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Encountering Thoughts

A footprint in the sand

When looking at all the sighting reports
It’s evident that we should realize, all the facts lineup .
By utilizing all real data alone, one must come to the conclusion that the so called
Bigfoot is not a creature, but in fact are a people that is half man and half hybrid of what I
would call an “all beast of the field” Whereas to think of all the wildlife they have
encounters within the some of 8,000 to 10,000 years, like watching how to catch prey,
finding shelter, and even watching us, could teach them a lot of things, like how a camp
fire may work, but they would never use it, as in, they wouldn’t never start a fire as to let
anything find them.
The Bigfoot People have family’s, they hunt in packs of three or more, and they teach their young the
things needed to become an adult .
Also their masters at stealth camouflage, gathering skills matched by none, just look at how healthy they
are, and in fact their so good at what they do, they could be standing right beside you,
and you would never know it .
When looking for them in some way, shape, or form the odds of seeing anything is in who, where, and how
to look at clues, tracks, and sightings that blanket the whole world over.
When looking at all the odds we realize that it’s near to impossible to ever see one.
Living in small clans helps in keeping them hid, but communicate with other clans well enough to keep all
informed of danger, great feeding lands, and sharing things like where to find water, food, and shelter.
Knowing seasons , day and night, and where the moon and stars are in the night sky to find their way.
They are mostly nocturnal by nature, and mostly hunt at the time the deer like to forage, early in the
morning, and late in the evening hours so as in hopes of a more successful find for food.
With all their skills learnt in the wilderness , they are strong, cunning, and very wise indeed.
They have been known to throw rocks at us, send wood knocks back when tempted to do so by us striking a
tree or any object for that matter, and in some cases being so curios they seem to want to take us home like
we would a puppy , right? I mean think outside the box, and you will see what is the real reality .
The reality is “The Bigfoot People” have been here as long as humans have been.
And have suffered, loved, cried, lived, and died right along with us the whole time .
Look at their undisputable hand to hand combat, fact is,
their unmatched by anything breathing on this planet .
In hand to hand combat they are the superior race .

Can you go live the way they do?

Would you be as good at living the way they do all their life?
Could you live in an underground cave, build a shelter out of sticks, leaves or mud?
Never use fire, never dress, always walk wherever you go ?
Protect their family, human encroachment, and where is their next meal going to come from?
How do they all seem so healthy ?
Although they eat raw meat, they have an abundant food supply even in a dense forest, grass lands,
and in the everglades, mountains, and in desert like conditions.
Even their overall conditioning is superior to any other .

Up to 7, 8, and up to 9 foot tall, all mussel, and highly aware and adaptable to their surroundings.
Using their strength, speed, and cunning stealth like tactics to take down the prey.
And use their fingernails to rip the prey apart, and chew raw meat, crack open nut shells.
Look at the bear, he too is very healthy, hard to see, very adaptable.
And the silver back gorilla, super strong, very elusive, and highly adaptable.
The horse, it never eats meat, has no shelter, yet it survives in the wild without humans.
Send a domesticated pig back into the wild, and it will be completely wild in 4 to 6 months.
Looking at all of these, thinking none of them need us to survive, it’s not hard to think Bigfoot can survive
in the wilderness, and stay hidden all this time in caves, crud stick shelters, and near to all the resources
needed can support a wide range of wild life.
Miles and miles of underground tunnels, and sometimes miles deep could have hidden them
very well for a very long time.

The Origins of Bigfoot Civilization in North America

And the peoples North of Eden

Jim Vieira, a local stonemason who spoke about mysterious stone chambers found throughout
New England chambers which already existed when the first European settlers arrived,
but were discounted or ignored for largely political reasons.
Studying these stone chambers and how they align with celestial events like the solstice sunrise/sunset
positions led Jim to explore further ancient mysteries of North America prehistoric mounds, skeletons of
giants with double rows of teeth (acknowledged by Presidents Washington and Lincoln), and more. In case
you didn't know, evidence for the existence of incredibly advanced civilizations on this continent or
civilizations of Native American origin, and otherwise is, absolutely astounding.

These type of caves is called “ Goshen stone chamber “, and in Turkey whose name was
unfamiliar but intriguing.
It's called Gobekli Tepe, and this name means ( "Belly Hill" in Turkish ), and the fact that it is not found on
the tip of the tongue of every educated human being on the planet is another hidden mystery man doesn’t
want us to know about.
It’s not impossible to see how any wild life couldn’t survive with the support of such a great shelter.
When covered in hair head to toe it gets hot, a cave would be cool by day, and they go
out and about by night it fit’s the perfect criteria to support known reporting, so why is it
so hard to think of all the possibilities.
Made by man or natural there are many cave systems all over the dry lands of earth.
There is even water in a lot of caves deep within the earth, and even fish underground.
And insects full of protein, and some minerals like salt, they may even eat clay, or moss, maybe.
The story in the Bible of Cain and Abel sounds remarkably similar to the Bigfoot story as in ways like,
nether grow food, the land of Nod means wilderness so Cain and Bigfoot lived there, and to a human
standard both fall short, and we can’t accept another race could be as intelligent as mankind .
We humans think we are alone, and are the only ones with building skills, but not so .
It is said Cain built the first city, and his offspring had to live in the land of Nod / the wilderness.
Here is some data about a Turkish cave uncovered in 1994 that show one of the oldest underground
dwelling with well thought out amenities that made life very comfortable, and can still support life.
Buried in a hillside until its discovery in 1994, Gobekli Tepe predates both Sumer and the great pyramids of
Egypt by several thousand years. It is by far, the oldest known site of standing stone circles on Earth.
Gobekli Tepe is thought by most researchers to be a ceremonial complex due to the absence of hearths,
cooking pits or other such signs of regular habitation found there so far. Bigfoot doesn’t use fire.
Bigfoot has no need for fire because they eat the sterile insides of the prey.
However, other experts suggest that the structure was a residential compound.
Whatever its intended use, one thing is certain about Gobekli Tepe. As stated on the website of the Global
Heritage Fund, one group who is attempting to protect the site from thieves and vandals or fugitives and
vagabonds: "until excavations began, a complex on this scale was not thought possible for a community so
The standing stone pillars of Gobekli Tepe are carved with detailed images of insects, birds, reptiles and
ferocious beasts, some in full relief. The position of the individual circular chambers appear to mirror the
position of the seven stars of the Pleiades. Because of its age, archaeologists originally assumed the
complex was built by hunter-gatherers, but signs of agriculture (scythes, leather-working tools) have been
found there more recently.
This sounds like the Bigfoot people moved to the north of Eden.
Human and Bigfoot did live together in the past, but just as racism runs rampant today the Bigfoot people
were driven out by reason of being inferior or superior to another race or races.
There may have even been so much infighting among both races, pushing them so far apart that even today
the Bigfoot people teach there young to never trust the human race .
Finding signs of agriculture suggest that both races worked together, I mean think about it, have you ever
heard of Bigfoot growing a garden?
The answer is “No” because even today they are hunter/gatherers and can not grow anything .
Also Bigfoot hide to protect us and them, not only that, we find new giant skeleton bones all over the
world, and about 50 to 60 years ago we didn’t think the silver back gorilla ever existed,
they were only a myth, but now we know their real .
Instead of me sounding as if I need to convince anyone of what’s real is irrelevant to real facts .
Let the facts speak for themselves, seek out true truth and it will find you, for every lie will be uncovered .
Racism is one of the strongest arguments that has played it’s little game throughout all of history.
In the U.S. even today racism is still here, and look back to how the Spaniards thought that South
Americans were looked upon as an inferior race to the point they were demonized, and killed .
And the Jews have been oppressed throughout all of history, and if God didn’t disperse them into nearly
every country they may not have survived, and with the Bigfoot people , they learnt that lesson early on.
When will we ever grow up, and wakeup to true truths, that we have been lied to for thousands of years.
God has given us the knowledge of wisdom to be bigger than ourselves .
Name: Chris Moon
My teacher’s name: Jesus Christ

