joa Rate FED POTERCT (rs) les eames [cr isa awaecT —pemsremmrass —Jeaar fuses Joo overated Sate tr. [oan ouns [Vector materiCT-15-|Comessrt te Ema — TF a eae Ps — TTS Jno fans gine "ohne 250) Eman [oF TAC Se Pe — ayer — Jo 58] lee pores ls marae [or Lae ra pve — fof famine oars free 19s) arias [oF RE a dia ents) (CRCA tS. sre Op Ser san’ nor DPE, aaa — Po Fal nica —=CGRT— Jeo ps leer ua? — ese sem, opty" fever Pasig es [oT aT POT Iso — Jee GPa [TRAP 35 — ez sara aR Ineo fewer pra —fee paw —— onsen — [0-5 ino fatrs eee Seve a rw ome oar Ino ee anv, 209 rr —— oscar oo Ino re ee fave #00 Ta Sapa ae Ino Be er Ta Dero TaN [a iso fars Be aT pecpact bros Foes lesicg ra coca Ta ios Fee Erin pram ew esas TaN mofo Fee ony Tar aa SR TTS [oT ne Po le, frsiaer RT SIS VTS iio fae — Po fa ar rE Pa F=f oT nope fo fen paar rev Pa Fao a noha Hen paar Tar par Ta. [EE ae Iie ay besa Ta aaron — lear fo [ao — ese essere ra rareeaToAT ito faa ese ho co ad pace STE ea fa braiaar a SES TOO es Ke : Ay Lf ‘ Assistant Exétutive Engineer, Sf Executive Fing.rc, ‘SUperintencing Enger i670!0 Si Ofo Suparintes ing Engineer! Superinioncine Ey DiStibution System Plann Distribution Sy.seni Pla ‘Stobution System Prarie #PSEB Ud. Khalini, Shimlar? J. HPSEB Lid, Kivi, Shimla-2 "PSEB Ltd Khainy shine> HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 ann cost paraBase {including optional scope of Items) Se ea eeeeeareee eee 5 “ : pa oS TET : ial Sar ae eeecereeeeeae Saraacanr pr oper Lae «Ne pe Jes Pa — oe = he es ees hss —fes ane hp — Senor Rae es sae (acces Saar ee ee eee feet Ea Samaras eee rs —— pare no — fe fa Ianaas fener eto — : ere ocr cee ee ae ec ——farewanns —fe— tes — a Face aa eee rors sen ee : ae fear Ce rane Sen ——€ aaa fea ee — . ee eae eeecet eee sre Boeke oe eee eee eee sepa Bac re in eee rete teeeeet een Sapa ea tae a ann Te se pons er Boo arcu an ae Sa ees Pore a Sooo Sree SBae hee [a a Sara 5 eee ene SS aT [rN Pasha ate ae pe neha Ie sae Soe ss ee eee Ee oo. to Paseo fw fen tee eee eee he Any superna 6 eer ing ‘Sr Executive Engineer, Distribution System: Planning, Assistant Executive Engineer, Oio Super Ojo Superintending Engineer Distribution System Planning, HPSEB Ltd Khalin: Shimla-2 a) HPSEB Ltd., Khalini, Shimla-2 HPSEBL. COMPOSITE COST DATAFY20 MAIN COST DATABASE scluding optional scope of items) ‘Cost session in F¥20 ovae Gost Data for F188) ss fam vee Tepes SST JOR VE POTENT ies) (eaune Faraiamear sr RT RROTR —feanCCRTEOR Ino —jtoost — fos Ir foes inane sPtaes a few) _| SSSeTSRAONES [OHRTTA (REET mo aS ee Ir loon seuss sn few Pare ST Bar| TRUROTRonncceTo, Ino oS ae it Pea no) [scion an, Lewsey aren EER Bee ITA OTR om aR jo foe Yess Ir lie noyasracoon loon PaneiGiarton ax [ROHR TR RACED iio pares — BE Ir fcc anon Sra me pa ana SE STURDTA WaT fers Te tn Paya cruten io, fovea ar DaREaR Bar |TaNROTR [CTR nor iG fseerucsa few) FaaRDn Bar] SS ABT VETO so as — a lpsesrccien en few lovoose aRatoami eae osnestensortrae fengerrese [AOS *oyy fomiesenoommie fio few fe Srna Loin Tee sas [rweerrase 0024, [upto 70 mm? CG catia |No 6 st Joisibuionsoxtras_ {i Pe itetan locos za sears Ines — fr rae [est Toba fom fo |rooe2 [Po Pot Sta Tusa — [tom Iho [eae TPO. ro fs uauar—[m fe [ere [Po Pe fel Tabsar— [ram noses — [PO a ar passa TE Ka fae frare fees ea om rar era jo ames fee Pa rar eam aro pio ee ee fe I a fo fpsce — [esa Is faus—— fess] Foe fps [15 Ine etre less Poe Pos. le Ite |es00 Po Pos Pee. fer a se. Poo era [No —[p000 [eo Poe ee fe Ino fossa Tes Poe PS ri a Pe stow Sec iio [s5 jeer pasa aera sara lear pores — Jae oven amar oa SE aah aaa — ee bsvere rca —|Srow i jo ae [esse pe Ae Werntendi Assistant Executive Engineer, St Executive Engineer. Datibuion Sete, lo Superinte--ding Encineor , € Superintending Ensineeipses tig "Khalin, ining, Distribution $y .tem Plani Distribution System Planning, ., Khalini, Shimla? HPSEB Lid, Khalini, Shim2 HPSEB Ltd Khan: Shimla-2 @ HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATAFY20, MAIN COST DATABASE ‘scope of items) Cost Escalation in FY20 over Cost ata for 8 0) . 56 ro Tie [rt Spee Har eT Rave FAD POTENT lms) leave Sys Pas aa Ba] — PTS aa Ty ma Brana — Rede eesr [Seu Homose [omen sr [uri later eran sn [sears rete Beever rene Jean ome Fea Somer ato esr roe san sae x Paecioe oor ooo RRS ara eee ear sa & Precis — eo Rar aa iar lara — sb & Pcie aCe paca para fee San & Potcie —|SFaet hse fee [ows {eHornet) Sst Pokies Pa PO hse ee lesen xingutser _[Cnoen 2e sty E Pane — [Fe PBC pea Oa sare ee loose ringer [enema ten sey 8 PoE — [Fe PEC Hero OF oa lees [Exingiser [trons a). fsseye Pea —|rve 1 Tp ata a ses eee fesse Exingisher [ono 90 [ssw a Pama — eve YC Tp aD] Ika rae — Tse lesan Exingssber [enna 2st) sacar cr [ase [se seer tr serene ast ese el SSSR soma aaa fart Isses7 — ese sce Secon as ae ei Iu —fasers Jose Sit Seotors Ts a rarer far —|sser7 — [es Stel Sectors [esa reas far [aseoo— fee [wr [asers- ese tet Sections hus cnt oon Siel Sectors Tis cramer fase ere ee Steel Sectors jas Che ee Iuit ssa? — ese homer ena era voo Nn Dn [suitcngearKGas jatanatasecs, Oot ne ooo frsustes (cis) [soe faenan cn [ecrinormara lis [anzzuce [ese Pane Heart nde 4s New Su- ee lewmsocr sss | eimaner wines « suatea cis) fom, Igor soon [Ougangum vere, AS [00 | asta astatane, —frcomar ve 2 oe tgetue tora” [Oogaay veo ovo De stcngear AK Lay Inniancverira [Sadonienrane ths: {is fosoeoon ese lnsuated Panel) [ston SCADA cero ser Tee fects crate peteig [Seacoear eto [THR ie fRecone) resect Ise once [Gcrmmsaion FESR aOR TETRA Ro aTeaar Yee [suaengsar acto fase Irae Recoser recente fra win CPanel & RRR TORRE Olo Supers Dist HPSEB Ltd Distnbution Syst ichiain, Sinan? wo er ExeoHlive Engineer, ‘io Superintending Engineer a a Distribution System Planning, fem Planning, HPSEB Ltd., Khalini, Shimla HPSES Ltd Khalint Shimla-2 HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20, Wan cost DATABASE lung pone auone of toms eet Eran n 12a Got ao FI) 7 i eG TET a eae [sniengeor lsskv ce gen. 200 Ino fzre800 |ro reso ae : [Switchgear [eae [yee eat. Ino [ate0s0 [ro wee EN ee me [Setcnoear 13.56n Oster INo__Jeevse4 fee ey atason pe page eeeces seer eas ses Scans saa —~fobroa pede is boas Sa Sierra sae = laa fey eros aa Sr sx ——fiw ——~Sasror ar ashore em ae aa ems ined ao —— 7 eo ee [sige [a as aet er eae ace ——ew SS er arse Saal Ssaras7 —— gar —— fe pon Sass ——— ja ——[ eer asf —far [amen ar sar fico en apr lease ssssi7§ —— we —fitensene eects Lan Loney te Eee mae bee fer free ahaa enlisore fe ferme amet hs fre fe —— Se pees fe fener a eee eee ae — es eee —— ee frase = a a re rete tentag cepetulehig ery Se ay ee ee, Assistant Ex Olo Superint Distribution ~ HPSEB Lid , Khaini, St tive Engineer, Sf Executive Engineer, 3 Fring Engineer ine Dos, Distribution § er, Ue) iperintending En stem Planning, ag, Distnbution Systens Panning SEB Utd. Khali, Shima miaeg APSEB Lid Khali: Stumiee HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATAFY20 MAIN COST DATABASE 1tuding optional scope oi Coat seston in £20 ovar Cost Data for FY . 8s ae iar eR] FVRT POTERST fe) lean TTS — RATT ES Jemenesyens Jncndaces Yn Heresy ao SDA LY lersiwanedrpn cones sin 004 cesoenis 27" [each apg it fins [ncea ae cn Senge [saamnonerone pant — rm oe —anwras sr — |S prea ee conten sero owen cor fant ea soe Siisatar ome [SOT RS SWNA pm LEST SETS — EE ore sve lmetcaré ators sa aR Tacs apa T — Ten Ino — ese Insuarn vow] Hoon Tea Tae asa? — OT TE Ino ese frodaton Teneo TPs aan gga TT Ikon eae Inedetn Tete ancy ST as Ta ES TOE IR ars Toe eae nis Tao ae Tes [SBT Ino [ies Jose ace Emaar Bear Isat — [Teor [Ese [creer Perrereecteny fs ae 7s a emg RO ops fs Peers Taco a op ee [ees ac ea OT isa pe fe Patera [Rape a aes ima aa ra a faoate 0 oe fart Pensa e-—fesreere Fo Pacorne fart ras oases — fess eaters att eases Ino vosran— [ro ao bart Ponto Oa ito —fiseoom— [po Menara rom co sonst TIN Ino rsa — ee eras) a Fama [ores 0) Ino feo — a Saar fie. [oreo bey teas — [55 Hester aoa — [eon Ito precs—— [eo aor Famaiy [oreo hoje 50 facore Hat —fornoemia Rte fraco0— [ro Hasan Hanaiy—[oraann 0 Ine —fseco — [po Heme Hii —[oriemiacy Io esosrs — Jes iar Hinay —lomosminnoy torres — [ro Pesorne: Hay [orm No rons — [ee ener Hiieay-—fornrominco No ]rore ese Son he oa sinenis Assien EX fr Eeenutva Srproor, Disouton Sere Poe Yo Suparint= Sto Sussrintend 7 RPset ing, Bietom rice, us : auing Engineer ‘S&B Lic, Khalini, Shimla-2 Be 0 Sstom Fr: 223 Lid, Knits, St DE eae ng. Shima Oe, HPSEBL COVPOSITE COST DATA FY20, MAIN COST DATABASE f ‘optional scope of item {eat Escalation n FY20 over Cost Data for F18(%) ss ia Thee Boar Tao Sao TORE Raa FAT OTE fs) (eeu [raceme ea SRR GB, Ineo — ese eu aE ay sa er Prins Fuga [pawn ony TE Ine Foe Parton basa —— [TRA omy INo—[as700 fn aay —— [oreo OoY No Fsraee analy [oreo oor No oeear ana —— [ores INo—fsroeza aaa —fomesnaIoT No oteas a No pariar Panaw — [oT OPT Ino saeee faa TROY ie — fsa feunaiy——[sereraaay Ne arareo Papal —— [semana INe—Jasere SU Ine [06975 ia er oe [wt — 2000 cr feswe an) — fer, arb Iut_—e2000 it FSG ej — [ee Dp It — ozo a [8 SRG 7H tor Sree GavaSee nT — [79680 it FHTOSWa rump [sy Sen Gaenane AT —|PAO aed | ea = : Woe Assistant Executive Engineer, =, uperintending Engineer Ofo Superin' Sr ExéCutive Engineer, Distribution System Planning, lo Superintending Engireer HPSEB Ltd... Khalini, Shimla-2 Distribution System Plenty, PSEB Lid Ki rr) Z-elwiys “meyy "PT BaScH “BuNuLe}g WaIsKg voNNgUISIg s90ui6u3 Bulpueywwodng ak SEMIS tue pr ga “Buu 192u/643 upg ISH ulaiSAS LonngUisig TT ET RIOT ST HS TST NT TELT OT [eeu