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Complete Course on Physical Chemistry

for JEE 2020

DP P - 1
Some Basic Concept of Chemistry
Laws of chemical combination
Q.1 There are two common oxides of Sulphur, one of which contains 50% O2 by weight, the other almost exactly
60%. The weights of sulphur which combine with 1 g of O2 (fixed) are in the ratio of -
(A) 1 : 1 (B) 2 : 1
(C) 2 : 3 (D) 3 : 2

Q.2 Iron forms two oxides, in first oxide 56 gram. Iron is found to be combined with 16 gram oxygen and in
second oxide 112 gram iron is found to be combined with 48 gram oxygen. This data satisfy the law of -
(A) Conservation of mass
(B) Reciprocal proportion
(C) Multiple proportion
(D) Combining volume

Q.3 When 10 ml of propane (gas) is combusted completely, volume of CO2(g) obtained in similar condition is -
(A) 10 ml (B) 20 ml (C) 30 ml (D) 40 ml

Atomic mass, molecular mass, formula mass

Q.4 The chloride of a metal contains 71% chlorine by weight and the vapour density of it is 50. The atomic mass
of the metal will be (valency of metal is 2) -
(A) 29 (B) 58 (C) 35.5 (D) 71

Q.5 A reaction required three atoms of Mg for two atoms of N. How many gm of N are required for 3.6 gm of
Mg ?
(A) 2.43 (B) 4.86 (C) 1.4 (D) 4.25

Q.6 A hydrated salt of Na2SO3 loses 22.22 % of its mass on strong heating. The hydrated salt is -
(A) Na2SO3.4H2O (B) Na2SO3.6H2O
(C) Na2SO3.H2O (D) Na2SO3.2H2O

Q.7 In an ionic compound moles ratio of cation to anion is 1 : 2. If atomic masses of metal and non-metal
respectively are 138 and 19, then correct statement is -
(A) molecular mass of compound is 176
(B) formula mass of compound is 176
(C) formula mass of compound is 157
(D) molecular mass of compound is 157
Mole Concept
Q.8 The mass of 2 gram atoms of calcium
(Relative atomic mass = 40)
(A) 2 g (B) 0.05 g (C) 0.5 g (D) 80 g

Q.9 Which of the following contains largest number of atoms -

(A) 1.0 g of O atoms
(B) 1.0 g of O2
(C) 1.0 g of O3
(D) All have equal atoms

Q.10 The number of molecules present in 88 g of CO2 (Relative molecular mass of CO2 = 44)
(A) 1.24 × 1023 (B) 3.01 × 1023
(C) 6.023 × 1024 (D) 1.2046 ×1024
Q.11 The number of Ca and Cl¯ ions present in anhydrous CaCl2 is 3.01 × 1023 and 6.023 × 1023 respectively.

The weight of the anhydrous sample is -

(A) 40 g (B) 55.5 g
(C) 222 g (D) 75.5 g

Q.12 The largest number of molecules is present in

(A) 34 g of H2O (B) 28 g of CO2
(C) 46 g of CH3OH (D) 54 g of N2O5

Q.13 If NA is Avogadro number, then the number of valence electrons in 4.2 g of N3– ions is -
(A) 2.4 NA (B) 4.2 NA
(C) 1.6 NA (D) 3.2 NA

Q.14 Which of the following has the least mass ?

(A) 2 g atoms of nitrogen
(B) 3 ×1023 atoms of carbon
(C) 1 mol of sulphur
(D) 7.0 g of Ag

Q.15 Insulin contains 3.4% sulphur. What will be the minimum molecular weight of insulin ?
(A) 94.176 (B) 1884
(C) 941.176 (D) 976

Q.16 The volume occupied by 7.23 × 1023 molecules of carbon dioxide and 3.01 × 1023 molecules of Argon at
0°C and 1 atm pressure is -
(A) 38 mL (B) 3.80 L
(C) 3.8 × 104 mL (D) 3.8 × 103 mL
Empirical & Molecular formula and relation in P, V, T and number of moles

Q.17 A carbon compound containing carbon and oxygen has molar mass equal to 288. On analysis it is found to
contain 50% by mass of each element. Therefore molecular formula of the compound is -
(A) C12O9 (B) C4O3
(C) C3O4 (D) C9O12

Q.18 A sample of impure cuprite, Cu2O, contains 66.6% copper. What is the percentage of pure Cu2O in the
sample -
(A) 75% (B) 25% (C) 60% (D) 80%

