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Human Resources Report 2015/2016

Shaping Culture and Leadership


Human Resources Report 2015/2016

Shaping Culture and Leadership

MTU Aero Engines

Our Company, Our Strategy ............................................................................................ 4

Human Resource Strategy

New Horizons, New Objectives .................................................................................... 6

Corporate Culture and Organizational Development

Identity Work for the Future ........................................................................................ 10
Mission Statement Process: Shaping the Future ......................................................................... 12
Management Survey ......................................................................................................................... 13
Shop Floor Management.................................................................................................................... 13
Women in Management..................................................................................................................... 14
Work Ability ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Health Management: A Broad Spectrum of Benefits ................................................................ 18

Starting a Career with Thrust ...................................................................................... 20
Secondary School Students: Get Involved, Get Started ............................................................... 22
Training Concept: The Career Paths .............................................................................................. 23
Internationality: Trainee Exchange ................................................................................................ 23
Trainers: Production on Board ........................................................................................................ 24
Students: Ready for Takeoff ............................................................................................................. 25
Master’s Program: Career on Track ............................................................................................... 25

Human Resource Development

Building Technical and Managerial Knowledge .......................................... 26
Talent Management ........................................................................................................................... 29
Business Challenge ........................................................................................................................... 30
Leadership Guide ............................................................................................................................... 31

Compensation and Additional Benefits

A Broad Palette of Employee Benefits ................................................................... 32
Flexible Work Schedules .................................................................................................................. 34
Mobile Working ................................................................................................................................. 34
Combining Family and Career ........................................................................................................ 34
Support from an External Service Provider ................................................................................. 35
Individual Education Benefits ......................................................................................................... 35
Company Pension Scheme ............................................................................................................... 35

Standards of Human Resource Work

Seal of Approval for Career Prospects .................................................................. 36
Germany’s Top Employers ............................................................................................................... 38
Focus Magazine’s Employee Survey on XING .............................................................................. 39
Rankings by Students and Graduates ............................................................................................ 39

MTU Aero Engines
Our Company, Our Strategy

MTU Aero Engines AG and its subsidiaries are In the commercial sector MTU Aero Engines
develops and manufactures engine modules and
together the leading aero engines manufacturer components. MTU is one of the leading subsys-
tem and component manufacturers in the global
in Germany and today an established name aero engine industry, thanks in particular to our
technological preeminence in low-pressure tur-
worldwide. We develop, manufacture, sell and bines, high-pressure compressors, turbine center
service commercial and military aircraft propul- frames and repair and production processes. Our
brand can be found on products of all thrust and
sion systems and the gas turbines derived from performance classes, from small engines for busi-
ness jets to the highest-thrust propulsion systems
them. MTU aims to offer products and services in the world. As a risk and revenue sharing part-
ner we have a hand in the most important com-
that span the entire lifecycle of a propulsion mercial aero engine programs. In these programs
system, whether commercial or military. We MTU assumes complete responsibility for devel-
oping and manufacturing its modules and com-
derive our own propulsion from innovative tech- ponents. Our cooperation partners are the largest
aero engine manufacturers (OEMs) in the world:
nologies, the highest quality in batch production Pratt & Whitney, GE Aviation and Rolls-Royce.
and a flexible range of services customizable to In the military sector MTU is the industrial partner
our customers’ demands. for nearly all aviation propulsion systems of the
Bundeswehr, the German Armed Forces, and we
handle all the corresponding system management
tasks, from supplying basic technologies, to
The official legal predecessor of the present-day developing and manufacturing aero engines and
MTU Aero Engines, BMW Flugmotorenbau GmbH, components, to providing maintenance and com-
was founded in 1934. Ever since then MTU has prehensive customer service.
exerted a decisive influence on advances in avi-
ation propulsion systems—and we continue to do The MRO business (Maintenance, Repair and
so today. Overhaul) refers to our commercial maintenance

activities, which are joined under the heading (ACARE). The council has committed itself to
MTU Maintenance. Through the MTU Mainte- ambitious targets for the future of air traffic and
nance Group we have locations in all important published them in its Strategic Research and
markets, making us the world’s largest indepen- Innovation Agenda (SRIA). Engines with MTU
dent provider of commercial aero engine mainte- technology are making a decisive contribution
nance services. We repair and overhaul aero here: in our technology agenda Clean Air Engine
engines and industrial gas turbines, offering ex- (Claire), we’re combining MTU’s key technologies
tensive service options as well as all-in-one solu- into a commercial propulsion system that by the
tions. Our customers are airlines and industrial year 2050 will consume 40 percent less fuel,
gas turbine operators around the world. produce correspondingly fewer CO2 emissions
and achieve a noise reduction of 65 percent. The
In 2015 both flight hours and new orders for European aviation industry and aviation research
standard- and wide-body aircraft remained con- sector has outlined a three-phase plan for reach-
sistently high, and over the next fifteen years ing the CO2- and noise-reduction objectives de-
worldwide air traffic is expected to nearly double. fined in the Strategic Research and Innovation
We are well prepared for this market trend, having Agenda.
laid the foundation for sustainable growth.
Our technology portfolio comprises some 150
MTU’s objectives are carefully aligned to rein- technology projects, all carefully aligned to our
force our strategic position and build on it with customers’ future requirements under consider-
profitable growth. Besides maintaining and ex- ation of societal, economic and environmental
panding our leading position in technology, we factors. In our technology projects we develop
aim to ramp up new programs. Another objective technologies for future generations of propulsion
is to improve our competitive edge by increasing systems.
our productivity and decreasing our tied-up capi-

Our mid-term development objectives in new

commercial aero engine technology conform to
the voluntary agreement of the Advisory Council
for Aviation Research and Innovation in Europe

Human Resource Strategy
New Horizons, New Objectives

Over the past decade, even while facing chang- So essentially it’s a question of our corporate
culture and initiating certain change processes
ing demands, MTU has noticeably built up its even though they won’t take effect overnight.
One competitor sets itself apart from the rest
strong position as an employer. In the process not only with products, after all, but also and
especially with corporate culture. When a com-
we’ve actively shaped and enhanced the working pany manages not to stand still but to change
world in our company with the help of a clear with the times and continuously reinvent itself,
that company can be successful for a very long
strategic alignment. Our present structures and time. MTU is just such a company—one with a
long tradition behind it, but one that has con-
basic benefits provide a solid foundation for our sistently succeeded in adapting to changing
demands. Now, over the last two years, we’ve
current human resource work and make MTU launched yet another change initiative. We
a desirable, attractive employer. So that things change in order to remain the successful com-
pany we’ve always been.
stay this way, Senior Vice President of Human
What developments will be especially im-
Resources Hans-Peter Kleitsch and his team portant for MTU’s strategic human resource
have reviewed and realigned our human re- management in the future?

source strategy. Here we can make out five basic trends. First,
the demographic change has been an important
topic for us for a long time now. It’s behind the
shift we’re registering in the makeup of both
Mr. Kleitsch, why did we initiate a realign- our workforce and our applicant pool. But since
ment of our human resource strategy in we’ve been addressing the issue for several
2015? years now, it’s an area where we’re already very
well positioned. Second, we’re witnessing a
We had adopted our previous human re- clear and ongoing transition in societal values:
source strategy in 2007, and with the help of career expectations, identities and attachments
various measures we’d implemented it with are all changing. This means our workforce is
tremendous success. But society, our markets becoming less homogeneous, and that makes
and even our company itself are constantly leadership and human resource work more com-
changing. Just within our direct field of business plex and demanding.
many new demands have arisen: aero engine
development, production and maintenance are A third trend is the ubiquitous digitalization and
gradually merging, our financial power is be- virtualization of work. In aero engine construc-
coming increasingly important for maintaining tion and maintenance, as in other fields, the
our independence, and our business activities developments of Industry 4.0 are producing
are progressively shifting from the military to marked changes. Fourth, globalization has led
the commercial sector. Meanwhile MTU’s board not only to an increase in mobility and air traffic
of directors team was reshuffled in early 2014, but also to lasting changes in our company, in-
and changes to our organizational structure cluding changes to the internal demands on our
were set in motion as well. It was with all these human resource management and to the needs
changes in mind that we undertook a thorough and biographies of our employees. The fifth
revision of our human resource strategy in 2015. important situation—another one that we, work-
ing in the business field that we do, have been
What does that mean for MTU? dealing with for a long time—is scarcity of re-
sources. This situation makes efficiency an im-
For us as a company it means we have to portant criterion not only for our aero engines
face recent changes on the market and grow but for all processes of our human resource
with them. And that means we have to be willing work as well.
to put our ways of thinking and behaving to the
test and adapt them to suit our new challenges.

How do you plan to tackle these developments How are we doing in the competition for
strategically over the long term? talent?

