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Constructive Mathematics.

QS 2

1. Let f : [a0 , b0 ] → R be continuous with f (a0 )f (b0 ) < 0. A method for the approximation
of α ∈ (a0 , b0 ) such that f (α) = 0 is defined which is identical to the Bisection Method
except that instead of testing the midpoint of the current interval [ak , bk ], the point

ak f (bk ) − bk f (ak )
f (bk ) − f (ak )

is chosen. Draw a sketch to illustrate the geometric description of this method in the case
where f has no inflection points in [a0 , b0 ]. Would it be reasonable to use |bk − ak | < tol
as a convergence criterion with this method?

2. How might g be defined so that any root of f (x) = x3 − 3x − 1 is a fixed point of g.

Find two such distinct functions g1 and g2 and investigate which might be more suitable
to obtain fast convergence of the associated fixed point iteration to obtain the root of f
between − 21 and 0?
(M) Use fixedpt.m to compute this root to an accuracy of 6 decimal places.

3. For each of the following identify an interval [a, b] for which the Contraction Mapping
Theorem guarantees convergence to the positive fixed point or verify that there is no
such interval. Verify your result is every case.
14 x3
(1) x = g1 (x) = 13 − 13 ,

(2) x = g2 (x) = e−x ,

(3) x = g3 (x) = x3 + 3x2 − 3 .

4. (M) Write a matlab function which implements the method described in question 1.
Apply bisection.m and your new function separately to approximate π/2 to 6 decimal
places by solving f (x) = cos(x) = 0 (for example starting with a = 21 , b = 3). Which
method converges in fewer steps?

1 Constructive Mathematics, TT 2018

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