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JULY 2019
© 2019 - Prepared and collected by PTE Helper
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Table of Contents
SUMMARISE SPOKEN TEXT (SST) ...................................................................................................................................... 3

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION – MULTIPLE ANSWERS (MCQMA) .....................................................................................33

LISTENING - FILL IN THE BLANKS (FIB)..............................................................................................................................55

HIGHLIGHT CORRECT SUMMARY (HCS) ...........................................................................................................................85

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION – SINGLE ANSWER (MCQSA) ........................................................................................... 110

WRITE FROM DICTATION (WFD) ................................................................................................................................... 126

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Solutions Audio Link

1. Human rights (
The lecturer talked about the history of human rights, which can be described as a starting point for wider applications in the UK. He also
indicated that the freedom protection within the Human Rights Act included freedoms from torture, from slavery and from
discrimination. He emphasized that UK lawyers played a significant role in the drafting of the convention and the UK was the first
government to rectify it. (69 words)
2. London Architecture (
The lecturer talked about the concept of architecture that causes both pleasure and trouble. He firstly indicated that a poorly designed
building has serious impacts on the people around it. He strongly agreed that there were so many bad architecture and emphasized
terrible problems with architecture as it lasts longer than a bad book or a bad play. He finally introduced a book to suggest why and how
architecture works. (70 words)
3. Big Bang (
The lecturer talked about the prediction of cosmology which is one of the most amazing things that happened in his lifetime. He firstly
had a discussion about a stunning achievement to know that the universe did start in a Big Bang and it is 13.8 billion years old. In addition,
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he emphasized the laws of physics explaining what happened in the Big Bang helped scientists know exactly how the universe began. (70
4. Danger of Keeping drugs at home (
The lecturer talked about the talent wars and the shortages of talent. She firstly introduced profound structural forces, which are created
by the talent shortages. In addition, she indicated that there was a greater demand for intellectual skills and slowing down in the supply
of people who possess those skills. Finally, she emphasized a mismatch between what people are learning at universities and what the
economy is placing a premium on. (70 words)
5. Talent war version 2 (
The lecturer talked about the talent wars and the shortages of talent. She firstly introduced profound structural forces, which are created
by the talent shortages. In addition, she indicated that there was a greater demand for intellectual skills and slowing down in the supply
of people who possess those skills. Finally, she emphasized a mismatch between what people are learning at universities and what the
economy is placing a premium on. (70 words)
6. Education leadership (
The lecturer talked about the purpose of leadership courses that is to promote learning about education and management. He firstly
introduced that most of the world’s business services are delivered by non-for-profit and for-profit managed institutions. In addition, he
also introduced how educational services can be done by people on their own. Finally, he emphasized the capability to get work
accomplished by managers and people that they feel responsible for. (70 words)
7. Socialism and Communism (
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The lecturer talked about Socialism and Communism invented in 1810 and 1840. She firstly indicated that none of these concepts were
words before the French Revolution. In addition, she emphasized that the event gave birth to much of the modern political world. Finally,
the concept of Right or Left in politics comes from the original designation of the Deputies, who sat to the left or right of the speakers’
podium. (70 words)
8. Australian Housing (
The lecturer talked about how well the Australian economy has been doing over the last 15 years. Over the course of that period, rising
immigration rate, decreasing mortgage rate and falling average household size caused an increase in the number of households looking
for accommodation. He finally concluded that there was a substantial increase in the purchasing power of households and this led to
pushing up the price of housing. (70 words)
9. Language Death (
The lecturer talked about language death which is not a mainstream theatre. In addition, he emphasized the importance of changing
humans’ mindsets about languages. He suggested that people should think about language more explicitly, more intimately and more
enthusiastically. Although people are interested in many language topics, they lack a willingness to focus and a preparedness to take on
board the drama inherent in the situation of language endangerment. (69 words)
10. Universe (
The lecturer talked about the universe which is also the fixed and unchangeable space around human beings. She firstly introduced the
general concept of the universe including stars, planets, and other bodies in the space. In addition, she indicated that as the result of
Einstein's work that fixed and unchangeable universe was completely transformed. Finally, she emphasized that the space itself was a
continuous dynamic change. (66 words)
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11. Government use tricks (
The lecturer talked about the truth to point out that citizens need to be well informed. He firstly indicated that there have been plenty
of societies where that has run counter to explicit government policy. In addition, he indicated that governments put a spin on what they
cannot deny. Finally, he emphasized that they've used every trick in the book to pull the wool over the eyes of the world. (64 words)
12. Laughing (
The lecture talks about the importance of laughing and humour, which is one of the greatest therapies in combatting adversity. He firstly
indicated whole communities and nations have frequently relied on humour. Additionally, he also demonstrated that it was a way of
humanizing the tragedy of an ideology that had divided families and a nation. He finally concluded that laugh and humour are able to
protect self-respect and identity appropriately. (70 words)
13. Identity theory (
The lecturer talked about a novel idea that the mind is merely identical with the brain. He firstly indicated that the idea happened around
the same time when the first departments of neuroscience started forming. In addition, a couple of philosophers claimed that the mind
is the brain, and they provided detailed information about the identity theory. He finally concluded that mental properties are only
properties of the brain. (69 words)
14. Clean water (
The talk delineated a detailed picture regarding water and the law that surrounds drinking water. The lecturer firstly had a discussion
about water’s quality and people’s rights of having clean water. In addition, he also indicated that water is a critical component of people’s
environments and bodies. However, there were key threats to water quality due to a rapid increase in chemical issues and largely
neglected area of environmental law. (70 words)
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15. Vitamin D (
The lecturer talked about vitamin D, which is called the sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is not a vitamin, but a pro-hormone which is necessary
in food for people who do not get adequate sunshine. In addition, people migrating away from equatorial regions need this type of
vitamin. However, foods are not always naturally abundant in vitamin D and people do not need it if their exposure to sunlight is
adequate. (70 words)
16. Analysing Questionnaires (
The lecturer talked about three main types of questionnaires and introduced some terms to use when analysing responses. He firstly
mentioned the category type questions, which are called nominal questions. In addition, he provided information about ordinal questions
which are similar to category questions but there is some sort of order between them. He finally discussed the continuous questions that
can be answered by a number, including open ended statements. (70 words)
17. History of software (
The lecturer talked about the history of software, which is very new. He firstly introduced that the whole IT industry is only 67 years old,
which is extraordinary and remarkable. Additionally, the rapid expansion in power of computing and the rapid fall of the cost of computing
and communication made information technology become feasible. Finally, he concluded that IT moves into all areas of life that people
never originally envisaged. (70 words)
18. Why Read Plato’s book? (
The lecture talked about an immensely readable book, which is accessible to anybody and easy to read. He firstly emphasized that this
book was written by a genius with important ideas. Additionally, the content of the book focuses on a fundamental question, which is
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why people bother to be good. He finally concluded that the author gives an astonishing answer which is not framed as what people
would normally expect. (70 words)
19. Secret Life of Bees (
The lecturer talked about the reason why a novelist wrote a fiction named The Secret Life of Bees. The author firstly started writing at
the age of 30 and took a long detour but she absolutely had no regret about it. Being influenced by a famous writer, she decided to write
the first chapter of the novel in the early 90s although she felt a bit risky at that time. (70 words)
20. Spectacles (
The lecturer talked about spectacles which are parts of an assemblage in many industries. Spectacles are not only used as accessories in
fashion terms, but they are also utilized as medical devices in healthcare terms. In addition, being described as a prosthesis, spectacles
are artificial parts of the body making humans who they are. Therefore, it is important to choose spectacles for different occasions or
times of the day. (69 words)
21. Light Bulbs (
The talk delineated a detailed picture regarding forms of energy consumption. The lecturer firstly provided many examples of power
consumption by using the unit of the light bulb to measure everything around his house. In addition, he found that transport is one of
the biggest forms of energy consumption. Finally, the aforementioned discussion emphasized the fact that British people are using a huge
amount of power in their daily lives. (70 words)
22. Fossil Fuels (
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The lecturer talked about fossil fuels which are unsustainable in developed countries. He firstly indicated that accessible fossil fuels are
finite and burning fossil fuels may lead to a significant increase in the amount of carbon dioxide. Moreover, he emphasized that a country
may need to depend on other nations for fossil fuels in the future. Hence, the aforementioned discussion highlighted the significance of
three motivations which are equally compelling. (70 words)
23. Kids in the museum (
The talk delineated a detailed picture regarding a campaign named the Kids in Museums. She firstly raised current issues of the museum
by introducing her experience of being thrown out of the Royal Academy. She also emphasized the importance of making museums
friendlier to families. In addition, her campaign was supported by many people, and the director of the National Gallery in London offered
her some ideas to work together. (70 words)
24. Animal behaviour (
The talk delineated a detailed picture regarding the argument that humans are not animals. The lecturer firstly talked about an
assumption that people are different from animals, plants and even tiny microscopic things. He also highlighted the importance of
investigating animals’ behavior to have a better understanding about human nature. Hence, the aforementioned discussion emphasized
the role of studying animal’s behavior to find the evidence about where humans are from. (70 words)
25. Translator and Interpreter (
The lecturer talked about the difference between translators and interpreters. She firstly introduced a common misconception that
translators and interpreters do the same thing. In addition, she highlighted a few similarities and differences between the two by
explaining that translation refers to written communication whereas interpreting refers to verbal communication. In conclusion, she
emphasized that the qualifications and experience required to become either a professional translator or interpreter do differ. (70 words)
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26. Cool Bees pick warmer flowers (
The lecturer talked about the reason why the bumble bees pick some flowers over others. She firstly introduced that bees use color to
recognize a flower temperature. In addition, bees cannot fly if they are too cold or when they use up a lot of energy. Finally, bumble bees
consistently choose warmer flowers over cooler ones even when the two flowers offer up the same quantity and quality of nectar. (70
27. Hans Krebs (
The lecturer talked about Hans Krebs who published a paper showing the sequence of chemical reactions, by which energy is released in
individual cells. He firstly introduced an example of how a determined scientist could overcome all kinds of human obstacles. Moreover,
although many people denied Krebs’s ability to become a great scientist, he still went on to study and received great achievements no
matter what people said to him. (70 words)
28. Children Literature (
The lecturer talked about children’s literature which is usually underestimated. She firstly indicated that writers and illustrators have a
cultural space for creativity, separation and opportunities to experiment new concepts. In addition, children’s books can help them to
learn the vocabularies, get the vicarious experiences and see how the world works. Finally, she emphasized that children’s books are
important sources of information to let them know what childhood looks like. (70 words)
29. Voynich Manuscript (
The lecturer talked about the Voynich manuscript with many different theories proposed for it. He firstly had a discussion on the invention
of Voynich manuscript to make money or fool people. In addition, some people tried to encode many secrets, but no one could find out
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how to correct a genuine script. Finally, he predicted that if people can decode the script, they may find it a natural human language. (70
30. Drug Adv (
The lecturer talked about the amount of money drug companies spend on TV ads which has doubled in recent years. He firstly indicated
that consumers visit to their doctors with a suggestion for a prescription drug they saw advertised on TV. In addition, he argued that from
drug ads the information was technically accurate the tone was misleading. Finally, he strongly emphasized that lifestyle changes could
help treat the condition. (70 words)
31. The Coffee House (
The talk delineated a detailed picture regarding coffee houses in English, which is famous for being a nation of tea drinkers. According to
the lecture, people did not go the coffee houses to drink coffee, they went there to have various conversations and even conduct business.
However, coffee houses were replaced by the domestic tea party as the typical English social location because more tea was easily
imported from abroad. (70 words)
32. International Environment (
The lecturer talked about international environmental law and climate change. She firstly indicated the consideration about how to put
domestic environmental law into practice in United Kingdom. However, the legal duties and standards were merely good intentions
because they lacked appropriate enforcements. Finally, she indicated that many local industrialists used the Adam Smith model to
maximize their economy benefits but this was detriment of the local environment. (67 words)
33. Indian Peasant (
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The lecturer talked about the reason why many poor Indian peasants are plunged into heavy debts. It is by accumulating that kind of debt
within many years, farmers may never be able to pay back as they have no capital. Due to significantly expensive seeds and pesticides in
the last five years, they need to borrow money to purchase those products from companies that are also the major creditors. (69 words)
34. Student Loan (
The lecturer talked about a 43-year-old woman owing a lot of money in her student loans. She indicated that her loans were piling up
and her monthly payment was significantly high. She suggested that people should take a realistic look at their anticipated income and
financial factors in priorities. Due to her overconfidence that her debt would pale compared to the lucrative writing career, she could not
get paid off. (70 words)
35. Children Depression (
The lecturer talked about depression in a child. He firstly introduced a research taken to find out what happened to children who suffer
from depression. In addition, he indicated a dramatic increase in children’s depression can increase the risk of their lives. Children with
depression behave differently and respond variously to medical treatment. This is why many specialists have tried bringing a cure, but
no one found a perfect medicine. (70 words)
36. Sea Creatures (
The talk delineated a detailed picture regarding how many latest devices that harness wave power were invented. He firstly indicated
that these devices are made and inspired based on sea creatures. He introduced a device which looks like a snake is made from a rubber
tube filled with water floating below the surface. The prototypes are currently being tested and may be used to supply viable sources of
green energy. (70 words)
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37. Amory Lovins (
The lecturer talked about Amory Lovins, who is an unusual character and has a consulting company in Colorado. He was an iconic genius,
who always provided methods to save energy and solve problems by using technologies that already exist. Although people tended to
think he was crazy, his knowledge across many fields was truly admirable and his story was written under the name of Mr. Green by a
famous author. (70 words)
38. Sound Receptors (
The lecturer talked about photo receptors which are an extraordinary piece of engineering and sound receptors, which are remarkable,
beautiful and impressive devices. It is by coming along in people’s ears that sound receptors can translate vibrational energy coming,
then hurting the eardrums and translating into a physical motion or an electrical signal. The aforementioned discussion highlights the
significance of sound receptors that will be introduced particularly to MIT students. (70 words)
39. Devolution Government Power (
The lecturer talked about devolution, which is an aspect of moving governmental power from federal to the state level. The lecture also
provides information about a philosophical issue between the Democrats and Republicans, who believe in different political strategies.
Moving power down to the state was just an initiative of moving the power away from people and it eventually became private power
that you are not supposed to know about. (70 words)
40. Babies just want to be smiled at (
The lecturer talked about how to get a baby to smile. He firstly indicated the reason why babies smile is because they want whoever they
are interacting with to smile back. In addition, he indicated that by studying when smiles happened and what the subsequent effect was,
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the investigators were able to figure out that mothers want the interaction when they smile, while babies just want to be smiled at. (70
41. Mary Mallon (
The lecturer talked about the outbreak of typhoid, and the biography of Mary Mallon who was the carrier of typhoid virus. Moreover,
she infected many people and three of them died in New York during her career as a cook. In addition, the public health authorities
isolated her, and she spent the rest of her life in quarantine. He finally confirmed that live typhoid bacteria were found in her gallbladder.
(70 words)
42. University Competition (
The lecturer talked about competitions at many universities across nations and continental borders. He firstly indicated the importance
of the academic job market in the current century. In addition, he had a discussion on a more intensive competition for the search
contracts from both public and private sources, as well as for government funding through the assessment of research quality. Finally,
he reemphasized a competitive environment for other charity activities. (70 words)
43. Talent war version 1 (
The lecturer talked about an intense competition to hire the most talented and smart people. She firstly indicated a shortage of talent
both within countries and between nations while looking to recruit talented young immigrants. In addition, she emphasized a shortage
of talent in many countries, as well as highlighted current issues of a baby boomer population. Finally, she had a discussion on our
economy, which is becoming more sophisticated. (70 words)
44. Urbanization Development (
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The lecturer talked about the dynamic that conventionally associated with urbanization development. He firstly indicated that an increase
in agricultural productivities can reduce labour needs and opportunities in rural areas, then this may push people towards the city. In
addition, he argued that people need to leave the countryside and move to the cities in search of job and provide a labour force for the
production of many various items. (70 words)
45. Globalization v1 (
The lecturer talked about globalization which is a proliferation of transactions across countries. Globalization involves international
communications and trades happening between nations. It is by providing goods and services in multinationals, the source of growth in
travel and communication increases significantly across borders. He finally indicated that the way of thinking about globalization
represents a new area of economic progression in which countries of the globe depend on each other. (70 words)
46. DNA RNA (
The lecturer talked about DNA which determines people’s inherited features. He firstly indicated that chromosomes are found in the
nucleus sub-cells and DNA is found in chromosomes. He also showed a picture of a chromosome to demonstrate that DNA consists of
two strands and each strand is made by joining together lots of smaller molecules. Finally, he emphasized that the genome is the entire
genetic material of an organism. (69 words)
47. Gross National Happiness (
The lecturer talked about gross national happiness which is the central index of government policy in many countries. He firstly indicated
that these nations should focus on sophisticated ways of measuring the effects of different policies on people's happiness. Additionally,
they need to consider publishing regular statistics on happiness. Finally, he emphasized that gross national happiness becomes a subject
of greater interest for policymakers and legislators in different advanced countries. (70 words)
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48. Can food (
The lecturer talked about the beginning of modern food technology that rules the way Americans eat. He firstly argued that refrigerators
were becoming popular during the Great Depression, both in cities and rural parts. In addition, he indicated that farmers could buy
appliances, and that meant frozen foods were becoming big. Finally, he emphasized that people were starting to think about
supermarkets, with rows of freezer cases and canned foods (70 words)
49. Fight or flight response (
The lecturer talked about the role of emotions in human lives. She firstly indicated that the most basic emotions evolved as signals to
help people meet our basic needs for self-preservation and safety. Additionally, it would be dangerous to be indecisive about a threat to
people's survival. He finally concluded that the primitive part of the brain communities with the rest of it to create signals we cannot
ignore easily. (70 words)
50. The city of Rome (
The lecturer talked about how Romans could build a city from scratch. He firstly indicated that the city grew in a fairly ad hoc way as it
was not planned all at once. Additionally, the Romans structured it in a very methodical way that was basically based on military strategy
and military planning. He finally concluded that the Romans could conquer the world thanks to having a masterful military enterprise.
(70 words)
51. Music and language (
The lecturer talked about basic obvious similarities between music and language in human culture. He firstly indicated that both music
and language have complex sequences and syntax. Moreover, he explained that both music and language have rhythm, which is the
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pattern of timing and accent. Furthermore, they both have melody and convey emotion by using sounds. He finally concluded that people
can receive a plethora of emotional information from music. (70 words)
52. Industrialization (
The lecturer talked about notions of pragmatism, which are notions of the fact that democracies have succeeded in tempering the market
economy. He firstly indicated that the Industrial Revolution had some negative effects on people, particularly working classes all over the
world. In addition, he indicated that we passed legislation about working conditions and we put regulations that imposed better
environmental conditions. Finally, he emphasized that the damage was reversed (70 words)
53. How Climate will affect Crop (
The lecturer talked about how climate will affect crops, and how crops affect climate themselves. He firstly indicated that a substantial
amount of the land surface is used in crop and agricultural production. Additionally, he explained that if people deforest a substantial
area and replace it with annual crops, the characteristics of the land surface would be altered. He finally concluded that this is an
absolutely fascinating but difficult topic. (70 words)
54. Child Languages Acquisition (
The lecturer talked about child language acquisition which starts around twelve months when kids say first words. He firstly indicated
that there are some months before you are born, when you are able to perceive in the womb the language that’s around you. In addition,
he indicated that there is no obvious endpoint for learning sounds. Finally, he emphasized that the two ends of child language acquisition
are wider apart (70 words)
55. Instinct and Reflex (
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The lecturer talked about instinct which is a term used to describe a set of behaviours. He firstly introduced that instincts are present
across species and consistent within individual species. Additionally, it is important to distinguish the difference between an instinct and
a reflex. Finally, he highlighted that a reflex is typically a simple reaction to an environmental trigger, whereas an instinct is a much more
complex set of behaviours. (70 words)
56. Industrial Revolution (
The lecturer talked about the Industrial Revolution which is not measured by simply large factories with industrial workers and the
number of machines. He firstly indicated that the Industrial Revolution was an intensification of forms and kinds of production that were
already there. Finally, he emphasized that the rapid rise of industrial production was very much tied to traditional forms of production.
(62 words)
57. Pandemic Transmitting (
The lecturer talked about pandemic, whose impact will be catastrophic. He firstly indicated that there has been unprecedented amount
of preparation, and it affects every aspect of public health. In addition, he indicated that the federal government has a tremendous
amount of resources to put into development of the new antiviral drugs. Finally, he emphasized that developing countries do not have
the level of resources found in more developed countries (70 words)
58. Renovation of Paris (
The lecturer talked about cities, some of which are carefully planned, while others are less conscientiously designed. He firstly introduced
that in 1853, Haussmann began the process of renovating Paris. In addition, he indicated that the main priority was to connect all of the
districts. Finally, he emphasized that the city had a specific look, a style that people began to associate not with a district, but with Paris
itself (70 words)
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59. Last Ice Age (
The lecturer talked about how animal bones found in an island cave tells us about the movement of people. She firstly introduced that
23,000 years ago the weather in Europe took a turn for the worse. In addition, she indicated that our ancestors retreated to the southwest
of France and north-eastern tip of Spain. Finally, she emphasized that we have no evidence of their settlements because it's now all
underwater (70 words)

