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Dennis the Water Drop

Once upon a time, in the deep waters of the Pacific Ocean, lived a small family of water-
drops. This story is about Dennis, the youngest of all the water-drop siblings, who lived on
the Great Barrier Reef with other fish, crabs and animals that liked these waters. One day,
when Dennis was playing with his brothers and sisters, he decided to go on an adventure. He
crept away from his siblings and headed up towards the surface of the ocean. As he was
getting closer to the surface, at sea level, everything around him began to get brighter and
warmer. When he finally reached the surface, he was overcome by the high temperature
and bright light and fainted, losing all consciousness of the world around him.
He woke up hours later and the first thing he noticed was that he was laying on a cloud with
other water drops. They were all asleep, except one old water drop that was looking directly
at Dennis.
When he looked at her, she spoke: “You got evaporated. Now you’re in the clouds. I’m Lady
Vapour. What is your name?” she asked him with a calm voice.
“Hello. My name is Dennis. I came from the Pacific ocean. I wanted to go on an adventure”
said little Dennis falteringly.
“Nice to meet you Dennis” she smiled at him. “Now when you’re in the clouds, you can play
with our “cloudimals” and eat as much “cloudcream” as you want” she added and pointed at
the creature shapes that were formed from clouds and the “cloud” shop where they were
selling cloudcream. Dennis thought it was something like watercream, which his parents
used to buy him on his birthday. Watercream was very tasty but this looked as delicious as a
dream. Dennis bought one and when he tasted it, he wanted more and more.
Dennis the water drop spent three unbelievable days in the clouds. He rode the cloudimals,
ate lots of cloudcream and had great time with the other water drops. He even made a new
friend. Her name was Dorothy and she was from the Caspian Sea, the largest lake in the
world. Dorothy wanted to return to her family and Dennis wanted to stay with her but they
didn’t know how to get there. They went in search of Lady Vapour to ask her and she said
they needed to precipitate from the clouds by moving lower in the sky and joining with other
water drops. So they grouped together with other water-drops and as the group got heavier,
they dropped lower in the sky and finally all fell to earth as rain.
They tried to head for Caspian Sea but all they could see was red mountains and a long river.
They jumped into the river. The river was clear and full of fish and they asked one fish where
they were.
“You are in Colorado. This river runs from here, meandering across the land, through the
Grand Canyon and then flows into the Pacific Ocean, I can show you where it is. My name is
Fabian the Fish”.
Dennis and Dorothy decided that they could Dennis’s family that lived on the Great Barrier
Reef before trying to find the Caspian Sea. So they followed Fabian the Fish and flowed into
the ocean. Many many weeks later they got to the Great Barrier Reef and surprised Dennis’s
family. Dennis was glad to be back home, but he hadn’t finished travelling and neither had
Dorothy. She still wanted to see her family but they spent a few days with Dennis’s parents
and siblings and then said goodbye to continue their journey.
Once upon a time there was a girl. The girl´s name was Kyma. Kyma lived with her family on

the tropic island many years ago. This was time , when ocean scared people and no one was

so brave to sailed away from island. After many years , when Kyma was 18 years old she

went on walk. When she was walking throught the forest , she found mysterious cave. She

came in and found a small lake. Kyma came closer to the water , when some big creature

jumped out of it. Kyma was scared and she wanted to ran away , but the creature said : ´Don´t

be scared. I don´t want hurt you! ´He introduced himself as Theos , god of ocean. Kyma ´s

family pray to many gods and Theos was one of them , so Kyma was relieved and also

excited. She asked Theos many question. The god was pleased , because he didin´t talk with

someone for ages. He showed Kyma beatiful places and animals. She wanted to know where

are those places. So the god started talking about ocean and another islands far away. Kyma

felt sad because her tribe didn´t know the way how to sail away. The god was sorry for her ,

so he said how to build a boat. Kyma was shocked and she wanted to thanks god , but he was

already gone. Kyma went home. She didin´t say anything about cave and Theos. In the middle

of the night , Kyma was still awake. She went outside , lay down on grass and looked up the

stars. She thought about words, about things that she saw in the cave. Kyma said to herself: ´I

want to see , the beatiful places, animals and another islands on my own ! ´But it will be hard

, I don´t know what will be waiting for me and here I can live peaceful life without danger ´.

The goddnes of Nature heard Kyma´s words and came for help: ´Kyma , listen to me , your

destiny is to go and show people ocean! I will help you , I promise. After this Kyma got up

and started preparing for long journey. At first she had to make crew , collect enough food

and built large ship. At first the people said: ´She is crazy , It is imposible to sail away. But

then , many people helped to build the ship. After some time , the ship was ready. Whole

village came to saw , ship. The wind blew to sails and ship moved. When Kyma looked at her
home island , she saw Theos and goddnes of Nature. They smiled at her. Kyma was happy

that , her big dream come true.

Phenomenon of water

Even though Jay always did her best to avoid a certain someone at least on her from the last class, it
never really worked out. If she stayed longer or did the quite opposite and darted out of the
classroom among the first students, it didn’t matter. And so it didn’t today.

“Hiiiiii!” the way too familiar voice resounds from somewhere behind her and she’s already feeling
annoyed. It’s Annie, of course, her room-mate.

“Hey.” She replies. Her room-mate and she are nothing alike and Jay never really understood why
was universe so cruel and made the two of them stay in one room. For 2 years already.

“How was your day? Guess what? Mine was fantastic! We did this really interesting experiment and I
was actually the one who knew the most about everything, I mean, not that it’s something unusual
but…” and there she goes again. If it wasn’t for the gigantic difference in their interests, then Annie’s
talkative personality would deadpan it anyways. It’s just way too talkative and Jay really doesn’t care
about any science stuff.

She makes her way through the corridors, following her usual route through the campus, listening to
Annie only enough so that she knows when to nod or humm in agreement. It’s easier to do it this
way than to argue with the other girl.

They ended up as room-mates because there neither of them had someone from their class to share
the dorm room with. They were paired by one of the teachers randomly, but Jay never managed to
guess just why they thought that putting a musician together with a scientist. Everyone knows that it
just doesn’t work.

“- and water!” Annie tugs at Jay’s sweater. The taller girl looks at her with raised eyebrows, she
forgot to listen to her for a second and now she has no idea what does Annie demand from her.


“Water is amazing, honestly. Did you ever think about his important it is for everything and everyone
around you?”

“… No?”

“And not only that but it’s so fascinating too!”

“I don’t really care, you know…” Annie stops and looks up at Jay with disbelief in her eyes.

“How can you be so ignorant?”


“See? That’s exactly my point!” the girl jumps somewhere to the side, tapping at the window of one
of the school buildings. She breathes on it, making it all foggy and quickly scribbles H2O over it.

“Water.” she points at it.

“Water.” Jay nods. As much as she hates chemistry, she still manages to remember the basic stuff.
“So what with it?”

“It’s very important! Your body is 60% water!” She proclaims. “Also, all the life depends on it.
Animals, plants… everything needs it!” she bends and makes a snowball, Jay watching her with nearly
disgusted face. “And this is also water y’know? It’s fascinating how it can be in all the shapes and

“I hate snow, you know that.” the taller girl grunts and turns around, following her way to the dorms
again. “And I don’t really care for all this honestly. It’s great that you do, sure, world needs scientists.
Now let me just do my music, okay?”

“Water is cool!” Annie’s voice resounds and the snow-ball passes over Jay’s shoulder, obviously a
failed attempt to hit her head. “How are you not fascinated?!” At what Jay only shrugs and quickens
her pace.

Annie did this before, Jay knows that once she gets too interested in something, she will try to get
everyone around her all fired up too. Sucks to be her room-mate and being a musician, rather than a
scientist of some sort, because they really don’t understand each other most of the time. With water
though, Jay thinks, Annie got too carried away for some reason. Over the week, she was constantly
going on and on about how it’s important and fascinating, about random facts how useful it is in
many ways.

Jay wasn’t impressed.

“Enough.” something slams onto Jay’s desk and she’s forced to turn down the music she was
peacefully blasting on her headphones, because Annie obviously wants to talk. Again.

“Listen, Ann.” The girl tries before it even starts, she knows what’s coming. “I really don’t care. I
appreciate water okay? I also appreciate that you want me to know more about it but damn. It’s just
some ordinary water, it’s not cool or something okay? I don’t care, leave me alone, thank you.”

“That’s where you are wrong. So horribly wrong! I mean, not that you were right sometimes, you
really aren’t andweallknowitbuuuutthisisreallyimportantsoImmashowyou…” her speech quickly turns
into too fast blabbering and it ends even faster as she sees the look her fiend’s giving her. “EHM!”
she coughs and straightens up again. “What I wanted to prove you, is that water is cool in fact.”

“No it’s not.”

“It is I will show you!”

“Annie stop it, I just want to listen to music okay?”

“You will I actually,” she reaches for something and puts it on my desk too, only at that moment Jay
realizes that it’s actually a speaker and a bucket, in which is some random stuff. “Wanted to prove
you its coolness with this.” she pats the speaker, looking all proud of herself.
“I’m gonna use music to show you something really cool! Hmm… to be more specific, we’ll be using a
sound that isn’t too melodic but…” she looks at Jay with hopeful eyes. “I thought it would connect
something I love and something you love at least in some way.”

Well what can Jay do about this? The dumbo of her friend put all the effort in, so now she has to at
least look at it, even if it won’t be that interesting for her.

“Okay.” She lifts her hands of as a sign of surrender. “I will look at this thing, but I won’t promise that
I’ll like it.” she warns.

“Thank you!” Annie smiles, genuinely pleased. “ I really hope that you like it, it really is ‘cool’ or
whatever you call it.” At this, Jay only gives her risen eyebrows again and the other girl doesn’t waste
more time on talking, she takes all she needs and starts setting up the experiment.

Annie starts by simply placing the bucket on the floor and adjusting the speaker so that it’s on the
edge of Jay’s table.

“It’s not hard at all, although it probably looks that way to you.” she explains. “It’s the simplest thing,
really. All you have to do is-“ she takes a small plastic tube and connects is to a funnel, laughing at
how it looks. “Well, you don’t have to do it this way but we’re students so had to keep it simple.
Anyways, you need to place this close to the speaker.”


“And I’ll play the sound. You’ll see what happens when I pout he water through the funnel. Could you
hold this?” she points at the funnel and then turns around, grabbing the camera that was, until now,
left on her bed unnoticed. “I need you to help, since I’ll be recording it too. Just for the better view.”
she smiles.

Jay, with the same unimpressed face, holds the funnel while Annie proceeds to make sure the bucket
is right under the tube, so she won’t spill the water she’s going to pour, and plays the sound, at what
Jay cringes. Ann was right after all, it’s not melodious and it’s not nice either, it’s just… a really low
sound. The scientist smiles apologetically as she sees her expression.

“Now look.” She says, turning on the camera before taking a bottle of water and pouring it down the
funnel and tube. Nothing much’s happening at first, but after a few seconds, the tube starts
reverberating just as the speaker does and the water’s flow changes as well. It takes some time for
Jay to notice, but the way the water falls down in a weird pattern of drops being tossed this and that
way makes her surprised when she does.

