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> BS 5975:2008 BSI British Standards » Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework ——-ne raising standards worldwide” DOE Bish Standards BS 5975:2008 BRITISH STANDARD Publishing and copyright information “Te BI copyright noice played in this document indicetes when the document wes ast sue. 09512008 'seN 9780580570765 ves 91220 “The following BS references late othe work on this standard Commitee reference 81426 Drat for comment 0730150012 0¢ Publication history Fis publihed March 1982 Second edton March 1995 “hid edition December 2008 ‘Amendments issued since publication ‘Amd. No. ate ‘ext atectod BRITISH STANDARD {BS 5975:2008 Contents Foreword ¥ Section 1: General 1 Scope. T 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms-and definitions 3 4 Abbreviations and symbols 6 3 Legislation 17 Secon rsa coal of tempore wets 21 Procedures 21 5 Repentmen ofthe tmportry warts co-ordnator and the temporary works supervisor 24 8 Design brief 26 9 Design 28 10 Go-orination and supervision of work on site 32 M1 Ghecking onsite 33 32 Akerations 33 43 Loading ringing) the temporary works (int service) 3 {4 Dismantling 34 Section 3:Faluework 35 38 General 35 16 Materials 35 17 Loads applied to fabework 58 48 Foundations and ground conditions 83 49 Design of falework 92 20 Work onsite 135 ‘Annexes ‘Annex A (normative) Permisible stresses and modulus of elasticity for feel grades generally sed in fsework. 146 ‘Annex 8 (normative) Properties of component in tube and ‘coupler falework 150, ‘Annex (normative) inital testing, quality contro and inspection of| {alsewerk equipment 156 ‘Annex (normative) Data on material properties, 158 ‘Annex © (normative) Ware forces 162 ‘Annex (normative) Site investigations for foundations forfakeworks 165 [Annex 6 (informative) Examples of design brief contents 167, ‘Annex H (informative) Forces from concrete on sloping softs 169 ‘Annex (normative) Design of tel beams at pints of rection or Concentrated loads 174 ‘Annex K (normative) Effective lengths of stel members Incompresion 187 ‘Aone Gnformatie) Derivation of simplified wind calculations forfatework. 189 Annex M (normative) Shleling factor 7 for unc falsework 193 Bibliography 195 Index 199 Ust of Figures ‘igure 17 Shear stress ona timber beam of rectangular ‘qesesecion 44 Figure 2 Safe working loads for 85 4074:1982 props erected 15° outofplumb 55 2s2008 + BS 5975:2008 + nsiz008 BRITISH STANDARD ‘Figure 3- Safe working loa for 85 EN 1065:1999 props erected 1° ‘maximum out-of plumb and with upto 10 mm maximum eccentricity ‘floating 55 Figure 4 Basiewind speed Ver m8) 65 Figure 5 Topography Factor Tdlagrams. 66 Figure 6~ Town and county 68 Figure 7 Definition ofthe sea 69 Figure 8 Wind on soffit parallel to secondary bearers 72 Figure 9- Wind on soffit paralel to primary bearers 73 Figure 10-Wind on two edge forms 74 Figure 11~Shelter factor 74 Fgure 12 Wind on more than two edge forms 75 Figure 12- Wind loading - Combined formwork and fasework 76 Figure 14— Individual support members Figure 15 Panels to facltate the erection of individual prop systems (elovation) 95 Figure 16- Individual uly braced tower 95 Figur 17 Proprietary system, partially braced by disaete panels 95, Figure 18 Fully braced falseworksystem 96 Figure 19 Free-standing structure 107 Figure 20—Topresvained structure 102 Figure 21~Plate action plan view) 103 Figure 22 Restraint provided on one side ofthe plate (plan view) 103 Figure 23 Restraint provided on two perpendicular sides of the plate (Glan view) 104 gure 24 Restraint provided on two parallel oppaste) sides ofthe plate (plan view) 104 Figur 25 ~ Restraint prouded on three sides ofthe plate (plan view) 108 Figure 26 Restraint provided on four sides ofthe plate (plan view) 105 Figure 27- Restraint provided by four permanent wors columns (plan view) 105 Figure 28 Restraint provided by two permanent works columns (plan view) 105 Fur 28 Concrate pesares applied and the subseqvent rotational forces induced pies fasework plan) 106. Figure 90- Effects of ecentricty and sway on top-restrained structues 108 Figure 31 Effects of eccentrty and sway on freestanding structures 108 Figure 32- Effects of Fon individual towers 108 Fgure 33 Typlea, feestanclng, fully braced scaffolding (elevation) 114 Figure 34~ Typical, top restrained fully braced scaffolding (elevation) 175 Figure 35- Member stably check for top restrained systems (elevation) 116 Figure 36 Considerations for partialy braced frames 117 Figure 37 -Member stably check for free-standing systems elevation) 118 ‘igure 38~ Considerations for free-standing partially braced frames 178 Figure 39 Effective lengths in tube and coupler faework 120 Figure 40— Lateral sablty check for toprestrained stuctures 121 Figure 41 = Lateral stability check for freestanding structures 122 BRITISH STANDARD BS 5975:2008 Figure 42 Working space and stability during erection, loading ‘and dimontling 123, Figure 43 Lateral restraint provided by friction 125 Figure 44 Bate detall on slopes 130 Figure 45 ~ Suggested bracing arrangement for falswork eected on | beams o girders 132 Figure 46 Maximum deviation of toad path 134 Figure 47 Points of measurement of tolerances fr purposely fabricated steelwork 739) Figure 48 Skew lapping of primary beams to minimize ecentriy ‘ofload 140 Figure A1=1beam dimensions 147 Figure Et -Non-breaking waves Section diagrams 164 Figure #1 ~ Detbution of forces on sloping sofits— Level surface, sloping base 169 Figure 2 Distribution of forces on sloping soffits— sloping surface and sloping base 170 Figure #3 Distribution of forces on sloping sftits— All surfaces, ‘loping and with tp formwork 170 Figure H.4~ Freestanding fabework 171 Figure HS Formwork connected to an existing structure 172 Figure HS Arch faework 173 Figure 11 Stress dispersion ~ Suckling 177 Figure 2 Stress dspersion- Bearing 178 Figure Kt Positional estrant of set members ir ‘ual eompresion 182, Figure 2 —Girder restraint (1)~Planview 188 Figure K3-Girder restraint @)~Planview 188 Ust of tables Table 1= Categories of design check 30 able 2~ Base strestex and modull of lsticty forthe Wwetcondition 38 {able 3 ~ Softwood spedes which satsy strength cases in accordonce with 85497839 able 4 North American softwood species and grade combinations hich satisfy stength dass in accordance with national lumber (grades authority (NLS) and national grainy rules for dimension Fimber (NGRDU joist and plank rules 39 Table 5~ Hardwoods which satisfy the strength dases graded to 18557562007 39 Table 6 Preferred target sizes and actual dimensions for Constuctonal savin softwood timber 41 ‘Table 7 = Modification factor K, for duration of lod on falsework 42 able 8 Modifeation factor K,for bearing stress 42 Table 9 Maximum depth-tobreadth ratios 42 Table 10~Depth modification factor K, fr sli tnbers es than 300mm depth 45 able 11 —Permizible stresses and moduli of east: for general falsework applications 46 able 12 —Permisibe srezes and modul of east for load-sharing {alsework applications 46 able 13 Commercial grade timber suitable to produce mainhy aes C16 timber 47 {able 14 Acjustable ste! prop heights 54 {able 15— Terrain and bulding factor 5, 67 Table 16 Force coefficients for faliework 71 28512008 + il 18S $975:2008 Wy + esi2008 BRITISH STANDARD ‘able 17 ~ Presumed allowable bearing pressure under vertical static loading 84 Table 18-Wdentifiation and description of soils 88 “able 19- Ground water level modification factor 90 ‘Table 20 Example of percentage of load transfer for bs than 350mm lat slabs 170 Table 21 Roles and responlblties of temporary and permanent works designers 171 Table 22~ Requirements fr stability checks in toprestained faework 112 “able 23~ Requirements fr stablity checks in freestanding structures 113 {able 24~ Recommended values of coetient of static fiction 126 “able At —Perlsible bending tres in compressive members ay for beams 148 Table A Permisible ail compressive tres, pon crosssection 149 Table 8.1 Section properties ofscafold tube 152 able B2—Safe aia onde in compression for Type 4 steel catfold {bes manufactured in cordance with 8S EN 38.2001. 152 {able 83 Safe anal osds in compression for Type 4 steel scaffold {bes manufactured in accordance with 05 1138-11982 154 Table 8.4 Safe working lads for individual couplers and fitings 155. Table 0.1 Modules of elasticity fr concrete 158 Table D2- Density of reinforced concrete. 159 Table D3 Density ranges for lightweight concretes 159 Table D4 Masies of safolding material 160 Table DS - Masses and densities of men and materials 160 Table D6 Mares of corrugated steal sheeting 761 able 1.1 ~ Effective lengths and slenderess ratios ofan unstifened web acing asa column 176 Table 12 effective lengths of load bearings 180 Table K-1~ Effective lengths of struts 183 “Table K2~ Effective lengths for beams without intermediate Iateralesaint 184 “Table 3 = fective langth for cantilever beams without intermediate Intel estat 187 Table Lt Values of direction factor 5, 190 Table M.1- Shielding factor. 