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GENERAL, ORDER | NAVY DEPARTMENT, No. 55. ) - Wasurnaton, July 19, 1901. The Department publishes for the information of the service the following list of officers and men to whom commendatory letters have been written by the Secretary of the Navy, and also a list of those to whom medals of honor have been awarded: COMMENDATORY LETTERS. Lient. J. L. Latimer, U. 8. N.: Letter by Secretary, containing: an extract from the report of General Chaffee to the War Depart- ment referring to this officer for his gallant conduct at Pekin. Legation guard: Letter by the Secretary; Seaman Emil Sjogreen specially mentioned. B. Taylor, sergeant, U. 8. Alexander J. Foley, sergeant, Harmon C. Skinner, sergeant, Patrick me Ealltrsay eet Arthur Kennedy, corporal, i Joseph Rowers, corporal, U. 8. M. Joseph F. Abdill, corporal, 8. Charles Fields, Geo, E. MeCoy, ivate, U. CO. Adrien Curet, private, U. 8. M. G. Walter A. Greenleaf, ‘private, U. 8. M. 0: Henry Gardiner, private, U. 8. M. ©. Julins Sandfanandre, private, U. 8. M. C. Letter from Secretary of the Navy for conspicuous vonduet in battle near Tientsin on June 21, 1900. O.H. Woodward, naval cadet, for running hawser around stern- post of Saturnax under heavy fire in the harbor of San Fernando, Angust 2, 1899. J. W. L. Clement, naval cadet. A. F. H, Yates, naval cadet, oe off coast of Samar, June and July, 1900, M_ Svensson, seaman Oscar Huitfeldt, boatswain's mate, first class, Daniel Donoghue, seaman, deceased. Letters for bravery in attempt to save life of drowning man in oe ee August 65, 1900, H. Standley, ensign, U. 8. N. Le ‘Lysayht, quartermaster, third glass. iret naa in & reconnoitering cat ies at Baler, P. I, L D pees y . Ellictt, lieutenant eulouel, U.S. M.C., and his force, for conduct in an engagement at Novaleta, P. L, October 8, 1890. Carey D. OTLG, MSSIstiNt surgeat, T. SN. for conduct in the presence af enemy Se October 8, 1899. Hi. L, Brinser, naval cadet, 0.8. ..N., for his conduct in the pres- ence of the enemy in Suhic Bay, P. 1), September 23, 1899, H, ©. Mustin, ensigu, U. 5. N,, for special a and re- sourcefulness previous to and after the eapture of Vigan, aud for swimming through surf twice in order to get messages to and General Young, commanding army force at San Tomas, » P. L., December, 1899, 9 E, L, Bisset, liewtenant, U. 8. N F, Dan, paymaster's clerk. For their conduct in a trip from Sibutn Tslind to Jule, P. T., Sep tomber 1 5, URM). Albert HL. Ryan, coal passer, for jumping overboard from the TU. S.8, Meviln, Jane, 100, to assist liberty man. R. P. Rodgers, commander, U. N.. and officers and ine. Extract from report of General Kobbe to War Dopartnent on ex ition in southeast Luzon, January, 1900. Kuoppor, ousign, U «Tor his conspicnous conduct ngagement at Ajui, Panay, P. 1., and at the capture of wmublou, P. T., December, 1811. Ensign G. 'T. Pettingill, U N., for his skill, courage, and cfticiency at the battle of Tientsin, June 15 and 17, 1900, as described in letter of Lientenant N. E. Irwin, U, 8. N. (Dept. 12, 139-18), Bureau of Navigation 258847. Ensign W. C. Davidson, U. 8. N., for conduct in handling gunboat Paragua ander fire at Point Bolinaoand San Fabien, Lingayen Gulf, in September, 1899, and for his conspicuous con- duct at the engagement at Ajui, Island of Panay, and at the cap- ture of Romblon in December, 1899. Ensign A. H. McCarthy, U.S. N., very highly commendatory letter from the Secretary of the Navy for his skill, courage, and good judgment in handling his vessel, the U.S. gunboat Cale. wiones in the Agusan River, Mindanao, February 26, 1901, and the successful carrying out of the ehdect of the expedition. John Butts, private, U. 8. M. C Charles B. Hobbs, private, U.S. M. 0. Herman Kehm, private, . Fred D. Moody, private, U. Christopher C, Mullen, p Martin L. M. Mueller, priv: i, UL Richard Quinn, private, U. 8.'M. C. Charles R. White, private, U. 8. M. C. For their work in assisting om barricades at Pekin, July 21 to August 17, 1900. John O. Amman, private, U. 8, se Robert M. Barratt, privat MC. iottlieb Brosi, private, Edward J. Donovan, private, U.S. M,C. William F. Donovan, private, U. 8. M,C. + Henry C. Galligher, private, U M. 0. Harry told, private, U. 8. M. Thomas F. Hall, private, U. 8. M. C. James J. Lavin, private, U.S. M, Jacob ©. E, Martin, private, U. Frederick J. Tinkler, private, U. : For their conduct in the presence of the en to August 17, 1900. GA. Lung, passed assistant surgeon, U.S. N., for his meritori ‘ous condnet at Samoa, April 1, 1899. y wt Pekin, July 21 MEDALS OF HONOI