The offspring of Cain (the true origin of Bigfoot)

A theory

First of all I would like to remind every one that 100 some odd years ago no one had ever
seen a silverback gorilla
they were only a myth by most , they were found in 1902 I think.
And I would also like to add.
Theories like mine are important to be set forth so that others can investigate
their probability and implications. Until they are proven (and mine has not been proven)
they should not be used as a surety for belief.
I’ll try to get this right.
I think the Bible talks about or left some clue's about Bigfoot.
In the first book of the Bible I see the story of Cain and his offspring becoming the
Bigfoot people.
I'm not saying that this is true but there should be some kind of real study about this
by real pro's.
Lets take a look at this and see what we come up with.
1. Bigfoot wonders in the wilderness or lives in the land of Nod.
2. Bigfoot lives like a fugitive and a vagabond, and you could say like a bum.
3. Bigfoot hunts food for he can't grow it.
4. Bigfoot is hidden just as Cain was hidden from the face of God.
5. Bigfoot is a human/beast or a hybrid.
6. Remember the MARK that God placed on Cain?
It was so life changing that Cain wasn't the image of Adam any more.
In fact his punishment was to great to bare that God set a decree that if any should
kill Cain
there would be a sevenfold wrath from GOD to any one who would hurt or kill him.
7. Bigfoot has human hands and feet would you not agree?
8. Bigfoot are very smart if not as smart as us.
9. They know how to take care of themselves I think better than us just look how big they
are, and how healthy they are.
10. you know just as well as I do that the Patterson film show a real girl Bigfoot, and
any body can see why it is a woman Bigfoot.
And now I will go to even one more number to show or tell you all a " TRUTH ".
11. The world has named that girl Bigfoot " Patty " BUT her real name is "Elizabeth".

And now I think I should tell you all a little bit about why I think or how I came
about to think such things.
When I was about 8 to 10 years old me, my brother, and
a friend was out playing about a mile from my house.
As we started home we had to go down a long
dirt road to get there, there was nothing but trees
all the way down the road all the way home
on both sides of the road, and fine sand on both
sides as well just before entering the woods.
I looked in the sand, I saw a foot print in the sand.
The big toe of the foot print was facing the woods.
The heel was facing the road as if what ever
left it there walk into the woods.
The foot print was 14 to 17 inch's long, and
it was about 7 and 1/2 inch's wide from toe to toe.
And the heel was about 5 inch's wide as well.
Some people tell me that some body was
just playing around, but I ask you who would
place only one foot print there if they put only
one fake foot print there for people to find
they would have put foot prints every where
so when some body found them they would
report it, and it would have made a big deal
out of it, but no other print was there.
What ever made this foot print did not know
or care if it left any thing in the soft sand.
It was in Lowell, NC. in the summer.
And when I was older.
We where in Gatlinburg, TENN. And we stop at a park near the river as I was
grilling some food a dog came from out of nowhere and looked like it hadn't
eating for days it was very skinny, and it looked glad to see humans. Then all
the sudden my girlfriend let out a blood curdling scream, and I about jumped
out of my skin. I said what are you doing, she said something is looking at us
from inside the woods. I think the dog was running from a Bigfoot for about a
week or two and made it to us with a Bigfoot hot on it's tail, so we fed the dog, and
left some food in the woods as well. Weather/season: 2pm bright sunny summer day.
Now to understand why Bigfoot is The Offspring of Cain we have to look in the "BIBLE".
For the Bible is true truth.
In GEN. 4:16 - GEN.5:
we see Cain having children: E'-noch, and he begat I'-rad, and he begat
Me-hu'-ja-el, and he begat Me-thu'-sa-el, and his son was La'-mech.
and he took two wives: and had sons and daughters and so on.
Now La'-mech knew Cain for what he said in Gen.4:23-24 and he knew what
God had done and said to Cain.
So wouldn't all the above be " THE OFFSPRING OF CAIN "?

HERE is what happen to Cain.

And Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass, when they were in the field,
that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. And the LORD said unto Cain,
Where is Abel thy brother?
And he said I know not, am I my brother's keeper? (( YES, WE ALL ARE ! )) and He said,
what has thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood cryeth unto me from the ground.
And now art thou "cursed" from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy
brother's blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth
yield unto thee her strength; A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear.
Behold thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; And from thy face
shall I be "Hid"; And I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; AND IT SHALL
COME TO PASS, that everyone that findeth me shall slay me.
And the LORD said unto him,(" Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain,
And the LORD set a "MARK" upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
Now that being said,
did Cain's offspring get on the Ark?
And if so, are their offspring of Cain alive today?
Now if this is true, then there will be a sevenfold wrath from GOD to any one who would
hurt or kill him or one of his OFFSPRING . !!! ABEL DANGER !!!
It’s not that hard to think God would send a male and female Bigfoot to Noah,
I even suspect that God sent dinosaurs as well I mean just look at 1500 year old pottery from
South America that has a man riding a dinosaur, rains in it’s mouth,
and a spear in the mans hand while chasing buffalo.
How did they know how to draw such detail if they had never seen a dinosaur?
And 4,000 years ago Egypt had electricity for deep inside a pyramid there
is a carving of a Nubian male Holding a large light bulb with the filament in the bulb
depicted as an electric ell for that was the way the
artist translated what he was seeing, and he even carved himself in the portrait doing the carving.
And he also drew a cable running from the bottom of the light bulb to a post in the ground.
It’s a fact that the caving had to be done after the stones were in place because it would have been
destroyed, and if they used fire for light the limestone roof would have absorbed the
soot even if the light came from a modern match.
But the roof is as clean today as it was the day the artist carved the picture.
Now you may be asking yourself ( can this be true or what is this all about?)
Well lets say that this is about Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and the yeti.

