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Insurance and Risk

Ravi Kiran and Kabita graduated from a government college. They
married after graduation. Then they started to stay at New Baneshwor.
They wanted to save money for a down payment on a house. Shortly, after
they moved into a rented apartment, a burglar broke into their apartment
and stole a new television set, stereo, camera, jewelry, silverware, and
cash stashed in a jewelry box. The loss totaled Rs. 800,000. They had no
insurance. As a result their dream of buying a new house was shattered.
What went wrong? The couple made the common mistake of paying
inadequate attention to risk and insurance in their financial plan.
In previous chapter we identified major risks that cause financial
insecurity. For most people, insurance is the most important technique for
handling risk. Consequently, we should understand and realize how
insurance works. In this chapter we discuss the basic characteristics of
insurance requirements of an insurable risk, major types of insurance and
social benefits and social value of insurance.


In the 21st century human kind is facing with different kind of problems.
There are many types of problems in our life death of house holder at
Learning Objectives
After studying this chapter, you should be able to understand:
improper time, sudden stealing of goods loan house, loss of property by fire,
Define insurance and explain the basic characteristics of insurance. loss of goods and valuable things kept in ship because of unexpected
Explain the law of large number. hurricane etc. are different pictures of problems. Human kind is always alert
Describe the requirements of an insurable risk from the viewpoint of a and terrified with these problems. It is difficult to predict the time of escort
private insurer. problems and so these types of problems can not be declared that where,
Identify the major insurable and uninsurable risk in our society. when, to whom and how occurs. And we are unable to guess the loss of
Describe the major types of insurance.
valuable things. Thus, whole human kind is always uncertain with the
Explain the social benefits and social costs of insurance.
consequences of loss. Insurance gives priority to uncertainty and it changes
uncertainty to certainty by giving economical security. In broader sense
insurance gives security against future risk changing uncertainty to certainty
instead of less insured money.
In the 21st century scope of insurance has been broaden and has captured
greater meaning of life. Insurance can give stronger economical security
against any kind of future risk. Thus, before to study about insurance it is
necessary to understand definition of insurance clearly.
There is no single and universal definition of insurance. Insurance can be
defined from the view point of several disciplines, including law, economics,
“An ingenious modern game of chance in which the player is history, actuarial science, risk theory and sociology. But each possible
permitted to enjoy the comfortable conviction that he is beating the definition will not be examined at this point. Instead, we will examine these
man who keeps the table.” • Ambrose Bierce common elements that are typically present in any insurance plan. The
definition of insurance can be made from two points:

Figure 1 • The payment will be made in a certain definite sum, i.e., the loss or the
Definitions of
Insurance. policy amount whichever may be , and
Definitions of Insurance
• The payment is made only upon a contingency. More specific definition
can be given as follows- Insurance may be defined as a consisting one
Functional Definition Contractual Definition party (the insurer) agrees to pay to the other party (the insured) or his
beneficiary, a certain sum upon a given contingency (the risk) against
which insurance is sought.
1. Functional Concept According to Chief Justice Tindal, "Insurance is a contract in which a sum of
Insurance is a co-operative device to spread the loss caused by a particular money is paid by insured in consideration of the insurer's incurring the risk of
risk over a number of persons, who are exposed to it and who agree to insure paying a larger sum when the given contingency arises."
themselves against the risk. Thus, the insurance is According to A.H. Mowbray and R.H. Blankchard, "Insurance is promise by
• A co-operative device to spread the risk; an insurer to an insured protection or service."
• The system to spread the risk over a number of persons who are insured According to Edwin W. Petterson, "Insurance is contract by which one party for
against the risk; a compensation called premium assume particular risk of the other party and premise
• The principle to share the loss of each member of the society on the basis to pay to him or his nominee a certain sum of money on a specified contingency."
of probability of loss to their risk; and
• The method to provide security against losses to the insured. BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF INSURANCE
Similarly another definition can be given. Insurance is a co-operative device Based on the preceding definition, an insurance plan or arrangement
of distributing losses, falling on an individual or his family over a large typically includes the following characteristics.
number of persons, each bearing a nominal expenditure and felling secure
against heavy loss. Different Scholars have different attitudes about this Figure 2
concept. Basic
Basic Characteristics of Insurance
characteristics of
According to Mehr, Robert, “Insurance is a social device for reducing risk by Insurance.
combining a sufficient number of exposures, units to make their individual losses
collectively predictable. The predictable loss is then shared proportionally by all those Pooling of Losses Payments of Risk Transfer Indemnification
Fortuitous Losses
in the combination.”
a. The sharing of losses by the entire group
According to J.H. Mayee, "Insurance has been defined as a plan by which a large
b. The law of large numbers
number of people associated themselves and transfer, to shoulders of all risk to attach
Accordingly to D.S. Hansell, "Insurance may be defined as a social device 1. Pooling of Losses
providing compensation for the effects of misfortune, the payment being made from First basic characteristic of private insurance is the pooling of losses. Pooling
accumulated contribution of all parties participating in the scheme." of few losses or the sharing of losses is the heart of insurance. Pooling is the
spreading of few losses over the entire group so that in the process average
2. Contractual Concept loss is substituted for actual losses. In addition pooling involves the grouping
Insurance has been defined to be that in which a sum of money as a premium of a large numbers which can operate to provide a substantially accurate
is paid in consideration of the insurer’s incurring the risk of paying a large prediction of future losses. Ideally, there should be a large number of similar,
sum upon a given contingency. The insurance, thus, is a contract whereby but not necessarily identical, exposure units that are subject to the same
• Certain sum, called premium, is charged in consideration, perils. Thus, pooling is implied in two ways:
• Against the said consideration, a large sum is guaranteed to be paid by a. The sharing of losses by the entire group: With respect to this concept,
the insurer who received the premium, let's consider this simple example. Assume that 1000 farmers in Bhaktapur
agree that if any farmer's house is damaged or destroyed by a fire the other

