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pCO} RETE: PRUCTURE SYNOPSIS sper IRC: 112, the time dependent losses have Wo be caleulated ina dese manner. The procedure is pt familar to Design Engineers. This article ays down, the detailed method of eaeulstion for avg atthe losses using IRC: 112. In ain the lsses have also bee clcelated using IRC: 18, AL tie saul comparison hasbeen mace between the ces fr lases and also foe the ttl tie dependent fsses and proved both the coda lead same result or ‘50% Ril ony This arte wil frieze the Engineers withthe procedure forthe clewlaton of ime dependent losses using IRC: 112. 1. INTRODUCTION iio] In prestressed concrete, estimation of losses plays vital 0: role in arriving at the residual prestress. Total losses can ar be divided into immediate losses, and time dependent 100] aap losses. The time dependent losses consist of relaxation of steel, shrinkage loss and cteep loss. IRC: 112 has 109 changed the method of calculation for shrinkage and 280 L e398 creep losses. For calculating the relaxation loss beyond * ieee 1000 hr and upto 30 years, formula has been given in ‘Annexure A2. For calculating shrinkage loss, drying shrinkage and autogenous shrinkage both have to be taken care. Creep coefficients are given depending - 5 upon the age of Toading and relative my ‘Thus [Propetesof[Aren my, in mm bin mtn mt 2a? (2an’ 2A the changes will involve different procedure for [Precast 496 0.590.510 p.o6s 114.1288 computation of losses which were cartier carried out by [ASS using IRC: 18. In order to familiarize the Engineers with {Composite fe 464 10.836 10.179 (0.6756 0.2137 0.38 this new concept, an example showing the calculation of — B&*. losses is presented both by using IRC: 112 and IRC: 18 and a comparison is also made and commented. ‘Cross ~ Section of Beam (a) Table 1 Properties of Section b) Cable details: Cable No.1 and 2:12-T13 (Second stage cables) 2 DATAFOR CALCULATION OF LOSSES and Cable No.3 10-113 (First stage cable). PSC igider in M45 grade and deck slab in M40 grade) _—_Stressing and Casting Schedule: shown below provided with 3 cables, Loss calculations need to be carried out, Cable No. 3 Stressed on 7 days Cable No.1,2 * Dinetor~Aarves Associates, E-mail: vsbI23@hotmil com ‘TWriten ements on this Paper are invited an wil be received upto 13° August, 2014 Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 CaLcuLaTion oF Thar DerexDENT Losses IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURE AS PER IRC: 112 AND IRG: 18 147 Stressed on 28 days Girder placed on bearing 33 days Deck slab cast on 45 days Crash Barrier erection by 70 days Wearing coat to be ‘completed by 90 days 4) Bending Moments: Due to self-weight = 62 tm Due to deck slab = 62.4 tn Due to crash barrier = 24.8 tm Due to wearing coat = 19.55 tm ©) _Prestressing Details: Jacking force for cable 1 and 2 = 175t Jacking force for cable 3 = 146t Prestressing force at center after friction and stip loss in cable 1 and 2 is 157t Prestressing force at center after friction and slip in cable 3 is 131t 3 LOSS OF PRESTRESS DUE TO RELAXATION Referring to clause 7.9.2 (1) and figure 6.3 of IRC: 112 the maximum Jacking force shall be 0.87 x 0.9 = 0.78 J,, Taking average stress to be 95% of above value and taking 5% loss due to clastic shortening, the average stress in the cables after anchorage will be 0.78 x 0.95 x 0.95 =0.70{,, As per table 6.2 of IRC: 112, the relaxation loss for 0.7 7, for low relaxation steel is 2.5%, a) Relaxation loss on stage | cable Stressed on 7 days On 28 days: Loss between 7 days and 28 days shall be accounted, Effective days after prestress applied is 28-7=21 days. Total no. of hours: (28-7) x 24 = $04 hrs. As per Table 6 for 500 hrs loss will be 90 % of 1000 hrs loss. Loss up to this stage is = 0.9 x 2.5 = 2.25% Loss between 7 days and 45 days, Total no. of effectivehrs = 912% of loss = 98%. Hence loss will 0.98 x 2.5 = 2.45%. Loss between 28 days to 45 days = (2.45-2.25) = 0.20%, Loss on 70 days, Effective hours = 1512 hrs. As it has exceeded 1000 firs. Refer clause A2.11 equation A2-38. fisi2 [toon 0.143 P=2.65% Loss between 45 days and 70 days = (2.65 ~2.45) = 0.20%, Loss on 90 days Effective hours = 1992 hrs, 2.76 -2.65 = 0.11 % Loss between 90 days to a Refer clause 6.3.6. Long term loss is 3 times of 2.5 ~ 7.5%. Loss between 90 days to «= 75-276 = 4.74%, ‘Table 2 Relaxation Loss on 1* Stage Cable [Loss between 7 days and 28 days 3.25% [Loss between 28 days and 45 days = 0.20% |Loss between 45 days and 70 day |= 0.20% [Loss between 70 days and 90 days D.1% | |Loss between 90 days and se Ga ‘Total Loss (Check) -7.50% This check step shall be carried out to see whether it works out to be 3 times of 1000 hr value or not. }) Relaxation Loss on stage 2 cable. imilarly proceeding for 2” stage cables. Second stage cables are stressed on 28 days. Loss between 45 days and 28* day. Effective hours 408.