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Point Lookout

Name Explored Note: Locations in italics are unmarked.

Ark & Dove Cathedral (wiki)
Ark & Dove Resting Grounds (wiki)
Beachview Campsite (wiki)
Blackhall Manor (wiki)
Calvert Mansion (wiki)
Chinese Intelligence bunker
(Calvert Mansion) (wiki)
Coastal Grotto (wiki)
Covered bridge (wiki)
Disaster Relief Outpost (wiki)
Dove Delta (wiki)
Excavated muck holes
("An Antique Land" quest) (wiki)
Flooded Sinkhole (wiki)
Grower's Shack (wiki)
Haley's Hardware (wiki)
Herzog Mine (wiki)
Homestead Motel (wiki)
House of Wares (wiki)
Jet Crash Site (wiki)
Kenny's Cave (wiki)
Lil' Tyke Playhouse (wiki)
Marguerite's Shack (wiki)
Naval recruiting center (wiki)
Ofie Clan Plot (wiki)
People's Bank of Point Lookout (wiki)
Pilgrim's Landing (wiki)
Point Lookout Lighthouse (wiki)
Point Lookout Pier (wiki)
Ritual Site (wiki)
Ruzka's lair (wiki)
Sacred Bog Entrance (wiki)
Smuggler's shack
(Point Lookout Lighthouse) (wiki)
Sub Recovery Site (wiki)
Trapper's Shack (wiki)
Trash Heap (wiki)
Truck Wreckage (wiki)
Turtledove Detention Camp (wiki)
St. Aubin medical facility
(Point Lookout Lighthouse) (wiki)
USS Ozymandias (wiki)
Warehouse (wiki)
Wrecked Seatub (wiki)

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Point Lookout

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Point Lookout


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Point Lookout

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Point Lookout

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Point Lookout

Page 6
Random Encounters

Title Type Locations
Regulator Hit Squad repeatable A& B
Talon Company Hit Squad repeatable A& B

Title Type Locations

Amata's Fate unique A

Angry Ghouls repeatable A

Attack of the Fire Ants repeatable B
Big Caps in Big Town unique A

Big Loot in Big Town unique A

Bragging Rights unique A

Escape from Grayditch unique B

Oasis Raiders repeatable A

Out of the Vault unique B

Quantum Sales Pitch repeatable A

Superhuman Signature unique A

Survival Guide Review repeatable A

The Lone Ranger unique B

The Oasis Merchant unique A

Trapped Outside repeatable A

Vengeance for Megaton unique A

Watch Your Back unique A
Wrath of the AntAgonizer repeatable B

Title Type Locations

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Random Encounters

Going Camping unique B

Hunting Party repeatable A& B
Hunting the Most Delicious
unique B
Flesh of All
Locked and Unloaded unique A
Rifle Man unique A
Selling the Most Delicious
unique B
Flesh of All
Still Hunting the Most
repeatable B
Delicious Flesh of All

The Human Bomb repeatable B

Title Type Locations

A Little Competition repeatable A
Kill the Slaver repeatable A
Escaped Slaves repeatable B
Escaping Slaves repeatable B
Looking for the Temple of
repeatable B
the Union
Slavers Escort repeatable B

Scavengers and Wastelanders

Title Type Locations
A Broken Robot unique A
Dead Guy, Fat Man repeatable A
Deathclaw Chase unique A
Dying of Thirst unique A
Eyebot Spectators repeatable A

Ghoul-Friends repeatable A

Mauled by Mole Rats repeatable A

Minefield Dismantling unique A
repeatable /
More Than Just Scrap A
One Fine Ride repeatable B
Radscorpion Guarding
unique A
Radscorpions vs
repeatable A
Raiders vs Scavenger repeatable B

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Random Encounters

Raiders vs Wastelanders repeatable B

Robot Scavenging repeatable A

Wandering Scavenger repeatable B

Wasteland Chem Dealer repeatable A
Wasteland Merchant repeatable A
Wasteland Sawbones repeatable A
Water, Water, Nowhere unique A

