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Welcome to this module! You must be very eager to start with the
learning activities. The activities in the module have been designed to provide
you with rich and stimulating learning experiences that will help you
communicate better in English!

In a sentence, a verb should agree with a subject in person (first, second

or third) and in number (singular or plural). So, what does that mean? Say, we
have the verb work. The verb form changes depending on the subject: we say “I
work” but we say “he works”. We call this subject and verb agreement.

WHAT THIS MODULE IS ABOUT provides you insights on what you are going to

learn. This section encourages you to read carefully the activities you need to work

on. The module focuses on the four rules on Subject-Verb Agreement. When a

singular and plural subject are joined by or or nor, the verb agrees with the nearer

subject and when the subject follows the verb, as in questions and in sentences

beginning with here and there.


what you should learn after going through the activities in the module. You can use

the list to check your own learning. Activities consist of a variety of learning

experiences ad exercises designed to help you develop the skills and competencies

covered in this module.


Exercise A :Read the sentences inside the hearts. Give the correct verb to fill in the
blank. Choose from the word pool below.

a. Has d. call
b. are e. receives
c. delivers f. have

1. _____ 2._____
The examinees Joy or They
or the examiners
needed in the
______ the program.

3._____ 4._____

Sheila nor we Neither Anna

______ seen nor the
the Shooting passengers__
incident. the policeman.

We or Dan
_____ the letter.

Exercise B. Put the correct form of the verb in the sentence.

1. Neither the crate nor the plastic boxes ________ damaged in the accident.
2. Either the student are the teacher ________ wrong. (is,are)
3. Either Peter or his friends ______going to pick us up. ( is, are)
4. Neither the contestants nor the visitor ______ my share. ( get, gets)
5. Either you or Karen _______ going to Baguio. (is,are)

Exercise C. Identify the subject that agrees with the verb in this conversation.

Ricky: So, how was your vacation in the North.

Liza: Oh, it was all right. Neither Boracay nor the beaches were

Ricky: Wonderful!

Liza: Either my sisters or my cousins have different ideas about

spending vacation.

Ricky: Really?

Liza: Yes. Either they or my sisters likes running around, seeing

everything and visiting all the cultural and historic landmarks. They
hate walking around from sunrise till sunset.

Ricky: Well, how did you talk things out?

Liza: Either facial expression or a win-win solution was effective.

Ricky: Really? What did you agree on?

Liza: I met new friends who enjoyed the sea while she asked a
cousin to show her around.

Awake magazine, April 2011

Module on Subject and Verb Agreement

Meeting 1:Rules on singular and a plural subject joined by or or nor

Time Frame: 5 Hours

I. Learning Objectives
 identify subjects nearer the verb in a given statements;
 use appropriate verb to construct sensible statements.

II. Content
Topic: When a singular and a plural subject are joined by or or nor, the
verb agrees with the nearer subject
Material: Worksheets

III. Development
A. Activity

Please read the following paragraph

All of us get angry from time to time. After all, anger is as much part of our
emotional makeup as love, hope, anxiety, sadness, and fear. Anger that is
controlled can be expressed in a proper way or can serve a useful purpose. Either
someone or you experiences anger more quickly, more frequently and more
intensely than others because it also has a dark side. He or they lashes out with
verbal or physical attacks when provoked. Their anger, in effect, controls them,
when it should be the other way around. Such unrestrained anger is either
dangerous or alarming.

Awake magazine, September 2011

In reading the above paragraph, you may have noticed that there were many
problems. The writing did not flow smoothly, and the diction was confusing. There
were several mistakes in this paragraph – the subjects and verbs do not agree, in
other words, they don’t match up.

By the end of this section, you will be able to correct the above paragraph, as
well as identify and correct errors in subject-verb agreement.

B. Abstraction

1. Either Andy or Karla has the information you need.

2. Neither the principal nor the teachers were delayed by the snowstorms.
3. Neither Easter Island nor the Aleutian Islands are located in the Atlantic.
4. The teacher or the students have left the room early.
5. You nor she takes her time wisely.

Before you proceed to the lesson proper, check how you fared in the test.


Now, check your answers on the key below.

Exercise A. Exercise B.

1. Receives 1. Were
2. Are 2. Is
3. Have 3. Are
4. Call 4. Gets
5. Delivers 5. Is

Exercise C.

1. Neither Boracay nor the beaches were boring.

2. Either my sister or my cousins have different ideas about spending vacation.
3. Either they or my sister likes running around, seeing everything, and visiting
all the cultural and historic landmarks.
4. Either facial expression or a win-win solution was effective.

Perfect? Congratulations!

If you got a score of 5 higher keep up the good work!

But if you got 4 or lower please try harder in the next exercises.

B. Analysis

The subjects in the chart appear in bold print. The verbs are in italics.
For now, pay especially close attention to the subjects near the verbs
because that is where you will see the difference. Take note that when there
are two singular nouns joined by or or nor, the verb agrees with the nearer
subject. This is because you are looking at the nouns separately, not as a
combination. Therefore, you can say “Neither the milk nor the groceries have
been delivered”.

Let us take for example these sentences:

1. Neither the principal nor the teachers were delayed by the snowstorm.
2. The teacher or the students have left the room early.

There are two subjects in sentence number 1, principal and teachers and the
subjects are joined by nor. The subject nearer the verb is teachers and it is plural in
number. Therefore, the appropriate verb is plural and that is the verb were. In
sentence number 2, the subjects teacher and students are joined by or and the
nearer subject to the verb is students.

Key Pointers to Remember

When a singular and a plural subjects are joined by or or nor, the verb agrees
with the nearer subject.

C. Application

Now, let us see how well you understood the discussion on the given rule.
Challenge yourself with the next activity.

