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Becker, Rene L. 4227 Missa “Salvator noster.” S.A.T.B. with Orga 4243 Mass in honor of St. Catherine. S.S.A. with Organ... 1.00 35 4342 Mass in honor of St. Catherine. S.A.B. with Organ. 1.00 Voice parts, at 40 Montani, Nicola A. 6649 Mass in honor of St. Catherine of Siena. . . . Unison, S.A. or T-B. or SS.A. or TB. 1.25 Voice parts, each 45 Beltjens, J. 2671 Missa Quarta. Op. 130. Unison. Score 1.00 Voice part 30 Bottazzo, L. 5617 Mass in honor of St. Cecilia. Op, 157. Unison... Bottigliero, E. 3150 Mass in honor of St. Rose of Lima. Op. 60. T.B. with Organ. 4226 Mass in honor of St. Ciro. Op. 105. Unison... 1.00 Score 1.00 Voice part .25 erer, Ign. 3400 Missa in hon. Nominis Mariae. Op. 141b. S.A.T.B. with Organ.....Score 1.00 Refice, L. 4035 Missa Choralis. For Unison chorus (congregation)... see Score 1.25 or solo voice, with T.T.B. Unison part = .25 Voice parts, at 45 Unison with S.A.T.B. and Organ .ercson wooScore 1.25 Unison (chorus) part .25 Voice parts 45 J. FISCHER €? BRO. GLEN ROCK, N. J. HARRISTOWN ROAD HE present arrangement for Soprano, Alto,Tenor and Bass is intended to make the Missa Choralis available for the many churches which maintain mixed gallery choirs anda sanctuary choir of boys. The latter will of course sing the part of “The Popolo” In the absence of a boy choir this part could also be sung by one of the soloists of the regular choir. In this arrangement the voice parts of the originalhave been adhered to as closely as possible and no changes have been made in the accompaniment. Nevertheless asthiswas written for a male choir a liberal use of super couplers or even the transposition of entire sections one octave higher is suggested when the mass is performed by a mixed choir, J.P.D. J.-F. B. 5583 Sp. MISSA CHORALIS Arranged for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass by JAMES P. DUNN : “ Kyrie Molto maestoso Rev, Dom. LICINIO REFI Schola (crotr) VOICE ORGAN Schola P SOPRANO Ky-ri- ALTO te- i = sone TENOR, Ky- BASS 5 Copyright,t925, by J. Fischer & Bro. ! ' British Copyright Secured J.P & B.5533-39 Mechanical and all other rights reserved Printed in U.S.A. Copyright, Renewed 1953, by J. Fischer & Bro. J.R.& B.5533. J.R.& B, 5533-39 povo rit, atempo le + i = son. poco rit, atempo poco rit. atempo ie = i = son poco rit atempo le = PP comp poco rit. espress. r - le ie , divisé a Foe RS5aa-39) Gloria Con moto Con moto mf ——— bo-nae vo-lun = ta mf ———__f bo-nae vo-tun - ta erese. S.R& B.5533-39 Be- ne - di ci mus F P J.P, & B. 5533-39 Schola creso. Glo- ri - fi - ca - mus, glo-ri-fi - ca - mus, glo-ri- fi- mf __oreso. —== mf oreso. Glo- ti = fi glo-ti- fi - ca - mus, glo-ri -fi- mf _orese. —= Maestoso assai Tutti pro - pter ma-gnam glo-ri-am tu Rex coe - le us, Rex De-us Pa - erese. tens. tens. J.F.& B.5533-39 10 Do - mi-ne De - uy A ~ gnus De - i, orese.| TP& BS533-39 Molto moderato TENOR SOLO Schola e Popolo pons Qui tol-lis pec - ca-ta BASS SOLO => a Qui tol-lis pec - ca-ta — mun-di, r 4 LR& B.5583-89 12 SOPRANO SOLO Pp express, Quit se-des ad dex - te - ram a LR& B.5533-39 add ‘= Peat Schola Uf llarg. Ta so- lus Al - Af allare. Af allarg. Tu so- tus Al ~ tis Sf allarg. ff _allare| J.F.& B.5533-39 Popolo e Schola poco rit. Chri - ste.—__ f poco rith Vivo con brio Schola [perese. poco a poco mf Cum San-cto Spi crese. poco a poco Spi ereso, poco a poco Cum San-cto Spi ip orese. poco a pore = in glo-ri-a De = - : Vivo con brio P glo-ri- a De-i_ tris, tris, in glo-ti-a i a tris, -i Pale - tris, in glo-ri-a De-i Pa ~ tris, in glo- ? 