Marine Policy 40 (2013) Global Catches, Exploitation Rates, and Rebuilding Options For Sharks

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Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204

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Global catches, exploitation rates, and rebuilding options for sharks

Boris Worm a,n, Brendal Davis a, Lisa Kettemer a, Christine A. Ward-Paige a, Demian Chapman b,
Michael R. Heithaus c, Steven T. Kessel d, Samuel H. Gruber e
Biology Department, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4R2
Institute for Ocean Conservation Science, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000, USA
Department of Biological Sciences, Florida International University, North Miami, FL 33181, USA
Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada N9B 3P4
Bimini Biological Field Station, University of Miami, Miami, FL 33176-2050, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Adequate conservation and management of shark populations is becoming increasingly important on a
Received 7 October 2012 global scale, especially because many species are exceptionally vulnerable to overfishing. Yet, reported
Received in revised form catch statistics for sharks are incomplete, and mortality estimates have not been available for sharks as a
20 December 2012
group. Here, the global catch and mortality of sharks from reported and unreported landings, discards, and
Accepted 21 December 2012
Available online 1 March 2013
shark finning are being estimated at 1.44 million metric tons for the year 2000, and at only slightly less in
2010 (1.41 million tons). Based on an analysis of average shark weights, this translates into a total annual
Keywords: mortality estimate of about 100 million sharks in 2000, and about 97 million sharks in 2010, with a total
Sharks range of possible values between 63 and 273 million sharks per year. Further, the exploitation rate for
Fishing mortality
sharks as a group was calculated by dividing two independent mortality estimates by an estimate of total
global biomass. As an alternative approach, exploitation rates for individual shark populations were
Ecosystem management
Shark finning compiled and averaged from stock assessments and other published sources. The resulting three
independent estimates of the average exploitation rate ranged between 6.4% and 7.9% of sharks killed
per year. This exceeds the average rebound rate for many shark populations, estimated from the life
history information on 62 shark species (rebound rates averaged 4.9% per year), and explains the ongoing
declines in most populations for which data exist. The consequences of these unsustainable catch and
mortality rates for marine ecosystems could be substantial. Global total shark mortality, therefore, needs
to be reduced drastically in order to rebuild depleted populations and restore marine ecosystems with
functional top predators.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction came into effect in 1986 [5]. Similar to whales, quantifying the
precise extent of sharks’ decline, the risk of species extinction, and the
Sharks, skates, rays and chimaeras together comprise the chon- consequences for marine ecosystems have been challenging and
drichthyan fishes (Class Chondrichthyes), a group of about 1000 controversial, mostly due to data limitations [4,6–8].
species that has persisted for at least 400 million years, rendering A key problem is the incomplete reporting of shark catches to
them one of the oldest extant vertebrate groups on the planet. the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),
Recently, however, the global growth of fishing, coupled with which tracks the status of fisheries worldwide. Caught sharks
Chondrichthyes’ relatively slow growth and reproductive rates, have are often not landed and are instead discarded at sea [7,9], with
resulted in the progressive depletion of populations around the such discards not usually reported to national or international
world. This trend has been particularly pronounced for sharks, largely management agencies unless there are trained observers on
due to their inherent vulnerability, and an increasing demand, board. Compounding this problem is the practice of shark finning,
particularly for their fins, in the Asian market [1–4]. As such, many where the animal’s fins are removed prior to the body being
shark species are comparable to great whales, which also have late discarded at sea [9]. Due to the high value of the fins in Asian
maturity, slow growth and low reproductive rates, and experienced markets this practice is globally widespread. Some jurisdictions,
escalating global fishing pressure until a global whaling moratorium such as Canada, the United States, Australia, and Europe have
gradually introduced anti-finning legislation over the last 10 years,
yet the practice continues in most other parts of the world [2].
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 902 494 2146. Therefore it is very likely that reported catches represent only a
E-mail address: (B. Worm). fraction of total shark mortality. For example, Clarke et al. [9] used

0308-597X/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
B. Worm et al. / Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204 195

