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Ypatabitty, v's PROBABIL ATISTICS { preue amma | yeasoral on () Basics Mecaieua Hills (ii) Peobabilify (ii) Romdoro vasiable | Expectation . (w) Dishibution <7 UES ~s Coutivues - (V) Mothemati cal STATISTICS _ —> Collection of date. — Aualysis of dota — Intexprctation of dato. Difiition « eeoichuy to pof. FA Fishes , Statistics is dofiued asa collection of data, aindlysis of chta aud inlexpre lation of data TYPES OF DATA (0) Grouped oud Ougrouped - (Xi) closed amd open dato . GROUPED DATA i dota is iu te form of class witrvals oud Frequency stron Re data i Kuo as grouped data, O* Sshibuting de Hequencies to thei conesponding class wleavals » thee He data 3. > > ? 2 ? » > ? > 2 > > 2 2 2 2 > 2 2 2 2 > 5 > > > > 2 > 2 2 io Known 05 Frequency dishibution . | ¢ UNGROUPED DATA : IF “he date contains only dbsewations, ei tout e ony class ttowals, then the data is known os Ungrouped data — ¢- O% Raw Dabo. ¢. ¢! CLOSED DATA: IF Re class inlenuls or an a coutmous fom without a] ancy discontinuity rite te dota & Known as Closed data otherwise <| en data. 4 l MEAN (1wesnee) |} a a : r= n 1 ot | S N 3— no of obsewations | } i Xuan z % el a Ks noidpoimt | OLeLL - n | a c 1 T — n | Nes fF Cy uoncies, Xen Stay, a a cl Go iy Fe Frequencies : c: N cd MEDIAN ree —« ifn is odd, the middle obsewation itslf is the median « —4 Mw is evn, average belween te middle obsewation 3 provided i) Data is Yeowronged citer in tnoweasing ford CEE order. i) No: of observations obove fe middle is equa | to the Number of observations blew. Da Oe My = ft (-1)xo| Be Frequency boy he idea! class. _ oe ES . cate Pg tort a bb hh aol ae’ Cc 6) Fiud the medion fos the folowing Hequency dota . cr FREQUENCY | CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY 7 ig > 0-5 5 5-10 ° Ciba al + ldealdass , My = lot (#229) uw = lors BXS = 18:5 Note: if the fist class itself is ideal, the curoulative Frequency and fequenty ow ideal (m=) > M=t MODE esses The most Frequently wepeated obsewation is known os Mode 1,2, 3,4, 5, & 3, I4 A, 3, aL, a Lb, 21,3, 19 M, = &,3—> Bimodol . pjyvueevevevuvuuveyu yyy ew . ; . e & Find the mode fo the Following Froqueney dishibution. « Frequonc 4 cu be bealedag © Weal class [Highest frequency] = Ay= lege € e p= 14-8 = 9 ec: 5) 3 = 48 Lay All 80+ ( i yr aon 5 e =I IF the monimany Froqueucies ore Yopeated tsetf— Fast, last and S| ‘w behocew, selec ‘in behocen’ a5 the ideal class . a Cc FF the maninaun Frequencies ove repeated in behweon , select cl Vanden Wy (bimoeai) : e | 7 MF all Be Frequencies ave equal, mode is undefined [e. foo al 1 VFo@ the masino unm Frequencies ove repeated Figs t and last <1 select “ondonky (bimodal) . cd cd MEASURES OF cl ileal el Aron te 3 Measures, Muon, mode and median, ot B c Mean is te best measure. ca AEASURES OF DISPERSION 3 = Fuge slondand Deviation, (85) ol > Mean Deviation. ~s Cool Preiemt- of eration. Cony A Dariidicn fa od wuuvuy VUUEVUVU UU UKBHUUUUYUUUUEUVUUUuY YY Measures of dispersion helps us to identify the deviation Within He dato. RANGE ; ' Max — Min . | Greedest value — Least Value ; STANDARD DEV ATION, Voviance i (2 b) Variance = (st = o% O% a > bi e n Variance is the Sum of the Squones of deviation From mean. “the differences ov deviations within the dots, is Kuown as Vationee . Note: 1 Lessex Voviauce is move onsisteut or move uniform. i Vovtance sill never be Negative . Vi Vovionce of constont is O. WW Sum of the differences Pomdthe mean is alisays Zen. __ NEeay-d + ~— — ~ ee \ — j It he Variances ove ¢ & Mean is move consistent Sum of the Squares of the deviation be hivinum . Tos qruped dota jou EHO CV = Slams Datioton Mean [= > Piat ~ (REF | AANA H- qual Foo she different, pou ps, Qreatex From he Mean should Aa i) | GROUPED DATA ed VARIANCE Lessexy o implies lesex Cv eo UO ee 34 uniform. ree ly le w idurtifying “he Consistent —wibhie eda ta-—aiely cau "oOVCN AHAN = — r~OH AAA 9NAA A an ] ah Wer ee nAnANAAAD AnNnnnARAARnRAARARANRAN ANA » ¢ D Find mon oud Vorionce for the fist nv hohal numbers . a _ ¢ X = [izase- +r] e cee S Hina), e aM | el cl al cl cl A PES HL oe] e| aa “terhtana) | I 6 I oo = ! I : I . eee shunt hy I a b& 2 6 Ta i I I I a} Sige 12 Mea of 4 Voriauce of y nahoral mumboys ralurol numbers . | a statistics , grouelicol vepsesenlekans or gpaph Yepurseulations purely helPs 810 chtowmine Ye dehoviog of grospect data) SKEWNESS 2 opposite of Syponeday : ” Lack of Syromebny IDDANDIANNANAAARANHAA (as tat ar a a | " ‘a a we » 7 Fe — > - ‘ , math Nejatively Stowe d- Positively stanoed Spm myatvely 4 2 Qh dack he skewness of a didsbution - 5 Ay PERROON'S COEFFICIENT OF SKEWNESS > 2 2 2 > 2 5 Proctiea| limit of Sup > > 2 tos Sypome ry Spp=0 > ‘| 5 yaaa (oadition Nogutive Skroness positive skewness _ 2 oe __ > [Wok sMedineMean] [Mode 7Melian> Meo) | Mode cHedianc Meo . —— - a eee > 2 > 3 ee eee — — rn ee —~ — PROBABILITY 4 See al a FANDOM EXPERIMENT: Unpiedicksble culeowes of ou experiment is Know cll Os a Radom eupesiment - oll , ell eq. lossiug a unbiosedtom. cl e Falling a Die. an Dreaioy 0 card Wom the pack of Ba. ol ol IAMPLESPACE © he collection of all possible aukomes of oom experiment cf 7 e 6) S Known 65 a Somple splaco «Ik Ss dended ly 9, a NENT : “The outeowes of 0% expoviment is Kuowu os a event. cf Nedthamaticolly event the subset of — Sample space. © | vitiow of : ca oaneuuty : The pobabiliky & on wont is defined as the wtic ol & bly te Fivomable cases to the event aud the a7 number of oulcomes oF an experiment . ( The cukones © . ow, mauhso lly enclusive, exhaustive ovent s\ | PE) =) uhave me ca PE) = oil tye Mey a ~~ 7 ca AXIOMATIC _APROACH / PROBABILITY FUNCTION ca ne a 1 = P@=1 -a be Cxstats) Sy 9 a fley=o + P)=0 —>_lopossibte bent uw L ae wuVvvUuvvuvUHEUYYV VU YyUuUYEYVY YY pigwwu \ pd :) * Rule 3° P Es = P(E) | (85) = Bre) ashore Es one hejoint | Muhvally Bulasive, CO | Dependent "OG Moho Exclusive Evew)s Ivdloperderet Note: Occaroueo of aur lent dosrnot depends aa upon the Occarouce of He eveuts in tho samo sample Spaw, then such anents ova called Molly Exclusive veut - > let A and B ove muhwelly endusive cveuh . Ane =) & P(AnB) =0 > Oecuvante of an vant dooeuol deparck ew upon He Oceatoute of Same eveut in a different Sample Space, Hur those events aye called ladepurdent esvenls- > Mubully Grlusive ever uover be ivdepudent, bdaperdent een hever be pot equel to Muvally Bubuwe - Besuits © 1, Wrplinant Keovem by ei PR) = 1- PCA) ¢ HU) = 1-709) =| el 2. Addition Theoven 5 f 4 ( jel WA B ore doo even (Fuoting 5 ified take iFoa ted e 4) Specitiegd | fake tFos cl Bassa _ cl P(nve) = P(A) +P(6) ~ P(AaB)/ al I ¢ — F hond B oe mabey exdusive eveuds cll I P(AoB) = P(A) + PCB) | (A+B) = P(A) + p(B) “Xe Here it doosu't mean + = Yo ck . : ¢ dretwien IF 4! Sig is give cl ck is iudnecdl . P(swac)= P+ (8) 49d ths indirectly drown ov iF U “a sum det Aw Baw mu hal cal exeluive. ovly nubrelt cll auluive eveuk wn be alu. alll ca 5. Multiplication Theorem for Depundent Evens. =~ c RZ B ove hwo eveul, ea _ \\ ———— tleve A nual be boppeed oa AN = A) Ps r(Ans) = PL) PLE) Std alec. a . Ay 7” bababilily = soe ~. PB) PL a TTT HEE Bhat Be hopped an TE RB and © Gre reo earde - \Flsvene) = PO) F(R) Vhs) P(Ane 3. Multipieertion Theorem Fos Independant tanh - P(AdB) = P(A). P(8) Or lol fal Pdsapac) = P(A) P(B) PCA) 1 4 IF he B ow 2 evenh- f | Creaney = morta) ol @ "rah 8) = r(- P( (ws), only 6. ee, Neithe eA wor B 1-e (08) jas As "P(A AB) = (806°) - + p(n 8) oul xj one ee ele) = PU AB) ; = pier (ane) yy PGB) PTA Sg A Oe ee ne ee | Pfc) = Pree) ay pansy pte? Me wre © ror) (M792) = P (sno) eal r(Aug) . r(B) I~ Ps) ( *(e)+1) Noles: fF Aond Bo og udepoudent events 1 Probe billy fp a P(naw), P(A AB) om d NBS) om also depart 6 BaAVE's “Biron W — OEE Es Ey ane ‘feo muha ly Onesie vous Fle) 4°) such tat A is an Cabibaay Cveuks ushich ig S Wy subset of “UY EL thew P(A) is (ed f PAY = (EMA) +P (EAR). ? (En A) > 7) PIN AN NN AAAA See eI NA AHnH AANA AD PO POOF) 4 PCa P(M.) « o(4) Hk) pe nm am CH P(A, S P(e:) P(N 7 ; } Toh probabil = { oF unknown event - ¢ ¢ Cc ce * . & a oh feat (i) Of Baspr's theorem: Keveowa Pobabilth . ‘p ir y= rn) 4 | — Nex) luskiac Hy “2a aN A ‘ Kuown . > P(E) e(He:) 1) °) = stops im Bayor's theovem 21 Werdity fe brown exenks ut the dala (Mulvey exclusive) . or Solocd the wakwouw eved(tt is a pash of known erent) - 53 Write Bo pebabilily oF unknoay iu bmg of known. St fad the bh probability of tuknown ovenk- . 