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Ann Hematol (2012) 91:1513–1518

DOI 10.1007/s00277-012-1475-5


Mechanisms of defective erythropoiesis and anemia

in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
MacGregor Steele & Aru Narendran

Received: 18 February 2012 / Accepted: 11 April 2012 / Published online: 29 April 2012
# Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract Anemia frequently accompanies the diagnosis of leukemia. We propose that further understanding of the mech-
acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children and is con- anisms of anemia in leukemia may help to manage some of its
sidered to be one of the most common clinical complications clinical consequences more effectively as well as to yield key
of the disease. In addition, a low hemoglobin (Hb) level is insight into the process of leukemogenesis itself.
often responsible for fatigue and other associated symptoms
that cause a decline in the quality of life of these children. Keywords Pediatric leukemia . Hematopoiesis .
Traditionally, a number of contributing factors such as over- Erythropoietin . Anemia
crowding of the marrow, coexisting infections, and nutritional
deficits have been used to explain this phenomenon. However,
recent advances in in vivo modeling and real-time ultrastruc- Introduction
tural analytical techniques have enabled researchers to exam-
ine leukemic bone marrow (BM) microenvironment more Approximately 75 % of children who present with acute
closely and helped to build mechanistic models of this pro- lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) will have significant anemia
cess. Importantly, data from these studies show that in the with hemoglobin (Hb) less than 10 g/dL [1]. Currently,
majority of cases, the required stem cell populations and the anemia remains one of the most common complications of
erythropoietic growth mechanisms remain intact in leukemia. cancer and plays a critical role in the quality of life of these
In this report, we aim to review the current state of knowledge children [2]. The severity of anemia in cancer patients may
regarding the cellular and molecular mechanisms implicated be linked to many variables including age of the child and
in the altered erythropoiesis at the time of diagnosis of tumor type, extent of the disease, and nature and duration of
treatment. A number of contributors have also been pro-
M. Steele posed to account for this process; these include the effects of
Division of Pediatric Hematology, Alberta Children’s Hospital,
a chronic disease, specific nutritional deficits, chronic bleed-
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
ing, neoplastic infiltration of the bone marrow (BM), inter-
A. Narendran current infections, and autoimmune hemolytic processes [3,
Division of Oncology, Alberta Children’s Hospital, 4]. Whether these factors act alone or exert their effects in
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
combination is currently unclear. Recent studies, reviewed
A. Narendran below, have also shown that critical changes may occur in
Pediatric Oncology Experimental Therapeutics Investigators the cellular and growth regulatory molecules of the BM
Consortium (POETIC) Laboratory for Pre-Clinical microenvironment that lead to reduced erythropoiesis.
and Drug Discovery Studies, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

A. Narendran (*) Erythropoietin response and leukemia

Division of Pediatric Oncology, Alberta Children’s Hospital,
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3B 6A8 The hematopoietic growth factor erythropoietin (EPO) plays
e-mail: a central role in the proliferation, differentiation, and
1514 Ann Hematol (2012) 91:1513–1518

