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This survey intends to gather information about the micromanagement

practices among secondary school heads in the Division of Quezon.

I. Demographic Profile
Name (Optional): ___________________________________________
Age: ____ 21 to 25 years old ____ 46 to 50 years old
____ 26 to 30 years old ____ 51 to 55 years old
____ 31 to 35 years old ____ 56 to 60 years old
____ 36 to 40 years old ____ 61 years and above
____ 41 to 45 years old

Gender: ____ Male ____ Female

Civil Status: ____ Single ____ Married ____Widow/er ____Separated

____ Principal I ____ Head Teacher I
____ Principal II ____ Head Teacher II
____ Principal III ____ Head Teacher III
____ Principal IV ____ Head Teacher IV
____ Teacher In-Charge (Plantilla Position: ____________________)
____ Officer In-Charge (Plantilla Position: ____________________)

Number of Years as School Head:

____ 3 years and below ____ 13 – 15 years
____ 4 – 6 years ____ 16 – 18 years
____ 7 – 9 years ____ 19 years and above
____ 10 – 12 years

Highest Educational Attainment:

____ Bachelor’s Degree
____ earned units in MA/MS
____ Master’s Degree
____ earned units in PhD or EdD
____ CAR in PhD or EdD
____ PhD or EdD Degree
II. Micromanagement Practices
Direction: Rate the following items based on the standard measurement given
5 – Very High
4 – High
3 – Average
2 – Low
1 – Very Low
Please put a check in the box for your appropriate answer.
A. Management-school goals 5 4 3 2 1
1. I make sure that the professional development
activities of teachers are in accordance with the teaching
goals of the school.
2. I ensure that teachers work according to the school’s
educational goals.
3. I use student performance results to develop the
school’s educational goals.
4. I take into account educational goals in decisions
regarding curriculum development.
5. I take the lead in implementing school goals and/or a
school development plan.

B. Instructional Management 5 4 3 2 1
1. When a teacher has problems in his/her classroom, I
take the initiative to discuss matters.
2. I inform teachers about possibilities for updating their
knowledge and skills.
3. When a teacher brings up a classroom problem, we
solve the problem together.
4. I pay attention to disruptive behaviour in classrooms.
5. I ensure that all instructional materials are available
6. I see to it that classrooms are conducive to learning

C. Direct Supervision of Instruction in the School 5 4 3 2 1

1. I observe instruction in classrooms.
2. I give teachers suggestions as to how they can
improve their teaching.
3. I monitor students’ work and performance
4. I check to see whether classroom activities are in
keeping with our educational goals.
5. I regularly evaluate the performance of teachers

D. Accountable Management 5 4 3 2 1
1. I ensure that department approved instructional
approaches are explained to new teachers, and that
more experienced teachers use these approaches.
2. I make sure that the teaching skills of the staff are
always improving.
3. I make certain that teachers are held accountable for
the attainment of the school’s goals.
4. I ensure a harmonious relationship between parents
and teachers
5. I ascertain that the students learn the required

E. Bureaucratic Management 5 4 3 2 1
1. I see to it that every member of the school community
sticks to the rules.
2. I check mistakes and errors in administrative
procedures and reports.
3. I resolve problems according to school’s policies and
4. I ensure an orderly atmosphere in the school.
5. I stimulate a task-oriented atmosphere in this school.

III. Open-ended Questions

1. Please reflect as a school head. How do you view yourself as a manager?


2. Are you a micromanager? Why or why not?


3. In a scale of 1 to 5, 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest, rate yourself how

micromanager you are. Why did you give yourself such rating?

4. What are the micromanagement practices do you employ in your school

as a school head in terms of:
a. Management-school goals
b. Instructional management
c. Direct supervision of instruction in the school
d. Accountable management
e. Bureaucratic management

Thank you for your cooperation. 

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