55 Gmpute Rane Peobobitily fox Known evenls . | - ; c ae Applicad it [ ost | Mim 2 Rint of obit tony c| Aiwost” | Mawinnay | sis fematnclog ies © ce | | 1 Mad” | Pret | 9 © pore I | cl | OF Sun 7 U | — ‘or cl oy Appl ctiou fk Multiplication Hasan a | e ses With Femivalyies ¢ a me ell cn > AS As Cc a Se £55; 0 u : a > 0 a oud BL CARD Choe ana NA eee Total 5a cords 9 YoWeon)s +13 Diamond + 13 clablepede + 13 Spade @ Each 13 combing 1,2,3,4,.. 10, 7,8, K Ww @ te, 10 mumber cords + 3 Face cavds Tolal of woof face cords= 4x3 = Ig Here 4 somple space = | | ahhh 1B 3 coms Ome lossad at a dime - tind the Pe badutty Ce ie almost ove heed fos dae, P(X <1) = P(X haere ond i ued 08 ho ton eqn blo be any Aumb ex Breen ee cote ete eveuks must Occur Swonbaneonsly wa all cose Fovourable cases - Pee uUBpvuYyvuEeevUuuUuUYYUY yy ~~ CQ seme dutn «Hind Ra pohly Hint — alles cua lund ang) © akmest ove & tail. ~ : Hh, WHT, HTH, THH Pa % = fe © c DA player loser 4 toi Fad Re Probably tat atleast 2 beads S| ond athasl 2 tails c| 4 « ¢ 4, =o I & HUTT Ate | HTTH - , 7 . Jed | TH Lg 4 alas { c I THuT C i cl Tut ; Ss hvanable al c I arr 7 ~ cl = (HF Nook T : pH: meg at — i Favowbe! Co = LF tc = | i ¢ “ l4#q + 4 + 4c, | ar 4G4 6 = 4¢ S Poe 4 7 4¢, ' is 4q, £ bate | Pe MEP LF | cal 1a @ Prime 2, 3,5, a— (aN) (an) -- - (2,6) B= (3) Ga) © - + 6,6) lee (56) oes oP eS onl 3 D026) C53) (3,5) (Ee) P | But AL B ore pb clependen! © ¢ Hon ce to bind P (AaB) 2 c c we, Prime in Fivh & sum & S| GD (a9), (476) — 2 Couyas Pap) = + “! . al wor wed to fol c| : Phus) = PCA) + PCB) ~ P(RaB) cl a a cl commen 36 cll - I b= ctl : a a ¢ Toso chee vaorwllod . find the pobabildy veiteey sum 9 a Nov sum |] iS a ke=p> (wither Suma, nor "") oa oa ele P( sur 4, aud sum It) ca | 3 ~ a wm 4-9(5,4) (4 5)coa\ (30) + 4% oa Sum Us (5,6) (6,5) > 2 3 a a vs | Oy A Meters of osces a. with he pobalalily Rot do choeson det is Wow evo ao 8] ge Mee c d ee aewonls 0,0udov 2 - Fin d the Ay ad—be ~ Case A= [o-a=1 alleast ove of bec is revo rel ete py = 3 Casas —— Kez] ad=o bee] [bec 1, cdlecte onvof add bi wr] olf uly. \ i f | =) $Codas P (Ye wo 8) = e+ Me ~ Lee P (nou ae aye i %y = Phe _. ~Ptocw B) = t he agp mer — vuvuuvuHvvuevBeUuUUUVUUY YY uy YN Ye HH Pp | 8, F Cords cae shawn fem at Youon from a } I } pack of 6a cards . Find tho probabil Hoot (Nl die 4 comds 972 drew fron Same Suit. (Oy No bso Cards ate drawn from the Same Sutl . ® 0 g- 38a Cy Ee 4x '5¢, See ba oy 4 (i) I3¢ Ut % > bos Ar CG (3) = = ue by ove aan eon (0 e y° ). et d Ce from o pack of 59 we d the, » Fin Probesbil deat veda -o—ttowod—noy—— toy O meiher 0 diamond ror a face - @ weiter a lo wroa King : P (0) = 3, Cpe ‘ a) (Dn = 1- PC ovF) P= io, ~ 30 ng f ee Me a ft n yon Onan HANH ONAN HANA AAA ca ca © | a cal ca cll | ~~~ ———tirkeertiny (i) MO $ § "a Pion K) = Ie P(to U 5) ee eens) 2. 52 52 a lo & fog are hal lead 5 nd B aw to hoo plosyoas Polling adie on he Eaton @ A a ‘ 4 Not one uso gets fie hao bint wiving the geome. of Pleyors A,B. $ > et Bx Ge Fre: rey & Pa‘) = % oo woh py 1 - ron) = = Tt 4242: 2 Fe Fe ei ad an qr + Bp +4 oP 4 Be je tala Pod L = EA slosh Re ame, what ove The winniug clawces 2 yd ae ; Za Plan A) = 6 Pt dp +qhps - c Plisgtagte 7 =| Peto. ted a leg 1 98 7. & ~~ 7 & a , A,B,C on fe 2 plewjans ee in dhe oder Tossing flo oe com or die carta dhat ona coho gets Heo boa dl had Wy fame - tA shak dha Gomer, — whak cre : Whbbebbe beeen nae 0 we & Winning cloves of flamer 2 Gr, aid bad. be P (wu cv ay Hal) « Keroro 4949 Wee Oh = eyelet NSE OOO se NY y <7 RS of SB A nwber is drosen of tandem from [po fayubas, 49) 01,02 ,03,... a9} lok % denote dhe sum of dhe algil on ‘he number, oud y cous tas poluct of fhe cigs on fe