maturation of the erythroid lineage. EPO is synthesized and Hypoxia, EPO production, and the leukemic
secreted by the renal peritubular interstitial cells and acts on microenvironment
the erythroid progenitors in the BM. Normally, it is pro-
duced in response to tissue hypoxia leading to an increase in In the tumor microenvironment, hypoxia arises when the
serum levels and enhanced proliferation of erythroid pre- oxygen consumption greatly exceeds its delivery. Hypoxia
cursors [5]. Erythropoietin levels in healthy nonanemic is also the major regulator of EPO expression through the
individuals, however, remain stable within a fixed range activation of the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible fac-
and show no relationship to variations in Hb levels [6]. On tor 1 (HIF1), which binds to the 3′ enhancer region and
the other hand, there appears to exist a complex relationship initiates the expression of EPO gene [19]. Normally, the
between anemia and EPO levels in cancer. For instance, an combined activity of HIF-1α and HIF-2α facilitate multiple
inverse relationship between these two variables was found physiological processes, including erythropoiesis, angiogen-
in lymphoma patients but not in solid tumor patients [7]. esis, and anaerobic glucose metabolism, leading to an effec-
There is a significant body of evidence in the literature that tive adaptation to hypoxia [20]. Studies by Wellmann et al.
an inverse relationship exists between serum levels of EPO have shown that the oxygen-regulated component of HIF-
and Hb levels in children with ALL and that the feedback 1α is overexpressed in clusters of leukemic cells in pediatric
regulatory pathways remain intact in these patients [7–12]. ALL BM compared to normal BM [21]. In the normal BM,
In summary, these reports have indicated that in leukemia, hematopoiesis has been shown to occur under relatively
patients’ EPO levels are often appropriate for observed Hb hypoxic conditions in marrow regions typically located
levels, and their BM examinations demonstrate severe im- away from blood sinus [22, 23]. It appears that significant
pairment of erythropoiesis in leukemia patients, despite changes in these physiological processes do occur in the
elevated EPO values. Taken together, these observations leukemic marrow. For example, there is evidence for in-
strongly indicate that the regulatory pathways of EPO ex- creased microvessel density in the BM of patients with
pression is functional in most children with cancer, and hematologic malignancies including ALL [24]. Further-
more complex pathophysiolgical mechanisms are involved more, this proangiogenic nature of the ALL marrow
in the induction of anemia. increases in relapsed ALL as shown by increased VEGF
Erythropoietin is also the critical regulator of the physi- levels, which is associated with poor prognosis and de-
ological processes involved in the production of new red creased molecular response to chemotherapy [21]. Since
cells. Co-localization studies have identified EPO synthesis hypoxia- and hypoxia-related genes such as HIF-1 are crit-
to the peritubular fibroblasts found in the deep cortex and ical in hematopoiesis in general [25], an increase in angio-
superficial outer medulla of the kidneys [13]. Recently, the genesis may contribute indirectly to altered erythropoiesis.
characterization of a cell line derived from kidney tissue Recent studies by Drogat et al. have shown that VEGF
indicated the association of fibroblast-like neuronal origin overexpression in the embryonic erythroid development
cells in renal EPO production [14]. The main target for model leads to blocks in the development of both primitive
EPO is the BM erythroid cell expressing the EPO receptor and definitive erythroid progenitors through GATA 1 mod-
(EPO-R). The crucial role for EPO and its receptor has been ulation [26]. However, additional studies are required to
demonstrated by knockout experiments in which homozy- investigate a direct role, if any, of increased VEGF or the
gous negative for EPO-R mice showed severe loss of defin- process of angiogenesis itself on decreased erythropoiesis
itive erythropoiesis beyond the late progenitor, colony- seen in the leukemic BM.
forming unit-erythroid (CFU-E) stage in the fetal liver,
leading to embryonic death by E13.5 [15]. However, the
fact that these mice contained erythroid precursors sug- A role for leukemic marrow microenvironment
gested that the commitment of stem cells to erythropoietic in defective red cell production
lineage is independent of EPO activity.
The signal transduction cascades that are activated upon The process of hematopoiesis including erythropoiesis
EPO binding appear complex and seem to involve Janus involves a complex and multistep interaction between the
kinase (JAK2) and the signal transducer and activator of hematopoietic stem cells and the stromal cells of the BM
transcription 5 (Stat 5) [16, 17]. Activation of JAK2 results microenvironment. The stromal cells provide the necessary
in the initiation of multiple signaling processes that subse- growth stimulatory and regulatory signals through cell–cell
quently leads to erythroid proliferation and differentiation interactions and soluble factors. Hence, a defect in the
and the inhibition of apoptosis in these cells. Activation of production of functional erythrocytes could result from ab-
Stat 5 leads to its translocation to the nucleus and results in normal progenitor stem cells, abnormal stromal cells, or by
the activation of a number of genes that are involved in cell defects in the critical communication pathways between
growth regulation and antiapoptotic effects [18]. these two cell components. Accordingly, a number of
Ann Hematol (2012) 91:1513–1518 1515