We all are cursed in one way or another just as Adam and Eve were cursed for there sin,
so we too still bare the same cursed life that god put on them, and all " Mankind ".
For killing his brother ( Abel ) God cursed Cain to wonder the earth as a fugitive and
a vagabond.
God also cursed the ground from yielding any thing to Cain , so now anything he or his
offspring try to grow it will always die.
God placed a ( MARK ) on Cain so that if any man should kill him, that there will be a
sevenfold wrath on anyone who would hurt or kill him, unless it was in self defense,
and if you looked like a monster anyone who finds you would want to kill you too.
Cain went off to live in the land of ( NOD ) <---- this means ----> ( wilderness ) or
to wonder or we could say the land of wondering.
Not only was Cain the first to murder someone but he was the first to build a city,
and he named the city after his first son " E'-noch ".
So Cain and his offspring lived in the city making a living through
(trade, hunter/gathering, and blacksmithing things like tools, and things that you could
play music with).
They had to trade their goods to others for plant like foods for they their selves
couldn't grow food, the ground wouldn't yield to Cain or his offspring, then and now.
So now even today they still live their punishment out every day just as we live out the
same punishment that God cursed Adam and Eve with.
After 7,000 to 8,000 years of living the way they (did and do) they know how to live
in the wild, and know how to take care of themselves.
God sent 2 of every kind of living beast to " Noah " so that they would be saved from
the flood that would cover the earth.
Also remember, God saved E’-noch by transporting into heaven.
As the offspring of Cain and their people became more and more they started going
their separate ways some became members of other people like the Kenites,
and some the Bigfoot people.
Just as we are the offspring of Noah, they are the offspring of Cain, and maybe
the Kenites, and some are human, and Bigfoot is a hybrid of human/beast,
and just as different counties
can’t get along today, and the humans of old couldn’t get along with the Bigfoot people.
So eventually the Bigfoot people realized that they had no place in a human society,
So they went back to live in the land of Nod that they knew so well.
Now in Gen.4:25-26 we see Adam & Eve bare Seth , son number 3.
In Gen.5:3 listen to what is said here.
3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own
likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.
in Adams own likeness, after his image.
this is saying the image of Seth is not the image of
Adams other living son who is Cain.
Why you may ask?
Remember the MARK that God placed on Cain?
It was so life changing that Cain wasn't the image of Adam any more.
In fact his punishment was to great to bare.;Gen.4:13-15
Lets probe even deeper. the generations of Adam, and his son was Seth, begat
E'-nos, begat Ca-i'-nan, begat so on and so forth.
From Gen.5:19-32 we see some of the same names as in the offspring of Cain.
E'-noch, Me-thu'-sa-el, La'-mech and he begat Noah.
Just as people of today name their child to honor a friend, a family member or even a
prominent name from the bible like Noah, John, David, and on and on.

Blood is thicker than water.

As we see here, we can see the offspring of Adam naming
their sons the same names as the offspring of Cain.
They all lived hundreds of years, and some may have lived at the same time,
and maybe even together.
Yes even God knows that blood is thicker than water.
We see this through out the Bible, Jesus was the perfect blood sacrifice.
And if we look back to Cain & Abel : God accepted Abel’s sacrifice over Cain’s.
On the day of pass over blood was brushed on the door post for with out it all
first born in Egypt would have died.
I could go on and on, but lets stay with what I’m trying to say
about the offspring of Cain so we don’t stray to far from the subject.
So lets go back and take a look at the sacrifices of Cain & Abel.
Gen.4:2 we see Abel was a keeper of sheep, and we could say it like
this : Abel was a keeper of things that needs blood, and water to live.
And Cain was a farmer or a keeper of things that needs water to live, but had no blood.
Jesus himself was put on the earth to be a blood sacrifice to die for all our sins.
At this time we should remember that God requires mercy and not sacrifice.
We see this as God shows mercy to Cain for killing his brother Abel.
God did not kill Cain for God loved Cain just as much as he loves us all.
As the offspring of Adam we still bear the curse God placed on mankind or
I should say we did the sin, so God had to punish us just as our earthly father would
do to keep us from or remind us of danger.
Now back to the love of God for Cain: in gen.4:5-7 ...
we see God teaching Cain right from wrong.
Here we see a fathers love for one of his own just as your father would do for his own.
Now again lets look at why God had to punish Cain.
Gen.4: 7-15
And Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass, when they were in the field,
that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him. And the LORD said unto Cain,
Where is Abel thy brother?
And he said I know not, am I my brother's keeper? ( YES, WE ALL ARE ! ) and He said,
what has thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood cryeth unto me from the ground.
And now art thou "cursed" from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy
brother's blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth
yield unto thee her strength; A fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
And Cain said unto the LORD, My punishment is greater than I can bear.
Behold thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; And from thy face
shall I be "Hid"; And I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; AND IT SHALL
COME TO PASS, that everyone that findeth me shall slay me.
And the LORD said unto him,(" Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, VENGEANCE SHALL BE
And the LORD set a "MARK" upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

1. Lets look at the MARK, did God place the MARK on Cain as a punishment?
No it was placed on Cain to protect him from any that should find him and would slay him.
The MARK was placed in such a way that when, and if any see him they would know
even at a glance to leave him alone.
2. God cursed the ground that when Cain would try to grow any thing that the
ground wouldn't yield to him for Cain was a farmer or a tiller of the ground.

Why Bigfoot does not use tools any more.