feces fo dooe ieee eden ee maT ETT, s9e7 OFZ seve josere josss Wve eobLs Lyset o£9au eee ee i" fee ote | uounauisic Ob ‘A EZ OLE "WAN £°9 JO} 1800 ParEWNST iz YORBINBYUOD | ors sear _faesere force fons _[onsn, [ovez fouwse oor | rose sori srzeverz _usea [owes __[oneetr [ooo nee [roca | cao | pou apa vore ww sy mmo soma See error ectora onsoo [woes __[nsowe for avez __fosea | ©0508 | panonsoaro vuns'wna ems noo mane oma Se eae er sess fesseser —foicer foone —_foaser _fomsr fens overs | onze | sow ans 0 800 xen ts neue eens) @ re Seta sea 1 a pune vem oer erie frescie forse fonizor —[occvnn [onue [ovo [econo | verzne Gabacviael 2 rato 1 9 pun EI Se1 guy |ezsoezy joszez> —Jorreg jozgatiz Jozvas jzzzie jexrooe | estzeat 7 reves eceee forex oscoz _fooazor forse fearce —lovecee | oracea : ows avve iverne —fosezie onesr —_fovoro onooz foc [rssce | sonseo y er oxia Javeeos —foccss ousoo —_fostonce oncos feos foosrr | exes ° oes arse fseuses —faczore fase fouoon, fossse —|osnio _loveac. | 250015 | say omnes nemasaet 2 (Gear aes oo jorrrwee |izoecez—foesoe fsiso —fosasis fovoee —|acsrs lovee | casos ware foeaenna| a = ssufes [oumeoro| cues | te) vasa 28 ,| Boouane| seo] aS ere x sea” | as @ so] ‘iow Ts0o lovaisav zpuiys “Guluuelg pi "Pr] g3SdH 5K UOHAAEISIG ‘ecu soc boo Pape EUEPS FATT SECS TROUT] WO 73] soe wusey |ezzeuszy jozosizr jorsbis joorozeat Jozazar joocesy —foovseez ‘fe / 8g zeUIOoU) A> €¢ O(BUIS WAH) (rOUUO;SUEL| JOWOR FYI} EE wo wens Ye tune tay ome my ens a — oo fof TTT ROS NT TT uoTENTHNG|T por ses sues fovses soos foese enor free forse | su fervere zor fone fro oes ow [over foe TORT HEROD EATOTAS RONEN ST TTD Bay sverez0 — |eezez joosz oor jozezt fone Joab jezez N02 5 VONDAULOD aS /SO ONAN IST AY SEO 'O-E (a) ‘nr soos Sawai BBBNONN ArEeEO fewes ones four fuoce for for fans ane g iu ae aaa —a sosealtes ‘rates [eonsnmaco| ten [ae | vases), 268. | eegtanel ea TER " iba” | 1s0| ‘ioe HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 ‘CONFIGURATION 4: (38 KV LINE) costData A) Estimates Gost fer Kel: For 33 KY Single Circuit Line on Sinale Pole Structure (Dolta Formation) using Ce sm" ACSR SHIA 72 contivous earth wi 1 (assis in reese upto £00 kg 20 / Snow Long: Moser; Span Mave or, S961 78; Rng ‘sm, Saget 20) ‘Coat Escalation F¥29 over Cost Data for FY h) : se s rao | um | ay | onstim [ones Js Descitionoftem ate] uni (rovese) a eer [| RaR ETT oom Trae Tener eme | Tae] Ka | am] ae] PO ‘dior (Sen, smecg are waste + Ste! Tbulr Pees (11m, WerkingLovd> 227k wit RulngSea0 {gg consul P| ‘rem, 10M. Rano’ and 9 No Gouda Pow Gone End Succ) welt er in | re wah core ie] |e | “Ran Tro! Stuctuos (A Fomration en Sle Pate Scuoe (Rept Tan (10) No, Runshroogh Sst par Kn) a] Arms: Chanel on 00503 mm} Langt¥826 mrt Soe No Stuctsoe : ver} et TS Aria TOSS we Leng FY OSU a TONE. al Saeco Sf Srucus ‘2m le S38 Pr rast unr 7 TOW 9 Nope aed aisal sal seoeasd eee: [2 Pot tp Becta (On sng Pla Seacue) _we [| [Veo] eae fF 7 Desa eva Stucturs: (opt tires (3) Ne pera on Daub Pas (Pree ng rod ee 3] Bet Set-R Ang on 85858, Loe 600 2 Na za] om | oe | atti] et BRIG SETS Rg Tn BSS an TOD wm CE NGT cal eT) ear {a (ovzaral)- WS Chanel oo: 1OOKGO, Leva ROEM | ——asel om | ver | soe! Emr 2h ap Osc nso Seng saa on Deadend aucune orgtengsne | ——ay7e] Sa Saat) Dioxin each sung, Perel 5, 12K, 0 aK) meuang Deas End Clanps ec) (Me coneuce) x 2 Noses) ‘SEY Pin realtor (Porn, 98H, TORN] Nowa Base PAE mates i] FO irate le | Sty cay arargoniont ‘Slay ae copes inal reapoc No /Sigla PN Tae ral be of Siar comet Cc Dl Say wee 78 00) ODS RB SoD alg to | rates 0 q Fr EE ache (Gl, 6 SW) (nate 2 wre engihe an Adina Ne scree aes eee ae (S59 ona wosiago i "501g ye Hock ears Bee Eat ala or sto quo zane 5 72] Bee is Ae eh 30100, [Lori RUNS 1000 Fa Daae TOT eel | 28 | ea] est ‘ule aed Sate of Varove Svs (Gavared/ Cooled Preteely 10 wl xs [ose | oreo] = rm 8 of more (wah i nd epeng water] Ha Garos [On Douio Poe stucre: 2 No, OF Se POR Sail neo -tsa| asses cee stucsus 1 . Fualanps: (On Soule Parse GN, Oa Siglo Poa uses: No] zal no | ze | to] Barbed wie ae aos | ara ager Pte RIAN AT a zal Aum Pant ia] tir] Seo — Tooe0| “ed: (Cos ssa Opional Sub Cordguralons Paculed as pot x ‘She Coreitons (euch as Guayig fr Road Cressg. pole ucts fo 0% spans ele nt Hele oe Per Ka), Estimated Costof tema | adr [Cont OpbonalWacetanssus Tare Picasa Gear TEP ae] V0] OAR) Teh retina hee (Per rn) (ater Jsteton anda Repo) TOTAL ESTATED COST of WATERAL™ Tea wor asst aie Ey inser, on, Superinnding Engineer or a eee Distribution System Planning, c Jon Syston Pee” HPSEB Lid, Khalin, Shimla-2 7 tem Pisin Hirst bos 7 2 “PSES Ltd Khalin: Shunies i) HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 ‘GONFIGURATION 1: (83 KY LINE} ost Data ‘Ay Estimated Cost (ner Km): [For 23 kV Single Cieult Line on Sinale Pole Structure (Dat 0n| using Conductor (Doa 100 mm" 4.72 and Double continuous ea p/p ene La Sprn. Fo Lee Sar saute Spans! G4 Fors we! Sew as a ea pn sgn cs fa ea: Maca tS =t re Rng See Bo, age 18) ots ae tts xe ah ew wr eager eeseuse soen a) sare of ea oem Napa ten Sgt 7 m ang Sr Se 1 hips eae sO tne sab pore ecg 318 Sub Eten of cpio > 1S me ‘Snlusow my be etre nen ne pseeagh aston Maks Sate aba eae a sae 1 POC Pos W Beans BT Bobs ter ses yb usa pH cers CegPrcing of Sil Te Poa ae 1 Cue Fig rte ee Cart Ot Ware eo a tem 7 Wan esti Sed ra Shave penn ha Cnn stove age cpa sng, an Lert pas Regen ‘ersonan spe fen essay aha 4 fw sce toe ptr 1 For eee ce parsing 1 areas nurs ay res Covel Sema eter my be eens ‘Sl net ssn unre Osa sow A ay eed ware ve sae ~ Gnatutaa taans (rae Ag ni tr) Sor ene ws fe rh a bene he suey 8} Optional Scope of tame i netuded ie stint: Refer Main Cost Database {8} ™ ADD: Adstional Charges ard Tas (heeding Overhoud Charge}: RetorAnnerura's* The nape pets se soos ot ED Saas The esac art re 2 eiccnm mera IC drama narnia pe ad) NA etal oe) anc Engineer Distribution System Planning, utive Engineer, i ig Engine Blo Se: enecr Distauiton Sysiom Pisnning, APSEB Lid, Khai, Shimla? Poses acetone HPSEB Ltd “Khatiny Snumise os) HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FYZ0 ‘CONFIGURATION 2: (35 kV LINE} Botner Gon tase ery tect eis ean oe ae eee : 1 une: Wn pros yo 0 oh: aS Led Nase: Sn 8, 825m CoetBacaldo nF ovr Con at fo FY) Seite ia] : an} orscitin tian rove | une | ox fst [ores SSM} 1 ROSRETIATS (TOOT) aUTes 9 RUIN RAGRETTSOS | read em | oe | gamle [| adsense 16 Sag. tmperig and wastage) ree = Jp | 2 Sto! Tutsar Fes (11 m, Working Loaa> 227 X(aith Rlng Span Sm, 10No Run tv and 3No Dees Ene Suse) 5 [> ware win concrete rg wen] te | | ann] eee ‘Run Thre’ Structures: (Horacnal Formation) on Double Pole Structures (adopt Ten (10) No. Runhrough Structures per Kin - “clea: [MS Channel en (F00A50e6 mn, Leng080n] x 10 No, vere] no | 28 | aeeas4] Po sce] m | sito] rza:] ext Die nultr Sting (Su slo ses: 3 No, Discs in each sina vb] *Porelsn CT, 12RV, 60 AN) clung dood ond cares etch 20e4) No | co | tz0040] ext (Sings eect: Sho conducts) x2 No tide) / Dead srcnres, ce] beat set-ms Anat rors esx0845, Length 800mm x2 No} zo) m | sr20 | —77ee] eat ¢| _>cBreang Set-MS Angie Fos 6Dx60N0, Length (700.2 NO} te] m | os | tosee] es [5 | Desd Ena Stactres (Adopt re (3) No. por Kn) en Double Foie “refer slong road eid) 4] Bot Sot-S Anglo ten: 883868, Lngts [1600 me x2 No ao] m | 8 20] Eat B]__seBrscng Sat MS Angi on S095035, angi [2700 mm x2 No ww] om | sii0] eat i Were’ - iS Channel won WES, Leva (acoso Deas = : | am sm | v0 | toseel cee ‘is susie Sing (Ste) se: 9 No, Diem in wacn sting: af" orwein 85, 12 RY, 80k ncualng Dead Ena Camps ete) x cc ee (Girge Cicit 8 No. conactrs) x (2 No. ses) Dead Structures {SRV Pan scias (Pan, JOH TOW) Ss pa Soul pe a se] no |e ‘s2zq| PO ‘Stay | Guy Arrangement 2| Stay eotcompiotoin al roopact (2Na/Run ve &4No [Osea tna) | eos] No |e | creole [Stay Wr 7400 re) (00 tg Poe Stay Se 7a|_Ka_[ p80 | ar07a| —F5 Earthing al HT eannig ea congo, Tie] Ne [ sas eae Earth wire (6, 6 S¥%G) (nudes 2 wwe legis and Adan aa ast tech PL Sag and masse) 150 Kohn ka | sco] raves] we ef eye Honk fo ear re ne | asa) Eee al cart Reel ZI No | 372] ese o| MS Angi on Sox8ox6,Langth [909 mm) vec] m | os] or] ex Ta¥ daros [On Doub Pole Dead End cbucurs Ne, Daas Pale}, eae in Tir etre: aN] ula Neste eee Fa clamp. [0 Dobie Pla Dead EVE Buea NO, DoF aes} ng | ge | vasool ea Fun Ti! sce: dN] Fo | Nes and Sols of Various Sas (Gaharised Coaze [Pros 18 = rome or more (uth fat and spring washer) Sess: eee Fa [ eres wre 7a we | a 5760) Ese [io | —Dsnger Pe OSRDOX Em) Tail ne|_10, "210) ese 3 | —Alraniim Pane sis{ “ue [10 iso} — Wee “Ade: [Cos ot easaval Oplonl Sub Cankiguaians Requed aa pe je | Ske concitens (suchas Guarang x Road Cosing, 4 poe erucres| B foro apart rot nhs re) et Kn) Ealimated Gost of te materiel Fas TET “Ade: [Cost of Opinsl NScotaneocs lame [roscive Gear TEP) 7 5 | notincced her} (Per Ken (Aor Jutiaton en wth ASB 10%] oor a : TOTAL ESTIMATED COST of MATERIAL” Tax] > reas Assistant Executive Engineer, or = , Superinlerding Engneer Oo Superint= ding Enginger, : wyhisv Distribution System Planning, : Distibutios: ©, ming, aseribution Systan Pes, HSE Ltd. Khalini, Shimlac2 HPSEB Lid , Khaini, Shimla-2 — HPBEB Ud Khaline So a Assistont Executive Engineer, gineer, HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 ‘CONFIGURATION 2: (93 KV.LINE) Cost Data A) Estimated Cost (per Km fFar 23 kV Single Circuit {SC} Lino on Double Pole (DP) Structure (Horizontal tmation|: using Conduetor (Don 100 mm" /ACSR 6/4 ‘Double continuous Earth wir ‘4 me'san Seq stan ao