194 ‘Summary of pages “his document comprises front cover an inside fron cover, pages tov, pages | £0208, on inside back cover and aback cover, BRITISH STANDARD. BS 5975:2008 Foreword Publishing information “This rts Standards publshed by BSI and came into effect on 31 December 2008. was prepared by Subcommittee 81426, Falework on behaif of Technical Committee S14 Access and “Eupport equipment. Ast of organizations represerted on this ‘Committe canbe obtained on request tos secretary. Information about this document ‘Areport on flaework by the Joint Committee of te institution of Structural Engineers andthe Concrete society [1] was published in 1971, folowing 8 numberof sgnitiant collapses and an apparent lack of authortative guidance ‘A further significant collapse of flsework (ver the iver Loddon, ‘ear Reading) occurred in October 1972, resulting rectly in the publication ofthe Bragg Report (2 in 197374 ‘This code of practice was fist published in 1982, teflected the ‘tecommendations ofthe Brag Repor [2] and wed as the main feference document ding the drafting stages, the report on {aluework bythe Join Committee ofthe Istution of Structural Engineers and the Concrete Society (1, IRisbelleved that when fst published, no previous standard or code ‘refering to flaework wa knovn to exist anywhere inthe word ‘Te standard drew together all those aspects that need to be Considered when preparing a faluework design using perisible stress ‘metho, and in so doing included recommendatics for materials Uesign and work on ite Becaure the succes of fabework is closely ‘ued up with te management, this code described procedures as ‘well ar technial aspects. The standard provided guidance onthe ‘ecuray of construction required in order to be ate to adopt the Fecommended design approaches. Recommendations were given onthe actions that ought to be and possible ways of allocating the duties te ndviduas. ‘The Bragg Report [2] recommended that the duty af ensuring that llth relevant procedures and checks are carried out be given to ‘ne individual n the construction organisation, sich an individual being known athe “temporary works co-ordinator” BS 39751982, endorsed sch action, but adopted the narrower tam “alsework o-rdinator, because the procedures section ofthe code did not Consider the other activities covered by the general term temporary ‘works, such at scaffolding and excavations. This ein, incorporating ‘procedures for all temporary works, has reverted to the term Temporary works coordinator. A full description ofthe duties of the temporary works co-ordinator included. ‘Aacond edition ofthe standard was published in 1996. ‘he European standard on flvework, 85 EN 128122004 was published 1 2004 and exists in paelel with tis standard. It specifies performance ‘equitemants fr the desiga of falsework in accordance with one of esiz008 + v BS 5975:2008 Wi + 5512008 BRITISH STANDARD ‘three clasts: A, 81 and 82. Limit state esign methods are specified for ‘design dass 81 and 62. does not provide guidance for the structural ‘design of Class A. [SEN 128122004 doesnot provide guidance on procedures necessary forthe succesful management of work on site. The re:ommendations ‘of the Advisory Committe on Falsework (the Bragg Repor 2) in respec ofthe falseork co-ordinator have not been iced in. “The foreword ofthis standard was amended in 2008, inmeitely following the publication 85 EN 12812:2008, Subsequent to the publication of BS EN 12812:2004, the drafting Committee as taken the opportunity to update the majority ofthis ‘andar, retaining the principles of permissible stress design The rncple changes area follows “+The term temporary works co-ordinator (TWO has been adopted torrefect the need for procedural controls of all temporary works land to recognise that the majority of contractors already control temporary works ats manne. + Compliance withthe Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (CDM 3, [8] has been incorporated, Dartclarly in respect to the interface between the design of permanent works and the design of temporary works. ‘+ Rintroducs the wind loading to 85 6398-2 to bring tin ine ‘with other temporary works documents. The current UK wind ‘ode 85 6399-2 wl be withdrawn by March 2010at the atest Sd vl be replaced by 85 EN 1991-1-4. The national annex to [SEN 1991-1-4 il allow both wind codes to be sed until 2010 + Information onthe wind load on formwork attached to falsework together ith the effects af shialing of fabework ‘members in uncle structures, has been retained ‘om the previous edition ofthis code. +The section forthe design of faleworhas been substantially ‘eit to blag itup to date with current practke and materials, Ttnow defines the condition for top rerrsined ord fee staning {aleewerk ae the depondency ofthe former on the stably ofthe permanent works and pate acon ofthe formwork. ‘This code of practice has generally retained the term “orc coefficient” used in previous editions ts refered to as "net presse coeficent” ings e202, Users ofthis standard are reminded that it may be necessary fr them te appraise third paris with whom they are in contractual lations cof certain provisions inthe code. Use ofthis document [As a code of practice this Bish Standard takes the form of guidance ‘nd reconmendation should not be quoted asif were 2 Specification and particular care shouldbe taken to ensure that claims ‘of compliance ae not misleading ‘Any wer claiming compliance with this Bish Standard is expected ‘tobe abe to justify any couse of ation that deviates fom Is recommendations BRITISH STANDARD 185 5975:2008 Presentational conventions ‘The provisions inthis standard ae presented in roman (Le. uptight) ‘pers recommendations are expressed in sentencxs in which the prinial awiliay ver shoul Commentary, explanation and general informative materials resented in smaller ale ype, and doesnot constitute a normative lement Contractual and legal considerations ‘This publication doesnot purport to include all the necessary provisions fa contract Users are rexponsible fri corect aplication. ‘compliance with a British Standard cannot confer munity from legal obigations. ‘oesi2008 + vil BS 5975:2008 wi + 0812000 BRITISH STANDARD ‘is page delbeately lef bank BRITISH STANDARD ® Section 1: General 1 Scope This Bitsh standard gives recommendation and guidance onthe rocedual couch tobe aplied al aspect of emporay wort Inere common nd abo nudes uisance on Seton, Spesfenton, contract ie and imanting of ebework THs STanzrd gs guidance on permsible ser Sesgn of faewerk- ‘Ts uidnce ake appeabe tothe design of wae termed class [wor ings ew 120122008, te don of which spell ‘dude om 5 EN 2812-2008" Section 2 gives recommendations for the procedures required to ‘ensure that temporary work ae conceive, designed, specified, ‘onatructed, used and damantied ll in asafe and controlled manner. Section 2 cover the design of temporary works arin particular the ‘design of falzework and relevant formwork. In ation Section 3 overs: materials including material factors; loads nd load factors, Sesign of falewark including both proprletary equipment and tradtional scaffolding solutions; wind loading (reference to temporary and permanent stability) and reference to other Sith Standards for the design of structural steswor, reinforced concrete ‘and excavation suppor. “The structural design element in this standard is addtional information necesary forthe sutural design of fasework,It:an be used in Conjunction with exiting strocturl standards oni Normative references “Te following referenced documents are indspensable forthe _appleation of thi document. For dated references, only the edition ‘hed applies For undated references, the atest etion ofthe Feferenced document (cluding any amendment) applies. 135.4492:1968, Specification for the ue of tractus! seein bullding — Pare 2: Metre units 85 64, Schedule of weighs of building materials 85 1139.1, Metal saffolding — Part 1: Tubes Specification for tubes Used in scafoling superseded) 1s 1881-115, Testing conerete~ Part 115: Specifaton for compression testing machines for cncrete 1s 1881-116, Testing concrete — Part 116: Method for determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes 1 1881-117, Testing concrete— Part 117: Method for determination of fensle splitting strength 1 cording to BSN 12812, design das A sony to be adopted whee: 1) slabs havea cos-tctona are not exceeding 9.3 per metre width ‘tsa 1b) beamshave acrosescional ae nt exceeding 05 1) thedearman of beams and slabs doesnot ented 60, SD the height cote unre ofthe parmanentsracture does not reed 3m. ousize0e + 1 BS 5975:2008 2 + onsizee BRITISH STANDARD £85 1881-118 Testing concrete ~ Part 118: Method for determination of flexural strength 2s 1881-119, Testing concrete ~Part 119: Method for determination ‘of compresive strength wing potions of beams broken in flexure (equivalent cube method) 15 1881-120, Testing concrete - Part 120: Method for determination of the compressive strength of concrete canes 18540741982, Specification for metal props and struts ‘withdrawn 185 4978:1996, Specification for vsul strength grading of softwood 15268-22002, Structural use of timber -Part2:Codeof Practice for ‘permizibl tres design, materials and workmanship 1.55071, Methods of test for falsework equipment -Part 1 Floor 15 55073, Methods of test fr fasework equipment -Part 3: Props 85 5626-1, Code of practice forthe use of mason Part 1: Structural se of unreinforced masonry 185 57562007, Specification for val strength grading ot hardwood 15 5920:1999, Code of practice for site investigations 25 5975:1996+2:2004, Code of practice fr falsework 18 62901, Loading for buildings - Part I: Code of practice for dead and imposed loads '856299-2:1997, Loading for buildings -Part2: Code of practice for wind fonds 285 802, Code of practice for earth retaining structures 85 8004:1986, Code of practic for foundations 15 81104, structural ute of concrete - Part 1: Code of practice for design and construction 15 81102, structural use of concrete ~Part2 Code ofpratice for Speco cumstances 12¢ 81103, structural une of conerote Part 3: Design charts for singly ‘reinforced beams, doubly reinforced beams and rectangular columns [BS 8118+, Structural use of aluminium — Patt: Code of practice for design 1 81182, Structurl use of aluminium — Part 2: Speciation for ‘materials workmanship and protection £85 EN 39-2001, Lose ste! tubes for tue and coupler scafolis~ Technieal delivery conditions SEN 74.1, Couplers for steel tube — Requirements and test procedures SEN 1011-1, Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic Imaterale~ Part: General guidance for ar welling 1S EN 1011-2, Welding — Recommendations for welding of metalic materials Part 2: re welding offerte tees 1S EN 1065:1999, Adjustable telescopic ste! props ~ roduct ‘specifications design and assessment by calculation and test v BRITISH STANDARD 34 33 34 as 37 35975:;2008 185 EN 1313-:1987, Round and sawn timber— Permitted deviations land prefered sizes Softwood sawn timber 185 €N 1313-2:1999, Round and sawn timber ~Rermited deviations ‘nd prefered sizes ~ Hardwood sawn timber 15 EN 199-1-1, Eurocode 1 - Actions on structures ~ General actions — Densities set weight, imposed lads for buildings 1 EN 1992-1, Eurocode 2- Design of concrete structures ~ General ries and ules for buildings 185 €N 10025-2:2008, Hot ralled products of nama structural sels Technical delivery condtions 1 EN 12811-1.2003, Temporary works equipment -Part 1: Scaffolds— Performance requirements and general design 1S EN 12812:2004,Falsework Performance requirements and general design SEN 12813, Temporary works equipment -Load bearing towers of, prefabricated components ~ Particular methods of tructural design Terms and definitions