1.F. & B.8533-39 Tutti J.R4& B.5533-39 Largamente_motto solenne men, rit.molto tris, rit. molto rit. molto tris. rit. molto tris. = Tit. molto 16 Credo Maestoso Schola Maestoso -eto-rem coe~ li et di -li-um -bi-li-um — o-mni-um, et in -vi-si et in - vi- si - bi LLF& B.5533-39 Ped, = > ——S lu - men de I¥.& B, 5533-39 Schola F.& B.5533- 39 ctum,con-sub - stan-ti - 2 ctum, con-sub - stan-ti - 19 quem 0 - mni-a sunt, Qui pro-pter nos ho - mi- nes, et pro-pter Bae JLB & B.5533~39 2b no-stram sa - It dim. == Moderato molto (quasi largo) 4 PP | ports a Schola J.P & B.5533-39 22 de Spi - ri- tu —= aa — a{d¢ — Vir-gi - ne: J.F.& B,5583-39 San - = espress. molto ex Ma-ti-a espress.molto espress.molto ex Ma - ri-a espress, molto Poco pit mosso Popolo I ew Ped, ' J.P & B.5583-39 Tempo I. Schola Tempo I. I.B.& B.5533-39 25 se - det ad dex ~ LEG B. 33-89 26 rum ven = tu-rus est cum Et i- te - rum ven = tu-rus est cum_, glo - ti - a, ju-di- ca-re glo-ri - a, ju-di- ca-re. LP.& B.5583-39 sos: cn jus : i os: eu jus Moderato Popolo Spi-rictum Sanctum, Do - mi - num, et vi-wi-fi- ee ee tt J.P & B.5533-38 Qui P IF.& BL5583- 39 2 tem: qui ex Pa-tre Fi-li - o-que pro- ce hr P cum Pa-tre J.F.& B.5533-39 30 Schola PPP. 1 Con -fi-te~or u-num ba- pti - nem pec o- nem pec nem pec: Ped LP& B.553: at mor - tu 3 erese, poco a poco tam ven tu = ri ° - cu- erese. poco @ tam ven-tu- ri ereso. poco a poco fam ven-tu- ri sae = —___ crese. poco a poe: vi - tam) yen-tu ~ ri -li, ven-tu-ri_ sae - - cu - li, 30 . cu - li, ven-tu- sae. , ou - ii, it ven-tu - ri 4 = 2 “li, ven-tu~ ri sae - = eu = li, et vi - tam ven-tu- i J.B & B.5533-39 a2 lie rit,molto rit,molto rit, molto Largo. molto solenne Tutti, Schola e Popolo erese. V i) mn yy Vv v v Ay Il y y crese. sempre i crese. sempre das LF.& B. 5583-89 33 Sanctus Lento jSchola Popolo LE & B.5588-39 34 Popolo e Schola Vivace non troppo Schola Ple- ni. sunt J.B & B.5533-39 ter ra o _—_— SSA im eo Ple-ni sunt coe- li et ter ra Vivace non troppo “3 Ss = s P —= = Man. cae rit. molto — <= a rit, molto yy =e — pa rit. molto = ——<— So rit molto eS HS = oe S = a | rit. molto ee = a — a —F TF Pede Man, Lento Tutti_Schola e Popolo == = Noor ta i 4 Z wean imgito 4 E fe 255 4 = SH a fe —— TLE & B.5583-39 36 Benedictus Moderato molto prENOR SOLO —— ——$—_== + ‘ 2 it, poco Be-ne - di - ctusjqui ve - nit in no-mi-ne Do : qui ve in uo-mi - ne Do - mi - obo / r Lento come prima Tutti ritmolto CF | Sit moito a na e ‘dim. molto a > LE & B.5583-29 37 Moderato Schola Pp Poco piu mosso Schola gnus tol - lis pee - mun P r Popolo — mi-se - re J.B. B.5533-39 39 Schola PP. . Popolo do-na nobis pa Ct Tutti if —-— motto rit —— 4 molto rit. anand ; . I.E & B.5583-39 MASSES “=, (S.A.T.B. Unless Noted Otherwise) Beghon, Jean Missa Recrna AssumpTaA . soe No. 8830 ‘Soprano & Alto part Bingham, Seth Missa Sancta Micuagus (2 cappella) ...0......No. 8960 Soprano & Alto part Crone, Robert F. Mass is HONOR OF Our Lapy OF FATIMA ......0..No, 8820 Soprano @ Alto part Da Silva, Owen Mass ix Honor or Our Lapy - No, 8174 Goemanne, Noel Missa Iy Ostum SANCTOREM HONOREM soscsm No. 9060 Soprano & Alto part Missa SimpLex Unison or Two mixed voices ...........No. 9308 Voice part Huybrechts, August J. Mass In HONOR OF ST. CAECILIA ......... «No. 8883 Soprano & Alto part Missa “Reena Pacts” occ. No. 9307 Soprano & Alto part Pusa-Teri, Cosmo Catiepran Mass (S.T.Bar.B) cn No. 8963 ’ Soprano part Ascension Mass (Unison) coe screen No, 9236 Voice part Janssen, Henry, O.M.L Missa Brevis “Atma REDEMPTORIS™ (SAB) ...No. 9264 Voice part Lee, John Mass in Honor or Our Lavy Help of Christians No. 9183 “Soprano & Alto part $1.25 35 1.00 30 1.25 AS 1.25 1,00 35 80 1.00 A0 1.25 1.00 30. 1.00 35 J. FiscHER & BRO - - GLEN Rock, N. HARRISTOWN ROAD J.

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