studies have explored the role of BM microenvironment in [31]. It was found that leukemic cells disrupt normal hema-
relation to anemia in malignancy using in vitro colony topoietic progenitor cell BM niches and create aberrant
assays and transgenic animal models. Earlier studies by microenvironments, areas that sequester transplanted human
Urabe et al. have evaluated the function of BM erythroid CD34+ cells. In addition, in the leukemic mice, the number
progenitor cells from acute leukemia patients in semisolid of transplanted cells declined and failed to mobilize into
culture assays [27]. It was found that during the active phase circulation in response to cytokine stimulation. This sug-
of the disease, compared to normal marrow, leukemia gested that the tumor microenvironment causes hematopoi-
patients have lower numbers of both primitive erythroid etic progenitor cell dysfunction by seizing normal
progenitor cells (burst-forming units-erythroid (BFU-e)) hematopoietic niches.
and later stage cells (CFU-e). However, when remission Normally, the survival and development of hematopoietic
was achieved, both of these components returned to within stem cells are stringently regulated by their bidirectional
normal range. In fact, there were no differences in peripheral communication with stromal cells in specialized BM niches.
blood BFU-e between normal and leukemia patients. It is of Leukemia stem cells (LSCs) have been thought to play a key
interest to note the differences in findings seen in studies role in the initiation and possibly the growth and survival of
using cells from children who were in remission but receiv- leukemia. It has been proposed that LSC may hijack these
ing chemotherapy that showed decreased colony formation communication mechanisms, thereby enabling them to ac-
compared to cells obtained from patients who were off quire a sanctuary site for survival and relapse [32]. Such
treatment where BFU-e and CFU-e are within the normal alterations may also potentially lead to the loss of effective
range (see discussion in Ref. [27]). Since both appropriate hematopoietic niches and subsequently to reduced erythro-
and reduced levels of EPO have been reported in leukemia poiesis. This hypothesis is supported by the cell transfer
patients, Dainiak et al. examined the colony-forming re- experiments of Hu et al., which have shown that in the
sponse to EPO by progenitor cells from leukemia BM Notch1-induced murine T-cell leukemia model, normal
[28]. The colony-forming ability of these cells was found HSCs are rendered quiescent in the leukemic animal but
to be normal at all EPO concentrations tested, suggesting, at are functional when transplanted into normal recipients,
least in vitro, CFU-e and BFU-e EPO sensitivity to EPO is whereas normal HSCs transplanted into leukemic recipients
not compromised. Additional studies have explored the show progressive suppression of growth as leukemia devel-
question of physical constraints placed upon erythroid pro- ops [33]. Currently, however, the exact mechanisms and
genitors in the leukemic BM. For example, Prolaron et al. pathways by which LSCs are able to acquire dominance
have found that, compared to controls, the numbers of over critical BM niches remain to be elucidated. In addition,
circulating erythroid progenitors were significantly in- experimental studies are also needed to determine the extent
creased in many ALL patients [29]. Also, there was an to which such alterations in the normal hematopoietic niches
abnormal size distribution of BFU-e derived colonies that by malignant leukemic clones translate to decreased eryth-
consisted of an increased number of small size colonies. ropoiesis and anemia in children with ALL.
These data led the investigators to postulate that BM
crowding-out of the normal progenitors, most likely in ad-
dition to disturbances in normal development, could be Erythroid lineage commitment and gene fusion
occurring under these conditions. However, suppression of abnormalities in leukemia
normal hematopoiesis can occur in a setting of relatively
low leukemic burden, which suggests that it is unlikely that The t(12;21)(p13;q22) translocation and the resulting ETV6/
anatomic crowding-out of normal hematopoietic progenitors RUNX1 (TEL/AML1) fusion gene is present in approximate-
is solely responsible for the reduction in hematopoiesis in ly 25 % of childhood B-cell precursor ALL and appears to
the leukemic marrow. Whether the ALL leukemic blasts confer a better prognosis. Gene expression studies have
directly affect the replication and maturation of normal shown that, compared to other subgroups of ALL, ETV6/
hematopoietic progenitors leading to anemia was addressed RUNX1-positive leukemia have a relatively higher expres-
by the elegant experiments of Estrov and Freedman [30]. sion of EPO-R, and it has been postulated that signaling by
Contrary to the findings seen with AML blasts, irradiated EPO-R might be important in the pathogenesis of this sub-
ALL cells and their conditioned media were, in fact, stimu- type [34]. This notion is supported by the studies of Inthal et
latory to colony growth in vitro, suggesting that the growth al. showing that EPO-R is upregulated by stable transfection
suppression of normal marrow constituents is not mediated of ETV6/RUNX into HEK 293 and Ba/F3 cells [35]. It was
by simple inhibitory mechanisms derived from leukemia also found that the median Hb levels of children with ETV6/
cells. More recently, using in vivo imaging in a xenograft RUNX1-positive ALL is significantly lower compared to
model, Colmone et al. have investigated whether normal other leukemias. However, the inverse correlation between
and leukemic cells compete for niche resources in the BM Hb and EPO levels indicated that EPO production is
1516 Ann Hematol (2012) 91:1513–1518