fev Spans Foren Lv Sparen Span Sage, For Kas what eS (ance sent assay san 2 secs eases Max Spae alm, S99 2.7m alg Sea NC ‘Seg Bo, For nse ha Eaton sec wor ge) eaten saan of ‘em some’ se Spr lm, Saq=2.5m Ru Soars Yom, Sage 177) "ger cand aes Les referer es 38/1 Sb Slaten of capaces>1SMVA nse ‘incre ny be retro re a voigh es wipe, ARS cones aoe Used la Se + PCC Poles, Beams, ST Peles ihe azes may buses sper ale omits Dimes ot ie Ter Poss 2 conte ing nt aces av Cos Oat Ware Mas ert tows ay aptercancng * Uaeal earl dee En Ses eget en Ste Coane sth aap ran age, No el Sans lps pe, ‘er cig pane ec Were ecenayandjoied Sore Sch sel be For ester acs er, IV Gee Dee estes mayb psn Compile Perini ay a be ‘Sete last ua Soyo ene, Cars sgh sod er vernal ‘On sch set es (Cham age an Fat), eres of) ron se ie tong ha Bee Ala nie ony. 2) Optional Scope of ome fnchded in Estimate: Reler Main Cost Datsbase (©) ADD: Asaitonal Charges ana Taxes (eiusing Overhead Chargesy efor Annenure At 1) oes Tne Mat! Egenn postions sal cnx ralan6/IEC Stade Toe Corson ig 3K In lca nrosvan Re stance sngraption Bo a1 uh haan Bho GEA ec sea) ae eat Superintending Engineer ang Engineer Distribution System Planning, Distribution System Planning, 7 HPSEB Lid Khali Snimio2 —“PSEB Lia, Khalini, Shimian ay HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 ‘CONFIGURATION 3: (33 KV LINE! ost Data A) Estimated Cost iper Km): [For 33 KV Double Circuit (OC) Line on Double Pole (DP) Structure /ertical Formation); ui (Dou : 100mm!: ACSR 6/1/4.72) 2 ‘continuous Earth wie] : (assume: Wend pressure upto 100 kg Ie0/ Snow Loading: Maerate; Span (axe 100m. Sage 20m; Rulng= Bom, So 198m) ‘Cost Escalation In FY20 over Gost Data for FY‘ (6) . 56 ‘Seas lsx.| —noscitin ot tam rat» | unt | ony [Soe Sorece TAGSR 671-72 (LOOmT (nce 8 conductor engine for ‘30 and Acconal 1% (S99, Jumporng and wastage} * Stoo! Tubular Poles (18 m, Working Load > 27 ¥g) (wih rsa70] xm aos | 445220] Po fz | Fusing Span 80m, 10 No. Run tho! and 3No. Dead =nd | 2850] No [28 | goa100] Po Structures) [5 — | Muts win concarete Tg Tei7| Ne 25 | e707] eae Run-through Structures (Vertical Formation) on Double Js | Pole Structures (Adopt Ten {10) No. Run-through Structures per Kn) - Xr [MS Channel Fron100s80e mam), Lenght 6080 mi a] <3 No (or two circuit Let and Right / Pun Trough 06] m |oaso| seer] est Structure b] SSKV Fin insulators (Porcla, SBR. TORN) Upper Clear 3 No. conductors) Run Through Structure Bolt Sot - MS Angle Kon 65x65, Length [FSOO HMRI Nol | ager SS rece Kor soa Loran TOOHRZ Toe) fosao | rosea] et TS Dead End Structures (Adopt roo (3) No. por Kip oa Double Pola (Profar along road sida) Bell Set- MS Anglo Fon: GEGENs, Longhh [Teo MD zo] m farz0] — 7760) eat | No) zo] jose | zeaxf ew of FRscia S-MS Aoal on SOG TeaMTETCO MINX] seal my frog | avo] et eA (odzanta) - WS Chan Fon: 7255, Lengih 7 [612050 mn / Dead Stross! "A Discs insulator Sting (Star) sale: @ No. Discsin each a|__Sting: A%Percelsn, 85, 12 kV, 3D kN) inching Ossd Ene x96 m [ose0]° 22100] est Camps etc) x Left and Right Greuts:6 No. conductors} | 778] Set J5# #17480) Est @.No. sides) Osan Stuctures GL SERV Fin insustors (Porcalamy, 26 KV, TONY Let ane Fight Cuts: 6 No, conductors) Dead End Structure sao] No [ts soe cen le “Stay 7 Guy Arrangement ‘Slay sot complete inal peel GNo. OP Srustue) 08| Ne [52 | —ai00] Ee [Stay wie (71400 mm (8.0 bg Pex Stay Sa) 7a] Kg [465 | 24236) FO fF [earthing al HT carting eat conpiata Tse] We [1s] — ws] Ee Earth wire (Gi, 6 SWG) (nudes wie engine and bl Adsional 1% (Sag and wastage) 160 ig/hm PSE sera (ener [eet ee ee | Eye Hook for earth wie aan 6, Tosa] — eee ‘| earth Reet 2a] ho [26 Sra] ese 2] _MS Angle Fon: 50e80%6, Length 9200 mm iso] _m_fs368] 6007] Est al clamps [On Dead End suctro.2N, Run TH all 7 le | facares co 144] no fos | 12304) es Ful dams: [On Doad End sructure: TONS, Rov To" x ae 20} se fro 7500) est ‘Nuts and Bol of Various Sizes (Galvanised / Coated) [1° | roterably 16:mm @ or mare (wth at and epring wasnersy}| °°] KI [7 ere ate fra_| —Sareed wi al Ka. 150 7a] Eee [12 | Danger Piats BOOOOKT OR Fi] No [10 i210] Ese fs_[__Alunoaium Paint sis} ur [10 3iso aR. k= ae o / Aasitnt Executive Engineer, St EX8CUtive Engineer, ‘Superintending Er Ste Sern Engineer, ie Superintonding Engineer Distribution System Plann 9 ‘bution System Planning, HPSEB Lid. Khalini, Shimlor2 f Hr Svat, Nasi Simla HPSEB Uti natin Shumse) HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 cow 11994 LIN Cost Data A) Estimated Cost (per Kin: t(D Line on D ruta Verical Formation si tr: (Don 1mm: ACSR 6/1472) and Double sontvous Earth wil ‘At [08 of Optional ers Regard es pr Sto js | Contos (cna Guang fer Rowe rosso oe x Srotueso €0° eon fe de hr Po RM) inated Con of ie Ta [oat of Opal catneas Tare RET ls. | Gear TAP a) no ntaod here (ery (er so Ssticate anc a Apa TOTAL ESTIMATED COST of WATERAL™ Te Span Sag shown ar Ll Se For Nn val pane ann Sara ape Fr Aes were 1s Sousa oar ee gan abn ni suas Spe nS 2m, ng Systm, Sogn) for oar ae tot ee A {angi ncaa ang tn snes SiS) * ier coms sl pte dg 8/1 HY Sb Stor ots VA, es SExy tector yon tes tegen XAG cance betel + Lt Stace PO Pleo Ba ay bed a pe condor frog pea Dng ‘Pango Ss sae are tay et » Comoe Fig ntnsnin tr Ow i Wwe i ote we may sre "eo ext baa ta Sten pn cn te Condon sina range, tone Spas ane Roe Stang et near ate rte a mare * Fer Lett Degas, 18 Vil ay ore Conese Peers ey stotaprteec atl ston eat Sram ond mas Ba afte ye TRasove tase + Oven so te Crs Age sn Ft. cf) mente a enh ae Soacces tcoat ©) Optional ope ome Gt inded in Estimate: Rote ala Cost Daabese ©} ABD: Adaiional Charges and Taos (nusing Overhead Charges]: _-Refr Annexe‘ ©) ok Tn sora guimentspsteso ht covemte reat /iE¢ unas. The esto’ 13 oD so a 2 sera tans lr Sar a 8) SEC foots! sand) Repunen 210 anentona or Assistant Executive Engineer, Sfg gecutve Enameer, Superintending Engmeer E Eoaice uperiniending E Distribution System Planning, Oo Superintensing Engineer, BS, ginger 7 Relctrattatied 3 Distbuien Sysem Panning, HPSEB Li. Khali, Shilo? HPSEB Lid , Kisani Uo Khalin’ Shimiana HPSEDL COMPOSITE COST DATAFY20 IGURATION 4 (14 AV LINE) cost bata A) Estimated Cost (ger Km) mer on Sin Ei ing Cond 00m ay contin wie * Gate: Vd preeire t 00 ka fe Srom Loa: Madero Span ex 10 S62 50m Rage ‘om, Sagem) Cost Eeclaton in F¥20 over Cost Data forFY9%) . ss = Deaton Fae ak [a oon | Cea ne IRsiram | ote! su [| SER BATE Tota Yoowles OAC NGS IO BETTE ya caliteendie tise linge eng, oe ° [, | * sie Tutt ce (1, Wong ead» 27 wm (wt Pn Sano | ae 2 un bo a No, Dobe Pl ews Er Stren) lie ota fo fz [ ea near ig ear] Nee | aa [, | * Run Teo Srutures (a Fornatiny on Saas Poe Saree REG Noa ough Sots pr = [reer [hane! on (00:ox8 mn eng iorojmnxBeiicure | ve] _m | oon | seeal = | “age en 6 Hn Lg STeR E ‘ae ae | ae e| ob Tepes ‘ea Noo] tae er el TH in ts PRT HT TOS opr pS ae ‘4al “ne[ a] a0] Ee Jp [= Des nd Strcturon (ot reo). pre} on Seti Pots (ar sng en a] Ba Sts Ta Og OE ENS aaa [oe |e er i] “esi St MS Ange For Sood, Leng RE STS] ‘o2[ mse] ger et «| acm erat) MS Chant: 00K80, Leah 240 mmx@Naj | 206] _m [1920] exer] ca J Dax nr au on Dad Ea svicro osaany To Ds | Sporcian. 98, r2 tv, S01N) mcg ess EnoCampe te)» Ka, | 930] ct | 19 | aera] et centr) (20, 88) [itv en isuaors Poca 1200, 19m 9Hoper owe paemcum| sea] vo | 0 | ol eee Je—|- ry (say ransom Saye TER OT | lw [a | wml ee | Seu) Sy Wire TRV EO Pel Say ea | a | a Ps ert Ti org a coma Fe a Soe Controvs ar wo OLE SAG) Tg Tae GU ETS | onerond conan @ 20m and Attest is Sagenduasien) @OMG2 | 62l xq |resus| st] et ‘sim e[ ccsstecnga cia awoyizzmaene@zmapcraescziem | a] wa | cee] ves] ex le Rosh eaae as | eae oleae Wis Cae Ze Nes[_1-| a] — es TS Ang SOT, Lang 72 Tor Raed oes fem ase eral et Tat alr [Onn Tes sake eW9] we [80 | —aavel ese o_[ Racin Or nie Puls edt ttre BroFOR PATHE] ace | ap | seum] ex fi | srg Pe OTE wae se ee ant Ete Vara Szos(GOTENS Oma TGRRIT TENTS | sel ag [as P eneol EE [| crmae chat rang water] Far [sates ie 7 ea] al ee fs [Aisin Pam Bs[ ue [ae as) ‘a ost of SSS OPI BIE ora PET pS % Cantons (suas Guatg fer Road oer pow sce Fs 0? otter] Pr] Estmstod Goa of stot a |e ee ast Optone Nir oarean Tar (aCe Gar, PR HST —| THOR 2 Indes ee mn er aston en 0 RT eae ar a {Th Span Sea sown eer Lave Spans. Fen Lav! Spare aos Spare Gap For Ae at ee So oar 30 enortecaat span any ames ts Snsra span 18mg 02 nua Sane Sah BE) eras whet Ente wom wack cocsci seach esate aa ‘evans £00, Sag "2.65 Rua Sane Yo Boge 1 77m) * hho coat see 0 Ln anal be race 4 KY Si ison capes »400 KYA ie ‘ons maybe fceton ros an ire aera MAAC caso ue ng es +800 Pls H Bans, ST Pols oper say be wad apse sanaons fmf ray edn co oh ‘soe arcang set Bring Patent Se Tusa Poe ats ges be Assistant Eccutve Engineer, Gio Supariniessing Engineer Distribution tein 9, HPSEB Lid | Khaini, Shimla-2 Slo Suy Sr Executive Engineer, Iperintending E Distnbuton Systom Plame WSS Ud shan Shia2 SupernishifG Enameer Distribution System Planning, HPSEB Ltd., Khalini, Shimla-2 ning, ” » ° > HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20, (CONFIGURATION 4: (14 RV LINE! Cost Dats Estimated Cost (per Km): [For 11 kV Single Cteult [8C) Lino on Single Polo (SP) Structure (Dota 5 (Dog 100mm": ACSR 614/472) and Single continuous Earth ‘io On sucha snl error ne Fl) oar of) een ners fh anne aan cece ey. + se tet Oud ne ttre dopo Se Cordon ich 95 ae Sen ergs, No Love Sans ce oe, ing pute resem ante epee tchwer hal pte, + ucrpr srg 15K Gar Due ruins ry be pelos: Conpets Peyere oramey aoe perl obo nr Show