Activity 1

Using the verb inside the parenthesis, make a sentence for each subject,
making sure that you have used the correct subject-verb-agreement.

1. Cheerers-Players (get)
2. Writers-Editor(review)
3. Vendors-Buyers(receive)
4. Drivers-Passenger(call)
5. Manager-Clerks(sign)

Activity 2

List five ways of doing the following situations. Follow the rule on subject-

1. How to make other people happy

2. How to help our community
3. How to conserve electricity
4. How to keep ourselves healthy
5. How to help lessen pollution

Activity 3

Post Test: Complete the following by adding words/expression that would

make the statement meaningful. Follow the S-V-A rules.

1. The evacuees or the rescuer ________________

2. Sheila or I ___________________
3. Neither the voters nor the teacher ___________________
4. Either Karen or the visitors ___________________
5. Neither Ann nor the passersby _______________
6. Neither they nor she ____________________
7. The girls or Earl __________________
8. Either the boys or the lady
9. Neither my parents nor my grandfather ___________________
10. The editors or the artist ________________
11. Either the editor or the artist _____________________
12. Either the faculty members or the president of university ______
13. Neither St. Louis nor the other universities _________________
14. The lady or the dancers ________________
15. Neither the vendor nor the buyers ___________________

Reading Passage 1

Are Your Lips Precious Vessels?

“There exists gold, also an abundance of corals; but the lips of knowledge
are precious vessels”, wrote King Solomon of old. Gold has always been highly
valued, and in Solomon’s day, corals were too prized. Yet, our lips are more
precious than these. How? Either because of physical appearance or because of
the thoughts they express. Why do precious lips radiate goodness, kindness and
love? There are still lips of knowledge that speak truth.

Sadly, many people misuse their lips by saying things about others that are
untrue. For example, there are those that talk about their fellow’s downfall in life
while others condemn or judge people without knowing the why’s and how a
person has done things which they consider wrong. Why do others cheapen the
value of their lips through insincere speech, hurtful gossip, or even slander? Such
badness is not hidden from God. He sees what we really are! Here is a quote from
Proverbs 26:23 : “As a silver glazing overlaid upon a fragment of earthenware are
fervent lips along with a bad heart.” Cleanness or purity is reflected in our words.
The result? Ours lips will be precious vessels, especially in the eyes of the Most

Ethel A. Zinampan

Activity 4

Fill in the chart showing the agreement of subject and verb based from the
rules discussed earlier. Pick out the subject and the verb from the paragraph Are
Your Lips Precious Vessels.

Sentence Subject Verb


Activity 5

With “Are Your Lips Precious Vessels” as your models, write your reaction
about the given composition. Assess your own composition using the following

Use appropriate verbs when the subjects are joined by or or nor.

Determine the nearer subject to the verb, that is, if the subject is
singular or plural.
Consider correct diction in tying up sentences.

Now, let us see how well you fared in the activities given. (Check your answer in the
provided answer key.)

Perfect? That’s really great! Congratulations, it’s a pleasure working with you.
Did you score between 20-30? Very good! Keep up the good work. You have
truly used this module to the optimum.
Did you score between 15-19? Well, you did fine, although you could have
done better. Try harder in succeeding modules.
Did you score 15 or lower? Well, it’s not a lost cause really, but you should
have made full use of this module. It would be to your advantage if you study
this module again and get maximum benefit from it. Try again, would you,

Before you put aside this module, spend some time reflecting on what you
have learned from it. Use this format in your reflective journal.

Reflective Journal
Name : ____________________________________
School : ___________________________________

 What did I learn from this module?

 What was particularly significant for me? Why?

 How will I apply what I have learned to my life?

IV. Evaluation

1. It Pays To Know. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in
parenthesis. Write your answers in your notebook.

A. Our Continent Asia

Asia, the largest of the continents, has an area of more than 44 million
square kilometers. It is the bigger than North America and South America
put together.

Of all the continents, Asia has the greatest contrasts. Neither the
Himalayas or the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest______1_____(be)

More than half of all the people in the world live in Asia. The continent
or the world’s largest cities___ 2___(be) extraordinary. About 40 other
cities have several million inhabitants each. Yet vast areas of Asia are
uninhabited, or very nearly so.

Asia is often called Cradle of Civilization because either men or

women ________3._______(develop) the skills and ideas on which
civilization were built. People also believe that either Asians or
Europeans______4.___(be) the first to construct
permanent houses and settlements. It is in Asia that men learned to put
copper, tin and iron to use, that the art of writing are developed, and that
alphabets are devised. Paper, gunpowder, or crop irrigation 5 (be) among
other Asian inventions and ideas. And it is in Asia that most of the world’s
major religions had their origin.

2. Make four sentences based on the situation given. The first is done for you.
1. The Franistas are a happy family.
a. Neither the parent nor the children are hardworking and preserving.
b. Neither father or mother gambles or drinks.
c. Either the father or the mother discusses family matters with the

d. Either the young or the old ones are obedient and diligent in their

2. The basketball team is always losing.

a. Either .
b.Neither .
c. Neither .
d. Either .

3. Marietta and Sylvia used to be friends, but now they don`t see eye to eye.

a. Either .
b. Either .
c. Either .
d.Neither .

4. Mr. Tinio`s restaurant is small but very popular.

a. Neither .
b. Either .
c. Either .
d. Neither .

V. Agreement
Go over the pictures below. Write a short dialog or conversation based from the
different pictures.

Meeting 2:Rules on the subject followed by the verb, as in questions and in
sentences beginning with here and there.

Time Frame:5 hours

I. Learning Objective:Identify subjects correctly in sentences beginning with

here or there.
II. Content
Topic: Identifying subjects in sentences beginning with here and there

Material : Worksheets

III. Development

Activity (Pre-Test)

Complete the following dialogs with appropriate verbs.

