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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa & Sastra Inggris

Kelas/ Program : X IPA IPS
Hari/Tanggal : 29 November 2019
Waktu : 90 menit
A. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling benar dengan menyilang (X) pada jawaban A,B,C, D.
A few weeks later, seven plain clothes security guard
Helicopters are agile aircraft capable of taking off and stormed into Kang’s house “Your grandfather betrayed the
landing vertically, hovering and flying in different fatherland,” one of them stated” You must be punished.”
directions. Kang’s parents and grandmother sobbed as they forced to
Helicopters have advantages over fixed-wing aircraft that pack their belongings into two army trucks. The family was
allow them to access hard to reach areas, particularly driven off, but Kang’s mother was left behind, “spared”
useful in rescue situations. As well as search and rescue, because her own father was regarded as a revolutionary
helicopters are useful for tourism, medical transport, hero. That was the last Kang ever saw her.
fighting fires, aerial photography, military activity and
more. 5. What was a reason Kang’s grandfather never returned
The lift and thrust of helicopters are provided by spinning to Kang’s house?
rotors, usually featuring two or more blades. Helicopters a. Regarded as a hero
typically have one main rotor and one smaller rotor in the b.A supporter of Kim II Sung
tail which counters the torque effect, stopping the c. Accused of betraying North Korea
helicopter from spinning in the opposite direction. d.Known as an important person in Korea
Around 1480 Leonardo da Vinci designed a machine e. Force Kang’s family to leave their homeland
resembling a helicopter which can be described as an
‘aerial screw’. The first working helicopter is believed to 6. What is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?
have been the Focke-Wulf Fw 61, first flown in 1936. a. Last minutes Kang gathered together with his mother
b.The day Kang ever saw his grandma and grandpa
1. From the text we may conclude that the writer..... c. The moment Kang’s father was regarded as a hero
a. reminds us about the use of helicopter d.The last day Kang’s parents and his grandma sobbed
b. tries to warn us not to refuse helicopter e. The sad moment when Kang’s parents meet grandma
c. persuades us to use helicopters in our lives
d. believes helicopters will make people’s live easily 7. Why did Kang’s grandfather disappear?
e. emphasizes the importance of developing helicopter a. He returned to North Korea
b.He was supporter of Kim II Sung
2. A suitable title for the text is … c. He went to the government’s office
a. The description of the Helicopter d.He left for work and went somewhere else
b.The advantages of using Helicopter e. He was kidnapped and punished by the security guards
c. The function of using Helicopter
d.The rapid progress in transportation 8. “….. plain clothes security guards stormed into Kang’s
e. The historical background of Helicopter house. The underlined word has same meaning as....
a. destroyed c. attacked d. knocked
3. What can we conclude from last paragraph? b. involved e. knotted
a. 1936 is flown trial of helicopter
b. First helicopter build in 1480 Rifka: Let’s back home together
c. The first helicopter named ‘aerial screw’ Amiroh: I’m sorry, I can’t leave now. We have to practice
d. Focke-Wulf is the pilot of first helicopter the last part on the drama but we …...... by six o’clock.
e. Leonardo da Vinci is designer of helicopter Rifka: Well, an hour left, don’t worry. I will be waiting until
you finished.
4. “The lift and thrust of helicopters are provided by Amiroh: Really, thank you.
spinning rotors, ...” The underline word similar with ...
a. force c. pressure d. drive 9. What time and where the dialog take place?
b. shoving e. attracting a. at 6:00,in studio d. at 5:00, in stage
b. at 6:00, in school e. at 5:00, in school
Kang Chol Hwan was born into a loyal family that had once c. at 5:00,in theatre stage
lived in the large Korean community of Japan. In Kyoto, his
grandfather had been supporter of Kim II Sung, North 10. The suitable phrase to complete Amiroh sentence is…
Korean’s Great Leader since 1945. In 1961 the grandfather a. finished c. are finishing d. will finish
returned with his family to North Korea and had important b. will have finished e. have finished
government post.
Within months, however, he was complaining to friends 11. What is the dialog about?
that North Korea was not the country he had expected. He a. Practicing last part of drama
was shocked to see so much poverty, which he eventually b. Going home together d. Offering ride
came to blame on the government’s stifling left for work c. Waiting for friends’ e. After school
and never returned. One morning in July 1977, when Kang
was nine, his grandfather left for work and never returned. 12. What can we conclude from the dialogue?
a. Rifka will go home first d. They are friends’
b.They will practice drama c. The death of General Soedirman
c. They will go home together d.The military forces commanded by General Soedirman
d.Amiroh will be waiting for Rifka e. A spirit of General Soedirman for the Indonesian
Armed Forces
Born into a family of doctors in Kampung Ketapang,
Kwitang Barat, Jakarta, Abdulrachman Saleh also became a 17. What can we infer from the monologue?
