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The initial issues that I had identified from the literature review done are listed below.

There are other issues which I think fall within under these and can
be discussed under the main points. If there is an issue that needs to be swopped with another one, I am ok too.

So, I have developed this guide to kind of try help navigate the literature sources, I don’t want you to waste time reading hundreds of pages. Let me help
show where you to look so you can faster. Let me know if you need more help

1. Forging partnerships between TVET and relevant stakeholders.

2. Managing the quality and relevance of the curriculum

3. Development of College management, student leadership and academic staff

4. Improve the advocacy of SACPO and build positive sentiment for the TVET sector

5. Charting and cementing the pathway for TVET College students

I was looking at the questionnaire again and some of the literature and it occurred to me that the pathway entry and exit into TVET Colleges could be an
issue worth exploring .Because there is a lack of clarity on how students are supposed to proceed after graduating from the TVET . Initially I thought it went
with stakeholder partnerships ( issue no.1) but though it is related because some of the stakeholders like employees and industry can assist with the
pathway – it is not the only way to tackle the issue – so I have created a 5th issue .

Does this make sense? I do have one article on issue 5 which I moved from the Issue 1. I will look for more. Because I do believe it is important. Maybe at
some stage we will take back to Issue#1 but for now I have separated it so we can discuss it purposely
Issues Recommendations Relev Literature sources Formatted Table
Issue #1 Lack of SACPO to assist Members Colleges with creating relationships Q5  What Can TVET Providers and Employers Do to Enhance
partnerships with external stakeholders Q6 Student Employability
between TVET Stakeholders are  Forging TVET partnerships – implications for the PSET
and relevant  Industry – employers to employ TVET graduates when sector. This article contains examples of partnerships.
stakeholders they complete their learning Recommendations for setting up partnerships as well as
 Labour market brokers to assist with the pathway of provide context for TVET Colleges
learners from College to workplace
 State owned entities – SETAS, NGOs, Parastatals etc can
facilitate the entering of graduates into the workplace
through programmes, learnerships, apprenticeships
 SACPO – this partnership is particularly important as
SAPOC is mandated to assist the TVET with the

Issue#22 Managing the  The effectiveness of lecturers at colleges depends on their Q6  The need for curriculum change and leadership - Dr Tercia
quality and continuing development in order to meet challenges that Q8 Elaine Terblanche
relevance of the they face owing to rapid changes in technology and curricula. Q9  Management of the implementation of internal continuous
curriculum  SACPO to become more involved in regularly updating the assessment at Western College in Gauteng ( this document Formatted: Font: Italic, Highlight
curriculum to be useful to industry gives a nice background of TVET and a history of the
progression of the curriculum over the past few years. It
does contain some interesting points of view on the actual
curriculum change of 2013, and other posisble chnages still
 Enhancing Employability: What Can Be Done to Improve
TVET Students’ Chances of Finding Work?
 CHIETA & Coastal KZN TVET College Partnership (Example
of how Industry partner up with a TVET to impact
curriculum and students work skills employability)
 Feasibility Study Establishment of a Centre for Skills
Development for PSET_Presentation (examples of how
teachers can be upskilled)
Issue#3 Development of Lecturers need further training. SACPO to assist with providing Q9  CPD Framework for TVET Lecturers (Draft)
college relevant external training to upskill the administrative and Q10  Pg. 11 of: 2018 DHET RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM_USB
management, academic staff CONTENT SUMMARY
student establishment of a professional body for TVET lecturers which  Building College Based Professional Learning Communities
leadership and will determine minimum requirements for professional The way forward for CPD of TVET College Lecturers
academic staff registration and the minimum professional qualifications. The Presentation
focus of this professional body will be the following:  In-service Teaching Training Research Results and Starting
 Educators engage in endorsed professional Points
development activities and that all who teach in the
TVET sector have minimum qualifications.
A performance appraisal system tailored to TVET
Colleges that includes Professional Development Plans
should be developed and implemented.
 A holistic CPD model should be devised that includes
professional qualifications, coaching, mentoring, peer
observation and feedback. Continued partnerships
with industry for lecturers to be able to continuously
upgrade their knowledge of cutting-edge industry
 Continued partnerships with industry for lecturers to be
able to continuously upgrade their knowledge of
cutting-edge industry innovation.

Issue#4 Improve the  Implement Government initiatives previously Q7  CPD framework for TVET. Government initiatives pg. 18
advocacy of documented Q8  Articulation Between TVET Colleges and HEIs_A
SACPO and build  Monitoring and tracking of students to ensure that Q13 National Articulation Baseline Study- pg.
positive successes are documented for replication Q1
sentiment for the  Modelling workshops and classrooms on firms, enforcing
TVET sector expectations of time management and punctuality, and
assessing in ways like workplace settings will better equip
the students which will result in a

Issue#5 Charting and   TVET Colleges in SA_Pathways Workstream. There are

cementing the actually 11
pathway for TVET  Enhancing Employability: What Can Be Done to
College students Improve TVET Students’ Chances of Finding Work?
 Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
 What Can TVET Providers and Employers Do to Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"

Enhance Student Employability

 Research Bulletin on Post-School Education and Formatted: List Paragraph, Left, Bulleted + Level: 1 +
Training: Number 6 – check pages 5&6 for stats on Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
how many graduates employed, studying etc after
finishing their studies (Less than half)

Use of article Title of article

1 Use this document for recommendations. Also has a nice summary of TVET colleges and why they Survey Analysis of the Pathway of TVET College Learners through
are important that you can for citations for the introduction of the RR Nated Programme

2 This document is a summary of a workshop that was held last year. The purposes 2018 DHET RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM_USB CONTENT SUMMARY

3 Provides nice summary of what the issues that TVETs face Global trends in TVET. The case of SA

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