Our operating environment, as defined by so- That’s a topic we’ve worked on very intensely
ciety, the markets and internal demands, dictates for many years. MTU has a very good reputation
five strategic spheres of activity: increasing flexi- among students, young professionals and ex-
bility, enhancing leadership, building on our good perienced professionals in the aviation industry.
position as an employer, optimizing our workforce Our attractiveness as an employer is high. But
structure and digitalizing and improving the pro- we don’t want to rest on our laurels, and in fact
cesses of our human resource work. we can’t afford to; instead we need to build on
our position. That’s the only way to guarantee
So what’s important in terms of flexibility? we’ll get the high-quality recruits we need. The
key is to continuously identify our highest-priority
Our goal is to continue to have a personnel applicant groups and find out what they care
structure adequate to the demands we face. about. Concretely what we’re looking to do is
Long-term planning and preparation are espe- register and evaluate the indicators for our at-
cially important in the effort to achieve need- tractiveness among these groups. This helps us
sensitive flexibility. It’s a question of capacity align our long-term communications measures
utilization, qualifications, work hours, work loca- to these important target groups and their needs.
tions and costs. In production, the “breathing We’ll be expanding both our presence in global
factory” concept will help us use our resources employer rankings and our social media activi-
in a need-sensitive fashion. Decoupling actual ties. We also want to keep perfecting the on-
operating times from standard work hours is an boarding phase for our new employees.
important tool in this connection, since it will
allow us to keep operations running longer. But And you want to optimize our workforce
we should also consider making work schedules structure as well?
and contracts more flexible in order to meet our
location-specific needs. Moreover, we want to Naturally that’s always a topic in every com-
help staff members obtain multiple qualifications, pany, especially in times of changing markets
which will not only develop our already more- and demographics. Facing such changes, we
than-qualified employees even further but also need to make sure all our personnel needs are
give them a broader assignment range. We’re covered, company-wide, for both the short and
also developing new work concepts that accom- the long term. First, of course, it’s about fine-
modate individual life phases. tuning our current workforce to match our per-
sonnel needs. All pertinent criteria must be con-
And another core topic is leadership? sidered, including qualifications, age structure
balance and personnel costs. Second, it’s im-
Yes, and especially here a look back is very portant that we conduct a risk assessment of
instructive: leadership styles and leadership cul- our workforce structure. What potential for over-
tures also change considerably over time. This burdening or incapacity exists among what em-
change can’t be left to happen on its own, how-
ever, but must be carefully steered and closely
monitored to ensure it remains in step with the
demands of our society, our company and our
employees. The goal here is to reinforce our
shared understanding of leadership while also
improving leadership quality and effectivity. The
high performance standards anchored deep with-
in our corporate culture are becoming more and
more apparent in light of the manifold challenges
we face. Where several generations are working
together, we focus on establishing a balance of
values. After all, it isn’t enough for the old and
the young to simply work side by side, each with
their own value priorities and behavioral habits.
We want to encourage cooperation and recipro-

Head Count – Total Workforce (2014–2015 End-of-year Figures)
2014 Total Percentage 2015 Total Percentage

MTU Aero Engines AG 4,614 55.4 % 4,618 55.4 %

MTU Maintenance Hannover GmbH 1,920 23.0 % 1,871 22.5 %

MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH 693 8.3% 683 8.2 %
German Locations 7,227 86.7% 7,172 86.1 %
MTU Maintenance Canada Ltd. 402 4.8 % 402 4.8 %
MTU Aero Engines North America Inc. 135 1.6 % 151 1.8 %
Vericor Power Systems LLC. 37 0.4 % 39 0.5 %
MTU Aero Engines Polska 525 6.3 % 562 6.7 %
MTU Maintenance Lease Services B.V. 7 0.1 % 8 0.1 %
Total Abroad 1,106 13.3% 1,162 13.9 %
Consolidated MTU Group 8,333 100 % 8,334 100 %
Europe North America

ployee groups, and how can we best assist these How will we go about implementing our new
people? In this way we can improve our employ- human resource strategy?
ees’ work ability throughout their professional
lives—to the benefit our employees and the com- In 2015 we refined our strategy in such a
pany. way that our new strategic alignment could pick
up where our previous one left off, leaving no
And what needs to be done in terms of cracks. We began to implement the measures of
digitalization? our refined strategy in 2016. And always when
you start to implement a strategy, to put it into
Ultimately that’s also a question of continuous practice, things get concrete—more recent devel-
development. Digitalization is a permanent chal- opments and demands reveal the need for further
lenge but one that holds in store great benefits action. So far our new strategic principles have
for employees, managers and human resource proven to be a fitting and constructive way of
managers. We want to make all process-, data- supporting MTU’s development. But reacting to
or qualification-related standards available at all the unexpected is precisely one of MTU’s great
times and in all places. In the future our employ- strengths. Such challenges bring out exceptional
ees should be able to submit and update their ambition not only in our engineering department
personal data themselves. This will increase not but also in our human resource management,
only transparency but also data access speed. not to mention in me personally. That’s an un-
As mobile devices become increasingly wide- mistakable part of our corporate culture.
spread, we’re working to ensure proper security;
a high-tech company like MTU needs to maintain
strict standards of secrecy and confidentiality.
So we’ll also be further intensifying our efforts
to sensitize employees to data security concerns.

Corporate Culture and
Organizational Development
Identity Work for the Future

What do the markets demand? What challenges equilibrium of behavior and identity. That’s why,
in light of the transitions in our markets, we
do we face in terms of technology, production need to ensure that our sense of continuity
doesn’t block our openness to change. We do
and the environment? Who do we want to be that through even more openness, namely to
the discussions and conflicts that are an inevit-
tomorrow? All these questions are examined and able part of the adaptation process.
answered by an array of MTU cultural initia- Over the past two years we’ve put intense work
tives. Our current success gives us a standard into precisely such central issues of corporate
identity and culture as these—and that work is
to live up to—and the motivation to set our sights ongoing. The Mission Statement process serves
as our main toolkit in this effort, helping us
even higher. clarify and sharpen our future orientation. Ad-
ditionally, our regular surveys of employees and
Figures and facts are essential management managers give us an overview of where we’re
indicators for every company, but a company in need of development and optimization. This
consists of much more. That’s what is meant by human resources report details a wealth of
the term “corporate culture.” Definitions of cor- initiatives and measures aimed at enhancing
porate culture, however, all seem to fall short our corporate culture and thus our organization,
of what they set out to describe. Is it a set of including the employee survey, futures work-
beliefs that distinguishes one company from shops, health management and many other
the next? That seems doubtful, given the way aspects of human resource work. In training
fashionable management catchphrases come and human resource development our central
and go. Perhaps it’s more a question of the pat- methods are our enhanced talent management,
terns of behavior and identity which develop in the MTU Business Challenge program and our
every organization over time. Perhaps that’s trainer strategy. We’re also changing our work
what sets one organization apart from its peers. culture with concepts such as shop floor man-
agement and mobile working. We launch some
MTU’s corporate culture is a clear example of change initiatives at specific locations, others
this. Our current core business and our company company-wide. But in each case, specific needs
history make our name synonymous with count- determine the direction and methods of change.
less technological innovations and the highest
quality standards in aero engine design and pro-
duction. In close collaboration with our partners
in the aero engine and aircraft industry we cre-
ate products with lifespans of several decades,
and with our maintenance services we ensure
that those products operate reliably at all times.
This line of work has left its mark on both our
corporate culture and our ideas of leadership, Total Workforce Head Count 2015
and it’s clearly palpable in all areas of our com-
pany. For us aero engines are more than just a
product. With their power and their high tech- 683
nological standards, they fascinate us, and one Berlin
senses that clearly in our company.
Many of MTU’s strengths are likewise reflected
in our corporate culture. Our employees’ solid
qualifications, technical expertise and compre-
hensive experience have given us strong pro- 4,618
grams and an outstanding market position. This Munich
makes our company confident, determined and
proactive. The internal cooperation and high
level of continuity in our organization are clear
strengths that we can build on. Nevertheless,
what matters here as elsewhere is not absolute
strengths and weaknesses but establishing an

Mission Statement Process: Shaping the Future line, the new picture of the location was dis-
cussed with every employee, with special atten-
MTU’s Mission Statement process was brought to life with tion paid to the interactions between assignment
areas. Summarized into core messages, the
targeted measures for shaping the future. Our locations in
changes were presented succinctly in straight-
Ludwigsfelde and Hanover chose different approaches: the forward, practical terms. We concluded the
former a dialogue picture to concretize the Mission Statement, Mission Statement process at our Ludwigsfelde
the latter a dialogue-oriented process. location in mid-2015.