1. A. Where_______Ana’s books?
B. The ones placed on top of the table.
2. A. Who_________taking examination for UST.
B. Andrea
3. A. What________you afraid of?
B. Snakes and frogs.
4. A. Here________myprojects.Go over them.
B. They________quite presentable.
5. A. The postman left these letters. Whose_____these?
B. Mine.

B. Abstraction

Agreement is easy when the subject is clear and is placed right beside the verb, but
occasionally the writer can misidentify the subject or lose sight of it completely. Look
at the examples, which are incorrect. The subject and verb are in italics.
There are the soccer equipment.
Here is the references you need for your history paper.

In these sentences,thesubjectsand verbs do not agree.Why?Because equipment is a
singular word and references is a plural subject. If you were to replace the
word“references”with a pronoun, the pronoun would be“they”,not “it”.Would you
write,“They is”?.No,it would be “They are”.So in the above sentences,the verbs
would have to be“is” and “are” to match.

Read the following expressions in speech balloons. Find out which shows agreement
of subject and verb. Write C if the sentence shows correct agreement and write N
if it does not.

There are ways to kill

a chicken Here is the tips you
need to know!

_____1. _____3.

There you count me

Why don’t you tell out! I don’t care
her about that?

_____2. _____4.

Who feel it is his duty to

do that thing?


Picking the Correct Verb Form

Most times, our ear tells us what is the correct verb form for a subject
without us even having to think about it consciously. But when the tricky
forms occur, how do we figure out what is the correct verb form for the

One way to do is to ask yourself, would I replace this subject, for

example “references”, with “he”, “she”, “it” or “they”? In this case references
would be replaced by “they”. Then try asking yourself, what verb form would I
use with usually as they” usually as the subject? Would I say “They is” or
“They are”? We usually know right away using the pronoun.

Therefore, when the subject follows the verb, as in questions and in

sentences beginning with here and there, be careful to determine the subject and
make sure that the verb agrees with it. For example, it is wrong to say There’s three
routes you can take, but rather you say There are three routes you can take.
Sentences that begin with here and there are called expletive sentences. These
words are not the subjects in the sentences. In sentences that begin with questions
like”Where ____ your mother and father?”, the subjects are mother and father, so it
is incorrect to use the singular verb is because the subject is compound. The right
verb is are.

D. Application

Post Test

Exercise A. Underline the verb in the parentheses that agrees with the subject in
each of the following sentences. Then, circle the subject.

1. Here (come, comes) the baton twirlers.

2. There(is, are) twenty students in my French class.
3. There (is, are) no ice skating on the pond unless the flag is up.
4. There (is, are) varieties of oak trees.

5. Here(is, are) the list of many students who signed up to work on the play.
6. There (was, were) many mistakes in your homework, Pam.
7. Here (is, are)the delivery truck with all the furniture you ordered.
8. There (is, are) many potholes in the street.
9. Where (is, are) Stephen with the new uniform?
10. Where (is, are) one of those sprayers for watering plants?

Exercise B. Do you know that…

Read the paragraph carefully before you write the letter of the word or group of
words that completes each of the following sentences.

1.)When things go wrong as they sometimes will, when the road you are trudging
(seems, seem) all uphill; when the funds (is, are) low, and the debts are high, when
problem (is, are) pressing you down a bit; rest if you must but you must not quit. 2.)
Success is failure turned inside out. 3.) There (is ,are) the silver tints of the clouds of
doubt. 4.) However, can you ever (tell ,tells) how close you (is, are) because success
could be very near when it (seems, seem) too far? 5.) So stick to the fight when you
are hardest hit. 6.) It is when things (go ,goes) wrong that you must not quit.

Activity 1. Using the Right Verbs

Fill in the blank with the correct verb from the bubbles below. You may use a
word more than once.

look come


call were

do believe come

1. How did the early Filipinos __________ their god?

2. Whom _________ they worship?
3. Where did our ancestors _________ from?

4. How did the bodies of their anitos ________?
5. How did they _________ incantations?
6. What did the Muslims __________ in?
7. When did the Spaniards _________ to the Philippines?
8. Which _________ you prefer, singing or dancing?
9. Whose ancestors __________ the Malays who came in 1300 A.D.?

10. When did the ancestors of the Muslims ____________?

Activity 2

Write the correct word for the blank in each sentence. Choose from the words in the
boxes above the sentences.

are think spends have is

1. “What ________ the trouble my dear?” asked the wolf thoughtfully. “Tell Granny

about it.”

2. “Oh, Granny,” said Red Riding Hood, “here you ______ so kind, But what big eyes
and teeth you ___.”

3. At this point the wolf leaped up, yelling “I have had all day to consider whether or
not to eat you, Here I _____ I shall – now.”

4. There the wolf ________ too much time, for a hunter, hearing the noise, burst in
and saved Red Riding Hood.

5. Here you _______ “Oh, sir, thank you for your kindness.,” sighed Red Riding
Hood to the hunter.

Activity 3

Dear Madam Love,

I write this letter to you to seek your help about my problem. Here
I cry easily and often because life hasn’t been easy for, I still think of my
mom whom I lost when I was five years old. I grow up with two older
brothers who didn’t care much about me. My father was either busy at
home or at work, or out of town most of the time. I had learned to either
sink or swim until my father remarried again. He gave me a stepmother
who often times, is even more difficult to deal with. I started to think of
running away from home.

Then, I last my father in a shattering tragedy. I have had anxiety

attacks since then. I wallowed in self-pity. I lost my interest in my studies
and became more insecure. I tried to stop these patterns because I had
realized that if you thought something’s going to end badly, it would.

Now, I’m fourteen and still can’t get over the sad experiences. I
don’t have somebody whom I can consider a real friend and to whom I
can pour out my feelings. What will I do?



