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CSS Essay on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare

Table of Contents

CSS Essay Outline on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare

I. Hybrid warfare, Gray zone warfare, Fifth Generation warfare
II. The USA most powerful military empire
III. The changing character and the taxonomy of conflict. Why more
conflicts are being fought at the lower end of the conflict spectrum.
IV. Inevitable transformation of China and Russia military might
V. Influence of Unrestricted Warfare (1999 PLA)by Qiao and Wang
VI. Why Russia and China evolved their unique strategies ?
VII. Chin’s “informationised” warfare-decades old military strategy
VIII. Fought in five domains
IX. Comprehensive toolset: Methods employed
X. Major theatres
XI. Major players
XII. Russian grey-zone strategy
XIII. Chinese greyzone strategy expanding the turbulent maritime
periphery: Gray Zone conflicts with Chinese characteristics – String of
Pearls policy-What are the pearls at the IOR- Indian Ocean region?
XIV. BRI’s six arms
XV. Iran
XVI. Israel and the challenges of Hybrid Warfare
XVII. India’s hybrid warfare against Pakistan
XVIII. Iran’s hybrid war against Pakistan
XIX. The Arab countries hybrid war against Pakistan
XX. Prominent complexities, paradoxes, and nuances at the heart of
the gray zone idea
XXI. Options for Pakistan: Need of coherent response and counter
strategies to hybrid warfare
XXII. Conclusion (Dedicated to Shaharyar Afridi, Interior Minister, his
most favorite topic)
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CSS Essay Outline on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation

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CSS Essay on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare


In the modern parlance of military configuration, the much-hyped mantra of the Hybrid
Warfare or the Fifth Generation Warfare is one of the most complexes, vague and
threateningly overlapping component of war. In the post-WW II scenario, the US has
developed world-class military might, sophisticated society, and exponentially booming
economic prowess. This, with the grim progression of events, paved the way for countering
the global US hegemonic status through asymmetric, unconventional warfare strategies. As
a result, the invasive, lethal form of hybrid warfare gained momentum.

“There are but two types of men who desire war: those who haven’t the slightest intention
of fighting it themselves, and those who haven’t the slightest idea what it is. … Any man
who has seen the face of death knows better than to seek him out a second time.” Ibraham

I. Hybrid warfare, Gray zone warfare, Fifth Generation warfare

A. Literal meaning
1. Combination of two or more distinct elements
B. In the parlance of modern military warfare
1. deliberately designed to remain below the threshold of conventional military conflict and
open interstate war
2. Achieve those gains without escalating to overt warfare
3. Without crossing established red-lines
4. Without exposing the practitioner to the penalties and risks that such escalation might
5. The province of revisionist powers—those actors that seek to modify some aspect of the
existing international environment—and the goal is to reap gains, whether territorial or
6. Unlike traditional warfare, grey-zone strategies will not produce decisive results within a
defined time frame

II. The USA most powerful military empire

A. The most capable armed forces in the world spending more than the next nine nations

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III. The changing character and the taxonomy of conflict. Why more conflicts are
being fought at the lower end of the conflict spectrum.

A. Globalization
B. Mass access to technology and communications
C. Asymmetric reactions to U.S. tactics in Afghanistan and Iraq

IV. Inevitable transformation of China and Russia military might

A. H.R. McMaster, Donald Trump’s national security adviser, once observed: “There are two
ways to fight the United States: asymmetrically and stupid”.
B. The emerging powers do threaten critical U.S. interests through “strategic disruption”
,means the use of asymmetric methods.

V. Influence of Unrestricted Warfare (1999 PLA)by Qiao and Wang

A. A combination of different warfare and tactics for the achievement of objectives

VI. Why Russia and China evolved their unique strategies ?

A. The use of state of the art weapons by the US equally impressed by the precision-strike
capabilities that America demonstrated in the first Gulf war, sought ways to reap some of

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CSS Essay on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare

the political and territorial gains of military victory without crossing the threshold of overt

VII. Chin’s “informationised” warfare-decades old military strategy

A. Revolution in military affairs

B. Advances in microprocessors
C. Sensors and communications

VIII. Fought in five domains

A. Physical landscape
B. Cognitive manipulation
C. Information spectrum
D. Economic fabric
E. Social configuration

IX. Comprehensive toolset: Methods employed

A. Disruptive cyber attacks

B. Propaganda and subversion
C. Economic blackmail and sabotage
D. Sponsorship of proxy forces
E. Creeping military expansionism
F. Destabilizing social media influence
G. Anonymous “little green men” instead of recognizable armed forces making overt
violations of international borders

