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Title: Cognitive Ability Assessment of Albino Rats (Rattusalbus) after Exposure to

Chemical Complexes of Toilet Deodorizer

Proponent:Mark KjilTayaba and Kenneth Jovellanos

School:Calasiao Comprehensive National High School

Toilet deodorizers also known as air fresheners or air deodorizers are used in

restrooms, washrooms and urinals to remove if not mask offensive and foul odor,

keeping them clean and pleasant smelling. These toilet deodorizers, inthe

form of toilet blocks contain paradichlorobenzene (PDCB), a white solid

crystal with a wet oily surface. PDCB is volatile and gives off penetrating

mothball-like odors, and are used primarily as a germicide and an insecticide.

The researcher conducted the test with 3 replicates for every treatment.

The time taken to find the platform, speed and number of circles were

obtained every after a day during the experimental period for one week. A fter

the test, the data were statically analyzed.

Results showed that treatment 3 registered the highest mean with

a mean of 44.38sec in the time taken by the albino rats in finding the platform

while treatment 1 has the lowest mean with a mean of 37.46. Treatment 3

registered the highest mean in the average speed with a mean of .00196m.s

and the treatment 1 registered the lowest with a mean of .00121m/s. treatment

3 as for the average circles made on the the platform registered the highest

mean with a mean of 1.66 and the treatment 1 registered t he lowest with a

mean of 0.29. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the mean of time taken by the

albino rats to find the platform after exposure to toilet deodorizer declared that a

statistical significance among the treatments was evident at 0.05 significance level. This

further suggests that as exposure to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer becomes

longer, the greater the struggle to complete Morris water test for the Albino rats.

Similarly, in the study of Slikker (2000) on the effects of neurotoxins on cognitive ability

groups exposed to neurotoxic chemicals consistently have deficits on cognitive tests

based on performance. And the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the mean speed the

albino rats taken to find the platform between the control and the treatments declared that

a statistical significance is observed among the four groups. The table above shows that

treatment 2 obtained an average mean of .00107 m/s ranking the test animals in this

group to be the fastest among other groups. T- test further declared that a significant

difference is evident at 0.05 significance level in treatment 1 and control group,

treatment 1 and treatment 3 and treatment 1 and 2. And the Analysis of Variance

(ANOVA) on the average circles made by the albino rats before reaching the platform in

Morris water test between the control and the treatments declared that a statistical

significance is observed among the four groups. The table above shows that the control

group obtained a circling average of 0.2 ranking the test animals in this group to be the

fastest to reach the platform.


This research study was supported by several individuals who shared their

ideas to complete this study. The researchers would like to thank everyone, especially to

the following individuals listed below who made this study possible.

To Our Almighty God, for giving the researchers courage and guidance to finish

this study.

To Ms. Mirasol Vallo, the researcher’s adviser, for giving pieces of advice to

improve the manuscript of this study and for guiding the researchers.

Also, the researchers give thanks to their families for giving sufficient financial

and moral support. Without them, the researchers would not be able to conduct this study.

The researchers would also like to thank their friends and classmates, Grade 9 Mendeleev

S.Y 2018-2019 for their support.

And to all the people who are not mentioned and help them finish this, thank you

very much.


Title Page………………………………………………………...………………….……..i




Background of the Study……………………………..……………....................1-2

Statement of the Problem……………………………………………….……....2-3


Significance of the Study……………………………...……..…………...…..…3-4

Scope and Delimitations………………………………………………….…..…...4

Definition of Terms…………………………………………….…………….…4-6


Related Literature and Studies…………...……………………………….…..…6-9

Conceptual Framework……………...……………..………………..……...……10


Research Design………………………..…………………………..……..….11-12

Preparation of Study Animals……………………..………………..….13-14



Disposal of Materials…………………………………………………………….15

Risk and Safety Procedure……………………………………………………….15

Pros and Cons………………………………………………………...………….15

Collection of Data…………………………………………………………..……15

Statistical tool……………………………………………………..………..…….15


Results and Discussions………………………………………………………16-21





A Statistical Computations……………………………………………..26-28
B Tables…………………………………………………………………29-30
C Plate……………………………………………………………….…31-32