Copy the statements from the letter above that shows agreement in subject and
verb. Fill in the chart below.

Sentence Subject Verb

Activity 4

Read by taking a closer look at the four frames of the comic strips. Determine what
the characters are saying. Fill in the frames by writing the character’s words in the
speech bubbles below.

IV. Evaluation

Activity 1: Reading Text 1

Do you know that there are many talented Filipinos? All over the world, many of our

Fellowmen have excelled in their fields. Every year we read about many Filipinos
who excel in various fields. We are certainly proud of them.

Directions: Read the announcement below and copy the subjects that agree with
the verbs.

Task 1

Wanted: Talented, Adaptive, Indigenuous Filipinos

It’s count down to the 21st century, the Third millennium or the Third Wave

Are you ready for it?

1. There is a need for excellence and competitiveness. Do you have the

talent to pursue excellence and to do your best despite the odds?
2. There is a need for an adaptive work, force scientists, engineers,
mathematicians, technology managers; workers grounded in science and
3. There is a need for citizens who have knowledge of computers and
computer power, and telecommunications; the age of the 21st century is
the age of Information Technology (IT).
4. There is a need for citizens who are effective knowledge workers:
knowledge that is constantly renewed and enhanced.
5. There is a need for citizens who do not only aspire for excellence and do
not remain only in the books, or in the four walls of the classroom but is
exemplified in a lifestyle that reflects respect for the law, honesty, freedom
and tolerance for others.

Do you think you can become this citizen? Get ready. You are wanted for the
21st century!

Task 2

Directions: Answer the following questions about the announcement using

appropriate statements following the agreement of subject and verb discussed

1. What is there to expect in the 21st century that makes the above
characteristics necessary?
2. The 21st century begins in the year 2000. What are the other terms used for
this period?
3. What jobs will be available for the work force of the 21st century?
4. What are the values that the Filipinos of the future should have?

Task 3

After doing the activities about the announcement, interview some people that
you know, and listen to their views on the values that Filipino citizen of the 21 st
century should possess.

Task 4

Directions: Look at the Filipino values listed below. Write ways about how you
can practice these values in your life. (Answers may vary)

1. Respect for the Law

Meaning: reverence, regard, consideration

1. My mom taught me to have due respect for the law by abiding authorities.
2. The culprit did not pay his respect for the law when he willfully disobeyed
the police officers.

2. Respect for Honesty



3. Respect for freedom


1. ___________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________

4.Tolerance for others


1. ____________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________

5.Respect for the Environment




Reading Text 2

From Rags to Riches

This is the success story of Julio Esparaz, pioneer in gas range

manufacturing in the country.

He was a poor man’s son struggling to finish his high school education in
his native town. His rich uncle took pity on him and offered to finance his
education in exchange for Julio’s loyalty and hard work.

Julio jumped at the chance. So, he became not only a working student but
also the breadwinner of his family. More than once, the long working hours
interfered with his studies. Whenever that happened, he chose to set aside his
studies rather than see his family hungry.

Being a bright and resourceful young man with creative streak in him, he
found time to read Chinese literature and write poetry while he was on 24-hours
call at his job. His passion for Chinese literature eventually paid off. After his
graduation, he was offered a part-time job as a teacher of Chinese literature. This
gave him additional income.

The urge to make something of him was strong. To achieve his purpose,
he created his own opportunity for advancement. With his uncle’s words of advice
and his entire savings of P100, he left his hometown. He found work as a delivery
boy in a glassware factory.

His innate honesty and industry impress everyone who had dealings with
him. He made friends, and soon he had established enough and credit standing.

Despite financial difficulties he was determine to make good. To make both ends
meet, Julio worked hard and lived simply. There were times when he hardly slept
and had to skip meals. But in the end, his determined efforts and diligence were
rewarded. He achieved his purpose and became a millionaire.

Time Magazine, 2004

Activity 2: Reading 3

Have you heard about the floods caused by typhoons last year, which killed
many countrymen and destroyed our natural resources? Illegal logging caused all
these. We lost many trees due to this practice and therefore we should all do our
best effort to protect the environment. In Activity 2, you will read about the
environmental protection.

Directions: Read the selection “No man is an Island” and be able to answer the
questions found after the selection.

No man is an Island

TIME magazine's special issue on the environment should be made compulsory

reading in classrooms around the country since, it is the children who will inherit a
world they never made but whose ecological problems they will have to solve. It
becomes imperative that we all realize how that we are not an Island nation
unconnected to the rest of the world, free to do whatever we want, and that our
responsible actions has no effect elsewhere.

The environmental diseases facing mankind stem mostly from man's refusal to
recognize his responsibility to see beyond the self. We can observe all these attitude
in our own country where a few profited from the destruction of our forests that made
whole species extinct before they were even catalogued. The erosion wrought by
indiscriminate logging in the turn caused floods and landslides killing thousands over
the year.

But we are not the only ones guilty of destroying our rain forest, if that was only
consolation. In Russia, West and Central Africa, Indonesia, Alaska, Western Canada
and Brazil, deforestation continues unabated. As the man-made forest fire in
Indonesia proves to be the human illness, pollution and ecological destructions to
neighbouring countries will be rampant elsewhere.

At home the drive towards industrialization has devastated our rivers and canals,
wreaking havoc on people’s livelihood and sources of water. The government may
have favoured industry over the environment in order to provide employment, but the

death of the Calumpit River for instance, from poisonous chemicals emitted by a
factory shows the danger of shallow solutions without regard for consequences.

These are barely any river left uncontaminated by industrial waste and untreated
sewage. Ecologically dead rivers and streams polluted by dioxins and other chemical
by-products of manufacturing can cause birth defects, cancer and other ailments.
Mounting cases of dengue, H-fever and cholera should prod us to safeguard water
sources. The most obvious is the repair of leaking pipes, recycling of wastewater for
rural irrigation and punishing water waste. Are the officials of local government units
up to the challenge?

