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Dr. Saima Ashraf Kayani

According to a US bi-partisan report World at Risk 2008,
all roads that lead to weapons of mass destruction (WMDs),
proliferation and terrorism pass through Pakistan. The
impression is created that Pakistan is the only country where
terrorism of all kinds is found and nurtured. However, what
has been missed by scholars and analysts is the role that
Pakistan has played as a “front line state” in the ‘Global war
on Terror ‘(GWOT). It is because of Pakistan that the US and
its allies are able to claim any success in the said war. But
ironically, Pakistan is always accused of supporting the
Taliban and al Qaeda. This study aims to highlight the role
Pakistan has played in the GWOT and price it is paying in
term of its security besides economy, political strife and
social disruption. This not only affects Pakistan’s efforts as a
critical ally of the war but also jeopardizes its security,
integrity and sovereignty.
The phenomenon of terrorism has existed in one form or
an other. However it became world wide after the events of
9/11 and the GWOT. A historical survey of terrorism indicates
different periods of its occurrence1 that identified the different
groups, methods, individuals and their motives. The French
revolution popularized the word “terrorism” and “terrorists”;
the anarchists used terrorist activities against the kings,
powerful people and groups in Russia, Austria- Hungary,
Italy, USA, France and Portugal;2 while nationalists groups in
oppressed countries used terrorism to fight imperialist forces.3
According to Arthur H Garrison, “Between the late 1940s and
the 1960s, terrorism changed from selectively targeting
government officials to targeting civilians and sympathizers of

Margalla Papers 2011 1

Global War on Terror: The Cost Pakistan is Paying

the occupation in Africa and the Middle East. The 1960s

brought an international scope to terrorism ….”4 Terrorism,
with the advancement in the means of communication,
transportation and technology became transnational in
Terrorists can now easily get economic and political
support and propagate their cause and motives.5 Thus in the
20th and 21st Centuries, terrorism has continuously grown. The
Global Terrorism Database (GTD) from 1970-2007 compiled
80,000 events of terrorist attacks at the domestic and
international level6. The dawn of the new century saw novel
dimensions and trends of the said phenomenon. Today
terrorists aim to achieve larger casualties with fewer incidents,
while threats of religious, nuclear, biological, chemical ethnic,
state, cyber, economic and trans-national terrorism confront
the inhabitants of the world7. While new forms of terrorism
are yet to be seen such as maritime terrorism.
Definition of Terrorism
There are ample chances of the repetition of the
definitions. Which reveals that there is no single accepted
definition of the term and even the US government has failed
to provide a single accepted definition. The old saying that
“One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter” is even
today an accepted fact. The term is defined as under:-
 Walter Laqueur: Terrorism constitutes the
illegitimate use of force to achieve a political objective
while targeting innocent people8.
 FBI Definition: Terrorism is the unlawful use of
force or violence against persons or property to
intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian
population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of
political or social objectives. 9
 Terrorism is the use or threat of violence against small
numbers to put large numbers in fear or as stated by an
ancient Chinese philosopher: kill one, frighten 10, 00.10

2 Margalla Papers 2011

Dr. Saima Ashraf Kayani

The analysis of the term terrorism reveals that it’s the

unlawful use of force or violence against a civilian population
with some specific aims at heart. There is a need to explain the
traditional, i.e. state terrorism and modern, i.e. revolutionary
Global war against Terrorism (GWOT)
The GWOT is the name given to the US - led operations to
eliminate international terrorism, which means “terrorism
involving citizens or the territory of more than one country”11.
The decision was taken after the events of 9/11 which changed
the entire dimensions of the word ‘terrorism’. The war came to
signify all efforts including political, legal, ideological and
military against organizations labeled as terrorists, in addition
to governments/states supporting them. They are recognized
as a threat to the entire world. Here the focal point is Al Qaeda
and all militant organizations and individuals with extremist
Islamists agendas12.
The GWOT includes both combat and non-combat
initiatives, such as intelligence gathering, effective law
enforcement, countering narcotics trafficking, efforts to freeze
terrorist financing, economic sanctions, disabling known
terrorist cells and training camps, and fighting insurgencies. It
also involves training military and police forces,
reconstruction efforts, strengthening infrastructure and
supporting fledgling governments, protecting human rights,
and providing humanitarian aid.13
It includes the following elements:
 Punish the Taliban in Afghanistan and prevent them
from coming into power again.
 Military campaign to eliminate terrorists.
 To end any support for terrorists, including sanctuaries
and safe havens.
 Try to eliminate conditions conducive for terrorists.