Brotherhood Outcasts, Enclave, and Talon Company

Title Type Locations
Brotherhood Outcast Patrol
repeatable B
(unique characters)
Brotherhood Outcast Patrol repeatable B
Brotherhood Outcast Patrol
repeatable B
vs Raiders
Enclave vs Brotherhood
repeatable B
Brotherhood Outcast Patrol
repeatable B
vs Deathclaws
Enclave Eyebot Early
repeatable B
Warning System
Enclave vs Talon Company repeatable B
Enclave Patrol repeatable B
Talon Company Patrol repeatable B
Talon Company Patrol 2 repeatable B
Vertibird Drop-Off repeatable B

Title Type Locations

Super Mutant Captives repeatable A

Super Mutant vs
repeatable B

The Super Mutant

repeatable B

Title Type Locations

Ants vs Radscorpion repeatable A

Page 9
Random Encounters

Attack of the Ant Giant! repeatable A

Brahmin Herd repeatable B
Down, Boy! repeatable A
Here, Doggie, Doggie repeatable B
Mad Brahmin Rampage unique B

Radroach Scavengers repeatable A

Wounded Deathclaw unique A

Title Type Locations

Downed Chinese Pilot unique A

Frag Mines Found repeatable A

Raider Initiation repeatable A

Unidentified Flying Debris unique A

Page 10
Random Encounters

Description Found
Regulators attack if you are evil. "Bounty Notice" note on them.
Talon Company attack if you are good. "Private Contract" note on them.

Description Found
After "Trouble on the Homefront" (if you forced residents out of the vault): Amata is
questioned by Enclave soldiers. They will ask her where she obtained her Pip-Boy.
After she tells them the Officer will order the troops to open fire on her. You can save
her for no reward, and she will only say "this is all your fault".
After "Tenpenny Tower": Ghouls on their way to Tenpenny Tower to live there or take
revenge for Roy Phillips, depending on your actions. "Ghoul Note" on them.
While "Those!" is active: fire ants may attack you at random.
After "Big Trouble in Big Town" (if you saved town): Scavenger headed there to trade.
His dialogue depends on the option you chose to save the town.
After "Big Trouble in Big Town" (if you abandoned Big Town): Scavenger headed
there to loot the town because it was destroyed.
After "Stealing Independence" (if Sydney still alive and did not join the player or you
double-crossed her): Sydney and Emaline attack the player.
Before starting "Those!": Wastelander fleeing from Grayditch gives its location.
Before starting "Oasis": Wastelanders wearing merc outfits, planning to raid Oasis. If
you and ask them what they're discussing, they will reveal the location of Oasis and
turn hostile. If you act like it's none of your business, they'll just leave.
After "Trouble on the Homefront" (if you made Amata the overseer): Encounter Susie
Mack, who will tell you the Vault is doing fine and gives you purified water.
Before or during "The Nuka-Cola Challenge": Scavenger with a pack brahmin and
possibly a pet says he is headed to Girdershade. The scavenger offers to sell the player
a Nuka-Cola Quantum and provides the location of Girdershade.
After "The Superhuman Gambit" (if wearing superhero armor): A child will walk up to
you and ask for your autograph.
After "The Wasteland Survival Guide" (if Moira published the book): Wastelander
hunting a mole rat or mirelurk. Dialog differs depending on whether or not the player
completed all bonus objectives. If you say you helped with the book, they will respond
positively or negatively depending on its quality. If you say you never heard of the
guide, they will provide a copy. Can also kill them for a copy.
After "Reilly's Rangers" (if Donovan survived): Donovan fighting three super mutants.
Save him for a mini nuke.
Before starting "Oasis": Wasteland Merchant talks about the Great One. Then he dies.
Find the "Wasteland Merchant Note" on his body. May already be dead
After "Trouble on the Homefront" (if you drove the residents out of the vault): Find
the following former Vault 101 occupants dead (if they survived your visit): Freddie
Gomez, Pepper Gomez, Herman Gomez.
After "The Power of the Atom" (if bomb detonated): Megaton Refugees attack.
After "The Power of the Atom" (if bomb disarmed): Mr. Burke's hitmen attack.
After "The Superhuman Gambit" (if AntAgonizer survived): AntAgonizer and ants
attacking wastelanders.