adequate for the Hb levels observed in these patients. Also, Implications of anemia in pediatric ALL
the finding that EPO-R mRNA expression did not change as
a function of Hb levels suggested that EPO might not be a A number of recent reports have evaluated various present-
critical regulator of EPO-R mRNA upregulation in this ing features of ALL to treatment outcome in large clinical
subgroup. The overexpression of EPO-R in the ETV6/ trials [39, 40]. Earlier, there have been indications that
RUNX1 leukemia also indicated the possibility that the cell reduced Hb at presentation may correlate with better out-
in which the gene fusion occurs initially might be a progen- come [41]. However, multivariate analyses reported in sub-
itor cell with erythroid potential [35]. However, so far, sequent studies have not predicted Hb levels as an
current animal models of ETV6/RUNX1 fusion gene expres- independent predictor [42, 43]. Variations in Hb levels seen
sion have failed to provide evidence for differentiation im- among different subtypes of ALL are a confounding factor
pairment in erythroid precursor cells [35–37]. On the other in these analyses. A report by Sandoval et al. has shown that
hand, acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with the t(8;21) trans- secondary t(9;11) AML, which has a clearly inferior surviv-
location resulting in the expression of the AML1-ETO (AE) al rate compared to de novo disease, presents with higher Hb
fusion protein have been shown to manifest impaired ery- levels [44]. Since biologically distinct subtypes confer dif-
throid differentiation and maturation, a process that is likely ferent outcomes in childhood leukemia, whether there is a
to occur before lineage commitment or at an early stage of correlation between the Hb levels and leukemia subtypes
erythroid differentiation [38]. Studies by Choi et al. have has been evaluated by Teuffel et al. [45]. This study inves-
shown that blockade of GATA-1 acetylation by AML1-ETO tigated a cohort of 1,162 pediatric ALL patients and the
correlates with its inhibitory effects on primary erythroid overall association between the degree of anemia and leu-
lineage commitment [38]. kemia subtype as well as event-free survival (EFS) rates of

EPO Release Anemia in ALL



Normal Bone Marrow Leukemia Bone Marrow

Suitable micro- environment and precursors are

unavailable for EPO to act on

Disruption of Niche,
Loss of stromal
Zone of communications

Loss of Normal

O2 consumption Angiogenesis
Hypoxia VEGF Micro-vessel density

Red cells Erythroid precursors

Leukemia cell


Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of processes that have been proposed to hemoglobin that result as a consequence that ultimately leads to en-
impact on erythropoiesis in the leukemic marrow. The increasing hanced EPO production by kidneys. Normally, this increased EPO
presence of leukemia cells generates a hypoxic environment in areas results in increased erythropoietic activity that occurs in relatively
of bone marrow in ALL patients. This leads to increased angiogenesis hypoxic areas away from blood sinus. In the leukemic marrow, how-
and the growth of malignant cells that, in turn, disrupt the marrow ever, such processes are reduced as suitable niches containing appro-
microenvironment and the critical communication mechanisms be- priate erythroid progenitors are unavailable for EPO to act on
tween the stroma and hematopoietic stem cells. Anemia and low
Ann Hematol (2012) 91:1513–1518 1517

these patients. It was found that leukemia subtypes with to devise effective strategies to reduce the effects of anemia
favorable outcome appear to have lower Hb levels (<80 g/ on the quality of life of children with leukemia. These
L) at presentation, and higher Hb levels were observed in studies could provide useful information about the patho-
high-risk groups such as T-ALL and Ph + ALL. Overall, it physiology of both disease-related anemia as well as
appears that the degree of anemia may be distributed in a therapy-related anemia, although these two processes may
nonrandom fashion among different risk-based subgroups not have completely overlapping mechanisms. Finally, fur-
and that the patients in lower-risk groups tend to have lower ther studies on the mechanisms of anemia in ALL may also
Hb levels. However, currently, it is unclear if these differ- offer key knowledge regarding the malignant BM microen-
ences reflect an observation bias as patients with more vironment and the regulation of LSCs that are critically
pronounced anemia do get started on treatment earlier or dependent on such specialized niches. This information
the effects on erythropoiesis is also susceptible to distinct may play a vital role in the identification of effective targets
molecular mechanisms that govern the growth, survival, and for therapeutics for leukemia in the future.
treatment response of different leukemia subgroups.
Acknowledgments We thank Gaya Narendran for assistance with
the illustration provided in this review. This study was supported, in
Conclusion part, by the Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation.

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