X. Major theatres

A. Russia annexed Crimea

Russia annexed Crimea and is fomenting civil conflict and separatism in eastern Ukraine;
Russia’s aggressive actions in Ukraine, for example, directly challenge international norms
against territorial annexation and put NATO solidarity at risk.
B. The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) burst into international headlines by
beheading civilians and grabbing land in Iraq and Syria; ISIL controlling parts of Iraq and
Syria threatens global energy markets, decreases regional stability, and increases the
chance of conflict between Sunni and Shia communities.
C. Boko Haram in Nigeria
Boko Haram has been conducting a brutal insurgency in Nigeria; and

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CSS Essay on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare

D. The Houthi rebellion in Yemen

The Houthi rebellion in Yemen has accelerated and driven the country’s president out of the
capital. The Houthi insurgency increases the risk of a regional clash between Iraq and Saudi
Arabia, which could also spark a broader Sunni-Shia conflict.
E. The Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan
F. The Kurds in the Middle East and Asia

XI. Major players

The clearest recent cases of grey-zone challenges are Russia’s intervention in Ukraine,
China’s assertive behaviour in the South and East China Seas and Iran’s use of proxy
militias to establish an arc of influence from Iraq through Syria into Lebanon. All three
countries recognise and to some extent fear superior Western military power. But all of
them also see vulnerabilities that they can exploit.

XII. Russian grey-zone strategy

A. To undermine faith in Western institutions

B. Encourage populist movements by meddling in elections
C. Using bots and trolls on social media to fan grievances and prejudice but in Ukraine
Russia provided a near-textbook example of it in its modern form, using a variety of
techniques: sophisticated propaganda that stirred up local grievances and legitimized
military action; cyber attacks on power grids and disruption of gas supplies; covert or
deniable operations, such as sending “little green men” (soldiers in unmarked green army
uniforms) into Crimea and providing weapons and military support to separatist irregular
forces; the threat of “escalating to de-escalate”, even including limited use of nuclear
weapons. Since 2014, Russia has destabilized and dismembered Ukraine through the use of
armed proxies, “volunteer” forces, and unacknowledged aggression.

XIII. Chinese greyzone strategy expanding the turbulent maritime periphery: Gray
Zone conflicts with Chinese characteristics – String of Pearls policy-What are the
pearls at the IOR- Indian Ocean region?

String of Pearls the network of Chinese intentions in India Ocean Region (IOR). The network
of Chinese military and commercial facilities developed by China in countries falling on the
Indian Ocean between the Chinese mainland and Port Sudan.
A. Gwadar (in Pakistan) the Port of Gwadar Port of Chhabar in Iran
B. Hambantota (in Sri Lanka) the Port of Hambantota for Chinese use
C. Chittagong (in Bangladesh) the Port of Chittagong which gives it a free access to the Bay
of Bengal, which is strategically very important
D. Sittwe (in Myanmar) Kyaukpyu port. The Bay of Bengal has given China access to have a

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CSS Essay on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare

commercial Maritime facility which can be used as a military facility at the time of conflict
E. Maroa, Maldives the Male airport(Feydhoo Finolhu) to a Chinese company for 50 years at
the cost of 4 million dollars

XIV. BRI’s six arms

A. New Eurasian Land Bridge

B. China – Mongolia – Russia Corridor
C. China – Central Asia – West Asia Corridor
D. China – Indochina Peninsula Corridor
E. China – Pakistan Corridor
F. Bangladesh – China – India – Myanmar Corridor

Chinese complicity in Russian-style hacker attacks on the West, but officially sanctioned
trolls send out hundreds of millions of social-media posts every year attacking Western
values and pumping up nationalist sentiment. In Asia, China is using gray zone tactics as
part of a campaign of creeping expansionism in the South China Sea. China’s grey-zone
campaign to assert uncontested control over the South China Sea and jurisdiction over
disputed islands in the East China Sea has been going on for much longer, and has turned a
darker shade of grey over time as the country’s confidence and power has grown. Since
2009, when China submitted a map to the United Nations showing a “nine-dash line” that
supported its claim to “indisputable sovereignty” over 90% of the South China Sea (see
map), it has applied what James Holmes of the US Naval War College has described as
“small-stick diplomacy” (as opposed to the big stick of conventional naval power), using its
highly capable coastguard and militiamen embedded in its fishing fleet to push other littoral
states out of waters to which it claims ancestral rights.
It has been able to cow most of its neighbours into sulky acquiescence while avoiding a
direct confrontation with American naval ships, which did not want to risk a major incident
over what China portrayed as maritime policing. When in 2013 China took its provocations a
step further by sending civil engineers to the Spratly and Parcel archipelagoes to construct
artificial islands, Xi Jinping said China had no intention of militarising them. But in 2017,
satellite images released by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies showed
shelters for missile batteries and military radar installations being constructed on the Fiery
Cross, Mischief and Subi Reefs in the Spratly Islands. Fighter jets will be on their way next.
Mr Holmes suggests that such strategic gains cannot now be reversed short of open
warfare, which means they will almost certainly not be. The advent of Mr Trump serves
Chinese aims too. His repudiation of the Trans-Pacific Partnership removed a challenge to
China’s regional economic hegemony, a key objective of its grey-zone strategy. And the
American president’s hostility to free trade and his decision to withdraw from the Paris
climate accord has allowed Xi Jinping to cast himself, improbably, as a defender of the