“Cool right?” Annie asks and stops pouring the water, stopping the recording as well. “Don’t worry, I
have it recorded. If you wanted to see it, I mean.” She winks. “Or wasn’t it cool enough?”

“How does that work?”

“I won’t tell you!”


“Well maybe after you admit that water can be cool too!”
At which Jay scoffs and turns around, pouting before quickly turning around again and pleading.

“Man okay it was cool show me the video at least I want to see it slowed down!”


Our Earth is home for a lot of fairies, they’re basically everywhere. Each and every fairy has a
special and unique name, and they are divided by their wits. Everything in this world has a
fairy responsible for it. And also each and every one of us has a special fay. They help us,
protect us, guard us, and they are also responsible for our feelings and moods. But enough
about fairies, here is what happens when they start to fight.

Maybe you don´t know, but fairies are not born, they are created, in Fairylia. Well actually
Fairy Godmother creates them, you know, one who helped Cinderella and Fiona. She creates
them from fairy dust, it takes only a second and a new fairy is born. But the trick is she needs
to add a little extract of a thing that a fay will be responsible for, a little drop of water, or a
rose pedal, maybe a touch of sugar for a sweet fairy. After the fairy is born it gets a mother,
more wise and neat older fairy. Fays don´t die, they actually don´t even age, they just learn
and help people, and then they retire and help new fairies. But, back to the story. Fairies need
fairy dust, for flying, and they need to get enough of it once a week, they use a pouch for dust
from Pixii fountain, were fairy dust is created. Every fairy knows how much she needs. Some
of them don´t fly often but some do fly every day of the week for many hours. There is no
need for them to take big pile at once, they usually come several times and store their dust in a
chest at home. But one day something strange happened. Water fairy named Gocciolina,
daughter of Agua, did not had enough dust for the last day, her little house was really close
the house of Heather, daughter of Weather herself, so Gocci came to Heathers house to take a
little bit of dust. She was not home as she was learning how to create a storm, especially
lightning. Gocci was trying to shout at her but let’s be honest; she could not hear her voice
through the thunder. Gocci was telling herself: “Heather would not mind if I took a little of
her dust, she has plenty of that, and I only need small amount of it. But wouldn’t it be better if
I have asked her first? No Gocci don´t be silly, it is going to be okay, she may not even
notice.” So she took a little bit of dust, but when she was just leaving, Heather came home.
“GOCCIOLINA!!! What are you doing here!? Who let you in!?” she was screaming. “You
are so lucky I don´t know how to create lightning yet!” she continued. Gocciolina was just
looking at her, she did not know what to say, but something came out of her mouth
eventually. “You weren´t home, and I needed a little bit of dust for tomorrow, because I need
to fix waterfalls and a small lake, you know. So I just borrowed some, I hoped you would not
mind. I am sorry. I didn’t know you would get so upset. “The girls were still talking when
their mothers and Fairy Godmother came. “Who was screaming here?” Godmother asked. “I
was” Heather said. “I am sorry” she added. “You know you are supposed to be king, don’t
you. “ Godmother continued. “As a little punishment you will join Gocci in tomorrow’s small
waterfall project. And Gocciolina? Did you choose your crew yet?” Godmother asked. “Yes I
did, I needed someone who could create new water, so this is my list, Ms. Godmother” said
Blossom, daughter of Plantae, for vegetation around water basin
Maurelle, daughter of Merge, for connection of water particles
Hixie, daughter of Hydrogenia, for water compound
Ordette, daughter of Oxygenia, for water compound
Naida, daughter of Neblina, for a bit of fog
Starline, daughter of Estrella, for crystal clear surface
Marmara, daughter of Minerala, for minerals in water
Fahlia, daughter of Faunae, for little water organisms
and that would be all of them.” Gocci said. “And of course Heather as well, but I don´t know
why.” she continued.

The next day everyone flew to the waterfalls. Gocciolina started to organise everything. “So,
my fairy friends, the problem with waterfall is, that there is no water falling, we need to create
new one, I know it´s a pretty hard task but, that´s what we do, am I right?!” she said.
Everyone, find your place all around the basin, and I will give you orders. Firstly, Hixie and
Ordette start to create atoms, than Maurelle, start to.. MAURELLE!! What are doing?! You
should be on your spot and listening to me! ... Okay, well, now start to combine those atoms.
MORE... MORE... ladies, c´mon. And stop! Perfect girls, we did it, it was hard I get it, but
you were marvellous. Thank you. Now all that´s left a little touch ups. Starline, reflect the
stars from surface for me. Naida, a bit of for, never hurt killed nobody, Marmara, those
minerals for prospering, pronto. Blossom and Fahlia, you know what to do. And last but not
least, Heather, make a lightning, baby, so the water will fall again.” Gocciolina continued.

After long, long day they finally came home. But after a short time Fairy Godmother came as
well, when the girls were chilling with lavender tea. When she saw them, she did not say
anything, just smiled and left. She knew they did it. She came to her house and wrote a little
note to Nymph book. “Water art is hard to master, no one can do alone, but together it is
possible, and they did it. Fairies have been creating water for millions of years. Now we have
new generation of fairies, which will save the world from dehydration.”
Gocciolina was proud of herself, but soon she needed to create a couple of new rivers for
ships. But that’s a whole another story.
You will not run away

The voice in my head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at me to run. But
the issue is that there are some things you cannot run away from.
Throwback to when I was a 21 year old and full of life Tamsin. I just got my first real job,
the one I’ve always wanted, moved away from my over– protective mother into my own flat.
Everything was perfect for a while, or so it seemed.
One night, at 1a.m. Laying in bed, barely keeping my eyes open, I was completely awoken
by the sound of TV coming from my living room. The TV I was sure I had switched off. I got
out of bed and wanted to switch it off again and when I entered the living room, I felt a brief
touch of cold on my back. The TV was flickering from one channel to another, showing
events had happened long before technology was even invented. “Weird,” I thought, and
switched it off. One forgets that things like that happened and so did I. I went on with my life.
One day, as I was driving back home from work in a rainy, apocalypse-like weather, huge,
thick, dark grey clouds and lightning flashes above me, holding onto steering wheel for dear
life, I suddenly felt my neck twitch and it was over. The whole thing was over.
I hesitantly opened my eyes but saw nothing nor heard nothing, not a single light, not a
single sound. I had no idea where I was but my own curiosity made me do it. “I’m probably
crazy, totally out of my mind for doing this,” I said to myself as I was getting out of my car to
inspect the surroundings, or to even find out when I was or what actually happened. With a
huge lump in my throat and a torch pulled as close as possible to my chest I got out of the car.
The torch scarcely helped to enlighten the utter darkness of a midnight forest far away from
the lights and life of the city. I saw nothing but endless throng of shadowy charcoal tree
trunks bending over me and a misty, muddy and nearly imperceptible road. My lips were
trembling from cold and hands shaking from fear I felt climbing all over me. I couldn’t think
of any better idea than going back inside my car and getting the hell of out there. I looked
around and realized I had nowhere to turn with my, hence why I had to drive in reverse all the
way out of the forest. “This is a bad dream, it has to be,” I thought. An immense feeling of
blinding disorientation and numbing confusion hugged my mind and disabled my clear
thinking, chill and dismay were stopping my body from functioning normally. It took dreadful
63 minutes to get out of the woods to a semi-normal cart-road.
Drained, with my head pounding and stomach growling, I finally got home at 4:20 in the
morning. Taking a shower, cooking or carrying out basic human needs was completely out of
question at that moment. Without any vacillation or procrastination my feet took me straight
to bed.
Little, but heavy and cold drops of nasty Seattle rain dripping on my left cheek torn me
from so longed for sleep. With a cumbersome head dragging me back down I kneeled on my
bed and sluggishly closed the open window. Then I fell into my duvet again and tried to fall
asleep, however my mind and thoughts wandering in it did not let me. My own mind was
trying to indicate something, to tell me that something is not right. Eventually, it succeeded, it
was stronger than me, than my will. It finally popped in my head: “I did not open the
window! Who was it then?”
Even my intuition told me that something was weird. I lived alone, the windows were new,
so they did not open on their own, it was not windy at all, you could not open them from the
outside…Who opened it then?
Increased frequency of these peculiar, hair-raising incidents started to seem fairly
suspicious and would not leave my head resting, not for a split second. It is coincidence when
it happens once, strange when it happens twice, but if you experience three of these bizarre
occurrences in the range of 2 weeks, there might be a need to do something about it, at least
attempt to find out what or who causes them.
One late November evening, just when I thought it was over, I was reminded that it was
not. It was so windy outside that I could hear it crashing into everything that stood in its way.
It sounded like somebody was punching into my windows with heavy yet soft fists. As the
weather was horrendous and I didn’t want to be blown away, I decided to stay home and put
on some good old horror movie. I wasn’t exactly sure watching Annabelle all by myself was a
good idea but dragging any of my friends out of their homes and telling them to come and
join me because I am scared seemed a bit heartless and selfish.
About half way into the movie I felt my eyelids gradually gaining weight and getting
heavier and heavier. I didn’t want to fight sleep, nor had I any reason to do so.
I woke up to being uncomfortably cold, then acknowledged the reason for that was that the
blanket I was covered with was thrown over an armchair next to me. I got up to turn the TV
off but then I looked on the wall behind me and almost got a heart-attack. It was a moment of
sheer terror, immeasurable fear and anxiety. My knees started shaking uncontrollably, my
heart almost jumped out of my chest, it was beating so fast and heavily I could hear it. It felt
as if a thousand drums were being played on right next to my ears. I wasn’t able to shut my
mouth because of the shock I just experienced. I nearly collapsed. On the wall behind my sofa
was a garland about 9 feet long. It was made out of a filthy old rope and it had 13 wet, dirty,
dead mice with bloody marks on their fur hanging on it by their tails. “Whoever has done this,
it’s not funny, seriously!” I shouted. I’ve never felt that disgusted in my life. I felt like I was
going to puke or faint. I didn’t know what to do, whether to run away as far and as fast as
possible, call the police or stay and take that gross thing down from my wall. It’s situations
like these, when you stand there completely perplexed, wide-eyed, unable to carry out any
action, unable to think properly, that the only option that’s left for you is to act by your
innermost intuition. So I did. I did what my intuition told me to do. I grabbed my phone, car
keys and wallet and ran. I ran as fast as I could, got into my car and called my mom I’m
I am entirely convinced I’ve never seen such a deep fear in my mother’s eyes. The look of
panic, anxiety and alarm she had on her face broke my heart to teeny tiny particles of
shattered glass. I hated to see her in that state.
That night I ended up staying home with her and telling her the whole story, in fact, all the
freaky incidents I’ve been a victim of in past 3 weeks. I think she grew even more concerned
than me, so she forbade me to go home, to stay at my flat.
Staying at my mom’s, however, did not help at all. During following week I’ve
encountered with other outlandish events. I woke up inches away from a burning fireplace, an
iron was moved to my room, switched on, hot side down and burned my shirt even though I
could swear I put it away into one of the cabinets in the bathroom, my vitamins were mixed
with cyanide which has been stored in garage for years.
As all of this was still happening I decided to go home nevertheless because it was much
more convenient for me to reside in the city center than in the suburbs 50 minutes away from
my work.
Again, it all seemed fine for a short period of time, but then the climax of these series of
life-threatening arrived. As usual, it happened when I was sleeping. I was violently dragged
from sleep because of a thick cloud of pungent smoke that floated all over my bedroom. I
jumped out of bed, terrified, scarred for life. I threw open the door of my bedroom and saw
the smoke hanging from the ceiling of living room, the kitchen, hall, it was everywhere. I
entered the kitchen but it was all on fire. Because of the amount of smoke I wasn’t able to
breathe, I started to cough, my eyes started to sting and got all watery. I had to crawl out of
there on all fours.
The last things that will forever be engraved in my memory are the increasing intensity of
the sound of fire-fighter trucks, my mom running towards me and fire-fighters screaming:
“She was seconds away from dying“.
Tamsin Redwood- Patient diagnosed with Schizophrenia, Psychiatric Ward, Seattle.