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Toilet deodorizers also known as air fresheners or air deodorizers are used in

restrooms, washrooms and urinals to remove if not mask offensive and foul odor,

keeping them clean and pleasant smelling. These toilet deodorizers, inthe

form of toilet blocks contain paradichlorobenzene (PDCB), a white solid

crystal with a wet oily surface. PDCB is volatile and gives off penetrating

mothball-like odors, and are used primarily as a germicide and an insecticide

(Weber, 2013).

Historically, its original function was based on a military technology for

dispensing insecticides. It was adapted into a pressurized spray using a propellant. The

idea behind the product was to deliver a fine mist of aroma compounds to remain

suspended in the air for an extended period of time. Toilet deodorizers contain

paradichlorobenzene (PDCB), an organic compound which is used as disinfectant,

pesticide, and deodorant. In addition, PDCB is capable of central nervous

system tissue damage and in promoting functional neurological decline

(Dubey, 2014).

Moreover, paradichlorobenzene (PDCB) is an active ingredient of mothballs,

deodorizers and fumigants. Due to the easy availability of this chemical, there is a

considerable risk for accidental or intentional toxic exposure. Recently, multiple cases of

PDCB toxicity due to mothball ingestion were reported. PDCB toxicity can affect

multiple organ systems including liver, kidneys, skin, lung and the central nervous

system (CNS). CNS toxicity often results in leukoencephalopathy and heterogeneous

neurological manifestations ( Dubey,,2014).

In as much as toilet deodorizers are used decontaminate foul odors,

they contain chemicals that may carry toxins and may pose serious health

problems like allergy and asthma symptoms to name a few (Nix, 2017).

Moreover, Many toilet deodorizeremploy carcinogens, volatile organic

compounds and known toxins such as phthalate esters in their formulas. A Natural

Resources Defense Council (NRDC) study of 13 common household air fresheners found

that most of the surveyed products contain chemicals that can aggravate asthma and

affect reproductive development (Nix, 2017).

It is on this premise that the researchers would like to investigate and

offer validation to the above - mentioned ill effects of toilet deodorizers

especially focusing on cognitive ability, utilizing Albino rats.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, the aim of this study is to determine the effects of toilet deodorizer to

the albino rats the Albino rats before exposing it to Toilet deodorizer and after exposing it

to Toilet deodorizer. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following question:

1. What are the effects of exposing the albino rats to toilet deodorizer?

2. Is there significant difference in cognitive ability of Albino rats in the

different treatments, in terms of :

a) time taken to find the platform;


b) speed; and

c) circling information.


This study will test the following hypothesis with the probability level of 0.05

1. There is no significant difference in the cognitive ability of albino rats in the

different treatments:

a) time taken to find the platform;

b) speed; and

c) circling information.

Significance of the Study

This study will benefit the following:


This study is beneficial to people who are using toilet deodorizer (especially a

household), this study will help them gain more knowledge about the ill effects of having

been exposed continuously to toilet deodorizers.


This study will benefit the environment because toilet deodorizer is also form of

chemical which has adverse effects to the environment.


Scope and Delimitation

The study has three treatments and three trials. The three trials were compared

and evaluated by cognitive ability of Albino rats. The study was conducted at the JICA

Laboratory of Calasiao Comprehensive National High School. The study was conducted

from August to October 2018.

Definition and Terms

To further understand this study the following terms were defined:

Albino Rats. A small mammal that has pink eyes, it is used extensively in laboratory

experiment. They lack the ability to make pigment, which means their hair is white and

their eyes are pink or red, as there is no pigment to cover up the color of blood (Lucas,

2005). This is also the Experimental unit of the researchers study.

Chemical Complexes. A substances used or created at work could harm your health.