Margalla Papers 2011 3

Global War on Terror: The Cost Pakistan is Paying

 Acquire Pakistan’s support to fight the Taliban in

Afghanistan in addition to countering extremists
elements in Pakistan.14
The war started with the attack on Afghanistan in October
2001. Later US efforts included its National security strategy
2002 15.The war still seems to be far from the finishing line.
Pakistan and GWOT
Pakistan and USA- A friend in need?
Since the time of its inception, Pakistan has had to fight for
its “territorial integrity and security”.16It faced many post
independent problems along with the Kashmir issue which
resulted in the first war with India in 1948 and later in 1965,
1971 and 1999. Beside this, both India and Pakistan are at
loggerhead with each other on a number of issues. The
situation further deteriorated when Afghanistan immediately
after independence started claiming some parts of Pakistan as
Pakhtunistan (separate state for the Pashto speaking people).
Thus Pakistan’s top priority became its defense, as a bulwark
against India and Afghanistan17 for which Pakistan welcomed
help and assistance from all quarters. The desired security
umbrella and assistance was provided by the US in 1953 in
return for Pakistan’s support for its international coalition
against communism in the shape of its membership in SEATO
and CENTO. In 1971 Pakistan acted as a bridge between US
and China and helped the former to normalize its relations
with China. This offended the former USSR, and Pakistan had
to pay dearly in the inform of the dismemberment of East
Pakistan (Bangladesh).
During the Cold War Pakistan had to face the brunt of the
Soviet Union’s hostility, due to for its alliance with the US. The
growing Sino Pakistan relations were also not welcomed both
by India and the Soviet Union. Massive economic, military
and political support against Pakistan was provided by the
USSR to India. Similarly, in the wake of the 1962 Sino- Indian
war, the US provided massive military and economic
assistance to India, which India used in its war against

4 Margalla Papers 2011

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Pakistan in 1965. During the war the expected support from

the US did not come to Pakistan, while all kinds of assistance
from the US were suspended.18 Once again in 1971, Pakistan
got a short shrift and was unable to get any substantial help
from the US when India invaded East Pakistan (which
culminated in the formation of Bangladesh). At this crucial
stage of history, Pakistan’s democratically elected leader Z. A.
Bhutto was hanged by General Zia Haq, who was intern
welcomed by US as the president of Pakistan. Popular opinion
holds General Zia to be a US man’ and that Z. A. Bhutto was
punished by the US for his nuclear policy and bilateralism
with the Muslim world and the USSR. It was a heavy price that
Pakistan paid in a sense that the General ruled Pakistan for
more than a decade with devastating effects on its politics,
institutions and security, but also the promotion of radicalism
and extremism in the Pakistani society. The Pak-US relations
remained at lower ebb and anti American sentiments grew in
However the situation changed dramatically, when the
USSR attacked Afghanistan in 1979 and the US lost its
policeman in Iran after the Iranian revolution of the 1979.
Pakistan became the front line state for the US to fight against
the communist on slaught. It’s an accepted fact that the US
was able to rollback communism with the help of Pakistan
alone. However the role played by this South Asian country
was not fully appreciated and once again the divergence of
interests polluted the relations of the two countries. The
aftermath of Afghan jihad for Pakistan was destructive; three
million Afghan refugees on Pakistani soil, a burden on the
country’s economy along with the emergence of a plethora of
social issues like drug and kalashnikov culture, extremism and
radicalism. The defeat to the Soviet Union ended the US
interest in the strategic partnership of Pakistan. According to
Maleeha Lodhi:
The end of the Cold War also persuaded the US to re-
evaluate and downgrade its relationship with
Pakistan on the ground that the new global

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Global War on Terror: The Cost Pakistan is Paying