The voice in her head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at her to run...

“No!“ Were the last words she said before felt sudden achiness on her arm. She grabbed it
immediately. Her eyes were slowly closing. As she opened them, she was standing in the deep
dark forest. Shiver seized her. Young and innocent girl couldn’t resist and started shaking.
Not from coldness, but from fear. Was it just a dream? Will she wake up soon? She was
swallowing very hard as if something was holding her neck. She touched it, in a hope that she
could have stopped it. She, who was taught to be never afraid started
screaming. ”Help!“ Nothing. She tried again, even louder. “Help me!“ She shouted at least 20
times, but no one answered. Her screaming lead her to pure despair. The only hum was slow
tingling of leaves. It was getting darker and scarier. She, who was taught and used to be never
afraid started crying. With her crying the rain started too and her tears merged with the rain
drops that were slowly falling down from her head to her bare feet. The rain drops felt as if
they were heavy stones. She tried to run, to find a way out. She was running as fast as she
could. Her heart was beating rapidly. She was getting out of breath and fell on the ground all
at once. She was too weak due to not getting enough food in hours. She looked at her feet,
they were badly injured and drenched in blood. As she fell on the ground, she overheard
a voice. She cringed as the voice was slowly approaching her and swiftly covered her eyes
with her hands. She touched her lips, that were more dry than the sand on the desert. After
few minutes the shady voice has stopped. She looked through her hands No one was there.
She was on her own. Lost and alone in the forest. A thought passed through her mind. Was
she going mad? Semi-darkness turned into darkness. She was still lying on the ground and felt
weaker every minute.
“Hello darling I am here“. Was the voice she heard. Now she was sure it was a voice of a real
person. First time it was just mumbling as if it was baby, but now it was much clearer as if it
was a voice of a grown up man. It was raspy and deep. It was making her very uneasy. The
trees she saw were blurry. Suddenly she lost consciousness.
After few hours she opened her eyes. It was still dark. Not a single living soul in the forest.
Rain stopped. She was soaking wet. Sunrise was more than far away from this place. “Baby
I won’t hurt you“. The voice again, of the same man. She was reminiscing about the dark
times. Times, she would rather kill herself than be alive. “Mom?“ The voice, this time
reminded her of good times. Times she was happy to be alive. She looked at her dress that
was once white. It was from the happy period of her life. She smiled at the thought of being
happy and joyful. Once she was happy. A long time ago. After that only a terror came. She
burst into tears again. The dress was now grimy. She wanted to get up from the ground, but
she was unable to do so. She was too feeble to make a single move. She was desperate.
“Someone please help me!“ She was shouting into the air as loud as she could. She started
pulling her hair. Her long dark hair was slowly falling from her head to the wet ground. She
was lying there almost motionless. Her life made no sense. Has it ever made sense? Is it worth
living here? A sorrowful thoughts were passing through her mind one by one. Is anyone here
willing to risk his life and trying to find her? Probably not. “Hello darling I am here. Baby
I won’t hurt you. Mom? You are a freak. You don’t belong here. Go away. Don’t be scared.
You dirty little thing.“ The voices were repeating nonstop. Every single time. Now, wroth, she
was tearing her dress. The only thing she wore. She hated it. She hated her life. After an
infinite hour, the voices finally stopped. She was bewildered. She looked above, all she saw
were stars and the dark sky. She was staring at the sky, it was so beautiful yet so painful to
watch. Why was the sky so dazzling and she was not? What was wrong with her? Again, the
melancholy thoughts in her head. “Hello darling I am here. Baby I won’t hurt you. Mom? You
are a freak. You don’t belong here. Go away. Don’t be scared. You dirty little thing.“ The
voices once again. This time, they sounded even clearer. As if she knew the person, but at the
same time didn’t. It was making her crazy. Her head was about to explode. The darkness
lasted for too long. As if the daylight ceased to exist. The voices didn’t appear in a day. All
happy, she started believing it is over. She closed her eyes in a hope that when she opens them,
she will be safe. Wherever she wakes up.
When she opened her eyes, she was still captured by the forest. The voice in her head,
normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at her to run. “I can’t!“ She yelled. I just
can...not.“ She poorly stood on her feet. Now, it was her to time to find a way out. With every
minute she felt stronger. Her confidence was back again after years. “You will not win!“ She
shrieked. “I am vigorous, I am almighty!“ The girl, that was once invincible, ran through the
forest. She was examining everything. Every detail about the forest. As the day or night, she
didn’t know, progressed, she was getting hopeless again. The forest was never ending. She
was going in circles. Dead point. The forest has kept her a hostage. There was no other
explanation. Was she kidnapped? What if she is in a big room, taken by someone, who is
making fun of her? Who wants to punish her for something? She was wandering in her head
again. “Hello darling I am here. Baby I won’t hurt you. Mom? You are a freak. You don’t
belong here. Go away. Don’t be scared. You dirty little thing.“ Well known voices. They
were scaring her this time. The voices were set in a mocking tone. As if they were laughing at
her for not being brave enough to stand against them. “Leave me alone!“
“Hello darling I am here.“
“Shut up!!“ She was trying to shout over the voices. She was screaming so loud, her breath
was at point zero.
“Baby I won’t hurt you.“
“If you want to kill me don’t play games on em like this, just do it!“
“You are a fre..a..“ The voices were changing into whispering. It was slowly quieting down.
“H-hell-o?“ Nothing. “Why am I here? “No echoes. “Someone?“ Trembling of leaves.
Abruptly, she felt a slap on her face. No response. Then again. It wasn’t just feeling but reality.
„She is awake!“
“Hello, my name is doctor Reece.“ He said in a very calm tone.
“Who are you? Where am I?“ She asked in a timorous voice.
“You are in our hospital, you have been here for the past year.“ Said the doctor.
“Why?“ The frightened girl asked.
“I will tell you everything, you just have to listen to me carefully, can you do that?“
“I surely can, as long as you won’t do any harm to me.. I..I..I am scared.“
“You have nothing to be scared of, trust me please.“ Said the doctor and smiled at her.
“I.. okay, I will trust you.“ She tried to smile too.
“As to start, I have to tell you something about you at first. You are our experiment, our
inexplicable case. 2 years ago, you’ve had a very serious car crash and your brain has been
severely damaged. Do you see the scar on your hand?“
“Yea.“ She said and promptly looked at her left hand. The scar was all over her hand going
through her arm to her shoulder. “B..but I didn’t have it in the fore..“
„“I will get to that point you just have to let me explain everything, will you?“
“Okay doctor.“
“So to continue, as I said, your brain has been damaged. You have been in many hospitals but
no one was able to help you. A year ago, you have been transported here. And you have
stayed here ever since that. When you came here, you didn’t remember your name, where
your family was or what their names are. You just told us that you were hurt before. You only
remembered that something horrendous happened to you.“
“Let me continue, this hospital has advanced technology.“ The doctor said looking straight
into her eyes that looked lifeless. She looked around herself. Room, whiter than the snow was
making her anxious. The big screens and computers were everywhere. There were some
pictures. Now she remembered something. The pictures were from the forest. The forest she
has been kept in and haunted by the voices that made her go crazy. But now she is in
a hospital, wearing black clothes and her hair is short. She was even more baffled.
“Hey.“ The doctor said softly.
“You looked like you were deep in your head. Were you thinking about something? You can
tell me. You have to tell me, because for a year we have been at a dead point.“
“No doctor I just looked at my clothes and I feel different.“ She said it in a very confident
“Okay, so can I continue?“
“You definitely can“.
“Our technology is in very good condition. We have the best technology in the state. That‘s
why you are here.“ The doctor was talking too quickly, she couldn’t focus.
“Can you feel the cables that are fixed on your head?“ Immediately she touched her head.
“Yes, I can, what are they for?“
“They are connected to this computer and on this big screen right here we can see what is
happening in your head. To be more precise, because I think you don’t understand, we put
different injections in you that evoke in you something, fear, pain, happiness, love and many
more. After the injection gets into your body, we will connect you to these cables and your
acts reflect on our computers. The injection lasts for about 2-5 hours“.
“B-but, in that forest it felt like I was there for a week,“.
“That’s normal. It is the same with dreaming. You feel like it lasts forever, when in reality it
lasts few minutes. That‘s why you felt like it lasted for a long period of time. But the problem
is that, even when you can remember what happened in your head a moment ago, your brain
is not able to comprehend it and you will forget it.“
“Oh my god.“ She groaned.
“But do not worry sweetheart the medicine is progressing and I have a strong belief that one
day we will figure out a way to get to know you more and there will be a cure. So far by our
injections and monitoring we found out that you had someone you loved hurt you very badly.
I also think a very close person to you died. You were very happy and successful and then it
all at once messed up. I think the bad times in your life lasted for a long period of time,
because there is no clear evidence of you being happy. We just know you were happy once.
That is all. I hope I explained some things to you. Now I will leave you alone, to process all
the information I told you.“
“Thank you doctor.“
She looked around herself. There were people everywhere staring at her. They were
examining her as if she was some kind of a monster. She couldn’t concentrate anymore. Will
she forget what the doctor said to her? Will she forget it in a few days, weeks, months?
The voice in my head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at me to run.
To turn away from the silhouette standing only few meters away from me, and run for
dear life. But I didn´t do it. I couldn´t.
“, you don´t have to do it…“ I croaked as Argider came closer. I heard the
voices of my crew, screaming in agony, as our starship was slowly falling apart.
“Captain! Captain, we need to leave immediately!“ shouted one the mechanic guys.
“Richard does not understand. Argider is a weapon. Argider needs to destroy The
“No, no, you don´t have to. Ar, you can come with us. Come with me.“ I reached out
for his hand. The flames and the heat were unbearable at this rate, it was only
a matter of time when our starship will be completely crashed.
“Please...Ar…“ The pain in my abdomen was forgotten for a moment as Argider
smiled a little.
“Argider is sorry.“
Christopher Kim wasn´t a good guy. That was something like a general truth. It was
probably because of the jealousy of other crew´s members. That´s what he liked to
think. Or probably because he was an utter jerk. But no matter what others thought
about him...
“...I am the vice-captain of this damned ship.“ he said to yet another girl who was
dumb enough (or bored enough) to listen to him.
“I decide whether you are important or not. And I declare that you are very important.“
he winked as the girl giggled.
Christopher Kim was an utter jerk. And damn, was he flirty.

