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Question Paper Code : 40314 M.B.A. DEGREE EXAMINATION, APRILMAY 2015. Elective BA 7032 — ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (Regulation 2013) ime : Three hours Answer ALL questions. A PART A— (10x 2= 20 marks) Differentiate between creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. List out the skills required to become ent e; Describe the paradox of entrepreneurship. — . Why is international business so important to an entrepreneur? . List out various criteria feof of product. re Him do you's hoGiocg . What are the main chit of venture-capital investments? How would you sg) about a job opening in your firm? 12. 13. (b) (a) ) @) ) (a) ) Discuss how technological change creates entrepreneurial opportunities, What are some current changes ongoing and what opportunities do they create? Or Critically evaluate the role of support institutions to promote entrepreneurs. Why is it necessary to update the business plan? What specific factors can enhance the need to update the business plan? Or What is a project? How are individual projects evaluated to select the one to be implemented? Discuss the main type of organizations that extend debt finance to new entrepreneurs in India. Or What are the characteristics of entrepreneurial marketing? How will you decide on your channel strategy? What is small business? What contributions do small businesses make to our economy? f Or How would you go about monitoring and evaluation of business? 2 40314

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