(Audio for Premium Users only at

60. Water Recycling (PTE Helper)
The lecturer delineated the process of recycling water including reclamation of sewage. He firstly indicated that the total volume of water
in the world yesterday is significantly changing. In addition, he explained that there are many different areas of technology involved in
water recycling. Finally, he emphasized a sophisticated process of utilizing technology in wastewater treatment plant where there is
actually very little recycling at a local level. (68 words)
61. The Pace (PTE Helper)
The lecturer talked about the evolution of humanity over the last couple of hundred thousand years. He firstly indicated that the evolution
of cognitive function and perception in different ways can only have happened through the actions of a small number of genes. Finally,
he emphasized that a small number of genes may have been responsible for conferring on people the powerful minds, which most of
human beings now possess. (69 words)
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62. Definition of Risk (PTE Helper)
The lecturer talked about the definition of risk that can be looked up from the dictionary. He firstly indicated that there are different
literal definitions of risk. One means the possibility or chances or degree of loss or injuries, while the other is the consequences of some
kinds like injuries. The speaker also compares the definition of safe and safety which means being free from risk or secure of risks. (70
63. Implicit and Explicit Memory (PTE Helper)
The lecturer talked about differences between implicit and explicit memory. She firstly introduced the concept of procedural memory
that influences and guides out our everyday life, but we do not know when using this type of memory. Additionally, the learned skills
namely social and cultural norms can be effortful, but come easily and automatically to us later. She finally confirmed episodic memory
has a specific tag of space and time. (70 words)
64. The Travels Sir John Mandeville (PTE Helper)
The lecturer talked about a popular book that purported to be a description of the world and a guide to travelling. He firstly indicated
this book was weirder and less tethered to reality. Additionally, the volume was written when he set out from England and embarked on
a long journey to distant lands. He finally concluded that this book is about what Europeans thought outside the bounds of their
civilizations. (70 words)
65. History of English (PTE Helper)
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The lecturer talked about the history of English and the rise of English as a global language. She firstly indicated that English is not a pure
language. In addition, she indicated that English has borrowed from over 350 languages in its history. Finally, she emphasized that the
fact that the English has borrowed words from over 350 languages has been viewed differently throughout history (64 words)
66. Bee Decline (PTE Helper)
The lecturer talked about bees which are in decline. He firstly indicated that these declines are well documented, and they're supported
by good, strong scientific evidence. In addition, he indicated that the drivers of decline are many and varied, and the effects of pollinator
loss could be absolutely huge. Finally, he emphasized that on the positive side, we are aware of the problem and people are taking action
(68 words)
67. Where Earthquakes occur? (PTE Helper)
The lecturer talked about a fault plane, on which the earthquake occurred. He firstly introduced the focus of the earthquake, which is a
particular point where the earthquake starts. In addition, he indicated that if we wanted to look at where the earthquake was located,
we would see the focus. Finally, he emphasized that as a result of the rupture, we see seismic waves radiated away from the fault (70
68. Globalisation v.2 (PTE Helper)
The lecturer talked about globalization, which is an overused and often misunderstood concept. She firstly indicated that it is industries
and markets that globalized, not countries. In addition, she indicated that it's helpful to think of globalization as the integration of
economic activities across borders. Finally, she emphasized that globalization matters, because it means the rise of interconnectedness
between countries and markets across the world (65 words)
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69. Definition of creativity
The lecturer talked about creativity which refers to the phenomenon whereby human activity generates something new. He firstly
introduced that some people talk about the three P's: the creative person, the creative process, and the creative product. In addition, he
indicated that creativity is not a thing that sits inside the human brain as an abiding attribute. Finally, he emphasized that it shows itself
in the complex, dynamic living process. (70 words)
70. Organization studies
The lecturer talked about organization studies which seem to draw on the whole family of Social Sciences. He firstly introduced that it’s
a pleasure to do organization studies, because it requires you to have a broad familiarization. In addition, he indicated that what studying
organizations teaches us is the artificiality of those academic subdivisions. Finally, he emphasized that we don't need to be bound by
structures of disciplinary division (69 words)
71. Global warming
The lecturer talked about the fact that there is no reasonable doubt about the reality of global climate change effects by the cumulative
emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. He firstly introduced that Population Bomb of 1968 appears to explode in the world's
face. Additionally, he indicated that population growth outpaces agricultural production capacity. Finally, he emphasized that eleven of
the warmest years have occurred in the past twelve. (70 words)
72. Design of buildings
The lecturer talked about various catastrophic failures of Victorian architecture that stood and fell. He firstly indicated that people are
looking at building stock that has already been rid of the architectural flops when dealing with buildings of the Victorian era. Additionally,
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historic buildings have been adapted and modified to iron out design and construction flaws. He finally concluded that criticizing these
buildings for their design flaws might be unfair.
(70 words)
73. Consumer Behavior (Tide Brand)
The lecturer talked about brands which are essential to our business to allow us to deliver the increased consumer value. He firstly
introduced that we are not into the generic business of toilet paper, but the softest product. In addition, he indicated that if they do
select you, it would better perform when it is used. Finally, he emphasized that there is an amazing number of fundamental engineering
contradictions (70 words)
74. Biology Study of Life DNA and RNA
The lecturer talked about the study of biology, which is responsible for profound insights about the world. He firstly indicated that all life
on earth is exceptionally related and similar to each other. Additionally, life forms rely on DNA and RNA to store, transmit and use their
genetic inherited information. He finally concluded that all organisms consist of cells and conduct metabolism that convert energy from
one form to another.
75. Curators’ role
The lecture talked about curatorial practices in developing extension history courses. She firstly indicated why curators try to understand
material culture evidence and how academic historians interrogate the past. In addition, she argued that historians should concentrate
on what elements people use to communicate through archival manuscripts. Finally, she concluded that curators look at objects as
evidence of the past and try to arrange them in meaningful ways called exhibitions. (70 words)
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76. Webpage’s history (HTML)
The lecture talked about the history of HTML started in the 90s. He firstly introduced extraordinary outpouring of creativity and
constructive news from many people making web pages and creating content online. In addition, he highlighted the first decade of the
web taking place without any particular charismatic figures or traditional motivational schemes. Finally, he concluded that people enjoyed
creating websites with social experiments, and this was a good idea. (70 words)
77. Wonder Bilingual Babies
The lecture talked about wonder babies who were seven months old and were Italians, Slovenians and from mixed marriages. Firstly,
they showed babies various puppets and they switched the situation. Additionally, he highlighted Italian and Slovenian babies would
continue looking to the right when the puppet would appear on the left. Finally, he concluded that the bilingual babies would turn their
head and notice the puppet has changed its position. (70 words)
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78. Why study law?
The lecturer discussed the question why students should study law even they do not want to become a lawyer. He firstly explained that
if students want to become practising lawyers, whether barristers or solicitors, they need to do additional vocational training.
Additionally, law is a legitimate subject for academic study and an intellectual discipline. He finally concluded that studying law trains the
student to think and write logically and clearly. (70 words)

79. New Zealand Link

The lecture delineated the New Zealand’s super diverse future and the status quo of this diversity, predominantly in Auckland. She firstly
claimed that most of the challenges from super diversity adversely affect New Zealand social capital. Additionally, she argued that if
people do not mitigate the challenges to use social capital, they are not going to maximise sustainably. She finally concluded that The
diversity dividend benefits for your financial capital.(70 words)
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80. Fast Radio Bursts Link

The lecture delineated the concept of fast radio burst coming from outer space. He firstly indicated that it is challenging to understand
exactly where they come from or what makes them. Additionally, he explained different theories based on the findings from fantastic
telescopes. He finally concluded that people need to conduct more detailed studies and get better statistics to understand what radio
bursts are and where they come from. (70 words)

81. Washing Machines (
The lecturer delineated the history of the washing machine, which is one of the most important inventions in human history. She firstly
introduced domestic appliances that increased leisure time, and redefined gender roles in society. Additionally, she explained how
washing machine imitated the human hand and highlighted a representative example of domestic life. She finally concluded that the
evolution of the washing machine altered the whole process for household laundry. (70 words)
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82. Globalization and IT (
The lecturer talked about the merger of globalization and the IT revolution. He firstly explained that what the fusion did was take the
world from connected to hyper connected, and from interconnected to interdependent. Additionally, there are huge differences in
people’s jobs which they can feel over the last decade. He finally argued that no one is really explaining this to people and the plumbing
of the world fundamentally changed. (70 words)

83. “What makes you itch?” (
The lecturer raised many questions about what students would like to do if money were not the object. He introduced a few examples
to demonstrate why students need to enjoy spending their life with the career they actually like. He argued that if people think money
is the most important part, they may completely waste their time. He finally concluded that students should pursue their dream and
forget the money. (70 words)
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84. Wildlife in Africa (
The lecturer talked about wildlife in Africa and the role of human reliance on wildlife as a source of food and income. He firstly argued
that many people relying on fish as the primary source of protein are living in poverty. In addition, he suggested that management of fish
resources is incredibly important. He finally concluded that wildlife tourism can be the number one source of foreign income for
economies. (70 words)

85. Music and the brain (
The lecturer delineated the power of music over human character and human emotions. He firstly concerned about the way music
degraded or elevated the minds of young people. Additionally, he discussed rhythm and harmony find their ways into the inward places
of the soul and brain science has started to seriously investigate music. He finally introduced studies in investigating what happens in the
brain when people get chills to music. (70 words)
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86. William Shakespeare (
The lecturer talked about Shakespeare, who live a long time ago. She firstly argued that it needs effort to read or listen to Shakespeare
as the language is out of date. Additionally, she explained that Shakespeare is not only a great poet writing narrative poems and sonnets,
he is also a great theatre poet. She finally concluded that his dramatic poetry consists of interaction between the characters of the plays.
(70 words)

87. Drinking water (
The lecturer raised a question of whether people drink enough water per day. She firstly introduced the old thoery that people were
supposed to drink eight cups of water. However, she recommended people to take four cups of liquid and four cups of water in food
including eating lettuce, pasta, or even drinking coffee. She finally concluded that people generate approximately one and a half cups of
water for metabolism. (70 words)
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88. Human Freedom (
The lecturer talked about the early stages of a change toward human freedom in business. He firstly explained the economic benefits of
both large and small organisations. Additionally, he introduced new concepts including economies of scale and knowledge, freedom,
flexibility, creativity, and motivation. He finally concluded that Information Technology has reduced the cost of communication, and huge
numbers of people can have enough information to make sensible decisions for themselves. (70 words)

89. Human Memory (
The lecturer talked about human memory that is not fixed and remembering is hard. He firstly indicated that we forget most of what they
experience including everyday feelings or thoughts. Additionally, we tried to overcome biological forgetting and pass on our memories
to our children. He finally concluded that memory changes when we reconstruct our past and when we want to capture something
precisely for a long period of time. (70 words)
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90. Face recognition (
The lecturer talked about how we recognize human faces and how to take visual information. He firstly explained how objects can be
seen from different angles and the way people interpret information to recognize objects. Additionally, the hard problem of face
recognition is to transform information and allow us to put a name to a face. Finally, he concluded that people can recognize people’s
identity including their age and gender. (70 words)

91. Law study version 2 (
The lecturer talked about benefits of studying law at university to acquire a greater and more in-depth understanding of the way rules
work. She firstly explained that law can provide a fantastic foundation for many different future careers. Additionally, law involves
studying and applying the rules in an analytical way. Finally, she raised questions about how the law should evolve in the future and how
it can be justified philosophically. (70 words)
92. Under the Sea (
The lecturer talked about the Earth’s ocean environment and issues of coral ecosystems and sea level changes. He firstly introduced
potential solutions and tried to provoke listeners think about these issues in a more critical and connected way. Additionally,
environmental scientists are finding evidence of human activity on the oceans. He finally raised a question of how to reduce and restore
the damage to the largest living space on earth. (70 words)
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93. The discovery of the structure DNA – DNA 3 (
The lecturer discussed the structure of DNA, which is really important in knowing the effect of genes. She firstly explained how DNA may
affect behaviour and why genes are responsible for our physical structure. Additionally, she claimed that there is probably genetic
responsibility for actual and psychological behaviours, plus the mapping of human genome. She finally concluded that DNA provides the
study of biology, psychology and neuroscience with interesting information. (70 words)
94. Stone Age - Diet and stature (
The lecturer discussed the transition of human beings from hunting and gathering to planting crops for foods. He firstly indicated that
when agriculture and farming came in, people changed to a wider variety of lifestyle that required a great deal of physical activity.
Additionally, he explained how the quality of diet reduced hunters and gathers’ height. Finally, the combination of changes in diet and
infectious diseases could reduce everyone’s stature. (70 words)
95. Historical Linguist
The lecturer talked about basic vocabularies and languages that are related at several level. She firstly indicated that natural languages
of the world have specific words that are common and totally comparable. In addition, words become much vaguer in different cultures
and people tend to look for words that sound the same. Finally, she concluded that basic vocabulary or universal notions are really
different in one language from the other. (70 words)
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No Topic Content ( Solutions Note

MCQMA1 Fat confusion Which of the following statements regarding saturated fat can be supported from the A–D Link
information in the audio clip?
A. Saturated fats are usually found in dairy products, meats and pastries.
B. Saturated fat made people put on weight but reduce cholesterol levels.
C. A good source of saturated fats are fish, either fresh or tinned.
D. Saturated fats are sometimes found in foods which are a good source of nutrients.
E. Saturated fats are generally more dangerous than trans-fats.
F. Saturated fat should be replaced with trans and unsaturated fats.

MCQMA2 Ethical Business Culture What does the man say about his career? A–D Link
A. His present work is what he always wanted to do.
B. He suddenly realized one day that he was in the wrong job.
C. He had several jobs before finding one that suited him.
D. Having a well-paid job is no longer his main aim.
E. He found it hard to get a good job after college.
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MCQMA3 Globalization Which of the following claims about globalization does the speaker mention? A–C–H Link
A. It is unavoidable
B. It has been affected by changes in climate.
C. It is a good thing for all of us.
D. It results from the efforts of specific individuals.
E. It has little to do with markets.
F. It produces long term poverty.
G. It has political influence.
H. It is independent, and nobody is in charge of it.

MCQMA4 Australia VET Training Which of the following conclusions about Australian vet training could be drawn from A–C Link
this information?
A. Students from around the world come to study in Australia.
B. The increase in international students led to a reduction in Australian students.
C. Australian universities have a good international reputation.
D. The reduction in university places leads to disappointed applicants.
E. Australian veterinary graduates can work in any part of the world.

MCQMA5 Odors What are the odors associated with past events that are mentioned in the audio? A–E Link
A. Baking bread
B. Cigar smoke
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C. Chlorinated swimming pool

D. City sewer
E. Fresh cut grass

MCQMA6 Foetal Development How was this researcher able to compare different levels of pollution on foetal A–F Link
Research development, despite apparently ubiquitous and constant levels of pollution?
A. Research was conducted during different seasons.
B. Pregnant women were compared with women who were not pregnant.
C. Residents from LA were compared with residents from other American cities.
D. All women studied were in the same trimester of foetal development.
E. The researcher compared low birth weight babies to “normal” babies.
F. The researcher looked for different risks linked to foetal development.

MCQMA7 Preferences for recitation What does the professor ask the students to write on the sheet of paper? A–C Link
time A. Email address
B. Gender
C. ID number
D. Lottery number
E. Street address

MCQMA8 Turing’s Machine Which of the following describe Turing’s machine? A–D Link
A. It was multi-purpose
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B. It was a minor contribution to computing

C. It was opposed by engineers.
D. It was ahead of its time
E. It was originally a calculator

MCQMA9 Scientific Quantitative How can we tell if a scientific quantitative measurement is valid? A–D Link
Measurement A. The measurement is accurate
B. The measurement is acceptable
C. The measurement is valuable
D. The measurement is precise
E. The measurement is multipliable

MCQMA10 Anti-smoking programs Click on the aspects about smoking that the audio mentions B–G Link
A. Descriptions of different tobacco products
B. Diseases related to smoking
C. Government restrictions on tobacco advertising
D. The medical dangers of secondhand smoke
E. The proportion of adults who smoke
F. The reasons that people begin smoking
G. Ways to decrease the number of smokers
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MCQMA11 Hurricane Prediction What weather events does the speaker mention? For further practice, please
access the material via
(for premium user only) A. Blizzard
B. El nino
C. Hailstorm
D. Hurricane
E. Thunderstorm
F. Tornado
G. Tsunami

MCQMA12 Primary vs Secondary According to the speaker, secondary scientists ________ For further practice, please
scientists A. Wear distinctive clothing access the material via
(for premium user only) B. Are easily identified in their workplaces
C. Incorporate science into non-science jobs (for premium user only)

D. Have low rates of unemployment

E. Change jobs very infrequently
F. Never intended to work in pure science
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MCQMA13 Motivation and Emotion Click on the things that the speaker mentions that motivate us For further practice, please
access the material via
(for premium user only) A. University classes
B. Basic foods
C. Our brains (for premium user only)

D. More money
E. The environment

MCQMA14 Essential Skills in the What does the speaker indicate about the art in the workplace? For further practice, please
Workforce A. It is one of the 5 essential skills to succeed in the modern workplace. access the material via
(for premium user only) B. The arts help develop skills essential for the 21st century workplace better than
anywhere else. (for premium user only)
C. It was formerly thought that children who learned art in schools became better
factory managers.
D. The arts first came into the schools around the start of the 20th century.
E. It was once thought training children in music and the visual arts would make
better factory workers.
F. Because the skills thought to be developed have changed, the arts are no longer
considered important for worker education.
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MCQMA15 Signposting What does the teacher suggest the women should do? For further practice, please
access the material via
(for premium user only) A. Revise her essay.
B. Make the structure of the essay clear for the readers
C. Collate her information better.
D. Signpost her grammar.
E. Use headings to introduce the various topics she’ll be discussing.
F. Thinks about his idea but not rewrite the whole work

MCQMA16 Government funding to Why does the speaker think the press could be publicly funded in America without For further practice, please
support scientific sacrificing autonomy? access the material via
A. Other institutions that care about autonomy have not had public funding.
(for premium user only)
B. Some of the world’s great journalistic institutions have been publicly funded.