trade auction records from Hong Kong to estimate that the total Hong Kong Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Census and
mass of sharks caught for the fin trade. Estimates ranged between Statistics Reports.
1.21 and 2.29 Mt (million metric tons) yr  1 with a median estimate The extent of illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) catch
of 1.70 Mt yr  1 in the year 2000. This amounted to more than four was estimated from the peer-reviewed literature [15] by taking
times the reported shark catch from FAO at that time [9]. the average of the low (11 Mt yr  1) and high estimates
Notwithstanding these problems, the FAO, among other man- (26 Mt yr  1) for global IUU fishing, equivalent to 18.5 Mt yr  1.
agement bodies, has long recognized the conservation challenges Since the proportion of chondrichthyans in the IUU catches is
associated with sharks and their relatives, and it launched an unknown, it was assumed that chondrichthyans comprise the
International Plan of Action for Sharks in 1999 (IPOA-Sharks, same proportion in the IUU catch as they do in the reported catch
which also includes skates, rays, and chimaeras). This plan aims to (1.2% on average). This is likely conservative because shark
enhance the conservation and management of sharks and their catches are often unreported, for example in artisanal or bycatch
sustainable use, while improving data collection and the fisheries. When converting IUU catches to numbers of individuals
monitoring and management of shark fisheries [10]. The IPOA- it was also assumed that the proportional representation of major
Sharks further recommends that all states contributing to fishing species groups was similar to the reported catch.
mortality on sharks should participate in its management, and The amount of discarded sharks was estimated from published
should have developed a National Shark Plan by 2001. However, data, where scientifically trained observers had determined the
progress remains disappointing so far, with limited adoption and overall catch rates for sharks in commercial fisheries. This analysis
implementation of IPOA goals at the national level [2,11]. was performed comprehensively for the global longline fleet, a
The objective of this paper is to provide an up-to-date assess- major fishery that operates worldwide and is well-known for its
ment of the current status of shark populations including esti- high proportion of shark bycatch and discards [3]. First the rate of
mated global catches, current exploitation rates (herein defined shark catch was estimated from published sources for each major
as the total catch divided by the estimated biomass), and ocean basin, then this was scaled up by using the reported global
potential extinction risks at current levels of exploitation. Based longline effort, estimated at 1.4 billion hooks for the year 2000 [16].
on this review, possible management solutions for conserving and Global effort and catch rate data were not available for other fishing
rebuilding shark populations are discussed. The authors intend to gears that catch sharks (e.g. gillnet, purse-seine, troll, and trawl).
provide critical baseline information for the further development Hence it was assumed that the proportion of longline shark catch in
of national and international action plans that help ensure the the total global shark catch would be the same as the proportion of
conservation of sharks and their relatives. large pelagic sharks in the total reported catch, which averaged at
52%. This assumption is based on the rationale that more than 80%
2. Methods of pelagic sharks caught every year are estimated to be caught on
longlines [17]. Furthermore, the proportion of sharks that are finned
Available information to estimate total shark fishing mortality, before being discarded was estimated, along with the proportion of
including reported landings, dead discards, and illegal, unregulated sharks that die post-release from other injuries, by compiling and
and unreported (IUU) landings were compiled for this paper. Caught averaging estimates of shark finning and post-release mortality
sharks are either landed (reported or IUU) or discarded (alive or from peer-reviewed published sources.
dead). Discarded sharks that are finned suffer 100% mortality, and Furthermore, an average global exploitation rate for sharks was
those that are not finned suffer a lower post-release mortality [12]. estimated. The exploitation rate is commonly defined as the total
These components (reported and IUU landings, dead discards) are catch divided by the total biomass. Only one published estimate of
estimated here from published data. In some cases it was necessary total biomass was available, which amounts to 86.3 Mt for all
to convert shark numbers to weights or vice versa. To this end elasmobranchs (sharks, rays, skates) combined [18]. It was assumed
published estimates of average shark weights for species belonging that half of this biomass (43.2 Mt) is comprised of sharks. The
to four major species groups were extracted from the available peer- rationale for this assumption is that about half of all elasmobranch
reviewed literature: pelagic (e.g. Prionace glauca, Isurus oxyrinchus), species are sharks and about half of the reported elasmobranch
large coastal (e.g. Galeocerdo cuvier, Carcharhinus leucas), small landings by weight are sharks. The overall biomass estimate was
coastal (e.g. Squalidae, Squatina spp.), and deep water sharks (e.g. derived by macro-ecological scaling laws, and as such represents
Centrophorus granulosus, Apristurus profundorum). Published weights unexploited biomass which does not account for the effects of fishing
from each study were averaged by species group in each study (e.g. (methodological details can be found in [18]). Here, it was assumed
all pelagic species weights were combined into one estimate), and that half of the original biomass has been depleted due to fishing
then the median weight was computed across studies. (21.6 Mt). The rationale for this number is that exploited fish stocks
Reported catches were derived from the ‘Fishstat’ FAO online globally are estimated to be at  30%–45% of their original biomass
landings database [13]. FAO results were also compared with the [19], and 50% is therefore a conservative assumption for a highly
‘Sea Around Us Project’ (SAUP) database at the University of British exploited group, where many populations have declined 80% or more
Columbia, which is based on the FAO data and additional sources [20]. The resulting estimate of global shark biomass (21.6 Mt) was
[14]. Since results were similar (o10% difference in catches), and used as a basis for estimating global exploitation rate.
temporal coverage was more complete (1950–2010) for the FAO Two more independent estimates of exploitation rate were
data, the latter was used for analysis. Chondrichthyan catches computed here. Published estimates of instantaneous fishing
included the following categories: large coastal and pelagic sharks, mortality (F) for assessed shark populations were extracted from
small coastal sharks, deep-water sharks, undifferentiated sharks, the global RAM Legacy database of stock assessments [21] and
rays and chimaeras (mixed group), rays, skates, chimaeras (separate other peer-reviewed sources. These estimates were converted to
groups) and undifferentiated skates and rays. To estimate the total exploitation rates (U) as follows:
take of sharks, the proportion of sharks relative to other chon-
U ¼ 1expðF Þ, ð1Þ
drichthyan catch from the differentiated groups was determined,
and it was assumed that it was the same as in the undifferentiated and then averaged across all populations. The second indepen-
(mixed species) group. Global trade data for shark fins were dent estimate of exploitation rate was derived by using the
extracted and summarized from the same data base. For regional published median estimate of total shark catches for the fin trade,
comparison, we also analyzed trade data from the Government of or 1.7 Mt [9], and dividing this by the total biomass estimate
196 B. Worm et al. / Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204