munbos. Find tro Pro babiliky Raat Cee) = Bee sores) yes) 22-4 ty Peo) = . &2/., ee e . %, wo SO oo te Q Goh of He employers of the Company ere college Groduate s oF tase, O% oye im the Soles dopartmonl . of tho employes J aslo cd uot qreducte hom the colleqe cae BOF ia the sales aepartmont. A poron is selected at yandom: Fadl Ba Prabebsth 4 Hest (0) "he Porson is iw the sates ol-pa Yet (®) Neibox ge Udy sal depoxbmant epostmenk ny a collec depaah gaduabe . . ) ae ~ loo @ Be Cans es loo uN 60 40 (i) ds loo © 54 & 8 s ean AA A INAANNANNANANAHRAANDHAN A emer es ies sss a4 ot ee He tt ff Ne r (a aude p (caasp) «0 (ce 450) = P(ca) p (00/ea) 4 °(c6®): P(S/e@e) = 0-6x0.) + 04x08 SD cams sey Od P(cau SD) <1 [taper rsa) = [pca) + 9(s0)~ Ped) (4) d- [o6+032-o%x01] comet Olata = 0-03 6 ®B =——_ quot BW auscorving multiple choise guy a shdent citey hnows Ro ansney VGguwuwwvvvvvwy~ ox guess He owues. Lee P be he Probobilthy thot shidan F Knauin es LL rr Pebabill i Bok quate Aho ous od 9M Assume fot tt de shdent ques s He emu Yo He quailinn will fo lowect, witts Probe bility Yas wohot is Re condikiar al probability that iF the shud Knee a ous fo Agu, jue Bot , le ousunred conedly if P(K) =P ean con! _ + Le dnsooay comerlly . Plk) = P P(e) =t-p PCEY= Plean) + P(en@) P(e) = Penk) + By-BiPLte— P(cn 8) PO) = eB) Pl’ (Ye) Lo + PC) P(e4e) = PPE) + C-P) Ys ; ' 7 PEN =| = Pra CP) Mp - Yoo PO iB ple) = Par ) 5 —_— — we pobabidi (ln { ph, L ("/e) = Poe) \ tay “a / — Og P(e) Ringe ts 4, ee - Px oP ey, Sey AP PH Ru 5 == &, Pop fy / / Ax, Sey, (ha eb neon anannnann ONAN AHAAAA fe + mala ; 8, Thao aye 2 coins. OF these boo coe bbiased. Oe i 6 > bused com with a heads. A win is Hawn ak rndom ° aud tossed bwo times. If appears head on oth the 5 Sab ties, Find fhe probabilll that tt is fom the ~ bused lou. a . _ > Pl Ge > Us 5 > 2 ! 3 > Plus) = % P(e). > wo twet 5 EL Cathy o beed, is au ulnoww event, 2 Pe) = P(Enve) + Pleas) > > =r a ae = (0 g ve) PS P(e/,\ > #(08)*(5hp) + 96) °(%o) (%) «1 tar ye ries > 4 > = a + a > fe) a a — al »(%) a P eo ee SY, ay eed 2 by Payor A Speaking ete ets Ougno ld re imcome Racers arr dria a From fo pack of 5a Conds . He pork thet there & a diomand “| thal & the probabilihy Hat odually these 0s 0 diomoud. oy J 2 c| ‘ $ c Fatleyor falling uth ' el Phe le probe tality “1 a =C/ ¢ par)= te) (= Cry) el ¢ De Reposking Nt invest d a | | (0) = P(TaD) « p (Lad) “1 a : I - WED H(OR) 1604) ct =4,B4 B38 Ph) %oa oN = t.B4 + 3.3 4 + wy rl, « hc ' —~ 4449 cy 28 - cll = & cil se cA - ef = ae cil PM) = 9 (ind) ct Rep) ° O o = 4b cll + ° cll pares _ a ed _ | ok lees 6 Kuswn by ome fiom either TeTouagecs oy “cpueomta oleate, on te auelope , the Visble. ‘Ta’ ows Find the probably dat the come bom Tak. nagar 5 &. P(E P):h%. P(Yr)= P (E/e) ty P(e) ba (Eat) + P(cae) ~ P(r) -+ PCL) = Veh a yng = “ee % Pie) = Pm) - her, ee ‘56 3! vo Es Gay @ GA) comider as sgl lol eto couse cutive leHer hes Given ok Step S Veible oe Se . ny ein OF D earsarcsfiye) More ten 1 is Véiare " arses ere Ca ANnoAe CALCOTEA) (234509 “ones con dake sithey oue of “FA i TAIN MAGA F > No fued of tmrtusiour # q There are 3 baa se Neem ere aii Balls Blue, Rod / aud Goon iM He for Soh egy a _ 6 | a = — Bes le} a 3 1 | \ c 3 aaa \ A bag ‘s Aram af youdom , af lwo balls ore Glan yor it - “boy ee aud Dua ved find te pebabi iy the’ a sclorhed bells 00 Bom ne Pla) = P(B)= Pld = Us Es Getting ue ble ond ove ved. te) = Pleaw) + Pens) + PEAS) = POH We) + eC) 16%) + PC) PEL) seeks 2] is 1h 15 G anAANNDHAANANANAAN AANA ADDS Ae Cx -a[¢ Oe 15 ] ll PF)? vel © a5 ty CY — € ¥ 71 REL) axa, Ss me PYe) = rhea Hood) a @e) ¢ oe -2©. Sy i RE Meso olau con be four dol - (Ble) = BM ok Meg lee P(e) = Wak %e % 7 LEAP YEAH CONCEPT, , LE RTERR MON LEAP YEAR Bo days 365 Days - Ca ewaks + days) CBesestts +) doy SM wT TW wT iF £5 $85 P(Ss sunday) at 1(63, Sunde = 2 voewe Gu veel OUUYUUYUUUDUUYUUYU UU Ue UUoeY a \ | { | | | | & Two dees P (aiff 20x0 ) = P( Doubles) = 4 > Ie Pa, P(2,2) (46) fiseewsice P (triple r) uv) (232,2) 6.49 ‘oureday = ho Aus, sees Paw 6 Paw 6) = Rav 8) 2 = 3 > he : roof Oh div by ?) 