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Demographics: Age:
 Male 16 and younger
 Female 17 to 19
20 to 22
23 and above

Phone Communication Usage

Choose the most accurate response.

1. Preferred method of phone communication

 Phone call
 Text Message
 Email

2. How often do you text message?

 Few time a day (>20)
 Throughout the day (20 to 50)
 Constantly (50+)

Social Media Usage

Choose most accurate response.
1. How often do you use social media?
 Constantly
 Few times a day
 Once a day
 Less that daily
 Rarely

2. How do you use social media?

 I only read on social media websites
 I read comment on social media websites
 I read, comment, and contribute content to social media websites
Textism Usage

Textism Types:
 Emoticons- use of a visual symbol either created on its own through a program or trough
characters to form a symbol. Ex. <3, , 
 Acronyms- shorten a group of word into a few characters. Ex. LOL, OTW, OMG, BTW
 Abbreviation- shorten a single word into a few characters. ex. L8r, rly, thx, r, y
 Purposely Misused Capitalization word of whole message are type in all caps. Ex
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?” “HE did WHAT to HIM?” “ I can’t believe you said
 Purposely Misused Spelling differs from abbreviation because the spelling errors are
often done for emphasis rather than reduction of character. Ex.
“Oreeeaaalllyyy?””cooommminnngg!”I loooooovvvvvee yooouuuu?”
 Purposely Misused Punctuation: used to express an emphasis is for the statement. Ex.
“You did chat???” “Goodbye!!!!!!” “Okey…….”

1. Do you use Textism?

 Yes
 No

2. If yes, then, how often?

 Constantly
 Occasionally
 Rarely

3. If yes, which Textism(s) do you use?

 Emoticons
 Acronyms
 Abbreviation
 Purposely Misused Capitalization
 Purposely Misused Spelling
 Purposely misused Punctuation


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