When Cain was cursed the ground wouldn't yield forth any food he tried to grow.
from Cain till now tools became useless to Bigfoot they use there hands, and finger nails
as weapons, and there speed/strength and cunning to hunt, and kill their food.
We also need to remember that all the offspring of Cain were not Bigfoot
some were human as Cain's wife was human, Cain himself was a human/hybrid or
man/beast at the time he took a wife.
Bigfoot doesn't use tools any more for when they were not accepted by there human
counterparts anymore the Bigfoot people went back to live in the wilderness
thus fulfilling the curse of Cain that he would be a wonderer in the earth or
the land of "Nod" which means "to wonder or to dwell in the wilderness".
Now some Bigfoot may have left sooner, and some later but all did go back
to the woods at some point.
And today we slowly see this as we learn more about the Bigfoot people.
Yes at some time in the past they used tools for we see them doing so in
the city of E'-noch where even then they couldn't grow food so they had to trade
what they made for plant like foods.
In Gen.4 we see Cain and his offspring building things so they had skills to build
thus needing tools.
So before the Bigfoot left to go live in the wilderness, and change there lifestyle
completely they did use tools but as time went on they lost the need for tools.
Now lets look from Cain to La'-mech.
The bible doesn't talk about none of the sons of Cain taking up any kind of
farming trades of any kind.
this is do to the ground not yielding any thing to them, they may have tried to
grow food from time to time, but only to find out or remember that they
too was cursed, and will be cursed for Cain's sin of murder.
In Gen.4:19-22
We see the trades of: tent builders/keepers of cattle, harp and organ smiths, and
players of music, for the builders of such would have to know how to play such
things to be Abel to build them, and instructors of every artificer in brass and iron.
So now we can see clearly why the Bigfoot people have no use for tools or weapons.
The Bigfoot people is a perfect picture of "THE OFFSPRING OF CAIN ".
If Bigfoot isn't real then what?
I'm not saying Bigfoot is real, but only what if ?
In MARK:16, 15
15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
This means any one with intelligence or people with understanding sound minds.
Marry Green ( the Bigfoot lady ) has studied a woman who lives in Tennessee her name
is ( Janice Carter Coy ) she has lived with some Bigfoot people
all her life she said, and that they know how to talk, and can run at 40 Mph on
all 4's, and she also said they clocked a Bigfoot named ( Fox ) at this speed.
And Janice said one day fox came to her door asking for garlic, and has done so a lot
of times through out the years, and that Fox asked for clove garlic not powder.
This shows us that they are very smart, and very healthy indeed.
She is the most famous subject to have ever seen the Bigfoot people.
Pro's all over the world has studied her life with the Bigfoot near her home.
The Russian Government must think that Janice knows the truth for they have had
their number one Hymnologist ( Igor Burtsev ) on there payroll, and he has
been living on her farm for years, and he says that Janice knows more about the
Bigfoot people than anyone he has ever known in his life.
Janice has also shown Mr. Burtsev how the Bigfoot hunt in packs.
Think about it; the wilderness is their classroom, and for 1,000's of years they
must have had to adapted to their surroundings like watching other wildlife
that hunt in packs, and seen how the wolf would work together to down a deer.
Even if they used traps nobody would ever see their traps for if you studied
trapping for 1,000's of years you would be a master of camouflage too.
camouflage, means ( to hide ) hmmm! didn't I hear that somewhere before? hmmm!
But I’m not saying they are real, but only , what if ?
Let me also add that if Bigfoot isn't real, then why have people been seeing them
for thousand's of years, and mound up heaps of data that is evident to said facts.
And now spending $1,000,000's on research? hmmm!
Why can't there be a study about what I'm trying to say?
We can study any thing or teach any thing even pray to any god in every city in
the world as long as it's not to the God of the Holy Bible.
And as soon as we do somebody tries to shut us down.
Now if you have read this far it means you have used your right to have an open mind,
good for you.

This study deserves the same respect as any other study about Bigfoot for I don't know
it all nor can I do it all.
After all do you think you came from an ape/man? hmmm! ape... man / man.. ape hmmm!
You know now that I look deeper in to this study maybe some did at some point.
No wonder people say the Bigfoot are so smart.
But I’m not saying there real. hmmm?
John 17 <~~ read the whole chapter.
Gal. 3: 26;29
Look! if the things I have just told you are true,
then the end will not come till the Gospel is preached to all the world.
And it appears we left out the forth corner of the Earth where we are bound by decree to
preach the Gospel to every creature.

They are as intelligent as us .

They have a language, some report that they have heard something they say sounding like
murmurings coming just out of there line of sight.
The Bigfoot are also known to communicate with whistles, howl’s, wood knocks, and what some
call whoop’s are all norms amongst nearly every report.
And in Bigfootian speech ( Oow, hya, wya ) means, ( hello how are you ).
With highly sensory perceptions, they are better at all of them way better than us humans.
I mean look, doesn’t our hunters use every kind of calling toy and trick to entice the prey?
Well Bigfoot can’t go buy toys to help them hunt, so they “LEARN” how to make the sound .
They can learn and teach, they have done it for many years, and they still do.
Use your God given right to have an open mind, do the research,
and find out what truths you can come up with.

Ask, and you shall receive.

