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Muhammad Awais BSEE16002

Sheraz Arif Subhani BSEE16036
Fizan Ramzan BSEE16076

4 C’s of Pricing:
Our project is book binding, we are following these 4 C’s of pricing.

1- Cost
Fixed Cost: Rs/-
i. Stapler 2000
ii. Hamer 110
iii. Cutter 50
iv. Seizer 30

Variable Cost:
i. Stapler Pins
ii. Tape
iii. Binding sheet
iv. Delivery cost

2- Customers:
Basically, our main target market is Schools/Colleges/Universities Students.

3- Channel and Distribution

 At this level, we will distribute our order on our own hand but in future we will
hire a delivery boy according to our online book order.

4- Competitions:
Currently, we only have one type competitor that is Book depots and Online Market if
any available.

Tools are commonly known as the 4P’s or 7P’s

1. Product
Quality: Our product is book binding and we provide good quality.
Style: We provide different style of bindings.
Sizes: We have many options for different sizes of bindings like regular book, files,
novels etc.
Services: We provide Online service.

2. Price
 We set our price 45 Rs/- per unit
 We provide discount 12% on online order

3. Promotion
 Advertising: Currently, we will do our project advertisement via Facebook,
WhatsApp as well as Instagram, Snapchat.
 Personal selling: Personal selling consists of human contact and direct
communications rather than impersonal mass communication. So, in our project
we take some order as well by using our personal relations with different people.

4. Place (Distribution)
 School/colleges/university
 Online order depends on location

5. People
 Students
 Employs

6. Process
Basically, we are doing online business. So, in our project we receive/get order from
online and then we go at target order location and provide them their order.

7. Physical evidence
 Buildings: At this level we work on online, so we have no physical location or
 Furnishings/decor: Currently, we are not having any type of furnishing due to
online business model.

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