33 200 35, 200 P(e AND av 3) = Lem (6,2) i =(\"ip Vw bu Ad \ i“ ona ANANDA ANNADANNAAANHADA cal VU WewWwwWweUBVUUuUvHTUYvyvy~y ~ _ Ps ah QR du iy) = £(6)+¥(8)~P (a) | = BB 4 200 ag. 0G = BO] Lb 200 ¢ —— ee EES BANDOM VARIABLE. 2 Comecting the outcomes of an experiment 2-D_ RANDOM VARIBLE. = ovth wal Values is Know as fandom Vosiables . ( is arwle Bs aasigu Real number to ttre auboong, ts tun 63 Randsss Vovoble) te comespoveling dota is Kuown 08 uydioriole data. Comecting 2 oudomas abo times to tha one worl Volue provided tose hwo oulcomes one dracon From same Sample Space. Re Conspourting data 's Know as Biveaiate, dato. > Seolealy he concept oF ON-D Rondon Vowichle — wllicl, emrespon tds Ao cu w-tuple. ‘TYPES OF RANDOM VAR ABLE Kasdom Variable vs i | Discrebe Tandon Vorigbele Goutinous Aeudom Yara: to Binomics] i Normal Poissoy, Uniform. aT Mess function —, P(x’) Probably Dexsiby funebisy —s Fn) Dishibubive Functou Comubstive Fist chany —> F(a) dF) du Fo) — u ® - fi ay | ea [a acme OR mare Cairne I9 9 NON An AA nan ie f Dish lution (urclian yep asill aloes be om Won cea Sedu RANDOM Process > Fandom Voniable aloug wit time domain . EXPECTATION itis ccluoly te moay wv the Probabilly Feclicut=dihib ution . nw EQ) = > x» re) whese . % is Disease TW x0 y E(K) = {s EC etter setae y wey he above relations ne devivad hom hequensy dubibubea us be 1, Faq 16 replaced by pebabilhy ne ne at x Se cw a) bub Sel) =1 > > > 2 2 > ? > > 3 > > 5 2 3 2 > 5 2 2 2 > 2 > > > > > E > > he Bagh) - E() | (i) VARIANCE From Pequemey dishibution , the veri ane iy SN Ge (Shay WSs etx) piven by : Behe = eG) My qeneral aa Zhou = EG) lw et dtl kou, Vie) = EG?) E09)" \ | - E Gd Cos! 2 V@ = Bxpo) — (x1 Bw) where vis o { fm ee j discvele ¥.V { fa 2 NVQ . (* Foi) du — F(X) v8 [ree | “a { Goutinnons -V . _ ee Sd NAN ANANNOANHAN AANA NANA nanan hn on et hn ln | eee PRoreRneS OF EXPECTATION ll adenine ouou OX is a oN oud fal t a cuslaul, y chen E@x) = o€(x) cu if x oud Y aw T's fi) Then EQ) = EQ) +E(y) EQeY) = EQ)- EC) ROW X&Y oe SVS EGY) += EG). EA) ~ EQ) -ECY) IF RLY are Independent rondow wariables , E(xy) = EO).E() MOAR y= okt b | wthore G & b ove Couthnls Then EQ) = cE (xX) 4 b w inf E[emhal] = exbet] ity Mean of cautery» Thal conta! ibe. 5 Ele [eed | = conrhutl = E09 | > vu VU UUHUUUUVvVUUUUUUUKOUOUU]G PROPERTIES OF VARIANCE rn IF X is a wv and ‘al is conshant , V(ax) = 0° VOd VEY) = Gov) ~ VO) IF X and Yove ludepandeut ¥ v's Vay) = Va@)svi¥) V(x-Y) = VQ) 4 WY) = vie) = VO +V(y) > \v(x) = YONG) IF at b ar onstanle, X ZY are ‘ndepeudeut v's, V(ex~by) = & VG) Bi v(y) VO Me) = WW) + yy) Foy. 6kth , where ak b ow tconthouls , VY) = v(ax+b) = vox) + V(b) VV) = V(X) +0 1m bh te tal a PO DO NOOO ARONA AAD i x and Y are hwo Yaudom Voriables (Dependant v's), V(xA¥) =vbd + v0) +2 OV(xy) | osherxa CN( x) ~s Covarionee of X,Y tolere : ‘Gv(«i) > EQ ) - - EQ) EW)! ee | > Corn) = VQ > GN (ab) = E(ob) -EG\E(b) ~ eh- ab TeV [a oy = ©. where cand b ore comlants . Li x and 4 axe independent ov, teu Covariance of XY =° cov(x =o X,Y ave ‘adependen b But Comverse of tee stolodront ts mot fat - = 2Nowiance and (pvarionce a0 independ en F of change of- origin depos dent nye ‘GUO UU BHUUNHUEHHUUUVUUYUYUUBVUUUUUYUUYUYYUY M[ox+b] = av iy) Meay [tupeck iow] depeudout of osigin as cell as Depaundent of change of scale - Hore] 2 & V(x} +b SKEWNESS st I @ ip = Ms Ma 3" canhel momeryt 1 3 b Ma > Variance Kaoness is defined iv denns ‘of “py yx JB! Vis also a measure of shewaase . we 3 IF py=0 => f,=0 Then he cae is OYMMETHY \F gee => Then Re Gave ig nea fb ps tue — bev te Wve is pocivece ssenen POOAONANANNAN ONnANHAANH 2 es ae ee i ee NANAADD BEEBE RR eee eee ‘ Oa) (aaa n nq Peasy ) > Bb ) > V4 oe i) yO 2 - 5 & feud 2 . VOX) > a E > ® > ® > 2 % ® TT TAN) = Fiud the eupedation of fe. numbes on a die when it ts Hoon « a" , E(Q) = Sx eG) on : 1 vb y @ub 49% bx Mee are NEE ENG 6 6 = 1 ~ & [tes 45 +6] ef] ame r2zialalslé hh Ye % he OM she Variance for the sue die - eb c(se) “€ 06)" () Sve) ie = ¢ [teetasts gags | 12 & Note: The moon oud Variance for tho sum of the numbers ov the, “deg dice is EGR VW = 36 Ex): & vx) = 38x Q 3 unbiased due are tooo Ferd fhe wean of Vovionce for dhe sum of he numbers om them , Xt sum of nun bar on 3 diay. a 2 a VOX) = 354. 