These chemical complexes could be dusts, gases or fumes that you breathe in, or liquids,

gels or powders that come into contact with your eyes or skin. There could also be

harmful micro-organisms present that can cause infection, an allergic reaction or are

toxic, many substances can harm health but, used properly, they almost never do

(Hunter,2012). In this study, chemical complexes these are the substances of toilet

deodorizer that can harm and it will test to the albino rats.

Circling information .A circling information is a simple closed shape. It is the set of

all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the center;

equivalently it is the curve traced out by a point that moves so that its distance from a

given point is constant. The distance between any of the points and the center is called

the radius (Hazewinkel, 2001), Circling informationof rat will be tested in this study, this

refers to the number of circles made by the test animal before reaching the platform in the

Morris water test, used as determinant of the cognitive ability of the albino rats.

Cognitive Ability.An intellectual prowess it is also called"intelligence" or "general

mental ability." of humans, which is marked by complex cognitive feats and high levels

of motivation and self-awareness. Through their intelligence, humans possess

the cognitive abilities to learn, form concepts, understand, apply logic, and reason,

including the capacities to recognize patterns, comprehend ideas, plan, solve problems.

(Johnson, 2010), Cognitive Ability of rat will be tested in this study,through Morris

Water Test.

Morris Water Test .Is a behavioral procedure mostly used with rodents. It is widely

used in behavioral neuroscience to study spatial learning and memory. It enables

learning, memory, and spatial working to be studied with great accuracy, and can also be

used to assess damage to particular cortical regions of the brain, It is used by

neuroscientists to measure the effect of neurocognitive disorders on spatial learning and

possible neural treatments, to test the effect of lesions to the brain in areas concerned with

memory, and to study how age influences cognitive function and spatial learning.

Paradichlorobenzene (PDCB) .A chlorinated aromatic hydrocarbon. It is a

fumigant insecticide and repellent. Paradichlorobenzene turns directly from a solid into a

gas, a process called sublimation. The target organisms are molds, mildews, and insects,

but paradichlorobenzene can also be toxic to people and other animals. Most pesticide

products containing paradichlorobenzene in the U.S. are used to control clothes moths in

airtight containers (Rossberg, 2006), Paradichlorobenzene is a chemical that the toilet

deodorizers contain.

Speed.Is the magnitude of its velocity (the rate of change of its position); it is thus

a scalar quantity. The average speed of an object in an interval of time is

the distance travelled by the object divided by the duration of the interval; the

instantaneous speed is the limit of the average speed as the duration of the time interval

approaches zero (Wilson, 2002). Speed will be obtained by dividing the distance and the

time it took for the Albino rats to find the platform

Toilet deodorizer. A consumer products used in homes, or commercial products used in

restrooms, that typically emit fragrance. There are many different methods and brands of

air freshener. Some of the different types of air fresheners include sprays, candles, oils,

gels, beads, and plug-ins (Steinemann, 2009). This is also the Independent variable in this

study and toilet deodorizer can be found at the house of the researchers
Chapter 2


Albino Rats

The albino rats are a small mammal of the order Rodentia which bred and used

for scientific research. Albino rats are usually of the species Musmusculus. They are the

most commonly used mammalian research model and are used for research in genetics,

psychology, medicine and other scientific disciplines. Rats belong to the

Euarchontoglires clade, which includes humans. This close relationship, the associated

high homology with humans, their ease of maintenance and handling, and their high

reproduction rate, make albino rats particularly suitable models for human-oriented

research. The albino ratsgenome has been sequenced and many rats genes have human

homologues. Other ratsspecies sometimes used in laboratory research include the

American white-footed rats and other deer rats (Elkind, 2013).

Meanwhile, animal models are indispensable tools in biomedical research. They

have been used since the early days of scientific discovery and still contribute greatly

today to our understanding of the functions of individual genes, the mechanisms of

different diseases, and the effectiveness and the toxicities of various medicines and

chemicals. The genomes of many models have been sequenced, and many genes have

been found to be conserved between model organisms and human Scientists and

researchers rely on mice and rats for several reasons. One is convenience: rodents are

small, easily housed and maintained, and adapt well to new surroundings. They also

reproduce quickly and have a short lifespan of two to three years, so several generations

of mice can be observed in a relatively short period of time (Johnson, 2010).