doctor. After finishing MULO, he studied at STOVIA. While a. January is the month of Maulud
still a student, he was appointed assistant at the b.Soedirman died on 1 March 1949
laboratory of physiology. Graduating from STOVIA, c. His uncle’s name was also Soedirman
Abdulrachman Saleh continued his work at the lab while d.Soedirman died when he was relatively young
having his own medical practice. e. Soedirman was shot and died in the military war
Abdulrachman Saleh’s role in medicine was significant. He
became a lecturer in Jakarta, Surabaya, Malang, and By now, a rocket will have set off on its 35 million mile trip
Klaten. For his meritorious service in medicine, specifically to Mars and scientist must be waiting anxiously for the
in physiology, in 1958, the University of Indonesia result. The rocket will be travelling for six months before it
bestowed him the title of Bapak Ilmu Faal (Father of reaches the planet. It contains a number of specific
Physiology). instruments, including a television camera. Any pictures
Abdulrachman Saleh was a man of many interests. He was are successful; they may solve a number of problems
involved in youth organizations like Boy Scouts and about Mars and provide information about the markings
Indonesia Muda. He was also a member of aero club, and on its surface which, nearly 100 years ago, the astronomer,
co-founded theVerenigde Oosterse Radio Omroep (VORO), Schiaparelli, thought to be canals
an organization of broadcasters. It was he who established It will be a long time before any landing on Mars can be
the Voice of Free Indonesia, the radio station which spread attempted. This will only possible when scientists have
the proclamation of Indonesia’s independence to the learnt a lot more about the atmosphere that surrounds the
world. planet. If a satellite can one day be put into orbit about
Mars, scientist will be able to find out a great deal. An
13. Abdulrachman Saleh was bestowed the title Father of interesting suggestion for measuring the atmosphere
Physiology because …. around Mars has been put forward.
a. he was a professor in physiology A rubber ball containing radio transmitter could be
b.he was a lecturer as well as a doctor dropped from the satellite so that it would fall towards the
c. he was a lecturer in many parts of Indonesia surface of the planet. The radio would signal the rate at
d.he had significant contribution in physiology which the ball was slowed down and scientists would be
e. he was lecturer in the Medical faculty of the University able to calculate how dense the atmosphere is. It may
of Indonesia even be possible to drop a capsule containing scientific
instruments on the planet’s surface. Only when a great
14. First paragraph tells that Abdulrachman Saleh … deal more information has been obtained, will it be
a. had his own medical practice, possible to plan a manned trip to Mars.
b.became a doctor because of his family.
c. started his career as a doctor in STOVIA. 18. What must scientist learn about Mars before anyone
d.studied at the medical school in STOVIA. attempt to go there?
e. appointed assistant at the laboratory of physiology. a. The atmosphere that surround the planet
b.The radio signal to transmit any information
15. Besides medicine, Abdulrachman also had a special c. Strong enough satellite to reach the planet
interest in …. d.Radio transmitter to enable communication
a. laboratories assistance d. politics e. Capsule carry oxygen, instrument and scientist
b.student organizations e. broadcasting
c. aeroplane designing 19. What could be dropped from the satellite?
a. Radio transmitter c. Capsule d. Canals
General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military b.Scientific instrument e.Rubber ball
officer during the Indonesian national revolution. He was
the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed 20. What would the ball contain?
Forces, he continues to be widely respected in the country. a. Radio transmitter c. Rubber d. Capsul
On 12 November 1945, at an election to decide the b.Television camera e. Dense atmosphere
military’s commander-in-chief in Yogyakarta. The 24 years
old Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a 21. “ ... provide information about the markings on its
close votE. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman surface ... “ The underline word means ....
ordered an assault on British and Dutch forces in a. scoring down c. branding d. tag
AmbarawA. The ensuing battle and British withdrawal b.erasing e. designating
strengthened Sudirman’s popular support, and he was
ultimately confirmed on 18 December. General Sudirman Charles Robert Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England,
commanded military activities throughout Java, including a on February 12, 1809. He came from a wealthy family and
show of force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the never had to work. He studied medicine and theology. In
Dutch began withdrawing, in July 1949 Sudirman was 1831 he graduated from University of Cambridge with a
recalled to Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further. In degree of theology.
late 1949 Sudirman’s tuberculosis returned, and he retired He began a career as a scientist quite by chance. On
to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a month December 27, 1831, 22 years old Charles Darwin joined
after the Dutch recognised Indonesia’s independence. He the crew of the HMS Beagle as a naturalist. The five years
is buried at Semaki Heroes’ Cemetery in Yogyakarta. expedition collected hydrographic, geologic, and
meteorological data from South America and many other
16. What is the monologue about? regions around the world. Darwin's own observation on
a. A biography of General Soedirman this voyage led to his theory of natural selection.