Hunters and Robbers

Description Found

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Random Encounters

Sam Warrick shooting at a wastelander. After which, he'll attack you.

Hunters attacking an ant, mole rat, vicious dog or yao guai. If they kill the prey, they
will take the meat from it. They will also sell meat.
Cannibal hunters hunting humans for meat.
Mel, who will demand caps and items from you. Very easy to deal with.
Laszlo Radford attacks you with a railway rifle if you have railway rifle schematics.
Cannibal hunters selling strange meat.
Hunters chasing and attacking a wastelander. Killing the hunters = +karma, and they
carry strange meat. These are the same hunters as in the unique encounter "Hunting the
Most Delicious Flesh of All."
Running wastelander tells you raiders have strapped a bomb to them. Talking to the
wastelander after this will allow you to attempt to disarm the bomb, but will only
succed with very high Explosives skill. Wastelander explodes after 10 seconds.
Raiders will be following the wastelander.

Slavers and Slaves

Description Found
Slavers attack because you made them look bad by capturing 3 or more slaves.
Wastelanders attack, calling you "slaver scum" for having captured slaves.
Slavers looking for escaped slaves. Lie = +karma. Forcing them to pay = attack.
Slavers with slaves trying to escape from them.
Escaped Slaves who have some dialog. If you know the location of the Temple of the
Union, you can tell them where it is for +karma, or lie to them for -karma.
Slavers with slaves. Freeing the Slaves (with high Science or Explosives skill) =
+karma, but makes slavers hostile.

Scavengers and Wastelanders

Description Found
Scavenger with malfunctioning Mister Handy. Repair it for 2 energy cells plus caps
(with speech check). Can convince the scavenger it was about to explode.
Dead scavenger with trader inventory items. Will have a rifle or big gun on him.
Wastelanders fleeing from a deathclaw with a crippled leg. After saving them, they can
give location of Rock Creek Caverns.
Ben Canning dying of thirst. Can give him purified or dirty water.
Two wastelanders discussing an eyebot that hovers around them.
Four ghoul wastelanders encountered around a burning barrel. They will tell you they
were trying to get to Underworld but couldn't make it because of super mutants. Can
get Underworld location from them.
Wastelander being chased by mole rats who will give small reward if saved.
Two wastelanders near frag mines; one will unsuccessfully try to disarm them.
Dead wastelander with one living and two dead vicious dogs nearby. Has the
Wastelander Note and John's Key, which opens an ammunition box in Scrapyard!
Scavenger (possibly with pet) heading towards a car which he then guards.
Group of wasteland wanderers trying to get water from a refrigerator guarded by a
giant radscorpion. Help the wanderers get to the water or take it.
Radscorpions attacking wastelander. If wastelander killed, radscorpions attack you.
Raiders attacking a scavenger with a robot buddy.

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Random Encounters

1-3 raiders attacking 1-3 Wasteland Settlers.

Scavenger and his/her pet (dog or yao guai) around a dead robot. He/she will tell you
to stay away from his/her loot and will attack if you persist.
Scavenger roaming the Wasteland with his/her pack brahmin and possibly a pet (dog,
robot, or yao guai). No unique dialogue, but can be traded with.
Wasteland Junkie who can sell you chems.
Scavenger in camp near a burning oil barrel. There is usually a pack brahmin and pet
(dog or yao guai). Has limited number of items and small cash reserves.
Wasteland Doctor provides medical services.
Two Wasteland Settlers and two Escaped Slaves fighting over a refrigerator of 10
purified water. Can convince them to share.

otherhood Outcasts, Enclave, and Talon Company

Description Found
Three Brotherhood Outcasts (or two Outcasts and a robot) patrolling.

Three Brotherhood Outcasts (or two Outcasts and a robot) patrolling.

Three Brotherhood Outcasts (or two Outcasts and a robot) fighting raiders.
Two or three Outcasts fighting three Enclave soldiers (or 2 Enclave soldiers and an
Enclave-controlled deathclaw).
A Brotherhood Outcast being chased by one or more deathclaws; two additional
Outcasts rush to aid the first Outcast.
Enclave eyebot on patrol. After The Waters of Life, attacking it may cause a VB-02
Vertibird to appear and investigate.
Three Enclave soldiers fighting four Talon Company mercs.
2-3 Enclave soldiers with 0-1 Enclave-controlled deathclaw.
3-5 Talon Company mercs on patrol. Occurs only if player's level is at least 8.
2-5 Talon Company mercs, depending on your level.
Vertibird landing, dropping off a combination of Enclave soldiers and/or sentry bots,
and then flying away. In certain areas, will repeat over and over again.