ed rae es eng a6. my bs aud urate ar eae Cptions Scope of tama (if lnokuded in Entimat} Refer Main Coe Databaee *~ ADD: Aadtonal Chagos and Taxes (nchsing Ovemead Charges): Refer Annexe ak: Themters Een pesto aa one reve 8/IEC Sar. The Const’ 207 Inet caino ove sande ar oles 9021 unde Cag VP a GEA Teri san) Feeuten 210 andanendeneris bra a dye vy Assistant Executive Engin lo Superintesci Distribution Sys HPSEB Ltd __ St Executive Engineer, ‘Superintending Engineer Oo Superintending Engineer _ Distribution System Planning, Distribution System Planning, HPSEB Lid., Khatini, Shimta-2 GRE, HPSEB Lid Khalin: Shimiacp wy PSEBL COMPOSITE COST OATAFY20 cont sot wy Ly ost oete 7 ce 1 Double Gs : er £00 mt nd Ea * yas: io pease it 10 8G 2 Gow Leaang Mest; Span Mn Lr, Sap 219m: Rng Om, Saoe em) ‘Cost Escsation’n £Y20 ever Cost Ste for FYE) a6 7 ition ve foxy [eastae Fed Descrip rae fume Jory fear I | SRST TE TOO ay eae oa NSE TT ERAT | Toad | cor | amc {90 (Gag. umpeny on tgs) 7 [Rear Poe nei SS=TRIT WHAMESSOA| ered nw | aa oad [s | was wn eoncerein ag Tei] te [26 aia] lz | eat Set vi Ange wor SG gin TENT v22[_m | aoe] rea [> | eracg Set Ange nus eng (225 mx TROT Ta] —m [aaa | Tone] fe] ee oczntay175 Cont ron TORRE, Leg ETAT men TR sd/--u-t | eas ceeeanet ‘iyo 0}e/Deod 9 Ne) ise nit et on Grad ng uc avenge De ‘sorely, 68 12H, 0:0) mcang Bead Ered Cape si 3 No soe] see | sa | aetae] ex eng) Nae) [o—[— i hv Pn ncaa Peaan 1M Sopa 7 [> [ir sty uy aranaement Sia et compen al ospon (NT ATT ele || Say Wie 15 ne) (3g Pray Sa 2 fo [esa aH eng a cae | ea] | See Coton cami (6) 851) fawn twretrgte tora. | gal yy | osce| ants! um roaseroserg a 2m ana aoa (gas waren 1 9.02 Hn 2] Goer Langs (a # NG) ZB nna Nee @ TR Hal PDO ale ae aa @| Eye rea areatn re zal wo | | tee of cath vie Came 79) ne [13 rl ee i Agi er: 2, eng PATO Te OST HE gl no a58 Tae fer | Hat torpe [aor Tvo sive] ‘ano a9 [oreo ea fz[ at saps [on Dead Ene stacars101G RATS aE A] eo _he_[ 70 [Treo — et f_[ camer ai anc Gri ro RED Teal es fa | is ses vaws Sens (Gahanaed Cou Oe | — aol va Tye Teal eee nar fh ft ig vases) fs [artes vite lta _| | tel ee fs [Aur Part Biel te_[ as | ete) ae ‘Ra Cos of ext Opa SHE Cogan Rare pat Ss Cenaons (ana Cam Road Cronin, ce Hare or 0 oar , sac ot tas re Pay Estimated Gost of star 3 ‘ed (Cost cf Optra mazaarnor Tae Prom Cow, TGP | son | oad aw P aazel race nt] ar ne ete th | sony TOTAL ESTINATED COST of MATERIAL ™ Tale gS ape, Faroe eee ofa gm oni ee up aoa as me Sb Oh S}EzFm Rang sporeeon Sato) “pesca re ree 19H a apse 00 ie eta a 2 are ie eo ral wna opr "Usa nr ic pr Cr ns aN Sn Re pa "Fer crag PGC ye ti Can Pap ry eet a ‘Onavsur dal tore (Gun, ns) ence SOvm en wn be ehh eka 13) Optoma Spe of tes i chute in Etenate Refrain Gost atbace ©) * AOD: ational Crarges ana Taxes (clang Ovmeae Charges): Rote Annes D) ae Maes gunn gear sa i et IEC Sante Te Cons eget SK at Sry ts ire 8 snc erp Soo tance pr ana nec Rape an a Distribution System Planning, HPSEB Lig, Khaini, Shimiar2 Sr-EXecutive Engineer, fo Superin’ Ofo Superintending Engineer Distribution §, Distribution System Pianning, HPSEB Ltd, Khaiini, Shimla-2 HPSEB Ltd Khalint Shimia-2 Assistant Exéet wp -HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 CONFIGURATION 6: (14 KY LINE wi AB Cabin. ost bata ” fo (SP) Structure; using A run wth Bare Messenger x 2 Cabes] * Basan: vrei op 10k on Stow Lnang nara: Spe ae Ba, Sage 190m: Rugs 01, Sane 03am ‘Gost Escalon n FYE over Gost Data for FB (1) - oe ai s feos in Deseription rate fon law oreeer Ne. i TRV AS GRE SEE TORT F EC re a + | RESO ROR mT Cae aes ease | eises} om | aaz | sowie exe 2 | 7 soe Tar Pasa Wag Land BOT) a 3 | Tne win ene fre 1or7|_ne [9 | smi] ee [Sy Sa Cane wo no | se see) ese [Sy We (8-5 my Og Per Bay Sa alka [199 | vse] Po. [Fes Gamp ery ovo | sa e250) ex | um teeta - 5 Carton TONS, Laub DD TA] sool_wu [76 | azs) ea [Hat Gap forces Am Er I [Aner sey fo HT so|_no|_s4_[ red) eae [Siegen Asani or HT weno | 32 | e000) eae 34 | out Gesiabe Svaii Trooh Jorg Re ‘ol sa | 2 [tooo] ex 7 [Cate Tein wooo] se 4 [aeome| ee +3 | Toma mn soo] se [2 [om — ex 14 | HT Eating so compe zo] no | 30 [coor] eae 75 [Abr ae Ea ‘A: Sol of Een Optra ub Congr eakeds ‘anton ssh se Gurdg fe Raed Creeaing 4p Se | strstncudes ere (eR ‘Aa Gol of Orbos Weel Tavs Pama Gow, EPEAT | sox Two] o | aeanl neat ee] Ken Ar itn se ere TOTAL ESTIMATED COST af MATERIAL ~ om] + es 1 Te Span Sg tuner Leper Forbin Lev Spree Sona /Sap Fer enw ron Se. ‘Rca s/s fata mapa oe Sapct on Rapae Sa nFc a arena ico oi’ w nary (ey eta ata a wee ccm earn MOSH Sart ap 550 1 SC mane Homer, St PObt tha eerie te Fr sicanson Ding cargo Sl Tue Pone 8 (nso de teehee) Orn oye Bn ctf hae ncn eae Comte nue of ST ©) Optona cope of ans i nce a Estat otra Cost Onabase (©) * ADO: Addiiont Chagos and Taes lung reread Charon Rater Annem D) Ase; Metra Eaomentapeorasons econo rehwr S/IEC Ses. Th Cena na 33s lt tere REE namaes wean 0 1 ae Cape Pats) CEA Teo Sarum) Repsces 21a oars “oe Eng gnee! : aw Ofo Sapa eget alae ‘Superint inee tending Engineer Distribution Syaral \sareet Distribution System Planning, ‘SEB Ltd Khalinn Shimia2 HPSEB Lid., Khalini, Shimia-2 HFSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 ‘CONFIGURATION B: (30 LT LINE} ost Data 4) * Estimated Cost (per Km: [For 30 LT Line on Single Pele SP) Structure (Vertical Formation); using Condutor (Doq/ 100 mm? /ACSR._ 6/4/472) and Single continuous Earth wired (assume: Wind pressure plo 100 gin, fo2/ Snow Load Moderete : Span (Maks 70 m. Sage 23 Rulng= 67m, Seg= 138m). ‘Gost Escalation in £20 over Cost Dat for FYB (k) . 56 coat in OD Basis isn Description rata Junie Jory | Cost” |(povese fesu ee) TRESH ETAT (loom [ses Semndiaarangha TORT | rarol am Laan] gamer 1a Ascona 3 Sag, dumpanng and vase) aioe ae 5] RCSR 6/783 (Bore {Neutral conductor muting TSB, coal teat 7 P| _sumpering a wastage) fe cee ta [Sse Tor Pls fm Wang ToaD™ ATT OF BH onal no | ve | vera] PO ute wah eonesroe Bing Tai7| Weis | poss) — eae ‘Ange ron (x75) (Leng 15 AB 400|_uis_[250] e000] — Est ‘Shack havior (184) '35[_no_| 60 | 2100] exe ‘Dron (U- Clap) Es Ear Koo Tino [1-165] ese Tr Say set Talo [12 | 7958] — Eee ‘Stay Vite TB ay (ED KG Per Say SoD T4l_Kg_|_ 72] 523] FO fio | Kana 1c aif No [72 [1572] Fs [ft | Ful clamps [aNoTerAe TN er Stay So 250] No_[ 4s | 17080] eat [r2 | Earing Sotcompirs i0|_No[ 6 | 680] se arty wre (G8 SG) anal Gag ana wavaga) @ O02 ea) we bao) eer] ewe |_tgim ‘Soci Tie 2a we | eo Ee Tuts and GOR of Waroos Sans (Gavarisod/Coaea) PrORTADN T® | — ao] cg | 28 I nox tare (wih Rat and sing washers) Alar Pat ial ce [ais] 7088) wa Spiel PVE Spacer w2[No [90 | 1009) ex "Ad: {Coat of Es86"Ha! Opiova Sub Configusons REGIE a5 ‘Sho Condtons (such as Guaraing fo Road Grosing, Osea Ee x Seucturos not nctused ere Pee Ke) Estnstog Cost of Watorat x [aa ‘Add: [Goat of Optonal Wecatancous le (Protocive Gaar, TEP et) . net includet here) Per Kr) (fier Jutieaton and with Aperovay | *O% | 014 an "TOTAL ESTRIATED COST of MATERIAL = 1 erst! Foren mayb ep hare aceasary * is one tah lng LT fe ort eres beer 200m to the fwdng OTR. gh conduc see [i Le shal prefered nen erg rom 40RGVAo igh OT or esig een retin 8G mite DT ‘5 Cotte ay prog when nb pats eo lea onnnipa MAAC ona sue plan ae. "Po, Seams, ST Pole of tighr Sone my ud 8 pers eos, lng Putng Stes Tur Pos are firs ponord 2 Wher eae net eval wo ay oto enero, * ont tal ms (Chena foe a Fis) eres of) Samm o thers of he loan hae ben ned cesta aus of GST ©} Options! Scope of tems (included in Estimate): Fofor Main Cost Databsee ©) ~ ADD: Adattional Charges and Taxes (including Overbesd Charges): Refer Annexure D) Noles The Mei Eek patos sa corermto relevant 18 /EC Cmte. he Conslin /aieg Eine stan cient ava REC snares onsregura Slat unde Chapa Pat a CER Tone ‘aviad epson 20 sa sense Supernit Engineer Sr Executive Engineer, Disiribution System Planning, Ofo Superintending Ergineer -HPSEBts, Khali, Shimla'2 ‘olo Superint Distribution System Planning, Biase HPSEB Lid Khaini Shumia-2 i : ey HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATAFY20 ‘CONFIGURATION 7: (11 KV LINE Undernround XLPE Gable) Gost Data * Esti Km: For 1 KV Line, 30x ound XLPE. ost seaation in FY20 over Cost Data for FYB (4) . ss - a 4 esespton race funt lay [coe | povecc 1] 11 W/XLPE Gabi (Sia. (00 mm fadatona Tewanooen [2107160] tn | vor | wererez] PO 2 | #1 Cable Serge Trough Joning Kes: 3000 me azias|_No | 2 | eeso0) ex 2 | 1 NV Gaieior Tension Ki Sie: 300 mer wsiai|_no | 2 | s0aed) ew “| ate Outdoor Teanation KitSie: 9000 ment Zaazs] Ne | 2 | ea0oo) et © [RCC Hume Pipe Din-t50 mm Reng 2 353] No | | iso] ew 6 [cate RC Hire Pp 60 mer sono | ove | e020 | 7 |_ROe catiecovr (foe ona) Baa]_No_| v055 | _aoweoo] ex @ | Senaibep 60K) “ol No | 500 | 20000) ea ® [Roo nd deintnaeatng sone 7o]_ no | 20 | sooo) ew 10 | apoctin Chamber areal_no | + | ve0o) ex 10 | Gt Pipe waring 0 rm x25 m8 Gast iol No | 2 | raza] ext 11 | Pipe HOPE Size 25m “o] ww | oo) et 12 | _LupAl Cmping 70 SGMMAXLPE Sngia HOLE zl no |e eo) 13 | Fal S26 256 mm =| ve sei] Es 16 | Geet HOPE er Cone Suppor ee] Ka [+ | cose) ea 16 | Gi.Ppe oom OAS CLASS 7a] No | © | as0a) ext 16 | Fela saesienm =| Ne | 10 20] ea 17 | Channel WS Sia 750 eno | | so] ew 7 | Me: Mati We ts & Bas, Los ts @ 05% oT nomena cok "a7 "ADD: [Sox of agra and rood esoraton Surges px Wn ol be ‘35 por ho PAD! MC! NAC ale excavaon charges 0s pr HPPIMD x eS Estimated Cost af NaGaT 7a Cclostausetne etn ite aon eautapvey | T# | O0nH| + | zany T STAC ESTMATED COST of MATERIAL Tm ae ——] + Costerincusve