The Firelight was a starship built at 2104. It was the best ship Earth has ever built.
Made of titan and other strong materials (that Christopher did not remember because
why should he?), The Firelight was unbeatable. He was there when the ship was first
introduced, and immediately fell in love with it. After a six year course training for
a member of a crew, he made it into vice-captain. Of course, he was aiming for the
captain´s chair, but hey, who is he to complain when the captain´s position was
scored by his best friend.
And as Christopher liked to tell everyone: “If it wasn´t for me, Richard would be still
under all those Japanese comics of his being the nerdy crybaby he is“

“I don´t believe it, honestly. I mean, look at him. He´s so handsome.“ the girl sighed.
Christopher furrowed his brows as the girl´s attention was once again on their
beloved Captain.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now get out, I don´t like clingy pups.“
The girl looked at him in horror and when she saw that he means it, she walked
away, mumbling under her nose about how stupid he is.
But that was Christopher Kim. He wasn´t a good guy.

“You should really stop being so mean to everyone that prefers Richard over you.“
a low voice said behind his back.
“Like you care.“ he spat back.
“Surprisingly, I do.“ the owner of the voice said as he sat next to him on a chair.
“Because I don´t want to see your ugly face crying when the crew will choose Adam
as our new vice-captain. Again.“
“Oh shut up, Thomas. That happened once. And they immediately regretted it. That
guy doesn´t even know the names of our commanders!“
Thomas laughed.
“Still. I would be more careful if I was you.“
“Oh wow, I didn´t know that human´s voice can be that annoying.“
Thomas laughed again.
“I´m gonna go get something to eat. Any wishes?“
“Just don´t show up again. Like, ever.“
Thomas showed Christopher a middle finger as he disappeared.
Being a captain of a starship was a magical thing to do. Especially if you were
a captain of The Firelight. It was a full-time commitment. Sure, you didn´t get much
sleep. And sure, your social life was practically nonexistent, but it was such an honor
that all those cons were irrelevant. I was the captain of The Firelight for more than ten
years now. Our starship made it further than any starship before. I was rather proud
of it. Although I need to admit that seeing some of the crew´s members crying silently
because they were missing home was probably the worst, me and my crew were
honored to be a part of this amazing journey.
„Captain, our sensors detect a planet only few lightyears away from us. It´s an
inhabited planet, approximately 61% made of...oh wow.“
“What happened? Continue, Lieutenant Oh.“
„Mister, it´s made of...water.“
The whole crew around us inhaled sharply.
“Wha…Are you sure, Lieutenant? Check again.”
“Mister, our sensors are always right-“
“I said check again.” I growled as Lieutenant Oh wasn’t listening to my instructions.
“Yes, Captain.”
There was a complete silence. Everyone was expecting the sensors to be wrong, me
included. We haven’t seen a planet that contains water since we left Earth.
“It’s true, Mister. That planet contains water.”
“Call a vice-captain. Now.”

“Okay, but this is strange.” Christopher said through our discussion in my room.
“Oh shit Sherlock, without you I’ll be lost.”
“No, but really. How long have we been travelling? Ten years? That’s what we’ve
been looking for. A new planet to live on. I think that’s pretty awesome.”
“May I remind you that this planet is already inhabited?” I said.
Christopher scoffed.
“Oh please, Richie. Have you seen the inhabitants? Their culture is like in Middle
“But still. Chris, they might have their own culture already! How can we just go there
and ruin them everything? That would be completely barbarous.”
Chris sighed and I joined him. This situation was more than complicated.
“Fine. We can just, I don’t know, send some men on their planet to check everything
out. Maybe to even make some relations with inhabitants. Then we could decide
what to do.”
I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. Then what? There are only two options:
we would destroy their civilization to create a space for ours; or we would leave them
alone, but then our civilization would be suffering.
“Okay. Collect some men and go down there with them.”

We discovered that they are called Thodios. They have their own…uhm, something
akin to king. They are surprisingly very defensive, but when we stayed there for a
longer time, they started to be more friendly. Their culture is, despite their
appearance, very sophisticated.
The only peculiar thing about them is that they only have one gender.

“It’s kind of scary. You just come to their village and…it’s full of men. Some men
looks more feminine than others, but you can clearly see that they are men.”
“How so?” one of the lieutenants asked.
“Well…” I hesitated for a second.
“They promenade around naked” Christopher finished.
I mentally face-palmed myself.
Some of the female members shockingly gasped.
“That’s why females are not allowed to be the part of the exploring team. Firstly, we
don’t know how they would react if we brought a female with us, and secondly, for the
sake of professionalism. I’m sure you all know what I meant.”
Everyone nodded.
“Good. Now, all the females are freed. You can go back to your work”
Slowly one after another, all the girls stood up and left. Some of them were talking
about degrading the women while leaving the conference room.
“They are right, though.”
“Shut up, Chris.”

It was our second week of landing when the king wanted me to visit their village.
“He said…well, rather showed, that he expressly requests your presence.”
“Mine? Are you sure? I never showed on that planet.”
“He said that he wants to see our leader. Then he said that he has something like a
gift for us.”
“Yes, are you deaf?”
“Language, Christoper. I’m still your boss.”
“Yeah, yeah, okay. So? You gonna come?”
“I mean, I have to. We finally made good relationships with them. I’m sure my missing
presence would be a big disaster”
“So you understood. Good.”
“Prepare my weapon and other necessary things. I need to call other men to come
with me.”
“Please would be appreciated. I’m not your slave, you know?”

The village was everything and nothing I expected. It reminded me of our planet in
16th century. Merchants and peasants were all around me, working and doing their
businesses. Except that every person was a guy.
“Report me the situation, Commander”
“Today we visited the king in his palace. He is more and more impatient as the days
pass. I recommend to come there immediately”
“Thank you. Lend me some of your men.”

“Dear king, may I introduce you Richard Park, the Captain of our crew. Captain, this
is the king of Thodios.” one of the translators said and motioned for me to bow. I did.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.”
King scrutinized me from head to toe. Then he said something in his language and
motioned for his slaves to bring something.
“King is also honored. He said that he has a gift for you.” translator said.
The slaves came back and with them tiny, slim boy with silver hair and soft features.
He looked more like a women than a man. The boy was robed into silver robe with
crystals on it. Our eyes met and I saw happiness in them.
“The king wants me to translate everything as if he was talking to you.”
I nodded.
“This is our gift for the leader of our visitors. Shall this two souls become one as I am
concatenate them. From now on, you are fiancés.”
I freezed as I looked on the translator. He gulped nervously.
“Tell him that I can’t accept his gift”
“Mister, I’m afraid you have no choice. It’s their tradition that once someone deny
someone’s child as a fiancé, the two families should be in a conflict for the rest of
their name’s existence.”
Oh shit.
“Then what should I do? I can’t marry a guy, let alone king’s! And I’m a captain!”
The translator just shook his head, eyes glistening with unshed tears.
I inhaled and exhaled.
“Fine. But he needs to live on our starship.”

“You did WHAT?”

“I had no chance! We can’t afford a conflict with another specie.”
“Do you know what kind of commitment you just made? He’s a prince! And a man!”
“I know! I know! But I had no other choice!”
“You’re so doomed, Richard. So doomed.”
“Yes, I know it.”

We named him Argider, which means beautiful light. Well, female members named
him like that. They were quite happy with the new addition to our crew, even though
he never uttered a single word. He stayed in his room most of the time, only coming
out for meals. Everything was relatively good for some time. The translator taught
him how to speak our language, and mechanics taught him how to be helpful with
machines and such. He was a fast learner and left a deep impression on most of our
crew. And everything was fine.
Until that day.

“Have you seen Ar?”

“Yes, Mister. He was with other mechanics.”
“Thank you.”
I walked away, trying to find Argider. These last few days, he was disappearing for
hours only to be found with other members, usually mechanics.
As I was walking through one of the corridors, I saw him doing something to some
wires in the wall.
He jumped in surprise.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
He only shook his head, sad smile plastered on his face.
“Argider really liked Richard. Richard was a friend. Argider is sad.”
“Why are you sad? Do you miss home?”
Ar shook his head again.
“Then why?”
“Argider is sorry.” He said, then he took out a knife from one of the pockets and came
closer to me. I panicked.
“Ar, what are you doing?”
“What Argider needs to do.”
Then a sharp pain spread through my whole abdominal part as the knife, previously
in Argider’s hand, was now in my guts.
“Ar…what the…”
“Argider needs to destroy The Firelight for the sake of his population.”
“Captain! We have a problem! Our systems are collapsing! The ship in now going to
“Argider! What did you do!?”
“Argider is sorry.” He said once again.

The flames.


Buzzing sound of damaged wires and shouts of dying people.