= 87% loss takes place. Loss will be 0.87 x 2.5 = 2.18% Loss on 70 days. Hours between 70 days and 28 days = 1008 hrs, Taking ‘tas 1000 bars, loss will be 2.5%. Loss between 70 days and 45 days will be 2.5 2.18 = 0.32%, Loss on 90 days, Effective hours = 1488. Loss= 2.5 (3488) HeBy 2.646% = 268 Loss between = 70 days and 90 days 2.65-2.50 0.15% Loss up to «= 7.5% Loss between 90 days and a =7.5 2.65 = 4.85% Summarization the losses on 2* Stage cable, Joumal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 ee 148 ‘ViswANATHAN ON ‘Table 3 Relaxation Loss on Stage 2 Cables [aioe cata tgs =a] Tactaenr4s dyrand 70 dys (039% [Ens betes 70d an 0 ays Pais [los beeen ays ad Pa Sa Total (check) 4 SHRINKAGE STRAIN CALCULATION 4.1 Autogenous Shrinkage Clause of code shall be referred to. Code describes two kinds of shrinkage strains to be calculated and added to get the total shrinkage strain. beg = Fea Sea otal shrinkage strain vg = Drying shrinkage strain oq = Autogenous shrinkage strain ‘Autogenous shrinkage is defined as with drawal of water fom the capillary pores by hydration of un- hydrated cement leading to volume change. In simple terins loss of water due to hydration of cement, Table No 6.6 of code gives strain at a ‘The shrinkage strain that has already occurred upto the time considered has been given by ‘the equation 6.12 and 6.13 of code. Seat) = BaalOEca Past) = 1-289 éca(®) js occurred strain ata given point of time. Balance strain which will affect the structure will be {1 —Bas(t)}éca substituting for Bar(® the remaining strain is (1-1 + eM}, ‘The coetficients given in the table have been multiplied by 10°, Hence it has to be divided by 10°to get the actual values. eNO ca. Referring to table 6.6 for M45 grade concrete ‘Autogenous shrinkage strain 10°x faq = 65 eq = 65x 107$, The strain is computed for all the ‘time intervals and shown in the table, ‘Table 4 Autogenous Shrinkage Strain falas [oat] Zest, [ome wo} oe] o o | © [7 | oat | 059 : He 28 | 06s | 035 ona | 024x Gx 108 [Leases [om [ome [om | sane vo [oat {ois | 907 ar pea fos| em | 2ane efi Letom | sre | Teal se | aasse0e Cross check: Sum total of column 4 shall match with the 1* figare of column (3). Second check 0.59 X 65 X 10°= 38.35 X 10° should much with sum total of column no. 5. 42 Drying Shrinkage Evaporation of water from the concrete stored in ‘unsaturated air leading to volume changes is defined as drying shrinkage. For calculation of drying shrinkage clause (4) and (6) shall be referred to. Calculation of hp = 2% ‘Area of composite section = 0.940 m? unis the perimeter of that part of the eross section which isexposed to drying. Top of deck slab will be covered by wearing coathence bottom of deck slab only considered. Perimeter = 1.9 + 2 (0.110+0.230+0.550+ 0.235+0.250+0.350) = 5.35m, 0.940 = =0. hg = 2xGye = 0.351 m ‘Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 c ce sk de sh CALCULATION OF Tings DEtENDENT LOSSES IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURE AS FER IRC: 113 an RG. 18 149 k, works out 10 0.7375 or 0.74, Consider it as 0.75 for easy calculation, The unrestrained drying shrinkage value as given in table No. 6.8 relates to Relative Humidity (RH) percentage. IRC: 18 did not relate it to RH. Assuming RH as 50% and instead of MaS considering it as M50 the value of strain =420 x 10°. For M4S strain = 443 x 10% Slight change and can be disregarded, Assuming curing has been for 5 days, the s, value in equation 6.15 shall be taken as 5 days, .04,/hE = 04 V3515 = 263 Drying shrinkage strain at @ = kyécg = 0.75 x 420 x 106 = 315 x 108 ‘Table 5 Drying Shrinkage Strain Shrinkage | Remaining sain oceurrea| Shrinkage strain o @, © 7 |) 2 |e | SE a ed 6 aa | ae a ? Total Sirain savor Check: The remaining strain when first prestressing was carried out on 7*is 312.623 x 10° and the total strain shown should match, Strain that has occurred between days and 7 days 2.377 x 108, Total stainis (212670 +2377) x10%= 515,10" for the structure and this total strain should match with kn£ca figure. 4.3 Total Shrinkage Strain ‘The Autogenous shrinkage and drying shrinkage has to be combined to get the total strain. ‘Table 6 Total Shrinkage Strain etmeen| Autogenows | Drying Towa ays | Strain | shrinkage | Strain 7-W | 156x107) WxI0* | 386% 10% 28-45 [SAS x 106.2510 | 221510 5-70] £55 x 10-*|20.84% 10-*| 253910402 10-* [70-90] 60x 10°914.51 x10 | 171210 90a | 9.75 x 10-*P38.07 x 10-2478 x 10 4ISDe 10™ Taal Sain] 38.35 x 10°|31267 e108] 81x 10° |350% 105 ‘Thus it can be seen that both codes give same value at the «, Moreover when age of concrete is 7 days the residual shrinkage strain left is 350.