Even as part of the country goes dry, more and more golf courses are being
built. High – rise buildings continue to be constructed, drawing from meager
waterbeds. The volume of water worldwide remains the same as it was during
Roman times, but about 80 million more people are born every year and they need
this life-giving resource, which cannot be replenished. As study shows that “humans
use more than half of all accessible surface fresh water and have driven one quarter
of the world’s species of birds into extinction”.

Do we even know more or care how many of the 70 million Filipinos have
access to clean drinking water or proper toilet facilities and sewerage as long as we
ourselves are unaffected? We can see that our water supplies are “wasted,
mismanaged and polluted on a grand scale.” Yet we have remained unconcerned.

Our food production is also dependent in irrigation. Although we have not

been hit by a destructive civil war like Somalia or Serbia, many of our children are
malnourished due to problems of distribution and production, not necessarily
poverty. We have been importing rice, yet more and more of the land is being carved
up into industrial and residential; subdivisions, malls and golf course. We can’t rely
on seafood for our seas have been depleted by environmentally unsound methods
such as trawl fishing and the use dynamite and cyanide. Thus, the cost of fish in
urban areas has become prohibitive. We have also discovered that dumping more
fertilizer and pesticides eventually causes of erosion of the soil. Time supports the
drive to switch to the use of manure and compost of fertilizer. The article cites India
where millions of farmers have joined cooperatives that shun the Green Revolution

and now surprisingly produce more at less cost.

. In their desire to copy the western model of economic success, poor countries
may have caused irreparable damage to the environment. While governments
search for solutions, it is necessarily that children learn from the mistake of the past
so that they will have a future.

Sense and Sensibility

Bambi L. Harper

Philippine Daily Inquirer

November 8, 1997

Directions: Answer the following questions about the essay you have just read.
1. What is the selection all about?
2. To whom is the selection suited? Why?
3. What is the purpose of the author for having that article?

Directions: Write a short summary of the reading text, “No man is an island”.
Include the important points in your conclusion, like what the problem mean to you
as a young person looking forward to the 22nd century and what it means for a young
man to develop a sense of community or love for his country.


Aguado, Marietta et al. Challenge of the Millennium

Forlini, Gary et al. Prentice Hall Grammar and Composition 3 New Jersey:
Prentice Hall, 1990

Paez, Devi Benedicte C. Linking the World Through English

Ribo, Lourdes et al. Language in Literature

Villamin, Araceli et al. Skill Builders for Efficient Reading

Awake Magazine, April 2011

Philippine Daily Inquirer, November 1997

Activity 4 (Answer may vary)


Task I

1. There is a need for excellence and competitiveness.

2. There is a need for an adaptive work, force scientists, engineers,
mathematicians, technology managers; workers grounded in science and
3. There is a need for citizens who have knowledge of computers and computer
power, and telecommunications; the 21st is the age of Information Technology
4. There is a need for citizens who are effective knowledge workers; knowledge
that is constantly renewed and enhanced.
5. There is a need for citizens who do not only aspire for excellence and do not
remain only in the books, or in the four walls of the classroom but is
exemplified in a lifestyle that reflects respect for the law, honestly, freedom,
and tolerance for others.

Activity 4(answer may vary)


One aspect of grammar lessons that should be given preferential attention

is the subject and verb agreement rules. Often times, a person finds difficulty in

choosing what verb should be used along especially in sentences having

complicated subjects. Although some people insists that what is important is the

negotiation of the intended meaning among individuals, we have to remember

that we think and verbalize are affected by inconsistencies in grammar. Hence,

everyone must have the mastery of these important rules.


focuses mainly on the use of every and many a before a word or series of words. It

contains explanations and exercises to strengthen the mastery of the lessons

especially the skills for greater proficiency in the use of English Language.


that after all the lessons and activities, you shall be able to construct correct and
effective statements both in written and spoken forms thus contributing to effective
communication with others especially to the students whom you meet every day.

Pre Test

Directions: Read carefully the sentences in each of the

following passages. Underline the correct verb in the

Passage 1

High school years are very important years. Every students

1. (learn,learns) to get along with others. Many a student
2. (learn, learns) to observe the rules of simple courtesy andgood
sportsmanship whether on the athletic field, in the classroom, or at a
party. Many a student 3. (think,thinks)seriously about his future. He
seeks guidance in choosing his courses.

Every teacher 4. (assign, assigns) homework and expects it to

be submitted on time. Every learner 5(is, are) asked to read books
and references, solve problems and write compositions.

Every subject in the curriculum 6(is, are) planned to make

students live a fruitful life, to prepare them for the future and make
them useful,reliable, and responsible citizens.the students today are
the teachers,parents,decision makers,

and leaders of tomorrow. How they spend their years in high school will
determine to great extent the kind of nation and world they will help shape in
the future.

New Horizon in Learning English 1pp. 14-15

Passage 2

Friendship is a feeling of love and affection of every person to another. This

feeling of love must be reciprocated. Otherwise, every partnership cannot be
possible. Many a friend 7(does not, do not) exist where taste, feelings, and
sentiments are not similar. Every economic disparity 8(damage, damages)
friendship. Thus, every friendship is a feeling of affection between two likeminded
people of uniform status. It said that many a friend is need 9(is, are) a friend in
deed. Every man, woman, and student 10(examine, examines) the sincerity of a
friend during our time of friendship and trouble.

This time, try to evaluate yourself. Check your work and try to rate yourself
out of the score that you got.

