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PGDM 2019-21






Bhaven A Singh
Saksham Ojha
Vipul Chaudhary
Prashant Saini
Deepak Prakash
Kunal Singh
• Person with disability are individuals whose prospects of
securing , returning to , retaining and advancing in suitable
employment are substantially reduced as a result of duly
recognized physical , sensory , intellectual or mental
• People with disabilities still represent a largely untapped
employment resource in workplaces ,often being
employed or greatly underemployed compared with the
non - disabled peers .
• A person with disabilities (differently abled person) may
just have the skills and competencies we require within
our organization , it is important to consider how our
organization can tap these under utilized potential
sources .
• To ensure effective recruitment, integration, and
accommodation of persons with disabilities, top
management must affirm and effectively communicate the
importance of recruiting and retaining persons with
• • Pre-employment tests and selection criteria should focus
on the specific skills, knowledge and abilities regarded as
essentials to the functions of the vacant job in a proper
format which is accessible to the disabled applicants.
• Selection criteria should be carefully examined to ensure
that they do not inadvertently exclude persons with
• Once the recruitment of a person with disability has
taken place, follow-ups may be important in ensuring that
any problem which may arise are swiftly identified and
• The performance appraisal of workers with disabilities
should take place according to the same or similar
holders .
 HR Policy and procedures supporting diversity & Anti –
discrimination on employment clearly states that there
should be “ No discrimination based on race age , colour
, sex , religion ,political , marital and disability status on
candidates ’’.
 There should be positive actions for PWDs to deliberately
favor to the recruitment of PWDs.

 Adopt strategy for managing various disabilities issues in

the workplaces
 to seek to employ people with disabilities in jobs suited
to their aptitudes, abilities, and qualifications, making
any reasonable adjustments necessary to do so;
 to seek to ensure that employees with disabilities are
considered for promotion according to their aptitudes,
abilities, and qualifications, making any reasonable
adjustments ne

 to ensure that assessments are carried out of the scope

of reasonable adjustments which may be made to the
workplace and its environment, so as to make it possible
to retain an employee with a disability or to recruit a
person with a disability;
 to make reasonable changes to the workplace and is not
at any substantial disadvantage compared to a non-
disabled person.
 Incentivizes Private Companies that Hire


Republic Act No. 10524, which is a law expanding employment

opportunities for PWDs, encourages private corporations that

employ a minimum of 100 employees to reserve at least one

percent of their positions for individuals with disability.

Companies that hire PWDs can enjoy these incentives under

the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Bureau of

Internal Revenue (BIR):

An additional deduction of 25 percent from the private entity’s

gross income of the total amount paid as wages and salaries to

Companies are also entitled to an additional deduction from

their net income if they change or enhance their physical

facilities for the benefit of PWDs. This deduction is equivalent

to 50 percent of the direct costs of the modifications or


 Creates a Positive Image

Besides getting the opportunity to obtain incentives from the

government, employing PWDs can promote a more positive

image for the business. Hiring individuals with disabilities is an

excellent opportunity for a company to show its diverse

workforce to the public. As a result, this may make the

company more appealing to potential clients and workers.

Additionally, other businesses in the area may follow suit to

boost their reputation, which can make the business climate

more diverse.

 Expands the Talent Pool

Private corporations that are hesitant to include PWDs in their

recruitment efforts may be missing out on access to a source of

talented workers. Small businesses having trouble getting

qualified candidates may be overlooking capable but disabled

candidates. This could result in companies having to settle for

mediocrity. Thus, companies should see individuals with

disabilities as an untapped resource of talents and skills and

consider hiring potential PWD employees.

 Reduces Job Turnover

Employees with disabilities understand how hard it is to land a

job. Thus, they often display greater loyalty to their employer

and show how much they want the job. This loyalty minimizes

turnover costs and can even lead to increased productivity.

 Legal issues

Hiring disabled workers can help prevent certain legal problems

for your business, particularly charges of discrimination in the
workplace. You'll stand a better chance of being in compliance
with the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits
discriminatory practices against people with disabilities in areas
such as hiring, firing, training and compensation. You'll limit the
risk of a lawsuit, which could do immeasurable harm to your
business in the form of financial loss and damage to your
reputation. The ADA does not apply to businesses with fewer
than 15 employees, including part-time and full-time.
 Challenges for recruiting PWDs
A review of the existing literature on perceived challenges of
hiring PWDs revealed that there are primarily three areas of
concerns. They are negative attitudes, transportation and
accommodation facilities, and litigation concerns.
 Negative attitudes and stereotypes are probably one of
the major challenges when it comes to hiring and
employing PWDs. A number of authors opine that
stereotypes and attitudinal bias about PWDs are likely to
stem from lack of understanding and knowledge about
disability. In the same manner, attitudinal bias of
employers about PWDs’ ability to work can perpetuate
their reluctance to hire PWDs. Although discrimination on
the grounds of disability is thought to be rarely malicious ,
employers’ negative attitudes towards PWDs are
consequential to a large extent. First, many employers are
likely to believe that PWDs lack adequate knowledge and
experience to meet performance standards and are thus
reluctant to hire them .
 transportation and accommodation facilities for disabled
workers . There is also a misconception among employers
that investments in disabled-friendly facilities will incur
additional and high costs. This concern is typically shared
by smaller companies which understandably do not have
as much resource allocation when compared to larger
companies Problems associated with inaccessibility to the
built environment are in fact long-standing issues for
Malaysians with disabilities. Although there are provisions
in the Uniform Building By-Laws that stipulate all public
buildings should provide accessible facilities for PWDs, the
enforcement of this law is not as clear-cut . The result is
that many public buildings continue to be inaccessible to
people with disabilities particularly wheel chair users .
 The Company who are hiring
• Companies including Amazon, Starbucks, Pepsi and others
have shown that employees with disabilities are loyal,
successful and help them make more money.
• That’s because people with disabilities bring unique
characteristics and talents to the workplace that benefit
employers and organizations.
• If we find the right jobs for the right people, it can and
does increase the bottom line of companies. People with
disabilities can work in hospitals, hotels, computer
programming and other fields.
• Respect Ability and other disability organizations are
leading the way for more businesses to add disability to
the diversity and talent pipelines.

The solutions to the complex issue of unemployment

among PWDs go beyond simplistic approaches .
Employer education and training is perhaps a good
starting point to demystify the challenges of hiring and
employing PWDs. But top management can only do this
much. Thus, there is a need for partnerships with a
number of organizations like community service
providers, disability interest groups and special education
schools to assist companies in the successful integration
of PWDs in the workforce. Such collaborative efforts can
ensure that disabled workers remain employed and
marketable. More importantly, organizations need to be
given persuasive information such that hiring PWDs is
not only good business practice but it can also benefit
the company’s triple bottom line.

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