Toilet Deodorizer

Toilet bowl cleaners and deodorizer are substances used to clean and remove

odors from toilets. Poisoning may occur if someone swallows toilet bowls or deodorizer.

Deodorizer is to eliminate or prevent the offensive odor, and to make something

unpleasant or reprehensible. Deodorizer is a substance used to absorb or eliminate

offensive odors. Disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, and chlorine

compounds eliminate odors caused by microorganisms. Absorbent deodorizer such as

activated charcoal and silica gel remove odorous molecules by attracting them to the

adsorbent surface. Some substances, such as chlorophyll, eliminate odors by combining

chemically with odorous impurities. Glycols, which are disinfectant as well as

deodorizing substances, are sprayed into the air to absorb odors. In some industrial

processes, odor-containing air is scrubbed, i.e., bubbled through a liquid that dissolves or

emulsifies the odorous molecules. In personal hygiene, deodorants may be applied locally

on body surfaces. Because most body odor is caused by the action of bacteria on the skin,

many deodorants contain antiseptics that destroy bacteria; the antiseptic hexachlorophene

is no longer used in deodorants because it has been shown to cause brain damage. An

antiperspirant component of deodorant preparation, usually an aluminum salt, blocks the

pores through which perspiration is secreted (Wolverton, 2014).


Cognitive Ability

Cognitive is relating to involve conscious intellectual activity such as thinking,

reasoning or remembering. Cognitive is based on or capable of being reduced to

empirical factual knowledge; Cognitive functioning is a term referring to an individual’s

ability to process to (thoughts) that should not deplete on a large scale in healthy
individuals. It is defined as the ability of an individual to perform the various mental

activities most closely associated with learning and problem solving. Example includes

verbal, spatial, psychomotor, and processing-speed ability. Cognition mainly refers to

things like memory, the ability to learn new information, speech, and understanding of

written material. The brain is usually capable of learning new skills in the aforementioned

areas, typically in early childhood, and of developing personal thoughts and beliefs about

the world. Old age and disease may affect cognitive function, causing memory loss and

trouble thinking of the right words while speaking or writing, for example, can eventually

cause memory loss, an inability to grasp new concepts of information, and depleted

verbal fluency. Not all with the condition will experience this side effect, and most will

retain their general intellect and the ability (Weinberg, 2012).


Conceptual Framework

To understand more about the factors involved in the study, the researcher

illustrated the diagram below:

Time of toilet deodorizer exposure to

different trearments: i.e. Treatment 1- 30
mins. exposure Treatment 2- 60 mins. of
exposure, Treatment 3-90 mins of exposure
to toilet deodorizer

Independent Variable

Intervening Variable

Effects on Albino Rats’ Cognitive

Ability (a) time taken to find the
platform, (b) speed (c) circling
information (number of cirlces),

Dependent Variable

Fig 1. Paradigm of the Independent Variable and Dependent Variable of the study“
Cognitive Ability Assessment of Albino Rats (Rattusalbus) after Exposure to Chemical
Complexes of Toilet Deodorizer”.
Chapter 3


Research Design

Parallel-group design was used in this study. Test animals which were not expose

to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer served as control group. Three albino rats in

each treatment were exposed to complexes of toilet deodorizers in varying time namely

30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90. Each treatment had 3 trials. The presence of control

group is observed. The different treatments used were:

Treatment 1 - 30 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.

Treatment 2 - 60minutesexposure to toilet deodorizer.

Treatment 3 -90 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.

Table 1. Time Taken for the Albino Rats to Find the Platform

Day Ctrl T1 T2 T3

1 X X X X
2 X X X X
3 X X X X
4 X X X X
5 X X X X
6 X X X X
7 X X X X

Table 2. Speed of Albino Rats in Travelling the Platform

Day Ctrl T1 T2 T3

1 X X X X

2 X X X X

3 X X X X

4 X X X X

5 X X X X

6 X X X X

7 X X X X

Table 3. Number of Circles TavelledBefore Finding the Platform.

