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Title of Presentation: Global Warming

General Purpose: To inform

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about the effects of global warming

Organizational Pattern: Cause and Effect


A) Attention Grabber (Note: Write in

complete sentences)

My dear friends, what’s the first thing that

comes to your mind when you see this picture?
What could have caused the changes to the
beautiful landscape you see on the left? Can
this really happen to our beautiful world?

B) Background Information (Note: Not a requirement. But if you have it just write in note
form. Do not write in complete sentences)

 United Nation report 2014 – Temperature increased 2°C in 30 years

 Rising sea levels

C) Thesis Statement (Note: Must be in complete sentence)

Ladies & gentlemen, my dear friends, today I’m going to share with you the 3 main effects of
global warming and their impact on all of us.

2.0 BODY (Note: At least 3 main points)

Main Point 1 (Note: State the main point in a complete sentence)

The first main effect of global warming is severe weather patterns that can result in terrible
natural disasters.

Supporting Details for Main Point 1 (Note: Write in point form only. Do not write in complete

 stronger hurricanes and other storms
 severe floods
 landslides
 loss of lives & homes

Main Point 2

My dear friends, global warming will also affect agriculture, resulting in food shortages.

Supporting Details for Main Point 2

 more floods and droughts

 increase in pests
 crop failure
 starvation and malnutrition

Main Point 3

Ladies & gentlemen, my dear friends, the final main effect of global warming is the spread of

Supporting Details for Main Point 3

 malaria & dengue carried by mosquitoes

 less fresh water available – unhygienic – lead to illnesses
 skin diseases due to UV radiation


A) Review of main points (Note: Must be in complete sentence)

My dear friends, today I’ve shared with you 3 main effects of global warming which are natural
disasters, food shortages and spread of diseases.

B) Making the audience think about the presentation (Note: Must be in complete sentence)

The sea water is rising, weather patterns are getting more severe and extreme, people are dying.
As caring citizens of the world we must do our part to lessen the impact of global warming.

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