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The 5th year students of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering

section A of the University of Batangas Lipa Campus, wants to express their

sincerest appreciation to the following who made their seminar possible:

To the Almighty God, whom the seminar facilitators gives all the glory and

praise for the gift of knowledge, excellent health, and passion to achieve their goal

of completing their seminar.

To the seminar facilitator’s respective family, who inspired them all

throughout the conduct of their seminar, from conceptualization up to its success.

To Dr. Felix Veroya, the founder and CEO of Ask Lex Philippines Academy,

for his invaluable services rendered as the major guest resource speaker of the


To Engr. Joan Villanueva, the beloved Dean of College of Engineering and

Architecture; to Engr. Annabelle Magsino, the Program Head of Bachelor of

Science in Industrial Engineering; and to all the very accommodating professors

and administrators who generously helped and contributed to the success of the


Together, the 5th year students of BSIE section A sincerely acknowledge

and give gratitude to all the contributors to their seminar.

The Seminar Facilitators (BSIE – 5A)


As our world is being modernized, manufacturing industries are now

experiencing a shift towards digitalization. Cost decrease of sensors, wireless

connectivity, and the opportunity to store big amounts of data pushed a process

towards a next generation of manufacturing industry. Manufacturing firms has now

the opportunity to gather large quantities of data coming from different areas, such

as product and process design, assembly, material planning, quality control,

scheduling, maintenance, fault detection and all the product life cycle phases. The

extraction of value from data is the new challenge that companies are now

experiencing. Therefore, the need for analytical information system is growing in

order to explore datasets and to discover useful and often hidden information.

As part of the final requirements of 5th year students of BSIE section A in

their Engineering Ethics and Values course, they have conducted a 1-Day In-

House seminar for all the 5th year BSIE students enrolled in the Engineering Ethics

and Values course. The seminar was held in the Audio Visual Room last November

13, 2019 with the theme: “IE in Modernity: Industrial Engineers in the World of Data


This seminar aims to update and expose all the 5 th year BSIE students of

the University of Batangas Lipa Campus as it provides an overview of the data

analysis tools and techniques that they can soon apply in both manufacturing and

service industries.
Objectives of the Seminar

The objectives of the seminar are the following:

a. To expose all 5th year BSIE students to the latest trend and application of

Data Analytics

b. To let the students appreciate the significant contribution of their course to

the national as well as the global economy; and

c. To give the students the opportunity to scout possible employment

opportunities in the companies to be visited.

Significance of the Seminar

The seminar was conducted primarily for the benefit of 5th year Industrial

Engineering students. It was done not only for compliance to a course requirement

but also for several other reasons. Seminars are conducted to train and equip

students to be more knowledgeable and competitive. Since the attendees of the

seminar were graduating students, the knowledge imparted could be utilized in the

near future. It would be of great help knowing that Industrial Engineers have a fair

share in the world of data analytics. The seminar could also enlighten the students

of the path they could take after they graduate. They could contemplate being a

data analyst or other similar profession considering the rising popularity of data

Narrative of the Seminar

The seminar entitled “IE in Modernity: Industrial Engineers in the Modern

World of Data Analytics” was held in the Audio Visual Room of the University of

Batangas Lipa Campus last November 13, 2019, it was facilitated and prepared by

5th year students from section A taking up a degree of Bachelor of Science in

Industrial Engineering. The topic of the seminar is chosen to broaden the

knowledge of the future Industrial Engineers about Data Analytics. The seminar

was initiated by the President of the class, Mr. Christian Joe Quimio.

Before the program started, the participants are obliged to register their

names on the attendance sheet officiated by the head of the Registration

Committee, Ms. Princess Shaira De Ocampo and after they have registered every

participant are given their seminar kit together with a name tag. While the

participants consist of 5th year students of the same course from another two

sections were waiting for the resource speaker, the Dean of College of Engineering

and Architecture, Engr. Joane M. Villanueva gave her opening remarks and

delivered her inspiring message.

After the message of Engr. Joan M. Villanueva, the Mr. and Ms. Sports

Fiesta performed an intermission number to entertain the students while they are

waiting. The program was officially started at exactly 9:00 am when the resource

speaker arrived at the venue. Before the major talk begin, an invocation and

national anthem was played through an audio video presentation.

The resource speaker is Dr. Felix Veroya, a Professional Industrial

Engineer, Associate ASEAN Engineer, Certified Lean Facilitator, Master Black Belt

and Certified Sprint Master. He said that it is his desire and passion to empower

students and his future fellow Industrial Engineers with regards to data analytics.