It was also in 2015 that our Hanover location

initiated the futures dialogue RESPONSE, which
Enhancing MTU’s Mission Statement is a practice adopted the slogan “Customer first—better every
firmly anchored in our corporate culture. It sparks day!” The objective was to further strengthen
ideas for the kind of renewal and reorientation the location’s competitive edge. The program
that are of fundamental importance in long cycles. consisted of a cumulative series of work and
Meanwhile MTU’s employee surveys provide im- information meetings, beginning with an event
portant points of reference for testing the Mis- where the directors presented to management
sion Statement’s orienting power. Does it still their understanding of the changes. At subse-
transmit objectives and clarity of purpose to all quent events the whole management team was
essential MTU divisions? How content are our on hand to discuss the impending challenges and
employees with the processes and general condi- consequences, proceeding first by area, then by
tions of their work? In the run-up to the employee work process. This clarified the special demands
survey in late 2015, we took the opportunity to the location would be facing. Afterwards, work-
update the methodology of this important tool of groups were formed to develop joint solution
inner-company dialogue and thus generate new proposals for the identified action points. In fall
momentum. Our switch to a different external 2015, after several months of work, the results
partner gave us access to benchmarks that pro- were ready to be presented to our employees.
vide a better comparison with other companies. The presentation event served as the kickoff for
In addition, the survey questions themselves a dialogue-oriented change process. The work-
were given more focus. The survey was once groups made themselves available in “market-
again conducted at all our locations in Germany. places” to answer employees’ questions. Em-
The participation rate rose to 79 percent, a ployees were also invited to fill out feedback
3-point increase over 2012. This shows our work- cards. Managers responded to employees’ ques-
force’s interest and investment in the advance- tions and suggestions in several different com-
ment and alignment of our company. The results munication formats. The largest topic areas were
were published internally in early 2016, and addressed by the directors in “cylinder events,”
we’re following up as we do after every survey, regular information sessions open to all em-
with measures developed in workshops with ployees. Further topic areas will be discussed
supervisors. in 2016 at RESPONSE “futures jours fixes,” reg-
ular meetings that will continue to make dialogue
Trends on the maintenance market are making with employees a priority.
business in this area more short-term, leading
to numerous challenges for our established pro- Following these specific futures initiatives at our
cesses. In 2014 these changes were addressed Ludwigsfelde and Hanover locations, the whole
at our Ludwigsfelde location with the help of company’s Mission Statement process is due for
group workshops. The “futures workshop” had a revision and update in 2016. The Mission State-
the task of bringing the location’s diverse fields ment developed in 2008 and the corresponding
of activity together in a gigantic dialogue picture. MTU dialogue picture will once again be sub-
Over the course of four months there arose a jected to a thorough review. The next futures
teeming image of the MTU world in Ludwigsfelde: initiative has been prepared by an interdisci-
all work areas related to maintenance can be plinary team assembled from several locations
seen here, all bustling at once. The picture is and specializations. The process will also take
designed to reveal at a glance the complexity and into account the results of the 2015 employee
interdependency of this world. An employee survey.
can’t support a company’s operations effectively,
after all, unless he or she understands those
operations as a whole. With the help of a guiding

Management Survey The survey produced very positive results over-
all, validating the work of our human resource
Human resource management is an indispensable partner management. We received particularly positive
feedback for our skillful counseling and proactive
and facilitator for managers. That’s why it’s so important that
support. The consideration we show for man-
we occasionally ask how things stand with the cooperation agers’ needs when implementing personnel mea-
between the two. In 2014 we did, and our survey yielded some sures and the strong role the human resources
impressive results. department plays in personnel decisions both
met with widespread approval. Some potential
for optimization was also identified. Suggestions
Like the employee survey, the survey of man- were made for improvements to our human re-
agers in late 2014 produced very important in- source statistics and our potential process. There
formation for our human resource management. were also calls for an even stronger role of the
Managers can’t perform their management duties human resources department in organizational
properly, after all, unless human resource man- development and greater transparency in our
agement is providing them with the necessary current services. We seized some opportunities
support and all relevant information. A total of for improvement already in 2015—for example,
100 executives from all specialty areas at our with our new talent management concept.
headquarters in Munich were surveyed with a
standardized questionnaire. The survey con-
tained three sections: services, structure and
organization. Additionally, upper management
was asked to evaluate our strategic alignment.

Shop Floor Management In 2015 our focus was on production, assembly,

maintenance and logistics. In the next phase,
The growth and complexity of our business make efficient in 2016, administration areas will take center
stage—for example, development, production
direction of our MTU shop floor areas essential. The shop floor
development or support. At our Hanover and
management program gives us the right tools to optimize Ludwigsfelde locations, shop floor management
our communication and decision-making processes with great will be supported by process coaching.
The objective of MTU’s shop floor management
is for managers of all levels to see themselves
With our new engine programs, the company’s as driving forces in a learning organization and
production and assembly figures are set to grow promote continuous improvement in their areas.
rapidly over the coming years. To accommodate A systematic communication and decision-making
this growth we need to make our decision-making cascade guarantees that problems are addressed
processes faster and more efficient. This is transparently. The daily routine begins with a
especially challenging in the context of the high- meeting between the team leader and his or her
ly specialized, one-off production and complex employees and ends later that morning with a
maintenance performed in MTU’s shop floor meeting between the center director and his or
areas. The demands in terms of component costs, her managers. In this way, the time-consuming
cycle times, warehouse stores, deliverability and “meet & mail” approach progressively gives way
quality are mounting constantly. In response we to “go & see,” where quick decisions are made
need to strengthen our structured and standard- at the site of value creation.
ized problem solving processes. This entails
permanent changes to our leadership behavior
and leadership culture. To achieve these objec-
tives MTU has been using shop floor manage-
ment since 2013.

Women in Management institutionalized patterns in companies seem to
promote homogeneity and—against all intentions
When a company makes the percentage of women in its em- —hinder the development of greater diversity.
But with the impending demographic change, we
ployee and management ranks a priority, it puts the adaptability
can’t afford to let female potential go to waste.
of its corporate culture to the test. Knowing this, MTU has been
systematically working towards change in this area for many That’s why it’s so important that MTU speak
years. A broad palette of policies is in place to ensure that the directly to the many women who hold advanced
qualifications and fill them with enthusiasm for
initiative keeps moving forward, continuously fueled by fresh the fascinating world of aviation. In 2010 we re-
ideas and insights. doubled our efforts to raise the share of women
in MTU’s management ranks. These policies are
beginning to bear fruit, and we’ll be carefully
The percentage of women in management posi- monitoring their long-term effects over the com-
tions has long been a topic of wide discussion. In ing years. The percentage of women in our work-
day-to-day working life, however, it’s a topic that force as a whole has already risen to 14.3 per-
men and women alike approach with reserva- cent, but the changes will take effect at the man-
tions, albeit for very different reasons. As in all agement level only over the middle term. The
social transformation processes, uncertainties share of women among MTU’s managers, from
will likely recede as everyday reality gradually master craftspeople to the highest executives, is
shifts. The change process is overturning long- currently 8.9 percent.
established patterns of behavior and thought in
society, patterns that are also reflected in work For many years MTU has been committed to
organizations and cultures. But every industry has helping women enter technical fields. We’ve
been shaped by its own particularities, and the participated in Girls’ Day every year since 2002,
high tech industry, arising as it has out of indus- giving schoolgirls an early glimpse into our oper-
trial production, still has a hard time inspiring ations and familiarizing them with the exciting
young women to train or study in a technical professional world of aero engine technology. The
field. A further obstacle for today’s corporate MTU Study Foundation has been active since
cultures is developing and retaining female em- 2001, sponsoring motivated, highly talented
ployees in skilled jobs and management posi- female students of technical disciplines as they
tions. It seems that even today, contrary to all develop their personal qualities and professional
our ideals and self-perceptions, we unwittingly qualifications, and preparing these young women
fall back on conventional gender roles for struc- to enter the working world. The yearly foundation
ture in the working phase of our lives. meetings provide a chance for networking and
encourage the female recruits in their personal
Any company hoping to effect a future-oriented development. In the cross-mentoring program,
shift in its corporate culture will have to investi- meanwhile, female employees with initial leader-
gate the hidden patterns of thought and behavior ship experience are paired with managers from
that are making this situation so resistant to other companies. These managers act as their
change. Like a kind of autopilot, internalized and mentors, and MTU managers provide similar

support to female leaders from other firms in
return. Besides helping female managers see the
Management Structure bigger picture and get to know other corporate
German Location Totals cultures, the program promotes mutual under-
2015 End-of-year Figures standing. Within the company, the MTU women’s
network has been facilitating interaction between
8.0 % female MTUers since 1996, organizing discus-
sion forums, continuing-education seminars and
0.4 % other events.
3.2 % MTU has set itself ambitious goals for better
utilizing the potential of female specialists.
Through a range of efforts we’ve established a
solid foundation of policies that will promote cul-
tural change in this area for a long time to come.
When hiring we formulate our job advertisements
to speak more directly to female applicants, and
Board of Directors 3
as a result the number of women among our
Upper Management (OFK) 24
external hires has risen considerably. In talent
Management (FK) 110
management we’ve purposely shifted our focus
Extended Management (EFK) 563
to women in order to identify more female pros-
Master Craftspeople 61
pects. We then foster these high-potential female
candidates with targeted development discus-
sions and in-person meetings. What’s more, by
10.6% flexibilizing our labor organization, introducing
mobile work and creating a standard concept
for part-time management positions, we’ve suc-
ceeded in improving the compatibility of family
Management Personnel 761 and career for both men and women in our com-
Total Workforce 7,172 pany.