derived above. Note that this procedure is again conservative. It Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras) have comprised
assumes that all shark mortality arises from the fin trade, and no between 1% and 2% of the total landings (Fig. 1A, average propor-
extra mortality occurs. tion of 1.2%). Sharks made up about half of the total Chondrichthyes
Finally, observed exploitation rates in individual fisheries were landings over that time frame (Fig. 1B). Both shark and total
compared here against the intrinsic rebound potential of Chondrichthyes landings have risen sharply from 1950s to the late
exploited shark populations. The rebound potential represents 1990s, and have since declined slightly (Fig. 1B). Over this time
the maximum rate of increase (r) of a population given its life frame, shark landings have increased 3.4-fold from 120,677 t in
history characteristics (average annual fecundity of females, 1950 to 414,345 t in 1997, and since then have declined by 7.5% to
maturity age, maximum age, natural mortality rate), and hence 383,236 t in 2010. By comparison, the reported landings of skates,
its ability to withstand fishing or recover from excessive fishing rays, and chimaeras increased 3.6-fold over the same period,
mortality under ideal environmental conditions. Estimates of r for peaking at 556,470 t in 2003, but since declined by 26.5% to
individual shark species were obtained from Smith et al. [22] or 353,549 t in 2010. As such, Chondrichthyes landings showed a
calculated using the methods outlined in Smith et al. for 62 shark trajectory that is similar to global fish landings, which experienced
species where adequate life history data existed. The proportion a steady increase from 1950s to 1990s followed by a slow decline
of shark populations where the realized rate of fishing mortality (Fig. 1A); however, Chondrichthyes displayed a later peak than
exceeded its rebound potential was calculated from these data. global landings, and a sharper decline since that peak (Fig. 1B).
Those species where the exploitation rate exceeded the rebound Regionally, from the 1990s until the present day, reported
rate were deemed at risk of further depletion and extinction. landings of sharks and their relatives have remained approxi-
mately stable in Europe, the Americas and Oceania, while they
have increased in Africa, and fallen in Asia, which on average
3. Results accounted for 52% of Chondrichthyes landings worldwide (Fig. 1C).
While reported landings have generally been stable or declining,
Each year, global landings of sharks and other fisheries resource the trade volume of shark fins appears to have sharply increased
species are reported by fishing states to the FAO (Fig. 1). Since 1950, since the late 1980s. No apparent evidence was found of a decline


60,000,000 Chondrichthyans Asia

Other fish 20,000 Americas


1,000,000 30,000

Rays, Skates, and Chimaeras Asia
Landings (tons)

Sharks 20,000
600,000 Americas
400,000 Oceania

0 0

1,000,000 14,000
800,000 Europe
Asia 10,000
600,000 Americas
400,000 6,000

0 0
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Fig. 1. Global landings trends. (A) Reported landings of wild-caught bony fish and Chondrichthyes, as derived from FAO landings data. (B) Reported FAO landings of sharks
versus other Chondrichthyes (rays, skates and chimaeras). (C) Reported landings of Chondrichthyes by region. (D) Trade in shark fin imports and (E) exports as reported by
FAO. (F) Trade data for shark fin imports to Hong Kong as reported by the Government of Hong Kong Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries.
B. Worm et al. / Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204 197

Year 2000 Total Shark Catch:1,638,000

Landed: 503,000 Discarded: 1,135,000

FAO: 392,000 IUU: 111, 000 Finned: 908,000 Alive : 227,000

Died post - release: 34,000 Lived post - release: 193,000


Fig. 2. Estimating global shark mortality for the year 2000. Included are reported (from FAO) and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) landings as well as shark
discards. Total mortality was calculated as the total catch minus the number of sharks which survived discarding. All figures were rounded to nearest 1000 metric tons.

