WS - Changing - Climate - Changing - Environment - U3 (Answer)

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Belilios Public School

S2 Geography Worksheet 3
Changing Climate, Changing Environment
Unit 3 What is happening and will happen?


Section A: Fill in the blanks (6 marks)

1. Temperature decreases with increasing latitudes in general. Rainfall has uneven

distribution in the world. Most regions with high annual rainfall are located near the Equator .

Most regions with low annual rainfall are located in inland and high latitude regions (i.e.

mountainous regions).

2. The temperature anomalies are increasing with increasing latitudes . The most serious

temperature anomalies are found in high latitudes near the North and South Points because of

the melting of sea ice . The rainfall pattern will also change. It is more likely to have more

rainfall under a warmer climate. However, extreme weathers such as flooding and drought

are found more likely to happen.

3. With the increasing freshwater from melting glacier and expansion of seawater due to

increasing temperature, the average sea level rises and flood / inundate coastal lowland.

Section B: Data-based Questions (13 marks)

1. Global warming / increasing global average temperature
(1 mark)
Due to the increasing emission of greenhouse gases (1)
More heat is trapped by the greenhouse gases (1)
Leading to increasing global average temperature as global warming (1)
Higher temperature hinders the formation of sea ice (1)
Leading to the decline in sea ice
(3 marks; total 4 marks)

2. Ecosystem: species depend on sea ice (e.g. polar bears) are found more difficult to find food (1)
- Causing the extinction of these species (1)
Ecosystem: more oil exploitation may cause more pollution (1)
- Due to the oil leakage / oil spill (1)
Human: livelihood of indigenous communities is threatened (1)
- Due to the loss of hunting ground / extinction of species (1)

(4 marks)

3. New navigation routes can be open when the sea ice melts (1)
- Lower the transport cost / shorten the transport distance (1)
Oil exploitation is possible with less sea ice (1)
- More power resources are available (1)
More job opportunities are created when there is more oil exploitation (1)
- Local economies can be boosted (1)
(4 marks)

4. More developed countries have longer history of emitting greenhouse gases than less developed
countries (1)
More environmental protection measures in more developed countries causes more transnational
corporations (TNCs) moving their factories engaging in mass production to less developed
countries (1)
Leading to the transfer of greenhouse gas emission from more developed countries to less
developed countries (1)
More developed countries are usually of plenty capital and technology (1)
They are more capable of dealing with the impacts brought by climatic change / global warming
(4 marks)


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