«10~ as per IRC: 18 is same as given by IRC: 112. 5 CALCULATION OF CREEP CO-EFFICIENT Clause or Annexure A2-5 may be referred, to arrive at creep coefficients, The final creep coefficient given in table 6.9 can also be arrived by using Annexure A2-5, Creep coefficient atrived by using A2-5 will always workout lesser than the values shown in the table. The reason for this is explained below. The tabular value shown corresponds to M45 grade concrete and without using reduction coefficient given a, and a, in A2-17 which amounts to using equation A2-16, Moreover the values of strain shown in the table for 50% RH are wrongly printed. 28 days value should appear against 7 days and 90 days should appear against 28 days and for 90 days value the value will be 24, 1.9 and 1.6. It will be proved also both values will work out same by using the above modifications and working out as per Annexure A2. Fea = 45, fom = 55 B (fom) “ ¥ (Gt) = 1.7087 x 2.56 = 4.377 ; For loading on 7 days P(t.) = 547"? = 0.6346 Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 150 ‘VISWANATHAN ON, For loading on 7 days go= 4.377 x 0.6346 = 2.74. From the table g) = 3.1 ~ 4522x200 = 2.87, More or ess the values are same. For any grade higher than ‘M45 using the tabulation value will be conservative and lead to higher losses. Only grade of concrete for which slight under estimation of coefficient may be expected is for M35 when the tabulation value is used as M35 grade is the siarting grade for prestressed concrete, Now reverting, back to our problem. Refer Equation A2-5 0 = Pru B (Fem) B (to) for = 45. MPA fim = 55 MPa ho = 351 mm RH = 50% 43.75)" 43.75)" a= [Ge] =0851 a “FS 43.757" | = 0891 so = 00. | 0.851) 0.955 = 1531 O.1V351 Pau B fom = 1-531 x 2.530 = 3.8703 Ages of loading are 7 days, 28 days, 45 days, 70 days, and 90 days,Weneed to Estimate the P (to) for these days. 1 BC) Tie eee eee For losding on 7 days 1+ ~ : similarly for 28 days 0.488, for 45 days 0.446, for 70 days 0.410 and for 90 days 0.390. Basie ®o for loading on 7 days = 3.87 x 6346 = 2.455 Similarly for loading on 28 days Yo = 1.890, For 45 days 1.726 and 70 days = 1.586 and 90 days 1.510. oading on 7 days the coefficient will work out between 3.1 (corrected) and 2.6 (corrected), Similarly for other ages of loading. Hence Designers are advised to go by the Annexure rather than using the tabular values, ty = 15 [1+ O12 RE} ]hy + 250 a < 1500 = 15 {1-4 (012. 50)"| 951 + 250.0891 = 7493 0r750 [Get Belts) = re For loading on 7 days effect on other 28, 45, 70, 90 and ox days. Creep Coefficient on 7 days = 0 Creep Coefficient on 28 days = 2455 x Creep Coefficient on 45 days = 2455 x (35) Creep Coefficient on 70 days = 2485 x (ft) = 114 mm) = Creep Coefficient on 90 days = 2.455 x (- Creep Coefficient on = days = 2.45x (1) = 2.455 Similarly values will obtained for loading on 28 days, 45 days, 70 days, 90 days and effect on relevant days shall be found out and the following table may be constructed. ‘Table 7 Creep Coefficient Creep Coehicients : Age of fects om Asef | crap event - Concrete | C0" 7 | 28 | 45 | 70] 90] atloading ys ays days days days 7 Zao | 0 [ass[o99| tt |i3/ 28 3 189-0 | 0 [0.60] 078 [oar] 1.69 85 is fo fo | 0 [om jars) 73 70 159 Lofo [ot o foss|iss| 30 ist foo toto |e fist Construction of this table is a must for the creep analysis. Comparison of Creep Coefficients with IRC: 18 for selective days. ‘Table 8 Creep Strain Computation as per IRC: 112 Ein Nima » 3x10" If we look at the table for 50% RH and fy = 351 Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 Catcutstion oF Tie Derrxbent LOsses IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURE AS Fen IRC: TID AND IRG: 18 ISI 28 | ton | sazaot | ge zsext0~ Psa | oo | us ‘Table 9 Creep Coefficients from IRC: 112 for 70 years a Bie RAL Age st 2Aeiu TAs ‘eatin Siam [0 mm 600 man] £0 mm [150 mm S00 wy 73s [at] 26 | 26 | 23 20 be 30 [2s [2019 17] ts 90 | 24 19 16 1s. La 120 ‘The values given in the table are corrected values for 50% RH as printing errors have been noticed, ‘Table 10 Computation of Creep Strain as Per IRC: 112 for 50% RH and Strain as Per IRC: 18 50% RE Strain as Days oe per TRC: 30 mum 150mm | 600mm | 18 7 pasxt0tea9=s29¢e10] o22ci0- feese10™ | gs z10-4 | 28 | este tesozanzsw | raseiv+ | sapstor | aoxs0-# 90 | retssoaem tases | ssonio fe7axt0* Table 11 Computation of Creep Strain IRC: 112 for 80% RH and Strain as Per 50% RH 2A 'Days| 7 0mm 15 mm | 600 mm 7 pesssscitweesew | 765200" | Gerster] gic 2 [usxzssziet =ss9r1" | soie10™ | gazet0-t) oreo 90 }1s2285x10=44os10| anrza0~ | asoxi04) aastert It can be easily seen that IRC: 18 values are nearly matching for RH 80% and for nominal thickness 600 m. If a structure