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High School Power Speaking: Level 3

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking:

Level 3

Lesson Topic Pages

1 Personality Types 1
2 Friends 2
3 Internet 3
4 News Stories 4
5 Culture 5
6 Climate Change 6
7 Education 7
8 Self-improvement 8
9 Money 9
10 Europe 10
11 Success 11
12 Universities 12
13 English Language 13
14 USA 14
15 Immigration 15
16 Goals in Life 16
17 Time Management 17
18 Adventure 18
19 Fears 19
20 Chocolate 20
21 Marriage 21
22 Poverty 22
23 Inventions 23
24 Animals 24
Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

1. Personality Types
 Use adjectives to describe personality and character

reserved timid
eccentric tactless
outspoken absent-minded
optimistic practical
pessimistic sentimental

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:
 What are some of your characteristics?
 Are you happy with your personality?
 What makes you happy?
 What makes you sad?
 What or who has helped shape your personality?
 What personality traits do you like the most in other people?
 What personality traits do you dislike the most?
 What is the most attractive personality a person can have?
 What makes a good person?
 Can we change our personalities? How?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

2. Friends
 Speak about friends and relationships

acquaintance hang out with
best friend like family
buddy accompany
can’t stand rival
keep in touch trust

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:
 How do you define friends? Friendship?
 How many friends do you have? Do you have a best friend?
 Is it easy for you to make friends?
 When did you meet your best friend? How long have you been friends?
 Do you ever worry about losing your friends?
 Do you tell your best friend your secrets?
 If you could choose any friend in the world, who would it be?
 Do you think having friends is important? Why or why not?
 How often do you meet your friends? Where do you usually go?
 What qualities of a friend are you looking for? Do you think friendship lasts

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

3. Internet
 Speak about the internet and social media

WWW social media
URL posting
surf liking
search access
e-commerce click

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:
 Do you often use the Internet? What is your favorite internet site? Why do you
like it?
 When did you first use the Internet?
 About how many hours a day do you use the Internet?
 Have you ever bought something using the Internet?
 What do you think life be like without the internet?
 Do you use the Internet for fun or education?
 What is the best thing about the Internet?
 Is it dangerous to meet people on the Internet?
 Can you believe all the information that is published (available) on the Internet?
 Do you think that the Internet will replace Libraries?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

4. News Stories
 Speak about current events

current events tabloid
attribution circulation
paparazzi publisher
journalism correspondent
typo sensational

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:
 Are you interested in current events and news?
 What stories have you been following recently?
 Do you watch the morning news on TV or read the morning papers?
 What is the latest news about your country?
 Are you interested in news from other countries?
 When did you first become interested in current news?
 What kind of current events stories do you like?
 What section of a newspaper or website do you check for current events?
 What is your favorite news source? Do you still read newspapers?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

5. Culture
 Speak about different cultures in the world

norm prejudice
conservative discrimination
stereotype culture difference
diversity culture shock

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:
 What do you think is interesting about your culture?
 Do you know much about your own culture?
 When people from other countries think about your culture, what do they usually
think of?
 What do you like about your culture?
 What don't you like about your culture?
 What culture are you most proud about?
 Why do you think culture is important?
 If you could change one thing about your culture, what would it be? Why?
 What other cultures have you met people from?
 Would you like to learn about other cultures from other countries? Why?
 Have you ever experienced culture shock? When and where

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

6. Climate Change
 Speak about climate and environmental issues

Climate weather
atmosphere pollution
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) solar radiation
emissions deforestation
extinction natural resources

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:
 How do you feel about climate change?
 Has climate change affected the country in which you live?
 Do you believe everything scientists say about climate change?
 What do you think the world's climate will be 50 years from now?
 Which country do you think has the best climate?
 What are you most worried about with climate change?
 What can the world do to prevent any disasters due to climate change?
 Do you think you can adapt to this changing weather?
 What actions should the government do about this?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

7. Education
 Speak about education and learning

art gym
band history
biology home economics
chemistry literature
drama mathematics
economics music
English physical education
geography science
geology social studies

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:
 What different subjects do you study at school?
 Do you enjoy school? Why or why not?
 Do you think education is very important? Why or why not?
 What subjects are you good at?
 What subjects are you bad at?
 What was is your favorite subject? Why do you like it?
 Are you looking forward to University? Why or why not?
 Would you consider studying abroad? Where and why?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

8. Self-improvement
 Speak about self-improvement

personal resolution mind-set
self-help books experience
psychology responsibility
self-development influence
enlightenment positivity

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:
 Do you like to learn new things?
 Do you do anything to improve yourself both physically and emotionally?
 Do you like to read self-help books?
 Do you have an open mind to listen to people's advice?
 Do you believe that experience is the best teacher?
 What is your best learning experience so far?
 Who do you listen to for advice?
 Are you afraid to take responsibility?
 Are you easily influenced by other people?
 What do you usually do to make yourself look better? Are you happy with how
you look?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

9. Money
 Talk about economic and financial issues

inflation interest
economy consumption tax
currency income
taxation insurance
tax evasion pension

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 What is your understanding about economics?