9 – 19 – Excellent
7 – 8 – Very Satisfactory
5 – 6 – Satisfactory
4 – Needs remediation

Module 1

Time Frame: 10 hours

I. Learning Objective:
To identify the use of every and many a in a sentence.

II. Content:
Subject Matter: Subject-Verb-Agreement: The use of every and many a

III. Development/Procedure

A. Activity
At first glance, subject and verb agreement seems to be a simple
matter. But you have to be careful because there are words or expressions
that would lead you to confusion as to what appropriate verb should be
used. But as you start reading this module, everything would be alright
because exercises and explanations are given for you.

Read the following article and take a look at the underlined statements

Every Filipino teacher is among the most valued member of the

society.Many a teacher helps one attain a “good aim” at life; finds a
direction,and acquires the skills and knowledge needed to achieve goals and
fulfill one`s aspirations.
Teacher`s words in the classroom also remind the public servants that
integrity and accountability are the job`s most important requirements.
Every teacher is steward of the people`s trust andresources, thus
making it crucial that many a public servantsticks to the teachers`admonition
that there should be “no cheating’’.
(Manila Bulletin Feb. 27, 2011;p”)

A. Abstraction

What did you notice with the underlined sentences?

What verbs are used, singular or plural?

What expressions are used?

What learning have you discovered from the text?

B. Analysis
Directions: Read this short article and observe how every and many a are used in

It was the start of another school year. Every teacher, student and child was
excited to see former classmates and new teachers in sixth grade.

Soon the bell rang. Ergie Xyrus and his classmates formed their lines.
Every man, woman, child and parent was asked to sing National Anthem.
Everyone was very cooperative in singing it. After the flag ceremony Ergie Xyrus
was very happy to see his favorite teacher, Mrs. Carla Quinto. He remembered
how hard their first test was and how kind Mrs. Quinto was for letting the whole
class earned half the points they missed when they Corrected their first test.

Mrs. Edna, their adviser greeted the glass and asked the students to
introduce themselves.

Many a teacher has hoped that every learner will be very cooperative and
diligent in his studies.


Every teacher, student and child was excited to see former classmate and new
teacher in sixth grade.

Every man, woman, parent and child was asked to sing National Anthem.

Many a teacher has hope that every learner will be very cooperative and diligent in
his studies.

Mary a college student wishes to return to the easy days of high school.

Many a student fails to work up to their ability.


Every or many a before word or series of words is followed by a singular verb.


Directions: To apply the rules that you have learned, give the correct verb in the
following paragraph. Write your answer on your answer sheet.

The Power of Self Confidence

Many a friend often (asks, ask) me, “why are you so carefree all the time?”
The answer is quite simple. I owe my carefree attitude to my self-confidence.
Now, every person, student and child (say, says) that self-confidence may be
However, my self-confidence allows me to feel relaxed no matter how
difficult a task I face, so it is extremely a person (dodoes) not succeed. valuable
to me. Every individual (has, have) self-confidence. Without confidence, many a
person (do, does) not succeed.

Every courage and optimism (is, are) based from self-confidence. Many a
difficulty (come come) into our life from time to time. If we face every difficulty and
come to rems with them, everyone (is, are) bound to succeed. Knowing that every
individual who(is, are) capable of handling any difficulty will build his confidence
and many a person (lead, leads) to success.

So my friends, be confident! Even if you are not the best, it doesn’t matter.
Always do your best to achieve your aims, and every person (has,have) to
believe that everybody is endowed with self-confidence.

Try to evaluate yourself again . Check your work and rate yourself out of the
score you got . Surely you don’t find any difficulty anymore.


8-9- Very Satisfactory


5- Fair


Directions: choose the verb that agrees with the subject. Write your answer on
your answer sheet.

Every student (is, are) quite different in many aspects. Many a student
(keep, keeps) good records and many a student. (Keep, keeps) bad records.
Why is it so? First,every student (differ,differs) in purpose. The good ones have
clear purposes and the bad do not. Second, every student (has, have) a good
way of doing things. Everyone (has, have) a good plan for arranging his daily life.
Many a student has his own way to do things well. Thirdly, every student (has,
have) his own character. Each (weigh, weighs) much on his dignity and respect.
Each does his creative mind. Many a bad student does things passively. He
knows he has to do, but not so clear about why he should do well. So when he
does things, he finds them dull and monotonous.

Today every student who (learns, learn) all the knowledge about his major
will be successful person in the society. Every bad student (become, becomes)
unsuccessful. Everyone knows our age is knowledge of economic time. Every
knowledge brings fortune. But knowledge must be learned little by little or step by
step. So today’s diligence means success later.

Let's see how you fared in the evaluation. Rate yourself out of the score you got.


9-10-Very satisfactory




Directions: Read the numbered sentences in the following passage. Identify

sentences in the passage that has an error in SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT.
Revise them by making the verb agree with its subject. Do your best because this is
already the last challenge for you.

Many people had some type of education, whether it was grade school, high
school, college, tutoring, formal or informal. Many people remember a special
teacher because of how he or she presented himself to students. Anyone can be a
teacher but every good teacher display certain characteristics that are found both in
and outside the classroom.

Many a teacher display self-confidence. She has control of the classroom and
every students who is in charge. The teacher takes pride in her work and strives for
excellence. She knows what to teach and how to teach it.

Every good teacher are a consumer of knowledge. He knows the subject

material and is always searching for new methods and ideas to use. He share his
knowledge with his students and colleagues. A good teacher is also looking for ideas
to develop himself professionally and personally.

Every good teacher have a sense of humor. He knows when to laugh at
himself and when to laugh with the class. Humor within the classroom can ease any
frustration that the teacher or every student has or be experiencing at the moment .

Many a teacher have passion for teaching. Teaching is her number one
priority. Anyone can be a teacher, but only few can become good teachers.

Every good teacher listen. 9She listens to her students, engage in

conversations with one another and encourages to engage in conversation with her
as well.

