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This paper comprises of description, history, implementations, advantages, disadvantages and

comparison of python language with other popularly known languages. The python language has

a vast advantages in the field of web application development. This language is popularly known

for its easy to read code which makes the developer life easy. The other feature is that this

language is known for its indentation which makes the number of lines of code to reduce

drastically. Many top companies and organizations use this powerful language including Google,

IBM etc. It is also one of the top paid programming languages in the world. Python language

syntax is very easy to remember.


Python is processed only during the run time by the interpreter which makes this programming

language as an Interpreted programming language. This language does not require compilation

before the program has to be executed which is similar to the languages like PHP or PERL. The

python programs are interactive which means you don’t exactly have to wait till you write the

entire program. The concept of Object-Oriented will be supported by Python language which

encapsulates the code with objects. The scope of python language is very vast as it being from

simple text processing to huge web applications like google speech recognition etc. Python is

also known as the beginner level language because it is very easy to understand for the


Simple to-learn: Python has couple of catchphrases, straightforward structure, and a plainly

characterized language structure. This permits the understudy to get the dialect rapidly.

Simple to-peruse: Python code is all the more obviously characterized and noticeable to the eyes.

A wide standard library: Python's main part of the library is exceptionally compact and cross-

stage good on UNIX, Windows, and Macintosh.

Intelligent Mode: Python has support for an intuitive mode which permits intelligent testing and

investigating of scraps of code.

Versatile: Python can keep running on a wide assortment of equipment stages and has the same

interface on all stages.

Extendable: You can add low-level modules to the Python translator. These modules empower

developers to add to or tweak their devices to be more effective.

Databases: Python gives interfaces to all significant business databases.

GUI Programming: Python underpins GUI applications that can be made and ported to numerous

framework calls, libraries and windows frameworks, for example, Windows MFC, Macintosh,

and the X Window arrangement.


A Python identifier is a name used to recognize a variable, capacity, class, module or other item.

An identifier begins with a letter start to finish or an underscore (_) trailed by zero or more

letters, underscores and digits (0 to 9). Python does not permit accentuation characters, for
example, @, $, and % inside of identifiers. Python is a case touchy programming dialect. In this

way, Manpower and labor are two distinct identifiers in Python.


Class names begin with a capitalized letter. Every other identifier begin with a lowercase letter.

Beginning an identifier with a solitary driving underscore demonstrates that the identifier is

private. Beginning an identifier with two driving underscores demonstrates a firmly private

identifier. In the event that the identifier additionally closes with two trailing underscores, the

identifier is a dialect characterized extraordinary name.


Python gives no props to show squares of code for class and capacity definitions or stream

control. Pieces of code are signified by line space, which is unbendingly authorized. The quantity

of spaces in the space is variable, however all announcements inside of the square must be

indented the same sum.


Articulations in Python commonly end with another line. Python does, on the other hand, permit

the utilization of the line continuation character (\) to mean that the line ought to proceed.


A line containing just whitespace, conceivably with a remark, is known as a clear line. In an

intelligent mediator session, you must enter a void physical line to end a multiline proclamation.

Variables are only saved memory areas to store values. Based on the information sort of a

variable, the translator dispenses memory and chooses what can be put away in the saved



Python variables don't require unequivocal announcement to save memory space. The equivalent

sign (=) is utilized to appoint qualities to variables.


Strings in Python are distinguished as a touching arrangement of characters spoke to in the

quotes. Python takes into consideration either combines of single or twofold quotes. Subsets of

strings can be taken utilizing the administrator ([ ] and [:]) with lists beginning at 0. The in

addition to (+) sign is the string link administrator and the reference bullet (*) is the redundancy



Records are the most adaptable of Python's compound information sorts. A rundown contains

things isolated by commas and encased inside of square sections ([]). The qualities put away in a

rundown can be gotten to utilizing the cut administrator ([ ] and [:]) with files beginning at 0

initially of the rundown and working their approach to end - 1. The in addition to (+) sign is the

rundown connection administrator, and the reference mark (*) is the reiteration administrator.

A tuple is another succession information sort. A tuple comprises of various qualities isolated by

commas. The principle contrasts in the middle of records and tuples are: Lists are encased in

sections ([ ]) and their components and size can be changed, while tuples are encased in

enclosures ( ) and can't be overhauled.


Python's word references are slightly hash table sort. They work like cooperative exhibits or

hashes found in Perl and comprise of key-quality sets. A lexicon key can be any Python sort,

however are typically numbers or strings. Lexicons are encased by wavy props ({ }) and

qualities can be allocated and got to utilizing square supports ([]).


Choice making is foresight of conditions happening while execution of the system and indicating

moves made by conditions. Choice structures assess numerous expressions which create TRUE

or FALSE as result. Python programming dialect expect any non-zero and non-invalid qualities

as TRUE, and in the event that it is either zero or invalid, then it is accepted as FALSE value.

Python programming dialect gives taking after sorts of choice making articulations.


Python has been an item situated dialect since it existed. Due to this, making and utilizing classes

and questions are out and out simple. This part offers you some assistance with becoming a

specialist in utilizing Python's article arranged programming backing. On the off chance that you
don't have any past involvement with article arranged (OO) programming, you might need to

counsel an early on course on it or if nothing else an instructional exercise.


Class: A client characterized model for an item that characterizes an arrangement of

characteristics that portray any object of the class. The properties are information individuals

(class variables and example variables) and techniques, got to by means of spot documentation.

Class variable: A variable that is shared by all occurrences of a class. Class variables are

characterized inside of a class however outside any of the class systems. Class variables are not

utilized as much of the time as occurrence variables may be.

Information part: A class variable or occasion variable that holds information connected with a

class and its articles.

Capacity over-burdening: The task of more than one conduct to a specific capacity. The operation

performed fluctuates by the sorts of articles or contentions included.

Example variable: A variable that is characterized inside a system and has a place just to the

present occurrence of a class.

Legacy: The exchange of the qualities of a class to different classes that are gotten from it.

Instantiation: The formation of an example of a class.

System: An uncommon sort of capacity that is characterized in a class definition.

Object: An exceptional example of an information structure that is characterized by its class. An

article includes both information individuals (class variables and occurrence variables) and


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5) Rossum, Guido. "Python tutorial." (1995).
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7) Hetland, Magnus Lie. Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language.

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8) van Rossum, Guido, and Fred L. Drake. "The Python Language Reference: Release 2.6.
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