Knock, and it shall be open unto you.
At age 38 I gave my life to Christ, and diligently looked for true truth, little did I know that I would come
to think that such a thing as Bigfoot was real.
And looking back even to an age of 4 years old I can see that God has been trying to show me true truths all
At age 4 I looked across the corn field to see some family members heading into the woods to do a little
So here I go trying to catch up to them because I was fascinated with the 22 rifle they had, and thought to
myself ( I have to shoot that bad boy ) but only to realize that I had wondered into the center of a massive
corn field, and I couldn’t see where I was going because the corn was 4 or 5 foot taller than me.
As panic was about to set in I thought to turn and go back the way I came in, but as soon as I went to turn
around I hear a reselling of the leafs, and whatever it was, it was coming strait at me!
In a panic I move to the right about 4 feet, but it moved with me, so then I move to my left about 10 feet,
but it moved with me again, and whatever it was had gotten close enough to me that now I see a huge dark
figure coming to get me it was King Kong, and he was going to eat me!
In shear terror I bolted like a jack rabbit through the corn field only to realize
I couldn’t out run the monster.
And just as it caught up to me, and was about to reach out and grab me I screamed bloody murder!
It grabbed me, and lifted me up off the ground, and with my feet still in full throttle the massive creature
spins me around, so that now were face to face.
Then I see my father, it was him all along, he had been looking for me the whole time.
At age 4 I never heard of a gorilla let alone a Bigfoot all I knew was that a big hairy man monster was
going to get me, and now every time I look back on that day I think that God had me go through that so in
time I would realize that he was trying to tell me that in time I would believe Bigfoot are real, and to show
me a truth, that Jesus is real.
And there were many more revelations God showed me before and after I was saved by the blood of the
lamb .
I also had two dreams of Bigfoot when I was 6 or 7 years old, but I didn’t realize who they were about till I
was 38 years old, and it was only after I got saved did I get the revelations, and they both were only a few
months apart.
In the first dream I was asleep on the couch, and still dreaming, I woke up on the couch, but only opening
my eyes.
Looking at the front door of our trailer I could just barley make out a figure through the beveled glass of the
old time door , you know the ones with the slate like glass you could crank the little handle making the
little widows open and close?
At first I thought it was my mom, but as the shadow like figure walked up to the door I could tell right
away that it wasn’t human, and all I could think was bear or gorilla for even then I’d never heard of Bigfoot
so that never entered my mind.
Still in the dream, but now I’m terrified to my wits end this thing is right out side the door, and standing as
tall as the door and just as wide as the door, and I could hear it sniffing, huffing, puffing, and grunting with
it’s head rocking back and forth like an owl would do, and it was trying to look through the glass to see
what it was smelling which was me!
Just then I could see it look down at the door knob, and knowing it was going to open the door I woke up
for real in a cold sweat to knocking, it was my mom wanting me to help with groceries.
Now dream two was about a month or so after dream one, and was on the same dirt road where I saw the
large foot print it was the only one I ever saw, and I was wide awake for that one, and that was a few
months after dream two.
Now in dream two It was dusk, and I was mid way down the dirt road headed home then I noticed the owl
movement again to my left someone was standing in the woods looking at me, and it looked like a tall man
with a hairy face or a scruffy looking bum face is what I thought, you know like the Halloween mask, the
bum with the cigar in his mouth?
He wasn’t trying to get me, but I felt as if he was there because of me, and I could almost read his mind.
I thought I heard him think… is this him or could this be him, and I could see that he was very still as to not
give away his position , but I could see him standing just four feet away, and then the dream went as fast as
it came.
It’s funny I wasn’t spooked that time, but a few months later when I was wide awake, seeing such a large
foot print, I wanted to get out of there as fast as I could because no man should I mean I could not fathom
anyone growing that big, and still at that time I had no clue what a Bigfoot was .
I never realized that the Bigfoot people were real until I was 38 years old, and after I got saved.
When I honestly looked diligently for true truth, God said ( look here and I’ll show you ) .
Instantly I knew something was adding up, and I never been the same since.
Here is how I look at it, The Great Commission tells me that I must seek out all who have an understanding
And tell them that, The Son of God “ Jesus Christ “ died on the Cross for there sin’s.
So from what I see the Bigfoot people have the ability to learn, they are as smart if not smarter than us.
Professional study’s by God fearing people should jump on this, and do real research, not to prove or
disprove that Bigfoot exist, but to confirm God is the Father of all .

When one looks at all the evidence placed before me how can I not see it all as fact, not proven, but is
“ theory” worthy of real research, and to me/others it just may be proven sooner than not.

Or maybe one day if we do nothing time may just run out, and we may never know
all because we were to lazy to try or worse yet, we never cared.

Fact is my Faith in Christ Jesus compels me to care till otherwise disproving.

Are you up for the challenge?
Can you handle the truth?
Are we smart enough to prove or disprove a theory that just maybe fact?
We must, and will seek the truth.
The truth just may set us all free.
But we’ll never know until we try .

Encountering thoughts?
Fact is, there is no end of true truth .

The condition of being EQUAL, especially of having the same political and social rights.
Equality in it’s purest form in none lacking anything, and that meaning is for all life.
We must offer everyone these inalienable rights no matter where life may be found
anywhere in the known universe.
The Apostles of Jesus Christ after His Ascension into Heaven understood equality and it’s
impact on all life no matter where it may be, and they got it right for none was found lacking anything.
If were all equal in the eyes of God, then doesn’t that imply that we should look at all life in the same way?
We say if you don’t work you don’t eat, but what about the one who is def, mute, blind, and crippled who
can’t work or do anything for him/her self?
Do we leave them behind? God forbid! …
No, it is up to all the rest of us to pick up the ball for it is their God given right to live because all life is
precious, and must be treated as such .
Doesn’t the sky rain on the good, and the bad?
With everyone lacking nothing we will have no reason to take more than what is needed.
I know were not perfect, but I see no reason not to pursue perfection .
The Equality Act.
Would govern the right’s to a sustainable life of equality with none lacking anything.
With it’s act’s of charity given by God to be implemented by Man to insure all inalienable rights be upheld
no matter where life may be found anywhere in the known universe.
With the right to free and open knowledge wherever it may be found.
Anyone or thing that has understanding has the right to learn freely, and by law has the right to obtain said
knowledge, save only by reason of national security.
And in giving said rights in no way shape or form gives any to over or under step said right’s or law.
True freedom can not be a reality without equality implemented throughout said known universe.