in shark fin imports (Fig. 1D) or exports (Fig. 1E) following the mortality are in the order of 15% or higher [12,23]. Thus it was
establishment of finning bans in the mid-1990s. This observation assumed here, that 15% of released (non-finned) sharks died from
appears corroborated by the lack of a downward trend in trade fishing-related injuries (34,000 t) and 85% survived (193,000 t).
data for shark fins imported into the major Hong Kong market Combining reported and unreported catches, as well as dead or
(Fig. 1F). Thus finning regulations do not appear to have reduced moribund discards, the total fishing mortality for sharks in 2000
the volume of fins traded in global or regional markets. According was estimated here at 1,445,000 t (Fig. 2). Out of this, 1,409,000 t
to FAO commodity figures, the total import value of shark fin of landed catch plus finned discards were available to supply the
products ranged from about USD 20 million in 1976 to a high of fin trade. This is close to the independently derived median
USD 455 million in 2000, and has since fluctuated between USD estimate for the 2000 shark fin trade of 1,700,000 t [9].
306 and 419 million. Using the average shark weights given in Table 2, these masses
Our estimates of total shark catches for the year 2000 including were converted into numbers of sharks. Using the median estimate of
reported and unreported landings and discards are provided in 20.8 kg for all sharks (Table 2), it was here calculated that the total
Fig. 2. Reported landings from the FAO database totaled 392,226 t mortality of 1,445,000 t translates into 69,471,000 shark individuals.
in that year. Global illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) However, accounting for the fact that the species composition of the
catches (excluding discards and artisanal catches) were estimated FAO catch is partly known (in 2000: 82,582 t small coastal species,
to average 18.5 Mt for the year 2000 [15]. It was assumed that 111,858 t large pelagic, 5004 t deepwater species, and 182,782 t
similar to the reported catches Chondrichthyes also made up 1.2% of unidentified) and that these groups have known average weights
IUU landings (222,000 t), and sharks made up half of that, or (see Table 2, and assuming 20.8 kg for unidentified species), it was
111,000 t. Hence, total shark landings (reported plus estimated calculated that at least 49,011,000 sharks comprised the FAO
unreported) in 2000 were estimated at about 503,000 t (Fig. 2). reported landings in 2000. Assuming 20.8 kg per shark for the
To account for discards, the average catch per unit of effort remaining catch (IUU and discarded dead sharks) a conservative
(CPUE) for sharks caught on pelagic longlines was estimated from a mortality estimate of 99,618,000 sharks in 2000 was computed. This
number of published sources (Table 1), which yielded average catch value is sensitive to our estimated average weights and species
rates of 16.5 (Pacific), 21.2 (Atlantic) and 4.3 (Indian Ocean) sharks composition of the shark catch derived from published data. For
caught per 1000 hooks. The global effort of longline fishing in the example, one might assume that the species composition of the FAO
year 2000 was estimated at 1.4 billion hooks [16] with 728 million species-identified catch also applies to the unidentified sharks
hooks set in the Pacific, 518 million in the Atlantic, and 154 million reported to FAO; this would yield 74,321,000 sharks in the FAO
in the Indian Ocean. Multiplied by the ocean-specific catch rates catch, and 124,928,000 sharks in total including IUU and discards. Or
(Table 1), these figures represent a longline shark catch of about one might assume the same species composition for the IUU catch;
23,656,000 individuals, or 852,000 t assuming 36 kg average weight under this scenario the total mortality estimate increases to 140
for pelagic sharks (Table 2). Pelagic sharks made up 52% of the million individuals. When assuming that both IUU and discards have
identified shark catch in the FAO data, as opposed to coastal and a catch species composition similar to the reported FAO catch, this
deepwater sharks (48% of identified catch). Hence it was assumed total estimate increases to 273 million sharks.
that the estimate derived above from pelagic longlines (852,000 t) It is unclear how these figures might have changed since 2000,
represents about 52% of the total catch. This raised the total catch given changes in finning legislation in several jurisdictions (e.g. USA,
estimate for all fishing gears to 1,638,000 t (Fig. 2). When the Canada, Europe, and Australia) and the recent establishment of
estimated landed catch (503,000 t) was subtracted, a global esti- shark sanctuaries in others (Palau, Maldives, Honduras, Bahamas,
mate of total shark discards (1,135,000 t) was derived. and Tokelau). From 2000 to 2010 the FAO landings of sharks
According to available data (Table 3) the average rate of shark declined only slightly (by 2.3%) to 383,236 t. Assuming that both
finning in 2000 was 80%. This high percentage was likely due to discards and IUU fishing declined by a similar fraction between 2000
the high demand for the fins, their high value, as well as the lack and 2010, one would estimate total mortality in 2010 at 1,412,000 t,
of effective finning regulations in most fishing areas. Thus it was or between 97 and 267 million sharks, depending on the chosen
estimated that 80%, or 908,000t of discarded sharks, were finned, scenario of species composition and average weights.
while the remainder (227,000 t) were released alive. A proportion Using the above estimates, combined with independent fig-
of the sharks that are released alive suffer post-release mortality ures, a total exploitation rate U (catches over biomass, in percent
due to injury and stress. Published estimates of post-release per year) for global shark populations was calculated (Table 4).
198 B. Worm et al. / Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204

Table 1
Observed catch per unit effort of sharks in longline fisheries.

Fishery Ocean Region Year CPUE Hooks Ref.

Swordfish Pacific Southeast 2001–2006 6.9 155,060 [37]

Swordfish Pacific Eastern Central 1994–2006 16.7 NA [38]
Swordfish and tuna Pacific Southeast 2004 3.6 72,090 [39]
Swordfish and sharks Pacific Northwest 2005 38.7 19,800 [40]
Swordfish and sharks Pacific Northwest 2005 91.1 28,800 [40]
Swordfish and sharks Pacific Northwest 2002–2003 47.8 36,480 [41]
Tuna Pacific Eastern Central 2006 2.6 180,000 [42]
Tuna Pacific Western Central 2005–2006 2.3 75,101 [43]
Tuna Pacific Southwest 1990–1998 7.5 12,725,046 [44]
Tuna Pacific Western Central 2005–2009 3.6 NA [45]
Tuna Pacific Western Central 2005–2008 1.2 95,150 [46]
Tuna Pacific Eastern Central 1994–2006 2.2 NA [38]
Tuna Pacific Eastern Central 2005–2006 3.4 2,773,427 [47]
Tuna and billfish Pacific Western Central 2005 3.3 44,100 [48]
Sharks Pacific Eastern Central 2004 25.2 15,200 [49]
Sharks Pacific Eastern Central 2005–2006 60.0 18,800 [50]
Mahimahi, tuna, billfish and sharks Pacific Eastern Central 2007 10.6 43,424 [51]
Mahimahi, tuna and sailfish Pacific Eastern Central 1999–2008 4.6 1,974,700 [52]
Mahimahi Pacific Eastern Central 2004–2006 10.6 33,876 [53]
Bigeye tuna Pacific Western Central 2005–2006 4.4 62,464 [54]
Tuna and billfish Pacific Central 1990–1999 7.8 10,944,000 [55]
Average Pacific 16.5