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CSS Essay on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare

international order.

XV. Iran

A. Hizbullah
America’s inconsistency and lack of a long-term strategy in the Middle East has offered
boundless opportunities for grey-zone advantage-seeking. In the Middle East, Iran is using,
as it has for many years, subversion and proxy warfare in an effort to destabilize adversaries
and shift the balance of power in the region. These are leading examples of the gray zone
phenomenon today.

XVI. Israel and the challenges of Hybrid Warfare

XVII. India’s hybrid warfare against Pakistan

A. Hydrological warfare
B. Terrorism and separatism in Pakistan
C. Opposition to CPEC
D. The mantra of isolation
E. Media war and propaganda
F. Relations with Afghanistan
G. Construction of Iran’s Chabahar’s port
H. Surgical strikes
I. Transforming military doctrines

XVIII. Iran’s hybrid war against Pakistan

A. Stocking religious tensions

B. Giving space to India

XIX. The Arab countries hybrid war against Pakistan

A. Making Pakistani ports dysfunctional by creating law and order situation in Karachi and

XX. Prominent complexities, paradoxes, and nuances at the heart of the gray zone

A. Gray zone” cannot mean everything if it is to mean anything

B. Gray zone challenges are the wave of the future—and a blast from the past
C. Gray zone conflict reveals both the strengths and weaknesses of the international order
D. Gray zone strategies are weapons of the weak against the strong—and of the strong

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CSS Essay on Hybrid Warfare, Fifth Generation Warfare

against the weak

E. Confronting gray zone challenges requires both embracing and dispelling ambiguity
F. Gray zone conflict is aggression, but military tools are only part of the response
G. America is not poorly equipped for the gray zone—but it may not be fully prepared
H. Gray zone challenges can be productive and counterproductive at the same time

XXI. Options for Pakistan: Need of coherent response and counter strategies to
hybrid warfare

A. Strengthening capacities
Pakistan should increase its abilities to understand, adapt, and prevail in these conflicts so
that they do not grow to a level of strategic disruption that threatens vital Pakistan

B. Best special operations forces and more specialized conventional capabilities

Pakistan must also ensure that some of its conventional capabilities are organized, trained,
and equipped for these ever-expanding conflicts. Traditional military capabilities remain
essential for deterring and defeating threats at the higher end of the conflict spectrum, but
effectively dealing with an era dominated by gray zone conflicts requires more. The best
special operations forces in the world and more specialized conventional capabilities will
both be necessary to fight and win in the gray zone.

C. The defense complex should design special operations forces (SOF)

1. The conflict spectrum- SOF are deliberately designed, trained, and equipped to address
the part of the conflict spectrum where gray zone conflicts occur.
2. In-depth cultural knowledge- they bring in-depth cultural knowledge to regional
skirmishes around the world, often including language skills and years of building personal
relationships. They can operate with low visibility and moderate risk, calling little attention
to their actions. They can also provide highly capable headquarters elements to help
oversee these complex challenges — organizations and leaders steeped in interagency and
regional expertise, with deep cultural and unconventional warfare knowledge and

D. Bolstering potent economic and financial tools

E. Developing arsenal of cyber weapons, expert special forces
F. Establishing a network of alliances
G. Capitalizing on unmatched soft power
H. Making media professional and autonomous
I. Bringing political and constitutional reforms
J. Putting an end to extra-territorial involvement in military and political affairs
K. Disbanding terror outfits

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L. Improving mechanism against money laundering and terror financing

XXII. Conclusion (Dedicated to Shaharyar Afridi, Interior Minister, his most

favorite topic)

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