environment did not warrant the old strategic

Sanctions were imposed on the nuclear issue and there was
a threat that Pakistan could be declared as a terrorist state and
the relations got further strained with the US getting closer to
India .The event of 9/11 changed all this.20
The US had to look towards its old neglected ally for its
war on terror. Now Pakistan became the most favored
collaborator of the US in the war, but once again Pakistan is
paying the price.
GWOT and Pakistan: Indispensable Partners
The war on terror was aimed at eliminating international
terrorism and punishing the perpetrators of the 9/11. The US
targets are states that support terrorists and terrorist
organizations. To achieve this aim the US desperately needed
the support of a regional partner and Pakistan was the natural
choice. However, this marriage of convenience is based on the
war because of the following divergent interests.
For the US the GWOT meant war against adversaries like
“rogue states, weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
proliferators; terrorist organizations of global, regional, and
national scope; and terrorism itself”21. Out of these the
Al-Qaeda with Osama Bin Laden, in Afghanistan was top
priority. The US strategy to achieve its aim was laid down in
The National security Strategy of United States of America
2002 and 2006 and National Strategy for Combating
Terrorism 2006, respectively. The GWOT started with
“Operation Enduring Freedom” in Afghanistan, the main
objective was to smoke out the terrorists responsible for 9/11,
followed by Operation Iraqi Freedom22. For its success among
the coalition partners,23 Pakistan was the best option due to
its geographical location, ethnic affiliation and the role it had
played during the Afghan Jihad 1979 against the former
USSR. Thus Pakistan was selected as the front line
collaborator of the US in the war.

6 Margalla Papers 2011

Dr. Saima Ashraf Kayani

However, the post 9/11 circumstances did not prove to be

much help for Pakistan. (Among the three countries that
recognized the government of Taliban in Afghanistan in 1994,
Pakistan had to take a U-turn in its foreign policy, and had to
fight against its own supporter.) The northern-western belt of
Pakistan has the tribes with historical, ethnic, cultural,
political, religious and linguistic ties with the people on the
other side of the Afghan border. As a result the people of
Pakistan generally do not approve of the GWOT.24 According
to a Gallup poll of Pakistanis in urban areas, 83 per cent
sympathize with the Taliban rather than the US and 82 per
cent consider Osama bin Laden a holy warrior, not a terrorist,
although 64 per cent also believe the attack on the US was an
act of terrorism.25
In view of these factors it was expected that Pakistan
would say no to the war. The question that needs to be
answered is why Pakistan decided to join the war? The answer
to this is:
 The widely held accepted reason is that Pakistan joined
the war under gargantuan pressure from the US who
declared categorically that “either you are with us or are
supporting the terrorists”.
 However this is not the only reason, Pakistan joined the
war because the country itself had been a victim of
terrorism in the wake of Afghan jihad and Pakistan’s
support for the Mujahhidden. Terrorism took the shape
of religious extremism, sectarian violence and drug
trafficking. In addition cross border terrorism from
India over Pakistan’s support for the Indian-held
Kashmiris and bomb blasts. 26
 The image of Pakistan among the international
community had been tarnished over the issue of
acceptance of Taliban regime 1994-2001, nuclear
explosion of 1998, Kargil episode of 1999, the
overthrow of the democratically elected government in
1999.27 This war could provide Pakistan the

Margalla Papers 2011 7

Global War on Terror: The Cost Pakistan is Paying

opportunity to improve its image and get respect from

the international community.
 Provide opportunity to clear off the label of being a
terrorist state.
 Most importantly the collaboration was to provide
economic, political and other related benefits to the
The reason why Pakistan joined the war was best explained
by the former president Musharraf on 19th September 2001.
There are three important things in which America is seeking
Pakistan’s help. First is intelligence and information
exchange, second support in the use of Pakistani Air space and
the third is that they are asking for logistic support from
Pakistan. We know that whatever are the United States
intentions they have the support of the UN Security Council
and the General Assembly in the form of resolution for war
against terrorism and this is a resolution for punishing those
people who support terrorism. If we take a wrong decision in
this crisis it can lead to the worst consequences. On the other
hand, if we take a right decision, its results will be good. The
negative consequences can endanger Pakistan’s integrity and
solidarity. Our critical concerns can come under threat. When
I say critical concerns, I mean our strategic assets and the
cause of Kashmir. On the other hand we can re-emerge
politically as a responsible and dignified nation and all our
difficulties can be minimized 28
However in this decision one cannot ignore Indian
readiness to support the GWOT.29
The US, demanded from Pakistan:
 Access to Pakistani air and land bases.
 Action against anti American and pro terrorists
elements in Pakistan.
 Stopping every kind of support to the Taliban30.

8 Margalla Papers 2011

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 Closing Pak-Afghan border.