C. The system of peer review, grants, and so on, would insulate the press from government

D. Public funding would decrease the amount of animosity the government feels towards
the press.

E. Academic institutions are publicly funded but still manage to maintain their autonomy.
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MCQMA17 Internal Combustion Which of the following statement about Internal Combustion Engine can be true? For further practice, please
Engine A. Internal and external has nothing to do with the location where steam is heated, access the material via
boiled and casts itself.
(for premium user only)
B. Development was derived for the need for smaller engines.
C. Internal as well as external combustion are equally valued in producing a small
D. It was based on the functioning of steam engines.
E. It was 1700s when people realised the importance of smaller and more flexible

MCQMA18 Security Policy What does the speaker say about the security policy? For further practice, please

(for premium user only) A. A desired end-state can usually be achieved when a security operation uses access the material via
everything at their disposal.
B. A high level of security threat is not a common practice in today’s cyber world,
when economic targets are no longer attractive.
C. It is true that military actions only can completely ensure a successful end-state
for any security operation or policy.
D. Security policy makers need to consider other activities as well, including Options for this question are
economic and political ones, besides military. mainly based on memory, so
E. Although security policy and operations are sophisticated, satisfactory outcomes focus on the audio.
can be highly achievable.
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MCQMA19 Love is Blind What is true about the happiest marriages? For further practice, please
access the material via
(for premium user only) A. A happy couple requires the two partners to be equally calm and rational.
B. The bad habits and shortcomings of the partners need to be ignored.
C. Partners with heart disease are more likely to be sympathetic and cooperative. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. When having a dispute, each of the spouses should value the other’s viewpoint.
focus on the audio.
E. Socio-economic background plays a vital role in maintaining a happy relationship.

MCQMA20 Tiny particles What is true about the tiny particles? For further practice, please
access the material via
(for premium user only) A. Asbestos fibres look similar to, but are in fact different from rigid micro fibres.
B. Lung cancer is one of the consequences of getting exposed to micro fibres and
dust. Options for this question are
C. Immune response as you get from asbetos-like fibres is similar to that from mainly based on memory, so
asbestos fibre. focus on the audio.
D. Scientists are still in a heated debate over the place where tiny particles come
E. The manufacturing processes produce no dust, so the risk of inducing lung
diseases is low.
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MCQMA21 Introduction to Theory of What is true about Theory? For further practice, please
Literature A. What Theory actually means is not definite, but it has changed throughout the access the material via
(for premium user only) history,
B. The etymological history of the word Theory is well understood and can be defined Options for this question are
at ease. mainly based on memory, so
C. Theory, or some people may call methodology, can be used interchangeably. focus on the audio.
D. It is important to be careful when claiming every aspect of theory has an
E. Many still argue over whether methodology is actually applied theory or not.

MCQMA22 Concept of Goodwill The speaker mentioned Coca-Cola in order to? For further practice, please
access the material via
(for premium user only) A. invest money in the company
B. expect the future profit from the company
C. exemplify “goodwill” Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. reflect the buyers’ choice
focus on the audio.
E. explain the value of future profit-making potential

MCQMA23 The definition of Risk According to the speaker, what is true about the literal definition of “Risk”? For further practice, please

(for premium user only) A. Each language has its own definition of “Risk”, and this course helps understand it access the material via
in two different languages.
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B. “Risk” is literally defined as a dangerous factor, and loss, or the chance of such Options for this question are
danger or loss. mainly based on memory, so
C. Two parts in the definition of “Risk” are consequence and chance, and lack of focus on the audio.
safety is another newly added part.
D. The literal meaning of “Risk” is varied, but people consider it as being opposite to
“safety” most of the times.
E. “Risk” is, at least in English language, not an absolute term, indicating the state of
being either safe or unsafe.

MCQMA24 Mosquito attractiveness What is true about mosquitoes? For further practice, please

(for premium user only) A. Mosquitoes only love living on plant juices, but are forced to live with human access the material via
B. Odors from human skin attract mosquitoes more effective than other cues. Options for this question are
C. Female mosquito is the one that bites. mainly based on memory, so
D. It is still disputable that one person is more attractive than another. focus on the audio.
E. People’s reactions to mosquito bites vary.

MCQMA25 Artistic Taste Which answers does the speaker cite in support of his view that artistic tastes are For further practice, please
affected by the cultural context? access the material via
(for premium user only)
A. Loving Schoenberg and disliking Brahms
B. Loving Jackson Pollock
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C. Loving abstraction and disliking representation Options for this question are
D. Disliking Mark Rothko mainly based on memory, so
E. Disliking Jackson and Mark Rothko focus on the audio.

MCQMA26 Basic Science In this course students are going to: For further practice, please
A. focus only on doing some science experiments. access the material via
(To be added)
B. join in the course forums for discussion.
C. be in charge of experimental design. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. publish research findings after analysing data.
focus on the audio.
E. practice technique of systematic note taking.
F. prepare some scientific surprises for supervisor.

MCQMA27 3 States of Procedural Which of the following observations does the speaker make about memory? For further practice, please
Memory access the material via
A. Memory process includes at least 3 stages.
B. The storage phase does more than the retention of this memory trace.
C. Human always needs to control and think about the storage phase for use. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. The retrieval stage involves bringing back the stored information.
focus on the audio.
E. Information is mainly encoded and stored in memory after the retrieval process.
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MCQMA28 Neuroscience The speaker implied that: For further practice, please
A. There are fixed 5 sub-areas of psychology. access the material via
B. Neuroscience involves studying the brain.
C. Developmental is the most popular area. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. Cognitive analyzes the computer
focus on the audio.
E. Clinical regards the study of mental state.

MCQMA29 The Science of Happiness Why is positive psychology important in the treatment of depression?? For further practice, please
A. It figures out what makes people sick. access the material via
B. It clarifies reasons behind desperation.
C. It strengthens the immune system. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. It makes patient feel happier.
focus on the audio.
E. It helps people recover from sickness immediately.

MCQMA30 Disrupting the Pink Aisle What does the speaker seem want to show? For further practice, please
A. The speaker struggled for many years to graduate from his university. access the material via
B. She might have thought of being an engineer younger than she was 18.
C. Christi complained about the domination of men in her class.
D. The speaker and her sister quite enjoyed playing with construction toys as a child.
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E. The speaker had realized she liked engineering well before she was 18 years old. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.

MCQMA31 Phraseology How does the tutor help the students? For further practice, please
(TBA) A. prepare the answers beforehand access the material via
B. provide the copies of the previous tests
C. give 50% of the marks Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. choose the topic before the test
focus on the audio.
E. explain details about the examination

MCQMA32 Studying locations Which place do the speakers say good for studying? For further practice, please
A. Computer Lab access the material via
B. College Cafeteria
C. Dorm room Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. Public Cafe
focus on the audio.
E. Class
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MCQMA33 Raising the Quality of What are the advantages of using Alceste software program to analyse? For further practice, please
Qualitative Research access the material via
A. It can deal with difficult them such as politics.
B. The time to analyse is always below 65 minutes.
C. It can process huge amount of data . Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. It can interpret the data correctly.
focus on the audio.
E. It supports the researcher to figure out the meaning of the theme.

MCQMA34 Fighting big dominant What is true according to the recording? For further practice, please
players access the material via
A. It is disadvantageous to face a dominant player in the market.
B. It is widely agreed that dealing with a dominant player is actually beneficial.
C. Big players tend to be very competitive with each other. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. Dominant players are usually not active to compete with inferior ones.
focus on the audio.
E. Pricing does not play a vital role in all situations.

MCQMA35 Journalism and Citizen According to the speaker, what factors may be lost if journalism is replaced by citizen’s For further practice, please
Media media? access the material via
(TBA) A. Expertise
B. Verification
C. Capital
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D. Transparency Options for this question are

E. Sponsor mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.

MCQMA36 Starting out at university According to the speaker, which of the following difficulties do the university students For further practice, please
currently face? access the material via
A. The huge amount of tuition fees to cover
B. The great demand for a good degree Options for this question are
C. The limited time to study mainly based on memory, so
D. The problem with small classes focus on the audio.
E. The fixed curriculum

MCQMA37 Accommodation Advice What do the students say about their residence? For further practice, please
A. It is difficult to study there. access the material via
B. The building is not wired for internet access.
C. It is too far from the main campus. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. It is too noisy to study there.
focus on the audio.
E. The rent is too high.
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MCQMA38 Infection simulation kits Which of the following were the inspiration for the inventor of the new infection For further practice, please
simulation kits? access the material via
A. The lack of access to the kits.
B. The easy use of the kits. Options for this question are
C. The low cost of the kits. mainly based on memory, so
D. The simple maintenance work. focus on the audio.
E. The impractical and boring theory.

MCQMA39 Computer Learning According to the speaker, what aspect of computer learning requires further For further practice, please
development? access the material via
A. Recognizing hand-written digits and letters.
B. Writing letter A in many different ways. Options for this question are
C. Giving an explicit description of letter A. mainly based on memory, so
D. Coming up with various examples of letters. focus on the audio.
E. Generalizing the features of the data.

MCQMA40 External Resources What does the instructor ask the student to do next? For further practice, please
A. Include the evidence of resources she used. access the material via
B. Disclose the original resources.
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C. Study the effects of US TV programs. Options for this question are

D. Put in the student’s personal opinion. mainly based on memory, so
E. Consider a more stimulating topic. focus on the audio.

MCQMA41 Astronomy What are the speaker's conclusions about astronomy? For further practice, please
A. Astronomers in the past knew little about planets. access the material via
B. Astronomy has not received much attention, and is still a science fiction nowadays.
C. Solar systems and planetary system we live in are pretty much the same in their Options for this question are
scale. mainly based on memory, so
D. This course is designed for senior learners, who are already familiar with scientific focus on the audio.
E. Astronomy has changed dramatically with recent discoveries.

MCQMA42 Objective Financial Report Which of the following that are identified concern the speaker? For further practice, please
A. Receipt of gifts by financial journalists. access the material via
B. Hanging out with someone makes it difficult to have an objective writing.
C. Price of many expensive bottles of wine, luxurious gifts and lunches. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. Strict laws and customers’ awareness.
focus on the audio.
E. Potency of human interactions.
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MCQMA43 Carbon Dioxide Storage According to this information, key reasons for the hug geological "stores" of carbon on For further practice, please
earth are: access the material via
A. Lignin is a special substance created by both plants and animals.
B. Lignin was hard, so it was left alone by the animals in the ground. Options for this question are
C. Animals and plants died and produced oil and coal. mainly based on memory, so
D. Dinosaurs and termites evolved to use lignin for its energy. focus on the audio.
E. Animals fed mostly on lignin to store the carbon in their body.

MCQMA44 Solar System Exploration What does the speaker say about the university's space program? For further practice, please
A. Scientists have managed to make the journey to explore the solar system much access the material via
easier than in the past.
B. The equipment essential for space missions is extremely expensive. Options for this question are
C. The process of developing technology for a space mission must not exceed 20 mainly based on memory, so
years. focus on the audio.
D. Scientists are allowed to fail, because this is an enormously competitive era.
E. One project from concept to the actual deployment can take scientists up to 15 to
20 years.
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MCQMA45 Political Philosophy What is ironic according to the recording? For further practice, please
(TBA) A. Although the author lived in a foreign country, he favoured the habits of a access the material via
democratic society.
B. Although about American democracy, the book was not written by an America. Options for this question are
C. Although the book was published a long time ago, it was until 1835 that it became mainly based on memory, so
famous for the first time. focus on the audio.
D. Although written by a Frenchman, the book was highly regarded as a masterpiece
about Democracy in America.
E. Although very famous, the book has never been translated into any language
other than French.

MCQMA46 Postgraduate Study How different was the speaker's postgraduate study from her undergraduate study? For further practice, please
A. The class size was bigger. access the material via
B. It was more financially secured.
C. She had more time for her social life. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. She was more motivated.
focus on the audio.
E. The postgraduate was shorter in time.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 53

MCQMA47 The painting of the The author chose this picture because: For further practice, please
Kimono A. She lives in London. access the material via
(TBA) B. She missed Japan.
C. Her friend is in Japan. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. She wants to lay out ….
focus on the audio.
E. She was excited about the idea.
F. She …. stupid ….

Which of the following elements are identified by the speaker as contradicting his rose-
MCQMA48 Modern capitalist system For further practice, please
coloured glasses:
access the material via
A. the central critique of modern capitalists

Options for this question are

B. the rich number of specific examples provided
mainly based on memory, so
C. Evidence of the initial shock and dislocation cut by unemployment focus on the audio.

D. Detailed examination of hospital and government statistics

E. Similar number who was both better and was off

F. Few number of happier times of correspondents

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 54

MCQMA49 Rome Architecture What does the speaker say about Rome and Romans? For further practice, please
A. Rome was conquered in the 8th century. access the material via
B. Rome was different from other cities.
C. Rome was built based on political plan. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
D. Romans is very skilled in military operations.
focus on the audio.
E. Roman military camps had very narrow and crooked streets.

MCQMA50 Animal Surgery The people in the video state or imply that: Options for this question are
(TBA) A. You can perform surgery on an animal, then you can also perform surgery on other mainly based on memory, so
animals. focus on the audio.
B. Students gain experience that is not available elsewhere.
C. Extensive cooperation between universities and zoos
D. University gain partnership with zoos.
E. Zoo has imaging devices imaging devices.
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No Topic Content ( Solutions Source

1 Asia Earthquake Two years ago, an earthquake off the coast of Sumatra _______ a tsunami that Triggered / massive / link
killed nearly a quarter of a million people. Scientists say Asia is at risk for at least Tokyo
two more ____ quakes. One could strike near the source of the 2004 tsunami, the
other directly under _____

2 Rational Ok, so let’s have a quick summary, because we’ve galloped through a bit of ____ philosophy / link
Requirement here. I’ve suggested that we’re rationally required to do what morality requires of reasonable / weak /
us, so it’s ____ that tells us what we should and shouldn’t do. If we don’t do what relying / climate
rationally requires of us, this is because we’re ignorant, or, if you don’t agree with
Aristotle or Socrates, we’re possibly ____ or corrupt, and we may be ignorant of
what morality requires of us because we’re ____ on others. So what’s all this got
to do with _____change?

3 Age Viewpoints What was interesting and revealing about younger and middle-aged views on old relative / determining link
age was how _____ these were to the individual’s own age. Those in their teens / dependence /
regarded 40 as old, whereas those in their 40s thought 70 or 80 was old. For many, majority / growing
health was seen as a _____ factor in deciding who is old, and many young
participants commented on how fit and active their grandparents are, while others
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 56

thought ill-health and _____ were an inevitable part of aging. The _____ of
participants, however, regarded old age as something negative and many
expressed fears of ____ old.

4 US Suit Company And on Wednesday we focus on the workplace. Today we take you inside a _____ clothing/ label/ few/ link
factory. It’s not in China, or Mexico, or Hungary, where many men’s suits are made overseas.
these days. If the suit is a Joseph Abboud, the ____ says Made in America. This
company is one of the ____ that still produces suits in the United States, and it’s
not trying to send jobs ____.

5 Nanotechnology What is nanotechnology? A report that was put together by a _____________ of combination/ link
the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Engineering that came out last identified/
summer, _____________ two topics. Nanoscience is the study of _____________ phenomena/ macro-
and the manipulation of materials at atomic, molecular and _____________ scales, molecular/
where properties differ significantly from those that larger scale. structures/ loosely
Nanotechnologies are the design characterization, production and application of
_____________, devices and systems by controlling shape and size at the
nanometer scale. I will talk a little in a moment about what a nanometer is, but
_____________ speaking people think of nanotechnologies as being around a
hundred nanometers or less.

6 Classroom Boredom A Majority of US high school students say they get _____________ in class every bored / five / 26 / link
day, and more than one out of _____________ has considered dropping out, irrelevant
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 57

according to a survey released Wednesday. The survey of 81,000 students in

_____________ states found two-third of high school students complain of
boredom, usually because the subject matter was _____________ or their
teachers didn’t seem to care about them.

7 Technology and Good evening ladies and gentlemen. My theme for this session is _____________, Convergence / link
Business Technology Change and Business Practice. This is somewhat dear to my heart, in aspects / spectrum /
that I have spent much of the last fifteen years involved in various _____________ sales
of technology and their impact on business, across a broad _____________ , from
applications of signal processing in manufacture right through to the use of
utilization data and diary applications, to improve the time utilization of the
_____________ force.

8 Financial Market Financial markets swung wildly in frenzied trading marked by further selling of equities/ heavy/ link
_______ and fears about an unraveling of the global carry trade. Trading in US and swings/ corporate
European credit markets was exceptionally ________ for a third consecutive day.
London trading was marked by particularly wild _____ in the prices of credit
derivatives, used to ensure investors against ________ defaults.

9 Single-person Certainly I do think that by the end of this decade, the largest social institution in receiving / link
Household Australia will be single person households, so that the family, Mum, Dad and the consequence/
kids, is ________ in terms of market share. So less than 28% of households are dominant
now Mum, Dad and the kids, whereas by the end of the decade you’ll see that 29%
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of households are single person households. Now the issue with single person
households is that people are looking for companionship and as a _______ people
living singly will include increasingly pets as their companions. So you could see in
Australia, in the next decade, where the fur family, the pet family, actually
becomes the ________ social institution in Australia, rather than the human

10 Pharmaceutical It is about a hundred years since that great Canadian-born physician Sir William complained/ link
Industry Osler, Regius Professor of Medicine in Oxford, _____________ about the professions/
increasing influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the medical prescribing/
_____________ . If he knew how this influence had increased since then, he would encouraging/ provide
be turning in his grave at the way the industry now dominates doctors’
_____________ habits. It does this not only by direct and indirect pressure on the
doctors themselves, but also by _____________ the public to ask for scripts and to
demand that governments _____________ the money.

11 Posy D My name is Posy D and I now work in sports marketing, and _____________ events branding/ surfers/ link
and team management. We work with big brands, I work with a shoe company, unconventional/
and we work with a team of young people across Europe, who are all professional ridiculous
_____________ , snowboarders, BMXers. And we send them on trips, we organise
adverts, we organise magazine shoots, and try and create an image around the
shoe brand. I've come from quite an _____________ background. I was a
professional snowboarder myself for three or four years, full-time, so I'm not used
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to sitting in an office, I'm not used to going to work every day! And still I've only
been doing this job for a year, and sometimes I'm like - Oh God, have to go to work,
again, that's _____________ . But it's always different, so it's fine. And some weeks
it's quite quiet, other weeks it's totally full on and really challenging.

12 Luxury Cars DOMONOSKE: Tesla showed that you could make a luxury _______ car for a profit. electric / regulations / link
That got the attention of other luxury carmakers - also, government ___________ mandates /
from California and other states that promote electric vehicles. Automakers used unattractive
to respond to these ________ half-heartedly. They'd build what's called a
compliance car. Chelsea Sexton, an industry consultant and electric vehicle
advocate, explains.
CHELSEA SEXTON: It is expensive. It's low volume. It's hard to get. It's somehow
engineered to be a little bit ________ in some way, very low range, et cetera, et

13 Hansa Merchant For four centuries after the Viking ______, the people of the Shetland Islands off declined/ salted/ link
the north coast of Scotland continued to sell their goods through the North trading/ depression/
European Hanseatic League. The Hansa merchant bought shiploads of _______ fish obligated
and in return the islanders got cash, grain, cloth and other goods. This lasted until
the Act of Union between Scotland and England in 1707. This Act prohibited the
Hansa merchant from _______ with Scotland. Consequently Shetland went into an
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economic ___________. The independent farmers of Shetland had to sell their

land and were then ___________ to pay rent, eventually becoming serfs.

