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$ sqlmap -u ""

randomize agent

$ sqlmap -u "" --random-agent

randomize header

$ sqlmap -u "" --headers="X-HackerOne:username"

delay request

$ sqlmap -u "" --delay=0.2

I would like to show you another useful feature. Let’s say that you are browsing
the target web application with Burp Suite and have a bunch of requests in Burp’s
HTTP history. You can select everything with CRTL+A, then continue with a right-
click and “Save items” option. Just like this, it is possible to export the whole
HTTP history as an XML file, for example: “burp_history.xml”. With sqlmaps’ -l
option, just specify the log file:

$ sqlmap -l burp_history.xml

Don’t forget that you should always stay in scope of the program, it can be done
with --scope option (regex):

sqlmap telegram alert

$ sqlmap -u "" --alert="./ $$"

command="$(ps -f | grep $@ | grep sqlmap | ps ww -o cmd= -p $(cut -d' ' -f 2))"
date="$(date "+%d %b %Y %H:%M")" #Collect date & time.

text="<b>SQLi found !</b>%0A


# Telegram:

curl -s --max-time 10 -d
"chat_id=$user&disable_web_page_preview=1&parse_mode=html&text=$text" $url >

$ sqlmap -c ~/sqlmap-config.ini -l ~/burp-history.xml --scope=""

--batch --alert="~/ $$"

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