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Keys To Weight Loss Success

1. Consistency! This is everything. Consistently tracking food, consistently

showing up at the gym, consistently drinking enough water, consistently
prioritizing sleep
2. Tracking your food. This is essential. This is how you know you’re in a
calorie deficit. If you aren’t in a deficit you will NOT lose weight. If you knew
exactly what to eat to lose weight then you would be lean already. If you have
been tracking consistently for a long time then you have earned the right to
not track everything. This means you can look at a food and know with 85%
certainty how many calories it has and how many grams of protein. If you
can’t you aren’t there yet. I can give you a meal plan but this will not teach
you how to eat in the real world. These changes need to be for a lifetime. You
do not want to spend the next 40 years dieting over and over again. I can
provide you with parameters for healthy eating if you need this and a meal
plan to start but the goal is to get you eating in the REAL WORLD.
3. Protein: To lose weight you will be in a calorie deficit. You will feel hungry at
times, the key to avoiding extreme hungry is to eat the amount of protein
your coach has recommended. This is key. It might not happen every day but
the closer you get to your protein goal the better your fat-loss results. In
addition, you want to maintain as much lean muscle mass as you possibly can
and the body can only do this if you have enough protein in your diet. If you
aren’t eating enough protein it is unlikely you will be building muscle, you
could even be losing muscle! Eat your protein.
4. Strength train: 3-4 days per week to start. This is how we get your
metabolism up and get that toned body that you want. Building muscle
means a higher metabolism (you get to eat more calories just to maintain
your weight, hooray). This is also how you become strong as well as develop
the definition in your physique that makes you happy. Do not worry about
getting too muscular, if you start to have too much muscle definition then we
will dial back the amount of weight you are lifting. Until then, keep lifting
5. Drink Water: At minimum you should be drinking half your body weight in
ounces a day. Get yourself a cute travel cup. I like mine to have a straw I find I
drink more that way. I even have one at home with a straw. These one or two
containers are going to follow you everywhere. Invest $10-30 on one that
you like, that you look at and it makes you happy, that reflects the inner you
whatever it is that you need. We are talking $30 to help you achieve your
goals, this isn’t an enormous investment and it will make a huge difference.
Water helps you to stay hydrated and feel less hungry, it aids in muscle
repair, it is essential for life, so drink up!
6. Sleep: 7-9 hours a night. Find a sleep ritual if you need to. Create a sleep
schedule. Prioritize your sleep. This is when your body repairs itself. This is
when your muscles get built and your body recovers. Studies show people
who don’t get enough sleep struggle to lose weight.

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