 Freezing the assets of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban.
 Providing intelligence with the help of intelligence
agencies of Pakistan.
 Support for future US endeavous.31
Immediately after 9/11, Pakistan used its good offices to
persuade the Taliban to hand over Osama bin Laden to the US
“…General Musharraf sent the ISI chief with his personal
letter to Mullah Umar for the extradition of Osama. It was an
effort that failed to persuade the top hard-core Taliban
leadership to consider the consequences…”32. Pakistan
provided full support to the US operations in Afghanistan. It
provided air space; logistic support at Dabandi, Pasni, Zhob,
Jacobabad, Shamsi and Khot; naval support and intelligence
support as well. In addition Pakistani armed forces actively
guarded the border with Afghanistan. Now Pakistan armed
forces are operating in FATA. Pakistani armed forces started
chasing transnational terrorists after the 9/11 in FATA.
Therefore, to elaborate this part and also discuss the major
military operations in FATA, Pakistan has been pressurized to
curb the religious organizations in the country along with
Madrassa reforms (Madrassas are the religious schools).
Although Pakistan is paying a high cost for its alliance in
GWOT in every field, only security dimension is mentioned in
this research work.
Security of Pakistan
As mentioned earlier, the main targets of the OEF were to
end Taliban government and Al-Qaeda training camps in
Afghanistan. It was because of Pakistan’s support that the US
was able to capture Kabul without bloodshed, but it installed a
pro Indian Karazai as the president of Afghanistan. It is a very
strong statement. You can say Karzi had an inclination
towards India. The visit of Indian Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh to Afghanistan in 2009 is of great significance. India,
the supporter of the Northern Alliance, opened its consulates

Margalla Papers 2011 9

Global War on Terror: The Cost Pakistan is Paying

in all the important cities of Afghanistan which Pakistan

considers as a threat. Also India is massively supporting
Afghanistan in its reconstruction projects33.Now Pakistan,
with growing Indian influence in Afghanistan, has to keep a
vigilant eye on its western border as well.
In the wake of the US led military campaign in
Afghanistan, Afghan refugees entered Pakistan. In the cloak of
Afghan refugees many Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters also
sneaked in to Pakistan34. The process is further facilitated by
the porous border between the two countries. FATA,
particularly North and South Waziristan became the safe
haven for the Al-Qaeda, Taliban and foreign terrorists from
Central Asia, Caucassus, Middle East and Africa. The situation
was fully exploited by India when it moved its forces on the
eastern borders of Pakistan in 200235. The question to be
seriously answered is would Pakistan be in a position to go for
any terrorist adventure in India? Hence opening a new
security front on its eastern border also, when it’s already
facing a security threat on its western border. Pakistan has to
keep an eye on two fronts- east and west. Not only is it a
security threat but also a huge burden on the exchequer of
Pakistan. Pakistan government moved its army in FATA for
the first time in its history. This is resented by the locals. To
remove the terrorists from these areas, a military operation
was launched in the Pakistan’s tribal areas in 200236. Rahe
Haq, Rahe Rast and Rahe Nijat are the military operations
launched by the Pakistan army in the tribal areas of Pakistan
with the aim to catch the terrorists, local and foreigners from
the area. These operations proved to be a double edged sword
for Pakistan.
Firstly, these operations invited the anger and resistance
form the local tribes and “…turned into an undeclared war
between the Pakistan military and the rebel tribesmen”37
hence US forces and Pakistan army were declared “equal
enemy”38. Also there is a strong belief among the locals and
the citizens of Pakistan that the US forces are present on the
soil of Pakistan and that whatsoever is happening in the tribal
areas is all under the supervision of the US forces. The

10 Margalla Papers 2011

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situation has been further aggravated by continuous drone

attacks by NATO forces on the territory of Pakistan. This is
not only resented by the tribesmen but has also resulted in
anti-American feelings among the general public. According to
A.Z. Hillali “Military camps, patrolling vehicles, army
installations and scout forts have become targets of heavy
militant attacks. These military operations may result in
unleashing events in which the U.S. could be a loser and
Pakistan’s security and stability may be jeopardized”.39 The
insurgency by the pro-Taliban tribes, Taliban militants and
Al-Qaeda members is attributed to army action in FATA40.
Secondly, realizing the growing of pro-Taliban, anti-
government sentiments and fearing that a similar kind of
situation might also develop in the adjacent areas, the
government decided to negotiate with the Tribes.41 The first
agreement was signed in April 24, 2004, the second on
7th February 2005; both agreements pledged, not to support
foreign terrorists, not to attack government personal and
security posts! In return the government would announce
pardon to the pro-Taliban forces and withdraw their cases42.
The third agreement Waziristan accord was signed between
the government and the seven militants of the Taliban Shura,
on 5th September, 2006. The accord was a peace agreement to
stop any cross border movement and stop attacks over
government security forces43. The government on its side
agreed not to attack the militants and solve the issues
according to the tribal customs and traditions. 44 Another
peace deal was signed in August 2007, but it also failed.
However, these agreements one considered to reflect
Pakistan government’s incapability to the Taliban and
Al- Qaeda45. They also provide opportunity to the extremist
elements to reunite and further strengthen themselves.
However the point that is missed by the analysts is the ground
realities. The people of Pakistan and the religious political
parties like Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), the Jamaat-i-
Islami (JI), and the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI), strongly
criticize any military operation in the area along with the
continuous attacks by the NATO forces on the territory of