Besides evaluating and enhancing our existing

methods, we’ve introduced two new ones. Our
Share of Women in Total Workforce established cross-mentoring program has been
joined by an internal mentoring program de-
signed to boost female talents’ networking and
visibility. Meanwhile our highest executives are
being systematically sensitized to these issues.
This is necessary because unconscious patterns
of thought and behavior are often still based
primarily on male paradigms of career and pro-
fessional life. Also, we’re currently testing a
14.3 % workshop on unconscious patterns of thought
and behavior, another potential human resource
Share of Women in Management management project. In cases where our un-
conscious patterns contradict our self-image,
we often fail to recognize them even when con-
fronted with them directly. The aim of the work-
shop is to objectivize the way opinions are
formed in the hiring process, thereby minimizing
our loss of talent.

8.9 %

Work Ability Employee Tenure
If we want to know how work ability is faring in a company, one German Location Totals
early indicator is health factors: trust, commitment, physical and 2015 End-of-year Figures
psychological condition, health behavior and work-life balance. Years Permanent Workforce Percentage
With the help of these factors we want to establish a broader
understanding of health, for our employees’ sake and for the sake 0-5 929 14.9%
6-10 945 15.2%
of our company’s productivity. 11-15 14.9%
16-20 854 13.7%
21-25 402 6.5%
Health is a fundamental value in MTU’s corporate 26-30 1,036 16.6%
culture. Our efforts at continuous optimization 31-35 474 7.6%
in this area are especially important against the > 35 656 10.5%
background of the demographic change. The
older a person gets, after all, the more likely he Total 6,225 100.0%
or she is to develop health problems. This can be
a burden not only on the individual’s well-being Overall average at German locations: 19.2 years
but also on a company’s productivity. Thus, with
the share of older workers on the rise, company
health promotion is growing in strategic impor-
and sinking productivity. That’s because these
The average age at MTU has risen over the last are so-called late indicators, meaning they only
five years, as it has at other companies; it’s cur- point out situations where employee health is
rently 45 years. But it’s also true that the longer already considerably compromised. For some
an employee remains with a company, gathering time now specialists have been working to un-
expertise and professional experience, the more cover early indicators. The best we know of
valuable he or she becomes, especially in a highly at present are trust, commitment, physical and
specialized field such as ours. That’s why it’s psychological condition, health behavior and
crucial that we continue to be forward-looking in work-life balance.
our methods of company health promotion.
By watching for early signs in these areas, we
It has long been clear that we can’t check only can tell when changes are happening which may
the obvious health statistics, such as sick-leave hamper work ability or hinder performance. But
rates, accidents on the job, employee turnover this requires us to monitor a wide range of risk
factors. Work ability can suffer due to a chronic
illness or a psychological impairment. Uncer-
tainty, fear and poor physical fitness likewise
have a negative effect. An employee’s perfor-
mance potential is also influenced—negatively or
positively—by work environment, working con-
ditions and the behavior of his or her manager
and team. These factors are also closely linked to
job satisfaction and motivation. All this makes
clear that if we want to see more than just the
tip of the iceberg, we need to keep a close watch
on early indicators. This will entail developing
health promotion projects and instruments that
can help us keep these early indicators under

In 2015 we revised the employee survey to in- to cause psychological strain. With these refer-
clude a longer-range view of performance and ence points in hand, we can devise targeted
work ability, adding questions that cover very measures to protect our employees’ long-term
diverse aspects of health in its relation to early work ability. MTU’s specific work ability indicators
indicators. A synopsis of the answers produces are job satisfaction, social relations and leader-
a so-called work ability index (WAI). MTU’s spe- ship, job demands, influence and development
cific work ability index was developed based on opportunities.
tried-and-tested health management question-
naires. It consists of thirteen questions about
factors that significantly affect our employees’
ability to handle their workload at any given time.
In this way the index can signal whether a team’s
working situation is conducive to health or likely
Health Management: A Broad Spectrum of Benefits We’ve also established special permanent ser-
vices to make health compatible with convenience.
Health promotion has a high priority in our company. Accident At our Munich location, equipment for “on-the-
job MTU vibration training” has been installed in
prevention, occupational medicine and acute care are indispens-
both production and office areas, making our
able basic services. But we also provide a variety of other employees’ path to physical fitness that much
services, including medical and psychosocial counseling, health shorter. Vibration training builds general muscle
studios, high-quality company restaurants, action days on strength and in particular the deep muscles of
the core, helping prevent back problems. In office
health promotion and much more. work areas we also combat back problems with
ergonomic sitting training. Meanwhile our “active
break” service offers effective techniques for
Thanks to the continuous optimization of our limbering up: during long meetings, employees
company health care system, MTU currently has can choose to have a qualified trainer lead them
a solid foundation of structures and services pro- through a brief series of movements that will
tecting our employees’ work ability. Acute care, improve their ability to concentrate and retain
occupational medicine and preventive measures information.
are the three main pillars of our present program.
With the help of these tools, integrated health At our action days on general health promotion
management at MTU strives to protect and pro- and health counseling, internal and external
mote employee health and motivation. Realizing experts clarify a variety of subjects, offering
these goals means bolstering our employees’ clear information and practical everyday tips
health reserves, productivity and well-being. To for staying healthy longer. The broad palette of
help implement this agenda, each of our German topics ranges from movement and stress to
locations has a team of occupational physicians, nutrition and relaxation. In 2015, for example,
social counselors and other health practitioners, our Ludwigsfelde location organized action days
either in-house or external. on work safety and health, setting up several
stations on the topics cholesterol, blood sugar,
At our Munich location our MTU Health Studio business yoga, electromyostimulation training
stands ready with a range of services and its own and social counseling. Another event, this one
physiotherapy area. Here employees can receive organized jointly with Audi’s health insurance
immediate treatment for ailments, and by follow- provider, the Audi BKK, offered a long list of
ing up with a specially designed exercise regimen, health courses. Here the emphasis was on
they can make sure the improvement lasts. At men’s health, a topic chosen due to our high
our Ludwigsfelde and Hanover locations we’ve percentage of male employees. Meanwhile our
established partnerships with local health stu- Hanover location took on the topic of cardiovas-
dios. cular illnesses. The “Heart Ticket” event gave

employees the chance to determine their indi-
vidual risk, and health-conscious behavior was Health Rate of Active Workforce
encouraged with a “health card” and precisely German Locations
rewarded with attractive raffle prizes. 2015 End-of-year Figures

By expanding psychological stress screening at Munich Salaried Employees 96.3%

our Hanover location, we’ve devised a cross- Wage Workers 92.9%
disciplinary approach to the whole subject of Total 94.9 %
health. Here we use both individual experience
and objective observations to determine the Hanover Salaried Employees 96.5%
conditions that lead to stress. The identified Wage Workers 92.3%
factors are further clarified in the course of an Total 93.5 %
inspection and an employee workshop. With
this information in hand, managers can begin to Berlin Salaried Employees 95.5%
change the factors in a targeted way, thereby Wage Workers 92.4%
reducing stress levels. Total 93.6%

We also pay careful attention to the subject of Total Salaried Employees 96.3%
nutrition. Company restaurants at MTU’s German Wage Workers 92.7%
locations always offer options for lighter fare in Total 94.5 %
addition to their usual broad selection of food
and drink. Conscientiously prepared, low-fat
meals with high-quality ingredients and plenty of
vegetables and salad are a given. We changed
our vending machine provider at our Munich At all our locations in Germany, psychosocial
location in 2015, making it considerably easier counseling provides relief to employees dealing
for our employees to come by healthy, freshly with conflicts or stress in their professional or
prepared snacks. At our Ludwigsfelde location private environments. In cases of severe psycho-
the action week “Healthy Cuisine” encouraged social distress, our cooperative relationship with
employees to take a healthy interest in balanced a psychotherapeutic clinic guarantees that we
nutrition. can arrange for the necessary help in a timely
fashion. The open-minded, pragmatic way our
When health impairments consistently get in the employees make use of our psychosocial sup-
way of an employee’s productivity, we look for port services testifies to the high level of trust in
ways to get that employee working again. This is MTU’s corporate culture.
also a legal requirement known as Workplace
Reintegration Management (Betriebliches Ein-
gliederungsmanagement, BEM). The goal is to
save a job by helping the employee lastingly over-
come his or her impairment. Since health limita-
tions are always individual, each employee needs
a custom-tailored solution. This isn’t always easy,
as it requires carefully coordinated processes.
In 2015 we reached a supplementary agreement
at our Hanover location based on our group-wide
works agreement of 1998. The agreement lays
down a new approach to BEM. Foregoing the
usual committees, it gives primary responsibility
for the reintegration process to the employee’s
manager. Over the course of 2016 we’ll be
gathering experience in a pilot project at our
Munich location, and an independent contractor
that specializes in such projects will be giving us
individual support.