The voice in my head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at me to run.
To turn away from the silhouette standing only few meters away from me, and run for
dear life. But I didn´t do it. I couldn´t.
“, you don´t have to do it…“ I croaked as Argider came closer. I heard the
voices of my crew, screaming in agony, as our starship was slowly falling apart.
“Captain! Captain, we need to leave immediately!“ shouted one the mechanic guys.
“Richard does not understand. Argider is a weapon. Argider needs to destroy The
“No, no, you don´t have to. Ar, you can come with us. Come with me.“ I reached out
for his hand. The flames and the heat were unbearable at this rate, it was only
a matter of time when our starship will be completely crashed.
“Please...Ar…“ The pain in my abdomen was forgotten for a moment as Argider
smiled a little.
“Argider is sorry.“
The fourth law
The voice in my head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at me to run. I was in
dark alley just second before entering into my favorite bar. I got pretty scared because
that voice knew that I was in danger even before the bad robots showed and I really
needed to start running. So I took out my gun and fired a few shots to the robots to
slow them down. I jumped up the grillage wall and started to run but the robots started
to chase me and they cut their way right through the grillage wall. I ran into crossroad
with three dividing, one front, one right and left. My apartment was one the left side
but I knew that robots may be machines but they are not that dumb and also they
might logically think that I also went right because if I might thing that outthought
them. Only right way think seemed front one. So I went by it and it worked. Now
when danger was away I knew that I have some time to think if I should go to another
planet and leave traces all over here or stay and finish what I started, proving that
robots may destroy mankind one day. I choose rather run away. Luckily I knew
somebody who owes me a favor so I can get to mars and from there to galaxy in
Andromeda and I hide on another planet. “Seems like a good plan” I told myself. So I
immediately went to space docks to see if he still works there. But I did not find him
there and his colleagues told me that some robots with a man came and took him. I
realized that I might outthought them in the alley but they got me here. The man was
called John Assange whose ancestor was Julian Assange, journalist of WikiLeaks and
also one of the creators of robots.
John was almost as intelligent and as cunning as his father who was my colleague and before
that classmate. We created the robots together but we had a disagreement about the
laws for them. I thought that they should have four laws and only classic ones. A robot
may not harm a human being or by inaction let another human come to harm, robot
must obey commands of human being, robot may reject command of human being but
only if it disagrees with first law. He wanted only these one but I wanted another,
robot must not create new code from of his own will. He thought that it is stupid and
unnecessary and I told him that he is stupid and unnecessary. That was not the worst
thing I have done. The company we started USLrobotics, was his so he prevented me
from putting the fourth law there but I did anyway and he threw me out of the
company. But let’s continue with our story.
They probably told him that it is for his own protection. I was screwed. Luckily one of his
colleagues offered me a lift to mars station but I must repay him if we are successful
and if they catch us he can turn me in. I agreed to those little unacceptable terms but
what choice did I have? Rather be caught leaving this planet than on this planet. Either
way they might execute me if they catch me but in space it simply looks better.
Luckily John did not thought that I would leave the planet so the way was clear. We
got to the mars station and I found a ship that could take to galaxy in Andromeda just
for my gun I had another one so I accepted the trade and got very important lift to the
galaxy. My family lived there so I knew that I can hide there thanks to my mother
because my father would throw me out. No matter how stupid mistake I make my
mother will always love me and let me hide behind her skirt. As we traveled
something unexpected happened. They have built a guarding space station to prevent
me from getting there and also captured my family and told me that if I do not give up
they will kill them. I knew that John will kill them if he has to so I rather gave up to
save them. I got to the prison but John told me that if I publicly apologize for my
statements about him and robots, I may join him. I immediately started to think that if
there is better opportunity to destroy him and save my family than to strike from
backwards. It will be the best one I had in years.
So I told him: “Ok, I agree but I have few conditions.”
He said: “Go on.”
“Ok first release my friend from your “protection” and also my family.” I said.
He went: “Those are very reasonable conditions. You shall have them all.”
“Thank you very much. When can I start working?” I said.
“If it pleases you, you can start right now.”
“Thank you.”
He bought it all. I stared working on new software that should allow robots to perform
medical operations on their own. I was working on it for months when I finally got it.
Everything that was needed from now on was putting the program to medical robot
and try it on dead body. It went very well so the hospital allowed me to try it in vitro.
Doctors needed to remove patient’s gallbladder, relatively easy operation on save
patient and the robot done it successfully. While I was working on this project John
and his team started working on much bigger project and that was one central
operation system for all robots all over the world and because I did good job with the
medical software he wanted me to participate on it. I knew that this is my time for
vengeance because I can finally program the fourth law but hey watched me closely.
The project was called CRCS- central robotic controlling system. It was supposed to
control robots if they do everything according to the laws and of course have access to
all the data that robots record. It was great idea if it also had my fourth law. Months
and months of working turned up into successful result the alpha version of CRCS.
We decided to test just on few robots in our lab. It worked very well but it needed few
upgrades before beta release. Those upgrades were just security ones. It took us only
two weeks to create them. We released the first beta version. Only few months version
was released full version.
CRCS worked well for some time than it started evolving on its own. It completely changed
its understanding of three laws and figured to let no man come to harm he must kill all
the potential criminals and stared controlling for example traffic and of course force
humans to just go to work and back home. Of course mankind did not liked that and
forced John to shut down the system. Firstly he did not liked the idea but then when he
got locked out in his own apartment when he wanted to go out with his friends he
decided to shut the system down. CRCS realized that it is in danger the moment when
John turned on his computer so it has to do something to protect other humans. It
killed John in his own apartment and started to watch carefully who enters its room. I
hated that man so much for what his father did to me and robotics but I never wished
him death so I was pretty sad when I heard it.
That was way over the line so revolution started and we creators had to do something so it
started killing us along with citizens who raised their guns against robots. Only I
survived from the creators. I smuggled in a few man with guns while I program in the
fourth law and remove the upgrades that CRCS gained on its own. We entered the
room the bad ass way. We shot to all the security cameras with guns and blew up the
door. When we entered there were like hundred robots. None of us expected that much
robots. They started attacking us and we had to defend our self’s. Lot of us died in that
room but I survived with two of my guards. I could get to CRCS and program the
fourth that will end all of this. So I turned up the screen and started writing the
program. Firstly CRCS stopped with firewall and I needed to hack the firewall to let
the code go through. It was very successful and robots stopped the fight back and
stared helping man as they were supposed to but only in America.
So America needed to mobilize the army to help other counties. It was not that easy army
needed some new and better equipment that would actually protect the soldiers from
getting killed. It something like middle age plate armor but from more hard material. It
was mixture of titan and aluminium. Also one-handed swords were added as melee
weapon because robots do not have guns. Firstly we set free the rest of America than
Europe and Asia, at last Africa and Australia. Mankind was finally free and CRCS lost
the biggest war in the history of mankind. I was happy but I was also sad that Julian
cannot be here to watch my success after all he was still my friend. New generations of
robots was made with four laws and after many years even after my death there were
added many other laws to prevent robotic revolutions from happening.
Right Thing to Do

The voice in his head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at him to run.
Damn it, he thought. I can´t run from this one. Not this time. Not after what I´ve learned. I
must do what´s right…


Aboard one of the Imperial spaceships. Cruiser ATP-3814 to be precise. The latest
model. There are still only a few of them flying around. Another day on duty for Waldron. He
was a freshly promoted leader of a strike team. In the Unknown Space there wasn´t much to
strike either way. But maybe things would change soon. They were about to meet another ship
in this sector and get a new assignment. What was so sensitive that they couldn´t just transmit
it? Waldron didn´t like this. It was just scouting they were doing. He was actually very lucky
with where he ended up and he knew it. Maybe he would stay where he is. “High hopes die
last”, as he was fond of saying. With these thoughts in his head he went to the meeting with
his squad. The very famous Inferno squad of which he was a part of for five years.

“I still can´t believe I am their commander”

“Were you saying something Waldron?”

“Geez Jack don´t jump on me like this. You scared the shit out of me.”

“Alright, alright. I will do my best not to next time. Well, what were you saying?” asked Jack.

“I am going to the first meeting with my boys and I just wondered, apparently aloud, how
strange is to call them my boys that´s all.” It was after all really strange to not simply follow
but lead.

“Don´t you worry. You will do great. I remember my first day on duty as a commander. I
kinda screwed up but still here I am. Just don´t be a pussy and don´t let the vanity get into
your head.”

“You know I am not like that.” At least I believe, he thought but didn´t say that.

“Everyone says that. And look around how some of them ended. There are worse places to be
believe me. However you know this, of course. I am not here to patronize so let this subject be
for a moment. Just wanted to let you know you have my support.” Jack tapped on Waldron´s
shoulder and walked away.
“Thanks Jack” He called after him. This conversation raised his mood a little bit. He really
liked Jack who was the prime coordinator on the ship.

The meeting indeed went fine. Inferno squad was really thrilled when he told them
about the upcoming meeting with another ship and getting a new “commitment” as they were
calling it. He felt pride as he stood in front of them. They were like a band of brothers. Their
former commander however died during the last operation. They had been ambushed and
cornered. The only way out was by leaving somebody behind to cover them. Waldron was
charged with running away with the rest of the troopers. Thanks to the bravery of their
commander most of them were saved and he promoted to his current position. In the report,
their running was called “tactical retreat”. Waldron still almost didn´t forgive himself for
leaving the battlefield like that even if there wasn´t another way. At that time, there was also
Triss to consider. Would he be able to die peacefully without seeing her red locks again?
Without touching her curves just once more? He wasn´t so sure. The line between the love
and responsibility is sometimes blurred… But now as a commander he just hoped he wouldn´t
have to choose someday.


“Calling Cruiser ATP-3814 this is Imperial Corvette 03268 come in”

“I hear you loud and clear. What you need?”

“Do we have permission to land?”

“Wait a second… Yes. Proceed to the bay A-3. I am sending you the coordinates for auto-

“Thank you. 03268 out.”


“Waldron can you hear me?”

Waldron raised his comlink and answered, “Sure, ´sup Jack?”

“They are here. The officers we were waiting for. Come to the conference room number 7 in
ten minutes”
“Sure thing Jack. I will be right there” he put the comlink back into his pocket. Well, this is
unexpected, he thought. They came early. What can it mean? He will see shortly. There is no
sense in speculations and uncertainty. They only burden one´s mind.

On his way he met some soldiers which saluted him. He saluted back and smiled. Not
being so low in hierarchy surely has its benefits. Not to mention better payment. At the end of
the hallway he called the elevator. While waiting he shifted his shoulders so his uniform
would be right on place. His left hand unconsciously touched the insignia on his breast. The
other hand moved his dark black hair out of his forehead. The elevator just came and he
entered the white capsule. Suddenly his eyes with color of the ice were staring back at him
from a mirror. “I don´t look so bad. Not bad at all” was the thing that came to his mind. A few
first lines of age were showing on his face but it would be still a long time before they would
be serious. His floor. Time to get out and see what is waiting for him.

Conference room number 7 was not big room with one round table, six chairs and
huge window. Waldron knocked, and was led in by Jack´s voice. As he entered and the door
shut tight behind him, he saw a figure clad in black standing by the window and Jack sitting
on a chair with few holograms in front of him. Nobody else present. Strange, Waldron
thought. Usually on meetings like this there are more people.

Jack broke his chain of thoughts by saying: “Ambassador Merigold, allow me to introduce to
you Waldron Wallace, commander of the Inferno squad of which you certainly heard of”

The figure turned and walked toward him and extended a hand.

“Very nice to meet you Commander Wallace. Good to see that Inferno squad is in steady
young hands”

“The pleasure is mine Ambassador Merigold” Waldron said while shaking her hand calmly.
But head felt like it was going to explode. Oh my god it is Triss! What can she be doing here?
We are a long way from the Imperial capital. This can´t be good. But how beautiful she is
though. His face didn´t show anything else only but a polite smile. Triss behavior didn´t
betray a thing either.

“Jack would you be so kind and leave us? I have some confidential information to discuss
with Commander Wallace. Straight from the Emperor.”

“Sure thing” Jack said and left the room.

Waldron stood there and just looked into her sweet green eyes. Slowly he walked to her and
took her into his arms. She bent her head slightly backwards and their lips touched. After a
moment she pushed away and walked back to the window. Waldron followed her. The view
was almost breathtaking.

“Waldron, I didn´t just come to say hello”

“Yeah, I thought so. However it’s good to see you. What kind of information do you have?”

“You surely remember your last operation on Endor-5. The ambush you and your squad fell
into. It wasn´t random. Rebels had intel on your position… From inside.”

“That´s impossible! Almost nobody knew where we were. And who could have done such a
thing as betrayal?”

“Not everybody likes the Empire and its methods. We suspected a long time that there might
be a snitch be we weren’t sure. Even after that event we had to check everything at our
disposal. We are almost sure from who the information came.”

She took a long breath. Her hands were shaking slightly. Waldron just stared at her with
disbelief and expectation. He didn´t suspect that someone from their own rows could, and
would do such a thing.

“Who do you think it was?” Waldron asked with a mechanical voice.

