Lesson Plan 2

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Name CWID Subject Area

Nathan Vega, Thilini Liyanage, Nick Nguyen Biology
Class Title Lesson Title Unit Title Grade Levels Total Minutes
Mitosis (Mutations, replication Genetics; Inheritance
9th grade biology 9 6 class periods
errors) and Meiosis and Variation
Next Generation Science Standards
Highlight in the appropriate color the DCI, SEP, and CCC Common Core State Standard Connections

Common Core State Standards Connections:

ELA/Literacy -
HS-LS3-2. Make and defend a claim based on evidence that inheritable RST.11-12.1Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science
genetic variations may result from: (1) new genetic combinations and technical texts, attending to important distinctions the author
through meiosis, (2) viable errors occurring during replication, and/or makes and to any gaps or inconsistencies in the account. (HS-LS3-2)
(3) mutations caused by environmental factors. WHST.9-12.1Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content.
Mathematics - MP.2Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (HS-LS3-2)
Lesson Objective(s)
Highlight in the appropriate color the DCI, SEP, and CCC Evidence

● Graphic organizers (POGIL, Jigsaw)

Students will use claim, evidence, and reasoning, to evaluate the cause ● Jigsaw presentations should reflect on the student’s
understanding of the sources of variation
and effect of inheritable variation through mutations, replication errors,
● Revision of their initial models signifies the ability to connect
and meiosis.
the learning to the big idea
Purpose/Focus of
Type Implementation Feedback Strategy How Informs Teaching
Initial model - students create
an initial model explaining how Allows for informal assessment
Making an initial a phenomena happens. 1. Teacher gathers student of previous lesson and indicate
EL (Entry explanatory model for presented with phenomena responses on parchment paper if reteach or clarification needs
Level) variation based in prior (flower bush) and records their claims, to take place - sees where
knowledge and predictions 2. prompted with question evidence, and reasoning. current student understanding
3. engage in model design and is for future lesson planning.
More content focused -
allowing for assessment of
students engage in different
Students will present evidence student understanding of new
levels of research, progressing
Engaging in research to and research gather (class or content while observing their
PM from more simple and
develop content group) and identify where they research and communication
(Progress straightforward activity
understanding - POGIL and found their information and skills. Information can clarify
Monitoring) (meiosis + mitosis POGIL) into
Jigsaw what this means relative to need for more direct
higher skill level and
their understanding. instruction or adjustments to
development activities (Jigsaw)
scaffolding provided to
Summative The jig-saw will allow groups of Student’s will receive feedback As students present their
(within the Students will revise their students to present their from both the teacher and research, the teacher is able to
lesson - not initial models to explain findings on different sources of their peers in the form of note their understandings and
a the phenomena and a genetic variations. Final questions to further misconceptions of the topic.
summative written explanation (CER) revision and explanation demonstrate their Additionally, the questions the
exam) collects student understanding understanding of the content. other students ask will reveal
and links modeling activity to the concerns regarding the
overall explanation. topic. Students should also be
able to link their learning to
further develop their
explanation to the anchoring
phenomena. Thus, it will
present areas within the
content that need additional
Instructional Strategies
● Guiding and probing questions
● Graphic organizers and interactive lecture formats
● Highlighting key vocabulary
● Providing interactive and collaborative learning exercises (POGIL and Jigsaw) in small groups
● Establishing class consensus and monitoring student understanding (class idea collection) as whole class
● Providing clear visual representations of class ideas and revision (collection + sticky notes)
● Providing time for revision
● Providing time for discussion - and individual think time
● Opportunities to engage with evidence and formulate reasoning

Time Teacher Does Student Does

● Show students image of flower bush - 1/3rd white,

1/3rd pink, 1/3rd red.
● Provide background information that the flower
bush grew from one seed and grew under normal conditions.
● Ask students to provide general model illustrating
the process of how the bush grew white, pink, and red
flowers incorporating concepts from previous lesson (protein ● Students observe “multi-color” flower bush phenomena
synthesis). ● Students create initial model with initial “claim” on
● Prompt students to identify “how” or “why” what they believe causes flower bush to display different colors
Engage (40 phenomena is happening with a different color ● Students anchor model in previous lesson ideas and
mins) ● Walk around class and monitor student progress prior knowledge
and ideas. ● Students engage in class discussion and offer
● Ask students their reasoning for including certain observations, evidence, and reasoning related to models
elements within their models. presented to entire class
● Present 3 different ideas represented by student
models to the class and engage class in discussion on
observations, possibilities, evidence, and reasoning.
● Teacher records class ideas on parchment paper in
different categories and colors (red - claim, blue - evidence,
green - reasoning; students are not yet aware of this).