The Prayer of Cain

How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord,

How long wilt thou hide thy face from
How long , Lord , wilt thou hide
thyself, forever?
Shall thy wrath burn like fire?
Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and
me for thine enemy?
How long shall I take counsel in my
soul, having
sorrow in my heart daily?
How long shall my enemy be exalted
over me?
Consider and hear me, O Lord my God;
lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the
sleep of death;
lest mine enemy say “ I have prevailed
against him “
and those that trouble me rejoice
when I am moved.
But I have trusted in thy mercy, my
heart shall
rejoice in thy Salvation.
I will sing unto the Lord, because He
dealt bountifully with me . Amen’
Go ye into all the world, and preach
the gospel to every creature .
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning
and the end,
the first and the last .
I Jesus have sent mine angel to
testify unto you these things in
the churches . I am the root and the
offspring of David, and
the bright and morning star .
For God so loved the world , that he
gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish,
but have everlasting life .
For God sent not his Son into the
world to condemn the world;
but that the world through him might
be saved .
He that believeth on him is not
condemned : but he that believeth not
is condemned already, because he
hath not believed in the name
of the only begotten Son of God .
And this is the condemnation, that
light is come into the world,
and men loved darkness rather than
because their deeds were evil .
For every one that doeth evil hateth
the light, nether cometh to
the light, lest his deeds should be
reproved .
But he that doeth truth cometh to
the light, that his deeds may be
manifest, that they are wrought in
God .
Have faith in God .
For truthfully I say unto you, that
whosoever shall say unto this
mountain, be thou removed, and be
thou cast into the sea; and
shall not doubt in his heart, but shall
believe that those things
which he saith shall come to pass, he
shall have whatsoever he saith.
In the beginning God created the
heaven and the earth .
And the earth was without form, and
void; and darkness was
upon the face of the deep. And the
spirit of God moved upon
the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and
there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was
good: and God divided
the light from the darkness.
In the beginning was the Word, and
the Word was with
God, and the Word was God . The
same was in the beginning
with God . All things were made by
him; and without him was
not any thing made that was made . In
him was life; and
the life was the light of men . And the
light shineth in darkness;
and the darkness comprehended it not
That was the true Light, which
lighteth every man that cometh
into the world. He was in the world,
and the world was made by him, and
the world knew him not.
He came unto his own, and his own
received him not.
But as many as received him, to them
gave he power to become the sons of
God, even to them that believe on his
name .
Which were born, not of blood, nor of
the will of the flesh, nor of the will of
man, but of God . And the Word was
made flesh, and dwelt among us. Full
of grace and truth .
Father, the hour is come; glorify thy
Son, that thy Son also may glorify
thee: As thou hast given him power
over all flesh, that he should give
eternal life to as many as thou hast
given him .
And this life eternal, that they might
know thee the only true God, and
Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent . I
have glorified thee on the earth: I
have finished the work which thou
gavest me to do.
And now, O Father, glorify thou me
with thine own self with the glory
which I had with thee before the
world was . Amen’
Now with that being said, out of all the millions of galaxies in an endless universe how then can mankind
say were alone?
This is not possible by any means, due to the shear number of the stars with habitable zones in our own
galaxy, not to mention how many suns in our galaxy that are like the Earths Sun.
My point being, “ if they ( meaning aliens ) can get to Earth then mankind can get to their planet “.
All it takes is a global effort to bring the human race into this universal arena.
We don’t need an alien race to destroy us, we do it to ourselves with oppression of knowledge.
Jesus Christ knew this when he said ( my people die from a lack of knowledge ) .
We have an institution of every kind that try to say ( were right and your wrong ), but the only one I see that
has ever worked 100% of the time is the wisdom of God .
Imperatively speaking, it is essential that “ Jesus Christ “ be first and foremost in every step we take, and
on that notion we must place the “ Holy Bible “ as our basic, and our ultimate handbook .
When we do this we setup an unending supply of wealth in every way, and every means every my friend.
When you have the supreme leader of the universe on your side, who then can defeat you?
As you can see in the picture above, even scientist will tell you that God left his foot print in everything.

By nature when looking at a compass we say north, south, east, to west, … am I not right?
God has left proof even in the compass as I have illustrated in the picture below.
Start at North, then go South, when headed East you form a tail, then go East to West, and now draw a big
C from North to West , and that will complete the fish shape, and now you have the symbol of Christ, and
proof that God put his fingerprint even in the compass.
The big C = Christ, and we know the fish is his symbol, and the compass is on every map pointing the way
And the compass itself is always a Cross.

Mankind has a gun to it’s head, the trigger has already been pulled, and the bullet is at the end of the barrel
with no time to turn back.
Although it is harsh but true, what do we do about it?
At this point in time we have only two options .
1. We step out of the way into safety
2. We just stay where we are and die

We must be able to develop the ability to look beyond, and the wisdom of God
is the only way to that knowledge .
We didn’t make the United States of America great, “ in God we trust “ did .
We didn’t start the space race, God did when he spoke the words ( let there be light ) .
And That is the very moment the big bang happen .
To the shepherds of Jer USA
Woe be to the shepherds who feed
them self and not my flocks!
Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe your self
with my wool, ye kill them
that are fed by me. I Am...see all
things your up to! think I don't?
The diseased have ye not strengthened,
neither have ye healed that
which was sick, ye have not fixed that
which was broken, or brought back the
ones that were driven away!
Neither have ye sought that which was
lost: yes even from all the corners of
the earth!
But with force and cruelty have ye
ruled them.
Ye have made them to become meat to
all the beast of the field!
My sheep wander through all the face
of the earth, and ye search nor seek
after them.
Therefore, ye shepherds, HEAR THE
As I live saith the Lord God! surely
my flock became a prey,
and my children became meat to the
Ye keep the true shepherd from my
Neither did my shepherds search for my
but did feed them self, and fed not my
flock; Therefore,
O ye shepherds, hear the word of the
Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I
am...against the shepherds; and I will
require my flock at there hand, and
cause them to cease from feeding the
flock; neither shall the shepherds feed
them self any more; for I will deliver
my flock from their mouth, that they
may not be meat for them.
For thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I,
even I, will both search my sheep, and
seek them out.
Behold, I will make them of the
synagogue of satan, which say they are
Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I
will make them to come and worship
before thy feet, and to know that I
have loved thee.
Fear Not Little Flock, because thou hast
kept the word of my patience, I also
will keep thee from the hour of
temptation, which shall come upon all
the world, to try them that dwell upon
the earth.
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast
which thou hast,
that no man take thy crown.
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar
in the temple of my God, and he shall
go no more out: and I will write upon
him the name of my God, and the name
of the city of my God, which is new
Jerusalem, which cometh down out of
heaven from God: and I will write upon
him my new name .

My disciples are those that assemble

themselves with the church, and
teach the truth of pure love, I call
them my beloved children, yet if any
man suffer as a Christian, let him not
be ashamed; but let him glorify God
on this behalf .
For the time is come that judgment
must begin at the house of God: and if
it first begin at us, what shall the end
be of them that obey not the gospel
of God?
And if the righteous scarcely be
saved, where shall the ungodly and the
sinner appear?
Wherefore let them that suffer
according to the will of God commit
the keeping of their souls to him in
well doing, as unto a faithful Creator .
If you love me, repent.
If you love me, keep my
If you love me, feed my sheep.
Go ye into all the world and preach
the gospel to every creature, he that
believeth and is baptized shall be
saved; but he that believeth not shall
be damned .
Behold I stand at the door and
No one comes to the Father, but
by me .
The Mohammedan Empire
The Mid-Eastern World
Empire in 666ad
The Mohammedan Empire 666ad
Mohammed 570-632ad under the person of Mohammed
Muslim Empire 632 thru 666ad until the Caliphate (Porte)1171-1326ad
Ottoman Empire under the Ottoman Porte-Sultans1326-1922ad
Mid-Eastern World
Mohammedanism the great apostasy of the East

610ad Mahomet (Mohammed) announces his mission

622ad Hegira Era of Islam - Flight of Mohammed - Mohammedan Calendar begins
637ad Islamic Caliphate Omar I, a Saracen, captures Jerusalem after a four month siege,
666ad Islamic World Empire

No power known to history ever wielded the scepter of conquer over a wider sphere
than Islam. In less then a century, Arabia, Palestine, Syria, Armenia, Asia Minor,
Persia, part of India, Egypt, Numidia, Tripoli, Tunis, the Barbary States, Morocco,
the African coast, as far as the Niger, Spain, Sicily, Candia, Cyprus and Mediterranean
Islands, including parts of Italy fell to the Saracenic Islamic Empire.