members of the group will indemnify or cover the actual costs of the unlucky and occurs as a result of chance. In other words, the loss must be accidental.
farmers who has a loss. Assume also that each home is worth $100,000, and The rules and regulation of large numbers is based on the assumption that
on average, one home burns each year. In the absence of insurance, the losses are accidental and occur randomly. For example, a person may slip on
maximum loss to each farmer is $100,000 if the house is burn. However, by an icy side walk and break a leg. The loss would be fortuitous. Insurance
pooling the loss, it can be spread over the entire group, and if one farmer has policies do not cover intentional losses.
a total loss, the maximum amount that each farmer must pay is only $100
($100,000/1,000). In effect, the pooling technique results in the substitution of 3. Risk transfer
an average loss of $100 for the actual loss of $100,000. The third basic characteristic of private insurance is the risk transfer. With the
In addition, by pooling or combining the loss of a large number of exposure exception of self insurance, a true insurance plan always involves risk
units, an insurer is able to predict future losses with greater accuracy. From transfer. We can say that risk transfer means that a pure risk is transferred
the viewpoint of the insurer, if future losses can be predicted, objective can be from the insured to the insurer, who typically is in a stronger financial
reduced. Thus, another characteristic often found in many lines of insurance position to pay the loss than the insured. From the viewpoint of the
is risk reduction based on the law of large numbers. individual, pure risks that are typically transferred to insurers include the
b. The law of large numbers: The law of large numbers states that the risk of premature death, poor health, disability, and destruction, theft of
greater the number of exposures, the more closely will the actual results property and liability lawsuits.
approach the probable results that are expected from an infinite number of
exposures. For example, if we toss a balanced coin into the air, probability of 4. Indemnification
getting a head (trishul) is 0.5 or 1/2. If we toss the coin only 10 times, we may The final basic characteristic of insurance is indemnification for losses.
get a head (trishul) eight times. Although the observed probability of getting Indemnification means that the insured is restored to his or her appropriate
a head is 0.8, the true probability is still 0.5. If the coin were flipped one financial position prior to the occurrence of the loss. As for example, if your
million times, however, the actual number of head would be approximately house burns in a fire, a home-owners policy will indemnify you or restore
500,000. Thus, as the number of random tosses increases, the actual results you to your previous position. If you are sued because of the negligent
approach the expected results. operation of an automobile, your auto liability insurance policy will pay the
However, for most insurance lines, the actuary seldom knows the true sums that you are legally obligated to pay. Similarly, if you become seriously
probability and severity of loss. Therefore, estimates of both the average disabled, a disability- income insurance policy will restore at least part of the
frequency and the average severity of loss must be based on previous loss lost wages.
experience. If there are a large number of exposure units, the actual loss
experience of the past may be a good approximation of future losses. As REQUIREMENTS OF AN INSURABLE RISK
noted in chapter- 8, objective risk varies inversely with the square root of the
Insurance always insure only pure risk. But all pure risks are not insurable.
number of cases under observation: as the number of exposures increases,
Before insurance of pure risk some certain requirements should be completed
the relative variation of actual loss from expected loss will decline. Thus, the
or fulfilled. Here, we discuss six requirements of an insurable risk from the
insurer can predict future losses with a greater degree of accuracy as the
view point of insurer (insurance company).
number of exposures increases.
This concept is important because an insurer must charge a premium that Figure 3
will be adequate for paying all losses and expenses during the policy period. Requirements of an
Insurable Risk Requirements of an Insurable Risk
The lower the degree of objective risk, the more confidence an insurer has
that actual premium charged will be sufficient to pay all claims and expenses
and provide a margin for profit. Large Accidental Determinable No Calculable Economically
Number of and Un- and Catastrophic Chance of Feasible
Exposure intentional Measurable Loss Loss Premium
2. Payments of Fortuitous Losses Units
The second basic characteristic of private insurance is the payment of
fortuitous losses. A fortuitous loss is one that is unforeseen and unexpected
1. Large Number of Exposure Units