falls within these parameters the creep loss will be same. As the strain difference between the interval and alsoresidual strain is more than IRC: 18, the ereep loss will work out to be more. than IRC: 18 when calculations are performed using IRC: 112 for other thickness and also for 50% RH, The residual strain between intervals are much higher when 50% RH is encountered. However when time dependent losses are increased, by 20% as per IRC:18, it will cover for the nominal thickness of members both 150 mm, and 600 mm for 80% RH. The $0 mm thickness may not be a practical case, Coefficients for 50% RH they will still be deficient in creep and 20% enhancement will not cover the creep strains indicated in IRC: 112. 6 CALCULATION OF LOSSES FOR MID- SPAN SECTION Cable stressed on 7" day having a prestrossing force of 1311 located at 0.113 m from botiom of girder. Prestressing effect 331_, 131 (0510-0112) 0498 0166 = 264.11 + 313.30 = 577.414t/m?. Tensile stress due to self weight of girder S20. = 373.49 t/m? 0466 Compressive stress around cable = $77.41-373.49 =203.92 1 /m’ Modular Ratio = 5.73 E of cable 1.95 x 1.95 x 106 kg/eni? Area of one strand = 98.7 mm2 ‘A. Losses between 7 days and 28 days: a) Loss due to Relaxation =1sie= = 2950 b) Loss due to Shrinkage _386210-*r 1918 x20" 997 ©) Creep Loss = Load applied on 7 days effect on 28 days (0.83-0) x 203.92x 5.73 x 9.87 x 10. Losses on 1* stage cable = 2.95 + 0.74 + 0.97 = 4.66t 2 100 = 3.56% Loss % ee ast At the end of 28 days net presiressing force Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 eee 152 “VISWANATHAN ON = 131 ~ 4.66 = 126.341 Stress in concrete due to 1 stage cable stressing and self-weight of girder = ST7Al (1-.0356) — 373.49 ~ 183.36 tim? B. Losses between 28 days and 45 days before casting of the deck slab Effect of 2" stage cable stressing Total Force 3141, Stress at 1* stage cable location = 22424314 = 1384 t/m* Elastic shortening loss = SM 5732 22 14x10 = 94 Force after Elastic shortening loss 314-9.4= 304.6¢ ‘Afier elastic shortening loss, stress in concrete due to second stage cable stressing =Suy x304.6 = 1343 t/m? Elastic shortening loss on 1” stage cable = 1348x5.73x98x104 = 7.60E Balance Prestress after Elastic shortening loss 112634 - 7.60 =118.740 This will give a stress of usr 2 rc 4577.41 = 523.37 t/m? Self-weight effect = 373.49 Um? Stress in concrete = 523,37 ~ 373.49 = 148.88 vm" (1) Losses on 1* stage cables: a) Elastic shortening loss = 7.60 'b) Loss due to Relaxation =(12634-7.6)$2 = 0.24 ) Loss due to Shrinkage= maars0" 19522080987 9 gp 10 4) Creep losses ducto prestress applied on 7 days. Refer table for creep coefficient (0.99-0.83) x 148,88 x 5.73 x 9.87 x 10-+= 0.13t Creep loss due to prestress applied on 28 days (second stage cable) Refer table = 0.6 x 1343 x 5.73 x 9,87 x 10-4 = 4,56t Total Losses on Stage 1 cable from 28 days to 45 days = 13.08 ¥ ee s Yloss = 2x00 10% Net force at the end of 45 days 126.34 - 13.0= 113.34¢ Stress in concrete due to 1* stage cable and self weight 57 ty 113.34 ~ 373.49 26.07 t/m? (2) Losses on 2™ stage eable: a) Elastic shortening loss BSE 5 5.73 x 2x 11.84 x 10*=9.40t 1b) Loss due to relaxation = (3149.4) 644 «¢) Loss due to shrinkage = 0.43 x [25 = 1.03 2388 : [2S] saio of areas of cable which is » 2.40 8) Creep Loss =4.56 x 2.4 = 10.94t Total losses on 2° stage cable between 28 and 45 days = 28.01t solos =H 1100 = 8.91% Net force at the end of 45 days = 314-28.0 = 286.0 Stress in concrete 2* stage due to prestressing force = 1308 y996 = 1260.6 tin? Effect of Casting of deck slab e2stm _ 2 S24t0 = 375,90 tm Losses between 45 days and 70 days after casting of slab (1) Losses on 1* Stage cable a) Loss due to relaxation = 113.34 x75) = 0.2260¢ b) Loss due to shrinkage 27539 x 10° 3.95 4 10-5 = 0.4858 Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-lune 2014 [__Caccuration or Tons Denexpet Losses IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURE AS FERIRG. 112 ANDIRG:18 153 ¢) Creep loss due to 1* stage cable stressing effect (1.14 ~ 0.99) x126.07 x 5.73 x 987 x 10+ = 0.107¢ 4) Creep loss due to 2" stage cable stressing effect = 78 ~ 0.60) x 1260.6 x 5.73 x 987 x 10*= 1.268 ©) Gain in prestress due to deck slab casting =(0.62.