Swordfish Atlantic Southwest 2003–2004 7.2 16,624 [56]

Swordfish Atlantic Northwest 2002 31.3 427,312 [57]
Swordfish Atlantic Southeast 2000–2005 23.3 447,000 [58]
Swordfish Atlantic Western Central 1992–2000 11.1 413,873 [59]
Swordfish Atlantic Southeast 1998–2005 2.9 880,000 [60]
Swordfish and tuna Atlantic Northwest 2001–2006 18.3 624,854 [61]
Swordfish and tuna Atlantic Western Central 2003–2004 5.7 30,600 [62]
Swordfish and tuna Atlantic Western Central 1992–2003 10.8 NA [63]
Swordfish and tuna Atlantic Mediterranean 1998–1999 0.5 1,582,000 [64]
Swordfish and sharks Atlantic Northeast 2000–2003 32.5 267,109 [65]
Swordfish and sharks Atlantic Northeast 2000 14.4 139,500 [66]
Swordfish, tuna and sharks Atlantic Southwest 2004–2008 26.7 145,828 [67]
Swordfish, tuna and sharks Atlantic Southeast 2000–2005 85.3 8,829,000 [58]
Tuna Atlantic Southwest 2006–2007 17.2 7800 [68]
Tuna Atlantic Southeast 2000–2005 12.4 71,800 [58]
Tuna Atlantic Southeast 1998–2005 15.3 3,520,000 [60]
Tuna Atlantic Atlantic 1995–2003 3.4 4,318,119 [69]
Tuna Atlantic Eastern Central 2007–2008 2.8 226,848 [70]
Tuna and billfish Atlantic Northwest 1990–1999 30.6 1,116,000 [55]
Tuna and billfish Atlantic Southwest 2006–2007 2.5 50,170 [71]
Sharks Atlantic Northwest 1991–1992 23.6 17,526 [72]
Black scabbardfish Atlantic Eastern Central 2009 88.1 4700 [73]
Average Atlantic 21.2

Swordfish and tuna Indian Eastern NA 3.9 6226 [74]

Swordfish and tuna Indian Western 2004–2006 3.6 29,449 [75]
Swordfish and tuna Indian Western 2009–2010 11.8 14,112 [76]
Swordfish, tuna and sharks Indian Eastern 2004 4.9 3871 [77]
Tuna Indian Indian 2004–2008 0.6 14,121,000 [78]
Tuna Indian Eastern 2003–2011 2.3 522,992 [79]
Tuna Indian Eastern 2005–2011 5.9 38,333 [80]
Tuna Indian Eastern 2011 1.2 8375 [81]
Tuna Indian East-West 2000–2006 4.9 2,476,148 [82]
Average Indian 4.3

The global biomass of elasmobranchs before the era of modern derived. These three estimates are remarkably similar, considering
fishing was estimated by Jennings et al. [18] as 86,260,000 t. that they were derived by entirely independent sources using
Assuming that half of these elasmobranchs are sharks, a biomass different assumptions.
before fishing of 43,130,000 t of sharks was estimated. Conserva- Comparing actual exploitation rates (Table 5; Fig. 3A) to
tively assuming 50% depletion of sharks over the history of modern calculated rebound rates of shark populations in general
fishing, a contemporary biomass estimate of 21,565,000 t of sharks (Fig. 3B), and individual shark populations for which exploitation
was derived. Total mortality was estimated to be 1,445,000 t in rates were estimated in particular (Fig. 3C), it was found that
2000 (Fig. 2), which when divided by total biomass, yields an exploitation rates (Fig. 3A, Median U ¼0.064) on average exceed
estimated exploitation rate of 6.7% per year (Table 4). Using an the median rebound rates (Fig. 3B, Median r ¼0.049) by about
alternative mortality estimate of 1,700,000 t, a figure that was 30%, which is unsustainable over the long term. Notably, the
independently derived from the fin trade [9], an annual exploitation rebound rates for most species were significantly below the three
rate of 7.9% was computed. Averaging across actual exploitation independent estimates of exploitation rates derived in this paper
rates from published stock assessments and other sources given in (Table 4). This suggests that the majority of shark populations will
Table 5, an independent estimate of 6.4% exploitation rate was continue to decline under current fishing pressure (Fig. 3C).
B. Worm et al. / Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204 199