Forte purposes ofthis standard, the following tems and definitions, together with those given in Annex E apply. adjustable telescopic steel prop prop comprised of two tubes which ae telescopically displaceable ‘within each other NOTE Seealso prop. INOTE2 A prop hae coarse acustment with pin inserted ito holes in the nner tube and» means of ie adjustment using threaded collar bbackpropping Dropping instaied at levels below the slab that supports the fatework Inorder to distribute the load on the uppermost sab to suitable "upports, such a lower slabs or the foundations base plate figid plate used for spreading the load in a standard, raker or other loadbearing member over a greater area bay length stance between the centres of two adjacent standards, measured horizontally beam bearer Spanning member, usually horizontal used to trarefer load to {upports, commonly tmber, akin or test binding [ayer lean concrete on oil to prevent local degradation nd provide a clean workplace for construction work brace bracing ‘component placed diagonally with respect to the vertical or horeontal member of structure to afford stabilty ‘eosizo08 + 3 18S 5975:2008 4+ ens208 39 310 a0 3.102 33 318 347 BRITISH STANDARD camber {internal curvature ofa beam or formwork, either formed initaly to ‘compensate for subsequent detection under load, or groduced as a permanent effect for aesthetic reasons characteristic strength Strength at which members tested would fal, normally associated vith a confidence limi that 95% would fall above thevalue stated checks check inspection on site to determine whether the temporary works have been constructed in accordance with the design design check tvaluntion ofthe design to determine whether it conforms with the design bref and can be expected to provide asafe engineered solution ‘competent person person with sufficient knowledge of the specific tasks 0 be Undertaken and the sks which the work wil ental and with “ufigent experience and ably to enable them to cary out their ‘duties in relation to the projet to recognize their limitations, and to take appropriate action inorder to prevent harm to thos atying| ‘ut construction work, or those affected by the work NOTE Modified fom HSE COM2007 [7 ‘component bart ofthe temporary works structure used and identiabe as 9 ste unit coupler ‘Component used to fx scafold tubes together effective length theoretical length ofa compression member as determined by the restrain ats ands actor of safety ratio of failure load tothe maximum working load {alsework ‘temporary structure wed to support a permanent strcture while its not Selfsupporting floor centre ‘beam of adjustable length, usvally @ etal atce or set metal box ‘beam, ued to support decking for flor sab forkhead Ushaped housing sed to support bearers, beams, ots o similar formwork forms structure, sually temporary, but in some cases wholly or party permanent, uted to contain poured concrete to mould to the Fequled dimensions and suppor it until it abl to support iselt NOTE. Formwork consis pimanlyoffacecontact material andthe Dearers that rectly support the face-canact materi BRITISH STANDARD 320 aa 322 aaa 324 325 328 327 328 329 330 331 an an 8S 5975:2008 frome brincpal pane! unt ofa prefabricated flework stuctre formed {rom sluminium or steel actions [NOTE A frame conincude connecting components grade stress ress that con be safely sustained by timber ofa patcular strength ‘dais or spies and grade joint pin ‘exporting fiting placed inthe bore of a tube to cennect one tube to ‘another coavilly joist small horizontal or loping member, eg the horizontal members that Canty decking fora suspended concrete slab kkentledge material placed ona structure to provide stabilty bythe actlon of ts dead weight lacing ‘generally horizontal members that connect together and reduce the Unsupported length of compression members. node {theoretical point where two or more member are permissible stress [fre that can be sutained safely bya structural material under tress ‘or the particular condition of serie or loading permit to load Fretficatebsued t indicate that the temporary works may safely be Dut toi designed use part to strike permit to dismantlo Erricate sued to indicate that the permanent works have gained Sufficentstrenath tobe seltsupporting and that the temporary ‘orks may safly be removed or dismantled to an agreed procedure primary Principal bearing member transferring load tothe falework prop Compression member used as a temporary support re-propping ‘Sytem ved during construction in which the temporary supports toa recently cast slab ate removed and replaced ina planned sequence scaffold temporary structure that provides access, or on or from which persons work or thats used to support mate, plant or equipment NOTE. Compare with the deflation of faework soffit Underside surtace ofa concrete member, lb, et. rnacted together essizoa + 5 {BS 5975:2008 6 + ensiz008 335 337 338 339 3.40 aat aaa 343 ams 3.45 BRITIS- STANDARD sole plate sill timber, concrete or metal spreader used to distribute the lad from a ‘andar or baseplate tothe ground standard ‘ert tube oF member class “sfeation of iber based on particular values of gade stress strut ‘member in compresion NOTE. See ao prop. ‘sway horizontal displacement atthe top ofthe faleworkin relation tothe Bottom, under application ofthe load temporary works parts ofthe work that allow of enable construction 0 protec, Support or provide acest, the permanent works and which ight ‘or might not remain In place atthe completion ofthe works NOTE Examples of temporary works ae structures, supports, Deckeropping earthworks and acoso ‘temporary works co-ordinator we Competant person with responsblity fr the co-ordination of al ‘cvs related to the temporary works temporary works supervisor ws Competent person who is esponsible to and asst the temporary ‘works coordinator top restraint method by which stability of faluework is provided by surrounding permanent works or spedtialy designed temporary works tower tallcomposite structure, ued princpally to carry vert: loading wedge piece of materia imber or metal that taper init length and is sed {oadjst elevation orline or angle NOTE. Folding wedges compriv a pair of wedges ad oe above the ‘therso that ther ute faces are paral. Abbreviations and symbols ‘The following abbreviation are wed in this standard COP approved code of practice BCA rch Cement Assocation COM Construction Design and Management) Regulations CEM cament CGA Construction Industry Research and Information Assocation BRITISH STANDARD She Concrete Society FoS factor ofsafety 65—_general structure (timber category) HSE Health and Safety Executive ICE The lnstiution of cil Engineers tote 18S 5975:2008 R_Lting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (4) Mc moderately conservative MHSW Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations NASC National Access and Scaffolding Confederation [NGROL_ National Grading Rules for Dimension Lumber NUGA National Lumber Grades Authority PPE Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations PUWER Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations PWD permanent works designer RS) rolled stel joist St Statutory strument 58 standard structural (imber category) ‘TW temporary wotks co-ordinator TWS temporary works superior WAHR Work at Height Regulations ‘The following symbol te used inthis standard Symbol] Meaning ai 5 ‘Average ear Wee Ni 8 ‘Masiqnumshear stress Nin? a ‘Altitude ofthe site 7 A CCrosesectional area of standard om? ‘A, | Area ointnsion presented by trapped debris and falzework 7 A, | effective are ofthe component me A, | effective area normal to the flow - A, | crosssectonal area of pipeline met > ‘Width of bear ‘mm . Width of falsework m . ttf lengthof the bearing mm z Undvained shear strength Ti RN « Force coefficient forthe component ‘non-dimensional Ge | Netpresure coefficient ‘on-dimensionel 6 Site coefficient on dimeesiona c.___| coetticient for water propriate for falsework members nondimensionat a ‘eight ofthe leeward parapet 7 4 Delta mmm ° ‘Overall depth of beam or section rom 4 Still water depth m easiz008 + 7 BS 5975:2008 BRITISH STANDARD ————— voor. Symbol] Meaning ae a ‘Depth from top of sit to underside level of primary bearer mm 4 Depth from top of soit to undeside level of secondary bearer oo 4 Clear distance between flanges om E ‘Young's medulus of elasticity Nem e.__| eccentricity ofa beam em 7 Max, force exerted by the wind ona component ofa fabework structure | N Fie | Max applied compressive bending stress Nim? & Horizontal concrete force N Mos. applied compressive axial stress Nim? % Force on trapped debris N R Limiting vale of the frictional fece " Fx | Horizontal disturbing force N Fa | Maximum applied compressive stress inthe web Newe? f Partial ol factor rnon-dimersional f ‘shear force N F, | Force due toweter flowing around faework members N rR Force due to concrete pipeline N a Yield sre Nem? a ‘Depth of beam om ” Reference height ” h Depthvneight ” 4” ‘wave height ™ | Compression flange restraint force " 1, | etective height ofthe falsework m hy ‘Total height ofthe formwork ™ h,___| Total height of the falsework m r Moment of inertia om Z [Moment of inertia ofstifener Th Timer modification facior ron-dimersionsl K, | Active pressure coetficent ron-imensional K,___| Passive sol resistance coefficient rnon-imensional renee rm » Slendernes ato ron-dimensional ‘ ‘wave length ” 4 Clear length of a beam a u Horizontal distance of the slope downwind 5 4 Effective length of astrut nm “ Effective length rm co Clear length of column or seut rm a Horizontal distance ofthe slope upwind " 1,___| width between vertical forms em 8 + os008 BRITISH STANDARD BS 5975:2008 ‘Symbol | Meaning is m ecto for cantilever profecion ‘non-dimensional Mc__| Safe working moment em " ‘Characteristic compressive vength ofa tubular srt Nin a [Number of node points | non-dimensional a Length obtained by dlepersion at 45, from extreme of stiff bearing mm ns Length obtained by dispersion at 30%, from extreme of tiff bearing mm ‘trough the flange plates 1Nq__| Notional internal force N ec a ca eo iN nor-cenconal > ‘Maximum pressure pipeline Nim ° Force " m ‘lapotis presure kin? p, | Active sol pressure Nm a Concrete force N x | Allowable bearing tress Nin? Px | Permissible bending stres in compression members Nin? br | Permisible compressive stress due to bending