Physical Education IV

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Physical Education IV

Lesson: Introduction to Outdoor Recreation

Holidays, long weekends, school breaks and summer vacations are the most awaited days for
people who have been busy with their work and school. These are the days they can take a
break from the routine or perhaps from the “stress” of life, as often said and heard. A day cab
be divided into three parts according to Clayne R. Jensen (2006): The existence time,
subsistence time and free time. Existence time is time spent for biological needs like having
meal, sleeping and other personal care. Subsistence time refers to the hours spent for
economic purposes such as going to work, chores, and for students, hours spent in school and
schoolwork. Free time, therefor, is all remaining time after. How one decides free time varies
from person to person. Perhaps, to those who have been very busy with workload or
schoolwork., this is the best time to do recreational activities, to relax, and to rejuvenate.

Outdoor Recreation Is any leisure time activity which is being conducted outdoor where
individuals engaged themselves either physically or mentally from the range of choice activities
for their personal satisfaction and enjoyment. The word recreation comes from the Greek word
“creation” which means to create a new. It also comes from the Latin word ”recreare” which
means to be refresh.

People engaged in outdoor recreational activities for varied reasons. Some do it for personal
satisfaction and enjoyment. Perhaps, it is a time away from the day-to-day routine. Others do it
to be in touch with nature, with a rarely have the chance to do, especially for those who resides
in highly urbanized area

Types of Outdoor Recreational Activity

Land Water Air

Mountaineering Swimming Parasailing
Trekking or Hiking Snorkeling Sky diving
Camping Diving Paragliding
Backpacking Surfing
Picnic Canoeing
Bird-watching Kayaking
Mountain Biking
Rock climbing
What are the benefits of Outdoor Recreation

Physical Health Benefits

- Being outdoors prevents a person from having a sedentary life. It allows people to move, whether by
walking, running, swimming, biking, paddling, etc. Outdoor activities help people to move. It promotes
cardiovascular and muscular fitness and improves the function of immune system. It reduces the risk of
disease and obesity, enhanced immune system and increase life expectancy.

Psycho-emotional Benefits
- Engaging in outdoor recreational activities helps people to rest, relax and de-stress or unwind and feel
revitalized. In fact, some research showed that too much artificial stimulation and time spent in purely
human environments can cause exhaustion and loss of vitality and health. Being outdoors also improves
our self-esteem, confidence and creativity. There is a sense of “feeling good” whenever one achieves the
goal in a particular activity.

Social Benefits
- Outdoor activities are ways for family to become closer. They can be a “family-bonding activity” as
each family member participates in an activity, achieves a common goal, and goes through the same
experience. Spending outdoors also allows one to meet and interact with others who share the same
passion for outdoor recreation. Participating in team will help form lasting friendship and develop

Economic Benefits
- People who have a relaxed body and mind tend to be more productive at work. This translate into
efficiency at work.

Spiritual Benefits
- Positive outdoor experiences can stir up spiritual values. Being one with nature bring certain calmness
within a person. It strengthens an individual as it heals, rejuvenate and soothes the body and soul.

- Is a leisure activity of traveling by boat, or the recreational use of a boat focus on itself.

- Is an outdoor recreation type embracing all the various activities carried on in fresh water in
which the participants is the sole of locomotion.

Scuba Diving
- Is a recreational activity that uses a diving method where a diver uses a regulator as a
breathing apparatus and a tank with compressed air which enables the diver to breath normally

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