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Autodesk Inventor Duration : 80 hrs

Sessions Topics
Getting Started:

 Understanding parametric design

 Understanding feature based concept
 Basic modeling concepts
 Understanding History-Based Modeling and Dependencies
 Adaptivity
 Orthographic Projections
 File Extensions
 Inventor Workflow

User Interface:

o Mouse Control
o Functional Keys
o View Control
 View Cube
 Navigation Wheel
Session 1  Pan
 Zoom
 Rotate
 Look At
 Previous View
 Next View
 Projections
 Visual Styles
o Clean Screen
o Switch
o Tile Window
o Cascade
o New

Work Environment

 Project Files
 Application Options
 Document Settings
 File Open Options
Sessions Topics
2D Sketches

 Sketch Workflow
 Creating 2D Entities
o Line
o Circle
o Ellipse
o Arc
o Rectangle
o Polygon
o Fillet
o Chamfer
Session 2
Advanced Sketching

 Spline
 Equation Curve
 Slot
 Sketch Point
 Centre Point
 Text & Geometry Text
 Creating 3D Entities
 Sketch Dimensioning
 Sketch Constraints

Sketch Block

Modifying Sketch

 Move
 Copy
 Rotate
 Trim
 Extend
Session 3
 Split
 Scale
 Stretch
 Offset
 Editing Spline

Sketch Pattern

 Rectangular
Sessions Topics
 Circular
 Mirror


2D Projections

 Project Geometry
 Project Cut Edges
 Project Flat Pattern
 Project to 3D Sketch

3D Projections

Sketch Properties
Reference Plane

Work Feature

 Work Plane
 Work Axis
 Work Point
 In line work features

Part Modeling:
Session 4 & 5
 Overview on Part Modeling
 Task Performed in Part Modeling
 Part Browser
 Part Template
 Basic Created Features
o Extrude
o Revolve
o Sweep
o Loft
o Coil
 Primitives

Placed Features
Session 6 & 7
 Hole
 Thread
Sessions Topics
 Fillet
 Chamfer
 Shell
 Draft

Advanced Created Features

 Derive
 Emboss
 Rib
 Decal

Solid Editing

 Direct Edit
 Combine
 Split
 Thicken/Offset


 Rectangular
 Circular
 Mirror

Part Modeling Tools

 Measure
o Distance
o Angle
o Loop
o Area
Session 8 & 9 o Region Properties
 Parameters
 i-Logic
 Place Feature
 Create i-Part
 Insert i-Feature
 Insert Object

Session 10 & 11
Sessions Topics
Assembly Modeling Environment

 Assembly Browser
o Modeling View
o Assembly View
o Filter
o User Defined Folder

Assembly Components

 Placements and Constraints

 Assembly Relationship Error & Recovery Tools

Flexible Components

Adaptive Components

Working with Assembly Components

 Copy Assembly Components

 Assembly Components in Patterns
 Move & Rotation of Assembly Components
 Deleting Assembly Components

Replace Components

Inspection for Interference

Advanced Assembly

Flexible Assemblies

Session 12 & 13 Level of Detail Representations (LODR)

Simplified Assemblies

Shrink wrap Assemblies

Sheet Metal Design

 Sheet Metal Defaults

Session 14 & 15  Sheet Metal Features
o Face
o Flange
o Contour Flange
Sessions Topics
o Lofted Flange
o Contour Roll
o Hem
o Bend
o Fold
o Cut
o Corner Seam
o Rip
o Unfold
o Refold
o Hole
o Corner Round
o Corner Chamfer
o Copy Object
o Punch Tool
 Create Flat Pattern
 Convert to Sheet Metal

Surface Modeling

 Surface Editing Tool

o Stitch
o Patch
Session 16 o Sculpt
o Trim
o Extend
o Replace Face
o Repair Bodies


 Creating Fundamental Views

o Base View
o Projected View
o Auxiliary View
o Section View
Session 17 & 18 o Detail View
o Overlay View
o Draft View
 Alignment
 Creating Sketches in Drawing
 Modifying Sketches
o Break View
Sessions Topics
o Breakout View
o Slice
o Crop
 Creating New Sheet
 Annotate
o Dimensioning
o Arrange Dimension
o Retrieve Dimension
o Notes
o Text
o GD&T Symbols
 Tables
 Balloon

Session 19 Freeform Modeling

Session 20 Inventor Studio

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