Nine? pe _| Permissible bending stress in tension members Ne? Be Pecmisibe aval compresve stress ime? x Safe load in compression fora column Nine? a Mas water pressure at level © ie a Permissible axial stress for suts Nm? Pum | Permisible compressive stress inthe web Nine Pea | Pedelta, 2nd order effect, | Concrete force " a Concrete force N by | Passive sol resistance (or pressure) Nin m concrete force " a Permisibe axial tense stress Ni? P Concrete force N a Max dynamic wind presure Ni | Total force onthe flsework N Gena | Upper limit of force N | Allowable bearing presure kin? a Dynamic pressure Nim? de___| Dynamic pressure of flowing water win? R ‘Reaction w r Radius of gyration mm & Reaction to horizontal concrete force N Rey | Orthogonal components Re N a Radius of gyration om | Reaction to horizontal disturbing fore Fi " eosizne + 9 BS 5975:2008 BRITISH STANDARD Symbol] Meaning Tis 5 ‘Wind Yoctor non-dimensional 5 Plastic modulus oP 5 Altitude factor ‘non-dimensional s. Terrain and bulding factor ‘on-imensional 5s Direction factor non-dimensional ce Probability factor non-dimensional s Seasonal factor non-dimension T Mean thickness oF flange em r “Topographic factor onvdimensional Tou | Max thickness of compression flange am “ Web stifener thickness nm t__| Web thickness en uv ‘Concrete cube srenath Nee Ve Basic wind speed forthe ate 8 ” Basie wind speed is % fective wind speed is Vs | Hourly mean wind speed at reference height ae vi Design wind seed me « Site wind speed a Ve | Speed of water low as Ww [Applied vera toad * w Force applied per unit volume of water ‘aun? W__| Max. wind force during working operations ie x Depth of bracing panel ra 7 Sail density ‘ain? * Partial safety factor for loads ron-dimensiona 5 Partial safety factor for resistances onimensional ab | Oucofstraightnessof@beam 4 ——_| Inclination rom vertial rm 4s ___| Outostraightnes of column or strut rm 7 Shielding factor ron-dinensonal a ‘Angle rom horizontal ceaeees z ‘Coefficient of static Felon nondim = Shear sre ine ® Angle ofinteal Fcion| degrees z ‘Mathematical function non-dimensional 10 + es:2008 BRITISH STANDARD BS 5975:2008 DD 5 Legislation 51 General Itisstrongly recommended thet temporary works designers and ‘co-ordinators are provided with copes ofthe above legblation and ‘Roproved Codes of Practice and guidance publications. Employers andthe selemployed should ensure that they take appropriate steps keep employees, nclding temperay works ‘designers and co-ordinators, updated of any changes to relevant legilation and revised guidance material NOTE. This section doesnot consider any legitation rating to the Drotecton enuronment ar enforced bythe Environment Agen Or the ‘rottsh Environmental Protection Agency either consideration given tothe Buldng Act 1964 or the Buling (Seon) Act 2003. ® 52 TheHealth and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974 “The bass of ish heath and safety lw is the Health nd Safety at Work ete, Act 1974 5]. The Act sts out the general duties which Employers and selfemployed persons have towards employees and to persons other than their employees including te publi). Duties felate to the "conduct ofthe undertaking” ofthe employer ors ‘employed person. The duties are qualified in the Act bythe principle “to fara reasonably practicable” Regulations, for example the Management of Heath nd Safety at ‘Work Regulations 1999 [6], may be made under Seton 15 ofthe Health and Safety at Work, ate. Act 1978 Aaglations made under the Act may cequie scr standards {han resonabyprctzable™ For example wth regard to eguaton 25 (1 tbl of Sacre of he Coercion Osi Sed Management) epations 20078 the anda that of proce steps @ Invespet of Regultion 28 2), tayo suture tthe Conon {Denn ana Management) Regulations 207, for example an abso andar abe que, 5 “Any buttress, temporary suppert or temporary structure must be ‘of such design and 0 intalled and maintained as withstand any ‘oreseeable loads which may be Imposed ant, and must ony be used forthe purposes for which it iso designed, installed and maintained.” 53 The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 ‘The Management of Heath and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 (61 {imate more exc what employer and these amployed are Fequred to do to manage heath ad safety under the Health and Safety at Work, ete Act 1978. They apply to every work activity including the provision of temporary works. fossizo08 + 11 BS 5975:2008 12 + eps1208 54 3s BRITISH STANDARD ‘The fundamental feature ofthe Regulations isthe requirement at Regulation 3 for employers and the self-employed to ary outa rk ‘acsezment. Employers with five or more employees nerd to record the significant findings ofthe rk assessment. The Approved Code ‘of Practice, Management of Health and Safety at Work (HSEL2) (7) land the HSE leaflet Five steps to risk assessment 17] provide more informatio, “Amongst other matters the regulations ako require employes, and, ‘ae may be required, the seitemployed, to + make arrangements for implementing the health and safety ‘measures identified as necessary by te risk assessment: ‘appoint competent people to help them to implement the arrangements; 1+ setup emergency procedures; “+ provide clear information and training to employees and + tocooperate, and work together, wth other employers sharing the same workplace, ‘The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 The ain requirement ofthe Personal Protective Eauimentt Work Regulation 195213 [14 that personal protective quent isto Desupplied and used at work whorover there re rissto heath an Sttey tht cannot be adequately controled in other Was “The Regulations also equ that PPE: + spropry assed before use to ensure tis stable; + rmsintined and stored propery +l provided with instructions on howto use safe and + isu corectly by employees. Work at Height Regulations 2005 as amended by the Work at Height (Amendment) Regulations 2007 ‘The Work at Height Regulations 2005 as amended by the Work at Height (Amendment) Regulations 2007 Reg (10 and [1], require ‘that duty holders do all hats easonably practicable prevent anyone fling “The Regulations caquire that employers ensue that work snot “arid out at height where iti reasonably practicable to carry out the work safely otherwise [se Reg, 62), Where work scarred outa height, every employer i required to take suitable and sufcent measures to prevent. se far as ‘eosonably practicable, any person falling» distance lable to cause personal nur (Reg. (3), 62 and 6) “The Regulations ao set outa simple hierarchy for managing and selecting equipment for work at height Reg 7) Theres aspecfc requirement Reg, 7a] ge callectve protection measures (e9. {fe working platforms and guard als, te-boards tc priority over personal protection measure (eg fal protection and fl rest systems). BRITISH STANDARD 56 8S 5975:2008 Amongst other matters the Regulations deal with include + planning and organization of work at height ae Reg 4) ‘+ the requirement that all work at height takes acount of weather ‘conditions that could endanger heath and safety (se Reg. AC): “+ the competence and traning of those who engage in any activity (including organisation, planing and supervision) relating to ‘work at height foe Reg. 5); + Inthe case of specific categories of particular work ‘augment (1. protective measuresiwork equiamentivorking platformpersonal fal protection systems) tha: the employer ensures compliance with the appropriate Schedules tothe Regulations Gee Reg. 8 and Schedules 2, 3,45 and 8 + the inspection of work equipment for work at height (ee Reg, 12) and + the ingpection of places of work at height ee Reg. 12). Séhedule 3 ofthe Regulations provides specific requirements for working platforms and supporting scaffolding, including stability, Strength and rig. This nudes: “the provision of strength and stability calulations for safolding (ee Schedule 3 paragraph 7) and + the supervision (together with the waning of workers) ofthe assembly, alteration and demanting of satfolls (ee Schedule 3, Paragraph 12. Te Regulations and Schedles deal with the suitability, strength and Sabity of any anchorages required for fall arest, fal protection or ‘work restrain sytem, See for example: 1+ Reg, 8 (and Schedule 4, paragraph & and “+ Reg 8) and Schedule 5, Pott, paragraph 3 “Tne use of laces is dest with under Reg 8(¢) and schedule 6. Paragraph of Schedule 6requiesthat every emplcyer shall ensure that Bladder used for work at eight only fa sk asesment made under fey. Sf de Management o ein and Safety ae ork Regultions 1885 Gee 5.1] hos demonstrated tha the use of ae suitable work euipmant (eg, proprietary stair ccs towers) snot stifled, ‘The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 Generally the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1858 (LOLER) [require tht lifting equipment provided for use at work “+ strong and stable enough forthe particular we and marked to indicate safe working loads (se Reg. 4and Rep 7) + positioned and installed to minimise any css (88 Reg. 6 + used safely, the work planned, organize, supervised and performed by competent people Ge Reg, 8) and + subject to ongoing thorough examination, and where ‘appropriate, nspaction by competent people (se Reg. 9) osiz0e + 13 BS 5975:2008 14 + oasi2008 BRITISH STANDARD Luting equipment includes ary equipment used at work for iting br lowering loads including attachments used for anchoring, xing ‘rsupporting it.The Regulations cover a wide range of equipment Including! cranes scaffold hoists, cunway beams, forklit trucks, telescope handlers If hoists, mobile elevating work platforms and \ehide inspection platform hoists, The defition aso includes iting accessories suchas chains, ings, eyebots, ee LOLER dees not apply to Scalators these are covered by other legjslation, i. the Workplace (leak Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 [18] Ifemployees are allowed to provide their own lifting equipment, then this too is covered by the Regulations. Specific "approved code of practice” status paragraphsand guidance inthe HSE publication, Safe ue of iting equipment, iting ‘Operations and iting Equipment Regulations 1988. Aoproved code Sfpractice and guidance (HE L113) {12} provide basicquidance 09 {he stably of lifting equipment and factors such asthe proximity of tujacent excvatlng strength of the supporting ground andthe need to provided suitable spreader pate, et. ACOP and commentary to LOLER Reg. 4 and Reg 8). In sing, any lifting equipment, the requirement of LOLER have to beet For example, t the employer has to ensure thot al iting auipment ‘+ sufficient strong stable and suitable for the proposed use ‘Similar, the load (eg flsework components, formwork panels ‘te) and anything attached or supporting It (eg ting points, ‘imber pallets silage, ete) has to be suitable (ee Reg. 4); + positioned onsale to provent the isk of injure. trom the ‘aulpmentorthe load falling or striking people (ee Reg. 6 + ily marked ith the appropriate information tbe taken into ‘eeount forts safe use, safe working loads Acessories eg Slings clamps ete, shouldbe similarly marked (eeReg. 