“Main Coordinator Jack Rattus” Triss said with sad voice and left the room. Probably even
the ship. One luck for here.


“This is Commander Wallace calling Inferno squad. We have a situation here. Meet me in
front of the Main Coordinator´s office. Be armed and ready for trouble. It might get bloody.”


Waldron was facing a closed door. His fists were clenched. From the left came ten
soldiers running as one silently with blasters in their hands wearing black and red armor. They
looked quite terrifying. His boys. What could go wrong? Waldron wasn´t sure about anything.

“Listen to me. I was told that Jack Rattus might be an informant of the Rebels. He might had
given away our position during our op on Endor-5. But we aren´t sure. I will go in first and
talk to him. You come in after three minutes. Clear?”
They nodded in silence. Indeed Imperial discipline. Let´s do this… Waldron pushed the button
and walked into the office.


“Hello there Jack”

Jack looked at him with surprise.

“I didn´t expect you. You need something?”

“As a matter of fact, I do. Ambassador Merigold brought some bad news. The Emperor ain´t
happy. We have a snitch inside.”

“Well that is surprising. But maybe not so much. I myself suspected that such a thing might
be possible…”

“Do you have any idea who it might be Jack?”

Jack moved his eyes from Waldron´s. His glare was too much for him to bear. Does he know
the truth or not? Jack was thinking hectically.

“I have no idea Waldron”

As he finished saying that outright lie the Inferno squad came barging in and flanked their
Commander. Their blasters were aiming at Jack.

“I think it might be you” Waldron said in such a cold voice Jack´s hair raised a little.

Jack saw he is done. He knew there was always a possibility that he would be uncovered. No
sense in lying anymore.

“Ah fuck this. You are right Waldron. Though I didn´t suspect it would be you who come for
me in the end. But beware. If you kill me right know or you won´t let me leave, the whole
ship would go to hell. You see, I´ve made some precautions. Everybody on this ship will die.
Is this what you want or would you be so kind and let me go?”

The voice in his head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at him to run. Damn it,
he thought. I can´t run from this one. Not this time. Not after what I´ve learned. I must do
what´s right. Waldron was ambivalent. What´s the right thing to do? What if he is bluffing? Is
his death worth the annihilation of the entire crew? To hell with this.

“Inferno are you with me?” Waldron asked his men.

“Right here Commander!” Soldiers answered together. A band of brothers indeed.

“Kill this fucker…”

Jack didn´t believe what he was hearing but didn´t wonder for long. Blaster shots caught him
in the chest and head. After then, there was silence. And then, nothing but white light which
enveloped everything.
The voice in my head normally so calm and controlled was screaming at me to run. My feet
jolted awake and moved me forwards at a speed I never knew I was capable of. I couldn’t
think, couldn’t see, couldn’t breathe. The hallways were getting more and more narrow as
I blocked out the heart-wrenching sounds behind me. Don’t remember, don’t think. I left them
there. I left them behind. Oh god, what have I done.

It was a quite calm morning on the station. Me and my crew were sitting around in the lounge
calmly eating our rations. We knew we had nothing to worry about, after all, our mission was
complete. Home was just one week away. I decided to take a walk across the ship, smiling as
I pass my colleagues, no, my friends. Our crew went through a lot these past two years,
I don’t know what I’d do without them.

On my walk I stumbled upon my youngest crew-mates: Aadesh and Aadarsh. Their names
aren’t the only things that they have similiar. They are twins, completely identical, down to
the birthmarks on their necks. I grinned as they sparred together playfully, and since they
hadn’t noticed me I decided let out a forced cough into my fist to get their attention, only for
it to turn into a full blown coughing fit which startles both of them as they rush to me in
worry. I wave at them with my hand teary-eyed . I’m never doing that again.

„Whoa cap’n, are you alright?“ they both ask basically at the same time.

„I’m-„ cough „okay, don’t worry about me.“ I finally compose myself and smile at them.
„You guys know it’s your turn to guard the cargo today, right?“ I watch their shoulders sag.

„But cap, we haven’t had any problem with the cargo for almost a year! They said that it’s
harmless, and we are departing today anyway.“ Whined Aadesh „Yeah, and we are departing
today too. Doubt anything would attack us now if it hadn’t before.“ Added Aadarsh

I shake my head „Orders are orders, and you both ought to listen to mine. Now go get
dressed... Oh but before that, please take a shower.“ My nose scrunches up at their sweaty
bodies, their cheeks reddening slightly as they scurry their way to the locker rooms.

With a pleased hum of victory, I make my way to the docked cargo to relieve the previous
guards of their burden. A green light and a beep as my card opens the shutter. Immediatelly
I notice two tired figures slouched across some of the boxes, their heads bobbing. The
corners of my mouth twitch upwards.
„Commanderl Abaroa! Lieutenant Commander Xu!“

Finally, my smile is met with their own as their heads lift up and relax with relief. „Your shift
is over, you both can go rest.“ They hang their rifles at their sides and slowly get up,
dragging themselves forwards for the promise of food and bed. Hai Xu only manages to
mount a muted thank you, while Javi nudges my shoulder playfully. Both of them had a long
night. My two highest ranked comrades, who had gotten me out of trouble more than once.
Honestly, sometimes I feel they deserve the role of captain more than I do. Reminiscing on
the old times, me , Hai Xu and Javiera Abaroa had been on so many missions, we hit it off
right away at the academy, when I was only a fledging. Back then I wasn’t nearly as cool as
I am now. But Javi grabbed me by the hand and managed to pull me out of my shell, put me
in front of the class and stomped her feet untill they finally let me speak for myself. Javi
always said how she knew I had a great potential right from the first time she glanced at me.
If it weren’t for her, god knows where I would be.

Maybe then, it would be one of the hundred white boys that would assume my position, on
this very ship. I shudder at the thought, poor Hai Xu with his brilliant mind would probably
also be outspoken to this very day. I shudder at the thought. Checking my clock I realize that
it has been twenty minutes and no sight of the two.

I am just about to go fetch them when my comm-link crackles to life „Cap’n!“ Aadesh chirps
in. I sigh in exasperation „I suppose you have a reason to call me?“ „Yes! We were thinking
that Fadia could take over.“ „She and Harvey complained about having nothing to do!“ „So
they could take our shift and we’ll take theirs!“ they proudly state in unision. I can do
nothing but roll my eyes „Lieutenant Hakim is currently praying in her room, we mustn’t
disturb her. And Lieutenant Grant is always bored anyway. Look boys, we have a strict
schedule to follow. Rules if you will. I have to lift off and you are keeping me here. Get your
asses here ASAP so we could go home. Or I’ll make clean the toilets for the whole duration of
our way back.“ I click cancel call before I can hear any more groaning, and instead go take
a walk to examine all the cargo. The boxes are sorted from little to large ones. All wooden
and plainly nailed to hold together, with three little holes at the top. We are strictly forbidden
to look through them, more so let much light into them, so we spend our shifts in mostly
darkness, illuminated by what little light one of the five suns on this warm small planet
provides. I go all the way back to examine the more confidential area. Technically we aren’t
really supposed to go there, but someone has to make sure everything is in order. Plus...
I might be a little curious.
Shrouded in darkness and chained to the brim, lies a small trunk, well, small is a relative. But
it is barely as big as the boxes surrounding it. In it’s proximity we aren’t allowed to talk, yet
make a sound. No one knows what’s in it.

The only reason I can see how it looks at all is because of my eye.

An accident during my first mission. We were flanked by a bunch of ‚bugs‘ as we like to call
them. Basically human sized insectoid aliens with a disgusting urge to spit acid at everyone
in their proximity. We had disturbed their nest by mistake which caused a fleet of those gross
creatures to attack us. Long story short. I tried to be the hero. Javi was surrounded by bugs
and I rushed in to protect her from a fairly toxic acid spit. Safe to say that my eye got utterly
melted. The remnants of burn scars still remind me of that day. Hai Xu designed a special eye
for me. The kind that can record everything and even sees in the dark. If I focus with it I can
even see several miles ahead of me. Perfect for a sniper. Day after the operation I received
a kiss on the cheek and the biggest party I’ve ever been in. And it wasn’t even my birthday.

I sadden at the thought of my commanders. We have been through basically everything. And
this is our last mission...

Their last mission.

Because they decided that they wanted to ‚settle down‘ and ‚get married‘ and ‚maybe even
have children‘. And all I get was a stupid wedding invitation. No announcement. No nothing.
Because they know how much I love surprises, because they know how much I love planning,
because they know how much I support them, because they know I’ve always loved Ja-...

I slam my fist into the trunk, cursing.

Because they decided without me.

Horror dawns upon me as I realized what I did.

I lift my bloodied fist out off the trunk. A deep hole in the place I hit it. I suddenly feel
nauseous as I realized the trunk was hollow, no, more like empty. I grab the trunk with my
good hand and twist it around to inspect it more closely. My eyebrows draw into a frown as
I see the gapping hole at the back of the trunk. First thing I notice are the claw and teeth
marks, second... those teeth managed to bite through titanium chaining.

Something dangerous has been let loose on this ship.

I curse again under my breath and fast-pacedly make my way back, clenching my teeth.
I don’t even notice the two boys I slammed in as they stammer out an apology and both throw
me confused look. I should have checked that trunk sooner. I should have known better as to
let my jealousy and clouded judgement control my actions. Out of focus. Out of options.
I cannot leave untill we know what it is we are dealing it and how to fix it. I should have
known the pay was far too good for this to be a simple cargo mission. I-

I stumble back as I crash into a huge hulking mass in front of me.

As I look up from the ground I see a familiar grin hidden by a familiar beard.

„Watch where ya lookin‘ at, eh lass?“ Harvey outstretches his big freckled hand for me that
I gladly take and get up to my feet.

„That’s captain lass to you, Lieutenant Grant.“ His sheepish grin widens, and I cannot help
but match it with my own.

„Somethin‘ wrong Cap’n? Ya had this big ol’ mean look on ya face, even I was a lil‘ afraid of
ya. Marchin‘ aggressively like that.“ His head bobs solemnly as he scratches at his beard. He
never did remember to shave.

„Nothing I cannot handle Harvey. But right now I need to find my commanders. Have you
seen any of them by chance.“ I try to control the shaking of my voice, even if it did crack,
Harvey probably didn’t notice.

„I reckon I saw ‚em makin‘ their way tae the cockpit.“

I jolt „Cockpit?! Why the hell would they go to the co-„

The floor under me shakes in a loud tremor. I quickly reach for one of the handle bars so
I wouldn‘t fall. My comm-link crackles again as a husky voice fills the room „Heeeey Russ,
you were taking too long so me and Hai decided to lift off for you. Thank me later, peace!“

I groan „That stupid Hispanic piece of-„ „Whoa racist.“ „Sorry... But she disobeyed direct
orders!“ growling I watch as we leave the atmosphere of Delta Centurion, what comes to view
are billions and billions of stars and solar systems and...Whoa, no matter how many times
I see it, it still takes my breath away.
Or maybe its the fact that we just rapidly got lifted into space and all of the oxygen got
knocked out of me.When I can finally stand I dash to the cockpit as quickly as I can. First
thing that greets me is Javiera’s excited face „Russom! I was just about to go get y-„ „Move!“

I shove her away and proceed to do the same to Hai as I take control of the ship and rapidly
slow it down.