Gibbon the Historian writes:

Islam lasts for a Time, Time and a half or 1260 days
Mohammedanism and Papalism will both perish at the second advent of Christ

Islam, arrayed against Israel and a vast worldwide anti-Christian system; having
opposed the truth and persecuted the saints; doomed to be, “broken without hand”,
and to come to its final end, with none to help it. Daniel 8:10

Islam, for twelve centuries held Palestine desolate under Mohammedan despotism.
This did not change until Israel regained its birth right to the land, only then
did it become Beautiful again.

Revelation 18:6
100 = c
10 = x
+ 1=I
Double unto her + 111
Double according to her works + 222
In the cup which she hath filled 444
Fill to her double + 222
= 666

Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold,
but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
To you that repent, know the real truth, and doesn’t believe a lie-

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame,
and am set down with my Father in his throne.

This is not written to attack any, but if anything isn’t done in the pure meaning of love,
then it in no means is of the one and only true God.
Why do we break His heart?
He weeps for us all.
God loves us all.
YES, we are our brothers keeper.
Ishmael and Isaac are brothers.
Jew and Genital can be grafted in to the family of God.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.

The True Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the one true GOD,

and to his son JESUS CHRIST,

and then to the United States of America. You say your country here.

For that is the only way it will stand as

" A Nation under GOD "



truth, love, liberty,

and justice for all life. Amen'

There is never an end, only life everlasting .

The moon is more than a scientific thing, in fact it

was placed by God himself, as a light in the darkness
to remind mankind that even in man’s darkest hour
He would never leave us nor forsake us .
And I suspect that there is more resources on the
Moon than what we are being lead to believe.

U.nited S.pace A.cademy

God built up the U.S.A. to lead the way in space
travel, and to involve all mankind .
By teaching the world true knowledge ensures our
survival in outer space, in everything for that matter.
When God told Abraham to look up, and count the
stars do you think He meant, that all he can see was
given to him and all his offspring? Hmm!
And didn’t God tell Noah to go and subdue all that is
before him? Hmm!
Yes in fact God gave all mankind everything as in, as
far as the eye can see .
Oppression Is the evil that has held us back.
We being lazy have let the one percent control the
whole world for thousands of years when we could
have controlled one hundred percent of our destiny.
With God all things are possible .
If God be for us, then who can be against us?
Believers are the 100% .
We have been given the power to become the sons of
Think about it for a moment.
The Ark of the Covenant was the dwelling place of
The new Covenant says our body is the place where
God lives today, and in Jesus Christ, we are His body.
Even though We the People of Christ walk in a valley
of evil, We fear not! the oppressor for we know that
Jesus died on the Cross, and was raised from the dead
on the third day, and ascended into Heaven .
He being the first raised up, and we being grafted in
to the Holy Family, do we not by faith in/through
Grace share His inheritance?
Jesus forgave everyone .
All sins were atoned for on the Cross .
The very meaning of the word oppression, goes
against every Commandment, and is of a fleshly
nature, and is a weakness that points to the very core
of sin, and also brings to light, the evil doer .
We are saved by Grace trough Faith alone.
A letter from Jesus to the world
Why are you trying to kill me?
How long have I wished to gather you under my
wing as a mother bird would her chick.
Behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me,
to give every man according as
his work shall be.
Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!
With whirlwinds and blastings have I smote you:
YEA twas me!
I smote you with blasting and with mildew and with
hail in all the labours of
your hands; yet ye turned not to me, saith the LORD.
Two days, two days! have I prayed to bring you to
my table yet ye have said wherein
has he prayed for me.
Before time, in my time, the end time in where you
all stand.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by
the door into the sheepfold,
but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief
and a robber for no thief nor
robber shall pass by my eyes and enter my gates.
For I Am he that entereth in by the door, and is the
shepherd of the sheep.
The time of times is upon you Repent!
The time is coming when no man will sleep.
Yea the day of darkness is near even at the door.
Travail, weeping, and gnashing of teeth will be the
end thereof.
I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do
in my Father's name,
they bear witness of me.
But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep,
as I said unto you.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they
follow me:
And I give unto them eternal life; and
they shall never perish,
neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
Hear ye this, O priests; and hearken, ye house of
Israel; and give ye ear,
O house of the king; for judgment is toward you,
because ye have been a snare on Mizpah,
and a net spread upon Tabor. And the revolters are
profound to make slaughter,
though I have been a rebuker of them all. I know
Ephraim, and Israel is not hid from me:
for now, O Ephraim, thou committest whoredom, and
Israel is defiled.
They will not frame their doings to turn unto their
God: for the spirit of whoredoms
is in the midst of them, and they have not known the
And the pride of Israel doth testify to his face:
therefore shall Israel and Ephraim
fall in their iniquity; Judah also shall fall with them.
They shall go with their flocks and with their herds to
seek the LORD;
but they shall not find him; he hath withdrawn
himself from them.
They have dealt treacherously against the LORD: for
they have begotten strange children:
now shall a month devour them with their portions.
Blow ye the cornet in Gibeah, and the trumpet in
cry aloud at Bethaven, after thee, O Benjamin.
Ephraim shall be desolate in the day of rebuke:
among the tribes of Israel have
I made known that which shall surely be.
The princes of Judah were like them that remove the
bound: therefore I will pour
out my wrath upon them like water.
Ephraim is oppressed and broken in judgment,
because he willingly walked after
the commandment. Therefore will I be unto Ephraim
as a moth, and to the house of
Judah as rottenness. When Ephraim saw his sickness,
and Judah saw his wound,
then went Ephraim to the Assyrian, and sent to king
Jareb: yet could he not heal you,
nor cure you of your wound. For I will be unto
Ephraim as a lion, and as a young lion
to the house of Judah: I, even I, will tear and go
away; I will take away, and none
shall rescue him. I will go and return to my place, till
they acknowledge their offence,
and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek
me early.
Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father's good
pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be
accounted worthy to escape
all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand
before the Son of man.
Let no man deceive you with vain words: for
because of these things cometh the wrath of
God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye
therefore partakers with them. For ye
were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the
Lord: walk as children of light:
(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and
righteousness and truth;)
Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have
no fellowship with the unfruitful
works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a
shame even to speak of those
things which are done of them in secret. But all
things that are reproved are made
manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make
manifest is light. Wherefore he saith,
Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead,
and Christ shall give thee light.
See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but
as wise, Redeeming the time,
because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not
unwise, but understanding what the will
of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein
is excess; but be filled with the
Spirit; Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns
and spiritual songs, singing and
making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving
thanks always for all things unto God
and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus loves his children
And yes even as evil as you are
He loved you before you were born .
Lets learn to live in harmony, and stop hurting the
heart of God.
Jesus said ( if you seen Me you have seen the Father )
well my friend Jesus wept.
Don’t Nod off
In my
Thomas Nelson Bible
Authorized King James Version
It says, a concise book introduction provided by the Publisher.
Listen to what it says about the book of Numbers.
Numbers is the book of wanderings. It takes it’s name from the two numberings of the
Israelites-the first at Mount Sinai and the second on the plains of Moab. Most of the
book, however, describes Israel’s experiences as they wander in the wilderness. The
lesson of Numbers is clear. While it may be necessary to pass through wilderness
experiences, one does not have to live there. For Israel, an eleven-day journey became a
forty-year agony.
In Jewish writings, it usually refers to it by the fifth Hebrew word in 1:1, Bemidbar, “In
the Wilderness,” Which more nearly indicates the content of the book,
Wow! Looks like God sent more of His beloved people to live in the wilderness, and to
wander there for 40 years, but the answer here is, they didn’t have to stay.
In fact, they went on and became the great nation that God foretold they would become.
God loves Cain, Moses, me, you, and He lets it rain on the good and the bad for with God
there is no respect of persons .
Who is your neighbor? The one in need if lacking anything essential to survival like the
truth of knowledge, water, food, shelter, and coverings.
Even plants need help, for if we don’t help them, there wont be any around to help us .
The same go’s for every animal on the planet .
First to the Jews then to the Gentiles
Jewish humans
1. The tabernacle in the wilderness
2. The first temple the Babylonians destroyed
3. The second temple the Romans destroyed
4. And today the Jewish people are back in the land God gave to them, and they are
ready to rebuild the third temple.
Gentile human and hybrid for both are Gentiles
4. Cain went away from his human family and dwelt in the land of Nod/wandering.
5. Cain built the city of E’-noch, showing that Cain had to have intermingled with
humans for his wife was human, but E’-noch had the genetics from both parents.
6. After racism arose, as to where, man and hybrid couldn’t get along,
the Bigfoot/the ones that looked like Cain, went back to wandering in the wilderness,
and are there today awaiting life as we know it to end, and the third age to begin .
4. We as Christians doesn’t need to find the missing Ark of the Covenant because we
have the new Ark of the new Covenant who’s name is Jesus that lives inside us, and He
is our new Noah’s Ark in which all can be saved, so please get on the boat before God
shuts the door for the last time.
Today, us being Christian, know our body is the temple of God.