— O)x 375,90 x 5.73 x 9.48 x 10" (1.324 Total Losses on I* stage cable between 45 days and 70 days = 0.801 %Loss ="#2x 100 = 0.61% Net force at the end of 70 days = 113.34 - 0.80 = 112,54 Assuming losses taking place on precast section for this period. Thiswill not make much of change. Stress in concrete due to 1* stage cable and self-weight = 126.07 - 252 x 577.41 = 12254t/m? Br 2) Losses on 2* stage cable a) Loss due to relaxation = + 286 x5 = 0.92 ¢ b) Loss due to shrinkage = ant 2x0.489x240 = ©) Loss due to creep = (0.78-0.60) x 1260 x 6x 5.73 x 1184 x 10*x2=3.08t 4) Gain in prestress due to deck slab casting = 1.32 x24 (3.17 Total losses on 2" stage cable from 45 days to 70 days = 2.01 % Loss = eox 100 = 0.64% ‘Net prestressing force at the end of 70 days 286-2.0 = 284.0t Concrete stress around cable due to 2nd stage cable stressing "284 = 1252 t/m? D. _ Losses between 70 days and 90 days. Assume full load of crash barrier on 70" day (1) Losses on stage 1 cable. a) Loss due to relaxation = 112.54.x242=0.12301 ) Loss due to Shrinkage 7.1L x 10° x 1.95 x 10°6x 9,87 x 10-8 = 0.33t ©) Loss due to creep = (4.23 ~ 1.14) 122.54 x 5.73 x 9.87 x 10-5= 06 Losses due to creep due to 2” stage cable stressing (0.87 - 0.78) x 1252 x 5.73 x 9.87 x 104 = 0.65¢. 4) Gain in prestress due to deck stab casting (0.73 - 0.62) x 375.90.x 5.73 x 9.87 x 10*=(-}0.23t ©) Gain in prestress due to crash barrier casting. Stress in concrete = 242 = 100.40 ¢/m? oe (0.53 ~ 0)x 100.40 x 5.73 x 9.87 x 10 Total losseson I" stage cable between 70 days and 90days = 0.65 Net force in the Istage at the end of 90 days =cable 112.54 —0.65= 111.89 Stress in concrete due to I stage cable and self weight 122,54 ~ 28 2680228 — 19,95yq? (2) Losses on Stage 2 cable, = 122,54-,69-1.90 a) Loss due to relaxation = 284x225 = 0.441 ) Loss due to shrinkage 2 x 0.33 x 2.4 = 0.80t ©) Loss due to creep (0.87-0.78) x 1252 x 5.73 x 11.84.2104 x2 = 1.53 4) Gain in prestress due to casting of deck slab (0.73-0.62) x 375.90 x 5.73 x 11.84 x 10* x 2=()0.56t ¢) Gain in prestress due to crash barrier casting Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 154 ‘VISWANATHAN ON a 2.4 x 0.3 = (-)0.72t Losses on 2" stage cable between 70 days and 90 days = 1.491 9% Loss = Hex 100 = 0.47% Net Force in 2* stage cable at the end of 90 days = 284-149 =282,51t Stress in concrete due to 2 stage cable 149 1.49%0.723, aete ‘7940 0.247 Losses between 90 days to Wearing coat completed by 90” day. Ws effect at cable location = #955 = 79.14 ¢/m® Losses in stage 1 cable a) Loss due to relaxation = 422 111.89¢ ~5.30t b) °) a °) Loss due to shrinkage = 2.47.82 x 10% x 9.78/10%—4.80 Creep loss on 1" stage cable due to Ist stage prestress (2.46 ~ 1.23)x 119.95 x 5.73 x 9.87 x 10-4= 0.831 Creep loss due to 2 stage cable stressing (1.89 - 087)1246 x 5:7. 9.87 x 10-* 7.201 prestress due to casting of deck (2.73 = 0.73)375.90 x 5.73 x 9.87 10> (92.12 Tnetease in presiress due to crash barrier casting (159 ~053)100.40 «5.73.2 9.87 x 10-*=(0.6 Increase in prestress due to wearing coat casting 1.51 v 79.14 x 5.73 x 9.87 x 1074 = (-)0.68t Total losses on I" stage cable between 90 days and x=14.73t 1473 gh Loss = ee x100 = 11.25% Net Force = 111.89 - 14.73 = 97.1¢ % of force = 22x 100 = 74% Stress in concrete = 119.95 1473 3473.0 0.723 = “ose” 0247 119.95 — 15.67 — 43.11 = 61.17 t/m? Losses in 2* Stage cable 8) Relaxation = 282.51 x22 ~ 13.70 b) Shrinkage =4.80.x 2.40 = 11,52t ©) Creep loss 7.20 x 2.4= 17.281 4) Gain in presttess due to 24x 212=() 5.0 Deck slab e) Gain in prestress due to crash barrier casting 24x06 =()14dt f) Gain in prestress due to wearing cast casting 2.4.x 0.68 = ()1.63t Total Loss =34.34t 3434 Sloss = GaP X100 = 10.93% Net force at the end of =282.51 - 34.34= 248.170 Stress in concrete 434 = 1246 Bit — 287 a7 1109 t/m? As the losses due to creep will change due to ‘reduction in compressive stress after ==, one cycle of iteration will be carried out using average concrete stress during 90 days to °° period. This is not done for other cycles because of low creep loss. Effect on 1* stage cable Creep loss on 1" stage cable due to I" stage prestress: Joumal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 CALCULATION OF TiME DEPENDENT LOSSES IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURE AS PER IRC: 112 ANDIRC: 18 155 (2.46 ~1.23) SEH) 5.73 29.87 210-4 = 0.63 (Not much of reduction) Creep loss in 2 stage cable due to 2" stage prestress (1.89 - 0.87) SHE 5.73.2 9.87 x 10- 801 (Not much of reduction) Total creep loss = 7.41 Tt Other losses excluding creep loss: Total Losses = 14.1t (Not match of change) a4 =% Loss= =x 100 = 10.80% At the end of o days prestressing force = 111.89- 14.1 = 97,79t % of Total force remaining = “2° x190 = 75% Loss in cable = 25% Creep loss 2 stage cable: will be 6.8 x 2.4= 16.32¢ Total losses 4.34 (-17.28-16.32)= 33.38 %Loss= % Loss Sx 100 = 10.63% Al the end of ce days presiressing force = 282,51 - 33.3% 249,13¢ % of Total force = #85 x 100 = 79.3% Loss in cable= 20.7% Total prestressing force at the end of = 97,79 + 249,13 = 346,921 % Total force ~ (4522) x 100 = 78% 22% Loss for the combined system. 