14 Numbers and Numbers and diagrams are highly abstract and condensed summaries of the world. bridge/ assume/ link
Diagrams They require a degree of mental effort to ________the gap between them and the underlying
aspects of the ‘real’ world they stand for. Approach them slowly and with care,
allowing yourself time to get the feel of what you are looking at. Don't
________you already know what you are looking at? It's easy to be distracted by
the surface appearance of a diagram, but we are really interested in the _________

15 Science Well I’m absolutely delighted first of all to have been _______ to this appointed / link
Professorship professorship. The role is going to be about public engagement in science, it is accessible/ academics
about making science _______ to as wide an audience as possible, it's about
encouraging young people to think about science as a career, it’s about making it
easier for our _______ here at the University of Birmingham to talk about their
research to the general public and it’s not just about a one-way flow of
information, it very much is about a dialogue.

16 Archaeology My current research at the moment is really quite broad. I work at the interface archaeology/ link
Researcher between the Arts and Humanities, particularly _______, but trying to find visualisations/
questions which are very difficult to answer unless you start integrating computing landscapes
and _______. So really I work in this boundary between trying to understand
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cultural questions about the past, but those sorts of questions that you can’t
address unless you start reconstructing, start modelling and visualising past
_______, objects and movement of people.

17 Drop in Share Prices Well, the simple explanation might be that yesterday's _______ drop in share sudden/ bargains/ link
prices pretty much across the board has created what market analysts like to call lifted/ overseas/
a buying opportunity. It tends to bring out investors to pick through the ruins, plunge
looking for _______. What seems to be happening today is this decision by
investors that sellers got a little carried away with things so the buyers have
_______ all the major indexes today. The Dow, the NASDAQ, the S&P 500 were all
up around half a percent in early trading today, and that wasn't a big surprise. The
sell-off continued somewhat _______, but you could watch things stabilize abroad.
European markets remain fairly weak, along with many of the Asian markets. But
you'll remember that all this started with a big _______ of around 9 percent on the
stock market in Shanghai. Well, Chinese stocks rebounded by around 4 percent,
and that kind of set the tone.

18 Motivational You've heard about SARS, AIDS and bird flu. Now _______ from Australia claim researchers/ five/ link
Deficiency Disorder we're about to be hit by a new epidemic: Motivational Deficiency Disorder. Symptoms
According to the British Medical Journal one in _______ people are said to suffer
from Motivational Deficiency Disorder, or Moded, and most don't even know
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they have it. _______ include being unable to get out of bed in the morning,
being trapped on the couch, or wanting to spend the entire day at the beach.

19 Housing Market Well, Alex, the National Association of Realtors is at least putting the champagne slight/ numbers/ link
Recovery on ice. The industry group says the _______ rise in sales for previously owned realtors/ sober/
homes shows the housing market is finally stabilizing, which is the first sign of a offsets
recovery. Now, that of course is an interpretation of the _______, Alex, and one
that's coming from an organization known for being somewhat of a cheerleader
for the housing market, since its members are made up of _______ who've been
losing a lot of money in the slump. Now, for a more _______ view, I talked to
Wellesley housing economist Karl Case. And he says the slight uptick in sales
hardly _______ the fact that numbers are down 20 percent from the year before.

20 Beekeeping And one particular crop, almonds in the US and now in Australia, is _______ the transforming/ link
world of beekeeping and of bees. confection/
What has happened is that something serendipitous came along that people
found out, that doctors found out that almonds are good for you, they're actually
a food that is normally considered a _______, but it's good for you. The Almond
Board got a very aggressive promotion going on for almonds. I just heard
recently, they send out sales reps to _______ at hospitals to promote the heart
benefits of almonds, so they go right to the doctors to do this. So they leave no
stone unturned in a very good promotion of almonds, and it's _______
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promotion because they are a healthy food. So what's happened is worldwide;

almond sales have taken off.

21 Genetically There is little _____ that genetically modified crops have the potential to offer doubt / opposed / link
Modified Crop great benefits to the world, yet they continue to be ______ by many people, even distrust / generalized
though any risks attached to their use have not been clearly established. The
reasons seem to be a deep _____ of the motives of large agricultural companies,
along with a _____feeling that it’s always dangerous to, as some would put it, play
around with nature.

22 Ocean Circulation For many years the favorite horror story about ________ climate change was that abrupt/ radically/ link
a shift in ocean currents could _____ cool Europe’s climate. These currents, called circulation/
the overturning _____, bring warm water and warm temperatures north from the oceanographer
equator to Europe, Susan Loosier, an ___ at Duke University, says scientists have
long worried that this ocean circulation could be disrupted.

23 Higher Interest Higher interest rates have knocked investors __________ in putting their money confidence/
Rates into property, evidence suggests. The __________ company Standard Life says insurance/
that the rate rises since last summer have led more people to question the wisdom investment
of property __________.
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24 Investment Decision Well, basically just hitchhiking on the point. If you look at the __________ of The customers/ link
Wall Street Journal, the basically financial news, financial people here are people timely/suspected/
who rely on sound, valid and __________ data to make investment decisions. They valid
look at things and track trends in the industry, worrying about things like profit
maximization. If they even __________ that political issues or ideological issues
from the editorial page, we're going to start affecting the flow of __________
financial information. If they even thought that ideological issues were going to
affect their ability to understand investments and make sound decisions, they get
very upset.

25 Light-sensitive Finally, we take a look at how to mix an unmixed __________ at the flick of a liquid/ blend/ link
Chemical switch. Sandrine tells us more. Oil and water don't usually mix, but the new exposed
chemical sensitive to light has been added here to __________ them together just
as easily as it brought them together, it can also separate them out again. When
__________ to UV light, the chemical changes its structure and become soluble in
water. This causes two layers to form with the oil floating on top of the water
chemical combo. This method should be cheaper than the current alternative
which involves using high energy centrifuges.

26 Tax Increase Working together, they figured out that if the government was going to ________ propose/ strategy/ link
some kinds of significant tax increases, which is a good _______, quite me to at getting/ package/
least tie something like _______ something for those big tax breaks, not seeing any expansion/ insurance
results. So the result of that was in the _______ of legislation that included the tax
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 65

increases. There was awesome information to have significant _______ of

coverage families where they can buy into their private _______.

27 Smart Card Well in 2004 we integrated ticketing in South East Queensland, so we _______ a introduced/ modes/ link
paper ticket that allowed you to travel access all the three _______ in South East ferry/ store/
Queensland, so bus, train and _______, and the second stage of integrated travelling
ticketing is the introduction of a Smart card, and the Smart Card will enable people
to _______ value, so to put value on the card, and then to use the card for _______
around the system.

28 Robert Cotton To begin with, you should be standing in the main ________ of the British Library. floor/ information/ link
British Library situated on the Euston road next to some pipe crustacean press, in stairs/ collector/
the foyer to the left of the ________ desk. It was a large white staircase. Follow legacy
this up towards the gallery at the top of the ________, pause and look to your left
for attention.
This is Robert Cotton, born in 1570, and died in 1631. Cotton was a member of
parliament but he's mainly known as a great antiquarian _________ of
manuscripts. It is the covenant we have a great depth and the survival of many
English manuscripts. Throughout this tour, we will see his _______.

29 Science Choice I think it’s really important for young people not to feel _______ in their choices restricted/ career/ link
and also to be aware of the choices that are available to them and obviously the personality/ biology/
media has an incredibly important role to play in that in letting people know the visible
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 66

great range of science that is out there and is potentially a _______. I think we
tend to talk about science as this big kind of monolith but of course actually it's
this beautiful multi-faceted thing, you know, there’s almost something for
everybody there. There are so many different aspects of it that really attract lots
of different types of ________ I think and, you know, somebody that’s going to be
attracted to working in ________ might be a very different person from somebody
who’s attracted to engineering. I suppose it’s about knowing the breadth of
opportunities that are out there and so anything that universities and broadcast
media can do to make sure that those opportunities are _______ I think is really

30 Entrepreneurs Why do we need more entrepreneurs right now? The entrepreneurs who create critical/ recession/ link
and run our businesses, who play by the rules, are in fact ______ to our success as jobless/ innovation
a nation. We need them especially today. First, we need them to solve the current
crisis. Business, not government, will end this _______. Government must help by
creating fair rules, sound monetary policy, and by protecting our fellow citizens in
periods where they are ________. But the government has to stand to the side
and let new entrepreneurial firms challenge companies that can no longer
compete. We have to make way for the new entrepreneurial firms that will push
us to frontiers of ________.
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31 Excess Carbon Christine Jones: Rebuilding carbon-rich agricultural soils is the only real productive, permanent/ link
Dioxide __________ solution to taking excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. frustrated/ emit/
increasing/ whole
Pip Courtney: She's __________ that scientists and politicians don't see the same
opportunities she sees.
Christine Jones: This year Australia will _______ just over 600 million tonnes of
carbon. We can sequester 685 million tonnes of carbon by __________ soil carbon
by half a percent on only 2% of the farms. If we increased it on all of the farms, we
could sequester the __________ world's emissions of carbon.

32 Video Installation Finally we get a sneak peek of the world's largest interactive video installation that every/ huge/ link
opens in London today. If you walk around Trafalgar Square in the next week video shadow/ represents/
cameras linked up to a computerized surveillance system will be tracking your face
________ move. Your location is transmitted into two ________ video projectors
lurking overhead. As you look down one of over 1,000 animated portraits could
have here in your ________. These videos were created by people from across the
UK who were asked to film themselves for 3 minutes doing something that best
________ them. The installation can project up to 14 portraits in the space at once.
So if it attracts a crowd, you'll have to wait your turn to see a ________ pop out

33 Micro-Economic An economist sees the world basically through a typical micro-economic toolkit/ discipline/ link
__________. That involves things like thinking at the margin, rationality, concepts/ predictions
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opportunity cost, trade-offs – economists like any other ________ or dogma has
its own jargon and its own rules and its own way of seeing the world. So basically
economics, or economists in general tend to apply micro-economic __________
like that to explain the way humans behave and to make ________ about the

34 Property Loss If sea levels continue to rise, eventually the property becomes _______ and the inundated/ insured/ link
real value of the property, the vast bulk of its value will be in the value of the land properties/
which of course is then unusable. And that's of course not _______ by property compensate
insurance. So at that point a lot of waterfront landowners and banks and other
financial institutions that have lent money against the value of those _______, are
going to find that they suffer very serious losses and it's not at all obvious at the
moment who would _______ them.

35 Anemia Drugs It all started last _______ when the Food and Drug Administration placed a black spring/ warn/ link
box warning on some popular anemia drugs. The labels _______ against using the progression/ effects
drugs in cancer patients with relatively mild anemia resulting from chemotherapy.
The FDA says the drugs clearly shorten survival and speed the _______ of cancer.
In people with slightly worse anemia, the drugs might have the same _______. To
Barry Straube, Medicare's chief medical officer, the message was clear.

36 Virus Infection So a virus is something that you can’t see by normal light microscopy, you need techniques/ types/ link
very advanced _______ for electron microscopy to see it, but that virus is not able tissues
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to reproduce itself without a host and us as human beings are made up of lots of
different cell _______ and we are interested in understanding at the molecular
level how that virus infects the liver and why does it infect the liver and it doesn’t
infect the heart or it doesn’t infect other _______?

37 3D Printer Animators have used the 3d printer to give characters in the new movie Coraline, million/ objects/ link
almost a quarter of a ________ facial expressions. The machine prints out reproduce/ thick/
________ by depositing layers on top of each other. It can ________ fine detail, as range
each layer is just 16 micrometers ________. Stop Motion, animators made use of
it to print a ________ of heads with different expressions for each character. It's
the first time a 3d printer has been used for an animated movie.

38 Living in cities Now because you're having all these cities and all these ________ people are going factories/ location/ link
to move to these cities for work, and you're going to have a lot of different people interact/ shortages/
from different areas in one particular small geographic ________. So you're going observe
to be seeing these people ________ a lot more than you would in small rural areas.
Also, you're going to have housing ________, crime, lack of jobs so there's a lot of
things that you could ________ and test and see. And this is what sociology really
takes off as a science.

39 Wintringham Wintringham only does one thing: we provide housing and aged care services to unashamedly/ link
older homeless men and women. Along the way we have built ________ beautiful concepts/ socialize/
buildings, two of which have won and been runner-up in the prestigious United natural
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 70

Nations World Habitat Award: the first time an Australian building has received
that international honour. We rely on older ________ of Australian architecture
that are heavily influenced by the bush. All residents have private veranda which
allows them to ________ outdoors and also creates some "defensible space"
between their bedrooms and public areas. We use a lot of ________ or soft
materials and build beautiful landscaped gardens.

40 Peer Review Student: Okay, see, the thing is that I've had a look at the peer reviews about the funding/ proposal/ link
________ application, which you suggested that I do. But what I found is that ground/ spectrum/
several reviewers are saying that there isn't actually sufficient focus on my topic. workplace
Teacher: Right. I think that is actually the case, but I remember that the ________
is based around things that have already been done. And the fact that it's just one
of a number of factors. And these affect health and safety. I think areas around of
stress, they cover up much more ________. So I think, if you're sort of upfront
about it, and you say, look, I need a wider ________ here. We could perhaps
suggest something else to try and measure bullying in the ________.

41 Nutrition Expert A nutrition expert at the university for what him unknown, say the ________ sugar simple/ initial/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users and candy bars can give you a quick boost. But after the ________ rush, you usually complex/ work/
crush it feel worse than before the snap. They say what you need is ________ steady access the
only) material via
carbohydrates like a bagel or a bowl of not sugar-coating cereal. Try carrying a
variety of pack-size box to ________ with you and buying a small carton of milk
from the vending machine. Carbohydrates help you sustain a blood sugar level that
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 71

is neither too high nor too low. That means you have a ________ flow of energy to
finish your day

42 Ocean Currents For many years the favorite horror story about ________ climate change was that abrupt/ radically/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users a shift in ocean currents could _____ cool Europe’s climate. These currents, called circulation/
the overturning _____, bring warm water and warm temperatures north from the oceanographer access the
only) material via
equator to Europe, Susan Loosier, an ___ at Duke University, says scientists have
long worried that this ocean circulation could be disrupted.

43 Experimental Experimental psychological research is conducted in a lab under controlled behavior/ perception/ For further
psychological conditions, and attempts to rely solely on an application of research methods to frequency/ easy practice, please
research understand ________ and mental processes. As an example of a psychological access the
material via
(for premium users experiment, you might want to investigate people's ________ of different tones.
Specifically, you could ask the following question, is it easier for people to
discriminate one pair of tones from another depending on their ________? To
answer this, you would want to disprove the hypothesis that all tones are
________ to discriminate.

44 Economy Signs Signs that secured borrowing remains ________ and firm data on manufacturing robust/ sales/ spate/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users and retail ________, released on Thursday, painted the picture of an economy that
has yet to be cooled by the recent ________ of interest rate rises. access the
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material via

45 Credit Market As Joe noted, one really important point here is that we are really at the very beginning/ initially/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users ________ of seeing what is going on. And, what we are seeing in the credit markets premium/ pendulum
is a re-pricing of risk…. ________, investors were pricing their investments, and the access the
only) material via
kind of deals they were asking for were ones where they had a historically low
________ required for the risk that they were taking. And now, the ________ has
swung much the other way because I think that people really don’t understand
exactly how much risk they are taking and I’m sure that they are waiting on the
sidelines to see.

46 Product Building And as far as getting acquired, I mean, you know, we're trying to ________ on the focus/ built/ hire/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users product. I think that if you know a lot of companies are ________ to be acquired suffering
and I think what happens there is you leave yourself in a really vulnerable spot access the
only) material via
because you're growing and you say hey, I won't ________ that expensive VP of
Whatever because hey, man any day now we're going to get acquired. And then
your product winds up ________. So I think you need to really want to do the
company. Because you don't know how long you're going to be at it and luckily I'd
been searched a long time. I know want to stay in search. So you know it's fine with
me whatever happens with the company, but you have to focus on building the
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product to making the product better and you have to focus on building a
sustainable company.

47 Corporate Culture For a long time now it's been a widely accepted and ________ questioned belief rarely/ caused/ court/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users that a strong corporate culture goes hand in hand with success. employee
access the
only) However, a recent study has ________ some doubt of this principle. material via
Although some of the ________ argue the culture a company builds up may be
strong, but wrong, there is a point in every ________ market to the same tune, if
they are all marching in the wrong direction.

48 Fungi Fungi are an important part of any forest or woodland ________. They are the ecosystem/ nutrients/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users major agents by which twigs and leaves are broken down, releasing _________ for constructive/ nature
reabsorption by plants. And we know fungi also form a _________ partnership access the
only) material via
with living trees. David Robinson from the Open University's Life Sciences
Department explains that although we have known about this partnership and
relationship for some time, we are now learning more about the _________ of that

49 Income Gap During the past week, NPR has been reporting on the growing income gap in widening/ overseas/ For further
America. Economists say one big reason for the _________ divide is the steady loss decent/ laid/ practice, please
(for premium users
of manufacturing jobs. As more and more U.S. companies move factory jobs determination access the
only) material via
_________, people who lack skills and education have trouble making a _________
living. When the Carrier Air Conditioning Company shut down its Syracuse, New
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 74

York plant in 2004, 1,200 jobs were lost. The current financial state of the
_________ off workers depends on their skills, age and degree of _________.

50 Computer Hacking Stan Correy: No-one likes to be spied upon, to have their personal information stolen/ happen/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users _________, or their computers hijacked to become part of what's called a botnet. permission/ scariest/
Botnets are networks of computers that have been infected by viruses called mentioned access the
only) material via
malware. It could _________ to you. These hijacked computers are being secretly
used without the owner's _________, for criminal and espionage purposes.
Botnets are one of the biggest problems in computer security today.
One of the _________ examples of computer hacking, as we _________, is what's
called the Ghostnet system, the hijacking of computer networks in the offices of
the Dalai Lama, and thousands of other computers around the world.

51 Green Chemistry Green Chemistry is a concept designed to develop _________ which allow technologies/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users chemistry to be practiced with minimal damage to the environment, or in an compatible/
environmentally _________ way, and it's meant to cover both chemical products/ access the
only) material via
processes and chemical _________. fundamental/
The center was set up about seven or eight years ago. And the idea was to provide
a hub of activities that covered _________ research work, international
collaboration, but also educational development on public _________ of the
project as well, and also networking so we network out to well over 1000 people
around the globe.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 75

52 Vehicles and Global There are some 250 million cars in America, 250 million cars in the country with powered/ urgency/ For further
warming just over 300 million people. And most of those vehicles, of course, are gas- sleek/ hydrogen practice, please
access the
(for premium users _________. This poses a huge challenge given the limited supplies of oil and the material via
growing _________ of the global warming crisis.
But there is good news, according to our guests today. And that is we have the
know-how and the technology to build _________, fast automobiles that don't use
gasoline. These vehicles of tomorrow are powered by _________, electricity, bio-
fuels and digital technology. And they already exist. So what's stopping us from
putting them on the roads? Our guests today will help answer that.

53 Temperature David King: Yes. I mean if we look at 5 in the world's past history, when did we see similar/ radically/ For further
Change a 5-degree temperature change? You have to go right back into the last Ice Age, so failure/ massive/ practice, please
access the
(for premium users the sort of temperature difference we're talking about in the future, of course critically/ enormous
going up, is _________ to the temperature difference between a warm period and material via
a typical Ice Age. So what this means is that the world's climate system will change
_________. If you just take one country, India; India is totally dependent on the
monsoon. If the monsoon fails one year - that means, the word _________ implies
less than 10% of average rainfall, then they have _________ crop failure. If the
monsoon 10% exceeds the average they have massive flooding, so they're
_________ dependent on that monsoon. Now nobody believes that a temperature
rise of 3, 4, 5 degrees isn't going to have an _________ impact on that monsoon.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 76

54 Agriculture One of the things that people have said about agriculture is that on the whole it is intensive/ coercive/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users more labor-_________ than hunting and gathering, and that’s one of the reasons ultimately/ social/
why people have looked to explanations which, you might say, are kind of whatever/ generated access the
only) material via
_________ factors – that people have been forced into agriculture because they
had no alternative. That is _________ what may happen. But at the very beginning
it could be that agriculture was developed because people wanted special status
foods for feasting; that it was actually a _________ need. I mean, how much of
what we do in our lives is generated by competition with others? And a lot of that
is powered by desire for new things, new statuses, new _________ it might be.
Respect and recognition also are important. And in small-scale societies a lot of
those sorts of factors are _________ by the ability to, for instance, throw feasts.
One possibility is that some of these foods that were being grown were actually
intended especially as feasting foods.

