Competitive Exams English - Comprehension

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Competitive exams

• Reading Comprehension tests your reading, ability to understand and draw inferences from it.
To understand the core ideology of the Reading Comprehension, it is essential to sense the
language and words used in the passage.

• other banking exams, Reading Comprehension passages are generally based on the Indian
economy, world economy, inflation, monetary policies, trade and environmental issues. Read
articles more related to these topics.

• Apart from Vocabulary based questions, there are direct and inference based questions. Direct
questions are picked up from the text of the passage and are easier to solve, while the inference
based ones need a thorough understanding of the topic.

• Glance through the passage: Once you are done selecting the passage, have a quick glance on
its content. Glance through the paragraph to get an idea about the theme of the paragraph. This
will help you to find answers to the questions.

• 4. Now read the question. Since you had a glance, you will realize that you can quickly discover
the answer to the question in the passage.

• 5. Remember that the questions and information in the passage are linked. This means first
question (generally) will have relevance in the first paragraph and so on.

• Identify tone and theme: For finding the gist (main idea) of passage, read the first and last
paragraph of the passage. Thoroughly reading the opening and closing paragraphs of the
passage will help you to conclude what the author intends to say. This is the best practice to
answer inference based questions.

• Generally, there are 10 questions based on Reading Comprehension. Direct questions and
vocabulary questions are easier to solve and constitute 60% of the RC questions.

• While attempting direct questions, match the phrases and sentences of the questions in the
passage, this will help you to identify the correct answer.

• In case of synonyms and antonyms , look for the word in the passage and read a few lines above
and below the word to understand the context of the word. Then check the options and find the
suitable synonym or antonym, as asked.

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