35x3 _ 35 4 a Two unbiased dies are tolad . Td oe eupecta ly, bor sum F on them. X 3 Sum Po the number dblaimed on Qdies | Here X és O55 unsiuy ouly + Horee tro vaad of addihane . E (sant) © ey . oe a ee where ‘Wis the nuwbey dice rolled aud 6 et Be Onan nd op nogan INWOOD HOH bbs infalate’e'e’ ua He - wins 500 Bupeas If x ® A ployes feesus 3 Cots. heads ocuy , 300 8 iF @ Heads occurs, loo xs if oul V bead occeus. On the offer Vand he looses Jeoow 1F 3 tails occurs Find value of dhe game - gk: No cof haad possibilty E-QO-= Soop ty x] 3 | 2 one ee | % | 34 | Ih TYALUE OF GAME = GRIN~ LOSE = Gunvils fob — Law xi pnb - De Ee 3 ot ) E(x) = 300x + + 300% + loox 3 1500x Ss 1400 + 300-1500 8 = 1400-1800 g ~ 29 25 & NOTE « IF Gaim ts sod be be heer, the eupechad Nolue of gome is aid fo be O. (1s Loss Gud uo Goin) RQ A now bos quem Keys of ashich one fe Fits to lock | He bios thom succuntively wsliouk seplace men | fo opon the lock. wheal is dhe Pobabilit, tat dhe lock will be open at the oh txial, Also determing mean ond Vawion ce , Noles with Replacement implies that ik is ludependont oven bs . woul Raoplreeme ut implies Bot it is Depend ex f Eveuk, f pwob of opening the lock in r dria | = ty q 2 20 Hial = Ya-1 ¥ n 37 bial = taea fF ppening Lock suas oy of? = ! Prh o v 1 be ue 10° hig] = ( te) a prob of openly lock tn sued int pial - (( “af Bet) Ot 2 ~ ye y nw) OD, we lore prob of opening tock PP Sucears v1 bial = In ahs A & ual e! — 2 im poo Pp oe non non 1 On 0 eee nn Noannn eee ened ¢ \ i { 5 5 Veoiawee of wv hahaa! mumbers Vw) = Wet la 2 casider o value 9: 2 ay ays wunboyed From 00-144 Prb (450° rial arith out waploaness t) = (ae aN 4 te sucess in 2 Mean! 0-400 ” io 449 Piiob( 1" Suctas tw asoh hial [ uit) - (‘eus) 3 aopln aud ee 2 & will wplecemonl, ‘toy are dependent , era aa eyecare Tuy loss probabilt las of Ww) Wels : leo courllaacl tes Gud get oaly Vaow . Bub iM with wplrcauenk, cath biel ig tudepevdeut event Vance eerch cB of &i) lox prrbe bj thes we veed b moth fy Bly fare Note e “The probably free areas eee hia] wiky Walacemant is ir TP a sues 1 hid wilt i agaml) + “Pp eo Uo UH UH BUH UUYVHYUUUUUO UY UO G Y if wx is Soid bo be a Gutinrs bailable and Us Pebabilily funcha, 6 Fon) < kat 0<8S I (2) Find tre value of ke. (@) Bud Moen & Variance » a) mets (te) av 4 Se) l { fa'du = 4 ) Meay = E(x) = w FO) da f naan 7. INAN AANA NON NNAH HAD 2AIADAD HHS ‘wie (82) Vera V(H) = EG?) ~ (eos) ! te) = [x eFo du 2 (wt dns 3 . 1 Vevtance = 3 - (3d 5 @ eee 5 6 = 43-45 3 go “30, = = Gtr wa aa fy = kv ee, es (Jud be value k (i) Moon 2 Yorlant & Od Of () [ fo) dno [te an a -w 6 panne e Ve Gamma Finchor , Vas ("a wt de , UzO Te 2 WOT = (wil (ouly when Ws olor) O<1x 9 cite, So inleaal becomes + kis =) Kalc / ke ® SS (2) Moon E(w) = [ Peay dx t at = fun et du ) VoL Coreg ELS LR Cee a4 r i lh 9 9 Vn NO 48 Seen eee Of on oy py ony Se eee ee eee yao |] ‘a a Various = Wd ~ 3 = lant = 3 9 Fos bh Sst VON) Fuad veiontl * VO) = EGA) -€0O) EO = fron dx : [ vie t [? du ‘Oo fal © a ~ fide + E(x") = [x Foi) dm a, = ot ft) dn Nalowrte © YR TOWVVUUVEVuVuy ~ oe [ odd fn yx ven fn = odd ta . 4 { eas fudue O ive : Pr] —> even ¥ even V even 4 4 Sent 7 3 f cunts : -O 0 Q IF xv owe He %.V'S moon of X is Io eee FX 85. Flud posihve Value « of oO, b Such fot Y= aX-b has Enpachatar % Zero ond Variance is 1. E()= f(ax-p] = © a a El] = E[b| = 0 4x10 - b= 0 lon-b = © b= loa —= MEW [ore] = ove = = @ age | a= a Given 4ve b= loo = lox! 5 = 2. Qe ‘5, b-Q _ aie eel (Gu ietG 2 ee ee ee ee ee aa nn anon n aH nm a NAA AANA HRA GS ond G 4 ‘ya i BIVARIATE DATA. elle Let 4 be hoo disacle 6S, Thain pmpetily gets giver by ont probability Mass Fades (Tpmp) ler wy be hoo Contino Fs Ther Probobilihy fogaflas given by Tout Poobabilhy Denbily fun clon (aPoF) Cosa (i) foutivns RV's, IF ond | ove hyo tontimoss TVS, oud ite proba bilthy Function ‘© knaon as Toint probobily densify function ss doudked by Fony), => te rneaginal densiky functions axe Fo) cs [Fou dy 4 F@ = [feo dx Vndepen dowt > x ond y ar a-D Goativous tv's tor _its probability — Sunetion is _kvouen—at—foint JRF, ~~ ewe eye YH YEH YE YVUU UU UU UEUUULY [ae pr = wort) MOTE) Toint Disksibution Fanchor GF ot Cuweltive Dshibation faction Hr) | & Fa, ) = Pony) Fong) = f [tdey, ad Ly Nr anaAaNnnneA > Conditional proba bili ia Fa, FOG) = a » (1) & 0) EO a EGuy) ? 