Super Mutants
Description Found
A group of super mutants has set up camp with a couple of captives. Occurs only at
"group A" locations in the vicinity of Germantown Police HQ and Vault 87.
Three wastelanders fighting a super mutant or centaur. If at least one survives, they'll
thank the player and hand over an item. Occurs only at "group B" locations in the
vicinity of Vault 87 or Germantown Police HQ.
Uncle Leo, a friendly super mutant. If you tell him you're going to rob him, he'll give
you a dirty pre-War businesswear as a present. If you attack him he'll run away instead
of fighting.

Creatures 'n' Critters

Description Found
A friendly giant radscorpion fighting 1-4 giant worker ants. It will become hostile if
you get too close to it. Dogmeat will attack it even while it is friendly.

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Random Encounters

One to four giant ants around a toxic barrel with one being bigger than the others.
2-5 brahmins.
A pack of dogs guarding a corpse.
A pack of vicious dogs on patrol.
Mad brahmin attack anyone in the vicinity. Animal Friend perk makes them friendly. If
not attacking you, they can be tipped like most brahmin.
2-7 radroaches around a dead wastelander. The wastelander is carrying lots of food.
Occurs only at night (between 20:00 and 05:00).
A wounded deathclaw stalking a wastelander. The wastelander carries schematics -
deathclaw gauntlet, and is dead when you get to him.

Description Found
You receive the signal of a Chinese Radio Beacon and find a dead Chinese commando
at the spawning point.
Five frag mines placed in a square shape, with one in the center. Initially they cannot
be disarmed but after fast traveling away and coming back you can disarm them.
Five raiders with four of them beating the fifth one (with baseball bats), who is in
undergarments. It seems to be an initiation. If you sneak up and listen closely, you will
hear what they are saying as they're beating the one without clothing.
Exploding UFO overhead, leaving Firelance and 24 alien power cells scattered on the

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Random Encounters

Yellow dots = A points, Red dots = B points (lines are patrol routes), Green dots = Outcast patrol spawn points

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Random Encounters

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Random Encounters

st patrol spawn points

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Random Encounters

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Location Base ID Found

The Capitol Building 0004baf4
Evergreen Mills 00028fed
GNR Building Plaza 0001f1f8
Jury Street Metro Station 00097f30
Takoma Park 0006d94f