Day Ctrl T1 T2 T3

1 X X X X

2 X X X X

3 X X X X

4 X X X X

5 X X X X

6 X X X X

7 X X X X

Preparation of Study Animals

Twelve male albino rats about 9 weeks, old approximately of the same weight were

acquired from Frankie’s petshop in San Carlos City under Bureau of Animal Industry

regulation ( BAI Registration No. PTS-0031). The albino rats were housed and given

access to food and water, ad libitum. The albino rats were acclimatized in the testing site

for five days prior to experimentation. All the animals used in the experiment were

treated as humanely as possible according to the specifications and guidelines set by the

Department of Basic Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine Benguet State University.


The materials used in this study are the following: Three 100 grams of toilet

deodorizer bought in grocery. One 187.96cm wide, plastic water tub, 3 gallons of tap

water, 250 grams of flour dissolved in the water to make it turbid, gloves and face mask

were used for the safety of the researcher.


A. Preparation of Morris Water Test.

Prior to the experiment proper, the researchers first prepared the devise that used

to test cognitive ability. A plastic water tub usually used at home for washing

clothing’s will be filled with about 3 gallons of water. A platform which the

Albino rats will swim for and eventually sat on was situated at the center of the

plastic water tub.

B. Exposure of Study Animals to Toilet Deodorizer


The researchers prepared 3 groups each with 3 Albino rats. These groups were

exposed to toilet deodorizers in different treatments prepared by the researchers,

namely T1-where albino rats are exposed to toilet deodorizer for 30 minutes, T2-

60 minutes exposure and T3- 90 minutes exposure. Prior to exposure, each

albino rat was trained to swim for the platform in plastic water tub filled water.

Each will be timed. Training stoped when the Albino rats were already familiar

with the path in finding the platform. Exposure of albino rats to different

treatments was done one day after the training. A fifteen – minute interval after

exposure will be observed before letting the Albino rats swam for the hidden
platform in the plastic water tub. The time it took for them to find the platform,

their speed and the number of circles they have to traveled to reach the platform

were recorded. The experiment landed for seven days.

Data Collection

The seven-day test in assessing the cognitive ability of Albino rats after

exposure to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer was determined in the


a) Time taken for each albino rat to find the platform after being hidden in

the plastic water tub. This was done by observing and recording the number of

seconds it took them to find the platform;

b) Speed was determined by the distance traveled and time it took for the

albino rats to find the platform and

c) Counting the number of circles they have to go about before finally

reaching the platform.


Disposal of Materials

After the experiment, the water maze, gloves, mask that were used in the

experiment were put inside a plastic bag and the researchers tied the edges of the

plastic bag so that it will be secured. The researchers threw the plastic bag

containing the mask, gloves, water maze. On the other hand, the nine Albino rats

were allowed to recover from the experiment and will be used for the next


Risk and Safety Procedures

In conducting the experiment researcher used gloves and mask and

sometime the researcher asked for the assistance of an adult. Prior to the conduct

of the study, a PDF manual on handling mice from Benguet State University was

read over and over again. A one week orientation on proper care and handling

was administered by the researchers adviser and the researchers were regularly

monitored by their research adviser.

Pros and Cons

The researcher needed to be careful in handling the albino rats and using

thick gloves while holding the rats to avoid getting bitten. The 9 Albino rats were

allowed to recover from the experiment and will be used for the next experiment

Data Analysis

In assessing the cognitive ability of albino rats after exposure to chemical

complexes of toilet deodorizer, the means for each trial per treatment was

obtained. Moreover, the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to compare

the differences among treatments.

Chapter 4


This chapter presents all results and findings after the conducted experiments.