The first requirement of an insurable risk is a large number of exposure units. contract. These two accountants may be injured in an auto accident. Both are
Ideally, it may not be similar but there should be a large group of roughly classified as totally disabled person. However, one accountant may be strong
similar which are under the peril or group of perils. For example, a large willed and he may be more determined to return to work. If he is
number of frame dwellings in a city can be grouped together for purposes of rehabilitated and he returns to work, the disability income benefits will
providing property insurance on the dwellings. terminate. But another disabled person may receive the disability income
The purpose of first requirement is to enable the insurer to predict loss based benefits because of disability to return to work. It is difficult to determine
on the law of large numbers. Loss date can be compiled over time, and losses whether some body is actually disabled. Thus, ideally all losses should be
for the group as a whole can be predicted with some accuracy. The loss costs both determinable and measurable.
can then be spread over all insureds in the underwriting class. The basic purpose of this requirement is to enable an insurer to determine if
the loss is covered under the policy, and if it is covered, how much should be
2. Accidental and Unintentional paid. For example, Krishna has more expensive fur coat and that fur coat has
A second requirement is that the loss should be accidental and unintentional. been insured under the home-owners policy. If a thief steals that fur coat in
Ideally, the loss should be out of control of insured and fortuitous. If a person that condition insurance company is compelled or it has full, responsibility to
causes a loss deliberately he should be kicked out from the indemnification. give compensation. But question arises that if that fur coat is lost because of
The requirement of accidental and unintentional is important because of two forgetting to bring from laundry by his wife. In that situation insurance
reasons. company has no any kind of responsibility for compensation.

a. Intentional losses were paid: If intentional losses were paid, moral hazard
4. No Catastrophic Loss
would be substantially increased, and premiums would rise as a result. The
substantial increases in premiums could result in relatively fewer persons The fourth requirement is that ideally the loss should be catastrophic. This
purchasing the insurance, and the insurer might not have a sufficient number means that a large proportion of exposure units should not incur losses at the
of exposure units to predict future losses. same time. As we stated earlier, pooling is the essence of insurance. If most
or all of the exposure units in a certain class simultaneously incur a loss, then
b. The loss should be accidental: The loss should be accidental because the
the pooling technique breaks down and becomes unworkable. Premium
law of large numbers is based on the random occurrence of events. A
must be increased to prohibitive level, and the insurance technique is no
deliberately caused loss is not a random event because the insured knows
longer a viable arrangement by which losses of the few are spread over the
when the loss will occur. Thus, prediction of future experience may be highly
entire group.
inaccurate if a large number of intentional or nonrandom losses occur.
Insurers ideally wish to avoid all catastrophic losses. In reality, however, this
3. Determinable and Measurable is impossible, because catastrophic losses periodically result from floods,
hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, forest fires and other natural disasters.
The third requirement is that the loss should be both determinable and
Catastrophic losses can also result from acts of terrorism.
measurable. This means the Loss should be definite as to cause, time, place,
and amount. Life insurance in most cases meets this requirement easily. The Several approaches are available for meeting the problem of a catastrophic
cause and time of death can be readily determined in most cause, and if the loss.
person is insured, the face amount of the life insurance policy is the amount a. Re-insurance can be used: Re-insurance can be used by which insurance
paid. companies are indemnified by re-insurers for catastrophic losses. Re-insurer
Some losses, however, are difficult to determine and measure. Such as, an is the shifting of part or all of the insurance originally written by one insurer
insurer promises to pay a monthly benefit to disabled person under a to another. The re-insurer is then responsible for the payment of its share of
disability income policy. But some dishonest insured pretend to be sick or the loss.
injured to collect amount from the insurer. Even if the claim is legitimate b. Dispersing their coverage over a large geographical: Insurers can avoid
insurance company has to determine whether the insured satisfies the the concentration of risk by dispersing their coverage a large geographical
definition of disability or not, as stated in the policy. Sickness and disability area. The concentration of loss exposures in a geographical area exposed to
are subjective so these events affect different person in different ways. For frequent floods, earthquake hurricanes or other natural disasters can result in
example, two persons are insured. They are under separate disability income