b.The family of General Soedirman
Charles Darwin was greatly influenced by the geologist Kartini was born in a noble family so she earned R.A
Adam Sedgwick and naturalist John Henslowe in his (Raden Ajeng) in front of her name. According to Javanese
development of the theory of natural selection, which was tradition the title used she got married, while after
to become the foundation concept supporting the theory marriage then knighted used is R.A (Raden Ayu).
of evolution. Darwin's theory holds that environmental Her father named R.M. Sosroningrat is a son of Prince Ario
effects lead to varying degrees of reproductive success in Tjondronegoro IV. At that time, Kartini’s father was a
individuals and groups of organisms. Natural selection regent in Jepara and an honorable man.
tends to promote adaptation in organisms when necessary Kartini’s mother named M.A. Ngasirah was the son of
for survival. This revolutionary theory was published in ‘Kyai’ / religion teacher in Telukawur, Jepara. She was not
1859 in Darwin's now famous On the Origin of Species by highborn, but just people.
Means of Natural Selection. That’s what makes R.A Kartini must have a stepmother.
This is the Dutch colonial rule requires a
22. What is the purpose of the text? regent married to noblesse. Finally Kartini’s father then
a. To persuade about evolution theory married a descendant of Madura’s King noblewoman
b.To share Charles Darwin experiences named Raden Adjeng Woerjan. R.A Kartini was the fifth of
c. To give information of Darwin theory 11 siblings, consisting of siblings and half-brother.
d.To describe about Charles Darwin’s life Nevertheless, she was the oldest of her sisters.
e. To describe about Charles Darwin’s carrier As derived from the offspring of nobility, Kartini is entitled
to receive a decent education. Then, her father sent her to
23. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution believed that ELS (Europese Lagere School).
a. environment affected natural election According to Javanese tradition, after the 12 years old, the
b.organism needed adaptation to survive child should be ‘dipingit‘ (living at home), is no exception
c. people could defend themselves naturally for R.A Kartini. However, she was at home,
d.people and nature supported to each other she still continues to learn.
e. natural selection adapting organism survival Her lofty ideals are eager to see the indigenous women
can study and as today. New ideas about
24. How’s Darwin's theory of natural selection developed? emancipation or equality of indigenous women by her,
a. Influenced by his collection. considered a novelty that can society’s views.
b. Influenced by John Henslowe. In addition, her writings also contain about the significance
c. Affected by groups of organisms. of belief, wisdom and beauty, humanity and nationalism.
d. Adapted by the necessary for survival Not only that, she also touched on religion, for
e. Supported the effect of environment , she questioned why a man may practice polygamy, why
the holy book should be read and memorized without
25. “…observation on this voyage led …” can be change obligation to , and more.
with ….. After becoming adult moman, then in 1903 R.A Kartini
a. sail b. come c. journey d. stay e. arrival a regent of Rembang City named K.R.M. Duke Ario Singgih
Djojo Adhiningrat. Although many say that
B. Answer the following questions! the wedding is the insistence of her parents.
Most people estimate at the time of marriage, Kartini R.A
26. Answer the questions based on the text! still wants to live freely. But in order to make the hearts of
While the speed of the 4G LTE networks available to parents happy and , she prefers to follow the
U.S. consumers leave a lot to be desired, industry wishes of her parents.
groups and wireless carriers are already eyeing the While it is like other destiny. Exactly a year getting
transition to 5G technology, which will likely be married, she must be in the call by the God (25 years old).
defined in 2018, codified in 2019, and deployed in Note before she died, she had a son R.M
2020. While the standards for the technology are still Soesalit Djojoadhiningrat.
years away from being set, it’s safe to say that 5G will
be faster and less energy-intensive than 4G, which will before celebrated ordinary married
bring faster smartphones, better smart home devices, after Figures historians change
and longer-lasting wearables. 5G smartphones will although understand emancipation learn
likely experience much lower latency than what we’re because proud example Named
used to with 4G, which would mean faster-loading
apps and websites, plus lightning-speed downloads of 28. Change the biography text into Table of Biography!
videos. As Jessi Hempel reports for Wired, we’ll need
5G networks both to make virtual reality useful in 29. Answer the questions based on the biography!
professional settings and to enable the sensors A. What is the text about?
embedded in everything from watches to cars to work B. Who are their parents?
together seamlessly with low latency. C. What can we conclude about Kartini?
D. What can we learn from the text?
A. What is the text about?
B. What is the difference between 4G and 5G? 30. Make a paragraph about FUTURE dreams, based on
C. How many year the process of inventions? the profession below (choose one)!
D. What can we conclude from the text? A. Doctor C. Teacher / Ustadzah
B. Entrepreneurs D. Officer
27. Complete the text by the words in box! (the answer)
One of very famous female in Indonesia is MAN JADDA WA JADDA GOOD LUCK
Raden Ajeng Kartini. She is known as one of the national
hero determined to fight for the of
women. She was born on April 21st 1879 in Jepara. Since
the number of services and struggle for people of
Indonesia, the day of her birth was as Kartini

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