Table 2 When accounting for the average weight of different species

Average shark weights. groups, a minimum estimate of 49 million sharks can be derived
from the FAO landings data. Yet this does not account for
Species Species Region Year Weight Ref.
group (kg) unreported and illegal catches. If we estimate an average rate of
illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing, we arrive at a
Large Coastal 2 NE Atlantic 1992–1999 34.0 [83] total of 63 million sharks per year for the year 2000. This
Large Coastal 10 North and South 2008 58.6 [84] minimum estimate of global shark mortality changes only slightly
Large Coastal 2 SW Atlantic 2007–2008 85.0 [70]
from 2000 to 2010 (61 million sharks) as reported shark landings
Large Castal 5 SW Indian Ocean 1984–2006 46.2 [82] remained near-constant over the decade. This number is also
Large Coastal 11 NW Atlantic 2004 26.5 [85] similar to the upper estimate of shark mortality from the fin trade
Median 46.2 of 73 million individuals [9].
Pelagic 3 Mediterranean 1998–2001 23.0 [64], The abovementioned minimum estimate of shark mortality
Pelagic 2 North Pacific 1970–1992 17.0 [86], does not include discards and artisanal fishing since these sources
Pelagic 1 South Pacific 1988–1990 8.0 [87], of mortality are not accounted for in the FAO and IUU data. In the
Pelagic 6 NW Atlantic 1986–2000 34.0 [88],
Pelagic 3 North and South 1994–2003 38.0 [89],
present paper these numbers are estimated for the first time.
Atlantic While the total catch rate of sharks in global longline fisheries
Pelagic 3 NW Atlantic 1961–1989 78.0 [90], could be well estimated from published data, data of similar
Pelagic 9 North and South 2008 76.0 [84], quality for other fishing gear types that catch sharks, such as
purse seines, gillnets, and trawls, were not available. Hence it was
Pelagic 4 SW Atlantic 2007–2008 42.0 [70],
estimated here (from the FAO data) that about 52% of sharks are
Median 36.0 caught by longlines, with the remaining 48% caught by all other
Small Coastal 1 SW Atlantic 2005 1.0 [91]
Small Coastal 6 North Aegean Sea 2005–2008 8.0 [92]
types of gear combined. This likely underestimates the catches of
Small Coastal 4 NE Atlantic 1992–1999 2.3 [83] sharks in other fishing gear; trawls for example can catch very
Small Coastal 3 SW Indian Ocean 1984–2006 15.0 [82] large numbers of small coastal sharks, most of which are dis-
Small Coastal 3 NW/SW Atlantic 1993–2005 2.0 [93] carded [7]. Hence the estimate for total mortality including
Median 2.3 discards is still likely conservative at 100 million sharks in 2000.
Deep-water 2 NE Atlantic 1993–2000 2.6 [94] These calculations carry uncertainties and should be inter-
Deep-water 4 North Aegean Sea 2005–2008 11.4 [92]
preted with some caution. The number of dead sharks, for
Deep-water 4 NE Atlantic 1999 5.6 [95]
Deep-water 2 SW Atlantic 2007–2008 3.0 [70]
example, is sensitive to the assumed percentage of small coastal
Deep-water 14 NE Atlantic 1984–1997 9.0 [96] sharks in the catch. If it is assumed that these are represented in
Median 5.6 the total catch (including discards) with the same proportion as in
Overall 20.8 the reported and species-identified catch, the total mortality
Median estimate increases to 273 million sharks, which represents an
upper limit of shark mortality estimated here. Another uncertain
value is the shark mortality from artisanal and recreational
Table 3 fishing, which is only partially accounted for in this analysis, a
Published estimates for the proportion of sharks that are finned in various fact that again renders the estimate of 100-million sharks killed
fisheries around the world. annually conservative.
Finally, the proportion of sharks that are killed for their fins is
Fishery Flag % Finned Comments Ref.
well known for the early 2000s (Table 3). However a number of
Swordfish USA (Hawaii) 65.0 Pre-regulations [38] regions now have anti-finning legislation that may reduce the
(2002) incidence of finning and discarding of carcasses, and hence
Swordfish Italy 0.0 No market [38] possibly reduce the mortality of sharks. Yet, despite these
Tuna and Swordfish South Africa 100.0 Pre-regulations [38]
legislative changes there is presently no apparent sign of leveling
Tuna USA (Hawaii) 76.0 Pre-regulations [38] off in the global fin trade (Fig. 1D–F). Nor is there much of a
(2002) decline in the reported global catches of sharks (Fig. 1B).
Tuna Fiji 84.0 [38] Several explanations may account for these observations of
Tuna New Zealand 83.8 [44]
near-stable catches and fin trade volume. First, fishing effort likely
Tuna China, Micronesia 96.8 [45]
Tuna Unknown 67.8 [97]
has been geographically displaced over the last decade as the
primary fishing grounds supplying the fin trade in the 1990s and
Median 79.9
early 2000s became increasingly depleted or regulated. Addition-
ally, catch levels may have experienced a certain amount of
resiliency if fishers started using other, lower-value species or
4. Discussion smaller individuals that were previously discarded. The species
composition of the fin trade has not been assessed for more than a
The primary goal of this paper was to estimate total catch and decade [9], hence this should become a research priority. Further,
fishing-related mortality for sharks worldwide, and to derive an the apparent failure of anti-finning laws to curb global mortality
average exploitation rate from these estimates (Table 4). Due to may indicate that these laws have yet to be adequately enforced
the limited availability of data, particularly for shark discards, this [24]. On the other hand, anti-finning laws primarily address
work required a number of assumptions, as detailed above. Yet it animal welfare and food security issues (i.e. to reduce waste).
allows placement of lower and upper limits on global shark Although an important first step, these policies are not explicitly
mortality, here estimated to range from 63 to 273 million sharks, designed to reduce catch or ensure sustainability. The premise
with a conservative estimate of  100 million sharks in the year that anti-finning legislation would contribute to sustainable fish-
2000, or  97 million in 2010. eries rests on the assumption that most fishermen target sharks
At the lower end, one might unrealistically assume that for their fins only, and would refrain from targeting sharks
landings reported to the FAO represent all shark mortalities. if they had to retain the carcass. This assumption is weak. Many
200 B. Worm et al. / Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204

Table 4
Summary statistics for the exploitation of global shark populations.