Q.19 A given sample of pure compound contains 9.81 gm of Zn, 1.8 × 1023 atoms of chromium, and 0.60 mol of
oxygen atoms. what is the simplest formula -
(A) ZnCr2O7 (B) ZnCr2O4
(C) ZnCrO4 (D) ZnCrO6

Q.20 510 mg of liquid on vaporization in Victor Meyer's apparatus displaces 67.2 cm3 of air at (STP). The
molecular weight of the liquid is -
(A) 130 (B) 17 (C) 170 (D) 1700

Q.21 When 3.2 g S is vapourized at 450ºC and 723 mm pressure, the vapours occupy a volume of 780 ml. What is
the molecular formula of S vapours under these conditions -
(A) S2 (B) S4 (C) S6 (D) S8

Gravimetric Analysis & limiting Reactant

Q.22 2.76 g of silver carbonate on being strongly heated yields a residue weighing -
 1
(Ag2CO3  2Ag + CO2 + O 2)
(A) 2.16 g (B) 2.48 g
(C) 2.32 g (D) 2.64 g 
Q.23 1.84 gram mixture of CaCO3 and MgCO3 on heating gives CO2. Volume of CO2 obtained is measured to be
448 mL at STP. mass of CaCO3 in mixture is -
(A) 0.5 gram (B) 0.84 gram
(C) 0.92 gram (D) 1.00 gram

Q.24 3 gm of Mg is burnt in a closed vessel containing 3 gm of oxygen. The weight of excess reactant left is -
(A) 0.5 gm of oxygen (B) 1.0 gm of oxygen
(C) 1.0 gm of Mg (D) 0.5 gm of Mg

Q.25 0.54 gm of metal “M” yields 1.02 gm of its oxide M2O3. The at. wt. of metal “M” is -
(A) 9 (B) 18
(C) 27 (D) 54

Q.26 Phosphine (PH3) decomposes to produce P4 (g) and H2 (g). What would be the change in volume when 100
ml of PH3 (g) is completely decomposed ?
(A) 50 ml (B) 500 ml
(C) 75 ml (D) 250 ml
Q.27 The minimum quantity in gram of H2S needed to precipitate 63.5 g of Cu2+ will be -
(Cu2+ + H2S  CuS + 2H+)
(A) 63.5 g (B) 31.75 g
(C) 34 g (D) 2 g

Units of concentration
Q.28 25 g of NaOH is dissolved in 50 mL of water. The molarity of the solution is
(A) 12.5 M (B) 12 M
(C) 24 M (D) 25 M

Q.29 The density of 2.45 M methanol solution in water is 0.9766 g mL–1. The molality of the solution is
(A) 27.3 (B) 2.73
(C) 2.45 (D) 0.273

Q.30 Density of a solution of NaCl in a polar solvent is 1.2 gram/cc. If % by weight (W/W) of NaCl in solution is
5.85, then formality and % by volume (W/V) of NaCl are, respectively, -
(A) 1 and 5.85 (B) 0.1 and 0.585
(C) 1.2 and 7.02 (D) 1.1 and 7.2

Q.31 Density of 3M Na2CO3 solution in water is 1.2 g mL–1. The percentage by weight and ppm of Na2CO3 are
respectively -
(A) 26.5 and 2.65 × 105
(B) 2.65 and 2.65 × 104
(C) 265 and 2.65 × 103
(D) 5.23 and 2.65 × 106

Q.32 Mole fraction of methanol in its aqueous solution is 0.5. The concentration of solution in terms of percent by
mass of methanol is -
(A) 36 (B) 50
(C) 64 (D) 72

Q.33 100 ml of CH4 and C2H2 were exploded with excess of O2. After explosion and cooling, the mixture was
treated with KOH, where a reduction of 165 ml was observed. Therefore the composition of the mixture is -
(A) CH4 = 35 ml ; C2H2 = 65 ml
(B) CH4 = 65 ml ; C2H2 = 35 ml
(C) CH4 = 75 ml ; C2H2 = 25 ml
(D) CH4 = 25 ml ; C2H2 = 75 ml

Q.34 A mixture of CO and CO2 having a volume of 20 ml is mixed with x ml of oxygen and electrically sparked. The
volume after explosion is (16 + x) ml under the same conditions. What would be the residual volume if 30 ml of
the original mixture is treated with aqueous NaOH ?
(A) 12 ml (B) 10 ml
(C) 9 ml (D) 8 ml

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