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1. Research Problem : How is the Collaborative Writing Technique implemented to

improve the writing skills of second grade students of SMP N 2 Sentolo?

2. Summary of Chapter 3

Research Type : Classroom Action Research

Place : SMPN 2 Sentolo. It is located in Sentolo, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta.

Schedule : The research was carried out in the first semester of the academic year

2011/2012. The research was conducted from October to November 2011.

Subject : The main subjects of this research were the researcher in collaboration

with the English teacher and the students of grade VIII, especially the

students of VIII B class of SMPN 2 Sentolo, Yogyakarta in the academic

year of 2011/2012

Data and Technique of Collecting Data :

1. Interview : the interview was conducted on each cycle of the research.

It was done in order to see some important points in which the

researcher need to make plan for the next action.

2. Classroom Observation

3. Testing and Evaluating student writing

Data Analysis : The data in this research were qualitative in nature and were also be

supported by the quantitative data. To obtain the qualitative data, the

researcher described the process during the action, interview transcripts,

observation checklist, and students’ writing.

To attain the quantitative data, the researcher applied a writing test on

recount texts. The scores from the test would be used to acquire the data
by comparing the mean scores of students writing.

Procedure of the Research :

1. Determining the Thematic Concern-Reconnaissance

The researcher carried out the reconnaissance step to get the information

related to students’ writing skills in writing a recount text.

2. Planning

In planning the actions, the researcher worked together with the English

teacher of Class VIII B of SMPN 2 Sentolo. Before the plans were

implemented, the researcher and the English teacher arranged the schedule of

the action. The researcher and collaborator also prepared the technique to

solve the problems they face.

3. Actions and Observation

The researcher used the collaborative writing technique to improve students’

writing skills on recount texts. It was employed in two cycles. Then, the

researcher and the English teacher analyzed the changes during the

implementation on each cycle. Responses and suggestions were also given by

the English teacher in this evaluation process

4. Reflection

The researcher and the collaborator did reflection in order to find the way to

improve the use of collaborative writing in improving students’ writing


Nila Alvi Jannatin (3B)

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