Page 19
Best Weapons

Name Ammo Type Location

MEC Gauss Minigun 2mm EC Big Gun Super Mutants
Firelance Alien Power Cell Energy Weapon Random Encounter
Vengeance Electron Charge Big Gun Deathclaw Sanctuary
Precision Gatling Laser Electron Charge Big Gun Adams Air Force Base
Alien Blaster Alien Power Cell Energy Weapon Mothership Zeta
Eugene 5mm Big Gun Brick
Vindicator Minigun 4.7mm Big Gun National Guard Armory
Lewis MKII Machinegun .30-06 Small Gun Super Mutants
Minigun 5mm Big Gun Multiple
Edison's Firefly Energy Cell Energy Weapon Museum of Technology
Bren Automatic Rifle 7.62mm Big Gun Super Mutants
Destabilizer Alien Power Module Energy Weapon Mothership Zeta
Burnmaster Flamer Fuel Big Gun Franklin Metro Utility
Browning Automatic Rifle .30-06 Big Gun Super Mutants
MPLX Novasurge Energy Cell Energy Weapon Mothership Zeta
FN FAL 7.62mm Small Gun National Guard Armory
Rapid-torch Flamer Flamer Fuel Big Gun Adams Storage Facility
Steyr AUG Assault Rifle 5.56mm Small Gun Super Mutants
M249 Machinegun 5.56mm Big Gun Super Mutants
L86 LSW 5.56mm Big Gun National Guard Armory
Tactical Sniper Rifle .308 Small Gun Super Mutants
Beretta 470 Shotgun Shotgun Shell Small Gun Unknown
Winchester P94 Plasma Rifle MF Cell Energy Weapon National Guard Armory
Col. Autumn's 10mm Pistol 10mm Small Gun Col. Autumn
The Kneecapper Shotgun Shell Small Gun Girdershade
FN P90c 4.7mm Small Gun National Guard Armory
Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG 10mm Small Gun Sydney
Reservist's Rifle .308 Small Gun Minefield
Xuanlong Assault Rifle 5.56mm Small Gun Jury Street Metro Station
Captain's Sidearm Alien Power Module Energy Weapon Mothership Zeta
Tri-beam Laser Rifle MF Cell Energy Weapon Super Mutants
Law Dog .32 Small Gun Regulator Headquarters
Uzi Machinepistol 9mm Small Gun Unknown
Wild Bill's Sidearm .32 Small Gun Steelyard
Tommy Gun .45 ACP Small Gun National Guard Armory
Rock-It Launcher Rock-It Ammo Big Gun Crafted
Gauss Pistol PPK12 2mm EC Small Gun Unknown
A3-21's Plasma Rifle MF Cell Energy Weapon Rivet City
Widowmaker Shotgun Shell Small Gun National Guard Armory
Callahan's Magnum .44 Magnum Small Gun Citadel
Metal Blaster Electron Charge Energy Weapon The Mill
Deathclaw Gauntlet N/A Unarmed Crafted
Railway Rifle Railway Spike Small Gun Crafted
Gauss Rifle MF Cell Energy Weapon Outcast Outpost
Bozar .30-06 Big Gun Outcast Outpost
Dart Gun Dart Small Gun Crafted
Shishkebab N/A Melee Crafted

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Best Weapons

Gauss Rifle M72 2mm EC Small Gun Unknown

Backwater Rifle 10mm Small Gun Chinese Intel Bunker
Plunkett's Valid Points N/A Unarmed Arlington Cemetary

