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Question 1:

A. Wallersteins world system suggests that highly developed countries form core areas of
societal influence and developing countries form the periphery. Rostow suggests that
highly developed countries go through each of the stages in the model he formed to
show economic growth in five steps.
B. Colonialism was directly correlated to Wallerstein’s model because when pilgrims first
came to America, Britain was still the main core of the world economy and America was
the periphery. During this time period Britain heavily influenced America and later
America became one of the world cores. Neocolonialism relates to Wallerstein’s model
because countries in the core areas use their economic powers to influence and
sometimes control peripheral countries.
C. Through Rostows model you can see how countries will develop economic. Like the
others models as a countries move further along the gender equality in that country will
increase. Positively that will impact the country because gender equality typically comes
along with lower birth rate and lower death rates due to a more developed society with
better health. One challenge women still face is suffrage and basic human rights in
developing and under-developed or peripheral countries.
Question 2
A. Central Place Theory is the model that shows how businesses naturally spread out and
due to the fact that large businesses have larger ranges and thus spread out further
than smaller businesses. A city runs much like a business especially in the theory that
large cities will be farther apart and smaller cities will be closer together. This can be
seen because of the cities listed Omaha is the largest and Des Moines is the second
smallest and they have the least other cities clusters around them.
B. Market Area is the areas from which people are attracted to a service or central place.
For example, the market area of a Marshalls is the region from which people go to shop
there. A central place is core place for people to exchange goods and services. In this
example, the Marshalls would be the central place. This applies to this map of Iowa
because the market areas of larger cities are larger causes less need of other city nodes
or other central places.
C. Threshold is the minimum number of people needed to support a service. Range is
maximum distance people are willing to travel to use a service. When cities are larger
and have more to offer then their ranges will increase because people will want to go
there more. As a city’s amenities increase so will the cost and therefore the city will
need to sustain its range in order to sustain its size.

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