periodic catastrophic losses. If the loss exposures are geographically b. Catastrophic loss: The potential of each to produce a catastrophic loss is
dispersed, the possibility of catastrophic loss is reduced. grate; this is particularly true for political risk, such as risk of war.
c. New financial instruments are now available for dealing with c. Calculation of premium difficult: Calculation of proper premium for such
catastrophic losses: New financial instruments are now available for dealing risk may be difficult because the chance of loss cannot be accurately
with catastrophic losses. These instruments include catastrophe bonds, which estimated. For example, insurance that protects a retailer against loss because
are designed to pay for a catastrophic loss. of a change in consumer tastes, such as a style change, generally is not
available. Accurate loss data are not available and there is no accurate way to
5. Calculable Chance of Loss calculate a premium. The premium charged may or may not be adequate to
A fifth requirement is that the chance of loss should be calculable. The pay all losses and expenses. Since private insurers are in business to make a
insurer must be able to calculate both the average frequency and the average profit, certain risks are uninsurable because of the possibility of substantial
severity of future losses with some accuracy. This requirement is necessary losses.
so that a proper premium can be charged that is sufficient to pay all claims
and expenses and yield a profit during the policy period. APPLICATIONS:
Certain losses, however, are difficult to insure because the chance of loss THE RISKS OF FIRE AND UNEMPLOYMENT
cannot be accurately estimated, and the potential for a catastrophic loss is
You will understand more clearly the requirements of an insurable risk if you
present. For example, floods, wars and cyclical unemployment occur on an
can apply these requirements to a specific risk. For example, consider the risk
irregular basis, and prediction of the average frequency and the severity of
of fire to a private dwelling. This risk can be privately insured because the
losses is difficult. Thus, without governmental assistance, these losses are
requirements of an insurable risk are generally fulfilled.
difficult for private carriers to insure.
Table 1
6. Economically Feasible Premium Risk of Fire as an Insurable Risk.
Requirements Does the risk of fire satisfy the requirements?
A final requirement is that the premium should be economically feasible. The
1. Large number of exposure
insured must be able to pay premium. In addition, for the insurance to be an Yes. Numerous exposure units are present.
attractive purchase, the premium paid must be substantially less than face 2. Accidental and unintentional Yes. With the exception of arson, most fire losses are
loss accidental and unintentional.
value, or amount, of the policy.
3. Determinable and Yes. If there is disagreement over the amount paid, a property
To have an economically feasible premium, the chance of loss must be measurable loss insurance policy has provisions for resolving disputes.
relatively low. One view is that if the chance of loss exceeds 40%, the cost of Yes. Although catastrophic fires have occurred, all exposure
4. No catastrophic loss
units normally do not burn at the same time.
the policy will exceed the amount that the insurer must pay under the Yes. Chance of fire can be calculated, and the average severely
5. Calculable chance of loss
contract. For example, an insurer could issue a $1000 life insurance policy on of a fire loss can be estimated in advance.
a man aged 99, but the pure premium would be about $980, and an 6. Economically feasible Yes. Premium rate per $ 100 of fire insurance is relatively
premium low.
additional amount for expenses would exceed the face amount of the
insurance. Then in this modern age consider the risk of unemployment which is
uninsurable, can risk of unemployment fulfill the requirement of any kind of
Based on these requirements, personal risks, poverty risks and liability risks
insurable risk? In Table 2 we can see clearly risk of insurance which never
all can be privately insured, because the requirements of an insurable risk
fulfill any kind of requirement.
generally can be met. By contrast, most of market risks, financial risks,
production risks and political risks are usually uninsurable by private Table 2
insurers. These are uninsurable for several reasons. Risk of Unemployment as an Insurable Risk.
Requirements Does the risk of unemployment satisfy the requirements?
a. Speculative: Most market risks, financial risk, production risk and political
Not completely. Although there are a large number of employees,
risk are uninsurable. Since they are speculative and so are difficult to insure 1. Large number of exposure units predicting unemployment is difficult because of the different types of
privately. unemployment and labour.
2. Accidental and unintentional No. A large proportion of unemployment is due to individuals who
loss voluntarily quit their jobs.

3. Determinable and measurable

Not completely. The level of unemployment can be determined, but the We can control the adverse selection by using policy provisions. For example,
measurement of loss is difficult. Some unemployment is involuntary;
however, some unemployment is voluntary.
by making provision of the suicide clause in life insurance and the
No. A serve national recession or depressed local business conditions preexisting conditions clause in health insurance.
4. No catastrophic loss
could result in a catastrophic loss.
The different types of unemployment generally are too irregular to
5. Calculable chance of loss
estimate the chance of loss accurately. INSURANCE AND GAMBLING COMPARED
No. Adverse selection, moral hazard, and the potential for a
6. Economically feasible premium
catastrophic loss could make the premium unattractive. Insurance is always regarded as gambling, but there are three important
differences between them.
First, it is difficult to predict unemployment because there are different types
of unemployment. Like, the workers may be professionally highly skilled,
Figure 4
semi-skilled, unskilled, blue-collar and white-collar etc. In addition, Insurance and Insurance and Gambling Compared
unemployment rates vary significantly by occupation, age, gender, Gambling
education, marital status, city, state and by a host of other sectors.
Government programs change frequently. Because of governments economic Create new Gambling is socially Restore
policy unemployment is affected. By this large numbers of workers may be speculative risk unproductive