Measure Year Estimate Unit Comments Ref.

All Elasmobranchs 2000 894,802 tons Reported catch only [13]
Sharks 2000 392,226 tons Reported catch only This study
Sharks 2000 38,000,000 Individuals Fin trade only (median estimate) [9]
Sharks 2000 1,700,000 tons Fin trade only (median estimate) [9]
Sharks 2000 99,617,577 Individuals All sharks, total mortality This study
Sharks 2000 1,444,847 tons All sharks, total mortality This study

Biomass and abundance

Elasmobranch biomass NA 86,260,000 tons Sharks and rays, before fishing [18]
Shark biomass NA 43,130,000 tons Assuming 50% sharks This study
Shark biomass 2000 21,565,000 tons Assuming 50% depletion by 2000 This study
Shark abundance 2000 1,036,778,846 Individuals Assuming 20.8 kg/shark This study

Exploitation rate
Shark exploitation rate 2000 6.7 Percent/yr Based on total biomass This study
Shark exploitation rate 2000 7.9 Percent/yr Based on fin trade statistics [9]
Shark exploitation rate 2000 6.4 Percent/yr Based on assessments This study

Table 5 8
Published values of instantaneous fishing mortality (F) and exploitation rate (U) 7 n = 21
for assessed shark populations.
Species name Common Name F U Ref. 5
Rhizoprionodon terraenovae Atlantic sharpnose 0.460 0.369 [98]
Squalus acanthias Spiny dogfish 0.206 0.186 [21] 3
Carcharhinus porosus Smalltail 0.193 0.176 [99]
Sphyrna tiburo Bonnethead 0.187 0.171 [21]
Sphyrna lewini Scalloped Hammerhead 0.160 0.148 [100] 1
Prionace glauca Blue 0.160 0.148 [101] 0
Alopias pelagicus Pelagic thresher 0.150 0.139 [102]










Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar 0.130 0.122 [103]










Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar 0.123 0.116 [21]
Exploitation rate
Lamna nasus Porbeagle 0.090 0.086 [104]
Isurus oxyrinchus Shortfin mako 0.066 0.064 [105]
Triakis semifasciata Leopard 0.061 0.059 [106] 30
Number of populations

Lamna nasus Porbeagle 0.056 0.054 [104] n = 62

Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky 0.053 0.052 [107] 25
Prionace glauca Blue 0.047 0.046 [101]
Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip 0.041 0.04 [21]
Carcharhinus acronotus Blacknose 0.031 0.031 [21]
Isurus oxyrinchus Shortfin mako 0.028 0.028 [108]
Prionace glauca Blue 0.020 0.02 [108] 10
Carcharhinus limbatus Blacktip 0.003 0.002 [21]
Carcharhinus isodon Finetooth 0.001 0.001 [21] 5
Median 0.066 0.064



















countries consume shark meat [25] and fishermen opt to land Rebound rate
whole sharks, even if the meat is not as valuable as the fins.
Several at-risk shark species are generally kept rather than being 8
finned in certain pelagic fisheries where freezer space is limited 7 n = 21
[24]. 6
It is not surprising that anti-finning measures have been
introduced widely given the intense public pressure that arose,
especially since anti-finning laws are more palatable to industry
than stringent catch reductions when local markets for the meat 3
exist. In contrast, the monitoring, assessment and enforcement 2
capacity required to sustainably manage shark fisheries is often 1
perceived by regulatory agencies as being prohibitively costly 0
relative to the simple adoption of anti-finning legislation. Regard-













less, some nations have recently invested in sustainable shark














fisheries management, introducing catch limits, effort control, Realized growth rate
time-area closures, and other protective measures for the most
vulnerable species. In some cases, such local measures appear to Fig. 3. Exploitation rates versus rebound potential of shark populations.
(A) Exploitation rates of 21 assessed populations (in % of biomass exploited per
have been successful in halting declines [8]. The findings reported year). (B) Maximum potential rebound rate (% increase per year) of 62 species
here highlight the fact that shark conservation policies generally with available data. (C) Realized growth rates calculated by subtracting exploita-
need to focus on sustainability, as there is no evidence that a tion rate from the maximum rebound potential (declining populations are o1.00).
B. Worm et al. / Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204 201