Margalla Papers 2011 11

Global War on Terror: The Cost Pakistan is Paying

Pakistan. Parties like Awami National Part (ANP) equate it

with the racism against the Pushtun and compare it with the
1971 East Pakistan disaster.46 By signing the peace accord with
the Taliban, Pakistan wanted to achieve the following aims:
 Government cannot afford the growing criticism over
the military campaign in the country.
 It also affects Pakistan’s active role in GWOT and can
endanger the entire war on terror.
 The agreements can pacify the opposition on the one
hand and, on the other, can wean the support of
moderate Taliban. To keep the communication
channels open with Taliban and build trust.
 It helps to reduce the security threats to Pakistan.
 Also reduce the economic burden of war on Pakistan.
In the present day world, one cannot solve problems by
force, one has to go for other options as well and the best
option is negotiations. This is what is now realized by the US
government i.e. they cannot win the war. Now the US is also
contemplating negotiations with the Taliban47.
Pakistan is a developing country with multifarious internal
problems and external threats. This has severely affected the
desired performance of the economic sector of the country –
political instability, rising poverty, unemployment, inflation,
corruption, and minimum foreign investment, balance of
payment problem, ailing agricultural and industrial sectors,
with no option for Pakistan but to get hold of loans from IMF,
WB, and other monetary institutions on strict and austere
terms and conditions.
The situation for Pakistan became worst when it decided to
join GWOT. The GWOT has hit Pakistan very hard. The News
reported on March 24, 2010 that “during the period from
2002 to mid March 2010, a total of 7,739 terrorist incidents
had occurred in Pakistan which had resulted in 8,875 deaths
of both security personnel and civilians. Some three million

12 Margalla Papers 2011

Dr. Saima Ashraf Kayani

people had been displaced because of the fighting inside

Pakistan presently is caught in a vicious circle: Internally,
extremism and radicalism is on the rise and it has become the
victim of growing terrorist activities within the country. The
militants and extremists have now moved from the FATA
towards the more settled urban areas of Pakistan, thus
reorganizing themselves and creating more security threats to
the country. In the tribal areas, growing dissatisfaction against
the military campaign has created a situation in which the writ
of the government is challenged. Pakistan is threatened by the
prospect of being called a terrorist state alongwith growing
misperception and propaganda by its enemies that Pakistan is
not committed to the GWOT. These are some what foreseeable
threats to Pakistan. However this war is now on the nerves of
every Pakistani: they are facing a sense of insecurity, fear,
depression, low level of tolerance, growing law and order
situation and hopelessness. Mostly affected are children.
The need of the hour is to stop the blame games. The
international community is also responsible for the rising
menace of terrorism. Try to address the real causes behind
this threat rather than just pointing towards Pakistan and
chanting the do more, do more mantra. Come forward, admit
Pakistan’s role, Fence the Pak afghan border, accept Pakistan
nuclear parity with India, provide access to Pakistani
manufacturers to European markets and write-off all the loans
of this country. The US has to support Pakistan diplomatically
and politically and with the latest weapons and technologies.
Pakistan must be acknowledged as the most important ally in
the GWOT rather than as a terrorist state. With limited
resources, political instability, natural calamities, Pakistan has
already contributed enormously to the war. Now it’s the
international community that must acknowledge Pakistan’s
needs and efforts and provide it the unconditional support if
the war against terrorism is to be controlled and combat the

Margalla Papers 2011 13

Global War on Terror: The Cost Pakistan is Paying

transnational groups effectively to end this protracted war on

Dr Saima Ashraf Kayani is the head of Defence &
Diplomatic Studies Department at Fatima Jinnah Women
University, Rawalpindi. She did her PhD from Quaid-i-Azam
University Islamabad in the discipline of Asian Studies and
produced variety of articles in different journals of social
sciences at home and abroad.