Starting a Career with Thrust

If you become an aero engine expert at our com-

We offer many ways to enter the fascinating pany today, you’re standing on the shoulders of
world of aero engine technology at MTU: generations, and someday you’ll pass your skills
on to the specialists of tomorrow. We attach
secondary school internships, traineeships, great importance to this continuity. From the
start our training emphasizes proximity to the
dual-study programs, university internships, production process and rapid specialization and
student work placements, MTU Study Founda- employability, and as the demands, needs and
concerns of the aero industry change, so do our
tion events, term papers and theses. After training profiles. What changes relatively little is
the percentage of trainees in our workforce,
all, the long-term, systematic expansion of which in 2015 was 5 percent of permanent staff
at our German locations.
our technological expertise is the core of our
corporate culture and the foundation of our
company’s success story.

Systematically advancing our highly specialized

technological expertise requires a high level of
continuity; the necessary know-how has to be
built up and expanded over many years and even
decades. This makes it crucial that MTU recruits
receive proper training, whether in school, at
university or in parallel with work.

Secondary School Students: off the ground. Through practical applications
school classes discover that all the formulas and
Get Involved, Get Started laws they learn are the knowledge base of our
business. Ultrasound, for example: when it makes
Our factory gates stand wide open to interested young people, the leap from the physics books to the factory
floor, it can be used to test for cracks in engine
even those who are still in secondary school. Between school
partnerships, training expos, secondary school internships and
our web presence, young people have many ways to discover and On the other side of the lectern, educators par-
get to know the MTU world. Once connected with us, it doesn’t ticipating in the “Teachers in Business” program
work for one year as “interns” at MTU before
take long for them to see what we can offer—and what we expect returning to their schools with new experiences
in return. to share. The program has also produced ready-
to-use teaching materials—for example, for upper-
We pursue strategic involvement in schools in level geography courses. These materials cover
order to generate enthusiasm among young peo- everything from location decisions in a globalized
ple for the propulsive force of our products and world to the connections between atmosphere
ideas. Through our school partnerships we visit and aviation, and all this knowledge is available
school classes directly and invite them to visit us on the MTU website, only a click away from the
at MTU. On these occasions it’s our trainees them- classroom.
selves who present information about careers
and training. Students who don’t hear about MTU Direct lines to the fascinating world of aero
by this route can always get to know us at voca- engine technology also lie waiting on Facebook,
tional training expos, regional job fairs or Girls’ XING and MTU’s own training website, outlets
Day. particularly likely to catch the attention of sec-
ondary school students. Anyone who can’t attend
Whether through our secondary school intern- a trade fair or presentation in person can expe-
ship program or elective courses in technology, rience it anyway via real-time online updates,
we want to familiarize students with aero engines reports and videos. We’ve also made it as simple
as early as possible, hopefully sparking an enthu- as possible to walk out of the classroom and into
siasm that will guide their educational and pro- a career: by taking our easy-to-use online test,
fessional plans. Under our trainees’ supervision, anyone can qualify for an in-person job interview.
Hauptschule or Realschule students can experi-
ment with the assembly and disassembly of a
reciprocating engine. Meanwhile Gymnasium
students can test whether their knowledge of
mathematics and physics is enough to get them

Training Concept: The Career Paths To make the transition from school to training as
seamless as possible, our orientation seminar
Our training concept offers two ways of getting on board at introduces newcomers to both the company and
MTU, the dual-training program and the dual-study program. each other. The four pillars of the MTU training
concept reflect central values of our corporate
The latter is a cooperative education program combining voca- culture. Mutual respect and good manners are
tional training and tertiary studies. Both programs open doors essential to establishing a candid and comfort-
to further advancement possibilities at MTU after graduation. able working atmosphere. Personal responsibility
is the key to taking control of one’s life: we assist
trainees step by step as they learn to work self-
sufficiently. Team orientation is an absolute ne-
Our training and dual-study programs are cen- cessity in creating such complex products as
tered on our core business. Our classical training aero engines. Value creation has proven its worth
programs are aircraft mechanics (with a special- as the basic principle of all our training, and the
ization in engine technology), industrial mechan- results can be seen in many stages of our work
ics, mechatronics and surface coating, but we processes.
now offer a program in warehouse logistics as
well. Our dual-study programs are mechanical
engineering (concentration construction and
development or production and management),
industrial engineering, business informatics or
business administration (industrial, with a spe-
cialization in finance and accounting). When re-
fining our training programs, we always keep a
close eye on market developments—in the inter-
est of our company and our graduates.

Internationality: Trainee Exchange Our Hanover location has long offered its train-
ees a comprehensive exchange program on the
Trainees should have the chance to get to know our international European stage. Alongside the Netherlands and
France, Spain has now established itself as a
business field from early on. To this end we’ve developed several
permanent exchange partner. Participating train-
practical programs with our international partners. ees are sent for up to three months to an aviation
technology company abroad, where they get a
taste of the international scene. Aside from being
For the sake of their mobility, it’s important that a performance incentive for our trainees, the
our trainees gather some initial experience out- program brings MTU to the attention of many
side their training centers. A three-week ex- talented external recruits.
change program with BAE Systems and MBDA
Missile Systems gives many of our trainees the
chance to experience working life and unfamiliar
customs in the U.K.—and many British trainees the
chance to experience these things in Germany.
Another program allows our prospective indus-
trial mechanics to spend three weeks working at
our MTU site in Poland. An exchange program
for mechatronics technicians gives our trainees
in this area insight into the educational and pro-
fessional worlds of Finland and Denmark. Finally,
a three-week English language program—including
a final exam and a week of professional experi-
ence—broadens our trainees’ horizons and equips
them to tackle international assignments later on.

Trainers: Production on Board Vocational Training Programs
The close link between training and production has long been
an indispensable part of MTU’s corporate culture. Now we’ve
made this link even stronger. 345
It’s not only MTU trainees who are always striving
to get better and learn something new; our in-
structors also work steadily to improve the day-
51 294
to-day reality of our training. After all, training is
an investment on the part of the company and
should pay off for everyone involved. Industrial Mechanics
We’ve refined the concept behind our MTU trainer Surface Coating
rotation. Our trainer strategy ensures that train- Warehouse Logistics
B.A. Manufacturing Engineering
ing and production remain in close contact, con-
B.A. Sales of Technical Goods
stantly communicating their respective demands. B.A. Business Administration
The principle of having trainers switch between B.A. Industrial Studies
training and production areas has been applied B.A. Mechanical Engineering
universally, making rotation a basic tenet of our B.A. Industrial Engineering
MTU trainer strategy. This allows for a rapid ex- Aircraft Mechanics
change of experiences, needs and current devel-
opments—from production to training and vice

Throughout our training department, cross-loca- training programs in terms of quality standards,
tional communication between trainers, regular methods, implementation and evaluation. Each
departmental workshops and the exchange of year anew, MTU’s trainees do themselves and
experiences with other companies in our region our company credit: in 2015 the Chamber of
and industry produce a steady stream of sug- Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper
gestions for improvement. We also survey cus- Bavaria once again singled out an MTU trainee
tomers, trainees, trainers and the works council, as best in the state.
making sure every opinion is taken into account.
This is how MTU ensures the preeminence of its

German Locations
2015 End-of-year Figures

Permanent Workforce 2015

Munich 4,058 65.2%
Hanover 1,600 25.7%
Berlin 567 9.1%
Total 6,225 100.0%

Trainees 2015
Munich 191 4.5%
Hanover 92 5.4%
Berlin 62 9.9%
Total 345 5.3%

Students: Ready for Takeoff The MTU Study Foundation sponsors motivated,
highly talented female students as they work on
MTU offers university students diverse opportunities to gain their professional and personal qualifications. It
stands open to all women who have chosen a
practical career orientation before they graduate. Almost every
technical course of study. The foundation is also
department in our company stands open to them: development intended as a forum of exchange and networking
and construction, production, quality control, information tech- between prospective female engineers as they
nology, purchasing and logistics, program management, market- begin climbing the career ladder. Our yearly
foundation meetings, for example, promote
ing, human resources, and finance and accounting. female recruits’ networking skills and personal