„Rude. Didn’t even say hello.“ I can hear Javi pounting behind me as Hai joins in „It’s not
like anything is on fire is it, Captain Gwinyai?“

„No, but there has been a breach.“

The amusement in their face immediately disappears, replaced by a look of horror. „B-
Breach? What do you mean a breach? There’s nothing that could have passed through us. No
dent no anything.“

„Our ship has one of the most modern technologies, stating that something on that dwarf
planet got through is absurd.“

„It was from the inside... Something... Something from the trunk got out.“ I wipe off the sweat
on my forehead with my sleeve.

„The trunk? The one chained with titanium chains?“

„That’s the one.“

„How did they get out?

„They.... bit through.“

I don’t dare to turn around and look at their faces but I can feel the extreme unease filling the
room. Javi is probably running her hands through her hair while Hai bites at his finger nails.
My face dips into my palms, cold sweat pooling in my clothes.

„How come the alarm didn’t go off? How could this happen?“

No answer.

„You told us all this mission was completely safe! That nothing could happen! And we all
believed it. For two years no less!“

No answer.

I startle as I feel the chair under me be pulled and twisted to face her.
„What are we dealing with, and how much time do we have?!“ Javi yells out, I cant meet her

„I don’t know! I didn’t know anything! We might have no time at all!“

„I swear to god Russ if you don’t at least tell me something i’ll-„ An ear-piercing scream
steals both of our attentions, and we both rush outside the cockpit to see what the fuss was.

When we come to the source, we see Fadia sitting on the ground, craddling a bleeding arm,
and next to her standing is Harvey, holding a... creature.

His massive hand is squeezing the head of what I assume, is the breached creature. The
creature is a fluorescent turqoise slimy thing, the whole skin of it moves as it breathes, and we
could see all it’s organs through it. It bears no eyes, its mouth filled with crystal shaped teeth.
Four small fat limbs with three long claws flail about as it tries to free itself from Harvey’s
grip. My observation is interrupted by Hai’s shouting „Do not kill it!“ but it was too late.

Harvey squeezes his fist as the creature lets out the loudest and ugliest sound i’ve ever heard.
It must have been heard all across the ship. The head of the creature pops in his head like
a grape, and he gets covered in a fluorescent purple slime. Yuck.

„Harvey get the slime off quickly!“ Hai rushes to him with a towel. „Why, whas‘ the-
ARGH!“ he screams out as his clean hand shoots to wipe off the slime, his blood and skin
mending with the blood of the creature as Hai rapidly gets the slime off. However when his
towel off all that seemed to remain of Harvey’s hand was...

Nothing but a bloody stub.

„Holy shit.“ I back out with horror. Fadia is already on her feet rushing to cleanse Harvey’s
hand, ignoring the pain in her own. „You are coming with me to the med bay, now!“

Harvey nods, tears covering his cheeks as Hai helps him out „Russ...“


„Did all the big crates have holes in them?“

„Yes wh-„

„We are so f*cked.“

Javi turns to me „I saw Hai once reading about these... Creatures. They have great source of
energy but...“


„Adult creatures are nearly impossible to kill. Yet alone capture, so I don’t understand how...

„Didn’t we just kill one.“

„Russom, that was not an adult.“

And suddenly it dawns upon me.

The snoring sounds I sometimes heard during my shift where I convinced myself it was
nothing but my imagination. The slight scratching sounds that I blamed on the sand storm that
was outside.

The things that escaped were their children.

And their children just called for mommy.

„Oh sh-„ Without second thought I turn around and run towards the cargo.

„Russom we need to drop the cargo if we want any chance to survive!“

I click open the comm-link and dial Aadesh and Aadarsh.

„Come on, come on pick up.“

The dial opens up, but my relief doesn’t last for long. All I hear is Aadesh’s sobbing voice
„Captain help... please help me... my brother they.“ His voice is on the edge, I can hear him

„Calm down Aadesh and tell me what happened!“

„They... the crates... they opened... they got Aadarsh... They almost got me but Aadarsh sent
me to get help and shot the damn thing. You gotta hel-„ Without either of us noticing we slam
into each other, Aadarsh is covered in blood, his eyes puffy „Captain! Captain come help
If he had any time to beg he would, I clench my jaw and nod at him as all three of us run to
the cargo room. I am just about to open it when Javiera grabs my hand „You can’t go there!
You have to manually drop it right now before it’s too late!“

„No!!! You have to help my brother, he’s still in there!“

„Boy if I know anything about Cryzblogs, I also know that they dont take long to tear
someone apart !“
„How can you say that!“
I freeze, torn between dropping the cargo and saving a young boy. I remember his smiles, the
way he was always willing to lend a hand, the way they both fought for me bravely. The way
how one can’t exist without the other.

I swallow hard, unable to make a decision. And I curse.

Before I can even blink a long blue tentacle shoots out from behind the latch, tearing through
it like nothing, aiming straight for Javiera’s throat.

But instead of her, it’s Aadash’s shoulder.

„Both of you! Run!“

„Aadash we can’t just leave you to be torn apart!“

I quickly take out my sniper rifle and shoot at it, only for it to twitch slightly and remove itself
from Aadash’s shoulder. Then another one shoots out instead, ripping through his stomach.


Me and Javi look exchange glances and make our way towards the med bay to warn everyone.

Before he’s out of ear-shot, I could hear him say „This is for my brother!“ then, an explosion
rattles the ship.

When we get to the med bay we are met with three startles faces. I dont even know what to
say, both of us are shaking and covered in Aadash’s blood.

„...They are out...“ Hai lets out a silent murmur. All I manage is a lame nod.

„And you didn’t manage to drop the cargo...“

I shake my head.

His hands shudder as he brings them up to rub his temples.

„I might have a plan... But...“

„Tell it to me, c-commander.“ I stutter out, only vaguelly managing to keep my composure.

„See, I managed to capture it’s fledglings with the help of Fadia...“ he glances to her and she
nods, both her and Harvey already completely patched up.

„As we speak... The creatures are probably tearing the ship to get here.“

I swallow audibly, turning around to see if any of them is coming, but I don’t see anything.

„One of us has to lure the kids back to the cargo place... and drop it with themselves in it.“

I frown.

„There has to be a better way.“

„There isn’t.“

I can feel myself getting nauseous. I am the captain so the only logical explanation is-
„I’m goi’n!“ Harvey exclaims.


„Y’all youngin’s have bright life ahead of ya, i don’t got nothin‘ no more... and with a missin‘
right arm... can’t do nothin‘...“ His eyes glisten with some sort of solace, before determination
fills his face again.

„I’ll go down a hero.“

„Harvey we can talk about this-„ But he’s already on his feet, taking the rattling locket into
his good hand and smiling at Fadia.

She smiles back at him warmly... But that smile doesnt last long.

Blood gets spit out as a sharp tentacle pierced her chest through the wall. The wall itself starts
bending as the creature emerges.

I’ve never seen anything quite as grotesque. Big pile of slime and crystal, tearing apart my
friends. I have to close my eyes before I see Fadia ripped in half.

I see Harvey stunned, and before I can think, I shout „RUN HARVEY!“

He bolts. With the speed of a scared antelope he dashes out of the room and I bring out my
rifle and shoot. Again with no visible damage.
„Only laser rounds hurt it!“ Hai yells as he rapidly fires into the stomach of the monster, and
it slowly melts away.

„Captain, you have to go drop the cargo! I’ll hold them off!“

„I’ll stay with you!“

„No Javi!“

„Yes Javi!“ Javiera shouts and begins shooting with a machine gun of her own. As more of
the creatures emerge from the hole.

„I am your captain and I am NOT, leaving without my commanders.“

„Then why don’t you kill the one standing behind you!“


I turn around with horror. The mass of gellatine stands above me, acid spilling out of it’s
mouth, I can almost see myself inside it when a laser shot shrivels it down.
„Just go Russ!“
My legs carry me without me wanting them to, I can basically feel myself flying across the
floors. My heels clacking as my brain screams at me. You left them! You left them there! You
could do nothing! You cannot do nothing!

I punch my card into the cockpit door as they open with a hiss, turn on the speed of the space
ship so I could shake them off a little. Cargo dropped. Maybe now its alright... Maybe its
alright. My comm-link jolts me out of my reverie.

„You have to detach yourself with the cockpit Russ...“ Javi’s quiet sobs make me shiver. „I
cannot... The cargo is dropped...“

„Harvey never got to the cargo!“

My heart sinks.

„Hai... Hai is gone. Soon I will be gone too... I can hear them coming...“

„Javiera.“ My eyes well up with tears, the clog in my throat prevents me from saying anything

My friends, my family.
„It was an honor, Captain. Get home for us... and jab out the eyes of that son of a bitch...“

The tears falling down my eyes can’t be stopped now. In a matter of hours I lost everyone
I cared about. Everything.

„Goodbye Russom.“

„...Goodbye, Commander.“ With a shaking hand I manage one last salute, before I press the
detachment button.

I let Jealousy cloud my judgements. Fear control my actions. Anger move me forwards.

But what truly made me abandon everything I cared about?

Maybe I truly, never deserved the role of a captain.

And maybe, I only ever dreamt of this happening.

We’ll see in a week.

For now I’ll just sleep.

The Night of Nightmares
The voice in her head, normally so calm and controlled, was screaming at her to run.
She had a sick feeling in her stomach ever since she got out of bed, her head dizzy
and throbing. Something bad was happening, she just didn´t know what was coming
for her yet. She started walking faster, not running,

„Why would I do that anyway?“ She thought amongst all the other thoughts of
bolting, swimmming around in her head „There is nothing to run from,“ she whispered
to herself, trying to convince and calm her own mind, that the dark, peaceful city was
not full of awaiting danger.

Meanwhile, a woman was lurking in the shadows of the city, hiding and waiting.
Waiting for her next victim to walk into her path. She was laying low, her long black
hair glistening under the light of the midnight moon. her pockets were heavy with
secrets and sharp toys that she was planning, craving to use. She didn´t care how,
she needed to satisfy her hunger for pain and suffering,

Neither of them thought that they were going to meet, but as it seems, fate had other

On the corner of Avenue Street, was where their lives crossed, for one of them it
meant doom and the other it meant satisfaction

It all happened in a blink of an eye, as the girl was whisked away, tears streaming
down her pale cheeks. She now regretted not listening to her own conscious and not
running when she had the chance, all there was left for her was to hope that she
would get out of it alive. She was trembling, caused from fear and the fact that her
whole body was now shaking, engulfed by the bitter atmosphere of the mostly empty
room she was held in. There was a light flickering above her head, revealing the fact
that she was not alone inbetween the four walls, that seemed to be closing in on her.

The only other light in the room was coming through a tiny window, that was on the
other side of the area she was kept in. Just like the lightbulb above her head, there
was a flicker of hope as she tried to get up and leap for the thing that seemed like her
only way out of the hell she was held captive in. Only to have all her hopes shattered
the next second. Her ankle was held tightly in a metal cuff, that was digging into her
skin, holding her on a leash like a dog. The silence that was suffocating her was
broken by a low chuckle coming from the person she only just noticed.