Many a good teacher motivates. He motivates his students to learn and to

take projects independently.

Manila Bulletin
August 04, 2008

Post test
Directions: Make the verb agree with its subject. Underline your answer. One day

during Filipino week. Roger and his classmates visited the art collections of a

prominent businessman in Manila.

Thelma : I’m glad I came along with you Ms. Alejo. Every object here¹ (is,
are) a workof art. I had no idea that many a Filipino artisan² (was,
were) so skillful.

Miss Alejo : Indeed every object here³ (is, are) to be appreciated. Well now that
you know, you can take pride in every native craftsmanship that
⁴(is, are) being displayed here. Look at this ebony compact inlaid
with silver. Isn’t it a beauty?

Ralph : I prefer this gold-handled Cris in this quaint silver pipe. These must
havebeen used by a sultan. Every part⁵ (look, looks)so elegant.
Can you tell us theirhistory, Miss Alejo?

Miss Alejo : Let’s ask Mr. Bandillo. I’m sure he can give you more information
that Ican. He’s an art connoisseur, you know, and this is his private

Mr. Bandillo : I’d be glad to share what I know. It’s good to see you take interest
in our native culture. More people should.

Rogelio : What’s this, Mr. Bandillo?

Cris : What were these boxes for?

Mr. Bandillo : Many a box there ⁹(is, are) considered family heirloom. That
exquisitely carved perfume box had been prized by the sultan’s
wife and kept in thefamily for centuries before I purchased it. That
bigger gold box with its distinctive markings had been filled with the
sultan’s betel nuts, and that of bronze casting had been designed
to hold the royal cutlery. That group over there with variegated

covers, some even bigger and taller than the boxes they cover, are
tobacco containers called “payran”

Miss Alejo : Were boxes their main interest?

Mr. Bandillo : Every bar or bronze jar and urn ¹⁰(interest, interest) them. That
wide-mouthed one beside you, the “bintang”, had been offered by
the sultan’swife in a temple. Observe the clever silversmithing work
on it. And this “cabo”, used in Maranaw homes to symbolize wealth,
is many centuriesold. These jars were set in conspicuous places in

Thelma : How about the winged wooden stand in the corner, Mr.
Bandillo?Mr. Bandillo: An antique spindle, said to be 300 years old.
Since it was placed there, it has been regarded with curiosity but it
had been carefully used in hand spinning for many centuries. Our
people will adept in wood curving too. You have not noticed this
table. Look at its intricate carving and mosaic design. Possibly this
has been set in a mosque; it looks like an altar table. It could have
been used in religious rites as gongs were.

Ms. Alejo : Thank you very much for the interesting lesson, Mr. Badillo. May
we come again for more information?

Mr. Badillo : Surely. Just call me up before you do. Maybe by the time you come
again,this collection will have been increased.


Name: _____________________________________________________________
School: _____________________________________________________________

What did I learn from this module?


What was particularly significant for me? Why?


How will I apply what I have learned to my life?




Adial, Concepcion CastigadorSelf- Instructional Modules

Egipto, Joel Joseph L. 2001. Interactive English 101
McDougal Little. Building English Skills Series. UFSA: Mc
Dougal Little and Company Helen Ponce De Leon Ladera, Hew Horizon in English

PreTest Post test

Passage 1 Passage 2 1. Is

1.Learns 7. Does not 2. Was

2. Learns 8. Damages 3. Is
3. thinks 9. Is 4. Is
4. Assigns 10. Examines 5. looks
5. is 6. has
6. is 7. Has
8. is
9. us
10. interests

Evaluation Application Assignment

1. Is 1. displays
2. Keeps 2. displays
3. Keeps . 3. knows
4. Differs 4. 4. Is
5. Has 5 5. shares
6. Has 6. 6. has
7. Has 7. 7. has
8. Weighs 8. Is 8. listens
9. Learns 9. 9. listens
10. Becomes 10 10. Motivates


Write the correct verb on the line before each item.

_________ Every doctor and nurse (say, says) that cheerful people resist
disease better than gloomy people.
_________ Every leader, student and principal (is, are) required to attend the
_________ Every young and adult (has, have) the dream to attain his dream.
_________ Every man, woman and student (was, were) asked to contribute.
_________ Many a college student (wish, wishes) to return to the easy days of
high school.
_________ Many a boy in these circumstances (has, have) hoped for a lucky
_________ Every member of the scientific world (is, are) able to explain
Professor Von Faber’s new theory.
_________ Every planet (revolve, revolves) around the sun.
_________ Every member of the crew (was, were) decorated for his part in the
_________ Everyone (needs, need) a few spare moments.

A. Instructions: Underline the verb that best completes each sentence in the
following paragraphs.

Every individual (1say, says) good-bye to childhood. He/She may

start looking at life in a different way. The youth will gradually be taking
more responsibilities and challenges in life. Every youth (2feel, feels) many
different emotions; relationships with friends and family may change.

Growing up is all about learning to make choices – choices about

life, about friends and about oneself. These are the challenges many a
teenager (3have, has) to undergo.

Just remember, many a teenager (4grow, grows) up. Every adult

was an adolescent once.

Growing up means getting out of your shell and becoming your own
person. I’m me, not Mr. Reyes’s son or daughter. In short, establishing an
identity away from parents is creating a niche where you belong. Every
friend or classmate(5form, forms) a large part of the niche.

Gaining acceptance from one’s peer is one away of establishing one’s

identity apart from parents, so it is easier to share one’s resources – time,
energy, idea and material possessions with a friend. Every teenager ( 6want,
wants) to be known as himself.

Often many a goal (7is, are) nearer than it seems to a faint and faltering
man. Often every struggler (8has, have) given up when he might have captured
the victor’s cup; and he learned too late when the night came down, how close he
was to the golden crown. Many a success (9is,are) failure turned inside out. The
silver tint of the clouds of doubt.