6 CALCULATION OF LOSSES AS PER IRC: 18-2000 1) Relaxation loss: The value worked out by IRC: 112 shall be retained as ultimate % and upto 1000 hr value are same as given in IRC: 18, The table and 3 times of 1000 hr value recommendation given in IRC: 18 has also been retained in IRC: 112 2) Shrinkage and creep coefficients will be used as given in IRC: 18. 3)Creep Strain: Maturity has been worked based on Guyan’s formula, On 7 days ~ 69%, 28 days ~ 100%, 45 days ~ 107%, 70 days — 111% and 90 days ~ 114%, (A) Losses between 7 days and 28 days for cable of I* stage: (2) Losses on Ist stage cable a, Relaxation Loss as before = 2.95t b. Shrinkage Loss SprioW* £1.95 x 108x987 1 3.07¢ ©. Creep Loss (6 = 40)x 10°%x 203925 195 «107x987 2 10~* = 0.8248 Total Loss between 7 days and 28 days S* 100 = 5.22% 6.841 At the end of 28 days prestressing force 124.16 Stress in concrete 577.41 (91-.05220) ~ 373.49 =173.78 t/m* (B) Losses between 28 days and 45 days before casting of deck slab Stressing of 2" stage cable, effect on I* stage cable. 60% Elastic shortening loss (See below) = Net force = 124.16-7.60 = 116.56t 1 SGT x 877.41 = 512.44 t/m? is force will give stress of Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 156 After accounting for self-weight siress in concrete = 512.44-373.49 = 138.95 t/m? = 139.0 t/m? (1) Losses in 1* stage cable: a. Blestie shorteningless due to stressing of 2" stage cable 1343 x 5.73 x 9.87.x 10*= 7.60t 'b, Relaxation Loss =11.6.56.x 20.231» . Shrinkage los SAT 0.210 4. Creep loss MIAN) 97 0.804 Total loss on 1* stage cable between 28 and 45 dyas= 8.85t 9-1,79) x10°x1.95 x 10° Net prestressing force at the end of 45 days 124.16 ~885 = 115.31 Stress in concrete = S248 4115.31 ~ 373.49 = 134.76 t/mi? (2) Losses in 2" Stage Cable: a, Elastic shortening loss = 2884 5 5,73 x2 x 11.84x 10% 9.40 b., Relaxation loss = (14 9.4)x 28 Be = 6.64 ©. Shrinkage loss = 0.21 x 2.4 (Raito of area of cable) = 0. . Creep loss =0.8 x 2.4 = 1.92t ‘Total Loss on 2™ stage cable between 28 and 45 days 8.46T Net prestressingforce at the end of 45 days = 314 - 18.46 =295.54t 384 Conerete Stress =" 4295.54 = 1303 t/m? Vinmawavon ] Total stress due to first and second stage and cables and self-weight = 134.76 + 1303~ 1437.7 ¢/m? Effect of casting deck slab ~ 375.90 ¢/1m* Net stress = 1437.7-375.90 ¢/m? = 1061.8 t/m? Total prestressing force at the end of 45 days = 115,31 + 295.54 = 410 (© Losses between 45 days and 70 days after of slab (1) In 1 stage cable a, Loss due to relaxation of 1* stage cable 235334020) _ 9 934 100 , Loss due to shrinkage (0.79 = 1.63) 10° x 1.95 x 10% 22 =0:30t ©. Creep loss (372-360) E38 5 1962.0. 2S 10 9.87 = 0.24 Total Loss on 1* stage cable between 45 and 70 days = 0.71 % Loss = x 100 = 0.59% ia : —972_ Stress in concrete =134.76 — 35 = 134.76 — 0.819 — 2.275 = 131.666t/m? 770.723 207 ‘Net Prestressing force at the end of 45 days “115.31 — 0.77 = 114.54 114.500 (2) Losses in 2" Stage cable ‘a, Losses due to relaxation loss = 295.54.x°22-0.944 . Losses due to shrinkage = 2.4.x 0.3 = 0.72 c, Creep loss = 2.4.x 02.4 = 0.58 Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 CALCULATION oF Tae DerENDENT Losses IN PRESTISSED CONCRETE STRUCTURE AS FER IRC: 112 AND IRC: 18 157 Total loss on 2 stage cable between 45 and 70 days 25 Net force 295.54 - 2.25 = 293.29 Stress = “2x 293.29 ~imme, Crash barrier effect = 100.40 tin Total force= 114,50 + 293.29 = 407.79 Stress in concrete = 131,66 + 1292.70 -100.40-375. 90 =948 vim? @) Losses between 70 to 90 days: (On 90 days ‘wearing coat cost) (1) Losses in I*stage cable a. Losses in 1* cable due to relaxation =114.50x25 =0,125¢ b. Loss due to shrinkage = 1.63 ~1.50)x 10° x 1.95 x 1022 = 0.25¢ oe sa0t 6. Creep loss = 4948 x E22 987= 0.30 Total Loss on 1* stage cable between 70 and 90 days = 0.675t Loss % Ex 100 = 0.51% ‘Net prestressing force at the end of 90 da 0.68 = 113.826 Stress = 131,666 - 0.718 - 1.97 = 128.974/m? (2) Losses in 2 stage cable: 4 Relaxation = 293,29 x %28- 0,440 ', Shrinkage loss = 2.4 x .025 = 0.601 ©. Creep loss = 2.4 x 0.3 0.72¢ ‘Total loss 761 % Loss = 22x 100= 0.560% Net prestressing force at the end of 90 days 293.29 -1.76 = 291.531 76 _ 3276x0723 Conerete Stress = 1292.70 — 225 _ 376 = 1292.70 ~ 1.87 — 5,15 = 1285.68 t/m? ‘Wearing coat effect = 79.14 tim? Conerete stress at the end of 90 days = 12.897 1285.68 - 375.90-100.40 - 79.14 = 859 tm? Net prestressing force at the end of 90 days = 113.82 + 291,53 =405.35¢ (E) Losses between 90 days to c (1) Losses in 1* stage cable a. Relaxation = 25 x113.82= 5,394 b Shrinkage loss = 1510-44 198.10" 22 = cst Creep loss = 23% x 859 x 2522 v9.87 = S68 Total loss on I* stage cable between 90 days and o =13,95t = 14.0¢ Net prestressing force at the end of ee: =113.82 - 14.0 = 99,82 maa 0247 Stress in conorete= 128.74 — = 128.97 — 14.89 — 40,98 = 73.10 t/m* (2) Losses in 2” stage cable: a, Relaxation loss = 291.83.x555 14.131 b. Shrinkage loss = 2.88 x 2.40 = Ot ¢. Creep loss = 5.68 x 2.4 13.631 Total loss in 2 stage cable between 90 days and = 34.671 Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 158 To % Loss = 5 x 100= 11.20% [Net prestressing force at the end of ¢= = 291.53 — 34.670 = 256.86 Hees = 82.8% = 83% Concrete Stress = 1285.68 — 248 _ 34:67*0.728 "400.287 =1285.68 — 36,88 — 101.48 = 1147.35t/m? Total stress including all effects = 73.10 + 1147.35 - 375.90 - 100.40 - 79.17 = 665i/m* Carrying out one round of iteration for creep loss BS9465S_ 769 t 2 Average stress =: a Revised creep loss: on stage I cable = $88, 752 ~5.03t Revised Total loss = 13.95 - 5.68 + 5.03 = 13.30t Net 1" stage cable force at e = 113.82 ~ 13.30 = 100.52t ug w= 100452100 °% of find force remaining = 76.7% Revised creep loss on 2% stage cable = 2.4.x 5,03 =12,072 Revised Total loss 34,67 - 13.63 + 12.072 = 33.111 Net 2" stage cable at ve = 291.53 — 33.11 = 258.421 58.42 341 % of total force remaining =="? x100~ 82.29% Considering 20% extra time dependent toss: On 1* stage cable time dependent losses =(2.9543,0740.824+0,2340,210+0.80+0.23+0,3040.2 4+0,125+0.25+0,3045.3942,88+5.03) x 1.20 = 27.39 On 2" stage cable time dependent losses (6.64+0.5+ 1,9210.94+0.72+0.58+0.44040.640.72+14.13+6.91 +12.072)1.20-55.40¢ Additional loss on 1* stage cable 27.39 — 22.70 = 4.691 Addition loss on 2" stage cable at 2 = 55.4~46,20=9.20t Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 Final force on 1* stage cable = 100.52-4.69 = : _[oswas100 _ 7g % of force remaining = [>°5584° = 73.1596] Total loss in percentage = 26.8 Final force on 2* stage cable = 258.42 - 9.20 = 249,22 % of force remainin Total loss in percentage Total prestressing force= 95,83+249.22= 345.05¢ Percentage of total prestressing force available ‘Total loss in percentage = 22.46% 15.83t ava 2225 100 = 79.3%] 0.64 345.05 Fag 100~ 77.52% ‘Table 12 Summary of Losses 1* Stage Cable scent rc 42 | oe (CALCULATION OF Tht DiPeNbENT LOSSES IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURE aS PaR IRC: 11 anD IRC: 18_159 [D. [Losses from 70] ] fC [oesies rom 70) anys to 90 ys ' aay to 90 days a) |Retxaton 0.128 ons |s) [Relaxation ous | Ib) | Shrinkage 0.330 025 (6) [Shrinkage | 0.80 | |e |ereer ono 030 le) [creep 133 Jd) |Goin in Prestress | -0.53 - > eee a i | ue cast fe to dec slab | | |deck stab and and crash barrier, jit pean | casting ota Loss 1a “atte [06 Foul Lass os [osm | oes Os | ee a E [lowes trom 59 lsysto 2 days days to 0 days, | [2) |Retaxation 13.70 14.13 Js) [Relaxation 530 539 | |b |strinage 4H 69 1) |Stvistage 480 (ons ) [creep 1632 1207 «) {excep | 740 5.03 {o> |oaininPrestress| 8.16 | - « {Gain in Prestess | -3.40 7 || Fe toatt dest ie ol dead al oads otal Loss Taro | Tore | TIO | Tos] [nal Lose Ee ST TO “os Loss piose | 33.21” | 25.43% | 30485 [23.2206 etal Lossupto | 6488 | 20.66 | $837_| 17.683 Fer Presressng 9179 | 74.6% [100065 Net frost | 249.2793 | 25840 | a3 fore 76.7% [Additional 30%) [Additional - Ht 470 ime dependent) = - | = 9.20 7 [20% time oss (apcniee ana eee : [Towl Losunco | = eae) 2 Gaitesega asta | 260% Net force upto | =) 29207937 |_Inet Force uptooe 95.88 | 73.16% , L Table 14 Summary of Prestressing Force and Losses Table 13Summary of Losses on 2" Stage Cable | |S | ems | Prestress] YoLos? | Pre | Yor Description of [Lowes as] of [Tasiesas|%Lass] — /N% Force! | % Force |stressing) force/ Losses | per ERC: Loss. | per IRC: feapete| eee tert te ae a asper |RC:112| toss | asper Lc ftowe Ram 2 Re: 12 asper | IRC: lays 1045 days z IRC: 18| 18 Ly latent thei oo T Fanos moa] 90s | ~s20 | sean Pas [> |Retexaion set | | 600 Hout eee a eT saa |) shiskage 103 oso | loth cables la cxsep 1096 192, Hoal force ine [SiGe 78 |Hipiaeo] 77S otal Loss| 2801 | €57 | 18a |587 oe IB [Losses from 23] eayst0 70 days | Time dependent losses as per IRC: 112 98,09 — 17.0= ja) [Relaxation om, ost | 81.09¢ > Shrinkage uur | o72 Time dependent losses as per IRC: 18= 99.92 ~ 17.0= ey creep 308 os eae la) Gain in Prestess] 3.17 : [ue o casting of 17.0 lab ee 18.22, (RC: 112) Frou Lass 2a _[ OH [22 TOT] — % Loss = 18,63 (RC: 18) Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 160) ‘VISWANATHAN ON. 7 CONCLUSIONS ‘The caiculation of timedependentlossesisa complicated process but once if tis practiced it will become easier ‘Now each time dependent loss will be commented in detail a) Relaxation Loss: ‘The 1000 hr loss values given in IRC: 18 and IRC: 112 are same and also 3 times of 1000 hr value to be taken at ocis also same. However if one is interested to get relaxation value beyond 1000 hi, the formula given in the annexure can be used and estimated, keeping the oc value as 3 times of 1600 hr value, Both codes will