55 Transpiration Now we come right out of the woods, transpiration is the _________ process by passive/ negative/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users which water moves from the wetness of the soil up a plant and into the air via the emulates/asking
leaves. We've known about it for years and you probably haven't thought about it access the
only) material via
since school. The assumption is that transpiration works by a wick effect, where
the _________ pressure of the water in the leaves draws up water from the roots
but until now it has been impossible to replicate this process in the lab. Abraham
Stroock and Tobias Wheeler from Cornell University in New York have constructed
a fake plastic tree which _________ the natural process. I spoke to Abraham
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 77

Stroock and started by _________ why synthetic transpiration has been such a tall

56 Big Asteroid So, what we are going to talk about this evening is _________ by a big asteroid. impacted/ particles/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users There's tons of stuff on the earth each day, about 100 times. Most of its fine dust millions/ gravity
is tiny, tiny _________. But what we are going to mainly concern this evening is access the
only) material via
bigger stuff. The bigger stuff is probably originally from an asteroid. There are
_________ of asteroids. There is the formation of the planets, probably because
Jupiter's _________ prevented a planet from forming.

57 Records on inflows Well there's probably around about a 10% chance, up to a 10% chance of that occurring/ historic/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users _________. It's really hard to crystal-ball these sorts of things because we can't system/ forecast /
use the _________ data we've got. Over 116 years of records on inflows into the extreme access the
only) material via
_________, we are continuing to break every record, and so it's very, very difficult
to _________ going forward when you're in the midst of such an _________ event.

58 Blood Protein Thanks to bloods ability to _________ even the surface of a nasty gas just able to clot/ key/ spread/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users heal up. But platelets cells aren't sticky all the time. And now researchers have crucial/ tightly
identified the _________ protein that makes them come together. This video access the
only) material via
shows how normal cells _________ out tiny arms to catch other cells and to grasp
onto the surface of a wound. When the _________ protein is absent, the cells don't
stick out their arms as much and can grip the surface of an injury as _________.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 78

59 Mississippi River The Mississippi River built this area, each year it would flood, it would bring in a lot nutrients/ imagine/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users of _________ and a lot of sediment, and the sediment would settle over the marsh, smaller/ natural/
and over time that sediment gets compacted. _________ if you dig a hole in your subsiding access the
only) material via
yard and you put, and you have the pile of dirt next to it, and a week later that pile
is going to be _________ because the dirt compacts. Well the same thing when the
Delta was built by the Mississippi, the Delta itself compacts over time, and under
a _________ hydrology the river would bring sediments back out to those areas
and deposit sediments on top of areas that are _________, and so we actually build
land with an active delta.

60 Snail Fish Scientists filming in one of the world's deepest ocean trenches, have found groups sociable/ depth/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users of highly ________ snail fish swarming out of their bait nearly five miles beneath shallow/ darkness/
the surface of the Pacific Ocean. This is the first-time cameras have been sent to floor access the
only) material via
this ________. Although some species of snail fish live in the ________ water, the
hadal snail fish are found exclusively below 6000 meters. Here they have to
contend with total ________ near freezing temperatures and immense water
pressure, equivalent to 1,600 elephants standing on the roof of a mini car. They
feed on thousands of tiny shrimp-like creatures that scavenged the carcasses of
dead fish reaching the ocean ________.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 79

61 Extensively drug- In that month or six weeks, the patient may feel perfectly well. He may even travel unsuspecting/ For further
resistant around the world spending hours packed into crowded airplanes with _______ resistant/ practice, please
tuberculosis fellow passengers. That's bad enough with regular TB or with strains that are catastrophe/ access the
material via
(for premium users _______ to two or three mainline drugs used to treat the disease. But it's a impervious/
potential public health _______ with the new strain called XDR-TB, for extensively authorities
drug-resistant tuberculosis.
The strain is _______ to a wide array of first and second-line drugs. That's why 30
percent or more of its victims die. And that's why people like Lawrence Gostin are
rethinking what public health _______ should do about people with suspected
XDR-TB in the weeks before the diagnosis is in.

62 Social harm Social harm originates out of a series of _______ within criminology about the debates/ originally/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users narrowness of the definition of crime, that essentially, focuses on individual acts writers/ occur
of harm, things like inter-personal violence, theft, so on and so forth. So the idea access the
only) material via
of social harm _______ was to expand that notion of harm to encompass the
harms that organisations cause that nation states cause. But latterly the idea of
social harm really now transcends criminology so there are a group of _______
who think that – and I would include myself there – that actually there's something
to social harm that could be very useful in terms of trying to understand the harms
that _______ within society, to produce an objective and well-rounded analyses of
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 80

63 Sport and Exercise I’m currently General Manager of _______ Coaching Ltd. We put sports coaches Sports/ schools/ For further
Science into primary _______ to deliver PE lessons. I chose the University of Birmingham institutions/ modules practice, please
access the
(for premium users because I wanted to study in a big city; also for my course, the University of material via
Birmingham was in the top three for _______ for the course that I wanted to do. I
wanted to come to a big city to study so that I could get a big social life but also
have the opportunities there to do what I wanted to do really and get the kind of
work experience for life after university. The course I did, Sport and Exercise
Science, really helped in my current role because of all the different _______ we
did. We did anything from sports psychology to biomechanics, to biology.

64 Gap Years I’m a big fan of gap years. I took one myself so I’m probably ______. I think that if biased/ biology/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users you’ve got something you want to do in the year before you come to university, conservation/
that you should do it – and a lot of students who want to study a _________ degree contribute/ advice access the
only) material via
actually want to go off and travel and perhaps work on a _________project and of
course that’s all very good, it will _________ towards your degree and your
preparation for that and then when you come to us you’ll be ready for your
studies. So if there’s something you really want to do then my __________ is to go
for it.

65 Doing research I think it’s often underestimated the ________ between doing research, live connection/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users research, and teaching undergraduates and the undergraduate programmes – experiment/
because, of course, if you’re working at CERN on a frontier ________ you come access the
back to give a lecture, you’re buzzing with activity of what’s going on, your new
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 81

results; it just makes the whole lecture much more ________ for students. It’s interesting/ material via
always really exciting to look ahead at new science and what might happen in the phenomena
future. I must say, lots depends on what we find in the next few years at the start
of the Large Hadron Collider. We are expecting to find very many new ________.
So the thing we’ll want to be building in ten years’ time will depend on what we

66 Fuel cells Fuel cells are the most efficient devices for _________ energy; so that combination generating/ carbon/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users of low emissions and efficient energy is the real key to the future for lower electrical/ renewable/
________. I think the fact is that people feel this research is now going somewhere gadgets access the
only) material via
very definite; that the cars that people drive say in five or ten years will be
hydrogen or certainly _______, possibly driven by hydrogen fuel also. Your houses
will be much cleaner; they will have ________ fuels, again driven by fuel cells and
many of the things that we use as ________ like computers, cameras– they will
also have fuel cells.

67 William William had just graduated, only by a few months, from what was called the mathematics/ taught/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users Mathematical Tripos at Cambridge, which is an Honours BA in _______ with a lot certainly/ graduated
of physics. But he had never given a lecture as far as I can tell. He had never _____; access the
only) material via
he'd never done a research project, and he _______ had never published a
research paper. He was just a young student, just ______.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 82

68 Aging population UK has an aging population __________ decline in birth fertility rate and mortality as a result of / 1901 / For further
natural / driver practice, please
(for premium users rate. This has led to a declining proportion of the population age under 60 and an
increasing proportion age 65 and over. In every year since _______, with the access the
only) material via
exception of 1976, there have been more births and deaths, and the population
has grown due to natural change. Until the mid-1990s, this _________ increase
was the main _________ of population growth.

69 The Earth is "The Earth is warming. Almost all the Arctic ______ ice may have melted by the summer / access / For further
warming end of the century, claims the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change the opening / neighboring practice, please
IPCC. The upside. _______ to an estimated quarter of the world's oil and gas / share access the
(for premium users resources and the ______ of the fabled Northwest Passage. The downside. The material via
only) Arctic wilderness is lost as ______ countries, Denmark and Greenland, Russia,
Canada, Norway, and the United States all race to _____ in the bounty."

70 Welfare policies Again, I want to repeat that I don't blame libertarians for this state of affairs. My For further
practice, please
(for premium users argument is really that they simply have nothing to offer us in this debate. When
we talk about trying to get rid of the welfare policies that have enabled some of access the
only) material via
the breakdown of family, that is undoubtedly important but I think we're beyond
that at this point, the damage is so deep. And it's kind of hard for me to envision a
future without social security, for instance. I quite agree with the analysis that the
social security, Medicare and that sort of thing, have decreased the primary
functions of the family, but I cannot imagine a world in which we get rid of these
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 83

things, so that we will be...from a pragmatic point of view we have to think about
what we can do to try to bolster up this breakdown that I keep referring to.

71 New influenza So every year influenza does strike. It causes seasonal flu outbreaks and that's sick/mutate / global / For further
strains caused by new influenza strains. It affects about 5 to 20% of US residents, and spread / 500,000 practice, please
access the
(for premium users 200,000 people become __________ each year and 36,000 people die from flu. material via
And sometimes flu viruses can actually __________ to form novel viruses. We
worry about novel influences subtypes because they can cause pandemics and a
pandemic is a _______ outbreak of a disease. The most severe influence of
pandemic in the last century occurred in 1980. And it was caused by a flu virus
called H1N1. It began in the United States around September 14, and within five
weeks, and it's __________ throughout the entire United States. It's estimated
that 20 to 100 million people died worldwide from ... that year and it included
_____________ Americans.

72 Puffin Protection So it’s a fantastic place to be a puffin; there are no ground ____________; there’s predators / profound For further
practice, please
(for premium users protection. On the other hand, if you’re going to increase in numbers, and we / allowed / safe
increased from five pairs then to 2,000 pairs in 1972 when I started up to about access the
only) material via
80,000 pairs in 2003, you’ve got to have a lot of food. I mean you’ve got to have a
hell of a lot of fish however small a bird that you are. And there seems to be
_________ changes in the North Sea where man removed all the large fish – the
large cod, the haddock and those sorts of things – for human consumption. And
the numbers of small fish increased and this _________ the seabirds to increase.
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You’ve got a lot of big fish that are of no use to seabirds, they’re just too big. I mean
puffins will only eat fish up to about 20 centimetres long. Anything bigger than that
is _______ from a puffin.

73 CEO That brings us to the CEO’s second duty: building the ________ or more accurately, everyone/ hire/ For further
practice, please
(for premium users building the senior team. All the executives report to the CEO, so it’s the CEO’s job coaching/ spending/
to _________, fire, and manage the executive team. From _________ CEOs, I develop access the
only) material via
actually think this is the most important skill of all. Because when a CEO hires an
excellent senior team, that team can keep the company running. When a CEO hires
a poor senior team, the CEO ends up _________ all of their time trying to deal with
the team, and not nearly enough time trying to do with other elements of their
job. The senior team can and often does _________ the strategy for the company,
but ultimately, it’s always the CEO who has the final “go-no-go” decision on

74 Painting It's a painting competition for artists who are living or ________ based in the UK. professionally/ For further
Competition There's no stated age limit on it but it does tend to attract _______ level and above graduate/ sculpture/ practice, please
access the
(for premium users artists. Historically it has had different sections to it. There was, in the 60s, a rules/ incorporate
_______ section but that was phased out and that certainly now we're dealing with material via
works that are in, as the ________ state, any painted medium.
Some of the works if you look in detail what's in this exhibition ___________ things
like collage, inks, watercolours, for example.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 85


No Topic Content ( Solutions Note

HCS01 APA STYLE A. Students should be aware that papers should always be read thoroughly by other B Link
people and contain plenty of interesting typos. This will make for an interesting
presentation of the paper, and the more that this can be done, the better your
paper will be.
B. Papers must use APA style, and be clear and readable. Papers should also be free
of typographical errors and spelling mistakes. It is recommended that students have
someone proofread their papers and have more than superficial detailing. Papers
should be organised, flow well, and be interesting.
C. Besides organising your content, having somebody else read your paper is
important because they can make sure typos and misspelled words have occurred.
They can also tell you if your paper is interesting or dull in presentation.
D. The more interesting the paper, the better it is. Typos and misspelled words
aren’t as important as organization or flow in your paper. Having someone read
your paper can help you develop more interesting ideas. Papers should be
presented in an interesting manner.

HCS02 Human behavior A. Research into learning difficulties associated with brain injuries conducted by an B Link
Oxford academic has been criticised on a number of grounds. These grounds
included lack of evidence, confusion between dependent and independent
variables as well as the ways in which subjects were chosen and studied.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 86

B. Oxford Professor, Dorothy Bishop has criticized research into an intervention

study concerning learning disabilities on a number of grounds. These reservations
include how participants were selected, measurements taken and absence of
controls for some key measures. Other problems relate to the statistical analysis
undertaken and the interpretation of results.
C. Oxford University Professor, Dorothy Bishop, has been requested to undertake a
peer review of an experiment into the learning capacity of children with brain
injury. She has been requested to specifically consider aspects of methodology
including: statistical analyses, selection of participants and the validity of
measurements taken. Her results have not yet been released.
D. While a number of concerns have been raised regarding the conduct of an
experiment into learning difficulties in children, the majority of its findings remain
unchallenged issues of concern regarding the experiments methodology have all
been addressed by an independent academic, Dorothy Bishop, who was tasked
with reviewing the study.

HCS03 Russian Revolution A. The Russian Revolution began with the overthrow of the Romanov Monarchy by B Link
the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin. The aim of Bolsheviks was to promote
economic equality within a democratic government, and the Russian people
believed that theirs would be the first truly democratic society in world history.
B. The Russian Revolution consisted of two major events; the first was the
overthrow of the Romanov Monarchy in February 1917. The second was the
revolution of October 1917, which brought the Bolshevik Communists to power, led
by Vladimir Lenin. With this event Russians claimed that they would create a society
based on truly democratic ideals and economy equality.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 87

C. The Russian Revolution consisted of two major events, the first was the uprising
of the Bolsheviks, led by Vladimir Lenin, in February 1017. The second was the
overthrow of the Romanov Monarchy in October 1917. The Monarchy was
overthrown because they wouldn’t support the demands of the Russian public for
economic equality and democracy.
D. Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. His party
overthrew the ruling monarchy in February 1917, and then seized power later in
the same year. Although it was initially a democratic revolution based on principles
of equality, it later changed into a communist dictatorship.

HCS04 Wildlife ecology A. Wildlife ecology is a dynamic filed that has grown from its beginnings as a field A Link
primarily focus on protecting hunted species to a field that includes the study of
wildlife populations, wildlife disease and extinction, the human impact on wildlife
communities, and the economic potential of wildlife in both developing and
developed regions of the world.
B. Wildlife ecology used to include the study of the impact of human behavior on
wildlife species and populations, as well as the study of wildlife extinction, diseases
and invasions. Now the field of wildlife ecology focuses almost exclusively on the
protection of hunted species whose economic value is high, particularly in
developing countries.
C. The field of wildlife ecology is in flux between two groups of ecologists. While
one group of ecologists want to focus its efforts on protecting hunted species
nearing extinction, another group of wildlife ecologists wants to direct the field
towards the study of human interaction with wildlife populations, with a special
focus on this relationship in the developing world.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 88

D. The management of wildlife is one of the fundamental aspects of wildlife

ecology, although nowadays it has grown to include many other issues. However,
the potential economic advantages of protecting hunted species, especially in
developing countries, are not yet fully realized. A better understanding of the
relationship between humans and animals could bring great benefits to such

HCS05 Exercise A. Health experts have suggested varying exercise guidelines in recent years. A Link
recommendation Among these guidelines are the following 30 minutes of moderate activity in order
to stay health, 60 minutes to lose weight, and 90 minutes to keep weight off. The
speaker believes that Americans are confused by so many different exercise
B. Most health experts agree on the guidelines that suggest that adults should get
90 minutes of exercise each day in order to prevent chronic diseases and to
maintain good health. The National institute of Medicine has issued a report stating
that with 30 minutes a day; however, adults will lose weight and keep it off.
C. Most Health experts in America have issued similar guidelines for exercise and its
role in preventing disease and in weight loss. Experts have surprisingly consistent
advice for adults who want to protect themselves from chronic disease, who want
to lose weight, who want to keep weight off, and who are obese. There is little
variation among the guidelines, which prevents confusion among American adults.
D. The recommendations of the National Institute of Medicine regarding exercise
are basically simple. Thirty minutes of vigorous exercise will keep most people
health. However, this is complicated by the increasing levels of obesity in modern
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 89

American society. For obese people, moderate activity over longer periods, up to 90
minutes per day, is recommended in this way they will lose weight more effectively.

HCS06 Lynn and new timetable A. Two of the speakers are science students, and are unhappy about their new A Link
timetables. They ask another student, Lynn, about hers. She is generally quite
pleased with her timetable, but she reminds the others about some of the negative
aspects of her studies.
B. Lynn sympathizes with the other students, but she is not completely happy with
her own timetable for the term. Although some lectures are optional, there are too
many of them, and she points out that she also has a lot of seminars to attend and
essays to write.
C. Unlike the other two students, Lynn feels lucky that she isn’t studying a science
subject. It is not only that she has a lighter timetable, but her workload is generally
less stressful as it mainly involves doing a lot of reading.
D. In response to the other student’s enquiries, Lynn agrees that there are too
many optional lectures. However, as she is not studying a scientific subject, she
thinks the overall pressure of work in her field is too great, with too many essays to

HCS07 Shakespeare A. It is extremely difficult for a modern audience to enjoy watching Shakespeare D Link
because most people are unfamiliar with his use of language. Therefore, it’s
advisable to read an edition of the play, preferably containing detailed explanatory
notes, before watching it.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 90

B. Modern technology has brought about a greater understanding of Shakespeare

and his language than ever before, and this is reflected in the editions of his plays
which are now available. As a result, the modern audience has a much clearer
understanding of what Shakespeare was saying than audiences in the past.
C. Shakespeare’s audiences had no need for explanatory notes to accompany
editions of his plays because they understood the language immediately. This is just
as well because the vast majority of the audiences in his time could not, in fact,
D. A modern audience can enjoy Shakespeare are in performance, though not as
immediately as the audiences of his day. This is simply we are much less familiar
with his inventive use of language than they were. Explanatory notes on a text can
help us understand the language better.

HCS08 Body Language A. The vast majority of person-to-person communication is actually carried out A Link
through body language rather than the use of spoken words. Many researchers
agree that animals also use body language, and some researchers believe that they
are more sensitive to it in their communications with each other than humans are
as a result of not having the ability to use speech.
B. Body language forms only a minor part of the way that we communicate and
makes up a much smaller percentage of out communications than speech. It is also
more important for animals than humans since they don’t have the ability to use
spoken words. As a result, body language has not been as widely studied among
humans as it has been in animals.
C. If you carefully study a person’s body language and the emotional content of
his/her speech, you will find clues to that person’s desires, intention and emotions
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 91

not only for the present but for the past and future. With practice, an individual can
become highly sensitive to another person’s communication style and predict
his/her future reactions to a wide variety of stimuli.
D. Researchers have proven that when people such as animal trainers work with
wild animals, body language is the most effective way to control and communicate
with the animals. Animals are less likely to respond to spoken words and verbal
communication than they are to gestures and movements.