Trade fairs, presentations at universities, factory Our close collaboration with institutes and uni-
tours, the Internet: the ways for students to get versity departments is an important channel of
to know MTU are many and varied. A glimpse interaction with the academic world. Bachelor’s,
into the world of practical applications—as an master’s and doctoral theses provide outstanding
intern or a work-placement student, for example, opportunities for students to relate university
or while researching and writing a term paper knowledge to real-world applications. The disser-
or thesis—can help a student solidify his or her tations we supervise cover important specialty
professional plans. From our orientation for new- topics in our industry and allow us to have a hand
comers to our Stammtisch (regulars’ table) for in the latest academic research. Our factory
interns, students at MTU receive close guidance tours and internships lure students to us from
and professional support from their first day for- Germany and all over Europe.

piled a master’s portfolio—an overview of re-

Master’s Program: Career on Track commended courses of study that have already
With the new MTU master’s program we’ve created yet another proven their quality and suitability to MTU’s
development objectives. The portfolio also
instrument of targeted employee development. Such instruments
includes program details such as admission
give our employees individual support and reinforce their requirements, tuition and duration.
attachment to MTU while also boosting our attractiveness as an
employer. The MTU master’s program is designed to last
three years and may be done part-time while
working or full-time. Participants are awarded
MTU has long supported employees seeking to a scholarship. If an employee choses to study
develop themselves through training or continu- full-time, he or she is assigned a mentor in the
ing education, and these remain important ele- company. The mentor ensures that the employee
ments of our company and our corporate culture remains connected with MTU, and answers any
to this day. Since the introduction of the master’s questions the employee may have. The employee
degree in Europe, many of our employees have is given a student work-placement job in the
chosen to pursue this form of professional quali- company, further ensuring that he or she stays
fication. In 2015 we created a framework to help, in the loop. This also puts MTU in a position to
the MTU master’s program. The program’s ob- profit from his or her newly acquired knowledge.
jective is to support our employees in a manner
consistent with their personal potential and pro-
fessional prospects. We make certain that the
employee and MTU agree on clear objectives
that advance the interests of both parties. By
systematically supervising the decision-making
process, we can clarify whether the employee
wouldn’t be better served by a different educa-
tional program or career path. We’ve also com-

Human Resource Development
Building Technical and Managerial

initiative helping experienced managers at MTU

Top-qualified employees have always been further develop their skills. The objective is to
and will always be the core of MTU’s highly promote international project coordination and
communication and to cultivate a shared under-
specialized aero engine business. They are a standing of leadership across borders. The pro-
gram also seeks to strengthen managers in
central component of our expertise and our their role as drivers of change processes. The
corporate culture. As we work to continuously Junior Enrollee and Trainee program (JET), mean-
while, is an offer specially aimed at recent uni-
expand this culture of technical and managerial versity graduates. Each recruit is assigned a
target area at the beginning of the program. He
knowledge, strategic human resource develop- or she then undergoes 18 months of systematic
preparation. Aside from gathering extensive
ment has an important role to play. It’s the professional experience at several different as-
creative brain and motor for education and signment posts, the recruit attends a series
of training events designed to foster his or her
training at our company—meaning it’s the personal and methodological growth. The re-
cruit’s personal developmental goals and pro-
indispensable basis for MTU’s organizational gress towards achieving them are discussed at
regular interim balance meetings.
development and future success.
Human resource development also provides sup-
port and guidance in transforming company and
Human resource development at MTU is char- management structures. At our Ludwigsfelde
acterized by its broad purview, from strategic or- location, for example, we adjusted the man-
ganizational and managerial development to the agement structure in the shop floor area and
everyday, practical transmission of know-how. created a new level in the form of shift coordi-
Even as we work to update MTU’s qualifications nators. The coordinators serve as a link between
profile for the sake of the next generation of shifts on the shop floor. In 2015 they attended
employees and aero engines, we’re duty-bound a training course to prepare for their specific
to respect the roots of our corporate culture. assignment area. The goal of the course was
Hence our thinking must be progressive and to sharpen the future coordinators’ sense of
conservative at once. smooth processes and frictionless cooperation.
The focus was on communication, both in theory
Human resource development at MTU is syn- and in practice. Conflicts often arise on the
onymous with the world >campus, which guides shop floor, not least due to the growing com-
MTU through its organizational transformations plexity of work processes, but these conflicts
while also fulfilling the traditional tasks of an can be recognized early and deescalated. The
integrated human resource development divi- participants rehearsed common conflict situa-
sion. >campus acts as a catalyst in the many tions through role-play, building their awareness
fundamental, long-term change processes trans- of the various ways such situations can be
forming our corporate culture. An important resolved. The training also encouraged network-
example of such a process is the restructuring ing among the new shift coordinators. Over the
of MTU’s talent management in 2015. Another six-month training period they developed a
key initiative is the “MTU Business Challenge,” friendly rapport, which will make their future
a training program for managers. cooperation not only more pleasant but also
more effective. A sequel training course will
Human resource development also ensures that focus on aspects of leadership.
we retain and expand our technical and manage-
rial knowledge. It does this with a broad palette
of training and consulting services, ranging from
support for newcomers to continuing education
for managers. Our development programs for
managers of all levels are an essential element
in this regard. The International Leadership Pro-
gram (ILP), for example, is a cross-locational

>campus Training Figures
German Locations • 2015 End-of-year Figures

Participation in Training Courses

Total Munich Hanover Berlin

3,675 20,263 2,242 11,732 1,158 6,725 275 1,806

15 % 85 % 16 % 84 % 15 % 85 % 13 % 87 %

13,974 7,883 2,081

Participation in Training Courses Average Age of Workforce

by Age Group

Not specified > 65 Age Permanent Workforce Percentage

162 13
1% 0% > 60 280 4.5%
55-60 885 14.2%
16–25 56–65 51-55 1,110 17.8%
3,872 2,580 46-50 908 14.6%
16 % 11 % 41-45 773 12.4%
36-40 746 12.0%
26–35 46–55 31-35 675 10.8%
6,335 5,836 26-30 540 8.7%
26 % 24 % 18-25 308 4.9%

36–45 Total 6,225 100.0 %

21 % Overall average at German locations: 44.55 years

Total Training Investment in € Total Training Days

Excluding Travel Costs
1,515,254 10,298
Munich Munich
252,190 1,286
Berlin Berlin

902,569 7,021
Hanover Hanover

Training Investment per Employee in € Training Days per Employee

Total 356 Total 2.5
Munich 311 Munich 2.1
Hanover 463 Hanover 3.6
Berlin 368 Berlin 1.9
Talent Management Our revised talent management system consists
of five core elements. Scientific indicators allow
The skilled workers and managers of MTU, like those of many us to create more focused potential categories,
which in turn produce future-oriented potential
companies, will soon undergo a generational shift. So that the
ratings. The ratings form the basis for potential
shift comes off as smoothly as possible, we honed our process conferences. The employee’s direct supervisor
for identifying and developing potential in 2015, bringing our always attends these conferences, ensuring a
methods into line with impending demands. Talent management well-rounded portrayal and discussion of the
candidate. Another new element is the use of
now consists of an enhanced potential analysis, measures to development centers. Here, trained observers
systematically heighten the visibility of high-potential candidates draw on exercises, interviews and simulations to
and a more targeted, more individualized approach to candidate estimate an employee’s potential. The highly
development. After all, talents should look forward to promising nuanced results enable resolute development
planning and an increased visibility of talents
careers at MTU. beyond their specific areas or locations. The
whole system is backed up by objective proce-
dures, creating transparency for both the candi-
The demographic shift in society is reflected in date and MTU. The outcome is clarity about the
the age structure at MTU. Over the next decade candidate’s developmental areas and the next
we’ll be doing succession planning for a large steps towards his or her career goals. In parallel
number of experienced skilled workers and man- the revised IT basis of the process allows us to
agers. In order to master these qualitatively and monitor evaluations of the employee’s develop-
quantitatively challenging conditions and orches- ment progress.
trate the transition effectively, we’ve reworked
our talent management process. The objective The new talent management process is espe-
of the restructuring was to register employee cially helpful in succession planning for crucial
potential comprehensively with new evaluation positions. Continuity, particularly in key positions,
criteria and procedures and to make the results is indispensable to our company’s success. The
useable in promotion decisions. We also wanted new system will be implemented over the course
to make sure we could compare talents at dif- of 2016.
ferent locations.

Business Challenge managers’ sense that MTU stock shares are
as much a part of our portfolio as aero engine
Investors are very appreciative of a company that shows a products and services.
dependable trajectory on the capital markets, especially in times
External trainers communicated these principles
of turbulent trading floors and fluctuating stock indexes. MTU with a planning game, a teaching method that
aspires to satisfy these expectations and demands. In the day- allowed such subjects as profit and loss state-
to-day operations of the company, however, it’s managers who ments, cash flow statements and cash flow anal-
yses to become interactive experiences. Theo-
are responsible for implementing our chosen strategies. Since retical points were tied in with real conditions at
2014 a new educational and cultural initiative, “MTU Business MTU and in the participants’ work environments.
Challenge,” has been giving our managers the knowledge to do Concretely participants were asked to examine
precisely that. a business case calculation.