7). ‘Adaltionaly, the employer has to ensure that: «lifting operations are planned, supervised and cared out ina {ate monner by paople wins ara compat (ene Rog 8 + winre equipments wed for liting people itis marked “reordinghy and shouldbe safe for suth a purpose, e 9 all ‘necessary precautions should have beea taken to aiminate oF reduce any risk ie Reg 5: + where appropriate, before lifting equipment including (ressris) used it has a current thorough examination Cerifiate or fnew and supolied complete, that thas been Supplied with a Declaration of Conformity tothe Machinery Directive. Lifting equipment that has to be assemated or built ‘pon sit wil eed a thorough examination cared out prior 1 fist ute to ensure it has been correctly erectedinstalled and ‘2 cotifcate sued. Lifting equipment needs tobe examined in use at periods specified in the Regulations (at last i= ‘monthly for accesories and equipment used fr liting people fd, ata minimum, anaually forall ther equprrent or at intervals lid down ina writen examination scheme drawn up byacompetent person Allexamination work hs tobe caried BRITISH STANDARD. 87 BS 5975:2008 cout by a competent perzon whois suficenty independent from the management ofthe site snot to be unduly lflvenced by pressures to ish the work; and + falling a thorough examination or inspecten of any ting ‘equipment, aepor is submitted bythe competent person to the employer to take the appropriate action. ‘The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (as amended) In general term, the Proviion and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER [15] equle that equipment provided for use at work be! “+ suitable forthe intended use; + safe for use, maintained in a safe condition an, in certain. Circumstances inspected to ensure this emai the ase; + used only by people who have received adequate information, Instruction and waning: and + accompanied by suitable safety measures, eg. protective devices, ‘markings, warnings. ‘The duty on people who have contro of work equpment reflects the ‘way that work equipment is sed in industry where there may not iecessarly be a drect “employment” relationship between the user ‘nd the person who controls the work equipment. For example, where {alsework equipment i supped toate by «plant hire company “There is need to ensure thatthe work equipmen: provided meets ‘the requirements of PUWER In doing se necesary to ensure that + suitable for use, and forthe purpose and cancitons in which itis (sed: + maintained ina safe condition for use so that peoples health and Safety not at sand + Inspected in certain cicumstances to ensure that iti nd ‘continues to be, safe for use. Any inspection has to be carried out fy3 competent person (ts could be an empayee I they have the necessary competence to perform the tit anda record kept of the next inspection. ‘Taree a need to ensure that iss, created by the use of equipment, are eliminated where posible, or controlled by: 1+ takin appropriate “hardware” measures, €g providing suitable ‘Quads protection devices, markings and warning dvies, system Control devices (such a emergency stop buttons) and personal protective equipment; and, + taking appropriate “software” measures, sucha following safe ‘ystems of work (9. ensuring maintenance is only performed then equipment shut down et), and proving adequate Information, instruction and training. [Acombination ofthe above measures might be necesary depending ‘pon the requirements of te work, the asessment of the risks involved, and the practicability of such measures, BS 5975:2008 sa BRITISH STANDARD There isa need to ensure that people wing work equigment have received adequate training, instruction ad information forthe pertcular equipment. [NOTE various amendments have been made tothe Provion and Use (Of Work Equipment Regulation: 1958. his includes ameraents 0 ‘Reg inspection in respect of work equipment that required tobe Inspected under Reg 91(0) xevations or 3202) Caferdoms and casons (fe Construction Deign and Management) Regulations 2007, nd that {ion Reg 12 inspection of work ulpment of the Werk at Meight Regulations 2003 which incr saffoling and working platfors The amended regulation are provised in te HSE publication Saf se ‘St wereequpment-Provison and Use of Work Equipment Regulations {o98, Approved Code of Practice and quidence, hd eatin, 2008 tse 5 18 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 ‘The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 (3 (8 ate aimed at improving the overall management and co-ordination ‘of health, safety and welfare throughout a stages ofa construction project. They place duties onal thore who can contibute tothe Fealth and safety ofa constuction projec: cents, desgners, 13 sep tera rien 15 ey 1. tural tac he ope pwnd {Sheer tne of dope ord ® 175.16 The terrain and building factor 5, ‘The value ofthe terrain and bulding factor 5, depends upon the te location and the effective height H, ofthe falsework. Although 2 ‘method of determining Hs ghven n 85 6399-21997, ks conservative totake the actual height ofthe flsework asthe effecive height. However flsework s erected in an elevated position above the “surrounding ground lev, for istance at the top ofa tal structure, the Feference height would be meatured from the groune although the ‘cual falework affected ty the wind would only be Es Onn height. Values for 5, are given in Table 15, taken from 85 6399-21997 Table 4, 66 + opsi2008 BRITISH STANDARD. 8S 5975:2008 Table 15. Terrain and bulling factor, ‘Sian country orp toa km nto town ] Site in town, more than 2m upwind fromm thesite ‘Effective | Closest distance tothe sea upwind ffecive | Closest dntnce tothe sea height. height” | upwind 4 kon He km m t00 =z vas [140 [13s [436 [ee i A 5 ves [te [tar [ass 150 [145 [ 136 70 ve [17s [173 162 | 10 173 [169 __| 138 7B vas [vas [tee fans vas [tat 2 reo [190 [189177 | 20 a 30 196 [156 [196 | 185 | 30 136 | 196 | 485 = zoe | 200 [208 [135__[ 30 Zou [208 195, @ io zig_pai [2m | 207 | 100 22 [2 | 207 noreT Interpolation maybe used is abe. [NOTE2_befintion of town and county (80 17.5.1.) NOTE? Definition of town and country (ee 17817. wsa7 “The structure may be divided into vertical parts ony if the height ‘greater than the cromwind beadth. 85 6398-2197 2232 gives Getaisof divisions for lage structures ony. Terrain Sea, town or country ‘To establish the terran category you ned to establish how farthe {alseworks rom the nearer sa, and whether you aren a town or the country, Although BS 6399-21997 considers the wid in multiple ‘directions for temporary works applications its generally adequate to consider the single worst case forthe ste location asa whole. ‘Tobe considered as town ste, the structure needs to be at east mince the “owen” age and have at east 100m af built uo area inthe direction considered. I there san open are of more than {00 m then the wind picks up speed across the opening and the site Should be considered a being inthe country. Figure 6 shove the differences for structure between tov, countryside and woodland, eusizo08 + 67 85 5975:2008 BRITISH STANDARD Figures. Town and country — (OElsa/eOmioolSesl a EB 1) Ste coridered a2 “towns ap a ap poosonocsna S 0 Sten wendland considered a2 Yonn’ site own eage more an 2m Permanent structs extending sleet 100 (oeage rot hight Sm) Wioodtan edge mare than 2 km No obrtrctone tin 10m cy Whenever faleworkisclore to a stretch of water thats longer than ‘Tm such a lake, in the direction considered, ifthe ites ess than ‘ km rom the water, then BS 6399.21997 categorize the site as "sea" ae shown in Figue 7 + eps 2008 wy Riri ISH STANDARD 207_Deintn ofthe sen key 2 ster iter wider than km Leer than Sem rom water 518 wsa9 ‘Working wind on falsework [A maximum working wind force during operations is asested a the ‘maximutn wind speed during which werking opertions can take place ands normally lnited to that of a wind fora, onthe Beaufort Seale of Force 6. This corresponds toa design wind speed of 18 mvs ‘and gives a dynam wind pressure q equal to 200 Win. The values Of force coefficient site coefficients shielding factors and effective Frontal area are generally the same s used for evaluation of the ‘maximum wind condition Wind force ~ Uncad falsework ‘The maximum force faxrted by the wind on a component of {aleewor structures glen by: @ FeacAn where isthe force on a component (Ni; ‘isthe dynamic pressure (Win see 17.53.35, the site coefficient (ee 175.1.10) isthe force coeflident for the component (ee 17:5..11) ‘Avis the effective area ofthe component se 17.51.12) and nisthe shielding factor Wee 175.1.13) “The working wind fore on unclad falsework is ghen by (9) FH 2006cAN where isthe force on a component (i: ls thesite cotfcent (60 175.110); isthe force coefficient forthe component ee 175.1.11) ‘A isthe effective area ofthe component (se 17.5.142} and nite sieiing factor (ee 17.53.13) oasiz008 + 69 BS 5975:2008 70 + #0512000 75430 y7sam BRITISH STANDARD “The total force Q, onthe scaffold isthe sum ofthe fores fon the components ofthe faiework © o-5f where (the total force onthe falseworts nd isthe wind fore onthe component. “The total force may be limited, se upper limit of fore on unclad {aleework at 175.136 ‘Ris unreal to assume fll wind fore on a falsework erected in an excavation or surrounded by walls asin basements oF reservoir where thesider effectively shield Ukewse, a flsework ma be effectively Shielded in ome directions from afl wind force by abutments or ‘heady constructed wal Insuch case the caleuated total wind force ‘on the shielded part ofthe falework ad formork maybe reduced ‘2 one half when considering the maximum wind force in the