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Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3

An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Conducting an ocular inspection of the school for resources

 Do an ocular inspection of your assigned classroom, as well as other classrooms in

the school. Go also to the library. Visit also the media center (MC), the learning
resource center (LRC), and the laboratory (e.g. science lab, speech lab etc). List
down or make an inventory of existing or available instructional materials from the
(Note: If any of these resources is not available, you may look into these in other


Learning Resource Center

Media Center
Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom
Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Laboratory (specify lab type)


Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

 Search also the internet and find out what it says about instructional resources.
Lists down the instructional materials you found in the internet, but which you did
not find in the different resources of the school.


Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Classifying instructional materials from the school resources

 Compare materials that you actually observed / found in the different learning
resource facilities in your school. Classify or group them together according to their
nature and characteristics, functions or use.


Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Providing experiences for actual use of instructional materials

 Classify the materials you were able to observe and identify the subject areas where
these materials are commonly used.

a. List of Materials Used b. Subject areas where materials are commonly




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Computer driven


Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program
 Observe three classes. Note the teacher’s use of instructional materials. In what
part of the lesson does the use of instructional materials prevail?

___________________ all parts of the lesson

___________________ some parts of the lesson (introduction motivation, development
of lesson, evaluation). If only some parts, name or identify the parts

 Describe or narrate how the teacher used an instructional material. Did the teacher
use a variety of instructional materials or just one or two kinds only?
 Are there indications of the level of ease or expertise by which the teacher used the
instructional material?
 What can you say about the kind of responses of students while teacher is using the
instructional materials?

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

 Is the use of the instructional material appropriate and relevant to the subject
matter being develop and discussed? If yes, why do you think so? If no, why not?
Give your reasons.
 Based on your observations, what inference can you make about the reasons or the
purposes why teachers use instructional materials in teaching?

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Providing experiences for actual use of instructional materials
Come up with lesson plans on specific topics, focusing on what instructional
materials to use on particulars part/s of the lesson. Make sure that the instructional
material is relevant to the objective.


Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom

Technology in the Learning Environment FS 3
An Experiential Taxonomy-Based Field Study Program

Preparing a power point presentation on resources for sharing
Come up with a powerpoint presentation, or video presentation on different resources
which you can share with your fellow students. In addition, you can lead discussions on
where to use such materials. Write below an outline or list of the plates / slides that you
will develop before you finally come up with the powerpoint presentation.

Plate/Slide Number Description

Outcome-Based Learning Experience 1: Using Educational Technology in the Classroom

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