unemployed at the same time. So, that potential of catastrophic loss is present
and the duration of different unemployed persons may be different. Different a. Create new speculative risk: First difference is that gambling creates a
types of unemployment occur irregularly so that it is difficult to calculate new speculative risk while insurance is a technique for handling an already
chance of loss accurately. Thus risks of unemployment are not generally existing pure risk. If you bet Rs 3000 on a horse race you will start to create a
privately insured but it is insured by social insurance programs. new speculative risk but if you insure Rs 3000 on fire insurance you will
transfer present risk of fire into insurance based upon contract and no new
risk is created by the transaction.
b. Gambling is socially unproductive: And second difference between
When insurance is sold to insured by insurer, insurers have to face the
insurance and gambling is that gambling is socially unproductive because
problem of adverse selection. Adverse selection is the tendency of persons
the winner's gain comes at the expense of the loser. In contrast, insurance is
with a higher-than-average chance of loss to seek insurance at standard rates,
always socially productive, because neither the insurer nor the insured is
which if not controlled by underwriting, results in higher-than-expected loss
placed in a position where the gain of the winner comes at the expense of the
levels. For example, high risk drivers seek auto insurance at standard rates
loser. The insurer and insured both have a common interest in the prevention
from them who has serious health problem who seek life insurance at
of loss. Both parties win if the loss does not occur.
standard rates. Business firms which are robbed or burglarized repeatedly
seek crime insurance at standard rates and including them in standard rate c. Restore: Moreover, consistent gambling transactions generally never
proves hazardous. If insured gets at standard rates higher than average loss restore the losers to their former financial position. In contrast, insurance
of possibility at that situation we say adverse selection has been made by contracts restore the insureds financially in whole or in part if a loss occurs.
insurance company. If it is not controlled by using rules and regulations
adverse selection can result in higher than expected loss levels. INSURANCE AND HEDGING COMPARED
However, adverse selection can not be completely eliminated or avoided but We discussed the concept of hedging in chapter eight. Risk can be transferred
by careful underwriting, it can be controlled. Underwriting means the into speculators with the help of purchased future contracts. However, an
process of selecting and classifying applicants for insurance. Applicants who insurance is not taken as hedging. But both techniques are similar because
meet underwriting standards are insured at standard rates. Applicants who risks are transferred by contract in both and there is no new creation of risks.
don't meet underwriting standards are denied (rejected) or extra premiums Although both techniques have similar and important elements there are
are paid. Insurance companies insure of the applicants who have chance of some important differences between them.
loss higher than average, but these applicants must pay higher premiums.
The adverse selection of insurance arise when applicants who has chance of
loss higher than average are successful to achieve at standard rates.