shielded ‘directions. The working wind fore san operational cenaltion, and ot reduced by this factor. Fordmplicty of calculation, the wind need not be considered as blowing In diacion other than along the aes ofthe fasewerk, with the wind {forces etng parallel to or perpendicular to the faiewor faces, ‘The site coetfcientc, “Te ste coeficent takes into account whether the wind is slowed down ast blows towards a falsework tht i avected infront ofa larger impervious structure preventing the wind passing through, Dr mether the wind can pase through the fakework, although the {aleoworecode, 8S EN 12812:2008 doesnot mention ste coefficients, ‘the scaffolding code 8S EN 128111:2003 and 20 [2] do state the values of site coefficients between 025 ad 1.00, forthe wind on Uncle seatoldsagalstfacadesstructures of differen: permeabilty For the majority of uncad falework structures, where the wind can passthrough the ste coefficient shouldbe taken as iy Le ‘Where the wind miaht be stalled, reference shouldbe made to BSEN 2811-12003. °. Force coefficients for falsework members c, “The values ofthe force coefficient «fr faeework are given in Table 16. “The values for frames and towers apaly where the area ofthe frame (Gnetuding bracing or bracing allowance) normal to the wind girection| ‘vided bythe area enciosed by the boundary of the fame normal the wind, les between the limis of 0025 and 0.225. nother cases, ‘the fore are the summation ofthe forces on the nial elements {Using the relevant force coefficient for each element. BRITISH STANDARD 8S 5975:2008 Table 16. Force coefficients «for falsework ———T— = individual member Fat sided, etangulr ad channel weribers 20 Grcular members 12 Tile Fare Fatsided 18 reuse section 12 Square atic towers Fat ided 37 euler section 22 ‘Wiangulr lattice towers iatsided 30 Gircular section 17 ‘rivera beams and columns ‘Alllanged beams jobs 16 NOTE_The effective sana 1754.33 lated forthe windward ace oy. Effective area subject to wind forces A, ‘The most unfavourable load conditions should be considered, In rnany instances this wl correspond tothe wind acing normal tothe members o frames. ‘The effective areas fr the calculation of wind loads will comprise the shadow area of 2) ndividal members, 2. tubes, proprietary table legs, beams, props: 1b) frames e.9. proprietary frame fabrieated supports: 12 formiork, beam sides, wall forms soit formwork bearers access ways, materials ad plant carrie bythe faluework; and )_ the permanent works structure where placedin stages. precast units Forsquare and triangular towers the effective aes is calculated for ‘ne face, The fore coeficents in 17:5..1 allow fo shielding ofthe {deward sides, the coffients are forthe towers forall wind rections “Where the area of the faeework bracing is unknown, the effective trea the horizontal and vertical members shouldbe increased 1 20% to allow forthe bracing and connections unless specially measured Shielding factor “The forces calculated in using Equation 4or Equation 5 give the fll value ofthe wind force on the windward face of the structure Uncladfaleework presents a skeletal arrangement that alow the ‘wind to pass rough. General, for systems of acjustable props, Tamed towers and skeletal saffolding as falsewer, tle internal Shclaing effects obtained and = 1.0. Where shelding needs tobe Considered see Annex essiz008 + 71 BS 5975:2008 BRITISH STANDARD $75.44 Wind forces on formwork MSAA14A General ‘The falsework wil generally be requied ores the leads caused by the wind acting on the formwork. This could comprse edge ‘beams, downstands, parapets, edge forms, the actual sit formwork ‘embers, and on certain projects may include sold edge protection members In general wen calculating the wind force is convenient to consider the force as two components, one acing 01 the soffit and its associated support work, Le blowing under the formwork, and ‘the other acting on the edgelparapet forms and the upper surfaces of ‘beams or wall fons. These components may be calculated separately land then summed withthe calculated wind forces on the faework isl, to ge the total wind force on the structure. Values for c and A, for we in Equation & and Equation 5 are given in the following subclaures. The value of q wil be that fr the design phase considered, maximum or working. Foxmwork loping at a gradient of not more than 1 In 20 should be {rested a being horizontal $754.42 Soffit formwork |) When the wind is blowing aralel to the secondary bearers the wid force onthe soft form and its associated supporting ‘beams, as shown in Figure 8 the wind force is akulated using: q=20 Acad longth of soffit considered Figure 8 Wind on soffit parallel to secondary bearers 72 + e0s2008 ‘The depth d fom the top ofthe sof tothe undensde level Of the primary bearer meazured normal tothe soft should ‘be noted thatthe wind fore I only considered t2 act on one ‘Windward face an snot cumulative onal the primary members wy BRITISH STANDARD 85 5975:2008 1b) When the winds blowing parallel tothe primary bearers the ‘wind force on the soffit form and ts asociated supporting beams as shown in Figure 9, the wind forces aculated using: qa22 Acad length of soffit considered Figure Wind on soffit parallel to primary bearers sett Secondary bearer w7sas63 “The depth oi from the top ofthe sofitto the underside level ofthe secondary bearer measured normal tthe off should be noted thatthe wind forces only considered to act on one windward face ‘nd ie not cumulative onal the secondary members Fg formwork \where there are only two edgelparapet forms, a shown in Figure 10, ‘the wind on each form considered above the gerral soffit level wb fll on the windward fore, but the leeward Form vil be “Considered sheltered bythe windward form. The amount of redtion ‘of fore on the leeward form depends on the spacing and height of the forme ‘The force coefficients ae: windward frm y= 18 leeward form c= 1.8 shelter factor, vwinere the shelter factor i determined from Figure 11. ‘The effective area of the forms are A, =< x lengta considered; ‘where de the depth of the edge formwork meaured from the top ‘of the soffit formurk to the top ofthe edge form Se Figure 10). eesiznn + 73 BS 5975:2008 BRITIS4 STANDARD Figure 10. Wind on two edge forms Leeward edge form Wind Fal depth of onerte Sead supporting beams key 1 wingnard edge frm ‘The shelter factor vais frm zero to unity and depends on the pacing 9 edge form height ratio of LJ 8 shown inFigure 1 Figure 11 shelter factor add, sosnghlght ao Regardless of whether or not the windward and leeward forms are of| diferent heights, ont the height of the windward frm need be vied “when atestng the shelter factor: T7SA.144 Edge formwork with more than two forms For groupe of more then two edge forms the values fo" and A, ‘Should be taken as fr formwork with two edge formsas the previous paragraphs Where there are several groups of forms each group should be considered separately. For example in Figure 12 there ae four posible groups AB, CCD and AD andthe shielding efecto spacings Toy lasand Ln should be considered as fr item ln 751.183. 74 + 9512000 BRITISH STANDARD 955975:2008 Where the distance ly isles than 1 m andlor winre chs less than (0.25d, then the force on, and shietding effect of, frm € may be Ignored Te force on form D shouldbe estimated forthe group AD as in 175.1443, The value for Gof 18 takes this into acount. Figure 12. Wind on more than two edge forms 754.145 sass v7.4.6 ores after placement of concrete ‘The considerations forthe fore coefficients for formwork considered Inthe previous sections apply to empty farms prio placing the teinforcement and the concrete, Onc reinforcement i placed, followed by the n sity concrete, the wind can generally be considered {tobe taken at acting on the outer forms only. The values for take Into veeount the suction Being developed on the downwind side of the leeward edge. Wind force on reinforcement “The wind force on erected reinforcement may need to be considered, perticlary snhsre such reinforcement presents 3 arger frontal ares {othe wind thon the associated formwork Projecting reinforcement for subsequent operations may aso need tobe considered, both for the stably of any aocated former ad forte ational wind forces on the supporting faiework- Cages of reinforcement might pot ect es compost structures in the wind, andar as individual bars ‘evice should be sought in Such cass. Upper limit of wind force on unclad falsework Providing the wind is constrained to pass through the falsework and ‘doesnot exape up through the top of the falework or atrally but through the des, the maximum wind force cannot exceed that {alalated fora soli structure of smlar outline, equivalent toa fully Sheeted windward fe tothe falework. Proviee these conditions remet the fasework and associated formwork canbe regarded as S hotionally continuous impermeable face. Figure 13 shows a ypc arrangement. ‘ossi2008 + 75 BS 5975:2008 BRITIS4 STANDARD ‘Te actual maximum wind force will ot exceed the summation of 42) value ofthe windward area presented to the wind with c= 1.2, (lth a centroid of such force atthe height of 05h +h) above founding level); plus 1) the wind force on downstream edge formiparepets or snilar ‘caused by the wind crosing over the top of the assembly. For example the uppe limit of wind force for the falsework in Figure 13 uslng Equation # and Equation 6 gives: n= Efnat{ 12h oh] (eshte oor] where ne ithe upper iit of force M: 4 ithe dynamic wind presue (Nise 175.13 ithe length fstractre coniered mi hy sth total eight of formwork (ge formand sft fy the eight of the faework in 4 isthe eight of award parapet considered and the shelter factor will depend on spacing ratio ofthe edge forms (ee 175.1.143), “The total force cakulated above should be compared to that calculated Irom the total on the elements ofthe falework, the soffit forms and the edge forms as previously descrived, and the lower value used for the degn of the falework fr te maximum wind condition. Figure 12. Wind longing - Combined formwork and falsework ee (a leeward forme Key 2 Wied 76 + o9si2008 BRITISH STANDARD wsaa7 BS 5975:2008 Wind on clad falsework \Where the faleworkhas debris netting or sheeting attached the total load on the falework canbe significant BS 6399-21997 gives detailed information forthe calculation ofthe forces on structures caused by the wind acting on slid buildings. 