This research study tested the cognitive ability of the albino rats after exposure to

chemical complexes toilet deodorizer. Specifically, this study sought to answer the

following question: 1) What are the effects of exposing the albino rats to toilet

deodorizer? 2) Is there significant difference in cognitive ability of Albino rats in the

control and the three treatments, in terms of : a) time taken to find the platform; b) speed;

and c) number of circles

Parallel-group design was used in this study. Test animals which were not

exposed to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer served as control group. Three albino

rats in each treatment were exposed to complexes of toilet deodorizers in varying time

namely 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90. The test animals in the three treatments were

tested using Morris water test. The rats were observed in the following: the time it took

for them to find the platform, their speed and their circling information, i.e. the number of

circles formed before landing themselves on the platform.

The tables on the next pages show the data gathered from the test parameters

of the study.

a. Time taken to find the platform

Time taken for each albino rat to find the platform after being hidden in

the plastic water tub was observed and recorded.

Table 3.1 Average Time (in seconds) Taken by the Albino Rats in Finding

Treatments Mean

(Before exposing to toilet deodorizer) 9.19 sec.

Treatment 1
(30 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.) 37.46 sec

Treatment 2
(60 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.) 39.44 sec

Treatment 3
(90 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.) 44.38 sec.

The table shows that the test animals in Treatment 3 obtained the longest time

(44.38 seconds) to find the hidden platform in the plastic water tub as compared to the

other groups. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the mean of time taken by the

albino rats to find the platform after exposure to toilet deodorizer declared that a

statistical significance among the treatments was evident at 0.05 significance level. This

further suggests that as exposure to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer becomes

longer, the greater the struggle to complete Morris water test for the Albino rats.

Similarly, in the study of Slikker (2000) on the effects of neurotoxins on cognitive ability

groups exposed to neurotoxic chemicals consistently have deficits on cognitive tests

based on performance.

Tme taken to find the platform (seconds)

Control Treatment 1 Treatment2 Treatment3
Tme taken to find the platform (seconds)

Figure 2.1 Average mean of time finding the platform (seconds) in each treatment.

b. Speed

Speed is determined by determining the distance traveled and time it took for the

albino rats to find the platform.

Table 3.2. Average speed of the albino rats after exposure to chemical complexes
of toilet deodorizer.

Treatments Average

(Before expose to toilet deodorizer) .00471 m/s

Treatment 1
(30 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.) .00121 m/s .

Treatment 2
(60 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.) .00107 m/s

Treatment 3
(90 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer) .00196 m/s

The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the mean speed the albino rats taken to

find the platform between the control and the treatments declared that a statistical

significance is observed among the four groups. The table above shows that treatment 2

obtained an average mean of .00107 m/s ranking the test animals in this group to be the

fastest among other groups

Speed (m/s)
Control Treatment1 Treatment2 Treatment3
Speed (m/s)

Figure 3.1 Comparison of speed of the albino rats before finally reaching the platform in
the control and 3 treatments.

c. Circling information

Below is the table showing the number of circles made travelled by the albino rats

beforelanding themselves in the platform.

Table 3.3 Average circles made by the albino rats before reaching the platform

Treatments Mean

(Before exposure to toilet deodorizer) 0.29

Treatment 1
(30 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.) 0.86

Treatment 2
(60 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer 1.34

Treatment 3
(90 minutes exposure to toilet deodorizer.) 1.66

The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on the average circles made by the albino

rats before reaching the platform in Morris water test between the control and the

treatments declared that a statistical significance is observed among the four groups. The

table above shows that the control group obtained a circling average of 0.2 ranking the

test animals in this group to be the fastest to reach the platform.


Circling information



Control Treatment1 Treatment2 Treatment3

Figure 4.1 Comparison of number of circle before finally reaching the platform in the
control and 3 treatments
Chapter 5



This research study aimed to determine the cognitive ability of albino rats when

expose to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer. Specifically, the study sought to

answer the following questions 1) What are the effects of exposing the albino rats to

toilet deodorizer? 2) Is there significant difference in cognitive ability of Albino rats in

the different treatments, in terms of : a) time taken to find the platform; b) speed; and c)

circling information?Parallel-group design was used in this study. Test animals which

were not expose to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer served as control group.

