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21/12/2019 https://www.iczo.


Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture


Yamamoto New Scalp Acupuncture (YNSA) is named after the Japanese physician, Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto, who
developed this acupuncture system in 1973. Since its introduction, YNSA has advanced with the discovery of additional
acupuncture points, which are mainly located on the scalp. YNSA is used to treat neurological conditions, and is both
effective and immediate in in stroke patients with pain and/or restricted mobility. As a result, the use of YNSA has increased
and has become the most frequently used form of acupuncture. YNSA comprises basic acupuncture points (somatopes)
mainly on the scalp, as well as on other body regions. In addition to providing symptomatic relief, YNSA can sometimes be
curative therapy.

YNSA which is also called “neuroacupuncture”, was developed in 1973 by doctor Toshikatsu Yamamoto.
Yamamoto discovered that using acupuncture on specific points on the scalp effects sensory and motor nerves in other
places in the body. Thus, for example, it is possible to treat pain in the hand, using an acupuncture point on the scalp which
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In short, the various organs in our body are reflected in our scalp and can be treated effectively through acupuncture of the
relevant points for each and every organ.


Neurological diseases.
Symptoms of neurological disturbances which stem from various diseases.
Conditions of various functional disturbances.
Chronic or acute pain (back pain, pain in the legs, hands, arms, neck etc).
Diseases which cause pain.
Difficulty in mobility and limitation in movement.
Sensation problems.
Acute allergy attacks.
Support of fertility and hormonal imbalance in women; gynecological disorders.
Psychological disorders, such as anxiety, depression, OCD, ADD, HDHD, insomnia.

Patient Advantages:
Immediate sense of whether it is working or not. As a result, the patient receives improved treatment, which is tailored to
his/her personal needs.
It has in many cases, YNSA effects an improvement in the patient’s motor system. The significance of this achievement
may be far-reaching, perhaps including the patient’s reintegration into his/her professional life or a decrease in
dependence on the patient’s various other treatments.
Even in cases of irreversible, incurable diseases, “neuroacupuncture” (YNSA) is effective in alleviating symptoms and in
contributing to very significant improvement in the patient’s condition

Workshop Duration
The duration of the workshop is three days, 7 hours a day.
The workshop is an active learning workshop during which the participants will learn the basic acupuncture points which
were first described by Yamamoto and which are currently used to effectively treat a wide range of neurological and
orthopedic conditions.

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Workshop Program

Introduction – Who is Dr. Toshikatsu Yamamoto and the background of the discovery of YNSA.
Learning the location and function of the basic points, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H.
Learning Ypsilon points, cranial nerves points.
Neck and elbow diagnoses.
I,J,K somatopes.
Tinnitus an master key points.
Learning when and how to apply YNSA.
Demonstration of YNSA treatment.

David Bomzon is trained by Dr Yamamoto himself

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Important note: for the clinical training, there are 2 teachers : David Bomzon + Avi Amir


Treating tinnitus by using YNSA

YNSA Treatment for numbness in the right hip
Treatment for Lumbar back pain

Praktische informatie

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