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,.*,.rr*,*,,, AUTHORITY OF INDIA
t{cu No.: AAI,RCS I GEPI-' l' :018 Date: 24e lanuary, ?018

. Chodawar Edemrises Privale Ltd. .
. Srar House P!ol)',lo 438 P.B I U
Jaysingprr, ,'
Distt. Kolhapur Maharashtra 4l 61 0l


Subj€.t r,.ner of Aw.rd ('LOA) for the s€l€ctcd iirliu€ operrroriPndcf lhc Bcgionrl
Connc.tivity Schem. ('RCS") - UDAN in 2d;utrd ofbidding cycL for oper.riotr of RCS fliStE
oi RCS route;/Itetwork of Hubli -Tiruprti- Hubli. Hirtr;- Hubli-Pqtr€- Hublrl Fir€d-wir€ l(

' L Ihis is wilh nference lo )our lnilial Proposal l Lasl dare of .ubnrission 09 l0l?) fur ll
opemling as lbc selecred airline operaror lnder lhe RCS a5 pro! ided in Anoexure A oflhis
'. r-oe t-p"irpo"ut r. subminGd pursuanl tothtNotice Inviting ?roposat for Selecrion of Airline '
i Operators ldeted 24ri AugLsl,2017 and corrigcndum/Rev;sed issued trom lime lo time]
("NIP') issued by tlie Airyorts Aurhority of India ("Autiloriry")r acting as thc impteminring
- agency on behalf of M inislry ofc iv il Aviation, Govemmem o f India and your lcller/email d ed
, 18 0t 20t8.

2. Your proposal has been acgepted by lhe competent authority for above citied n€lwork and vou '
. have been id€ntified as tle Selecled Airlioe Operalor (SAO).

3. Under the terms oflhe NIP, you are required lo submit the following to the Authorilv:

. a) Duly execuled Selected'Ai.line Operator Agreement in'the'format prescribed in

Annexure- X ofrhe NIP ("SAOA"):
.b) P;rfofmancc otarantee, in rirc.formar prescribed in Annexure yl oflhe NlP, for an
on or belbie the exebution ofthe SAdA; and
, -c) lndexalion for Maximum Airfare Cap(s) and Maximum Airfar<s) for RCS i€at and
indexation for VCF Cap(s) and VGF soughl shall be as per RCS Ve6ioh.2.o,
Seplemhcr. 201? (Based on Jul)-Seplember. 201?._
4. l he actions specitied in paragraph 3.above. ar€ requircd to b€ completed within 30 (Thiny)
days ofthe dare ser our herein afote
5. Additionally, pleas€ nole the foltowing remarks penaini4g to the proFlosal aubmilled by you:

a) Operalions commenced on the routei of this proposal withln 6(six)

to bc
mdnths fmmlhe date ofissue ofLOA orreadiness df atrpon in the net$'ork.

l0t unoi

{rnfid .rirfl rlq..t ' {q,fl.nq tsr{ {qet .r{ f-*{l t1ooos ({l c :24632950
Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan Safdariung Airport, New Delhi-110003 Phone:24632950
b) Op€Btions is subject to the written cons€nt ftom airpofl operator like Defence,
PSU alld Private to Fovide concessions /suppons as airpon operator undei the
c) It is deem€d that SAO has cooducted all due diligence (refer para-3.4.3 ofthe
d) The awad lener is subje.t lo confirmation of Proposal Security BG by the
issuing bank.

6. You arc requested ro conply with the all provisions ofNIP.

7. You aie requested to sign and retum the duplicare copy of this LOA 10 the ofiice of the
undersigned, as acknowledgement ofthis LOA, latest within 5 (five) days ofthe rec€ipt ofthis

Manager (lingg.,RCS)
oo brhalfof the Chairman
AirDorts Authoritl of India


L Chairman, Airyo(s Authority oflndia. E-Mail

2. Joinl Secretary(UP). Ministry ofCivil Aviation, (e-mail;
3. Direcror G€neral Civil Aviation, (e-mail;; the SAO has been granted rtu€e of
exclusivity on RCS Routes as per RCS Version 2.o-Therefore RCS route as per Annexure-A
may not be considered lo allotmenr to other airline(s)
4. Director General BCAS (e-maiL

EnlerPri Ptit.
For Ghodawat


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