Launched in fall 2014, the training course was

As a publically traded company, MTU must be greeted with very strong interest, with a total of
thoroughly attuned to the demands of the capital more than 750 managers taking part. According
markets. These demands have grown steadily in to the feedback we received, the essential factors
recent years, amid the turbulence on stock ex- in the event’s success were the way it entwined
changes and financial markets. Investors expect theory and practice and the way it presented the
reliability, target achievement and continuous material. Participating managers also felt that the
commercial progress. Market and sales struc- event enabled them to provide more informed
tures in MTU’s field of business are changing, answers to their teams’ questions about company
however, and financing models are changing with decisions.
them. Due to shifts in our customers’ demands,
aero engine production and maintenance are This success validated our plans to continue and
steadily merging; more and more they’re expect- even expand the educational and cultural initia-
ed to go hand-in-hand in long-term service pack- tive over the coming years. In 2016 all our loca-
ages. tions worldwide will be addressing the key issue
of leadership. The goal is to increase the effec-
In order to satisfy these development demands, tiveness of management actions and promote
we need all levels of MTU’s management to un- feedback and dialogue culture. Again we’ll be
derstand equally that our future commercial suc- emphasizing connections between the material
cess will stand or fall by financial management. and MTU’s overall commercial and strategical
It’s also important that managers possess thor- context. Concretely we’ll be presenting and
ough knowledge of their specific position in the practicing instruments for feedback processes
company’s value creation and investment chains. and effectiveness in leadership. We’ll also be
After all, every manager, along with the area he taking a detailed look at the MTU working world
or she supervises, represents a discrete unit of of tomorrow.
value creation. Every manager must therefore
learn to gauge the effects of his or her manage-
ment actions on MTU’s overall results.

Our educational and cultural initiative “MTU Busi-

ness Challenge—Management in an MDAX Com-
pany” is addressing these crucial demands. In
2014 and 2015 all managers at our German lo-
cations were invited to take part in an initial,
two-day event. The objective was to establish a
common knowledge base and a common under-
standing of the challenges modern-day financial
management faces in an MDAX company. The
event also sought to strengthen managers’ entre-
preneurial thinking and conduct. Participants
acquired important capital market basics and
business management insights, both in relation
to real-world scenarios. An in-depth look at the
product and capital market cycle sharpened our

Leadership Guide related to management and personnel. The wiki
also contains links to concrete regulations, new
Managers should have ready access to the knowledge they need, works agreements, descriptions of structures
and processes, and lists of contact persons. By
and that knowledge should be structured in a self-explanatory
these straightforward means we’ve established
way. Since 2014 MTU has been fulfilling these criteria with a transparency about everyday management regu-
wiki. The high volume of user traffic speaks to the popularity of lations.
this service.
Leadership information and leadership and per-
sonnel process requirements are now available
Wiki systems are widely used today for the only through the Leadership Guide. This ensures
systematic collection and organization of knowl- that managers make regular use of this instru-
edge. The best-known example must be Wikipe- ment and thus keep it in mind as a reference
dia, the online encyclopedia whose capacity for work. All contents are saved in a central system,
compiling knowledge has generated tremendous and access is regulated by multileveled authori-
momentum since the website’s launch fifteen zation concepts. The Leadership Guide on the
years ago. Today many universities, organizations wiki was rated very highly in the management
and associations are making use of that power survey. The high volume of page views is another
to compile their own knowledge. clear sign of its broad appeal. In 2016 our two
other German sites will be adopting the Leader-
Since 2014 MTU has been doing the same at ship Guide as well.
its location in Munich, assembling an internal
MTU wiki for managers. The website provides
managers with a quick overview. Since it makes
information available at all times, it’s especially
helpful for bringing new managers up to speed
and introducing new regulations. The executive
summary gives a brief overview of all topics

Compensation and Additional Benefits
A Broad Palette of Employee Benefits

MTU’s compensation and employee benefit If MTU wants to come out ahead in the growing
competition for talented applicants, it is essen-
system is extensive. Besides its primary com- tial that we give our employees this kind of lee-
way. The basis for that will be the MTU com-
ponents, namely fixed and variable compensa- pensation system, which offers performance-
and market-driven compensation. We offer both
tion, it contains a wealth of additional benefits. exempt and non-exempt employees numerous
Depending on an employee’s needs and stage additional monetary and non-monetary com-
pensation components aside from basic pay.
in life, different elements of this system will take These benefits have a different value for each
employee depending on his or her stage in life
priority—for example, flexible work schedules and personal priorities. For both exempt and
non-exempt employees, performance-related
or childcare. pay at MTU is dependent partly on company
success and partly on individual performance.
Performance evaluations focus on a division’s
Today’s society is characterized by dramatic collective goals and the employee’s total contri-
changes in living conditions—increased individual bution towards achieving them. One optional
mobility, for example—and especially by the element among our additional benefits is the
growing significance of work as a source of employee stock ownership plan, which employ-
meaning in life. At the same time, new values ees may accept or decline on a yearly basis.
outside work are also gaining in importance— Twenty percent of our employees participated
sustainability, leisure time, health, time for chil- in 2015, together amassing an investment
dren and the redistribution of family responsi- volume of 8.9 million euros, the largest share
bilities are only a few examples. The individual the program has ever taken in MTU’s equity.
search for a new balance of values is often
summed up in the catchphrase “work-life bal-
ance.” Employees ought to be able to find this
balance for themselves in accordance with their
individual needs and living situations. For this
they need sufficient latitude from their employ-

Flexible Work Schedules years. The MTU sabbatical program, for example,
follows the principle of maximum flexibility. Any
Our employees’ success in finding their own work-life balance is employee with an open-ended contract at one
of our locations in Germany may request a sab-
to a large extent contingent on whether they are free to organize
batical period of between two and six months to
their own time. That’s why we offer flexible work schedules. realize personal projects or dreams. Employees
may also take a flexible leave of absence for
the sake of professional education—to obtain a
Time sovereignty is an important condition for master craftsperson certificate, for example, or
productivity—not only at any given moment but to undergo advanced specialized training.
also over the long term. It’s decisive for motiva-
tion, health and satisfaction. Where time sover-
eignty is lacking, the lack is felt as a strain and
a burden. Time sovereignty at work is therefore
highly important for quality of life and productiv-
ity in all life phases. MTU offers a whole spectrum
of ways that employees can take charge of their
own time, a spectrum we’ve been expanding for

Mobile Working In spite of this, improving our employees’ time

sovereignty is important to us—and has been for
We continuously strive to make our work arrangements more a long time. As far back as fifteen years ago we
established company regulations for telecom-
need-sensitive. Since 2015 we’ve been testing further possibili-
muting. Since 2015 we’ve been testing further
ties for flexibilization with our pilot project “Mobile Working.” up-to-date methods of need-sensitive work coor-
dination with our “Mobile Working” project. The
works agreement establishes a broad, flexible
Attempts to make working conditions more flexi- framework that managers and employees can
ble face special challenges at a company like flesh out according to company requirements
MTU. We run up against limitations here not only and personal needs. The manager and the em-
because a large share of our workforce is em- ployee determine together whether mobile work-
ployed in production but also because our field ing is suitable for the assignment area in ques-
of business entails special standards of confi- tion, whether the employee will need additional
dentiality and secrecy. equipment and when the employee’s presence
will be required in the office. Upon conclusion
of the pilot project, we’ll assess the results and
use them to enhance our current offers.

Combining Family and Career

MTU has a deep and long-standing commitment to making
family and career compatible. We were years ahead of the curve
in this area, instituting policies that have meanwhile become
standard practice—and we’ve been improving them ever since.

Flexible work hours, part-time schedules, child-

care: these benefits are a given for our employ-
ees. Located just outside the front gates of our on our company grounds during summer too. In
Munich headquarters, the parents’ initiative the “Summer Kids” program, employees’ children
TurBienchen e.V. provides wiggle room for chil- between the ages of three and twelve are kept
dren—and for parents’ busy schedules. The day busy during summer vacation with exciting
care center receives financial support from MTU activities. Employees’ families are also welcome
and fulfills an urgent need in light of the scarcity on Family Fun Day, which we’ll be celebrating
of childcare services. MTU sponsors childcare again in 2016.

Support from an External Service Provider With this comprehensive catalogue of benefits,
our employees have support for many of the
MTU’s own, internal services for making family and career difficulties of organizing and caring for a family,
which helps them keep a clear head for work.
compatible have long been supplemented by those of an
In any and all emergencies, the services are
external service provider. available to our employees over the Internet, only
a click away. What’s more, feedback from em-
Despite all the services we offer to make family ployees and continuous quality control ensure
and career compatible, our employees some- satisfaction with the services provided.
times need extra help in a pinch. Their specific
needs vary widely from case to case: childcare
in an emergency, nursing home care for a parent,
housekeeping help. MTU has long entrusted
additional family services such as these to an
external service provider. But we subject these
services to the same close scrutiny as we do
our own, constantly weighing them against the
expectations of our company and our employees.