To make the discussion more informative, Dr. Felix mentioned the

importance of a data analytics skill set for today's Industry 4.0. He also shared

actual high impacting projects he did across many years of practice as an IE

capitalizing his data analytics skill. His presentation was full of information and

knowledge that can be useful and essential for the future of the students in the

industry and he made sure that the message of the presentation was easy to grasp

for his listeners. The participants are very attentive and engaged to what Dr. Felix

was talking about Data Analytics.

After the talk, the curious minds of Industrial Engineering students were

entertained through an Open Forum where they can ask question for the speaker

and to make the talk more interactive Dr. Felix prepared an activity to those who

are willing to participate. Before Engr. Annabelle Magsino delivered her closing

remarks for the seminar, Dr. Felix Veroya was given a token and a Certificate of

Appreciation for making himself available and for sharing his knowledge and

expertise on that day. Also the certificate of participation of the participants were

given to their respective class representatives. And the students were given a

chance to have a group photo with the speaker.

This seminar was indeed one of those days that every Industrial

Engineering students would remember and cherish.


In conclusion, the seminar was a success. According to feedback, the

seminar facilitators were able to utilize four hours efficiently, from registration to

the awarding of certificates. The attendees were satisfied with the interactive talk

of the guest resource speaker. Some students were even able to receive prizes

for participating in the discussion. Being the first section out of three to organize a

seminar for the fifth year Industrial Engineering students, the BSIE – 5A student

facilitators were able to conduct the seminar smoothly without mishaps.

Summary of Results of Seminar Evaluation

Here are the scale that was used in the Seminar Evaluation Form:

5 - Achieved/Relevant/ Effective to a VERY GREAT EXTENT

4 - Achieved/Relevant/ Effective to a GREAT EXTENT

3 - Achieved/Relevant/ Effective to a MODERATE EXTENT

2 - Achieved/Relevant/ Effective to a VERY SLIGHT EXTENT

1 - NOT Achieved/Relevant/Effective at all

Summary of Results

1. Extent to the objective of the activity was achieved

2. To what extent was the content relevant?
3. To what extent was the speaker/s effective in delivering the following?
Statement / Breakdown of Seminar Expenses
School Supplies
Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost / Unit (₱)
Ballpen 85 5 PHP 425.00
Brown Envelope 85 2 PHP 170.00
Parchment Paper (Short) 70 3.60 PHP 252.00
Crepe Paper 10 10.60 PHP 106.00
Double Sided Tape 1 50 PHP 50.00
Plastic Ribbon 1 5 PHP 5.00
Paper Bag 1 25 PHP 25.00
Frame 1 75 PHP 75.00
Total Expense for School Supplies PHP 1,108.00
Snacks for Participants
Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost / Unit (₱)
Mineral Water 100 6 PHP 600.00
Bread Pan 100 5 PHP 500.00
Cup cake 100 5.70 PHP 570.00
Total Expense for School Supplies PHP 1,670.00
Food and Token for Speaker/s
Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost / Unit (₱)
Red Wine 1 248.50 PHP 248.50
Ham Sandwich 2 30 PHP 60.00
Bottled Water 4 12 PHP 48.00
Candy 10 1 PHP 10.00
Coke in can 2 50 PHP 100.00
Roasted Chicken with rice 2 129 PHP 258.00
Chicken Ceasar Salad 2 199 PHP 398.00
Total Expense for School Supplies PHP 1,122.50
Description Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost (₱)
Printing Services 350 2 PHP 700.00
Photocopy Services 85 0.60 PHP 51.00
Tarpaulin (3 x 4 feet) 1 280 PHP 280.00
Gas for Logistics 1 200 PHP 200.00
Total Expense for School Supplies PHP 1,231.00

Total Expenses for the Seminar

Total Seminar Expenses
Particulars Total Cost (₱)
School Supplies PHP 1,108.00
Snacks for Participants PHP 1,670.00
Food and Token for Speaker/s PHP 1,122.50
Others PHP 1,231.00
Total Seminar Expenses PHP 5,131.50

a. Preparation of Venue
b. Seminar Kit Preparation
c. Preparation of Certificates and Snacks

d. Registration of Participants
e. Seminar Proper

f. Opening Remarks (Engr. Joan Villanueva)

g. Major Talk (Dr. Felix Veroya)
h. Open Forum

i. Distribution of Snacks and Seminar Evaluation Forms

j. Signing of Certificates

k. Awarding of Token & Certificate of Appreciation to the Resource Speaker

l. Awarding of Certificate of Participation to the Participants

m. Closing Remarks (Engr. Annabelle Magsino)

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