Three albino rats in each treatment were exposed to complexes of toilet deodorizers in

varying time namely 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 90. The test animals in the three

treatments were tested using Morris water test. The rats were observed in the following:

the time it took for them to find the platform, their speed and their circling information,

i.e. the number of circles formed before landing themselves in the platform. The gathered

data were subjected to statistical analysis and were interpreted an analyzed.

The following are the salient features of the study:

1. Exposure to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizers affect cognition of albino


2. The Cognitive ability of the Albino rats exposed to chemical complexes of toilet

deodorizers have deficits on cognitive tests based on performance as manifested

in the results of the time it took for the albino rats to find the platform and their

circling information.


Based on the findings of the study the following conclusions were drawn:

1. Exposure of Albino rats to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer affects their

motor skills, coordination and speed.

2. As exposure to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer becomes longer, the

greater the struggle to complete Morris water test for the Albino rats. Evidently,

between the control and the experimental, those test animals which were exposed

to chemical complexes had the longer time finding the platform.


Based on the conclusions of the study, the following recommendations

were formulated:

1. Changes in weight of the Albino rats after the exposure to chemical

complexes of toilet deodorizer be investigated .

2. Further research on how chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer affects

social and grooming skill of the Albino rats.

3. Lastly, the researcher recommends to inspect and observe the lungs of the

Albino rats after exposure to chemical complexes of toilet deodorizer.



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Statistical Analysis


Statistical Computation A.I.ANOVA Time taken to find the platform

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Treatment 1 20 23 1.15 1.081579
Treatment 2 20 22 1.1 1.357895
Treatment 3 20 31 1.55 2.786842


Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Groups 2.433333 2 1.216667 0.698389 0.501592 3.158843
Within Groups 99.3 57 1.742105

Total 101.7333 59


Statistical Computation A.I.ANOVA for the Speed of albino rats.

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Treatment 1 20 737.06 36.853 835.2479
Treatment 2 20 771.24 38.562 399.9932
Treatment 3 20 866.67 43.3335 1488.35


Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 451.2318 2 225.6159 0.248513 0.7808 3.158843
Within Groups 51748.23 57 907.8637

Total 52199.46 59


Statistical Computation A.I.ANOVA Number of Circles Travelled by albino rats.

Groups Count Sum Average Variance

Treatment 1 20 786.69 37.46143 801.2594
Treatment 2 20 828.27 39.44143 396.2348
Treatment 3 20 932 44.38095 1436.973


Source of
Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Groups 533.3937 2 266.6969 0.303701 0.739209 3.150411
Within Groups 52689.34 60 878.1557

Total 53222.73 62



Table B.1. F-test result for the time taken to find the platform rats

Statistical Analysis

F-value: 0.70 F-critical: 3.16

P-value: 0.50 Alpha:0.05

Table B.2. F-test result for the Speed of the Albino rats.

Statistical Analysis

F-value: 0.25 F-critical: 3.16

P-value: 0.78 Alpha:0.05


Table B.3. F-test result for the Circling information of the Albino rats.

Statistical Analysis

F-value: 0.30 F-critical: 3.16

P-value: 0.74 Alpha:0.05




Toilet Deodorizer
Flour Gloves

Water Tub

Plate 1. Materials that were used in the study entitled “Cognitive Ability Assessment of
Albino Rats (Rattusalbus) after Exposure to Chemical Complexes of Toilet Deodorizer”

Plate 2. Water maze used in the study entitled “Cognitive Ability Assessment of Albino
Rats (Rattusalbus) after Exposure to Chemical Complexes of Toilet Deodorizer”

Plate 3. Albino rats that were used as an experimental unit in the study entitled“Cognitive
Ability Assessment of Albino Rats (Rattusalbus) after Exposure to Chemical Complexes
of Toilet Deodorizer”

Plate 4. Albino rats while doing the experiment on the study entitled “Cognitive Ability
Assessment of Albino Rats (Rattusalbus) after Exposure to Chemical Complexes of
Toilet Deodorizer”

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