HCS09 John and lecture of A. The man, John describes the topic of the lecture as “a nightmare”. For this B Link
globalization reason, he decided not to go to the lecture and didn’t set his alarm clock. Sally is
rather annoyed with him and tells him that in facts he missed a very interesting
B. Due to the fact that he slept for too long, the man, John, failed to attend a
lecture on a topic of globalization. He is rather ashamed about this, but he is
relieved when his friend Sally tells him that she took some notes.
C. The man, John, has just missed an important lecture because he was ill and slept
badly the night before. His friend Sally says she is sympathetic to his problem. She
reassures him that she has some notes that he can borrow.
D. The woman, Sally, is talking to her friend, John about a lecture on globalization,
he is sorry that he forgot to go to the lecture, but she reassures him that the lecture
was not interesting and quite complicated, so he was lucky to miss it.

HCS10 Arguments about A. There are a small number of people who disagree with the scientific evidence A Link
climate change over climate change. However, this should not require us to report their views to
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 92

the same extent as we report those of the scientists, especially when one
remembers that many of these people receive financial backing from industry.
B. People who disagree with the scientist’s view that climate change is taking place
should be taken more seriously by newspaper journalists. Many of them are
independent commentators who are attempting to look at all of the evidence in an
objective way.
C. Those who question scientist’s assertions that climate change is a reality have
been subjected to a great deal of criticism because of their link with industry. This
does not alter the fact, however, that they have produced powerful evidence of
their own which seriously challenge the scientist’s claim.
D. If newspaper readers are to be kept probably informed about climate change, it
is important that the issue be reported responsibly in the press. This requires us as
journalists to give equal weight to the arguments of both scientists and dissenters.

HCS11 Writing a survey A. Writing a survey requires a lot of planning and knowledge, and is a skill that has been For further practice, please
researched extensively. Having a brief, organized and plain-spoken survey has been proven access the material via
(for premium user only)
to yield high results. Phrasing questions appropriately without participants, as well as
providing them with deadlines and clear instructions on how to complete the survey ensures
better responses.
B. There are several considerations to review before developing an effective survey.
Depending on the audience, choosing longer, more technical questions could be appropriate.
Clear organization and grouping are always a requirement, and providing participants with a
choice of deadlines to complete a survey yields great results. The day of the week is even a
consideration when administering a survey.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 93

C. Constructing an effective survey is something that takes a lot of time. There are lots of
rules that must be researched before developing a survey. Rules change depending on the
type of information desired, and no particular strategy applies to all surveys. The types of
question to ask, how to ask them, and when, and unique.
D. Surveys can be manipulated to yield a variety of results. Better surveys are ones that are
usually brief in nature, with specific and technical questions directed at focused groups of
participants. Arranging questions in a logical order provides, an attractive quality to the
survey, and allowing people unlimited time to complete a survey ensures a higher amount
of return.

HCS12 Classical physics A. The professor explains how we can understand the concepts used in physics like space, For further practice, please
time and energy, in an emotional way, but the course will mainly teach how to be access the material via
(for premium user only)
unemotional to show the underlying principles of our world.
B. The professor explains that physics is at the heart of all other experimental sciences and
deals with measureable phenomena and the aim is to define and measure these in ways
which help our understanding of the physical world.
C. Physics is about things which can be measured. The professor explains that the course
covers all aspects of science and how this leads to classical physics. The focus of the course
will be on how physics is the centre of the world.
D. This course aims to unify all observations made in physics. Science undergraduates will
study the terminology used which will lead to the students’ having an understanding of the
world around them, especially space, time and similar forces.
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HCS13 Dinosaur Evolution A. Scientists have proved that dinosaurs and human beings share various things in common, For further practice, please
especially in terms of speed and intelligence. access the material via
(for premium user only)
B. Although dinosaurs used to be deemed clumsy and slow due to their giant size,
archaeologists generally agree on that they are in fact swift, bright and clever. Options for this question are
C. It is concerned that it would bias the good nature of science, and its data analysis as the
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
ancient dinosaurs have been largely depicted as lumbering and dull species on TV.
D. Since dinosaurs are usually described as old-fashioned and stupid animals, they
attracted scientists in the field for their long-lasting and dominant existence in the ancient

HCS14 Wheat Plan A. Scientists can measure how much water the plant loses by estimating the CO2 and the For further practice, please
water coming out. The water use efficiency of the leaf does not have a correlation with the access the material via
(for premium user only)
composition of the carbon in the plant.
B. By measuring C13 in the leaf, scientists can test the radio of CO2 of a plant and confirm Options for this question are
the water-saving quantities of it. RuBisCo is the enzyme that impact on photosynthesis in mainly based on memory,
plants. so focus on the audio.
C. RuBisCo is the most abundant protein on Earth and plays a role in plants’ photosynthesis.
The less the proportion of C13 in the leaf, the more closed the stomata and the more water
is lost.
D. The water use efficiency of the leaf correlated with the CO2 in the plant. The greater the
amount of C13 in the leaf, the less water is lost. Carbon isotope discrimination is a method
to enable wheat to grow better in drought.
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HCS15 Power A. Power is so important subject that people should not neglect because power is implicitly For further practice, please
a bad problem. Power should be considered at a personal level as the main factor to improve access the material via
(for premium user only)
people’s overall mental health.
B. Psychologists and psychiatrists are believed to neglect when they tend to be suspicious of Options for this question are
power and to consider powers explicitly as a negative issue. mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
C. In order to increase overall mental health and sense of wellbeing, it is very important to
gain as much power as possible. This also leads to a better physical health and improves a
person’s longevity.
D. Power is a preponderant topic in both social and political sense. If people want to have
better wellbeing and longer longevity, they need to have more control and autonomy in
their life.

HCS16 Red Sea A. The environments between the Red Sea and Persian Gulf are not indistinct. Different from For further practice, please
Persian Gulf, the Red Sea has much lower biodiversity due to narrow shelves. Both of areas access the material via
(for premium user only)
are facing to serious environmental threats such as global warming and coastal population.
B. A significant increase in development along the coast is the main reason causing pressure Options for this question are
on coral reefs of the Red Sea. In order to reduce local pressures on reefs, global community mainly based on memory,
works to reduce the problems of overfishing, coastal development and pollution. so focus on the audio.
C. The Persian Gulf has quite low biodiversity due to environmental conditions. However,
there are many species of fish found nowhere else on earth but this area. Shipping traffic
and overfishing are considered as major issues leading to significant social and economic
impacts for both bodies.
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D. Although the Red Sea’s coral reefs have higher biodiversity with many unique species of
fish than Persian Gulf, tourism pressure posed a threat to the reef ecosystems in this area.
Coral reefs in the Red Sea and Persian Gulf are both suffering from environmental

HCS17 Tsunami Buoy A. Despite the subductions zones which leads to more earthquakes, Australia’s south-east For further practice, please
cities believe that the number of tsunamis will remain unchanged, thanks to the introduction access the material via
(for premium user only)
of tsunami buoys.
B. Australia is expected to be hit by more severe tsunamis than expected, which are caused Options for this question are
by large earthquakes in the subduction zones, and warning system can assist the cities in mainly based on memory,
forecasting the upcoming tsunamis. so focus on the audio.
C. Since the warning alarms in capital cities in the south-east Australia were installed, no
tsunami has been witnessed, even in the dark orange where we would expect very large
D. The warning buoy in Tasman Sea is the first warning point to prevent the south-eastern
cities in Australia from the tsunami, especially when the subduction zones, which cause
damaging earthquakes and tsunamis, are slowly floating toward this area.

HCS18 Female Lark Buntings A. Female Lark buntings look for male mates with the similar characteristics from time to For further practice, please
time. The research revealed that male traits like big beaks do attract the females. In order to access the material via
(for premium user only)
watch them in action, scientists try to let the female lure in the wild males.
B. Female Lark buntings were inconsistent in the way they are attracted by their mates. A Options for this question are
male bird with protective features can lure in the wild female. mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
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C. Different attributes of the male Lark buntings can be become a trend depending on social
environmental changes in a specific region. There are certain traits of the male that would
always be popular.
D. Female Lark buntings would always be popular to the male based on the consistence in
their tastes. They were used to lure in the wild males so that the scientists could watch
them in action.

HCS19 AI Gore’s Nobel Prize A. It is important to allow every member in the society to have a chance of expressing their For further practice, please
creativity, and contributing to the development of the world. access the material via
(for premium user only)
B. The basic principles and core values are of paramount importance in harnessing the solar
energy, and improving the well-being of people. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory,
C. It is a matter of fact that inventors, who used to be entrepreneurs, can play a vital role in
so focus on the audio.
proposing new regulations, that help protect the natural environment.
D. Innovators in Mumbai and Montevideo are attempting to raise people’s awareness of
the humanity’s creativity; hence, people can invent more engines to improve productivity.

HCS20 Sleep Deprivation A. Although a 20-year-old and an 80-year-old have a similar rate of getting sleep deprivation, For further practice, please
the younger is proved to take more impacts, one of which is obesity. access the material via
(for premium user only)
B. Brain and cardiovascular functions are said to heavily depend on the quality of sleep, but
the epidemic of obesity has been recently been considered more of a serious threat. Options for this question are
C. Sleep has been found to be of paramount importance for one’s body, and sleep
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
deprivation might lead to obesity-related health risks.
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D. When a 20-year-old is deprived of sleeping time, their overall body’s performance,

especially cardiovascular, tend to malfunction, no matter how much energy they take in.

HCS21 Supply and Demand 1 A. Utilizing models is one of the approaches to understand how supply and demand are For further practice, please
brought together. Google Maps is a typical example demonstrating how people can get pick access the material via
(for premium user only)
up the nuance of the supply and the demand.
B. Supply and demand is not a new concept of economic. What actually builds up the Options for this question are
relationship between two important sides of the market depends on how the scare resources mainly based on memory,
get allocated. Roadmap is a great example of this as it represents how detailed the so focus on the audio.
information is.
C. Models can be used to understand how the two sides of the market including supply and
demand are brought together. How the scarce resources can be allocated is believed a
conceptual view. Roadmap is a great illustration to demonstrate that not everything can be
represented visually.
D. Supply and demand is a conceptual view of the world and it should be examined by
using models. Google Maps can use satellite representation to demonstrate all details such
as parks, schools and so forth. However, at the level of revolution, that would be a national
security violation.

HCS22 Water system A. The idea of establishing floating platforms where small communities can be housed is for For further practice, please
humanity purposes. This approach will solve the problem of the housing shortage. access the material via
(for premium user only)
B. Friedman and his colleagues have tried to introduce the concept of floating cities where
people can live in permanent dwellings. These floating cities should be established far away Options for this question are
from coastal regions and avoid international waters. mainly based on memory,
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C. Floating platforms tend to connect people living in the small communities to form larger so focus on the audio.
societies. These floating communities are not necessarily built in coastal regions. This idea
will help to solve the issue of global land.
D. In order to create social and political entities, Friedman and his colleagues introduced a
concept of floating platforms, where communities can link together and form larger
communities. The main reason for this notion is for political freedom.

HCS23 African Elephant A. The number of elephants all over the world is decreasing at an alarming rate, and counting For further practice, please
their population is of paramount importance. access the material via
(for premium user only)
B. Gathering data about the population of the endangered African elephants helps protect
the species, especially those in dangerous regions. Options for this question are
C. The ivory market of African elephants is expanding quickly due to the delayed conservation
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
efforts in Africa.
D. Finding out the natural habitat of elephants is extremely challenging for scientists, which
post greater threats to the endangered animals.

HCS24 Oil will hit peak A. Global production of oil is predicted to decrease in 2010 and will not hit a peak in 2030. For further practice, please
access the material via
(for premium user only) B. Because the world is unprepared, the global production of oil will begin a remorseless
C. The number of oil production has been increasing and it is predicted to reach a peak in Options for this question are
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
D. It is not long for the global production of oil will get a peak and then begin to decline.
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HCS25 Crystals A. Geologists study the crystal structure of many minerals from crystallography. The For further practice, please
information about different types of crystals is collected and proven precisely. It is not access the material via
(for premium user only)
complicated to understand how these structures work, but it is hard to know why they look
Options for this question are
B. Geologists now how to find different crystals including mineral crystals, rocks, minerals mainly based on memory,
in the ground. They can examine and determine how these items look like. However, it is so focus on the audio.
not easy for people to understand why they are created.
C. The connection among different things is one of the most interesting parts about
science. Geologists know how snowflake forms and even better understand how crystal
structure of all minerals work. Although normal people do not understand why they look
like, they can figure out what they are.
D. Everything in our world is interconnected and this makes science interesting. Geologists
study different crystals in the ground and are aware of the molecule system of these
crystals. However, they do not really know why they look like they do and how these
complicated shapes work.

HCS26 Supply and Demand 2 A. The purpose of microeconomics is to study the individualistic economic behavior at the For further practice, please
time of making economic decisions. It focuses on studying an individual consumer, access the material via
(To be added)
producer, manager or a firm, price of a particular commodity or a household.
B. Microeconomics in this concept refers a consumer making their decisions about Options for this question are
allocating those scare resources to their obviously unlimited want. Supply and demand in a mainly based on memory,
marketplace together tend to look for equilibrium. so focus on the audio.
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C. Microeconomics is the science of how people make decisions at the small scale. It is
different from macroeconomics which looks at how the economy works as a whole. That is
just the basic supply and demand analysis.
D. Microeconomics is about human choices and incentives. Most people are introduced to
microeconomics through the study of scarce resources, money prices, and the supply and
demand of goods and services.

HCS27 Do you drink enough A. People should drink eight cups of water per day according to recent studies. Human For further practice, please
water? beings can generate one cup of water for metabolism and this is why people do not need access the material via
(TBA) to consume more than eight cups of water in food.
B. People do not need to drink eight cups of water per day as their body can generate Options for this question are
enough liquid while consuming fruits or vegetables. For some people, fewer than eight mainly based on memory,
glasses a day might be enough. But other people might need more. so focus on the audio.
C. As people may lose water through their daily activities, people should drink enough
water. It is recommended that they should consume no more than eight cups of water in
order to create enough metabolism.
D. What people eat will help them to meet their fluid needs. Because people generate
about one and a half cups of water for metabolism, they still can consume four cups of
liquid per day and other four cups of water in their food.

HCS28 Aircraft Systems A. As the lecturer is not an “aeroplane“ person, the course will focus more on systems For further practice, please
Engineering engineering, devoted to the space shuttle. He will deliver a series of lectures about main access the material via
(TBA) principles of aviation including some class assignments.

Options for this question are

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B. The course is mainly about principles of systems engineering and other general systems mainly based on memory,
in aviation. Students will need to choose an aircraft and do a systems analysis study about so focus on the audio.
C. The course was taught for many years by the lecturer although he is not the space
person. In the new program, he will focus on principles of systems engineering and
D. The lecturer decided to devote the course to a study of the space shuttle. He will let
students study more about principles of systems engineering. In order to bring up the idea,
students need choose their teams and do a systems analysis study about one of their

HCS29 Professional coach in US A. It is hard to find a professional coach in both music and sports industry in US. The For further practice, please
leadership skills play a significant role in promoting and developing great conductors; access the material via
therefore, excellent skills cannot make a person an excellent coach.
B. Whether a good player in both music and game can be a great conductor depends on his Options for this question are
or her leadership skills. Although there are virtually no effective professional conductors in mainly based on memory,
US, they can be trained and take the right job. so focus on the audio.
C. A great player in game or sports cannot prove that they are effective conductors. It is all
about the leadership skills in training great players or brilliant students.
D. Great violinists are not necessarily great conductors. It is true in sports and there is
actually no effective professional coach in the United States. They can be promoted by
training and cultivating their leadership skills.
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HCS30 Membrane A. The lecturer analyzes the characteristics of cell membranes. He first states that For further practice, please
membranes which have unsaturated fatty acid side chains are less fluid than membranes access the material via
with saturated fatty acid side chains. He also explains that the presence of protein makes
membranes less fluid. Another feature of these membranes is that the two sides are not
Options for this question are
completely identical.
mainly based on memory,
B. The lecturer discusses the features of biological membranes. Membranes which have so focus on the audio.
saturated fatty acid side chains are less fluid than membranes with unsaturated fatty acid
side chains. Membranes with more protein are also less fluid. Another important
characteristic is that different sides of the membrane are not the same in appearance,
because of different protrusions and other reasons.
C. In this lecture about biological membranes the speaker discusses the vital importance of
these cellular features in regulating protein absorption and fluid transmission in and out of
the cells. Inadequate membrane health, like the presence of things sticking out of one side
or the adherence of “blobs” to the membrane walls, can have devastating effects for the
bodies of humans and animals.
D. The lecture is about different features of biological membranes. The lecturer discusses
variations in fluidity due to the presence of different kinds of fatty acid side chains in the
membranes and due to varying levels of protein. He goes on to state that cell membranes
are perfectly symmetrical, with no difference between the two sides. If there’s a blob or
thing sticking out on one side, it must likewise appear on the other side.

HCS31 Prof Jonathan Schaeffer A. The findings of how checkers perfect play a draw cause many arguments for a few For further practice, please
Interview people. However, this is not particularly profound scientific result. There are much more access the material via
impressive advances that can help scientists perform as fast as they can.
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(TBA) B. Nowadays, incremental advances support many scientific researches. Therefore, Options for this question are
somebody does something that is much better than the others. They can even perform ten mainly based on memory,
times as fast to enhance impressive advances. so focus on the audio.
C. When the speaker started work on the project, people did not think he could di it.
However, having committed himself to do it, he decided to go through the project even it is
not a shortcut to deal with.
D. Many types of problems can be optimally solved thanks to incremental advances. As the
result, somebody can do something that is 10% better than the others. However, the
checkers problem is more than a million times bigger than any other problem that has been
solved. This proves that this even was not a huge leap, but an incremental event.

HCS32 The Horse Boy A. The main character of “The Horse Boy” was interviewed in a special horse theme For further practice, please
podcast to retell his story about his autistic son Rowan. Rupert described how the family access the material via
could get over the challenges and established a zoo where his son grew up and realized his
intense interest in the wildlife documentaries.
Options for this question are
B. “The Horse Boy”, tells the true story of a man and his autistic son Rowan, whose mainly based on memory,
connection with horses leads the family across the world in order to find a spiritual healing so focus on the audio.
for his son. The story was written in one of the most extraordinary books people ever read
or published.
C. The Horse Boy” is extracted from the audiobook and it tells the moment that Rowan first
encountered animals that would have such a profound effect on all his families’ lives. He
was brought to zoos regularly and started his wildlife documentaries.
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D. After noticing Rowan’s intense interest in the wildlife documentaries, Rupert sometimes
brought home books about horses and he became so fascinated with any small bug or
critter he found around outside.

HCS33 Walt Whitman A. Walt Whitman published a word called democratic visitors in 1871. Whitman looks For further practice, please
across America and sees himself in whomever he meets. Whitman reminds us of another access the material via
way of seeing ourselves and our world. He celebrates a nation where everyone is worthy,
not where a few do well.
Options for this question are
B. Although Walt Whitman was a journalist before he was a poet, one can argue that prose mainly based on memory,
was not altogether natural to him. Despite his famous looseness of form, the essential gift so focus on the audio.
of unlimited free association with the under-surface of human fantasy and desire that was
Whitman’s strategy.
C. The term of democratic visitors was published by Walt Whitman, who has an eye to the
practical life in the West. Through his work, the ideas of the ordinary individuals who have
rights and responsibilities to an education had emerged obviously in the US.
D. The broad range of the woman, also of the middle class aCnd working people are the
focus on Walt Whitman’s works. He mainly highlighted the equal quality of women.
Whitman’s poems are more like sonatas than they are like boxes, are dream journeys more
than they are perfectly integrated arguments in lyric form.