Time Teacher Does Student Does
● Teacher organizes students into groups (table
groups of 4 students)
● Teacher provides meiosis + mitosis POGIL activity to ● Students engage in POGIL activity within groups
students (graphic organizer for each student, 1 folder for each ● Students read instructions and rotate reading questions
group, Folder 1 = mitosis, Folder 2 - meiosis) within POGIL graphic organizer
● Teacher provides folder (1 or 2) to each group with ● Students locate evidence within provided documents
POGIL instructions, and evidence (1 set of instructions, 4 sets ● Students discuss and formulate response as a group
(55 mins)
of evidence) ● Students enter in responses within graphic organizer,
● Teacher gives distinct written and verbal identifying supporting evidence (annotation)
instructions on how to proceed through POGIL (students ● Students repeat exercise with either meiosis or mitosis
rotate reading questions, locating evidence, and recording folder
answers) ● Students respond to questions or prompts given by
● Teacher lets students know that they will switch teacher
folders with another group after allotted time
● Teacher provides time on board for activity part 1
● After 20 minutes, Teacher prompts students to
● Throughout activity teacher is monitoring student
responses and evidence gathered
● Teacher engages students in interactive lecture
(slides) and POGIL review

● Teacher goes through each target with students and

discusses responses - asking students where they found
evidence 1 at a time

● Teacher reviews key vocabulary (portion of graphic

organizer - allele, dominance, etc.)
● Students listen and respond throughout interactive
● Teacher displays POGIL graphic organizer over
● Students utilize POGIL graphic organizer to respond to
projector and displayed to entire class - creating KEY and
EXPLAIN prompts and questions
providing additional images and information for students over
(Time: 55 ● Students identify evidence used to formulate answers
mins) ● Students discuss as a class and within their groups
● Students record additional information and evidence
● repeats for both POGIL parts
within their graphic organizers
● Students take notes on video and add additional notes
● Teacher plays Amoeba sisters video about mitosis
● Students engage in model revision
and meiosis and prompts students to add any additional
● Students make revisions to class ideas parchment paper
observations as notes in graphic organizer

● Teacher prompts students to make revisions to

their explanatory models

● Teacher prompts students to make additions,

revisions, questions to parchment paper (class idea collection)
with sticky notes

● Teacher splits students into “different) groups

(groups of 6) displayed on the board and “like” groups (same
● Teacher provides Jigsaw activity for students on
● Each student explores 1 specific topic related to
different types of genetic variation (mutation, sex-linked,
variation or expression
gene flow) and expression (codominance + incomplete
● Students record notes and evidence within graphic
dominance, multiple alleles, replication errors) and graphic
organizer (digital)
organizer over google classroom.
ELABORATE ● Students discuss research within “like” topic groups (eg.
● Teacher reviews directions and expectations (1
(Time: 55 codominance).
student exploring an article related to specific topic)
min x 2) ● Students add and revise to their own notes
● Teacher displays time on board
● Students discuss findings and research within
● Teacher walks through classroom and observes
“different” topic groups, rotating between each member
student work and guides students on where they can find
● Students record respective student findings within their
information when necessary
own graphic organizer until graphic organizer is complete
● Teacher maintains quiet and productive
● Students meet with “like” groups to create
atmosphere during research portion
presentations for class
● Teacher transitions class into different portions of
● Teacher monitors group collaboration during
presentation brainstorm and creation
Time Teacher Does Student Does
● Small groups will present their findings of a given
● As students present their information, the teacher source of genetic variation (like groups)
will make note of significant or concerning statements ● After the group presentation, other students will ask
● The teacher will ask questions at the end of the questions to clarify the presented ideas.
(55 mins)
presentation to further identify the student’s understanding - Group members will answer the questions from both
of the content the student’s and the teacher to express their understandings
● Clarify misconceptions that are presented in the ● Students will engage in a final class discussion to
research validate their knowledge of the content.
● Drive a final class discussion by directing guiding ● students will make revisions to their initial models by
question to collectively recall the sources of genetic variation adding new ideas and/or removing misunderstandings
- makes adjustment to class collective parchment paper ● Students will add written explanation alongside
● Direct students to edit their initial models explanatory model (claim, evidence, reasoning)
● Teacher will walk around to monitor the student’s
in developing their models and engage them in higher-
thinking to facilitate additional improvements
Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Multimedia

Chromebook/iPad/device, Google classroom, google slides/powerpoint, graphic organizer, whiteboard

Co-Teaching Strategies

One-teach, one-assist
English Learners Striving Readers Students with Special Needs Advanced Students
Readers will engage in speaking, Advanced learners will benefit
ELLs are supported by accessing
listening, writing, and reading from the resources that require
prior knowledge as it will help Students with special needs will
activities to support literacy them to further analyze and
guide them through important be provided with additional
development and communicate evaluate the variation being
vocabulary in the topic. assistive technology to support
and collaborate with peers to studied. This drives their higher-
Additionally, class discussion will their interpretations of the
demonstrate understanding and order thinking skills along with
also help solidify concepts for content. These students can also
clarify misunderstandings. communication skills as they will
these learners by bringing rely on their peers to gain support
Students will be supported with be able to strongly support their
attention to important and clarification during activities.
graphic organizers to help with ideas using evidence in the final
self-monitoring and direction. presentations.
Students will engage in a mini-phenomena (flower bush) that they can link to the anchoring phenomena of the lesson (blue people). Throughout
the lesson students will develop skills in research and gathering evidence. Their initial model for the lesson will act as a building tool for their
overall explanatory models where they make a claim and continuously revise with additional evidence - displaying reasoning through the
connections within the model. Students will also continue to develop skills in communication and collaboration and engage in activities aimed to
support them in making connections between claims and evidence with reasoning. Revision allows for students to address misconceptions, build
upon ideas, and ask questions they continue to have - allowing for a metacognitive process for them to engage in throughout the lesson -
monitoring their own progress alongside that of the class as a whole. The unit establishes content understanding related to variation and
expression through meiosis, mutation, codominance, etc. and provides further evidence and reasoning for students to build within their anchoring
phenomena explanation and models.

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