ot 6ST 8) Optional Scope oftems (tf inclugeem Estate): Refer Man Costoatabase 16) ADD: Aditonal Charges and Taxes Mlusing Overoad Charge): eter Anmexura’A’ D) Nae Teal ape estos sat cohen ent FEC Stn. Contain gf EMV web da ae teen AEC stra one egas 9 eae Grape Pa) oA ‘inane an mannees of Power ats io anainuang SSH ty hud pri 1288-0989 ke Ay ee As. cant Exeoutive Engineer, Sr Executive Engineer, Superintending Engineer Qio Superintending Ensi-ser, Olo Superintending Engineer Dystribution System Planning, Distributio HPSEB Lid g, Distribution System Planning, pSEB Ltd, Khalini, Shimia-2 rie? HPSEBLtd Khali Siuntar2 WP : ay HPSEBL CoumosITE COST DATAFY20 ‘Satonal Gontaurations {Gost Escalation n FY20 over Coat Da forFVH8 GX) oa 8h om cary Pune | ase | cont [roves eae [stor or curring ane tcking otf em ine | Sne Pad REG Tae 7 [ne] ans] — argo] ese bo choos ite pe FEB. “3 Grooe Arm: Gare hoa TSA rw), Legh Y200 wen ee aware zm 07] ee ees acros (GL 8 SW) 12m Noe 2 mepael .10EKa) ae [ te [ed et eloTPraae so | we | el asl tee fea tone 20 | te | uf aa oe efepac nmin so] wo | asf ssl ene fois op sre 20 [no | yee) ate) exe Poe Comps 5 Fi SOx@ nm) 20 | se | ech sail ee seria tor qusreing of ns road eustag eat lec ones 1 arian 2 | ne | a aero] — eae sty et 2 [wa | — eos] — te [say rio TE mw OOP Bay Se 2k 7] ae lee oa 2 [vo | ul saa [cross A (2 oa ag eos POE @ BOT 380 | _[ ves) — aor jc [thisatcoscoran nator a ue Voge Boosie Ra ns Soafersar 7 [ssiamaroae amin [ae |e al — bo 2 fess Are (Chane wor Dd ma eran ire fos prc 5 lf eunetn ote Vee ow ——— 3 [Ra Gos wie 8 bate se [no | s4e) are [fu Caos win os 8 [ome | asl at [1 by Orn nadir cra ah gs [xe | sso] sr 1 [WHY eo (Pret 120V, ON one | veal — el 17 [say Secon | se | ens] wns 2 [ari stcoroi s[ sa | ooo) nar 2 osner nse Fs 7 Jeeta wre 10 [ka | sal tea 1 [Scat pmper wan 7 am oom om) 2_| set | aes] neh J,__ tees Gort ct bowie Pe Sri on 17 A he fr insta a Aso Vollace Gaon! lo Line Seana) 3c ces rng 2 [we | vassal aed po 2 foes Aa Chae on ico a), OD ART Ber [ mn | owed seo) ew 3 [kee eae: nl Fon (05555 mn) enh 28D) see [m | seo] sno] ew [ohana te 1055 a, ah 2 SFO 208 |» | seo) —ezal ew [Lay Sian aes comet wa eto | yssef —a0sel ee 8 [oper campo van gu ep s [se] el eorol eve 7 [ewe setconsne 2 | su] el satel exe 2 losers 2 [ne | self ae) ee 2 lesped ve of | ol cul ee 10 vs corps wou ta 2 | we | veel cael ese 13 fs Fut ange ws ale [ve | zee] seed] ew 12 [stor noes wa Pes cos oenwt hT) 2 [ser [esl el ese he Ay an a Engineer, Sr Executive Engineer Distribution System Planning, Engineer, Olo Superintending Engineer: HPSEB Li... Khalini, Shimla-2 fanning, Distribution System Planning, Shimla-2 HPSEB Ltd Khali: Shimie2 Olo Superintescn, a HPSEBL COMPOSITE GOST DATA FYZ0, CONFIGURATION 8: (Distribution Substation 11/04 st Data an stimated Cost fr: ted Oi ‘Cost Escalation in F¥20 over Cost Data for FY18 (A) 56 8 Descriation ate funit Jaw s)7Kon) Tey MR) fr [" oisrbaton Tensioner Oana), Toa SE RVA waxes] Ne] 7] aes] [2—|-StetTutuar Poms (am, Working Losd> 001g) "ooma| No | 2] —20%ed) PO. [5 [tase win concreting err] No [2 | 3254] ee Je [om hanna ron (oos2NS a) engi 2600 IN Now See[ex [na] 550] et [5] drm (Channa ron c5ia0x6 mi. engin "2800 ms Noa er | ect esa lca eee _suoprting DO fusg unt 6 GO such “eae [Chanval Fon (10beSoxe me, Lergn 480 a FD NORTE ‘szpoting Main Chanel ef Tarsormex TS Age Fon SOXSDES mem, Long 2800 WT Naw or eT avo] om [rca] ata] eae 12] m [ase) 1607] ex See eee ae ee ae tate st ee eS atest foes ett ee ——————— sees ee eee iat coasters ag ea voo['se [3 [ele a es nL eereaneeas ae aS ea aera aaeaee tt fe ‘ats and Gals of Varus See (Gvarieed7 Coated [PARI 16 re 8 | cement ar ping wae) oof ko | 26 | caso] eee [50 [Alors Thimble 3a No | 6 | — o05| ee J21_[- Arson Thimble Sos] No [4 | —T2sa|— Ee fe2_| Danger Pate waive] | tat] eee 25 | Garbo ire alka | vs | ozo) ew ps_| Ur Cabo 8.5 Coe) Seman ae] m_| ss | 147o] exe os | ENety fete Phase 4. Wie) DLW COMPA SO AGT Type ERA) «aol won | | azraol po. _Tanstrmer fs | Alou Pak ae] = |i ee | lz7_|_LT Svached capsctar © KVAriec SUVA Gate par VAT 7 ‘Add: (Cost of Esser Oponal Sib Conan Required ab pw Ste xf ‘Cendtone Estimated Cost of Matera Re | os6a "Ada: [Cost of Optional misoelaroous Tams [Prowawve Gear TENS) aoe loapex| 7] ‘ected nee] (iter luaicaton an wth Angroua) bil ba "TOTAL ESTINATED COST of WATERIAL™ Toa] + | en 1 For Trantor Rats > 250VA, ese suciee a egibnant eens Sl be eed ou sez 2 Vinee tale ar a vee yo x ore " Payiore pene Aces may Buse acl So Deas * Cnc tel haa (Chnl, Angle ar Pat) ern of) 90rm on iti the nh bs Bee ned rie ware 8) Optional Scope o tems included In Estimate): Refar Man Cost Database ©) * ADD: Additional Charges and Taxes (ictuding Overhead Charges): -Rofor Annexure ) et: aeons a ont eet 8 Sts he Cac a Sion) Regnsn 2010 and anusorets oa ap Wie it Eom . sneer. : Fasseeiabdere tet i teal Raul Terayeesineer Superintending Engineer Ofo Sui ing Engine (GSdiieraqniag, Distribution System Planning, Distribution 8° 2 Stsaning, 1 nim ism FSingniage, HPSEB Ltd, Khalini, Shimia-2 HPSEB Lid, Khai jammin HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATAFYZ0 CONFIGURATION 10: (Distutlon Substation 2210.4 4Y cosa a for 25 KVA, 2/04 RY Pol Mounted Distibuton Substation ‘ost escalaton in F¥20 over Gost Data for F184) so 8. ‘Coat in] CO Basie & Deserpdon rate une Jay | emt] poreer ern i [basi Tensioner (Grama) POA SST Tera] we | | ere] PO [| siet Tula Pols (6, Wekeg Loads 200 gi oe2|tie“| 2] —aoredl —F0 [shuts coos ting ier Ne |e | le [een (Chane en cons mn, argh “DOOD CAN [mar] asso] es Ip) ea: Chana an (sexe eC 2600 aK Nos} SP A vad supporting DO fise unt & GO sutch 20 oy ttf et [ethane ton (0s): LGR: ADRIANO siren 7 _supporing Man Channa of Transtormer = meee bisa ton GoFEo rn, Lange HUMAN Rew R Poot 7an Eee or Dist Pane! Box) | tad oe E}trersformer Seong a Koso Bing al MS Agi en GONED erg 200 maT Tala [ea] | a eS Angi or (5x25 rn) ange 20 in 2 os cE [eo enter, 16n 5A] asa Gee | rae] ese fo BO Fuse Unt seoelset_[ 1] —anee] —ese fi] Stige areior 1087 Satin Case Casa Te) wal no [-3 [080] —P ha | sss ieistorsas comping We Dae MPH ES LOT) ay ge T later icuding Ozed End Clamps ek) zee tact = Hs [Say=s como we sa [a | 20] ee F| Say ive 79.15 my 6g Fe Se al g[ 12 | 108] Po. fs-| Peering Set Baal set [3 [ae ee 6 | ORE a Ra NER PT STTATTOATIE Taser! et | 1 | ane) ee [x [ st cong ws Rae etre | ts] “se fis[ Fut ctangs 8, Fa 6x mn Fo Tis and Bots of Various Sze |SaVaNSeST Come TPTRBY TETATO Ae 2 | cemore (wit at nd aping washers) eo] Ko. | 25] zac] fe | Alin nb 36 “nos | ae] ee a1 Aura Boe “We_|-4- | Yate se fa | oerger Pate [aif wef ail ee far [aabee wre “alg | 15 [080] — ese fe [Ur cabe asco aaar Seles | 19] ese fs [ERE Ue Pan, RT OUTS MARTBORET NTIS ae| ns | + | sae! PO fe [Auras Pa EC eT lar “Lr Swched cassia rin 25 RA Gate per RD 7 "Ao Essa Oban Su CanigttansReaurod pr Se 7" Sondtore inated Colt oT TT xa are 1 “Ade: [Cost of Oona RasosTancous Rama (Proteive Gaar, TEP aij not Ee 1 ‘Included here (Aer Justification and wath Approval) eee 5380 “TOTAL ESTWAATED COST of HATER asx] | ae ‘Pele Mure Su Staton hal aud 10 KA asf Sib Sioa eecie> 109 KVA abo worm = eer ae. | For Tafomer Regs» 22KVA, esd act nd oqupet petiooon ha be aha ut set 2 Wr ete a a utes tye neat "ohm Lahioning Ares oy be vod oxen see tou eas * on acre seis (Cano, Ale ant Fa) enc ()Shm 0 tee Be gaa en ie Se cunty. 1B) Optional Scope oF tome if ncluded in Estimste} Refer sin Cost Database (©) " ADD: Addltional Cnarges ana Taxes (etudlg Overhead Crarges): oer Annexure 1) te; e Nser/Equemtspoctcatos sha corfam sree! /IEC Sans, The Cana inact Eine sa cern oravrl REC sand regan 6? 73 under Chale ars) 2 CEA asi ‘andr Regan 200 en anonderant ete — Assistant Executive Engineer, St Executive Engineer, Supetinténding Engnee aerting Olo Superintending Engineer Distribution System Planning, DEORUIN Sc Panning Distibuten Systom Planning, PSEB Ltd, Khali, Shinlo-2 HPSEB Lid Khali Sami HPSEB Lid. Khali Shimia-2 yy HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 CONFIGURATION 11: :Disteibut 10.4 cost bata Ay * Estimated Cost ni n (Cost Escalation n FY20 over Cost Ost for FY) . ss sr Doserpton rate Junie Jory | Seige) Poreses pK eo 7 Bisbcon ranstormer (Outdoor Type) BAW, OVA, asco] Ne | 7 | eeto9] 0, 2 [Stee Tubular Poies (97m, Wrking Loed> 200 ign) o0s2|_no | 2 | zoted] po 3: | Na with concerto flng wer7] No | 2 | sas) ae 4 [ xan: [ohannot ron (10046048 mm, Length 2600 mmx? Now soo] om [57] z2ss] eat Aa (Shanal ron (7A ra, Langih EOD ma Ne alee 5 | supporing DO fuse unl & GO such zor] im [at Ae 6 | ms Angie ken (G0XS0x6 man), Leng: 2800 mem x1 Nos for LA's ta] m [29] sea] eat 7 | Tessar Bad [OMI Wer spar POR] waz ee | se [GO wich Une (11kV, 4008, 254A) 03) set [7 330] PO) 2 | BO Fuse unt a 986] Ese 10 | Suge arestr €RV Staion Case (Poca TPE) 355] No [3 | 1055] 0. ors redoe a Correa Rome PONE ATTA | ul ow [2 | a] et TE] Say set corpo wal sa [2 [Te] Es 15 | Bay Ws (718.18 mn) (60g Pe Slay al 7al—e@_| 20 | 1400] Po 0 | Pie Eertng Set Sons| set [3 | eear] eee 96 | Lt Distiouton Panel Box wit ACHESOA SOTA AP, TWO}aR | vossasl ser | a | vowosel eae 'SEUC‘O0A, 6 No, rib) TE_| “Har Clamp (ts. Fai sos RD 7a] _Ne_| a] Be ‘47 | Nuts ane Bots of Vanous Sizes (Galvanised Coated) Prolerabiy 78 al-Cegt | poet eee rev more (wah fat and epeing washers) eof Ko | 2 paso] tee 76 | Alumin Thio 3| fo | 7 aoa Bs 39-| Aluminue Then Sos] No [-¢ | vz32] ese 20 | Danger Pie ea] Ne_[ zi] Ese 721 |" Chain Link Fencing, Angi ron Gal ee or vonsfomerieacig | 25077] sob [1_| arr] — tse Z| LT Cable (2.5 Cove) 400 mex nosing sai|_m_[ 74 | vase] — ese 25 [CT Cable 55 Gore) TO men? cutgong o0der ‘60 —m—[ 20 16210] — Eso Energy Motor (Phase, 4e) DUNS compient DOA CT TYPE |g ot liea cree 26 | Goo Ka Tanstormer iso] eee Z| Aurninun Paine | ea 700] Es ‘a {Cost af =sSeFal OpbSa SUE Congr sions REGUS 2S FT a ‘Ste Conations Estimated Cost of Material Xe |e ‘Add (Coat of Optional Msoetineous lems Protelive Gear, TAP oc) Z ot inluded hve (Ale Justfication and wa Approve) tert ec] oa TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OUMATERIL™= | | teamx] + | oan 1 bb Salons ef capces > 190 KA shoe tse moined cl afer ed bse + For easter Rats or ao 40 VA ee ore ans aqdeman setts shat be need a ancronay 2 ho tac are nt aaa we may pe aretha Cn seta tel are (Charl Angi ed Fats), anc of) One nar oe fhe rg hae eon ince ‘the ety, contre mene of SST + Pobmce UntaingAcesters way be use xco =NOWDo are 1B) Optional ope of tems (Hf Included in Eeimato): ‘ofr Main Cost Database (€)_~ ADD: Adtional Cages ane Taxes (nchuding Overhod Charges): fer Annexure ‘A? 1) Note Te Mert Easbment speicers sh enon oroevert IEC Stree The Cone ng ot "En te cheatin to roavet REC sonar se ogi Tf 73 une Chop (Pat Bo GEA Techs tend) Reguben 2010 and ancora he kK Assistant Ex56zive Engineer Arctsive Engineer (lo Supatiator 2 Oo Superintending Engineer Superintending Engineer Distibution S . HPSEB Lid, is ‘ma HPSEB Ltd Khaliny Shimja- oy Ae Bstrbution System Planning, Dittbuton System Planning, HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FYZ0 CONFIGURATION 12: (Dlstbuon Subsaton $1.29 canoe * Estimated Cost for 6.3 KVA, 110.2 1Y, 1. Distbution Substation Goat Evan FY ovr Coat ao FBC) acres 5 ost in | CORES e ectton rate funk. fou [Sete Jrorent arn 7 | rae aa Sanh TERESA A + | Heath er se tons ea wena LL some ES Eh area aay GATT] See te | — ee | xAmtChene on: 0015 Legh 1500 0 Owen | seem | 2 | oe ew © [reo Sets rg to tOod eng POM NO] wee PL ae eS Bo TOOL ISTRY eae | eat Po © "Spe or Dav Son Gu oes ey oe oe Bia eoh onpey Ne Oa MESON DE TINT 2 Tai inctuat Dead End Clamps etc. 4938] Set] 2 ea eet a Syseeiies aa sa | a Taos erm ere rare ie Le | aa Ao ard Sis ates Seas aceon POET TO © of more (with lat and spring washers)! eee peotere we [hase Ss Samat Bac | amr ee aR Satie etal ee 1S eT SATO pe sate | tall 20 aaa wet tate | Le aT ABARAT wel wef | ele Gat an Op Sr CTS Rear SH 1 Season etd aa Fa att Soba scares toes PERE Ca TOP ET aaa ‘nat included hare} (After Justification and with Approval) ane [oats = ee rent 1 ee 1 Special oebawea nr tar seg {Rue to ete eed cng wba me fer esas nd Le “Ge to ote onc an de esp Eo 6) Opto Stops ct ton ced att feteran contDeaene (6) ™ ADD: Additional Charges and Taxes (eluding Overhoad Charges): 1) Mote The Moa Equpmantspcnestens sb coro torr IS IEC Stas Te Cenarion igo [SV Ina st cons orev! REC slots andro 4 fo Puncer Caper (Pee 3) GEA ate torr) Papuan 2010 a amerdarnt tre f ra An. ee Ax. ctant Executive Engineer, Sr EXecutive Engineer, supe Sig engnoer Oi Superin Distribution Sy fing Eecineer, Oo Superintending Engineer oy Refer Annexure'A* Distribution System Planning, Distribution System Pianning, HPSEB Ltd, 4 HPSEB Lid. Khalini, Shimla-2 HPSEB Ltd Khali G1 as ee HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 conricunation 1 ost boie ” u 1.9.9,200 4 i sx ‘cost Escalation in FY20 over Cost Osta for 18 (4) - 66 ra f S| onsesiton ww] usw | aw] ot 7 a rato} unit | any] (Crt, |ror exe 7] Poe Game ame [s] el ee 2 [_nepve tonne | = |«| | ro 3 | ne pve8 mt “= [=| | ro 4 | 6iwiesawe ela [es] ml ew | Unk Cp tt rn ze [2] =| eee 6 | Bick tape ym [a a] ee 7 | G76 Wis wanGione ce @ [Arete zl [2 |__| oe © | _weteraoe ee 10 | Reker Fume Une 16 2000 zl [i] =| om “i |_ St Bok oct Tere 76) we fe] el ee 12 | Peon sea ae fs] | ee a | 2 Ereay eter 600) suf we [1 | on] Po a] Feemeaer solve [2 [ool ee ‘Ri Co of El Opa ib Caos Rea , fe So Constons Estisted Cost of MaeaT as} ‘Ada: [Cost ot Options icaanaoos a Palaive Gea, ‘TP enone ere (Mer seson od wih 2s] cor] + | so pera TOTAL ESTIMATED COST ST WATERAL = TEE = [Ba 18) Optons! Scope tems neko In Eatin eter tan Cost Detabene ‘c)_* ADD: Adstlona Gharves and Taws (neung Overheas Charges)_ “Refer Anzu iy : yecupart petra criam ore EC Suny, he Conca ington 8 ‘ances oma 2s sees ena rane sow! vaeeGropmry [wa occa ewes sana) Fegan 2010 ard aranomnet ret 8) lew nose pees Cotta contention ny anc ees a Desi aoe, he Desay he Sin eon exc savas a pe ery a ttre ergs Powter ssid ee ) Ears rc nope npr slarequmen al coed a 3_Eunagctowg sousbe meaner be ey pees Assiciant Executive Encinger, St Exectitive Engineer, rintendi weer fo Suparin'e °S) OloSuperniensing Engineer Selemuton Seer Penn Disinbuten = Distribution System Planning, y ing, HPSEB Lid., Khalini, Shimla-2 HPSEB Ltd Khalint Shimia-2 oP SEB Us an ey HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 CONFIGURATION 14: (Service Connections costbata a Estimated Cost of 1 JONCICS/SIPNOWPS Con kw {Gost Escaation In FY20 ewer Cott Data Or FY18 (5) = 56 s. cost | CO See 5] oescrovon ate font fony | e4 | or eae suMR Tracom a 2 te pve cabana a] ke_[ a Bo. SCot we sswe: ag TE ea ch geen cena Sane 1s ee ST eye neat Wwe “e[ne [1] 6 |e eT hitb ex N [ase [FO 7 [aKa Fuss URES A OW ca TG Betie ert tomine (7H ie[ne || 6 3-|emesor Bee Te ro Bik Tape ars me men [2 [ee #2 | Peyeoori aa 171 ne [6 [oe “i “Crinpng Tie ta|_no|-6 |. TA i 2 we Sas Erang SOSA Heil No [tse Td: [Cost of Estos Opa S:b-ConRgURIGNS RARTST SSP e Ste Conon Eatiated Cont ofa a= sean Fett Coa Unolnsoa PORTO TOPOS La Feonme] = | ince tro ter sees aa at gua TOTAL ESTIMATED COST of MATERA eae Est 1 NONCI C8 SIP/ IDWS Connection £20 oat | SOBER ie Descriton arf fay | ves! Treen mee ee 2135 cor pve Gaia 35 ro Pe Tite | aT 308 SCotiwesaws. az Wg_[3 Ts Te T[ereeet ion 3] Ne [| 33] ese aS EARS “al No[-t [16 | ee [ister aoe a] Wo | 1 ae Teal Fuss UREA EW ‘26 Wo _[ [ae [Gi eoter Ee oral (TET ‘ewe S| cemnedor aN Tr} ack Taps Ra [ 3 | s. ae une Cp ri a Tz | PoperSoeaeoa SH] Ne [6 [ee Tica Tabi “ofne [6 a 7 | setae 2 we sie oa MES TOR Sao] Nea [aps ctr set so Sconce RTP Fi Ste Conotens, Estinated Cost TST =e ‘Rds [oat ef Opa Niscetoncom Toa Patane Get TAPE) altar fotiniged na] (ae utter ard th Appa) ee eee ee TSF SerundeD Co STA Tas * 9. nansae Susy: NONE: Mebane ha Gate Comet Sap, Sat ete Poe iE, TDWPE epun and Ding Parga Optional Scope items (Fnchude in Estate} Refer Mein Cost Ostapase ADD: Adional Chargs and Taxes (neluding Overhead Charges) Refer Annorure’A* na Cnupmenspcsaree santana una 6 /1EC Sansbc. The Cxwt eye fe iorecrat Rs sna tan oT ant Cpr Vo GER esa sara pars ‘iss ee an Conta ct animate ane net ena abn aunt. Te Deo ter neon ‘nsetend nent oor seep rt reg Een ang i _arhiechae ore bakers equte io be ches bye JE Cosme abe same has baer ova i te wig bye eng cting serrate be 5 eoEinn Engineer, ee Assistant Executive Engineer, Oo Suparintending Engineer ing Engineer Sie. Superin's-ring Erginaee, __Distnibution System Planning, Distribution System Planning, Distribation vs. icnaing, —- HPSEB Ltd Khaliny Shumia-2 HPSEB Lt, Khatini, Shimler2 HPSEB Lia , Kixwinl, Shimla-2 3, HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 ‘SONEIGURATION 18: (Service Connections) cost 4) Estimated Cost of 3-0, 0.415 KV DS/ NONG/ GS/ SIPIDWPS Connection <50KW ‘Cost Escalation in FY20 over Cost Data for FYB () . 38 S| eseription Con so. i Rate Junit Jay | om n 7 [Pai a ee a 2 [35 Core PVE Gable 85m Zzil Mac | ao | 0) a [sive s swe eK 2 | rComesion [2 TS 5-| bye 6a (161300) am 33 _No [1 3 | Eye Honk with Gr Vira Saw [1 ra T| “RAG Bo (16275) en sie [ a | “RAG Boll (16°80) mm il —No[-a_[ te) [Cr swich 2008 asal—No[-1 [seas] io} —isek Tape [Ral [1 G it | Poicarbonals sat 7|—wo_[-8-| — a 12-39, 4 Wie Tver eter wit VGA OT wi ar box Ta] No || e500 13 [Corman Times. aa a 14 [OG alt or ear Terma Ta “eo [1 ra ‘Add: {Cost of Essent Optional Sub-COnTQUanaTS REC aS x per Ste Candtions Estimated Cost of Water ae ‘Add: [Coat of Optional tase tame (Prtoctva Gaar, a ‘2t) not nludod ever Justiiosion and with Approval) freee tr "TOTAL ESTIWATED COST of MATERIAL = riozex] + | 76805) » o * 08. pemeatc Sup, NONC- No Dosen: Cone CS-Conrcl Sapp SIPS ndstal Pon Sp {APS geion and ening Water Pumpng So ‘Optional Scope of fem (if included in Estima): ‘ADD: Additional Charges and Taxes (Including Oveshead Charges): "he alae /Equpmet apectostons sa caro rleanS/IEC Santas. The Cancion yes of Vn sll ent ore REC sande ensreguore OOo 11 eer Chaser V Pu) a CEA {Todo starr) Rosuoton 2010 amenorrhea. Ths rea hosed Cot Ona cst ean eae a endeo @ Dsign subst. The Dag ere {enetcton sale Soe on easton standard wy shel = epee tein tains Eztaien Te drains gen ns cox ae ue ripe od dvs ake spas raison Iprovrments soto an aarp by Sealy. sate or GSC shoul be proper pe te equ as wo 2 cn 1d bas. [Earmesage ere coke recited lobe tached to Conon a tho se hasboonprovodin ie wg by re consumes ‘Ay canecn 204850 Ks 08 on HT. Erna of tas ne mance, Sr Aine Engineer, Olo Superintending Engineer Disinbution System Planning, HPSEB Ltd Khalint Shimia-2 wy Refer Main Cost Databese Refer Annexure’ ng Superitoncifg Engneer Disiribution System Pianning, HPSEB Ltd., Khalini, Shimla-2 HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA F¥20 CONFIGURATION 16; Service Connections costoata we eatnated 2 x Cont faclton in FY20 ow Cont Data or FV) - 8 T cane ® eseriion rate fun Jay | S204] (roves i Est! MR) [or comes PTO CTR ae] We || areal — Fo Sting. se Cree sae eso GOST eral “wy | [em] eo PVC Maliang4 mr