0 (Hy) Eo (ease) Case (3) Disoete BV Ft oady ote ho dimensional ¥v's aud ts pobabiliky Puction is Know a put probability funclion we denoted by Puy) . The morginal mass Function’ are PO) = 2 PO) i FONDA AANAANHANNDAH HOD a ln (9 = = ror4) a | iil wd ee eee g Wt ond yon 2D calves ral awd te Posi furvlen, Ss Grew by fouy) = ty » OIAHNHVHOBHUVHVHVNUWYYEYYE YY Ye ~ F@g = [ [vy Fons) dedy. a0 Ye - [ [rs (ep de dy OY eg It - vg ded Livres I / . 1 (Ex ~ 7 ToVariance + CoV (KY) = Ge E (KY) — E(-€() ta ~ Wek = Woke = Bh f> (i Foty) = Fos) ey Fe iy) wooo EW) = EGY) 2 ta i) uy We Fem) = F(x) Fy) YER Y why ane Depurdont v's, | LEONA AHAONANAHANANNANAHHHH HOH ANADANA eee ce ft ttn itt eet tts ee ese ee yaw wee erry ee ee ee Ss dy ave aD Disawte BVs and its jomt ge Ft om 4 * ea moss function is () Fund p( ete ne 0) oa _ P(wysa d e4eo) r@ Y e-y-o) Poe ee _ P(K=L, y=") Oem, yerd) + P(KeOY=0) + P(XeL Y= i) : % "%as) = <= GINOMIAL DISTRIBUTION Definition : Fis said fo be & butomiol wandom variable. It ollows Be values from 0 A Wide the Parameter (CD) oud its Proba bitty ass Guncton is Born) = rod = \"c, Fy” O The Pobebli of success (3 Consul (p is lone’) Ls Man is qveatoy than te vaviance . PROPERTIES EW = Mean = Mp i ANNNnHDHHOR OFAN MYA eee 9gNgnnNnnn al lea let} nO on Vvivwwvuvvwvuvvvvvuvr ve vee vvvv ve ve pL TPG He Py = (ray t “WPy qT, = leap Supq . Qe ne ie et ieee Po P< hk —> Posihvely skewed « P>% > Negativaly skewed . i 4 mo ELee] = Gare)” => Memomtr Moment Guerating function sv ued for the ce eo Sum and difforonte of & vy's wi along With he Binomial Déhibution- Chusoctristic Yucion vatio of 2 vvls with Binomial dishibulan ° Note» > P= > bso = p=0 “Ta he Cone & Synmalay 2 IR P< Ye | than He Cusve is Pasitve ly Skewe a - Ue P>h, then he Cuve is Ngo fively Skowed. * fe moment Gourating Function ts wet to fiud addihon and ckflexonces Yn the wvis with eis tarespom ding Proba billy fuuckou . ate charathoriehic. function is ued to Finda doe towolution aud vatio Hw the evs wilh they aa funckan « Sum of ladepond ext Binomial vv's is also O pinowial random voriables - | | It 1 dn noann fl poe non yn ANANDNH AH HANAHAN NH nn Ie ban hs Nt ® find the probabil of geting a q enoctly ain 3 times with a paiy of dice ea plum 4) = Bs (5,4)(49) (6,06) ee 4- te Monee Po raged pob ~ MCP Y . t , ~ °Cy an (4) Se = 2% Be % “the pobobilil F mon biting the tog eb is Is, - 0 i le Fives five times > what a be Probabilily of les Withng Le fangeh at leat kwice . w) How Mosyy tine wn ho Rye $0 Not dhe ppobab lit of bis tee tkeoy dow Fengat atlesat once S Ware How a0? */ : tS n=5, 2h, 42% veuvvvwvwuuvwwv vy wv ~- - ai P(xza) = L— P(k qo% I= Po) +04 P(s-0) <0-] gy <0 (Sco Jakiy log — tot Tarw asRea por Suny VO 4 1a loc, tom batt gids a 1 ngoeeffatals N9nnnG BEE eee eee ee ee ANnNnH AMA NANaAnnnAnnannnna nnn io i i nn Oe x and Y ae Bo binowal % TV, yv o(ae) Yub (47?) ie p(X 2) = 5/4 =? ® Find »(vzd ant POert) = : \- P(x=0) = Hq l- 6) = 54 ) y , O-D= 4% , te 6% » bive Ny = 9 > a > fae Ms > > l-pe Y, > re > Dd Nee ~ BC 4, a) > > * (yx) = pi - ele) + > -1-@ a a ap he OB 3 (2) a 63 Q Q dies ov wld [20 twas . fird te oveega no ‘of Hows in eativels the humbor off de fish die excoads the noon te second dio . N= lao pee tow Fiudivy Py noron @ fink Me eeeels the ‘rand de, fad-ford-e= aval Cose Ge, Tomoinis X , bale oo be tt vie > Seeand dle - I= Glog . oa Avorege = Mean = Et] =MP = laoxds. an 36 jac Qty ha & binomial vv and E&) = 4 vide % Fund @ P (x <2) @ Comment} on By ) P(rea) E@=4 npg = & hpe= 4 3 _ 