A new commandment I give unto you. That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that
ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples.

Then said he unto his disciples

The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few;
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth
labourers into the harvest.
In the mean while his disciples prayed him, saying,
Master, eat. But he said unto them,
I have meat to eat that ye know not of.
Therefore said the disciples one to another, Hath any
Man brought him ought to eat?
Jesus said unto them.
My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.
Say ye not, There are yet four months, and then cometh the harvest?
Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they
are white already to harvest.

It truly is time to harvest the knowledge of wisdom.

1. Science is only one aspect of knowledge given to us, and there are many more.
2. The wisdom of God is what Mankind is to seek first and foremost .
3. The Universe was given to Mankind in pure love.
4. There’s no greater love than one laying down one’s life for another.
5. Yes we are our brothers keeper.
6. And above all love your neighbor as you would yourself .
7. Anything other than the wisdom of God leads to destruction.

I Love you all

By: Jesus Christ your Lord and King
Be blessed little flock. Amen'
And to those who don’t believe.
Do you not have a heart?
Do you not have a conscience?
If a son shall ask bread of any of you that is a father, will he give him a stone?
or if he ask a fish, will he for a fish give him a serpent?
Or if he shall ask an egg, will he offer him a scorpion?
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more
shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?

We are waiting…
Will you find us?
9 They that dwell in the wilderness shall bow before him;
and his enemies shall lick the dust.
22 So foolish was I, and ignorant: I was as a beast before thee.
23 Nevertheless I am continually with thee: thou hast holden me by my
right hand.
24 Thou shalt guide me with thy counsel, and afterward receive me to
25 Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I
desire beside thee.
12 For God is my King of old, working salvation in the midst of the
13 Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength: thou brakest the heads
of the dragons in the waters.
14 Thou brakest the heads of leviathan in pieces, and gavest him to be
meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness.
15 Thou didst cleave the fountain and the flood: thou driedst up
mighty rivers.
16 The day is thine, the night also is thine: thou hast prepared the
light and the sun.
17 Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer
and winter.

The picture below was my idea

Also planting gardens in the woods like bushes, trees,

and grass like plants helps to feed wildlife, and if we
feed nature it will feed us.
In doing so, we ensure the survival of all life.
God gave us the task of maintaining His garden, what
will He think if He comes, and finds us sleeping as in
His garden is laid waste and barren?

But think how blessed we will be in His eyes if He

finds His vineyards full of life, and thriving the way
He meant it to be when he created the Earth?
The pictures below were provided by my Facebook friend: The Russian Governments number one
Hymnologist ( Igor Burtsev )
In an IM Igor told me his daughter made these clay figures.
He sent them to me as we talked in a Facebook IM, as he was in the hospital with a breathing illness, even
then he was determined to do his very important Bigfoot research, for I remember him telling me, that he
was going to sneak out even though he was very sick so he could finish the good fight he was called to do.
May God bless you in Jesus name my wonderful friend. Amen’
Mr. Igor Burtsev also wrote theses research
graphic charts
Of the Patterson Gemlin Bigfoot sighting.
Yes, I did get all that from
a footprint in the sand.
No I’m not perfect, but my goals
are set on perfection .
Love always wins in Jesus name Amen’
The path of righteousness always
faces the Son even at night.
I walk by Faith, and not by sight Amen’
To the publisher
Hello I’m Robert Lee Smith , and I’m sending you my story in hopes that it may be published into a book.

Thank you for your time

My Bigfoot websites
The recognition of picture/article copyrights are list below.
Diana Allen:
Photo Explosion SE 2.0 : Nova Development.
Print Workshop LE: ImaginEngine Corp.
The Russian Governments number one Hymnologist ( Igor Burtsev )
NASA . com
Progressive Insurance . com
Thomas Nelson Bible
Authorized King James Version
Eric G Smith: CGI artist
And Special thanks to: Inez S Willis. Co contributor

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