 Do you think economics is a good subject to study?
 How is the economy in your country?
 Do you think your country is rich? Why?
 Do you worry about the world's economy?
 Do you read or watch economics news in newspapers and on the TV?
 What is the best way for people to invest money for their future?
 Which country is the richest in world? Why do you think so?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

10. Europe
 Speak about European culture

European Scandinavian
continents native
refugees reasonable
nationality powerful
handsome tour (v.)

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 What do you think about Europe?

 Would you like to go to Europe? Which country would you like to visit?
 How are Europeans different from other nationalities?
 Do you think English should be Europe's common language? Why?
 What do you think is the most powerful country in Europe? Why do you think so?
 Would you like to tour around Europe?
 What will you do if you meet people from Europe? Would like to talk to them?
 How many European languages can you name? Which language would you like to

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

11. Success
 Speak about success

professionalism passion
success failure
motto measure
journey respect

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 What is success?
 What success do you find from learning English?
 What are some successes that you have every day?
 Who is the most successful person you know? Why do you think he/she is
 How do you measure success?
 What is your biggest success in life?
 Do you think success is a journey or a destination? Why do you think so?
 Does success keep a person happy? Why?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

12. Universities
 Speak about universities

course professor
principal dean
bully registrar
close down enter
agree with major

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 What comes to your mind when you hear the word university?
 What are good things and bad things about universities?
 Are all universities in your country good?
 What is the best university in your country? Why?
 What is your dream university to study in the future?
 What major would you like to take?
 Is it very important to study in a university? Why or why not?
 What do you think will happen if all universities closed down?
 Do you think university life will be more fun than high school life?
 Do you agree with few people who said the university is only for very smart
people? Why or why not?
 How difficult it is to enter in universities in your country? Why?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

13. English Language

 Speak about English language.

doubt motivation
inspire long term goal
lead (v.) finish
cost an arm and leg bilingual

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 Why are you studying English?

 When did you start learning English?
 Why do you think more and more people in your country are studying the
 How much time and money do you spent on English?
 How happy are you with your English level?
 What are the things you like most about learning English?
 How important is English for you in your future?
 How would your life change if you were fluent in English?
 How long do you plan to study the English language?
 Do you have plans to go to an English speaking country in the future? Where and

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

14. USA
 Speak about the United States of America

liberty freedom
diversity influence
economy rule
stable contribution

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 What comes to your mind when you hear the word America?
 Have you been to America? Would like to go there?
 Why do you think America was the greatest country in the world for many years?
 What is America famous for?
 What is America's greatest contribution to the world?
 How is the USA different from other countries?
 Do you like to watch American movies? What is your favorite movie?
 What do you think many Americans are heavy?
 Do you know anything about American culture?
 If you could ask the President of the USA a question, what would that be?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

15. Immigration
 Speak about immigration

fashion style
immigrate emigrate
migrate discriminate
issue require
culture racism

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 Why do people immigrate to other countries?

 Is immigration from one country to another a problem? Why?
 Do you know any immigrants?
 Do you think people in your country will be influenced by the culture of
 Would you like to immigrate in the future? Where and why?
 Are there a lot of immigrants in your community?
 Should immigrants be required to learn the local language?
 How would you help an immigrant learn the local language?
 How does immigration help your country's economy?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

16. Goals in Life

 Speak about goals in life.

achieve hopes
financial effective
career goal
motivate fail

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 What is your biggest goal in life?

 How do you plan to achieve that goal?
 What are your "short term" goals?
 What are your career goals?
 What are your financial goals?
 Why are goals important?
 Is having a goal in life effective in becoming successful? Why?
 Is having a goal helpful in motivating a person?
 How would you feel if you failed to achieve any of your goals?
 Do you think your will be able to reach your goals? How would you do to achieve?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

17. Time Management

 Speak about time management

tardy early birds
daily annual
on time in time
appointment kill time
manage prepare

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 Are you always on time?

