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Project II

Title of the project -

“A survey of vehicle owners about their awareness regarding PUC”

Hypothesis -

 Vehicle owners are well aware about the PUC.

 Four wheeler owners are more aware about PUC than two wheeler owners.

Objectives -

 To analyses the awareness of vehicle owners about PUC

 To do the comparative study of two wheeler owner’s awareness about PUC and
four wheeler owners about PUC.

Review of related literature -

Many resources were carried out to know the awareness about the PUC but no one
has ever carried out comparative study of two wheelers owner’s and four wheelers
owner’s awareness about the PUC.

There for to find out the relationship of the type of vehicle owners along with the
awareness of the PUC, researcher has decided to conduct the research on this topic.

Relevance -

“Don’t let our future Go up in smoke”

The environmental impact of transport is significant because it is a major user of

energy and burns most of the petroleum this creates air pollution including nitrous oxides
and particulates and is a significant contributor of global warming.

Through emission of corbondioxide for which transport is the fastest growing

emission sector. By subsector, road transport is the largest contributor to global warming

Environment regulation in developed countries have reduced the individual

vehicles emission; however this has been offset by an increase in the number of vehicles
and more use of each vehicle. Some pathways to reduce the carbon emissions of road
vehicles considerably have been studied. Energy use and emission vary largely between
modes ,causing environmentalist to call for transition from air and road to rail and human
powered transport and increase transport electrification and energy efficiency.
The health impact of transport emissions is also of concern. A recent survey of the
studies on the effect of traffic emissions on pregnancy outcomes has linked exposure to
emissions to adverse effect on gestational duration and possibly also intra uterine growth.

Such hazardous effect are there so pollution and specially emission from vehicles
should be under control and there is possible only when the car owners are aware about
all these things, there for researcher has selected this topic for his study.

Material and method used -

Material or tool – Questionnaire

Method – Randomized sampling and survey method.

Survey method is used for this study along with it random individuals were
interviewed and for comparison two deferent groups of individuals were interviewed.
Survey was conducted using questionnaire in which surveyor has marked the
respondent’s responses.

Description & Method followed:

Researcher has conducted survey of two different samples & the sample size was
50-50 each. Out of these two samples one sample is the group of 4 wheeler owner &
another group is of two wheeler owners, this survey was carried out at Vashi toll plaza,
data from both the populations were collected by research by noting the responses from

Questionnaire which was used by researcher is as follows. It has 10 different

questions which are ‘Multiple Choice Questions’ MCQ.

To keep the answers of the respondents more precise only objective questions
were asked and to avoid confusion qualitative or descriptive questions were not asked in
the questionnaire.

Questionnaire :-

Q. 1. What does the PUC stands for?

a) Pollution under control

b) Public under control
c) Pollution under control
d) Pollution under checking

Q. 2. Why is PUC needed?

a) To keep the environment pollution free
b) There is less wear & tear of the cars
c) Both A & B
d) None of these

Q. 3. Do you think PUC is necessary?

a) Yes
b) No

Q. 4. When does a vehicle require a PUC certificate?

a) After one year from the date of purchase.

b) Immediately after purchase.
c) When the police catches you without certificate
d) Never

Q. 5. What are the fees for the pollution checking of a two wheeler, three wheeler and
diesel vehicle( four wheeler), respectively?
a) Rs. 10, Rs. 20 , Rs. 100
b) Rs. 50, Rs. 100 , Rs. 150
c) Rs. 60, Rs. 80 , Rs. 100
d) Rs. 90, Rs. 160 , Rs. 200

Q. 6. What is the penalty for not having valid PUC?

a) Rs.1000
b) Rs. 2000
c) Rs. 1500
d) Rs. 500

Q. 7. When does a PUC expires for lowest emission?

a) Never
b) 2 yrs
c) 1 yr
d) 6 months

Q. 8. Where are the computerized facilities for checking the pollution and issue of PUC
a) At RTO Offices
b) At Petrol pumps
c) Many authorized workshops
d) All of the above
Q. 9. First Emission norms were introduced for Petrol engine in the year…….
a) 1981
b) 1991
c) 1995
d) 1997

10) Measurement of emission from petrol vehicle is done by…….

a) Smoke meters
b) Smoke analyzers
c) Gas analyzers
d) Gas meter

On the basis of this questionnaire data was collected from both the samples.
Compiled form of the data is given further in the tabular format.

Observation -
Observation table in compiled format

Q. No. Question Correct responses in

Four Two
wheeler wheeler
owner owner
1. What does the PUC stands for? 82 78

2. Why is PUC needed? 70 66

3. Do you think PUC is necessary? 100 100

4. When does a vehicle require a PUC certificate? 84 82

5. What are the fees for the pollution checking of a two 72 68

wheeler, three wheeler and diesel vehicle (four wheeler),
6. What is the penalty for not having valid PUC? 86 86

7. When does a PUC expires for lowest emission? 72 66

8. Where are the computerized facilities for checking the 100 92

pollution and issue of PUC certificates?
9. First Emission norms were introduced for Petrol engine 52 34
in the year…….
10. Measurement of emission from petrol vehicle is done 64 54
Total 78.2 72.6


Question 1st

Results are shocking that 18% of four wheeler owners and 22% two wheeler
owners are not even aware about what ‘PUC’ stands for but more number of four wheeler
owners are aware about it.

Question 2nd

70% of four wheeler owners and 66% of two wheeler owners are aware about why PUC is

Question 3rd

100% of four wheeler owners and 100% of two wheeler owners agree that PUC is

Question 4th

Almost the same percentage of two wheeler and four wheeler owners are aware
about when does a vehicle require a PUC certificate and percentage is 82% and 84%

Question 5th

72% of four wheeler owners and 68% of two wheeler owners knows fees for PUC

Question 6th

86% of all vehicle owners are aware about penalty for not having a valid PUC.

Question 7th
72% of four wheeler owners and 68% of two wheeler owners are aware about
validity (duration) of PUC certification.

Question 8th

All four wheeler owners and 92% of two wheeler owners know the location or
center from where this PUC certification is issued.

Question 9th

Only 52% of four wheeler owners and 34% of two wheeler owners knows when
this emission law came into the rule.

Question 10th

Only 64% of four wheeler owners and 54% of two wheeler owners are aware about
the instruments by which emission is measured.

Result and Conclusion :

After this intensive research, researchers got some interesting facts and both the
hypothesis are accepted. Minimum 70 % responses should be correct to accept any
hypothesis and in this research, 78.2% of the 4 wheeler owners and 72.2 % 2 wheeler
owners has given correct responses.

Therefore first hypothesis i.e. vehicle owners are well aware about the PUC is
accepted and the 2nd hypothesis is also accepted because percentage of correct responses
in 4 wheeler owners are more as compared to 2 wheeler owners.

Conclusion :

On the basis of this, we can conclude vehicle owners are well aware about the PUC
certification and % of awareness is more in 4 wheeler owners as compared to 2 wheeler

Opinion/Suggestions/Follow-up, etc.,:

It’s good to see the good amount of individuals are aware about PUC certification.
But this percentage are not as much expected. The reason behind this would be all the
technicalities were generally taken care by vehicle drivers and not by the owners.

In this study, researcher has collected data from vehicle owners and not from
drivers, if he would have collected data from drivers, then the percentage of awareness
would have been different. So in future someone can perform the same project by taking
opinions from vehicle drivers and not from the owners.

- https;// impact of transport


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