Individual Education Benefits With these diverse opportunities and in consul-

tation with management, an employee can me-
Investments in education occupy an important place in our thodically cultivate and advance his or her career.
The support options include our master’s pro-
employee benefit system. With the help of diverse offers,
gram, the International Leadership Program (ILP)
employees can precisely plan their own career paths and and the Junior Enrollee and Trainee program
receive systematic support in pursuing them. (JET). In addition, our human resource develop-
ment division, >campus, offers diverse opportu-
nities for individualized career advancement.
One thing no one can take away from you is Employees can also realize their personal edu-
knowledge: that’s clear from the modern devel- cation goals by taking an MTU sabbatical or an
opment and career paths that employees in many education leave of up to 36 months.
different areas of our company have followed.
Education is an especially important investment
for an employee, one from which he or she will
benefit a whole life long. At MTU we not only
instruct trainees in a wide spectrum of vocational
training programs; we also offer our permanent
employees a broad palette of continuing educa-
tion opportunities among their employee bene-

Company Pension Scheme als to the company, inclusion in a reinsured pen-

sion fund. A well-known pension fund associa-
The company pension scheme is an important compensation tion handles the transactions. Employees may
also choose to make private provisions for retire-
component in MTU’s system of benefits. Granted to every
ment by means of deferred compensation. The
employee, it supplements the German national pension scheme. benefits of our company pension scheme include
pension and disability payments as well as pro-
Company pension schemes are one of the three visions for surviving dependents.
pillars of the retirement planning system, along-
side the public pension scheme and private
retirement provisions. MTU grants all employees
and managers employer-sponsored company
retirement benefits. These benefits take the form
of a direct entitlement or, for more recent arriv-

Standards of Human Resource Work
Seal of Approval for Career Prospects

Applicants must prove their abilities in rounds looking to move in new directions in response to
new personal priorities or unexpected demands
of interviews, but employers undergo close in their private lives. Not only do we regularly
check internally, for ourselves, whether our em-
inspection too—for employer rankings, which ployment conditions and benefit components are
still suitable; we also see external evaluations
tell young professionals, skilled workers, man- and comparisons with other employers as im-
agers and employees how companies measure portant indicators. The results of these assess-
ments have always been more than satisfactory
up to one another. MTU has once again distin- for MTU, and over the past two years it was no
different. Every notable employer ranking during
guished itself in these rankings as a highly that time spoke loud and clear: MTU is an em-
ployer of choice, with a fixed place in the career
attractive employer. planning of students, university graduates,
young recruits and skilled workers. Well beyond
As a company’s culture and leadership evolve, its own circle of employees, MTU enjoys an
its human resource work must change too. exceptional reputation as an attractive employer.
That’s why MTU has to constantly monitor
whether it’s still in touch with the needs of its
current employees and future applicants. Up-
and-coming generations simply have a different
notion of commitment in societal, professional
and private life. Many veteran employees are

Germany’s Top Employers
One of the most important employer evaluations is the “Top
Employer” review. MTU was recently awarded this honor again,
with special praise for three categories: talent strategy, career &
succession planning and compensation & benefits.

The Top Employers Institute certifies companies

around the world for offering their employees
outstanding working conditions. In 2016 MTU
was named a “Top Employer” for the tenth time
in a row. Using a comprehensive questionnaire
survey and interviews with HR administrators,
the institute examines nine categories: talent
strategy, personnel planning, onboarding, train- internal recruitment, a strong argument for the
ing & development, performance management, effectiveness of our systematic human resource
manager development, career & succession plan- development and succession planning. MTU
ning, compensation & benefits and corporate measured up especially well not only in remu-
culture. neration and additional compensation compo-
nents (vacation bonuses, holiday bonuses, profit
The study consists of over 100 questions, which sharing, shift allowances) but also in secondary
are weighted every year by an external committee benefits. In work schedule flexibility—including
of HR experts in light of both recent HR trends flextime, part-time work, sabbaticals and parental
and the current economic situation of the country leave—MTU outperformed some of the top-ranked
in question. In order to lend even more authority companies in Germany.
to the certification process, the audit firm Grant
Thornton was contracted to review, analyze There was also high praise for the commitment
statistically and compare all answers and docu- MTU’s top management has shown to manager
ments. All this ensures that “Top Employer” development. Examples here include our man-
certification is awarded only to companies that agers’ readiness to support programs by acting
fulfill the objective evaluation criteria to a high as mentors and the way projects are entrusted
degree. to new managers in the interest of development.
The institute also highlighted in its evaluation
MTU was one of 117 German companies from the diverse methods we employ in building our
various industries to receive certification this managers’ skills and qualifications.
year. We saw the honor as another validation of
the intense work we put into building and main- Despite our thoroughly international business
taining our attractiveness as an employer. MTU field, some 86 percent of our workforce is em-
received especially high marks in three areas: ployed at our locations in Germany. Nevertheless,
talent strategy, career & succession planning and our employer profile attracts positive attention
compensation & benefits. This reflects the great even beyond German borders. MTU Aero Engines
importance that MTU places on being an em- Polska received the “Top Employer” seal of
ployee-oriented company. approval for the second time, placing it among
the best 37 companies in Poland. Also coming
One of the grounds for MTU’s certification this in for recognition in 2015 was the Vancouver
year was our universal talent management con- location of MTU Aero Engines Canada, which
cept, with its clear-cut objectives and organiza- was named one of the “Best Employers” in British
tional embeddedness. In “career & succession Columbia. This evaluation looked at several
planning” we scored extra points for our many areas: workplace, health, financial & family bene-
programs aimed at secondary school students, fits, employee communications, performance
university students and graduates. Our solid management and community involvement.
results were also due in part to our programs for
realizing career goals, such as competency-based
training courses, coaching, mentoring and se-
condment. Over 90 percent of vacant manage-
ment positions in our company were filled by
Focus Magazine’s Employee Survey on XING made by HR departments and careers websites.
The results showed that a total of 800 companies
If you survey employees directly on the careers forum XING, from 22 different industries had achieved em-
ployee satisfaction with outstanding working con-
you’re sure to get direct answers. And precisely in these assess-
ditions. MTU ranked thirteenth in the industry
ments MTU has made a strong showing—again. category “Ship, Aircraft, Railway Vehicle and
Other Vehicle Construction.” The top-scoring
company earned 8,600 of a possible 10,000
In their study of Germany’s “Best Employers in points. With a total of 7,014 points, MTU finished
2015,” the news magazine Focus and the careers ahead of many big names in our industry—and
website XING found that MTU’s reputation as an well-known employers in other industries as well.
attractive employer extends well beyond its own
industry. In the first evaluation round, employees
at 2,000 companies with workforces of at least
500 were asked to share their opinions of their
employers via XING. Their responses were com-
bined with evaluations from other websites such
as Kununu. The second evaluation round, a
broad-based online survey, collected and com-
piled 70,000 evaluations. Employees of all ages
and hierarchy levels assessed whether the every-
day reality of their work lived up to the promises

Rankings by Students and Graduates again rated well among engineering students
nearing graduation. The trendence “Graduate
An overview of the relative attractiveness of various employers Barometer in Engineering” shows that our posi-
tioning as a highly specialized company extends
can be very useful, especially for those just embarking upon a
beyond the aviation industry. Engineering gradu-
career. Several evaluations—including surveys by the trendence ates again placed us in the top half of all com-
Institute in Berlin, the “Young Professionals” studies conducted panies in the study, which includes the many
by Universum and the business magazine Wirtschaftswoche, large conglomerates of the high-tech German
business environment.
and assessments on the website Kununu—show that hopping on
board at MTU is a good choice. Our score in this evaluation was confirmed and
even surpassed by our placing in the 2015 study
conducted by the consulting firm Universum
MTU’s attractive employer profile is familiar Communications and the business magazine
even to those who haven’t entered the labor Wirtschaftswoche. Here we finished in the top
market yet. In the 2015 edition of the employer third, in 30th place. This survey of over 5,381
ranking by the trendence Institute in Berlin, MTU professionals all across Germany examines not
only how employers are perceived and how
attractive they are but also which career goals
are important to up-and-coming specialists.

The Kununu ranking also looks at MTU through

the eyes of both employees and potential appli-
cants. In this survey conducted by the largest
employer evaluation forum in the German-speak-
ing world, MTU fetched the title “Top Company.”

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MTU Aero Engines AG

Dachauer Straße 665
80995 Munich • Germany
Tel. +49 89 1489-0
Fax +49 89 1489-5500

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