8 63992:1957 ntroduces the ize ttc factor C, tallow forthe gusting ofthe winc and sharing of {oad between wif parts ofa building. This factor afecs the external ‘resturer on the building and depends on its dimensions. Falsework ‘Seneraly even with fonmavorkatached, has a lowar effective lateral [Rifnes compared to buldings, o thatthe gusting effects will not be ‘hated, The sie effect factor therefor isnot considered appropriate for fasework For the majority of rectangular falsowork structures fitted with Sheeting or debris netting the simplifed method described inthis ‘Code s appropriate and canbe adopted using the wind pressure {itor 1751.2 ad using the topography factor Ttor the wind ‘Considered from all directions. ‘The maximum total force O, exerted by the wind cn a ad falsework structures given by: @ QHaGA, where (fe the total force «isthe dynam pressure (Nh $60 175.43) Ate the effective area ofthe falework and Galsthe net presute coefficient forthe shape ofthe structure, NOTE The net presture coefficient the summation ofthe pressure on the winded fce and the sucton (drag) onthe leeward face ‘Values ofthe net pressure coeidient Cy, for overal load are given in table 5a of 8 6296-2 In faluework structures the following values should be considered: Gee 1.200et pressire with fllsheeting Where the falework wide compared to its height, the aspect ratio measured in the direction ofthe wind exceeds 2:1 then the win ‘ll not affect both sider simultaneously inthis condition the overall Yorce on the falaework ether sheeted or debris netted can be reduced bya farther 085 factor for non simultaneous effects, The maximum ‘nnd fore ona wide flsework sutures given from modifying Equation 8 to give the meximur total wind force on wide Falsework ‘vith sheeting or debris netting to both sides. Where the width to height ratio exceeds wo: (9) q=0850C,4 where Quist total force (M): (085 isthe 85 6399-2 non simultaneous load factor, ‘asthe dynamic pressure (Wi, see 175.13, ‘A isthe effective area ofthe flsework; and Guisthe net pressure coefficient forthe overall oad onsi2008 + 77 BS 5975:2008 78 + e9si2008 52 7524 17522 BRITISH STANDARD. Ieshould be noted that the 0.85 reduction isnot applicable when ‘culating the individual pressure and suction loads onthe sheeting lor debris netting Hence, the working wind force on clad falsewerk is given by: (00) 0,=2006,.4, where ais the total fore; ‘Atsthe effective area; and Grlsthe nt pressure coetfident forthe oveal lad ‘The above considers the wind force onthe flseworkeny but the ‘temporary works may alo have wind fore onthe downstream edge formparapets or similar caused bythe wind crossing over the top of ‘he astembly See ao 17.5.7 and Figure 13. Water General _As far a possible, falework shouldbe founded in they. Where iti necessary for flsework supports to be placed in flowing ‘ater, the effect ofthe fores caused bythe flow shoul be considered “These wl include: 2) dynamic pressure of water, 1) impact fom floating objects (©) increased frontal area, and head of water due trapped debs ‘The information necessory to permit these effects to be asesed may be obtained from a study ofthe local topography and hydrology ‘nd from the appropriate river dock ana harbour coastal and ical Suthers. ‘Te structure shouldbe checked for flood conditions. consideration ‘Should be ghven to the posible existence of uyanc or uplift forces, Forces produced by flowing water “The dynamic pressure of flowing wate, (i Nis derived from Bemoull's equation and is given by the expression: 992500 V3 where ithe speed of water low (in mf) “Te force du to the wate flowing around alseworkmembers, Fe {inn Sven by the expresion: Fea acAe were ‘Gristhe force coefficient for water appropriate the falsework ‘iambers under consideration ‘Ac isthe effective ares normal tothe flow (nm y BRITISH STANDARD 17523 17524 1753 85 5975:2008, ‘Te following are some values of C + 1.86, for lat surfaces normal flow, + 083, forcytindrical surfaces + 003, for well streamlined surfaces NOTE. A river flow of mis icusvally described as moderately rapid. Where there are sucesive rows of flsework members exposed to flowing wate ts posible that some shielding grotection i provided tothe downstream members by thse upstream. The Following factors wl contribute tothe total force being applied to the flsework inthe water: 2) the area of obstruction tothe water flow presented by the fist line of ftzework members 1) any further decrease in the width avalable forthe pasage ofthe ‘water af passes through the falework: 2. theincreate in obstruction to the flow that would result from the trapping of debris onthe faces ofthe flsework Shielding may be taken into account providing the flework iso aranged that a ceer-cut ater patter & developed a the upstream ‘members to provide protection deliberately to regular ines of {alsework members inthe direction of lov. Where such arrangements {remade ava feature ofthe desig, the total force calculated may be ‘clued inthe cave ofthe shielded members, by U3 t0 20%. ‘Tapped debris effet ‘The acumultion of debs wl roduc fore onthe fabwerk that aye caked ofr ho onaecanglercfedam Tis ore Fan agven bythe expresion: 65647: were “Asis aon of cbtacton presente bythe rapped debris and tisewer in) ithe spend of the water flow ins) ‘is effec wil be dependent upon tert of flow the amount and nature ofthe floating debi, the nature of the obstruction ond the ‘depth ofthe water. Wave action When falsework erected in or adjacent to water itcan be subjected {oweve forces In marine locations tis a probability but elsethere itisa possiblity that should be considered. For further information see Annex, Snow Depending upon seasonal, geographic and construction factors. snow fan accumulate and form into drifts onthe permanent and temporary ‘words causing ational loading, Onlin excepticnal cases wil this loading exceed the allowance of 0.75 kN recommended in 1743.1 tnd is therefore unlikely to presenta problem in areas supporting permanent works, but ancillary areas should be checked. 212008 + 79 BS 5975:2008 80 + e8s:2008 54 1755 17554 BRITISH STANDARD NOTE. The density of powder snow i approximately 80 kyl For further Iniormatin on sno fade re 85 EN 199132003. lee In conitions of freezing rin ordeizle, melting snow, oF fog or cloud tt temperatures below 0°, ke can form on members, increasing their fell weight and effective frontal area tothe wind. In considering the effect of ce formation on the design of members ‘ofthe flsewerk, the following shouldbe taker into count: 12) the probability of appreciable ice formation sve smal, 1b) recorded ce formation in the UK relates tothe menths of November to March inusve for short durations, the small ikelthoed of ce formations cccurring when erection i i the most citial stage Ge, almost compte and awating is Inmpoeed losing} 4) no work will normally take place on falsework affected by the lormation of ie ofa thickness of greater than 1 mm owing to ‘the hazard this presents tothe operatives unt such ce hasbeen safely removed. Inthe absence of more definite information, the following design ctteria shouldbe adopted 1) maximum ice density 820 kel 2) maximum ce thickness surrounding members is unlikely to ‘ceed 25 me 23) maximum gust speed tobe used, where ice has formed, 2 the basic wind speed for design purposes, should be taken 261.5 Vorwhere Vin i) isthe hourly mean win speed at height (Gi) and given by the expressions er were Ve fithe hourly mean wind speed at reference height H Gams)cend Hi icthe refecence eight (am. Ww Earth pressure General Earth pressures shoud be asesed using the formulae given in 175.52, {75553 and 17554 forthe particular iiting conditions stated ‘Alternatively, the design may be carried out in accordance with the ‘recommendations of BS 802 or BS EN 1957 (both par) ‘The formulae given in 17.552, 1.553 and 17554 neglect wall or skin fiction giving Figher active and ower pasive pressure intensities. Cakclated pressures vil nly be mobilized where equivalent strains ‘occur and these willbe dependent upon the elasticrroduls ofthe Solan ofthe structural element a5 interacting members. Thus the BRITISH STANDARD w7552 8S 5975:2008 restraining effect of struts, ground anchors or te backs may create higher active pressures than those from the basic acve condition formulae, posibly locally approaching those fom the passive condition formulae “The minimum activ ol loading should not be less than that caused by fluid having a density of 40 ko’ ‘Where the sll is totaly submerged, the soll pressure should be based ‘on the submerged density together with full hydrostatic pressure. In general valves forthe angle of internal fiction, do not alter _Sgniicanty forthe submerged condition, Unies a very large number of samples have boon teste, values for ‘cohesion cand intemal friction g shouldbe used which are MC 35 Sefined in 85 8002. This isa value approximately 10% to 20% lower ‘than the most probable value, depending on the reliably of the ‘ildata available, The MC values ofc and p must be divided by 2 ‘actor wine calculating sol pressures and strengths This factor Fis detinad athe partial ol actor A value ofF= 12s recommended for effective conditions; .,al tuations of pure granular soll and wien cohesive or mixed sit willbe drained (e. excavated and open {or some tne). A value of F,= 1.5 srecommended for total conditions (€'9-undrained med and cohesive sl). Forall situations other than thove which ae very simple, the advice of [an experenced geotechnical engineers essential Cohesive soils ‘Where cohesive properties are relied upon fr stability and strength, {due care should be taken inthe choice of parameters due to changesin fal properties over tim. Further guidances given in CRIA SP (23) 8) Active soll pressure. The active soil pressure, p(n Ne), s given bythe expression: p,=9at7h 2 were “Vis the soll density (in kgf) ‘nis the depth below ground lve i) ‘isthe MC undraine shear strength (in Ni?) Fis the pata soll factor Often the calculated active soil pressure wil be negative and the ‘minimum equivalent Mui pressure will apply (ee 17:55.) 