per waesime-t a) ppatrconceaing | son] ach | + | owe] eo 7 Sieg TODA PORE WRG TORTS HTN FIFO | soy ; yous of Poles may be used as per site condition] pee ENE Pe er eotes eo I= Pei cer ig cc a a a a [isa Yon OOO we) ang sam Kae] | ste| mT] aso] et [fear foraeetan (snc em Cg 00 eK Roa = Taltiee _supporiing DO fuse unit £ GO easton 200) baie i = ‘chs Gtanal eS (ebb ry. LGD AT val aaaties |? | Supporing Mah Channel of CT Und 306m | 3.08 2] Et Isis Roe (6X0), Leng ZOU NTA i2|—m [280] — sa] en fo | ERT Uni Baling Ka racing Hs a gh HOD AETTAW rn ee SMS Ang i OLS in Lg 60 Rs 2 Fi [ oma Sich Unt 40K 25 KA) wel eac[ 1 [sel —P0 Fa-| ponesuit toue|~set_[1 [oe] tae fe spe arate SY Satan Gee Praia Toe ss[ no [3 | toss] PO f] Bons naar so Gonpiong TR DEE MPCEBR BS ERLE | sasdl gw Ts | anne] ew kN) inciuding Desd End Clamps ote, if z fs | Sy este wl saa [al ae Fe [ Si is 6 ay BOG Pay B mK] tre — 9 F(x St Soow| set [3 er] te fran is, FRETS saal-no [7 | seal ese Firat Gane WS Ft SO i) Bans | ta eat Tis and BO Vacs Sue SaNOOESS Caled TPR TT Snes E° | @ ormore (with fat and spring washers] ae ka = base sale] wal Eee fr [aur Tae sos|ne_[-« | taal ese fs oangs Pate wane tail bebe We ale | ae — et bs [se cae con) mE Teea| | Boal a ls cateTomiaton Rr Toosa| m2 | oo] es fatima Li [ a0] ea Gt ese OBITS Coos ReaIT wt So 1 Censtens Esai Coo Tal = aaa Ta cate OskonalMsalnaoi Ws Pie Sew TEP a : ‘ot ncGed hae] (Aer Justfcaton and yh Approra 2.5% | case] S708] TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OfWATERIAL™ Tamme > as 7 yd poe ni Dl ahs of eee a A Ninwe tt erem an uanayonterenrare 2 Poe iin ren yt x ewes * pbs st MON eC CoS nal ne ow ‘Bs eon Dy es Pogig ip M tema oe S ) = Quam slams Gurnee Pa), ana ote bp eee hd ons 8) Opa! cope toms (eluded Etna: etertain ost atstase ) “ADD; Adina hares an Taxes chiding Overoud Charge) ater enone 8 be po Assistant Executive Engineer, pee Guperini. 03 ENGINE Supetind cronoer : 1867. Bistibuiion System Planing, _Distbution Syetom Plannin, Distt Sumi? MPSEB Lid Khali Shimias2 HPSEB Ltd. Khan Shire? i) HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY29 CONFIGURATION 17: (Suet Lat Polton Exon Pot) cononia ne stimaied Cost of Stat iat Pont on Eistng Pot oetecaltionn FY ovr ost Dt fr FV (8) = a8 co ease | &.] cceion sae unt | ax | 2th oresey ; tv 7 asa aps ale | eon Cp aR, a ar Danese —| wal 6 esl ots Gas een ae ee | Pon suis a Su wife tt} ee + fericnaereny a Ta oo ot Eo Opera Sib Siglo Rod “ mend elie sto a ae Ftd Coo tos Weise Tana iosTon| * _Justification and with Approval) pelea bal Sas evn eS COT of ATER eseeeaetttiae * The Gost shal be deposited by swe Agancy / Local Boxy + Doubs onkarycrn + lange terete mend mca tt terete Sone eetomots ono + Ciracveueccer 8) Optional Scop ions nuded in Estate fetta costae @)~ ABO: Adon Charge and Taro (ace Ovraed Cert) Retr TOE: ‘Tae aol Equa spedeatans sa conten ever IEG Slandats.The Caner ab of {SV Iino scour orl REC sande snd roptos 60a 1 ange aster Pat) CEA (Cesta stance) Ropar 2070 ae eens re “is trea based Gt Ona cst einer and rates a Den siete, The Oasg fr he encrten sabe baedonconsucen sandal ish sl be repre sopra ee orang Estates. Th ange gen tne coe cata ares and ai ne ny ak wera anion? Irprowament ep a2 osisusfarer improve ays ey Estate for GS sto be pepe a pe te equement wo a on ran as resect rtlarsrapurd tobe chess oy eJE Conemad a the suns ha aon poo the ‘wing bye consume Esrting of wg seu be mars. Re Ass! been ngineet, gy Sethe Froneer we Olo uy: Distibution > HPSES Lid , Kraiits, Sat Clo Superintending Engineer Superintending Engineer Dstibuton System Pannng, DStibuon System Planning, HPSEB Ltd Khalin: Steueeg HPSEB Ltd, Khalini, Shimla-2 30 HPSESL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 ‘Configuration 1 (33/11 KV, 3.15 MIVA - Single cost oata a Cost of 34 Sut fe Power: ‘th Siege 9 kV Inco But Bay, Single 1 AV Bus on Transformer Sai 1 Outi fede Cost Escalation a F¥20 over Cont Data for FV18() : ss ose esr | SE Basis Deseroton of tem oto | Unt sc sax fae | uae || rn | YES li | “Transformers * Powe Talore BINA HATH OR, OG Zerasee]! na | | areal 0 | © Sub Station Taraformar (00 KVA Soa TW zrareal wo _| 1 | aiarea| 20 Jz | SERV Switchgoar & Aliod Equipment: with 01 No. 33 inv incomer ‘30 RV Control ae Relay (GR) Pana 7 arene mal reat Deron Reta IG 81850) 9 a70iss| ese "3 Control and Relay (GR) Pane (3 WV Haine Bam) = 7 = Rumi Rely, IEC 6105) paar te sete | “55 WV VOB 6, 1250a 787 ER Dude Type) Ziss00) —s_| 2] —aarreo| Fo a] 22 kv tector (12504, 284A, wih Earh Switch win etucare| sorte] se | 1 | s0ritel eve WV Tolar (BOR, THA, wine EAT SHAT wh Tee] sa | 2 | eel ew {SOV LA Barge Arester GOW, TKR, Sato Sats 20, coaltee ela Seales Pores). ‘ |S kV Curent Transtonner GORY 10 Nall Rao a CO, z - utso (Nae) Ses ER OHH emer SS AV Potontal Tranafomner GORI TOV, 1 MTC : Salerro 1 Outoon, (6 por Sr Re IFES: 1[531V Drop Out Fuse Ui SSIV, Bouse) Teri] sa [7 Teri] eee |, | 17 kW Switchgear and Aliod aquipment 07 No incomer Bu a] {18V camer Bus: Conte ana Relay (OR) Panetwih ves | sasel sar | y | sarneel exe (12, "200A, 254A) [Numer Ray, 61230] TTR noses Poista Wanstormar iT ATATIV. SB | seal Sa [a Sel iti nsec. S | “1 HV UAT Bulge ister ORV, TOKR Sion Cass TD, lane al u 7 a ms] PO “1 AV Gable 1 kv, 400 nt. IPE, Tree Cove Aroures) pe el a eee easel Ct ©) _cranstorar to 1 eV Bun (60m Spare SOM =| 17 WY abe Termination Kt 400 Ooo] Sat Br] ee [11 1 Cable Termination Kit 00 mr nao sat sari] —est |, | 742K Switchgear and Aled squipmant Sigle(7 Na} Outgoing Foose ‘it hV Ouigong Feeder Conia and Relay (ORI Panol wth al Taal ee | indor VOB 12h, 1250 28KA) neusng CT staaad| Oat ase a] #8 kv eoator (12K, 12594, 25 KA. without ah Soh, vael_ow | ae Prd zaarel ou zsire] TTRV TAT Surge Areater OW, TO TA Sion OR, ZAO, wal no eaaleites Poreatain,Out600). 2 TRY Cabo (13 KV 185 mink IPE. Ts Core, Aue) Fad chert ii | (Guster CB ota (Son Spe. Son} 26] my | soo] tseco] a|— 11 HV Cable Termination KI (a5 nm Ouidooy a0] —sea [7 7S] —— Ea {1 Gable Termination KIE (185m Indoon 200) ~set[+ 0200] — Est 5 | “Er cable (1.1 WV, 3.5 Core, 70 rama) {rom Staten Tp eal me Tod | 1600] — eee fs | CAPACITOR BANK (REC Spoo. 1271981) apectior Bank 5.60 Ha, $200 kVA) {1S 7654] Terma| Ne —| | Tara ese “Automall Capscitor Switch 12, 1250.25) [REC Al eaectiae ales Spec. 20984] bial See ke Sr Aan Engineer, super Engneer Assistant Executive Engineer, fo Superintending Engineer Distribution System Planning, Olo Superinic~iv Engineer, _Distrbution System Planning, HPSEB Lid., Khalini, Shimla? Disinbutier: 9; “Li: Pisaning, BE aun Shuntars HPSEB Lid , Khaini, Shimla-2 By HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATAFY20 Contguration 18 (00/1, 2.46 mvA Sina costoats ” estimated 14h 3.15 MVA Substation yy Stole Power Trarstommen ‘on sian 3 ee: un Say. 45 fomTlarfomet Sle 1 Osten de F ‘GENERAL EQUIPMENT: Sank wl Bay CHageTSNOTHU CA Lad ey Bek wih oe CHT Teva] ve |e |e | Ssh Penal SBS) in| “ne [7 co] | oer Pal 1S. eat] —no—[ [ost] ex ‘ELESOMIMINIEATON FACITTES a “s0AoK aaa — sa) | — SR] — Be Bl ass OFC Farr om [Roe Sos oe b> [surensrascrune (os peepTaIaNA GOI LS Hoy 9 904 Ko I Lae] L [soos ——Jooosr ———Joons fooosi—Jooosi—Jonoss | 3 (Gua pedp jamnanus aed S10 wala] [oecor——Jowoar ——Touno fosest —Jooesr —fovess [ar Tus peed Jeimprins sod 954 )0 vasa] s lescost —Jooszer —fosvao- foocst—Jeazes—[osa0 es THs ions 6c UE fp 999d 960940 voIDaLaT F foosers —Joouszx oars fossbi —Jozszi ors [or [dans Jamionn sod 1/3 8 vopara| _C feoizsi —~Joosszs ——oazes foizsi—Josscs—Jozea [ut (asnsjamonas seg 304 9 womaa|-¢ fosvzy Josey suc fosiz>—Josszv—osuze | vr yy ou Gupjers 8 Duong todten | odtew | ona (odtsen) | ov | (0041-0) sr gr fa ao-oa | aos | uso ava | aa-o1s | as-ois|"*°H9"S| meHoeeO a} wae wo) wn. ‘o_[Tamionnemon etary —] avn OZAA VIVE 1809 S1ISAAWOD TESAH ‘Ur At £¢ 20} seBseyD snogey juoyoatg (any BPnuyg Z-2IWUS "WHEY “pr ga, “Bulut eat PET ISAM ‘Buuuelg wash aSdH ” ISAS OKNgUsiG IS uonnquisig ‘90u16u3 6uipusjuyedn, J99uiGug Buy uuad “eeUIB S10 vee fadng ‘Bus angnoax sg ersuce a (su) (su) (Peon ang| ont won 2003 od 810}.001 nowy |__| es Lawn Pye wonaureea) “a “3p 864 BUBBA oH 171 RED TOOPINO ANT OOO fear TTS 7H FSH RT TSN FTE RON Ty SOE WoO wT] jozaoz + jozeee, ARE. ‘Bunybu piek JO woRDea| OL. fsa ze foree XE ypuojvonooraL 6 zeae isa nz Sapeipare waAS AHS 1 vonsT HIE zeae 7 Joanie fe Du TNR] ATAU aH oF ges Yond eux BuoouNED|_L fczzz _—Josae ae W05.c1] 108 soraessowodso Baile] 8 fosooor 3 faises a TW 05 ai) vos SoaeS TonwTe jo BAHL s ozvae 1 oawee Sz HUES 50S AH oer ose 2 TERR TLE TO owe woe AT oseerc T—fossrr oz Feu Bm sso 1s Bz Taste ca srt eso Ne TISUW SN) eoS WHOIS esa i oer a nse Oy ora ¢ [seer Te sae) oo over a aR Toa sia = oseez a oF RS Swope F nae —| eset lesa [a = Sapo BONE 2105 = Jeser | az P laos ee aH THRE i sige ose | “an wae TOE anos ayo wane € oa oe aT Ba EOE Bs UNS rez zx Ioaee aL Of a scr Te fz aR = EL Tov] psze5 32 Yomi HL 3z Tine esi jo wT sez tz [aves aa a Sao Suppose GAT H STATIRE Tah Wome] rua ee 7 ¥ oak gpa Bes eur ee BEF a ta Bee as “a unowy | Ap | sina Boy uonsosea| Oza vad 1809 SLISoaMoo 183SdH {29p904 BujOGING AY F}“ON 1 PUB JOUNO}SURI| JOMOd ON | MWA UOBEIG-GNS AM FH/Ge MEN 20) sebreyD UORODIA Z-EKWIYS ‘HEUy « luPI Wash 7 “enon sis prt aaah J a@UiBUERBUIDUS}UUBENg O10 J88U16u5 Burp ueded yeeul6u3 cueing Ee ose; egret z benie—feens —foans [7 3 bese fests fos —[ + $ fsu—foase_—forez —[-—2 t sat—es0s—fosez—[ = see — forsee —[ 1 t — eo a — or hw fw | i | ov | ve suey don summon ins a0 af 0 wea) 2 — ie) Eng oo SO a Jew maaan eer 7 TET eren ery same fem arn | a col a ee voneota| 3 _nsor omy hscyoopoespeoon oBs}o4 nV 120 S864 LORS [ease rome aS oe apanS TSO AT TF HOTT (hdmuind povee polly 9p }uAUIdINDY jeujuuD] 20} SaB¥eYD UOROW 1810 | sere — hore — fs | Sou Peas a HENOTE ee ee fase ——peus fonts —[ [son] — oo oo sss [sass — poop eo pent ——foeriz— Ieee |e | a] o peeor— foster fess —[ “sso Dot pont fee] 2 [ra ra — rem — lores —| “ree [ae a Brest —foreer forse —[ tr far leone arene — [poner }ve Fara vont | peore (ws) eon ae on| see | m0 | wn 3 aussie vonéu2sea| | sop004 BujoB 3no AY ge 40 YEO Jo} UME pany BOUNDS FEMUIO, 10) 298IEYO UORDO: fon Z-eIYS ‘Meus « ZeuMs mew press z ‘Hey “py a3sdi Sunuety wersts wonsaunse, Souues nisig s08uIBuy Bs Je9ui6ug Buipuejuuadng O19 ‘ ee dng ‘eo emng 15 | SAP vOE + |x (SON 2) 1989 ay UD} |. 