For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy, in battle of Pekin, August 14, 1900; Danicl Daly, private, U. 8. M. O. ° 3 For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy, in pattles on the 1th, 20th, 2ist, and 220 of June, 1900, while with the relief expedition under Vice Admiral Seymour: Joseph Clancy, chief boatswain's mate. Edward Allen, boatswain's mate, first class, William E. Holyoke, boatswain's mato, first class. John McCloy, coxswain. John P. Chatham, guuner’s mate, second class. Burke Hanford, machinist, first class. William F. Hamberger, chief carpenter's mato. Martin T. Torgerson, guuner’s mate, third class. Hans A. Hansen, seaman. George Rose, seaman, Jay Williams, coxswain. William Seach, ordinary seaman, James Sinith, landsman. Francis T. Ryan, coxswain. Joseph Killackey, landsman. Karl Thomass, coxswain. Frank E. Smith, oiler. Peter Stewart, gunnery sergeant, U.S. M. O, Reuben J. Phillips, corporal, U.S. M. O. Harry W. Ordndorff, private, U. 8. M. ©. For distinguished conduct inthe presence of the enemy, in the advance on Tientsin, June 21, 1900; Thomas W. Kates, private, U.S. M. ©, Albert R. Campbell, private, U. 8. M. ©, Charles R. Francis, private, U. 8. M. Clarence E. Mathias, private, U. 8. M. For distinguished conduct in battle July 13, 100, Tientsin: James Cooney, private, U. 8. M. ©, For distinguished conduct in the prese battle near Tientsin, July 18, 1900; John M. Adams, sergeant, U, § Harry C. Adriance, corporal, U. 8. M. C. Alexander J. Foley, sergeant, U. 8. M, C. For distinguished conduct: in the presence of the enuny, assist- to carry a wounded officer from the field under heavy fire at the battle of Tientsin, July 13, 1900: Clarence E. Sutton, sergeant, U.S. M. G. _ For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy in bat- tle at Pekin, July 12, 1900: “Joseph Mitchell, gnnner’s mate, first class. For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy in vol- Unteering and carrying mexsages under tire at Pekin, July 12, 1900; “Robert Stanley, hospital apprentice | For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy it bat- tle, Katbalogan, Samar, P. I., July 16, 1900: Andrew V. Stoltenberg, gunners mate, second class. William H. Jaeger, apprentice, first class. Andrew P. Forbeck, seaman, For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy in bat- fle while with the Bighth Army ( Sorps on the 26th, 27th, and 2th of March, and the 4th of April, | Thomas Francis Prendergast, corporal, U. 8. M, C. ‘Howard Major Buckley, private, U, $M. C. Voseph Melvin, private, U. 8. M. G, nce of the enemy, in MO, 4 For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy at Benictican, February 16, 1900: y Harvey, sergeant, U.S. M. C. For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy at Samoa, April 1, 1899: Michael J. McNally, sergeant, U. 8. M. C Bruno A. Forsterer, sergeant, U. 8. M. ©. Henry L. Hulbert, private, U. 8. M, ©. Frederick T. Fisher, gunner’s mate, first class. For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy at the battle of Pekin, June 20 to July 16, 1900: E, A. Walker, sergeaut, U.S. M. ©. John O. Dahlgren, corporal, U. 8. M. ©. Martin Hunt, private, U. S. M. C. For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy at the battle of Pekin, June 20 to July 16, 1900: Frank A. Young, private, U. 8. M, ©. For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy in erecting barricades under heavy fire at Pekin, July 21 to August, 17, 1900: Erwin J. Boydston, William ©. Horton, Albert Moore, Herbert I. Preston, David J. Scannell, Oscar J. Upham—all privates, U. 8. M. € A medal of honor also to be sent to the heirs of Private Harry Fisher, U. 8. M. C., who was killed while participating in the work of the above-mentioned marines. For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy at Pekin, July 21 to August 17, 1900:. John A. Murphy, drammer, U. 8. M. C. William I, Carr, private, U. 8. M. Henry W. Davis, private, U. 8. M. 0. Louis R. Gaienne, private, U.S. M. 0. William Zion, private, U. 8. M. ©. For distinguished conduct in the presence of the enemy at Pekin, June 28 to August 17, 1900; Carl E. Petersen, chief machinist, U.S. N. Axel Westermark, seaman, U, 8. N. France Silva, private, U. 8. M. C, Capts. Charles G. Long, B. H. Fuller, and Philip M, Bannon and First Lieuts. John F. McGill and Robert F. Wynn, with the men under their respective commands, merit and receive the com- mendation of the Department for their gallant, meritorious, and courageous conduct in the battle of Tientsin, July 18, 1600, JOHN D. LONG, Seereteary.

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