„There is no way out of here“ the woman stated, mocking the situation she was in.

There were so many things she wanted to say, but there was a lump in her throat
and a gag in her mouth, only letting out a small pained whimper, as she watched her,
with tears in her widened blue orbs. Her gaze, however got stuck on the small table
that was set in a corner. She screamed through the gag as she made out what
exactly was, what she was looking at. Knives and guns were neatly organized, by
shape and size. Next to them, laid out were more shackles and handcuffs.

While she was distracted by the things, she was sure were going to be used to
torture her later in the night, the woman came up behind her. She yanked her arms
harshly, tying her up tightly. Making her sob loudly as she also tied her legs up even
tighter, making sure there was even less of a chance for her to get away. She was
not in the mood to play the cat and mouse play.

„We are going to have loads of fun tonight“ the sharp voice of the woman said, as
she went back over to the table. She got the first knife, the smallest one and grinned
wickedly as she made her way back to the frightened victim,

„I usually make it quick“ she said in a high pitched voice. „But I am in a mood to play
around.“ She said in the same tone, her grin never disappearing.

The girl shook as she placed the knife on her cheek, digging it in and making a short
cut down to her mouth. She screamed out, the pain already unbearable. She didn´t
know what she did to deserve the suffering she was going through. The woman tore
the gag away from her mouth, letting her shouts and screams of agony tear through
the empty silence of the basement. She laughed in glee, watchon the blood poor out
of the scar.

The next hour was filled with the same screams, ringing through the area of the
neighborhood, that was almost always deserted. The keyword here being almost,
seeing as on that gruesome night a group of teenagers were walking around by
complete accident. They all stopped in their tracks as they heard the commotion

„What the heck was that?“ One of the two girls in the group, Tanya, asked the others.
„I have no idea, and I am not sure I want to find out“ the youngest boy, Eric, stated as
he tried moving forwards, only to be held back by his sister.

„What if someone is in real trouble?“ Tanya asked, looking at her brother and the
others. „We could help,“ she stated.

„But what if we get into trouble because of it?“ Bianca, the other girl asked, having
a feeling that the night was not going to end well.

„Y´all wanna go exploring?“ George, the older boy asked. „´cause I agree with Tanya.
Maybe we could help if there is something wrong“ he shrugged, and didn´t even wait
for what the others had to say, as he ran up to the main door of the house that the
screaming was coming from. He carelessly rang the doorbell, not knowing that he
was leading himself and his friends into the night, that would ruin their life forever.

Back in the basement, the woman stopped carving the pictures into the almost
lifeless body of her „toy“, that was still screaming at the top of her lungs. She stuffed
the gag back inside her mouth, to keep her quiet just until the ringing stopped. The
woman got up and left her there, hand still bloody as she went to look upstairs again.

It´s safe to say, she didn´t like it when she saw four teenagers lurking around her
house and her lips pulled into a smirk as she slipped to the front door, unnoticed by
the group. Locking it, before laughing, which got their attention at once.

„Now that you are all here, let´s play a game shall we?“ she giggled, sounding just as
psychotic as she really was. She pulled out a gun from behind the cupboard that was
next to her and grinned. „How about... hide and seek?“

„What is going on?“ Tanya whispered, holding on to her brother, but she didn´t get
answer, due to the fact that there was a loud bang caused by the bullet that their
captor shot into the wall just beside Tanya´s head.

„Now now.. no whispering“ she ordered. „I will count to thirty, you all better be hidden
by then“ she giggled crazily again, and closed her eyes.


The moment the number left her lips, the kids were running for their lives, trying to
find somewhere where they could be safe.
Bianca and George stuck together, like Tanya ans Eric did, rushing to be anywhere
but in the same room as the woman.


Her voice rang through the whole house, just as Tanya pulled her brother into
a closet of some kind, motioning for him to be quiet. Eric nodded, crying quietly.
Seeming to be in a worse condition than his sister

„We are going to die here“ he whimpered.

„No we are not“ she reassured him „You are going to get out“ she promised just as
there was a loud shot from where the woman stood.

„THIRTY!“ she screamed, laughing maniacally and went on a search of the four

Meanwhile Bianca and George, managed to stumble upon the basement, where the
air was filled with the smell of blood and death. The nameless girl, was laying on the
ground, her eyes glazed over, lifeless. While the woman was playing her little game
with the kids, she bled to death, from the countless cuts that showered her body.

The sight was horrifying, which caused Bianca to scream out, revealing their hiding
spot to their killer.

In no less time than five minutes, the maniac was standing at the top of the stairs
leading to the cellar.

„Ah! I see you two little bastards found my plaything!“ she said „Well thanks to you,
she is useless now.“ She pouted, holding up the gun and aiming it at the leg of
George, shooting,

He buckled, falling on to the floor in pain. Bianca was screaming for help, falling to
her knees beside her friend.

„Why are you doing this?!“ she shouted at the woman, who rolled her eyes.

„I do it because its fun!“ she stated wickedly, aiming her gun into the middle of her
forehead „Now say your last goodbye“ she giggled dramatically.

The girl, was trembling as she tried to scramble away from the psychopath.
She just laughed again, shooting not one, but two bullets into her. One in her head
and the other in her stomach. Just to make sure, she was in fact, dead

She turned to look back at Georgie, who was now crying not only from the pain in his
leg, but also from the loss of his friend.

The next hour for him, went in the same pattern as the last hour in the life of the
woman they were trying to save. Pain and screams filling the area once again,
ending in the same tragic way as the countless victims before him.

Meanwhile, Tanya and Eric were still hiding. But while George´s shouts filled the air,
they managed to call the police to the house. As always, it took them a really long
time to get there, which meant that the focus of the woman was now back on them.
The chasing game continued, not ending how they hoped it would.

The killer, found them. Dragging the siblings out from the closet.

„You two thought I forgot about you huh?“ she mocked them, smirking.

„You thought wrong!“ she cackled crazily, once again pulling out her knives to play
with her fourth victim of the night.

Eric, of course, went into panic mode even more than before at the sighed of his
sisters stomach being ripped open. He noticed the gun that the woman used before
was left unattained. He grabed it the moment he could, and without hesitation shot
her repeatedly from behind.

Once he was sure she was dead, he fell down sobbing next to his sisters destroyed

Tanya was still breathing, but it was obvious she was not going to make it.

„Baby brother“ she croaked out, coughing up her own blood „I... I am sorry“ she
whispered, before her body went limp in his arms...

For Eric, the night that begun as a fun evening out, turned something that would
haunt his dreams, and life until the day he died.
Director (Timea) - Flexible (no sweatshirt/tshirt/leggings)
Assistant (Vanessa) - Notebook with pencil, all black
Cinderella (Zuzka) - blue dress, 1 shoe, tiara
Hannah Montana (Viky) - blond wig, guitar/ukulele, bright color jacket/sweater, sparkly top,
pants, scarf worn as belt, shoes flexible
Darth Vader (Sidka) - Mask, cape, all black
Harry Potter (Sára) - Gryffindor scarf or patch, glasses, cape, scar (eyeliner), all black,

Darth Vader:​ ​Comes in. All other characters are already in the room. ​Wait . . . are you all
auditioning for Romeo?
Harry Potter:​ Ummm, I am.
Cinderella:​ I am Cinderella. ​Twirls dress. ​ I am going for Juliet. Anyone else?
Hannah Montana:​ Me too. Lucky for me, I don’t need to introduce myself. The perks of
being famous. ​Said proudly.
Harry Potter:​ ​Walks to Hannah Montana. ​Are you sure you are THAT famous? I think you’re
lying because I have no idea who you are.
Hannah Montana:​ ​Moving towards Harry Potter. ​I’m what?
Director and Assistant enter quickly preventing a possible fight.
Director: ​Good morning! Welcome to the audition for Romeo and Juliet. Thank you for
Assistant:​ So who is here to audition for Romeo? ​They raise their hands.​ And Juliet? ​They
raise their hands.
Director:​ Okay the audition for Romeo will be first. Darth Vader you will be first. The rest of
you, please wait until we call you. ​Cinderella and Hannah Montana move to the side.
Director:​ Please start Mr. Darth Vader.
Darth Vader:​ ​Takes a long deep breath and then starts.​ Shall I hear more, or shall I speak
at this? ​Gets cut off by Harry Potter
Harry Potter:​ Stop, stop. That’s not good. Let me play it, and you will see.
Director:​ I am the one who can say stop, not you child. Go on Mr. Darth Vader.
Darth Vader:​ Shall I… ​Gets cut off by Harry Potter.
Harry Potter:​ No! It’s my turn now. ​Assistant tries to push Harry back. Harry threatens
Assistant saying I​ have a wand! ​Harry pushes next to Darth Vader saying ​Shall I hear more,
or. . .
Darth Vader:​ Shall I speak at this?
Director:​ ​Annoyed.​ Perfect! Brilliant! Boys you are finished. Girls come on forward. ​Girls
walk forward and boys move to side quietly debating I​ was perfect! No I was perfect!
​ ello all you beautiful people. My name is Cinderella, and I come
Cinderella:​ ​Steps forward. H
from kingdom far far away.
Director:​ That’s great darling. Where is your shoe?
Cinderella:​ Well, it’s a long story.
Director:​ Okay. Let’s just get started.
Cinderella:​ Romeo, Romeo wherefore art. ​Abrupt stop. ​I’m sorry, till what time is the
audition held? ​ ​I need to return home by midnight. There will be problems with my ride home
after that.
Hannah Montana:​ If you owned your own helicopter like I do, you could get home a lot
Director:​ And your name is?
Hannah Montana:​ Oh I forgot to introduce myself. That happens sometimes as I’m used to
crowds of thousands of people just screaming my name. My name is Hannah Montana, and
I’m the best choice for the role of Juliet.
Assistant:​ You are?
​ h Romeo, Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo.
Hannah Montana: ​Listen. ​Sings upbeat. O
​ kay. Great. What a new vision for classic Shakespeare. Please step
Director:​ ​Annoyed. O
aside and give us a minute to discuss. ​ Ladies move to side.
Assistant:​ ​Confused. Stage whisper to director.​ Please tell me you aren’t thinking of still
casting some of them.
Director:​ These people are horrible. They aren’t the material we are looking for.
Assistant:​ And what will we do? The play must go on.
Director:​ ​Thinks for a minute. I​ have an idea. The play still has to be cast and done
correctly. There are still some people we could cast.
Assistant:​ What do you mean? There is nobody left to audition.
Director:​ You and me.
Assistant:​ Really?
Director:​ Come, let these folks be ashamed. ​Assistant and director leave.
Cinderella:​ ​Looking at other characters. ​So think we can go home now? Anyone need a
ride? I’ve got carriage status for a few more hours.
​ ure I’ll take one. Galaxy
Darth Vader:​ ​Harry Potter and Hannah Montana shake heads no. S
far far away please. ​Everyone leaves.

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