1. Private Insurance
Figure 5 a. Life and Health Insurance: Life insurance companies take responsibility to
Insurance and Insurance and Hedging Compared
Hedging provide financial security after the death of insured and they try to avoid
Compared. possible future risks. Thus, insurance companies provide benefits for funeral
expenses, medical bills, estate taxes, other expenses as a result of death.
An insurance transaction involves Insurance can reduce the object risk
the transfer of insurable risks of an insurer by application of the Death benefits can be arranged to provide periodic income payments to the
law of large number deceased's dependents. These insurance companies sell both individual and
group retirement plan that help to provide fixed benefits after retirement. In
a. An insurance transaction involves the transfer of insurable risks: An addition, life insurance companies also sell individual and group health
insurance transaction involves the transfer of insurable risks because the insurance policy which covers medical expenses from sickness or injury.
requirements of an insurable risk generally can be met. However, hedging is Finally, both types of insurance companies also sell disability income
the technique for handling risks that are typically uninsurable, such as coverage. By selling disability income coverage individuals during period of
protection against a decline in the price of agricultural products and raw disability can achieve income benefits.
b. Property and Liability Insurance
b. Insurance can reduce the object risk of an insurer by application of the
law of large number: As the large numbers of exposure units increase, the (i) Fire insurance: Fire insurance is the contract of indemnity. An insured
insurer’s prediction of future losses improves, because the relative variation gives fixed premium to insurance companies, instead of premium given by
of actual loss from expected loss will decline. Thus, many insurance insured within the time of insurance. Insurance companies take
responsibility of providing compensation if insured's property is damaged.
transactions reduce objective risks. In contrast, hedging typically involves
Fire insurance covers the loss or damage to real estate and personal property
only risk transfer, not risk reduction. The risk of adverse price fluctuation is
because of fire lighting or removal from the premises. Other perils covered
transferred to speculators who believe they can make a profit because of
are windstorm, hail, and vandalism. Indirect losses also can be covered,
superior knowledge of market condition. The risk is transferred, not reduced
including the loss of profits and rents and the extra expenses incurred as a
and prediction of loss generally is not based on the law of large numbers.
result of a loss from the interruption of business.
(ii) Marine insurance: Marine insurance is also contract of indemnification.
TYPES OF INSURANCE In marine insurance an insured gives fixed premium to insurance companies
There are different types of insurance however insurance has been classified and insurance companies take responsibility to indemnify instead of
into two groups for study. Insurance may be private or governmental. premium.
Private insurance can be divided into life and health insurance and property Marine insurance is often called transportation insurance because it covers
and liability insurance. Government insurance can be divided into social goods in transit against most pure risks which are connected with
insurance and all other government insurance. So private and public transportation. Marine insurance is divided into ocean marine insurance and
insurance can be classified as follows: inland marine insurance.
• Ocean Marine Insurance: This insurance provides protection for all types
Figure 6
of ocean-going vessels and their cargoes. In United States it is used on the
Types of insurance.
Types of Insurance Great Lakes and navigable waterways. It is used to insure vehicles and
cargo. There may be agreement to cover the legal liability of the owners
and shippers.
Private Insurance Government Insurance
• Inland Marine Insurance: This insurance covers the goods being shipped
on land. Exports, imports, domestic shipments and the mean of
a. Life and health insurance a. Social insurance
transportation are included in land marine insurance. For example
b. Property and liability insurance b. Other govt. insurance programs
bridges, tunnels, and pipelines. In addition inland marine insurance
covers also personal property like, fine art, jewelry and furs.

(iii) Casualty insurance: This insurance too is contract of indemnification. In Credit insurance: This insurance provides protection against loss
casualty insurance insured provides fixed premium to insurer. Instead of occurred when an account receivable is not collected.
premium or payments insurance company takes full responsibility to provide (iv) Multiple-line insurance: Multiple-line insurance agrees to provide
indemnification of fixed payment during the period of insurance to insured indemnification to insured whose property has been damaged. So, it
whose property has been damaged or lost except by fire, marine etc. Casualty combines both property and casualty coverages into one contract. For
insurance is a broad field of insurance which covers whatever is not covered example, a home owner's policy also covers fire insurance and liability
by fire, marine and life insurance. It has been divided into following groups. insurance.
• Auto insurance. This insurance is contract between insurer and insured. (v) Fidelity and surety bonds: Fidelity bonds provide protection against loss
It covers legal liability arising out of ownership or operation of an auto. It caused by the dishonest or fraudulent acts of employees, such as
provides physical damage insurance on auto, medical bill payment embezzlement and theft of money. Surety bonds provide for monetary
insurance and provides protection for uninsured motorists. Insurance compensation in cause of failure by bonded persons to perform certain acts,
company promises to provide possible risk of indemnification to insured such as the failure of a contractor to construct a building on time.
or to ownership or to motorist.
• General liability insurance: This insurance covers legal liability arising 2. Government Insurance
out of property damage or bodily injury to others. Legal liability may be At the present time numerous government insurance programs have been
arisen out of ownership of business property sales or distribution of established and are operating different programs. Government insurance can
products or professional services. be classified into social insurance and other government social insurance
• Burglary and theft insurance: Burglary is defined somewhat narrowly to program. Which are discussed below.
mean the unlawful taking of property from within premises closed for a. Social insurance. This insurance was firstly started in Britain, and then
business, entry to which has been obtained by force. There must be visible slowly it was developed in other countries. In modern time social insurance
marks of the forcible entry. Thus, if a customer hides in a store until after has great contribution in the field of insurance. The main aim of social
closing hours or enters by an unlocked door, steals some goods, and insurance is to serve the society. Social insurance programs are regarded as
leaves without having to force a door or a window, the definition of Government insurance but there is difference between social insurance and
burglary is not met under a burglary policy. government insurance because social insurance has own typical features.
Theft is a broad term that includes all crimes of stealing, robbery, or Social insurance is utilized for workers who work in factories. These workers
burglary. Theft is a catch-all term and is usually not distinguished from have to face different types of problems on their working. Social insurance
larceny. Thus any stealing crime not meeting the definition of burglary or programs provides protection against risk resulting from financial losses.
robbery is theft. Confidence game or other forms of swindles are theft, not Social programs are financed by both sides insurer and insured compulsorily.
robberies or burglaries. Generally revenues of Government is not financed in social insurance
• Workers compensation insurance: This insurance helps these workers program. The contributions are usually earmarked for special trust funds the
who fall in sickness or met in accident during the time of job. The benefits in turn are paid from these funds. In addition the right to receive
insurance pays medical bills, disability income benefits and, death benefits is ordinarily derived from or linked to the recipient's post
benefits to dependents of an employee whose death is job related. contributions. The benefits and contributions generally vary among the
• Glass insurance: This insurance promise to indemnify to the insured beneficiaries according to their prior earning but the most part of benefits are
whose glass gets damaged due to any reason. earmarked for low income group. Moreover, most social insurance programs
• Nuclear insurance: This insurance provides the protection against losses are compulsory and employers are encouraged to finance legally and they
resulting from nuclear accidents. participate in programs. There are different types of social insurance
programs which are explained below.
• Crop hail insurance: This insurance provides protection against losses at
crops resulting from hailstorms and other perils. (i) Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance: This insurance is known as
social security. It is a program of income maintenance that provides
• Other miscellaneous insurance:
retirement, survivor and disability benefits to eligible individual and
Title insurance: Financial losses due to the legal defect are covered by families.
title insurance.

