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30/9/2018 Learnlight - Imprimir

TARJETA 1 | 0000-4VHT

What’s your experience?

Reflexiona sobre la siguiente pregunta antes de continuar.

Have you ever given a demonstration of a product or service? How did you begin the
demonstration? What did you do during it?

TARJETA 2 | 0000-4VHV

A demonstration for Zimms

Escucha el audio.

Roberto and Emily are having a virtual meeting with Susannah.

Why does Roberto want to meet with Susannah?
What suggestions do Roberto and Emily give Susannah on how to kick off the demo?
How is Susannah planning on demonstrating the culture notes?

  -1:50


Roberto: I called this meeting as I wanted you to run me through your plans for the demo
session in Zimms. Both Emily and I have extensive experience on this and think we may be able
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30/9/2018 Learnlight - Imprimir

to help.
Susannah: I think that’s a great idea, and I’m still not clear on a number of areas, so it would
be great to get your feedback.
Emily: Absolutely.
Susannah: Well, first I need to decide on how to kick off the session. I’ve only got 60 minutes,
and I want to showcase as much as possible.
Emily: Before we start, can I ask a few questions about logistics and layouts? What is the space
like? How many people have accepted the invite?
Susannah: Sure. We’ve got a meeting room with a projector, and so far, I’ve had eight people
confirmed. Two definitely can’t make it, so I think those will be the final numbers.
Roberto: Well, have you thought about telling them a story? A good anecdote always goes
down well. I could give you some of my stories, and you could shape them to fit you. What do
you think?
Susannah: I’m not sure that I can do that. I don’t think that I’ve enough experience to pull that
Emily: Um, well, what about starting off with the “match the pictures to the places” activity?
You could get them to do it individually or in pairs.
Susannah: That’s a good idea.
Emily: How do you plan on demonstrating the Culture notes?
Susannah: In the past, we’ve given them access to the platform and set up a scavenger hunt. I
think that might work here, too. What are your feelings on this?
Roberto: In my opinion, that's a very effective strategy for getting them involved before they
even go into the session.
Emily: I suggest that you follow that up by asking them to share their answers with you.
Susannah: Thanks for the suggestions. Now, for the most important decision: at what point
should I mention pricing? I wasn’t sure whether to leave it out entirely and just let them enjoy
the session. I mean, I can always send it to them before or after. What’s the general feeling on

TARJETA 3 | 0000-4VHW

Why does Roberto want to meet with Susannah?

Elige la respuesta correcta.

He wants to attend the Zimms demonstration.

He wants to tell Susannah how to do the demonstration.

He wants an update on the planning of the demonstration for Zimms.

TARJETA 4 | 0000-4VHY

Elige la opción correcta (u opciones correctas).

Roberto thinks he and Emily can help Susannah because they have a lot of

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30/9/2018 Learnlight - Imprimir

experience .

TARJETA 5 | 0000-4VHZ

Empareja las opciones.

Match the suggestion on how to kick off the demo to the person.

telling a story Roberto

a matching activity Emily

TARJETA 6 | 0000-4VI0

Susannah is planning on having a scavenger hunt in order to demonstrate

the culture notes.
¿Verdadero, falso o no mencionado?



Not Specified

TARJETA 7 | 0000-4VI2

Elige la opción correcta (u opciones correctas).

Kick off is another way to say start .

TARJETA 8 | 0000-4VI4

An anecdote is a type of personal story.

¿Verdadero o falso?

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30/9/2018 Learnlight - Imprimir

True False

TARJETA 9 | 0000-4VI7

Do you need to listen again?

Escucha el audio.

Susannah, Roberto and Emily are discussing the logistics for the demonstration.

What does Susannah tell Emily about the logistics for the demo?
Which suggestion on how to kick off the demo does Susannah like better?
What is the last thing Susannah asks Roberto and Emily?

  -1:50


Roberto: I called this meeting as I wanted you to run me through your plans for the demo
session in Zimms. Both Emily and I have extensive experience on this and think we may be able
to help.
Susannah: I think that’s a great idea, and I’m still not clear on a number of areas, so it would
be great to get your feedback.
Emily: Absolutely.
Susannah: Well, first I need to decide on how to kick off the session. I’ve only got 60 minutes,
and I want to showcase as much as possible.
Emily: Before we start, can I ask a few questions about logistics and layouts? What is the space
like? How many people have accepted the invite?
Susannah: Sure. We’ve got a meeting room with a projector, and so far, I’ve had eight people
confirmed. Two definitely can’t make it, so I think those will be the final numbers.
Roberto: Well, have you thought about telling them a story? A good anecdote always goes
down well. I could give you some of my stories, and you could shape them to fit you. What do
you think?
Susannah: I’m not sure that I can do that. I don’t think that I’ve enough experience to pull that
Emily: Um, well, what about starting off with the “match the pictures to the places” activity?
You could get them to do it individually or in pairs.
Susannah: That’s a good idea.

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30/9/2018 Learnlight - Imprimir

Emily: How do you plan on demonstrating the Culture notes?

Susannah: In the past, we’ve given them access to the platform and set up a scavenger hunt. I
think that might work here, too. What are your feelings on this?
Roberto: In my opinion, that's a very effective strategy for getting them involved before they
even go into the session.
Emily: I suggest that you follow that up by asking them to share their answers with you.
Susannah: Thanks for the suggestions. Now, for the most important decision: at what point
should I mention pricing? I wasn’t sure whether to leave it out entirely and just let them enjoy
the session. I mean, I can always send it to them before or after. What’s the general feeling on

TARJETA 10 | 0000-4VI9

For the demo, Susannah has a meeting room with computers.

¿Verdadero, falso o no mencionado?



Not Specified

TARJETA 11 | 0000-4VIB

Completa los huecos.


So far, eight people will attend the demo, and two people have said

they cannot come.

TARJETA 12 | 0000-4VID

Elige la opción correcta (u opciones correctas).

Susannah prefers Emily’s suggestion on how to kick off the meeting.

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30/9/2018 Learnlight - Imprimir

TARJETA 13 | 0000-4VIF

Why is Susannah uncertain about Roberto’s suggestion on how to kick off

the demo?
Elige la respuesta correcta.

She thinks the demo participants will be bored by a story.

She doesn’t think she has enough experience to tell a story.

She thinks a story will take too long.

TARJETA 14 | 0000-4VIG

Elige la opción correcta (u opciones correctas).

At the end of the meeting, Susannah asks Roberto and Emily when she should talk

about cost .

TARJETA 15 | 0000-647S

Would you prefer to kick off a demo with a story or a game?

Participa en la encuesta.

A story, real-life experience is interesting.

I prefer something else.

A game, it’s more fun.

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