 If you are late in an appointment, how do you think the person waiting for you
would feel?
 Do you prefer to show up late or early?
 Do you manage your time well?
 Do you like to be busy, or do you like to have an easy schedule?
 What takes up most of your time? When is your busiest day of the week?
 Are you taught how to manage your time wisely in school?
 What do you do if you forget an appointment?
 Do you spend a lot of time when preparing for something?
 How much time do you spend sleeping?
 Do you get bored easily? How do you kill time?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

18. Adventure
 Speak about adventure

adventurous scarybrave
risky coward
desert island
jungle development

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 Are you an adventurous person?

 What is adventure for you? Have you ever done any risky activities?
 What was the best adventure you have ever had?
 Do you think our adventure in life is helpful for our development?
 Who would like to do adventure with? Why?
 Who is the most adventurous person you know?
 Do you like to watch adventure movies?
 If you want to do some adventures, where would you like to go? Jungle? Island?
City? Desert?
 Who do you think are more adventurous, men or women?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

19. Fears
 Speak about fears.

phobia confidence
conquer stage fright
reckless fearful
speech heights
afraid of dentist

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 How do manage your fears? What was you scariest experience ever?
 Are you afraid of giving a speech in public?
 Are you afraid of going to the dentist?
 Are you afraid of heights?
 Are you afraid of scary movies?
 Are you afraid of the dark?
 Are you afraid to any animals? Why?
 Are you afraid of getting old? Why?
 Do you know anyone with great fear?
 Is there any person you are afraid of?
Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

20. Chocolate
 Speak about chocolate

sweet tooth diet
calories produce
ingredients addicted to
preservatives cocoa
costly chunk

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 Do you like chocolate?

 Does your country produce good chocolates?
 What is the most famous chocolate maker in your country?
 What do you know about the history or process of making chocolate?
 What is chocolate made from? Would like to learn how to make chocolate?
 Which country do you think makes the best chocolates?
 Would like to visit a chocolate factory? What will you do there?
 Why do you think many people are addicted to chocolate?
 What was the most delicious chocolate you have ever had? How was the taste?
Was it expensive?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

21. Marriage
 Speak about marriage.

legal illegal
groom bride
guest tie the knot
country expensive
divorce freedom

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 When do you think is the perfect age to get married?

 Why do you think people get married?
 Do you need to be rich before you get married?
 At what age do most people in your country get married?
 At what age do you want to get married?
 Do women usually work after getting married in your country?
 What do you think is the best thing to do to have a happy marriage life?
 Is it okay to live together before marriage?
 What do you think about same-sex marriage?
 Do you think getting married means giving up freedom?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

22. Poverty
 Speak about poverty.

poverty starve
government society
disaster scarce
public servant middle class
eliminate tax

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 What is poverty?
 What kind of problems do poor people have?
 Do you feel sorry for people who live on the street?
 Are people who live on the street necessarily lazy?
 Do you believe that the rich are growing richer, and the poor are growing poorer?
 Would you pay more taxes, if this would eliminate poverty by creating jobs for
 Will there always be poverty in the world?
 Are there more important issues than poverty? If so, name them in order of
 Why does every country in the world have poor people?
 Do you consider yourself to be poor, middle-class, or rich?

Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

23. Inventions
 Speak about inventions

chemistry invent
innovative cutting edge
breakthrough feasible
patent create

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 What are some great inventions of the last 100 years?

 What is the greatest invention ever?
 What is the world's most useless invention?
 How do people invent things?
 What is the world's most dangerous invention?
 Have you ever thought about inventing something?
 In your country, who are famous inventors?
 How did the following inventions change human life?
o Airplanes
o Electricity
o Television
o Computers
Jr./Sr. High School Power Speaking: Level 3

24. Animals
 Speak about animals.

furry cage
vulnerable wild
safari vet
rabies pet (v.)
feel sorry support

Please have a discussion with your teacher about the following questions:

 Do you like animals? What is your favorite animal?

 Do you have a pet at home? Which one? What is his/her name?
 What is the most common pet people in your country have? Why?
 What are the most famous animals in your country?
 Does your country have some dangerous animals?
 What animal are you afraid of?
 What do you think is the cutest animal on earth? Why do you think so?
 Do you like going to zoos? Do you feel sorry for the animals in zoos?
 Do you think animals are important in human life?
 If animals could talk, what do you think they would tell to humans?


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