(ii) Medicare insurance: This insurance is part of the total social security 1. Indemnification for Loss
program which covers the medical expense of most people aged 65 and older An indemnification permits individuals and families to be restored to their
and certain disabled people younger than age 65. former financial position after a loss occurs. As a result, they are able to
(iii) Unemployment insurance: This insurance provides weekly cash benefits maintain their financial security. Insured don't have to depend upon relatives
to those capable workers who are experiencing short-term involuntary or friends for financial support if there is loss in a part or whole.
unemployment. Unemployment insurance is provided up to 26 weeks Indemnification helps to continue in business and employees to keep their
regularly in United States. Extended benefits are also provided to those jobs for business firms. According to orders of suppliers they continue to
workers who exhaust their regular benefits. receive order and it is easy to receive goods and service for customers what
(iv) Workers compensation insurance: Any worker may be sick or may meet they want or what they desire. Community also gets benefit from
on accident while working. There may be financial loss to workers because of indemnification because tax base is not eroded. In short, indemnification for
sickness or accident. Workers compensation insurance finances against loses loss has great contribution for stability and development of family or
resulting from the sickness or accident. The owners of factories fulfill their profession therefore indemnification for loss is one of the most important
legal responsibility by insuring workers compensation insurance. Thus social and economic or financial benefits of insurance.
workers compensation insurance is a social insurance program which
provides medical care, cost benefits and rehabilitation service to workers fall 2. Less Worry and Fear
in sickness or accident. Second benefit of insurance is less worry and fear. Insurance helps to reduce
(v) Compulsory temporary disability insurance: This insurance provides worry and fear of individual or community. Property may be damaged but
protection against losses caused by temporary disability. before damage of property insurance provides financial security to insured.
(vi) Railroad retirement act: This act provides retirement benefits survivor For example, if family heads have adequate amounts of life insurance they
benefits and disability income benefits to railway workers who meet certain are less likely to worry about the financial security of their dependents in the
eligibility requirements. event of premature death. Insureds don't have to worry about the loss of
earning if a serious illness or accident occurs. Persons insured for long-term
(vii) Railroad unemployment insurance act: This insurance act provides
don't have mental tension because they know they are covered if a loss
unemployment and sickness benefits to rail workers.
occurs in their life. Because of insurance even after a loss occurs worry and
b. Other Government Insurance Programs: There insurance programs are fear are reduced.
present into both federal and state level according to construction of
government. However, these programs do not have the special features as 3. Source of Investment Funds
social insurance programs. In federal employment retirement system, the
Source of funds is needed for any kind of industries. To establish the
civil service retirement system, various life insurance programs for veterans,
industries money is important without money we can't imagine function of
pension termination insurance, insurance on checking and saving accounts in
industries. Thus for establishment of industries source of investment funds is
commercial banks and federal flood insurance, federal crop insurance and
important. Premiums are collected before the loss. Funds can be loaned to
numerous other programs are included.
business firms where funds are not needed to pay immediate losses. These
funds may be invested in shopping centre, hospital, factories, housing
BENEFITS OF INSURANCE TO SOCIETY development and new machinery or equipment. Which help to increase
The major social and economic or financial benefits of insurance cover the society's stock of capital, goods and helps to promote economic growth and
following: area of full employment can be created. Insurance can also invested in social
areas, for example; housing, nursing home, and economic development
Figure 7 projects. The total supply of loanable funds is increased due to advance
Benefits of Benefits of Insurance to Society payment of insurance premiums, which helps business firms to get loan at
Insurance to
Society. lower rate which is impossible in the absence of insurance.
Finally, payment is provided to insurer as premiums which helps to establish
Indemnification Less worry Source of Loss Enhancement
for loss and fear investment funds prevention of credit
a large and special trust fund. It helps the nation to develop in any field by