Page 21
Best Weapons

Notes (items ordered by DPS from highest to lowest; doesn't include explosive weapons like Fat Man, missile launcher, and gr
FWE only. Random. May be found on super mutants, possibly only at high levels or late in game. Highest DPS of any weapon in game.
Dropped during UFO encounter (not Mothership Zeta, but a random UFO flyover).
Find it in or near the pool of blood.
Can only be found in the large armory inside the mobile platform at the end of Broken Steel. Better criticals than Vengeance.
Find it by the crashed UFO in the wasteland (with DLC will probably get transported up before you can grab it, so don't forget it when you
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. Can obtain as a reward for Reilly's Rangers, or you can pickpocket/kill Brick for it.
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. FWE only. Can find in the armory or possibly on Super Mutants.
FWE only. Random. May be found on super mutants or as random loot.
Can find in National Guard depot, Wheaton Armory, Hubris Comics (wielded by Mad Johnny Wes). Fort Independence, on The Roach Kin
EVE only. Display case on 2nd floor overlooking the lander. Often has fallen through the case, so can only get with TCL.
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. FWE only. Random. May be found on super mutants or as random loot.
Find it on a shelf in the shooting range after space walk. Fully automatic version of the alien disintegrator.
There is a lot of radiation and feral ghouls in here so be prepared. At end of hallway with radioactive barrels. With FWE it benefits from Py
FWE only. Random. May be found on super mutants or as random loot.
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. Mothership Zeta only. In cargo area. Find the terminal to unlock the safe. Safe is in the j
FWE only. Can find in the armory or possibly on Super Mutants.
Broken Steel only; facility is south of mobile platform. Fires faster than flamer. Doesn't use up ammo as fast as Slo-burn Flamer (technicall
FWE only. Random. May be found on super mutants. Less dmg/shot than L86, but more DPS.
FWE only. Random. May be found on super mutants or as random loot.
FWE only. Can be bought in the Citadel or found on Super Mutants. More dmg/shot than Steyr AUG, but less DPS.
FWE only. Random. May be found on super mutants. Less damage per shot than Victory Rifle or Reservist's Rifle, but much higher refire r
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. FWE only. Random. Only holds two shells and fires them both simultaneously. More po
FWE only. Found in the armory or as random loot.
Only obtainable from his body during "Waters Of Life" and only if he falls near the door. May be impossible to obtain normally.
Carried by Ronald Laren. Can get it by killing him or sending him to the Nuka Cola plant with Black Widow perk (will have to follow him
FWE only. Can find in the armory or possibly on Super Mutants.
Get it from her as a reward for "Stealing Independence" if you give her "A note from Little Moonbeam's father" found in Statesman Hotel (
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. Find it in the Zane house with FWE or on the Drifter at Dickerson Tabernacle Chapel. B
On Prime's corpse after "Jiggs' Loot." Wanda, a similar weapon that was originally cut from the game, may be somewhere in the wasteland
Rifle is another, similar to Wanda. Overall this rifle is the best though, espeically with high critical chance.
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. Found on the captain at the end of Mothership Zeta.
High level super mutants (like Overlords), some mercs, etc. may carry this.
FWE only. Although the pistol exists in the original game files, it wasn't placed anywhere. FWE puts it in the HQ.
FWE only. Random.
The Pitt only. Find it on Wild Bill's corpse near Wernher's Hideout.
FWE only. Can find in the armory or possibly on Super Mutants.
#1: buy from Moira. #2: locked armory in Rivet City. #3: buy from Crazy Wolfgang. #4: behind framed quote in Vault 101 clinic (during "T
FWE only. Random. May not appear at all.
Can get it as a reward from A3-21 or by pickpocketing/killing him.
FWE only. May also be found as random loot. Only holds two shells. Not as powerful as Beretta 470 but better on ammo.
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. Broken Steel only. Safe in ruins of Citadel if you destroy it. Blackhawk (obtained from A
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. The Pitt only. Get it from Everett after turning in 50 ingots.
Easiest schematic to find is at F. Scott Key Trail & Campground. #2 is found by completing "Council Seat" in Bannon's favor. #3 is on was
Easiest schematic to find is bought from Tulip in Underworld. #2 is on a workbench inside MDPL-13 power station. #3 is reward from Abr
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. Find at the end of Operation: Anchorage in the locked armory.
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. Find at the end of Operation: Anchorage in the locked armory or as random loot.
Easiest schematic to find is bought from Boutique Le Chic in Tenpenny Tower. #2 is reward from Hannibal Hamlin for "Head of State." #3
#1 schematic is reward from Vance for "Blood Ties." #2: bought from Lucky Harith. #3: in a red Brotherhood Outcast shack, directly west

Page 22
Best Weapons

Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. FWE only. Normally found at high levels; found them on Talon Company troops at Fort
Highest dmg/shot of any weapon of this caliber. Point Lookout only. By the time you get here (usually at higher levels) this weapon will
Find on Junders Plunkett who is at the Arlington House if you have Lawbringer perk. Possibly more useful than Deathclaw Gauntlet in VAT

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Best Weapons


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Best Weapons

Page 25

Name Location Karma

Jericho Megaton Evil
Dogmeat Scrapyard N/A
Sergeant RL-3 RobCo Facility Neutral
Clover Paradise Falls Evil
Charon Underworld N/A
Butch DeLoria Rivet City Neutral
Star Paladin Cross Citadel Good
Fawkes Vault 87 Good

Page 26

Karma requirement isn't as strict with FWE. Just don't be good.
You may find him elsewhere. He won't die with FWE after recruitment (can die before). If he dies "Puppies" perk le
Karma requirement isn't as strict with FWE. Just don't be extreme one way or the other. Will go to Canterbury Comm
Karma requirement isn't as strict with FWE. Just don't be good. Karma doesn't matter if you dismiss and rehire her.
Although no karma is required to buy his contract he may get upset if you are overly evil and attack if you dismiss h
Karma requirement isn't as strict with FWE. Just don't be extreme one way or the other. He will be in the Muddy Ru
Karma requirement isn't as strict with FWE. Just don't be evil. Can only recruit her after gaining access to Citadel.
Karma requirement isn't as strict with FWE. Just don't be evil. Can only recruit during/after "Finding the Garden of

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