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"68| —— 106} —— Tose Ftal Manual Cartage of Rm Line with SIT Pot ACER GATE mal 686i] ——ez00i] — 0080] TiLAAAG Tia.26 mm| ——saaée] 61979] 58526 TjACSR 3072.89 mm| seas] —~e4965] —reb08 GrPCE poIeS )ACSR (14.72 mm| Tort7| —¥a1965] 199722 T|AAAG 7.26 mm| eos0e| 150651] — 137706] TATAGSR $0772.58 mm| 73081] ——asa2s7] 144870 Analysis of Labour Rates for 33 kV HT Line oR Dessription Ses? | SCOP | OOF No. (a-typo) | c-type)_| (v-typer [SUE HEAD TA [Surveying & Stacking (39 WV ne park] 2 JPreliminary, actual surveying proting Teese) ——Taseal —zasea| einai suray of km af ire | Stocking of km tine work 7ar2| aaa] Tar efCamo siting Sia] —— ste] 5169 “Tetal=| ——a7792| area] —a7793 ‘Say Rs] 47790] ——are0] —ar790 [SUB READS TB) [erection of PCG pola 1 No. Sicture (1 to 13 We] (Run Through albigging of os a7] aera] rar B[Erecton of Pom *e0| S201] 001 el Fling of ais & raiming soa Tis] — Tis] {curing tticaton and Dring of halos in X-xmscrose bracing zz eee] 706] ¢|Fng of arm, Sting! Pin insulator & Gross bracing ee. zee] 4765] cart [Fig of barbed wire danger pate ce Za asa] a3 gfPaning of see cross arms ete Zid S55] 299 Tetai=| e822] as34] —zz10 ‘Say Rs] 6870] 7500] +8270 ISUEHEA. TE] [Erection ofS pote 7 Wo. etracture (7 fo TSW (Ran Through) a[Erecion a3 er Sub-hoad (18) 1) Baa “ara ao [Erection of ST Poe wh mating ‘2ai] 2082] 2a e[Peining of poles 73 356] 380 Tota =| era} ——az572| Tana Say Rel 6740] 12570] 1459 ISUBHEABOr 40) [Erection of PCC pote 4 No. etructure (14 to 19 Mer (Deed End) g[Toaton of Double PCO pote as per Sub head (TE) asa) asa] Ta Fong of ecivonelcoss-rme Yor dad end, Sno. ad Sing nsulater dead end clamp on CE HE er HH) [Painting of e038 am a a5] a5 Totat=] ——aa6i| ——aeea| —a81 Say Rel ——asn60] —— 5000] 1600 oe Sr Exeettive Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer, lo Superintending Engineer Superintending Engineer fo Superin' sing Engines Distribution System Planning, Distribution System Planning, Distribution ser Plrining, HPSEB La Kh: vla-2 HPSEB Ltd., Khalini, Shimla-2 HPSEE Ltd , Klint, Shimia-2 ey HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 [SUB HEAD: 7E| [Erection of St Pole 1 No, structure (1 to 15 Mie) (Dead Endy als per Sub head (C) 72572] 19572} — 73579) D)AS partiem bs ot Stead (O] 2azr| —— 2427|——2427| Toul=-| 14989] 74889] 14099] ‘SayRs[ 15000] 15000] 15000] EAD TF] [eerthing of (No. structure of 35 AV ne a[Digaing of i Ta aa] Tana ]Foing of ean red, Gamp, sath wre and 7) 350] 1359 [connecting to the structure [Filing of the pt wih material & car ir eal Tota -| ———ss24| 324] 3224] Say Rel 3920] 3320] 3329 (SUB HEADS" TG} Erection oft No. say sot of 33 KV Lino ‘aoigging of pt a) i a) ‘Finng of Stay rod wih pave oe I 351] 35] effing ofthe ot 356] 356] 36 UOReHOdsUEAL pm, requoussedog jo wmyang abaroay exe} 4422) = 16rH J0 Kewsnof joy 08 yor JO din Z ‘seunbe ySu87 our Ay 8€ 40 wr | JO eUSIEW @U HOMO eS @1 €INIS eUOISAIA WOH eoUE}IQ pee} BBEIaAY ‘Seog jesus 0} 01g jevoIsING jo eoUEISIG aBesony “TeHAREN 2Ur7 A €€ 40 Uy L204 seBreU9 uoREVOdsUELL onus reweunzedag jo wimang aBeisny se1oig lequag 04 ouoIg [eUo}SINI Jo soURysIC aBe1oKY wy zz = hag uy = Aes. uyee = OZAd VIVO 1809 ALISOdMOO TaasdH 0'82 =<108 9901 = eee eeereei00) soueysip abexony 1S-aNG Jo eoUE}S\p eBesony PM 83SaH uokngiysiq ads 019 mas oso sy tos0joey camy AALIH=ZIEUONIS 1 HE sersoog aByoA o3ny AL} “OU | 30} SoBseYo WoReOdsUEHL 54 Uy 49001613 Bupuojuodng “A s pn Jo wny no abesany ove (un 1) 91 yo Keusnor fio, o (wo) sos028y orny soi uazzEUOROES BUN 1% L| HeI8008 BBRHOA CIN ‘74 11 wore su Jo eis 01 UoRELS-ang ‘AY |e WaH SDUEISIP pea] @BeLEKY ee 88 uoReIS-ang 1 1 1/26 6} ns jeuOssC Woy sOUEISP peel OBesOAY “ (wp) 22018 evoising 0 21s eau99 woH sous eBeIKy 29801904 CINY AYE jeZITeUONDOS OUTT AX L1HeISCOR aBEHOA OMY AX F1 404 S08J04> UONEUOdsLIEN, posse su fog. 9590 uoudinby yeurwsoy yes | Joy seBveyD uOHENOdsUEAL, sB nyo aBaraay woudinby jeuuUe| ou | 204 NA yo Kowsnop YROL 0 aus 01 a2018fevorsIg Woy eouRIsP pee BeI0AY “ (us) 21035 euo¥ 0} 1018 1eqUED WOH eouEISH aexeny + tuowdinb3 yeuwios 40} soBreyo UoReHodsueA, oozeze sy fes oozece euoweW UOREIS-ANS AY L1/EE ‘ou | 04 9BseyD uoReuodsuesL 08a ((se+22%298) Yona Jo Kauinof rein xcjas044 “yond jo sen OF ‘Sonyndou uogers-ang 74 J4/Ee ‘OU |. 30} jeuoTELAyo ewe ce Sui Ul WOM Jo ops 0} suo jeuDISING Woy soUEIP pee} eBeiany “ (wp exois evorsing 0} 810)8jenue9 jo eouRtsp eBaienyy “A®SuUeP-UN) UOHEIS-ans M4 | L/eE 404 S9B:eyD uoRBOdsWesL OzAd VLV8 ISP SLISOANOO 183SsH ” coy OD ZeIWIUS ‘UeUM “PH BaSdH “Buuueig wa}sks uopnguisig oe ooezr eR Fes wat TT pom Pais a WAN INN WOH MORN Oj da Re vp eoMPEANEA| F 1s (su u) Sey wim Feo eBesemy] FP HE Tara manIP wis a mG RD oH SAO Hy OUEG REL] oe (uni u) 240m jo ais OF aicIs jeUOISyND Wo, DoWNESE eoURISIp pea abwany] = Zz {Gara} Bs ena oF DT BLOG 0 BONED ean] wonavanea|ens| ‘oscne | zoom | zaoie [osesr | svow | aver | cece | veeee | eeu [uci | cio | came 20 ostet | zvpee | coves | vsice | sypos | eeonr | zizit | vevor | sesre | zzies das a "Wor PG] conzzs |onzes | onzzs | oozes | onze | oozer | oozes | cozer | oozes | cozer | oonee | cozer | oy amgremeguayien| + fe ‘igucessuel, Peo wea wee EE) aT wea we : weeoaam | ais snug] 904 {ais [904 Jyoione| vonoos |ynee fyoese| ais | 20 | atte] uontiona {ens Sue vonsysang uonnginaid courts eons | MH wo Ja Ath ay SMIALSAS MOTE GNY AY JL UO ('34 U) SIONVHO NOUVLYOISNVL, HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 Annexure ‘Other Charaes (including Overhead Charges) & Taxes a) [Transportation charges on Total cost of material b)|Erection charges on Total cost of material ©)|Contingency charges on Total cost of material % Labour cess on Total cost of material= (Contingency + Erection + ©)| Transportation) Charges ™% {9} |GST @ 18% on Transportation and Erection Charges 7% 1 [Deptt. Charges on Total cost of material + on St. No. (a) 0 fe) 11% RATINGS & SPECIFICATIONS, (A) The REC schematic diagrams altached in the end are intended fo give a descrition of BoQ. ‘The specifications there in may vary from those adopted in the Cost Data, 1 PCC Poles sizesiworking load ai] Sti 809 by Si 200k ©1875 Ne 300g 2 Steel Tubular poles sizes / working load aim aekg———] BifoMer 00k e) [10 whe, 00kg ey te 200k J sears T TeV 2aRV [Tes phase ORS rearent [NT eueat|CT eons —— [HT euent A nat [526 loa 3) [SOKVA. [262 [e561 Hist rey ing [aper ries at 13 er 8 3.12 [32.08 [566 2 i EE Tas. a (ss? —_]a26 68 16.55 (8) Conductors sizes ( ACSR/ AAAC/ AAC) & Rating tables are as per British standards, Uso of special conductors of ype ‘Covered /"HTLS' may oe cone under special circumstances with ‘echnical justification where tne operating conditions aro of axeme nature such as heavy wind 1 snow loading etc. (©) System Designs on which Estimates are prepared, shall capture load growth for the next 15 years based on maximum demand recorded in the last 5 years, © Preferble Standard Conductor Sizes Gurrot Rating fype of mn? | conductor | codename | Sizes | Standersuta | Current raung | set 20 ass ae sti Soles 27 Hse 7 sa 78 Sat laos Dee oo fare Sz Ie S90 sors ie aye 175fovaes a | Pant 30073 te lesser} 80 fr tes est mae 2a oat Too frites S07 Aaac [Ash 150 [1873.43 308. ear 1758 ‘8 Uses seo [e738 0 Intermediate sizes shall be adopted only under special conitions Semone Bbc tene Yes Assistant Executive Engineer. Of Superintondoo en (lo Superintending Engineer, 19 Engineerp, Distribution Sys ning, HPSEB Ltd , Khalin!, Shimla-2 es HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 \e) eg) HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FYZ0 Annexure B’ RES CONSTRUCTION STANDARD 3 .— < NACOR EORMARTION ND CLEARANCES: (ey) HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FYZ0 “wy HPSESL COMPOSITE COST DATA FY20 Annexure Rec CONSTRUCTION STANDARD A383 ELEVATION END view TENGENT LOCATION MAXIMUM SPANIOT METRES kf, a ar cormcron vmensoneeas PEAS SETI © TT carrion woe 82 3 Peer, conoug Ten AORN ATION Ane - Peover WITH EARTH WIRE wy HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FYB, Annexure ‘B' ARRANGEMENT AT TENSION 7 WKY LINES. Lecarions: ay oo ausoanI0D eas. wn) HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FYa6 Annexure “B' REG CONSTRUCTION STANDARL BS : ooh ts i eect ae hoo vn oa a ma ain/2aoy Une SUPPORTS. HORIZONTAL FORMATION epee 2) HPSEBL COMPOSITE COST DATA FYae Annexure “B’ HEU CONSTRUCTION STANDARD mpeg ae a why eae afc fe een ae TANGENT LOCATION MAXUM SPAN ~ G7 METRES [asc oiannae at one wee vaus dh ore So skate» ELEVATION enc view AIY240V LINES: | ‘SUPPORTS VERTICAL FORMATION (3) Annexure-B iaak zl Sey STRONG FEEDER © SECTION AT SECTION AT 8.8 DESIGN: EUESTeNA HPSEBL wt)

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