1b) Pasive soil estance. The pasive ol resstarc, pin Ni) is given bythe expression: py Bane where 1s the soll density (ng) /histhe depth below ground level am) ‘le the MCundrained shear strength in Wi) ‘ete partial sol factor ensizo0 + 81 BRITISH STANDARD 19) Seil density. The sol density can vary from 1 600 kg? to e 20 kat? forthe normal condition, and fom 640 kg? to 41200 koi forthe submerged condition, 8) Undrained shear strength. The MCalue fr the undrained shear Strength eshould be wed, Values of care normal between Skin and 75 kN forthe depth range Om to 6m. 1) For normally consolidated cohesive soil. ecent and ‘alluvial depots, eshould be based on the average undrained “hear strength tet results forthe depth in question, but based towards the love vals Values fr call generally range rem 5kNin to 40 kNn diminishing with depth, the higher vals being assocated withthe desicated crust. 2) for overcoslted cohesive sol, a depots athave ensebjeted to eninencesrof tone otto the present Srerburbencshoud be basa on the undraed sear Stent tes fet but tlonane should bemade for: 2) drain of ting nd nlacig: | dsnage and ground water conitions ® A) sohening eects and in genre vy mich reduc vals fo shouldbe Shed prob oft cer of she average inet Cohesion forthe depth being considered Values for cil ‘generally vary from 15 kN 1075 kN 47553. Cohesionless soils a) Active sl pressure, The active sol pressure p, (nN?) given bythe expression: P= 981K,rh where Kite active pressure coefficient, and for normal “conditions given by the expressions: tang tesnd ® K,com the Cong of tama con On degre: sth parol fcr, ibe so densa ka: ant _nisthe depth below ground lev! (am). 1) Passive sol resistance. The passive sol resistance, 9 (in Nin, s glen bythe expresion: Ppa 981K2h where; ithe pasive sol resistance coefficient, and for normal ‘ondtons is given by the expressions: resin’ rine 9 2 + oss 2008 BRITISH STANDARD 17554 18 184 rosa BS 5975:2008 K33 ‘isthe MC angle of internal friction (in degree); ‘ls the partial sol factor, 715 the sll density (in gh and hhithe depth below ground level (in) Soil density, The soll density may vary fom 1400 kgf? to 210 kg? forthe normal condition, and from 1000 kg? to 4 200 kg forthe submerged condition 4) Angle of intemal friction. The angle of internal friction @ may ‘ary from 30" for loose material 45° for dense materi. The MC ‘alles should be used. Mixed soils For sols containing both granular and cohesive mara extreme care is required in assessing ol parameters. 8) Active sll pressure. The active soil pressure pin Nn’) given by the expresion osaan 2 winere ky Yoh rand care as defined ln 175.82 and 17553. 1b) Pasive sol etance The pase soll esstanc p(n Nin) Is given by the expression: pecs ghe2 where Ky 1:9. F and care as defined in 175.52 and 17553. Foundations and ground conditions General Introduction ‘This section ls only a guide to the asessment of crcl properties Of the ground conditions beneath the falework and ther potential ‘tit onthe safety ofthe faleework. In some cases, where ground Conditions are not straightforward it willbe necesary to obtain the ‘vee of an engineer experienced in geotechnic. {8 004:1986 sts out the methods of assessment of ground engineering properties by sit investigations and the importance of those properties ‘vith regard to the behaviour of particular sata wren subjected {loading vibrations, variation in water content or environmental Influence describes Ue diferent ways in which foundation can be rovded inthe ground to provide adequat safe bearing capacities and onto of deflections or other movements. Howe should be noted that 8 80041996 lates almost entirely to permanent foundations. ‘Ths section ofthis code sat out some of the speca considerations {elating to falework foundations. ‘ossiz008 + 83 BS 5975:2008 BRITISH STANDARD 18.12 Slope and stability “The slope of the ground can cause stability problems and itis recommended that the slope ofthe surface on which the flsework Fests should not exceed Tn 6 Unless appeoved bya suitably qualified engineer specializing in geotechnics othe foundations are specially ‘designed to cater forthe lope of the ground. The stably ofthe ‘ground above and below the falework se should alo be considered 1813 Depth of foundations Falework foundations in general are st ata very shallow depth, Compared wth those of permanent structures, which brings ther ‘within the zone affected by seazonal moisture content changes, frost ‘ction scour ete These are considered in 18:2t0 18.11, 182 Site investigation for falsework foundations "tis essential thatthe type, depth, lateral and vertical aration of the ground underying and adjacent toa falsework site be asvesied to ‘determine the safe bearing performance ofthe ground. Initial the nature ofthe sol andlor rock should be identified, and placed within ane or more of the dassifeations given in Table 17. Guidance for falzework founded onthe surface of con pected fl i ‘Sven 18.9. Some advice an Kdentifiation and desertion of sols {falven in Table 18, but for further information on the identification And cstfiation of soi and rocks for engineering purposes, Feference should be made t0 855930: 1959. Table 17 Presumed allowable bearing pressure under vertical static loading Soap a pero econ a Famed tats Teen presse ‘evn 7 7 —aigneeresand 10009 Tae ave se been feds recs noma Thess thatthe maton edn rere 2 Hard limestones and hard 4000 ‘down to unweathered Stones recta these fhe 3 ‘Schists and slates 3.000, ‘type described). Hard shales, hard mudstones 2.000% Achack dod be nace wrason snares for Scones 09 cig pes 5 SofnaensoRimectones 600-1000 Seithstandtone 6 tardsound ca sok com 7 Tintyordéedinestones, Tobe seed weakness senempecton 8 Heavily shattered rocks of he bree! 24 + 0952008 BRITISH STANDARD. BS 5975:2008 ‘able 17 Presumed allowable bearing pressure under vertical static loading (continued) inane nt ES a — EEE, z 5 capac rt waa — 38 _ ie cadanienl menrewe wna te Seg eit ser money Sonatas = Madu evra Eee rd Sen Scie wears 11 Toegrmteroowand _esu90| 4 ee —— 88 + o8s:2008 BS 5975:2008 BRITISH STANDARD. ZS THE no ener tal ep uns aon od mera — oonnigarteamy eats eee| "a Tena ie i a sa eusiz008 + 89 BS 5975:2008 BRITISH STANDARD 4853 Ground water levels “The presumed allowable bearing pressures given in Table 17 only ‘pip where the ground water level es at a depth below the ‘Foundation greater than the width ofthat foundation, Continued flooding or wet weather wil soften day sos. Wher ste flooding “andor high ground water levels ae likely tobe experienced ‘the presumed allowable bearing pressures in Table 17 should be ‘mutipted by the factor given in Table 19. Table 19. Ground wate level modification factor Recanasceinesiaihei Tonaiion Todiiation factor Tor “Cohesive site Non-cohesive sl Rocks TomdwewlecaBolesblowknol 10S foundation where Bis the width of foundation) Site table to fooding oar os 1 ‘SReTabie to ooding 0S 186 Simple foundations on sands and gravels. \Where light loeded foundations on sands and gravel are proposed, ‘the allonable bearing pressure canbe asesed from standard penetration tests andi bared on settlements rather than shear Friar since the later rare phenomenon with granular sis The trception to thisis a foundation les than one metre wide, where Shearing might occur. 18.7 Simple foundations on cohesive soils In cohesive soils, the allowable bearing pressure can be determined from shear tests. The flloing equations may be ust: they incorporate a factor of safety against failure of three, which ithe value normally adopted. 2) Srp foundations. The allowable bearing pressure, qb (in kN), is gen by the expression: re vivore isthe undrained shear strength (in kN). 1b) Square foundations. The allowable bearing pressure, de (in kM, ‘Sahen bythe expression: asx where isthe undrained shea strength (in kN. Ie isimportant to note thatthe allowable bearing pressures derived fom these expressions are not linked to any particular values of, satement. 188 Heavy vibrations Deposit or layers of granular materials fot in a fly compacted fate are lable to consolidation and settlement if they are subjected to vibrations either from the falzework above, from adjacent 90 + e8s12008 BRITISH STANDARD 9 1810 ven 8S 5975:2008 operations (e.g pling) or the passage of heay traffic, Allowances for this possbalty cannot be made by modification factors applied tothe presumed bearing pressures, Either the granular materials should be Compacted or the sources of vibration stopped for thecal period ‘of the faleework. Some uniformly graded sands and sits may be adversely affected by ‘the vibration from compaction of concrete above the falework. Fill material Where fasework ito be cated on filing of unknown origin or quality itshould be inetigated since filing may have abrpt variations a ‘composition, compaction and strength Where falsework is supported on a compacted fill whose properties have been determined, ti important to ensure that both the fill and the underying ground are protected so that no diaurbance or loss ‘of material rete from the movement of water orenviconmental changes Ge 18.1, in cases where the filling materia variable in conistency and unable ‘toeceive and tranamit leeds uniformly, a minimum depth of 05 m Df the fillshould be removed and replaced by wellcompacted and Sabilzed granular material of known bearing capacity Allowable bearing pressures fr the foundations of flsework on fully ‘ompactedcontalled filing should not exceed: 8) 200 kim’ for broken rock: 1b) 150k for well graded sands and gravels; 2 100kNin, for uniform sands and hard shaley clays: 1) SOK for Fir to sti lays: ©) 254, for soft clay. Poorly compacted or suspect materia should be considered as being Similar toa soft clay. Piles Where itis nacessry to transfer te load from the alsework through ‘weak strata to undrtying strata of fem solo rock, pling should be Considered and a speciale experienced in asesing the ple type in felation to the sol condone and in the driving an forming ofthe pile ‘pstem required shouldbe consulted. BS B004:1986 describes the vera} {actors contraling the selection and design of piles and pile groups. Protection of the foundation area ‘The area covered by the foundations under the fasewerk should be Considered in relation tothe general topography of the surrounding ‘round andthe likelihood of ouside influences erecting it and steps {Bento safeguard The continued safe perorrance of the ground ‘Under and round the falsework foundations wil eepend on their remaining unafected by 2) loca influences of water from water courses extreme anal, ‘melting sow or burst water mains 1b) severe fost or excessively dry and hot weather ensizo0 + 91

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