HCS34 Primary Insomnia A. It is generally believed that some people are more likely to have insomnia than others, For further practice, please
but doctors are finding out the reasons behind this fact. access the material via
B. Habits formed with the lack of sleep, mainly concerned with busy lifestyle, are the main
reasons why it is extremely hard to completely cure insomnia. Options for this question are
mainly based on memory,
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C. Sleep-related problems, such as long-lasting stress, cause primary insomnia, but after so focus on the audio.
that, insomnia might still stay to cause trouble.
D. Insomnia can be treated, as long as major sleep issues, including taking naps or worrying
about sleep, are treated in the early stage.

HCS35 What is culture A. Animals learn to interact with others, thanks to instinct mechanism inside them, and For further practice, please
sociologists believe this ability is an equal part between nurture and nature. access the material via
B. Sociologists pay more attention to the nurture part of humans’ behavior, the things that
we gradually learn and master via interactions with surrounding environment. Options for this question are
C. Since birds manage to build their nests even without parents, which is due to their
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
nature part, sociologists highlight the importance of nature part over nurture one.
D. Social science is about the relationship between nature and nurture, and usually that
relationship is blurred by examples in the wildlife.

HCS36 Extrovert and introvert A. Giving a thank-you really depends on the recipient, since there are significant differences For further practice, please
between how introverts and extroverts wish to receive gratitude. access the material via
B. The content of a gratitude, as well as the way it is delivered, is equally vital, and speakers
should be well aware of what is being said and how it is being given. Options for this question are
C. Saying thank-you is not challenging, as long as the speakers understand and appreciate
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
the relationships that they’ve built over such a long time.
D. Getting to know the situation when to give a big thank-you is an essential skill, but
sometimes it turns out to be unnecessary, since it heavily depends on recipients.
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HCS37 Democracy, liberty and A. We are not encouraged to provoke the argument about the aims of the society. In For further practice, please
the pursuit of happiness contrast, the vital aspects are the stable democracy, life, liberty and happiness. access the material via
B. What we should focus on is the education which is beneficial to the society, and what
are required for a secure democracy, which culminates in life, liberty and happiness. Options for this question are
C. The objectives of the society may conflict with that of the educational system. Therefore,
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
a stable democracy, life, liberty and happiness are out of reach.
D. The targets of the society and the advantageous educational system should be paid
attention to. As a result, life, liberty and happiness are ensured.

HCS38 Retreating A. Glaciers were found in 15th century, and since then they have been retreating For further practice, please
continuously. The reasons for this are unexplained. access the material via
B. The movements of glaciers, including advancing and retreating, are of great interest to
scientists in 1970. Options for this question are
C. Most of the glaciers were found stabilizing, and just a few of them were retreating.
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
Global warming is cited as one of the possible causes.
D. The reasons behind the movements of glaciers are still inexplicable. Interestingly, a huge
quantity of them have disappeared with one another.

HCS39 Math Club A. The meeting of the math club is regularly occurred every week in the evening and it is For further practice, please
run by a professor who has been employed at the college. The professor offers a wide access the material via
range of presentations about mathematics.

Options for this question are

mainly based on memory,
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B. The participants of the new math club are required to have a particular background in so focus on the audio.
the area, and it should be better if they can possibly manage the time to pursue math
sessions with Professor Malevich.
C. A new math club is run weekly in the evening on different intriguing subjects. These
sessions are managed by a professor who has been excellent in delivering a speech on a
wide range of topic.
D. Professor Malevich, who has been working at the college for a long time, manage the
new math club where people and learn various interesting topics. Learners do not need to
have a particular math background to join the club.

HCS40 Lexicon A. A comparative study of how a Chinese character disappeared was conducted based on a For further practice, please
dictionary found in Beijing. The dictionary explains difficult and ambiguous characters in access the material via
detail, but people still have no idea to understand the original meanings of these.
B. Looking up a given character by using the dictionary found in Beijing is quite challenging Options for this question are
because the explanation is not provided with the meaning. Although the author has this mainly based on memory,
dictionary, it is hard to explain why some characters in Chinese disappeared. so focus on the audio.
C. The study of how a Chinese character disappeared was inspired by a dictionary which
contains difficult and ambiguous characters. However, the users cannot look up the
meaning of these words as there is only simple explanation without meaning and
D. The author does not understand how to use the dictionary found in 2007 when he
conducted a study about how a Chinese word disappeared. The reason is due to unclear
explanation without thorough structures and displays in the dictionary. The question is still
unknown until current days.
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HS41 Water efficiency between A. A niche refers to the position of a species on the food chain. Larger animals are at the top For further practice, please
small and large animals of the food chain and eat more food, sometimes several hundreds of pounds a day, and are access the material via
omnivores, while animals are located at the bottom of the chain and are herbivores, feeding
on succulent plants and fresh leaves.
Options for this question are
B. There is no significant difference in the water efficiency levels of small and large animals. mainly based on memory,
They both have equal surface to volume ratios and so conserve similar amounts. They also so focus on the audio.
require similar habitats based on their diets.
C. Water conservation is an important problem in the modern world. Because man is
destroying many habitats, including the Serengeti in Tanzania, many animals have lost their
water supply. This includes small animals such as the antelope, as well as larger animals like
the elephant.
D. Water efficiency is a species is determined by the size of its body. Smaller animals have
hard time conserving water because they have higher surface to volume ratio. However,
diet is also important. Smaller animal can live almost anywhere that is green because they
eat plants containing a lot of water.

HCS42 Map in Alaska, Greenland, A. The map is showing different places including Alaska, Greenland and Northern Asia to For further practice, please
Northern Asia show strong connections between various culture in different regions. access the material via
B. The map is demonstrating the relationship between various historical places in the past
compared to this modern world. Options for this question are
C. The map is showing the connections among many places in different years.
mainly based on memory,
so focus on the audio.
D. The map is showing many different countries with unique connections along the history.
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No Topic Content ( Solutions Note

According to the speaker, what will happen to global fish production by 2030?
MCQSA1 Global fish production B Link
A. Capture fisheries will experience significant growth
B. There is likely to be a shortage of fish
C. Aquaculture will account for a smaller portion of the market
D. Supply will have kept pace with demand.

MCQSA2 Cottage in the museum How did the cottage in the museum compare to a modern home? B Link
A. It looked surprisingly similar
B. It contained far fewer things
C. It somehow felt more important
D. It was very much cheaper

MCQSA3 Wright brother What point does the speaker illustrate with this story? C Link
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 111

A. The Wright brothers’ previous engineering experience was of little relevance to

their new field of work
B. The mechanics of airplane flight is fundamentally different than that of travel on
the ground
C. Knowledge acquired in one field is often applicable to endeavours in other areas.
D. Learning to balance a bicycle is an essential step in learning how to fly a plane

MCQSA4 Multilateral trade According to this speaker, why are multilateral trade agreements preferable to E Link
agreement bilateral ones?

A. Only 34% of Australians support bilateral agreements such as the Australia-US

Free Trade Agreement.

B. Bilateral deals routinely require agricultural, access to be trade off against

medicine policies.

C. The WTO is unable to meet the needs of developing countries nor can it support
bilateral agreement

D. Analysis of trading patterns indicates that these agreements do little to increase

the overall prosperity of the countries involved
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E. Bilateral agreements tend to exclude the poorest countries thus further

concentrate wealth in rich economies

MCQSA5 Culinary school Based on the coursework the student mentioned, what can we infer about his C Link
course of study?

A. He is at medical school
B. He is at law school
C. He is at culinary school
D. He is at business school
E. He is at art school

MCQSA6 Aging and Disability The main aim of the Aging and Disability Resources Center is to: A Link

A. Provide coordinated and fair information on disability issues

B. Prevent people from entering nursing homes and other institutions.

C. Serve as a model for aged care to Australia and other countries

D. Help disabled people make a smooth transition to assisted care

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MCQSA7 Political staffers The attitude expressed towards political staffers by this interviewee is best B Link
described as:

A. Tentative

B. Disdainful

C. Supportive

D. Aloof

MCQSA8 Vocal folds and vocal According to this information, vocal folds and vocal cords: D Link
cords A. Are different parts of the anatomy working together to produce speech.

B. Refer to the same feature, flaps of skin with appearance of strings.

C. Both vibrate, although folds produce lower pitch sounds than cords.

D. Are the same thing, but the word “cords” is not an accurate description.

MCQSA9 Psychology subject What is the female student’s view of psychology? B Link

A. It’s a very interesting subject.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 114

B. It’s a very confusing subject.

C. You need to study it like literature

D. It’s a difficult way of working

The study of electro-reception arose from scientists’ knowledge that:

MCQSA10 Electro Reception B Link
A. Some animals have sense organs thousands of times more sensitive than those
of humans
B. Some animals function successfully in environments that prevent them using
“normal” sense organs
C. Most animals do not use their sense organs in the same way that humans do
D. The platypus lives in turgid and muddy waters, yet feed like a duck
E. The platypus has poorly adapted organs of sight, smell and taste yet they are able
to avoid predators.

What did the speaker imply about film and opera? For further practice, please
MCQSA11 Film and opera
A. Film and opera have a unique relationship as they are all elite kinds of art. access the material via
(for premium users only)
B. They have a connection across the divide assiduously patrolled by border
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 115

C. There is an emerging gap between elite culture and popular culture terms. Options for this question are

D. Opera and film have enjoyed a close relationship since the beginning of cinema. mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.

The speaker believes that______ For further practice, please

MCQSA12 Trade opportunity
A. Companies need to take advantage of trading opportunities to sell goods in a access the material via
(for premium users only)
Options for this question are
B. A businessman needs capital to start his new business.
mainly based on memory, so
C. A start-up needs to consider about buying new raw materials to take advantage
focus on the audio.
of their opportunities.
D. Aid and trade have a compliment relationship and they need work together

What is the speaker’s purpose in the discussion about voting machine? For further practice, please
MCQSA13 Voting machine
access the material via
(for premium users only) A. Voting machines are popular in Western Europe.

B. Holland do not have the electronic voting machines Options for this question are
mainly based on memory, so
C. Voting machines are considered as a special event in America.
focus on the audio.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 116

D. Indian government uses voting machines to encourage people to elect their

favorable politicians.
According to which information, exposure to long period of stress by young For further practice, please
MCQSA14 Stress and young
children can: access the material via
A. trigger various emotions due to a release of chemicals in their body.
(for premium users only) Options for this question are
B. cause their brain to shut down and impact their immune system.
mainly based on memory, so
C. have serious influences on their memory and how their brain functions.
focus on the audio.
D. lead to an immediate trauma and deter physical response.

How can we define the contours of our own language? For further practice, please
MCQSA15 Multilingualism
A. By contacting the alternative visions of the world expressed by other language. access the material via
(for premium users only)
B. By changing our views of the planet
Options for this question are
C. By experiencing another language and culture no matter where you are
mainly based on memory, so
D. By discovering the language from the inside
focus on the audio.

What is the speaker main point about privately controlled media in the first part? For further practice, please
MCQSA16 Controlled media
A. private information can be handed over to corporations. access the material via
(for premium users only)
B. media can control over the doctrinal system, especially public expense
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 117

C. private power is profitable for analysts Options for this question are
D. it is not a good idea when media systems are in the hands of private tyranny mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.

According to this speaker, editors are unique because they are the only people For further practice, please
MCQSA17 Editors’ critique
who can access the material via
(for premium users only)
A. modify a draft for writers.
Options for this question are
B. rewrite the idea and support writers
mainly based on memory, so
C. become the only critique for any work
focus on the audio.
D. criticize the writing in a form which can be amended

What can we indicate about the Professor Travis? For further practice, please
MCQSA18 Psychology subject 2
A. His classes are very interesting access the material via
(for premium users only)
B. He is very inspirational
Options for this question are
C. He is the main lecturer of psychology
mainly based on memory, so
D. He prefers walking around the campus with his student
focus on the audio.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 118

What happens in the process of reiteration mentioned by the speaker? For further practice, please
MCQSA19 Reiteration
A. Roots from different trees from a complex underground system. access the material via
(for premium users only)
B. Forest fires recur in the same areas over a span of many years.
Options for this question are
C. Redwoods sprout within a few feet of their parent trees.
mainly based on memory, so
D. New tree trunks grow from the tops of older tree.
focus on the audio.

This speaker use the example of industrial relations reform in Australia to For further practice, please
MCQSA20 Industrial relations
demonstrate that ______ access the material via
(for premium users only)
A. The best system is one that involves the government acting as umpire. Options for this question are

B. too much emphasis has been placed on business profits. mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.
C. the “blue-suited ones” rarely have all the answers.

D. Australia had centralized arbitration system in the early 1900s.

E. economic debates are really about values and beliefs.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 119

Why do students need to develop the skills of negotiation? For further practice, please
MCQSA21 Global negotiation
A. because they may need to deal with global activities in the future. access the material via
(for premium users only)
B. because they need to understand the cultures of other countries.
Options for this question are
C. because they need to be prepared for their cultural interaction
mainly based on memory, so
D. because it is the must to work in a global context
focus on the audio.

MCQSA22 Mechanical engineering Where must the man go to find the library? For further practice, please
A. courtyard access the material via
library 1
B. second building
(for premium users only) Options for this question are
C. the engineering student rooms
mainly based on memory, so
D. math department
focus on the audio.

Which topic can you infer that the remainder of professor’s lecture will focus? For further practice, please
MCQSA23 Plagiarism
A. definitions of plagiarism access the material via
(for premium users only)
B. problems of plagiarism
C. comparative analysis of authorship
D. different disciplines of plagiarism
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 120

Options for this question are

mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.

The speaker mentioned Carolyn Reed because she is a For further practice, please
MCQSA24 Carolyn Reed
A. she received the outstanding teaching award. access the material via
(for premium users only)
B. she developed a popular course for the chemistry department
Options for this question are
C. she serves on the board of directors of thoracic surgery
mainly based on memory, so
D. she is one of only 100 women served as department chair
focus on the audio.

According to the reported research, spouses who focus on the positive aspects For further practice, please
MCQSA25 Love is blind
of their relationship tend to: access the material via
(for premium users only)
A. have fewer issues in their daily life.
Options for this question are
B. be happy and healthy.
mainly based on memory, so
C. forget bad times in their relationship.
focus on the audio.
D. forgive their partner’s shortcomings.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 121

What is Speaker describing? For further practice, please

MCQSA26 A tiny scanning robot
A. a robot that is designed to fix an electric current. access the material via
B. a tiny micro bot to check the body inside by sending images.
Options for this question are
C. a device like a spider to take photos in tiny bodies.
mainly based on memory, so
D. a scanning robot that is injected to find unusual symptoms.
focus on the audio.

The second speaker agree that? For further practice, please

MCQSA27 Climate change
A. It is irresponsible if we deny the role of human beings in causing climate access the material via
Options for this question are
B. The climate change should be all part of the natural cycle.
C. People should take responsibility for what they made to our environment. mainly based on memory, so
D. Climate change is both a natural cycle and a manmade disaster.
focus on the audio.

What do all the students the speaker refer to have in common? For further practice, please
MCQSA28 Students and common
A. they should know how to study. access the material via
B. they need to inform lecturers if they do not pass the test.
C. they need to enjoy the subject that they study.
D. they need to make sure to contact the lecturer before the class starts.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 122

Options for this question are

mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.

What point does the speaker makes about consumers? For further practice, please
MCQSA29 Customer behaviour
A. Many environmental factors can influence consumers’ behavior. access the material via
B. Much of customer behavior is not automatic and outside of our awareness.
Options for this question are
C. There is some ways we can control our awareness of most of important
mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.
D. Appearance of a sales person plays a key role in changing consumers’ behavior.

What is the fundamental problem of radiocarbon dating to Lucy’s case? For further practice, please
MCQSA30 Radiocarbon dating
A. There are better techniques to help scientists go back in time enough. access the material via
B. The carbon dating can reach roughly 60,000 years and Lucy’s time was further
Options for this question are
than that.
mainly based on memory, so
C. Carbon dating is already limited in scope because the technique does not reach
focus on the audio.
far enough to Lucy’s time.
D. There are other ways to date Lucy as effective as carbon dating method
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 123

MCQSA31 Mechanical engineering Why does the women know where the library is? For further practice, please
A. Because she just changed her course to Math recently. access the material via
B. Because she was a tutor for an engineering course.
(TBA) Options for this question are
C. Because she used to study a mechanical engineering course.
mainly based on memory, so
D. Because she started off doing her Math course
focus on the audio.

Which of the following statement about "Dyslexia" is not true? For further practice, please
MCQSA32 Dyslexia
A. People who have dyslexia seem to have difficulty in reading. access the material via
B. If a person is good at reading, he is intelligent and vice versa.
Options for this question are
C. Dyslexia is not a new disorder and it affects many children.
mainly based on memory, so
D. People who are dyslexic can be both intelligent and struggle to read.
focus on the audio.

MCQSA33 Autobiographical novel These opening remarks suggest that the lecture follow mainly about: For further practice, please
A. how society can influence the way authors write. access the material via
B. the memoir of the autobiographical novel.
C. societal pressure that many authors can suffer.
D. the definition of psychological issues.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 124

Options for this question are

mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.

Following the discussion of atoms and the fundamental component of matter, For further practice, please
MCQSA34 Atomic theory
the speaker will explore? access the material via
A. the observations of electron nucleus
Options for this question are
B. fundamental principles of how electronic nucleus stay together
mainly based on memory, so
C. the development of atomic theory
focus on the audio.
D. the basic constituents of matter

According to the speaker, how has the river changed? For further practice, please
MCQSA35 EU International team
A. It is now used by local farmers. access the material via
B. It supports fewer birds
(TBA) Options for this question are
C. It has been affected by factories in the area.
mainly based on memory, so
D. It is cleaner than it used to.
focus on the audio.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 125

What is the main difference between women in the past and women in this For further practice, please
MCQSA36 How women are
current world? access the material via
reinterpreting their
A. Women in the past were mentioned in different ways
Options for this question are
B. Women nowadays are defined by their own faiths and religious tradition
(TBA) mainly based on memory, so
C. Women in the past were very much defined by their official dialogue
focus on the audio.
D. Many women now actively redefine themselves.

Which of the following is the main focus of this recording about Jakarar? For further practice, please
MCQSA37 City life of Jakatar
A. the city life of Jakatar? access the material via
(TBA) B. The hot weather of this city

C. a man who is planting vegetable. Options for this question are

D. the crowd at the capital of the city mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.

The professors say the difference between reference and bibliography are For further practice, please
MCQSA38 Reference and
A. a bibliography needs to include the standard format access the material via
B. a bibliography includes a list of books, websites etc.
C. a bibliography includes quotes from academic journals
D. a bibliography includes a list of words during research and background.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 126

Options for this question are

mainly based on memory, so
focus on the audio.


Period: 06/2019
+ (A): unsure if the word A is included in the real exam sentence.
+ A/B: word A or B can be heard in the real exam audio.

No Content ( Note

1 A balanced diet and regular exercise are necessary for good health.

2 A good research assistant is not afraid to ask questions.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 127

3 A celebrated theory is still a great source of controversy.

4 A good way to improve your vocabulary is through repetition.

5 All course stages are on the website.

6 All lectures on economic policy have been cancelled.

7 Animals raised in captivity behave differently than their wild counterpart.

8 Avoid confusing the cause and effect of these changes.

9 Being bilingual is not necessarily being having the ability of understanding two languages.

10 Career opportunities in this field are quite limited.

11 Certain organisms can reproduce using just (only) one parent.

12 Children acquire their first language without any conscious effort.

13 Clinical placement in nursing prepares students for professional practice.

14 Competition for places on this course is fierce.

15 Consumer confidence tends to increase as the economy expands.

16 Distance learning allows you to develop a career around your commitments.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 128

17 Doing nothing is not always better than taking risks.

18 Economic development needs to be supported by the government.

19 Educational level is found to relate to social and economic background.

20 Even if you have used cosmetics for years without problems, one or more ingredients can still trigger an
allergic reaction.