Builder in Learning

English 1 pp. 175-176


Every kindness 10( is, are) a feeling. When it makes us do a kind deed the act
is generosity.

However, not all of us are able to give objects of value of one another. Vey
often we are too fool to give things that would be useful to others. Nonetheless,
many a generosity 11(means, mean) giving. The kindness thing is to give to those
who need it.

Many a greatest politician 12(serves, serve) the country. Every schoolboy

13(serves, serve) his teacher and classmates. Every obedient daughter 14(serve,
serves) her family. If we try to do the same to our own family, school, town, and the
whole country we could make life better for everybody.

Having Good Times

Every person who 15(is, are) happy and successful 16(know, knows) how to
play as well as work, and usually 17(has, have) his favourite forms of amusement.
But of course all people do not find pleasure in the same way.

They do not need to do so: indeed, it is desirable that people kind pleasure in
different ways. Some find their greatest delight in sports: others enjoys nature more
than anything else. Others still find reading their source of joy.

Some people think that having a good time depends on the place where one
leaves or the amount of money one has to spend. It is true that such matters may
contribute to good times, but they don’t determine them. The secret of having a good
time is in us. We make our own good times largely by learning to enjoy the things
around us every day.

Let's see how you fared in the evaluation. Rate your self out of the score you got.
10 – Outstanding
9 – 10 – Very satisfactory
7 – 8 – Satisfactory
5 – 6 – Fair


Directions: Read the numbered sentences in the following passage. Identify

sentences in the passage that has an error in SUBJECT VERB AGREEMENT.
Revise them by making the verb agree with its subject. Do your best because this
is already the last challenge for you.

Many people had some type of education,whether it was grade school,high

school,college,tutoring,formal or informal. Many people remember a special
teacher because of how he or she presented himself to students. Anyone can be
a teacher but every good teacher display certain characteristics that are found
both in and outside the classroom.

Many a teacher display self-confidence. She has control of the classroom and every
students who is in charge. The teacher takes pride in her work and strives
excellence. She knows what to teach and how to teach it.

4Every good teacher are a consumer of knowledge. He knows the subject
material and is always searching for new methods and ideas to use. 5He share
his knowledge with his students and colleagues. A good teacher is also looking
for ideas to develop himself professionally and personally.

6Every good teacher have a sense of humor. He knows when to laugh at himself
and when to laugh with the class. Humor within the classroom can ease any
frustration that the teacher or every student has or be experiencing at the

7Many a teacher have a passion for teaching. Teaching is her number one
priority. Anyone can be a teacher, but only few can become good teachers.

10Many a good teacher motivates. He motivates his students to learn and to take
on projects independently

8Every good teacher listen. 9She listens to her students, engage in

conversations with one another and encourages to engage in conversation with
her as well.

10Many a good teacher motivates. He motivates his students to learn and to take
a projects independently.

Manila Bulletin

August 04,2008 H1


Directions: Make the verb agree with its subject. Underline your answer.

One day during Filipino week. Roger and his classmates visited the art
collections of a prominent businessman in Manila.

Thelma: I’m glad I came along with you Ms. Alejo. Every object here¹ (is, are) a work
of art. I had no idea that many a Filipino artisan² (was, were) so skillful.

Miss Alejo: Indeed every object here³ (is, are) to be appreciated. Well now that you
know, you can take pride in every native craftsmanship that ⁴(is, are) being
displayed here. Look at this ebony compact inlaid with silver. Isn’t it a beauty?

Ralph: I prefer this gold-handled kris in this quaint silver pipe. These must have been
used by a sultan. Every part⁵ (look, looks) so elegant. Can you tell us their
history, Miss Alejo?

Miss Alejo: Let’s ask Mr. Bandillo. I’m sure he can give you more information that I
can. He’s an art connoisseur, you know, and this is his private collection.

Mr. Bandillo: I’d be glad to share what I know. It’s good to see you take interest in
our native culture. More people should.

Rogelio: What’s this, Mr. Bandillo?

Mr. Bandillo: That’s a mace. Every staff ⁶(has, have) always been regarded a symbol
of power and ⁷(has, have) been used at official ceremonies. This mace is
made of solid gold. Every intricate design ⁸(is, are) on it.

Cris: What were these boxes for?

Mr. Bandillo: Many a box there ⁹(is, are) considered family heirloom. That exquisitely
carved perfume box had been prized by the sultan’s wife and kept in the
family for centuries before I purchased it. That bigger gold box with its
distinctive markings had been filled with the sultan’s betel nuts, and that of

bronze casting had been designed to hold the royal cutlery. That group over
there with variegated covers, some even bigger and taller than the boxes they
cover, are tobacco containers called “payran”

Miss Alejo: Were boxes their main interest?

Mr. Bandillo: Every bar or bronze jar and urn ¹⁰(interest, interest) them. That wide-
mouthed one beside you, the “bintang”, had been offered by the sultan’s wife
in a temple. Observe the clever silversmithing work on it. And this “cabo”,
used in Maranaw homes to symbolize wealth, is many centuries old. These
jars were set in conspicuous places in homes

Thelma: How about the winged wooden stand in the corner, Mr. Bandillo?

Mr. Bandillo: An antique spindle, said to be 300 years old.


Name: _____________________________________________________________
School: _____________________________________________________________

What did I learn from this module?


What was particularly significant for me? Why?


How will I apply what I have learned to my life?




Adial, Concepcion CastigadorSelf- Instructional Modules

Egipto, Joel Joseph L. 2001. Interactive English 101
McDougal Little. Building English Skills Series. UFSA: Mc
Dougal Little and Company Helen Ponce De Leon Ladera, Hew Horizon in


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