4% Pama = PAHOA” ON Om oe ae nogannan li wa bbb i aa tft la piesa) = Peo) 4 p(xei) tple-a) é A a - Fr 68) «Gol 4, [teate) = Blaay w Thay (® Given Dade \S avely Skowd Siace PValua oy mole Reena ae P= Me > Ye. Q, FX is a bimowia| teurdom enioble » fan find Ba vara of > (4) "GPa wz0 vw ! : MK = DMP GY neo orto ~ wIe * PO) | \x-o ! i — —s! = 4% Mean eee vwwwvwwvwewvuwvvvv ye © ~~ ~ ~ - u | { | POISSON DISTRIBUTION SSS Prbabitihy Funcha is given by | P(x i »70) = Pd = fe , 70 ‘U, O sxc © , Otenise . > Ut cs ated. alen obsewvakay cae aa aud succey Propbily ws Low. . > Ibis Used t find RARE OCCURANCES . > Porson’ Gqualan ' 6 fone depondent dishibution , te, th iy Evelutanony Proce ss» Wed f fud — pefoct Probably - Used to Find bwivel Rade - Fox ts said to be poison TV difinod i dea He oe Poramelet ) (r>0) and & a mogs function Is P(x5 koe) = pla) = ay ee vw izes O0) Nps => P= X Then p(w: 4)P) = ar (uy al Eos of Luomia te Plaids k>o) = e (n)" \ a PROPERTIES pete E@ >= Mean = d VQ) = be = A Bs = » 70 Poissow s dubibation is aluay s posttivaly gkecoed Le cou vee by Symmolry lt com yoy OY mine's) 2 Ma¥ M(t) = Bea) . eed b, () = tle] ~ gle) tes Ma pase Poisson's agus dihibuter - BD Moan > Variance = pornmelar \ - ie lures avely skewad - Sum of de indepandsul poisson v.v's woods Ty. cs alo a we Dibleseree bly dee ‘depend at Poissou!s teV5 not a potsson Fandom Vowiable . | cc c a c « COONAN A AHAAR = AAaAnnANHNA SRR eee ohuhn wa 8 slo YU eUVUuUuVvUVYyYVU YY YY Ye we gaitet hoc A tebplone, 2Ciro) Do calls on an avy dung an | hous. Find dho proba lity foro feviod of 5 min, | 0) No all & gecwoved « al i . 0 t ©) telly > obs om teed on I : ewes sos | lit) Beloesk ® cols axe te cieved » defacg | ha. oo) =>) (for bo win) For Go win —shed0 Calls For Dm a7 B22 , L.y 60 3: Le for Twins bya = 65> > ac a (i) P(xza) = I~ : “fet rot] ee Bee eee enn nn ee HEE Ue Cw) Tne a Y%OGKCUUKLUEEEZGUbUY OD! i i ore 5 J \ J | 2 Q 2 | |} _ | S 5 3 = i a | . | > * s a 2Q le é tf | & “Ue -| tb u | © x 7 = 3 9 lee | PW? + lz x % ViVeewuvvvuvwvuvvuryvrvyvyy NORMAL DISTRIBUTION (cavsernn) cee) ees’ 7 clr © 0 <4 “gre by : = MG — F 7 Neco _.__._ en ee 7 od Xv No) —» EQ =0 Ve) = | >» YO oe Ob — Sum oF the ludependent otal variable is abo 0 dome seurdom Vorioble + othe difference fie independent womel tvs is alto a vomal sondom \oriable [ Lineowcombinakan) . Defini Kay « UNIFORM DISTRIBUTION | RectANeueAR| xX ts anthony tv wm die ubkoval Ash (ax v POSITIVELY CORRELATED v NEGATIVELY CORRELATED x” < . tere oT RTGRTUVELY moy em on 9ANN DH NH VA ER ERR NAONANH AHA nn nf Tt | nN ) Ce Oh Notes FX LY cre Mependent v's Rem Cvarionce & | 1s WH. 7 cov (x9) =<) = uy) = © Bal convewse of Re shtomend wk fue . => (owelation cortFiceut is independant of aaa mo cell mdoprndant of clromge ot Scale. 5 SES bo , Reaeission, << (ee) y Definitions Tre place wlationship hls te 2D tandor vorisble 16 Kyo as ‘woqeadsiow- LINES OF REGRESSION - 0 yin *E gy TNX rk ¥ Ge (yg oN % (y 7) KON Y tipo >iCotre Lation coefficient so Be Geonahic Moan blew Teqnssion corfficien + 2 Tbe by Notes BBR de veqrassion loothicienls & mat hove a ered rr) 7 a@, \F bot tve ==> Vis 4Ve. lk bok Ve ===> ¥ is -Ve : IP byy >> byy i vy Feegussion eque tious Owe Passos Thocugh cae pout XV Reqression Coefficieut ts tudepurdant of houge of igi as wales depoudent of chang of Scale> Nugle bh. 8 eqressiou twas 9 a a Ne J Ta ttf eta Yano SFM ND ND CAMO MrAn”a a ee ee nie tee een eff f nn am rRNA mi oo i ) viwewww ww ww we ~~ Q The Saqaasion equation ore Bx FRY A), an Fey =0 () wp Fd v? cD) %Y whichever te coclficient iu the enpression is bighe they a i de DEPENDENT VARIABLE - cosider Ver a= 1 Dependent variable YX ouy hon Y You X BX42Y =) autaye O Bx= \-ay ay = -aX ae Ye Yak ier byy - he aes dh i Wl se Jah fi Te Ts () Moons K2Y sattishion ey., + be TAY = 8 avy ay = 0 4M za eae — Moos (% 9) = (y, -F th) — » ¥-a=O ax-Y=) () t Ci) 9 ep You X_ _X-ay =a _ oe Koa BN =l+y Xe Ya Q oon od ed i re AMn ANY Ne a NAnAANnANA LA ee eee a a ae nn v oa

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