Table 6 an International Plan of Action for Sharks (IPOA-Sharks), a voluntary

IUCN extinction risk status of global shark populations (CR¼ critically endangered, policy instrument within the framework of the Code of Conduct for
EN¼ endangered, EN ¼endangered, VU¼vulnerable, LC¼ least concern, DD¼data
Responsible Fisheries [10]. Although all concerned states are
encouraged to implement it, progress at the national level has been
Order CR EN VU NT LC DD ALL slow [11], and concerns over the possible extinction of vulnerable
species are mounting [2,3,31]. In a recent paper [29], evidence for
Carcharhiniformes 7 10 21 38 67 120 263 the rebuilding of depleted elasmobranch populations under man-
Heterodontiformes 0 0 0 0 4 5 9
Hexanchiformes 0 0 0 3 0 2 5
agement was evaluated and these authors found little general
Lamniformes 0 0 10 1 2 2 15 support as of yet that rebuilding was occurring [32].
Pristioforiformes 0 0 0 1 3 2 6 At the same time it appears that the demand for shark fins
Orectolobiformes 0 0 7 11 8 12 38 remains high (Fig. 1D–F), and there is a general concern that
Squaiformes 1 0 6 13 35 63 118
localized protective measures just displace the problem into less
Squatiniformes 3 4 4 1 2 5 19
regulated areas, including many developing countries and the
Total species 11 14 48 68 121 211 473 high seas [19]. Existing finning bans are an important first
Percentage of assessed 2.3 3.0 10.1 14.4 25.6 44.6 100 step, but they may be ineffective at reducing overall shark
Percent of non-DD 4.2 5.3 18.3 26.0 46.2 NA NA mortality, as there is no evidence that global shark catch or shark
fin trade is declining. Given the failure to effectively reduce the
unsustainable mortality of sharks on a global scale, there appears
a need for a more binding international agreement on the
legislative focus on anti-finning has reduced global landings and protection of sharks. This could be similar to what has been done
shark mortality rates. for the global conservation of whales through the establishment
From a legislative perspective, an important question to of the International Whaling Commission [5]. In that case, a
consider is what proportion of shark species may be at risk from globally threatened group of large marine animals was effectively
extinction? According to the International Union for the Conser- saved from extinction by imposing stringent global catch regula-
vation of Nature (IUCN) Shark Specialist Group, 28% of assessed tions, and ultimately a global moratorium on commercial
and non-data deficient shark species are globally at risk of whaling.
extinction, i.e. classed as vulnerable, endangered or critically If the goal was to at least partially rebuild depleted shark
endangered (Table 6). A small number of these species are now populations worldwide, what actions would be required? Caddy
receiving protection through national and international agree- and Agnew [33] and Worm et al. [34] have discussed manage-
ments. The white shark, whale shark, and basking shark, for ment options that exist for rebuilding fish populations, and
example, are protected under the Convention on International analyzed the empirical evidence for successful recovery; Ward-
Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Paige et al. [32] recently reviewed the same issue for sharks.
From the analyses presented here, a larger proportion of species These authors concluded that rebuilding depleted stocks is
appear to be at risk. According to available assessments, 48% of demonstrably possible, and occurs where a number of manage-
exploited shark populations were fished above their rebound rate, ment instruments are combined to reduce mortality to an appro-
and 68% of species had rebound rates that were below the median priately low level [32–34]. This level depends both on the status
global exploitation rate (6.7%). While these are rough general- of the stock, and its productivity, or rebound potential [33]. As
izations based on global averages, it is here noted that the IUCN most shark populations have low productivity compared to other
Specialist group results (Table 6) seem conservative, when com- fish stocks, and stock status is typically poor or unknown, the case
pared to an analysis of exploitation rates (Fig. 3). Note that the for ensuring a large decrease in catches and the establishment of a
actual status of individual species varies by region, and is moratorium on fishing appears strong [32,33]. In the absence of a
influenced by local regulations, targeting practices, and effort complete moratorium, the rebuilding of depleted shark popula-
allocation (e.g. [8]). tions requires very stringent controls on exploitation rates, the
Beyond these species-level risks, there are concerns about the enforcement of appropriately low mortality rates, the protection
potential ecosystem consequences of depleting shark populations. of critical habitats, monitoring, and education [32]. Such controls
Fortunately, there are a growing number of empirical studies that have been implemented with some success in parts of the United
address the ecological consequences of declines in shark popula- States, for example [8], but would be more difficult to enforce
tions, which vary across taxa and ecosystems [1,6]. Time series data elsewhere [15,19,35]. Given that the costs of these measures can
suggest that wider community rearrangements often follow be considerable and are currently carried by tax payers in shark
declines in shark populations [1] and that the removal of large- fishing nations, some of this burden could be shifted to the shark
bodied coastal sharks that prey upon other large-bodied taxa are fishing and fin export industries. Shark fins are a luxury product
likely to have cascading consequences for highly productive coastal [25], which means that demand is unlikely to be curbed by
ecosystems that support other fisheries [6,26]. Lower impacts of modest price increases. Thus, imposing taxes on the export or
shark removals have been predicted by models for some small import of shark fins will generate income that could be directed
coastal species [27] and pelagic sharks, which may fill similar to these domestic shark fisheries management efforts.
niches to billfish and tuna [28]. More broadly, however, across Another option is to focus on the most vulnerable species,
multiple environments on land, in lakes, rivers, and in the sea, the particularly those that are heavily affected by the global fin trade.
removal of large-bodied predators is commonly associated with CITES currently protects three of the most charismatic species, the
large-scale changes in ecosystems [29]. Therefore, a precautionary whale, basking, and white sharks. These species are well-known
approach should apply to shark management. The loss, especially of and support large dive and ecotourism industries [36] hence there
larger apex predators, could and has led to unexpected disruptions is also an economic incentive for their protection. Many other
of ecosystems and non-shark fisheries [30]. species, however, are of similar conservation concern [3], yet their
Given the results of this paper, and much previous work on the attempted listing under CITES has so far failed due to opposition
vulnerability of sharks to overfishing, it is imperative that robust from shark-fishing and -consuming countries. In any case, trade
strategies for shark management and conservation be designed. bans for the most depleted species need to be combined with
This was formally recognized by the FAO in 1999, when it published scientifically-based catch limits, and appropriately-sized
202 B. Worm et al. / Marine Policy 40 (2013) 194–204

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