1 Arthur H Garrison, Terrorism: The nature Of Its History, Criminal

Justice Studies, Vol. 16(1), 2003. p 43. Also see terrorism Research.
2 Ibid., pp 44-45.
3 Ibid. pp. 46- 47.
4 Ibid., p. 47.
5 Ibid.
7 Zafar Nawaz Jaspal, Emerging trends in terrorism ,Sep 6, 2002
8 Jewish Virtual Library,
9 Ibid
10 Clutterbuck, R., (ed), The Future of Political violence, London:

macmillan RUSL, 1986 cited in Muhammad Imtiaz zafar, Violence

Terrorism and Teachings of Islam, Islamabad: HEC 2007, p 9.
11 Definition of terrorism under US Law,
12 War on Terror,
13 What is GWOT?
14 Dr Noman Omar Sattar, Terrorism: dynamics of the New wave, Margalla

Papers: 2009, Islamabad: NDU, 2009, p34.

15 Ibid.
16 Foreign Policy,
17 Rekha Datta, Why Alliances Endure: The United States-Pakistan

Alliances (1954-1971), New Delhi: south Asian Publishers, 1994.

14 Margalla Papers 2011

Dr. Saima Ashraf Kayani

18 Hayatullah Khan Khattak, “US Pakistan strategic Partnership: A Track

Two process for long term security Cooperation and Stability, analysis”,
ISSRA and National Defence University, Feb 2007.
19 The Pakistan-US Relationship.
20 Ibid.
21 Jeffrey Record, Bounding the Global war on Terrorism, Dec 2003,
22 Michael Stohl, The Global War on Terror and State Terrorism,

Perspectives on Terrorism,
23 Ibid.
24 This paragraph needs more explanation. The author needs to explain

why Pakistan did a U-turn in its Afghan policy. Second, it’s too simple that
Pakistan has to fight against its own supporters, because prior to 9/11 on
August 14, 2001, President Musharaaf banned to militant organizations in
Pakistan, whose fugitives were residing in Afghanistan.
25 Christopher de Bellaigue, "The Perils of Pakistan," The New York

Review of Books, November 15, 2001, cited in Amy Zalman, Terrorism

Timeline: Pakistan and the Global War on Terror Pakistan Plays Friend
and Foe to U.S.
26 Fazal-ur-Rahma, Pakistan and the War on terrorism, Strategic studies,

Vol.XXIII, No.2, summer 2005, p 65.

27 Ibid.
28 Also see, Dawn, September 20,

2001. cited in Ibid.

29 Ibid.
30 Masood Khan, Pakistan’s Role in Global War on Terrorism: and Areas of

Clash with United States, Pakistan Defence,
31 Tariq Rauf, ‘US Seeks Pakistan’s Assistance’, Center for Non-

Proliferation Studies, Monterey Institute for International Studies, wtc01/pak.htm cited in Fazal-ur-Rahma,
32 Fazal-ur-Rahma, op.cit. p. 5.f

33 Jayshree Bajoria, India-Afghanistan Relations , Council On Foreign

Relations, July 22,
34 Fata Recent Developments, Global,

Margalla Papers 2011 15

Global War on Terror: The Cost Pakistan is Paying

35 Indian Parliament was attacked in Dec 2001. India blamed jaish-e-

Mohammad and Lashkar-e-Taiba, religious organizations, and blamed
Pakistan secret service ISI for supporting them. India moved its troop on
the international border with Pakistan. Pakistan denied the charges.
36 Masood Khan, Pakistan’s Role in Global War on Terrorism: and Areas of

Clash with United States, Pakistan Defence,
37 Syed saleem shahzad, “Unlearned Lessons from Waziristan,” Asia Times,

July 22, 2004 cited in A.Z.hillali, US policy Towards Pakistan After Sept 11
2001 and Its Implications, Institute of Policy studies(IPRI), Vol. ix, No1,
winter 2009, p. 143.
38 Nation, March 7, 2007, cited in Ibid.
39 Ibid., p. 145.
40 Evagoras C. Leventis, The Waziristan Accord, global Politicians,

41 Ibid.
42 Ibid.
43 Pazir Gul, Waziristan Accord Signed, DAWN, 6th September 2006.
44 Ibid.
45 Evagoras C. Leventis, op.cit.
46 A.Z.hillali, op.cit., p. 145.
47 The jang Urdu, 3 May 2010.
48 Sohail Mehmood, The Strategic Dialogue between Reluctant Allies: The

United States and Pakistan Today,

16 Margalla Papers 2011

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