21 Experts believe industrial development will help the economy.

22 Food has become a political issue in the world.

23 Get enough sleep the night before the test.

24 Governments need to make solar energy more affordable to everyone.

25 Identity theft happens to thousands of people every year.

26 If it helps you to take notes to concentrate, please do!

27 Implementation figures are expected to be improved in the next few years.

28 Key business partners are often intertwined in expense accounts.

29 Leading companies change their policies after the report was released.
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30 Mature students usually adapt to university life extremely well.

31 More research is needed before any definitive conclusion is drawn.

32 Most of the students have not considered this application before.

33 New credit cards will soon use the finger press technology.

34 Our laboratory equipment is provided in free charge.

35 Peer review is a central part of scientific method.

36 Placement test for mathematics and statistics is offered every semester.

37 Please provide the reports to support your idea of these arguments.

38 Some people are motivated by competition while others prefer to collaborate.

39 Some vocational courses of institution are funded by private enterprises.

40 Student Identification cards will be issued today and tomorrow.

41 Students have the option of/to living/live in college residences or apartments.

42 The aerial photographs were promptly registered for further/thorough evaluation.

43 The body fat keeps internal organs warm.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 130

44 The cafeteria features soup, salads, sandwiches, chickens and fish.

45 The coffee house has a special student discount throughout the week.

46 The cooperator operates a continuous assessment.

47 The economics books are at the back on the left.

48 The qualification will be assessed using a criterion referenced approach.

49 The schedule allows plenty of time for independent study.

50 The studies showed the Hongkong people are most active in Asia.

51 The theatre courses are encouraging students to exercise creativity.

52 The topic of next week colloquium will be nuclear disarmament.

53 The toughest part of/for public transportation/postgraduate students is funding.

54 The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.

55 There are many good reasons to grow trees in more cities.

56 There are not much interconnections between philosophy and psychology.

57 There is an important difference between mass production and batch production.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 131

58 There is not enough evidence to support these recommendations.

59 They’ve been struggling since last year to make their service paid.

60 This book can be borrowed for a maximum of one week.

61 This essay will argue technology does more good than harm.

62 This schedule allows plenty of time for independent study.

63 This slide shows that there has been minimal growth.

64 Time and distance are used to calculate speed.

65 Today we will look at how to play the data visually.

66 Today’s lecture materials will be included in the next assessment.

67 Tribes vied with each other to build monolithic statues.

68 Undergraduates may pursue specific interests within certificate programs.

69 Understanding how to use the library will save your time.

70 Unemployment rate has fallen to its lowest level in years.

71 University departments carefully monitor articles and other publications by faculty.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 132

72 Unlike short sleep, overlong sleep increases the risk of illness.

73 Unusual weather patterns are making farming more difficult today.

74 We are achieving common prosperity throughout the department.

75 You are required to complete the research paper by Monday.

76 You can contact all your tutors by email.

77 Your statistical information depends on your raw data.

78 A laptop has been found at the biology lab.

79 Advanced technology will create growth in the economy.

80 All medical students must clean their hands before entering this/the room.

81 Animal and plant cells have a number of structures in common.

82 Archaeologists discovered tools and artefacts in ancient tombs.

83 As union members, we can influence the change of the university.

84 Astronauts are using light years to measure distance in the space.

85 Banks charge interests from whom they lent money to.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 133

86 Blue whales are the largest mammals that have ever lived on earth.

87 Children conquer their first language without any efforts.

88 Courses are assessed by group work and individual assignment.

89 Dealing with the growing population is a challenge for many governments.

90 Every student has regular meeting with his or her personal tutor.

91 Firm conclusions can be established through rigorous experiments.

92 Global connections increased in academic communities, thanks to social media.

93 Graphs and charts allow/allowed data (to be) more easily understood.

94 Graphs are often useful for geographical research.

95 Growing population has posed a challenge to many governments.

96 Horizontal line on the graph indicates there is no change.

97 It helps you to rationalize your arguments.

98 It is necessary to dress formally for the graduation ceremony.

99 Library plays an important role in student’s life.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 134

100 Make sure you choose a course that/which provides (you with) great/good career opportunities.

101 Make sure you have/'ve saved all the files before turning off the computer.

102 Momentum is defined as a combination of mass and velocity.

103 Much of the research is carried out in the laboratory.

104 Please write down the name of the author and the year of the publication.

105 Protective clothing must always be worn all the time.

106 Salt is extracted/produced from (the) seawater (or from) under the ground.

107 Scientists recognize differences among water molecule content.

108 Social media is criticized for/of causing Internet/internet addiction.

109 Sociology policies are the sources of government to solve social problems.

110 Some of the vocational courses are provided by many private enterprises.

111 Sound waves are unable to travel through vacuum.

112 Speak to your tutor if you need further assistance.

113 Speed is defined as how quickly/fast a person or an object moves.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 135

114 Sports teams practice on weekdays and play games on weekends.

115 Statistically speaking, the likelihood of the result is extremely low.

116 Strong liner is used to measure distance and baseline.

117 Student advisor was aware that lecture today has been cancelled.

118 Student shop has a range of stationeries.

119 Students should leave their bags on the table by the door.

120 Students who attempted to go to the conference must register now.

121 Sugar is a compound including/which including/, which consist of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (items).

122 Take the first step to apply (for) your university scholarship.

123 The archaeologist's new discoveries stand out in previously overlooked foundations.

124 The area has a number of species of underwater habitants.

125 The book was supported by many faculty members.

126 The career services provide job interviews.

127 The coffee machine on the third floor is not working today.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 136

128 The course dates are available on the college website.

129 The course tomorrow will require higher skill levels.

130 The department has/is organizing/organized a trip/flight to London in July.

131 The essay will argue that the technology does more harm than good.

132 The library holds a substantial collection of materials on economic history.

133 The library will be closed for staff training tomorrow morning.

134 The massive accumulation of data was converted into a communicable argument.

135 The meeting for first year economic students is on Tuesday.

136 The new chemistry professor will deliver his first lecture tomorrow.

137 The north/northern campus car park could be/is located closed/behind on Sunday/the library.

138 The opening hours of the library are/is reduced/reducing during (the) summer.

139 The printers automatically print both/two sides of each page.

140 The professor took a year off to work on her book.

141 The reception staff can give information of renting and printing.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 137

142 The reception staff provide advice on private accommodation.

143 The researchers are disappointed that their materials are proven to be inconclusive.

144 The site is designed to be highly interactive.

145 The university has invested in new technology designed for learning.

146 The winter sun is lower but high enough to produce enough warmth.

147 There is a significant difference between theory and practice of/in education.

148 Undergraduates have a wide range of cultural modules to choose from.

149 We can all meet in the office after the lecture.

150 We no longer respond to any reference requests.

151 Without doubt, this theory has a number of limitations.

152 You don't need to have specialist knowledge to be able to read the book.

153 You must set a security question when resetting your password.

154 You should provide examples to support your ideas and arguments.

155 You should submit your team papers to the general office.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 138

156 Your application for a research grant has been received.

157 A party was thrown in the small meeting room.

158 A typical task of this course involves a study of society.

159 An aerial photograph was promptly registered for a thorough evaluation.

160 Art is an expression of creative skills and imagination.

161 Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor must approve your application.

162 Behind the garage, there is a flat car drawn by mules.

163 Calculators may not be used during the examination.

164 Chemistry building is located at the entrance to the campus.

165 Climate change is (now) (becoming) an acceptable/accepted phenomenon amongst/among (the group of)
reputable scientists.

166 Evaluation paper will be reviewed by the university personnel.

167 Good research delivers practical benefits for real people.

168 He has landed the job in a prestigious law firm.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 139

169 It is hard to anticipate all the different characters that they (were in) react.

170 It might not be possible to solve the problem easily.

171 Many graduates of journalism can get jobs in the communication/communications field.

172 Most of these features were part of the previous system.

173 Mutually exclusive events are neither complementary nor opposing/can be described as either
complementary or opposite

174 Native speakers are (always) exempt/exempted from the exams/language test in their own language.

175 Participants (are) initially select/selected from a range of foundation subjects.

176 Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.

177 Read the safety instructions before using any equipment in the workshop.

178 Remember to sign the attendance register before leaving the hall.

179 Review all (your) sources/resources before drawing your/any conclusion.

180 She used to be an editor of the students'/student newspaper.

181 Synopsis contains the most important information.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 140

182 Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing.

183 The business development/policy seminar includes an internship with a local firm.

184 The commission of fund supported among authorities has raised an argument.

185 The commissioner will portion a/the fund/funds among (all) the authorities/sovereignties.

186 The development in information technology has greatly changed the way people work.

187 The history of this university is a long and interesting one.

188 The lecture tomorrow will discuss educational policies in the United States.

189 The museum is closed on Thursday mornings every month.

190 The new media has transformed the traditional, national boundaries.

191 The plight of wildlife has been ignored by many developers.

192 The railway made long distance/long-distance travel possible for everyone.

193 The results of the study underscored the discoveries from early detection.

194 The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.

195 The students were instructed to submit their assignments by (next) Friday.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 141

196 The study of archaeology requires extensive international field work.

197 The summer course was cancelled due to insufficient enrolments.

198 The teacher asked the group to commence the task.

199 The two variables in the study were very closely correlated.

200 The undergraduates need some specific sources to analyse a specific program.

201 The untapped potential of using the sun is enormous.

202 There are still many people struggling in the lab.

203 There is a pharmacy on campus near the bookstore.

204 There is a welcome party for all new students each term.

205 Those students seeking for further extension should talk to their faculties for more information.

206 Tours operate all years round, but the busiest dry season runs from may.

207 We start/study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.

208 You may/will need to purchase an academic gown for/before the commencement/commencements.

209 You must be able to work in a team.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 142

210 Your assignments should be submitted to the department office before the deadline.

211 Our professor is hosting the business development conference.

212 This class teaches you about the importance of planning your essay.

213 The same issues featured in both explanations of the problem.

214 The students were instructed to submit their assignments before Friday.

215 Resource (and) materials are on hold at the Library Reference Desk.

216 Classical mechanics is (sometimes) considered (as) a branch of (Applied) Mathematics.

217 The placement test for mathematics and statistics is offered every/in this semester

218 It takes a long time to walk to the university.

219 Those seeking (a) formal extension should contact their faculty for information.

220 The application process may take longer than (it's) expected.

221 Student concession cards can be obtained by completing an application

222 The article refers/reflects to a number of very interesting experiments

223 Your lowest quiz grade has been omitted from the calculations.
PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 143

224 The chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus

225 While reconciliation is desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed

226 Physics is a key subject for understanding the world and the universe.

227 Observers waited nervously and with bated breath for the concert.

228 Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill

229 Scientists are always asking the government for more money

230 The synopsis contains the most important information

231 Food cannot be eaten in the main library.

232 The artists’ ties to conservative politicians earned their wrath of critics

233 The collapse of the housing market makes/caused (the) recession.

234 Employment figures are expected to be improved in the next few years.

235 That means they have so many struggling overlaps.

236 Control systems in manufacturing provide/require a high level of accuracy.

237 It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 144

238 They were/had/have been struggling last year to make their service pay.

239 We hold visiting tours throughout the year for students.

240 The evaluation forms will be reviewed by university personnel.

241 The paper challenged many previously accepted theories.

242 When workers ask/asked for higher wages, (the) companies often raise (their) prices.

243 The city’s/cities/cities’ founders created a set of rules that became (the) law.

244 Most (of these) students have not considered this/these issue before.

245 Biology involves the study of life of/at all levels.

246 We/We’ll no longer respond to any reference material requests.

247 One function of body fat is to keep the internal organs warm.

248 Renovation works have been undertaken throughout/through the building.

249 The bus for London will leave 10 minutes later than planned/expected

250 A series of lectures showed economics have been recorded.

251 There is a significant difference between theory and practice of education.

PTE TOOLS ( | Prepared and collected by PTE Helper | 145

252 Traffic is the main cause of (air) pollution in many cities.

253 A good research delivers practical benefits for real people.

254 Assignments should be submitted to the department office before the deadline.

255 We can’t/cannot consider any/an increase in our prices at this stage.

256 Clinical placements in nursing prepare students for professional practice.

257 Supply and demand is one of the fundamental concepts in economics.

258 People with an active lifestyle are less likely to die early or taking over major illness.

259 There is a widely believed/accepted/wide perception that (the) engineering is for boys.

260 Free/Three campus tours run daily during summer for prospective students.

261 They developed a unique approach to training their employees.

262 All of your assignments should be submitted by next Tuesday.

263 The balance in diet and exercise makes a good health.

264 The history lecture has been moved to the lecture theatre.

265 I thought it was through a small meeting room.

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266 The nation achieved (its) prosperity by opening its ports (for trade).

267 The first assignment is due on the 14th of September.

268 It was hard to anticipate how all the different characters would react.

269 The theme of the instrumental work exhibited/requires more (of) a demure compositional style.

270 Students’ concession cards can be obtained by completing an application form.

271 This morning’s lecture on economic policy has been cancelled

272 The celebrated theory is still the source of great controversy.

273 If finance is a cause of concern, scholarships may be available.

274 Castle was designed to intimidate both local people and enemies.

275 Blue whale is the largest mammal ever lived.

276 A laptop computer has been found in the biology lab.

277 His appointment to the Minister of Culture is seen as a demotion.

278 Measures must be taken to prevent unemployment rate from increasing/rising.

279 The coffee machine (located) on the third floor is not working today.
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280 Muscle cells bring parts of the body closer together.

281 You will learn how to rationally assess your arguments.

282 Journalism faces the crisis in the light of the digital revolution.

283 The shipwreck of this year ruined some artefacts which were interested by historians.

284 University staff provide advice on renting and accommodation.

285 Photography can be very useful to geography research.

286 Request for late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances.

287 Slides and handouts can be downloaded after (the) lectures/lecture.

288 International exchanges form/formed/formulate the important part of our (study) program.

289 The transformation of media has changed the way information both used and studied.

290 Career services provide tips on how to approach job interviews.

291 The science we used featured both explanations of the problems.

292 You did not need a special knowledge to enjoy this book.

293 Scientists were unsure when the first/early man left Africa.
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294 Neuroscience is a compound of completely separate parts.

295 More graduate training is (often) needed after (the) university (study) is finished.

296 The horizontal line on the graph indicates there was no periodical change/change in the period.

297 Our facilities include five libraries in the university.

298 Purity is one feature that makes gold expensive.

299 He was regarded as the foremost economist at that time.

300 Even simple techniques need to be practiced to become better/perfect

301 Your ideas are sophisticated in seminars and tutorials.

302 Studying history can help you better understand the present.

303 Our study program equips students with essential skills for university.

304 Academic libraries across the world are steadily incorporating social media.

305 The food crops require a large amount of water and fertilizer.

306 The course covers architecture planning and construction on the international scale.

307 Imported packages are likely to be used in many computers.

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308 You will be tested via quiz and dissertation.

309 The university provides different facilities/excellent legislations for students and staff.

310 New developments in manufacturing are constantly changing the way we live.

311 Studying medicine is always with a wide range of opportunities.

312 Students should put their bags on the table behind the door.

313 The advanced course requires a basic knowledge of science/scientific theory.

314 New materials and techniques are changing the way of architecture.

315 This course aims to develop your knowledge of statistics.

316 Professors with higher educational standard trained them extremely seriously.

317 A good structure shows the key points of a paper.

318 You will need to read Chapter One before the management class.

319 There is a new chemistry test next week.

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Period: 01/07/2019 - 20/07/2019

1 […] we won't have so many struggles overlaps.

2 Avoid confusing the cause and effect of these changes.

3 Career opportunities in this field are quite limited.

4 Classical mechanics is sometimes considered a branch of Applied Mathematics.

5 Climate change is now an accepted phenomenon among reputable scientists

6 Clinical placements in nursing prepare students for professional practice.

7 Competition for places on this course is fierce.

8 Educational level is found to relate to social and economic background.

9 Everyone must evacuate the premises during the fire drill

10 Experts believe industrial development will help the economy

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11 Food cannot be eaten in the main library.

12 Identity theft happens to thousands of people every year.

13 If it helps you to take notes to concentrate, please do!

14 It takes a long time to walk to the university.

15 Leading companies change their policies after the report was released.

16 Many children start producing words before they are able to walk

17 Many graduates of journalism get jobs in the communications field.

18 Most of the students have not considered this issue.

19 Most of these features were part of the previous system

20 New media journalism is an exciting area of study

21 Observers waited nervously and with bated breath for the concert.

22 Our group is meeting tomorrow in the library conference room.

23 Our professor is hosting the business development conference

24 Participants initially select from a range of foundation subjects

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25 Physics is a key subject for understanding the world and the universe.

26 Resource materials are on hold at the Library Reference Desk.

27 Review all sources before drawing any conclusions

28 Scientists are always asking the government for more money

29 She used to be an editor of the student newspaper.

30 Some people are motivated by competition, while others prefer to collaborate

31 Student concession cards can be obtained by completing an application

32 Student Identification cards will be issued today and tomorrow.

33 Supply and demand is one of the fundamental concepts of economics.

34 Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing.

35 The application process may take longer than expected.

36 The article refers to a number of very interesting experiments

37 The artists’ ties to conservative politicians earned their wrath of critics

38 The cafeteria features soups, salads, sandwiches, chickens and fish.

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39 The chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus

40 The city's founders created a set of rules that became law

41 The collapse of the housing market caused the recession

42 The commissioner will apportion the funds among the authorities

43 The department is organizing a trip to London in July.

44 The economics books are at the back on the left.

45 The library holds a substantial collection of materials on economic history.

46 The same issues featured in both explanations of the problem.

47 The schedule allows plenty of time for independent study.

48 The Sociology Department is highly regarded worldwide.

49 The students were instructed to submit their assignments before Friday.

50 The synopsis contains the most important information

51 The teacher asked the group to commence the task.

52 The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.

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53 The/a placement test for mathematics and statistics is offered every semester

54 There is not enough evidence to support these recommendations.

55 They’ve been struggling since last year to make their service paid.

56 This class teaches you about the importance of planning your essay.

57 This morning's lecture on economic policy has been cancelled.

58 This schedule allows plenty of time for independent study

59 This slide shows that there has been minimal growth

60 Those seeking a formal extension should contact their faculty for information.

61 Today’s lecture materials will be included in the next assessment.

62 Traffic is the main cause of (air) pollution in many cities.

63 Tribes vied with each other to build monolithic statues.

64 Undergraduates may pursue specific interests within certificate programs.

65 Understanding how to use the library will/would save you time.

66 University departments carefully monitor articles and other publications by faculty.

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67 We can't consider any increase in our prices at this stage.

68 We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us

69 When workers asked for high wages, companies often raise prices

70 While reconciliation is desirable, basic underlying issues must first be addressed.

71 You are required to complete the research paper by Monday.

72 You can contact all your tutors by email.

73 Your lowest quiz grade has been omitted from the calculations.

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This document was prepared and collected by PTE Helper with the aim of contributing to the community. Any comments or suggestions are
welcome. Solutions noted (‘PTE Helper’) will be used for in-class training only. While care and consideration has been taken in the creation of this
document, we do not warrant, represent or guarantee that the material published is in all respects accurate, complete or current. The material
published is intended for PTE self-study only. Permission will need to be obtained to re-use this document for other purposes.


PTE Helper Team

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