lead to the same result as far as Relaxation loss is concemed. b) Shrinkage Loss: IRC: 112 is more scientific. It relates to member thickness relative humidity and grade of concrete. At higher RH the shrinkage loss will be less and lower RH shrinkage loss will be high. More over the code covers two types of shrinkages viz Autogenous shrinkage and Drying shrinkage. Whereas IRC: 18 gives only one value for all RE. Moreover as per IRC: 18 strain at initial stage is higher and residual strain islower as shown in the worked out example. The strain as per IRC: 112 is opposite. However the total strain appears to be same for 50% RH, when 20% higher losses are considered. This will be explained in detail. Let us assume the curing is stopped after 3 days, The shrinkage strain left is 4.3.x 10*as per IRC: 18, when multiplied by 1.20 the ultimate shrinkage will be 4.3 x 10“x 1.2 =5.16.x 104, Prestressed concrete uses generally MSO grade, As per IRC: 112, Autogenous shrinkage strain is 75 x 10%. Drying shrinkage strain for M50 grade concrete and for 50% RH is 420 X°10* and for 80% RH is 240 x 10°. Thus the total shrinkage strain for 50% RH is 4.95 X 10+ and for 80% RH is 3.15 x 10. Thus it can be “seen that as per IRC: 18 (when enhanced by 20%) and IRC: 112 shrinkage strain from both codes will “match for 50% RH. For 80% RH, IRC: 18 would over estimate the shrinkage strains. As the problem has been worked out based on 50% RH the shrinkage loss has remained same. For higher RH the shrinkage strain has to be lower. ‘As IRC: 18 had not differentiated between RH’s. The coeflicients, shown appears to be based on 50% RH and the loss will work out more in case of 80% RH as 50% RE coefficient is being followed. ©) Creep Loss: ‘The creep coefficients given in IRC: 112 takes in to account the RH, member thickness and age of loading. ‘To find out the creep coefficients, preparation of table as indicated in the article is a must, Detailed procedure is required, to prepare the table as indicated in this article. Further use of this table and arrive at creep loss requires skill, In order to familiarize the Engineers the worked ‘out example gives, the procedure to arrive at the creep losses. If creep factors ate arrived using annexure A2 there will be reduction in creep coefficients. ‘The strain given in IRC: 18, does not take into account the RH, the notational thickness. As proved earlier Creep strain given by IRC: 18 will generally be lower and with 20% enhancement of time dependent losses will cover 80% RH both for 150 mm and 600 mm notional thickness of members which are practical ranges of notional thickness, whereas for 50% RH, the creep loss gets under estimated when IRC: 18 is used for the same range of thickness, 4) Total Loss: Inthe worked out example it can be seen after enhancing the time dependent losses by 20%, the time dependent losses worked out by IRC: 18 match with the loses worked out by IRC: 112, Though it cannot be concluded by taking one example, further examples may reveal the closeness of results. IRC: 18 cover estimates the shrinkage loss and under stimates the creep loss which leads to sort of balancing act with the result both the codes give same value for 50% RH. For 80% RH; IRC: 112 should give lesser losses when compared with IRC: 18 as shrinkage strain and creep strain bothare lower for 600 mm notional thickness and more or Jess same for 150 mm thickness. Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014 CALCULATION oF Thue DeveNDENT LOSSES IN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE STRUCTURE AS TER IRC: 112 anb IRC: 18 161 8 RECOMMENDATION Designers can follow the above out lined procedure and are advised to use the equations in given Annexure A2 for arriving at the creep coefficients for getting greater accuracy and saving, instead of using the table in order to reduce the time dependent creep loss. Appears both codes may lead to same result, However IRC: 112 takes into account lot of parameters for prescribing the strain coefficients REFERENCES 1. Code of Practice for Concrete Bridges — IRC: 112: 2011 Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Road Bridges — IRC: 18 : 2000. 3. Filb Modal Code: 2010. 4. CEB-FIP Model code : 1990 views expressed in the pope ars personal views ofthe Amors For any query tbe author may be coutcted a: E-mail: Superior Technology 6° KHODIYAR DEVELOPERS & INFRASTRUCTURE PVT. LTD. <= Regd. Off. & Factory : 110, Gi.0.C-ll, Dediyasan, Mehsana, Stato - Gujarat, india. serene Telefax : (02762) 224107, 224210 (M) 98250 82182 e-mail : » website : Best Quality at Cost Effective Price {ACompany of Khomyar Group] Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, April-June 2014

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