utilizing source of investment fund. Thus, insurance has great contribution

for collecting funds. Figure 8
Cost of Insurance
to Society. Costs of Insurance to Society
4. Loss Prevention
Insurance companies are involved actively in many programs to prevent loss.
Cost of doing business Fraudulent Inflated claims
These companies recruit different kinds of specialist for loss prevention. For
example, safety engineers, specialist in fire prevention etc. These specialists
give knowledge of loss prevention to the society by which future possible
risk can be reduced directly or indirectly. Society also gets benefit directly or 1. Cost of Doing Business
indirectly. Property or liability insurers have operated the programs of loss Insurance industries consume means and economic resource like land,
prevention which included the following: labour, capital and business enterprises in providing insurance to society. In
• Highway safely and reduction of automobile deaths financial terms expense loading must be added to the pure premium in their
• Fire prevention daily operation. An expense loading is the amount needed to pay all
• Reduction of work related disabilities expenses state premium taxes, acquisition expenses and an allowance for
contingencies and profit of 10%for insured is used charge in United States by
• Prevention of auto thefts
the companies related to property and liability. As a result, total cost in
• Prevention and detection of arson losses
society will be increased. For example, assume that there is a small village
• Prevention of defective products that could injure the user whose property is uninsured and village has an average of Rs. 100 million of
• Prevention of boiler explosion free losses each year. Later if villagers insure property the costs to this village
• Educational programs on loss prevention will be increased. Assume that the expense loading is 35% of losses; total cost
The loss prevention activities reduce consequential losses directly or is increased to Rs. 135 million in that small village. The additional costs can
indirectly. It helps society to improve in economic field. be justified for several reasons.
a. Payment of covered loss is reduced: From the viewpoint of insured
5. Enhancement of Credit uncertainty concerning the payment of covered loss is reduced because of
A final benefit of insurance is enhancement of credit. It improves better credit
risk of a person. It guarantees to pay the value of the borrowers' collateral or b. Provides jobs to millions of workers: Insurance industries provide jobs to
it assures that the loan will be repaid. For example, when a house is millions of workers.
purchased the lending institution requires property insurance on the house c. Insurers engage in a wide variety of loss prevention actives: The cost of
before providing loan. If the property is destroyed insurance company doing business is not wasted because insurers involve to prevent many kinds
protects the lenders financial interest. Similarly, it is necessary to insure of losses.
inventories before the loan is made for seasonal business. And if a new car is In society economic resources are used up in providing insurance so real
purchased and financed by a bank there must be physical damage insurance economic cost is incurred.
of a car before the loan is made. Thus insurance can enhance a person's
credit. 2. Fraudulent Claims
Cost of insurance comes from the submission of fraudulent claims. Following
COST OF INSURANCE TO SOCIETY sentences include example of fraudulent claims.
Although the insurance industry provides enormous social and economic • Auto accidents are faked or staged to collect benefits
benefits to society, it is necessary to recognize the social cost of insurance. • Dishonest claimants use slip and fall as accidents
Costs of insurance to society are as following: • Phony burglaries, thefts or acts of vandalism are reported to insurers
• False health insurance claims are submitted to collect benefits
• Dishonest policy owners take out of life insurance policies on death.

All insured's premium has to be increased because of above fraudulent c. The loss must be determinable and measurable
claims. Insured also can cause a loss deliberately to take benefit because d. The loss should not be catastrophic.
insurance is present. These social costs affect directly on society. e. The chance of loss must be calculable.
f. The premium must be economically feasible.
5. Personal risks, property risk and liability risks can be privately insured,
3. Inflated Claims
because the requirements of an insurable risk generally can be met.
The final cost of insurance refers to inflated claims or “padded” claims. However, market risks, financial risks, production risks, and political
Although the loss is not intentionally caused by the insured, the amount of risks generally are uninsurable, because these requirements are difficult
the claim may exceed the actual financial loss. Examples of inflated claims to meet.
are included as. 6. Adverse selection is the tendency of persons with a higher-than-average
change of loss to seek insurance at average rates, which, if not controlled
• Attorneys for plaintiffs sue for high liability a judgment that exceeds the by underwriting, results in higher-than-expected loss levels.
true economic loss of victim.
7. Insurance is not the same as gambling. Gambling creates a new
• Insured inflate the amount of damage in auto mobile accident claims. speculative risk, whereas insurance deals with an existing pure risk.
• Disabled person may pretend to be sick for disability income benefits for Also, gambling is socially unproductive, because the winner's gain comes
a longer duration. at the expense of the loser, Insurance is always socially productive
because both the insured and insurer benefits if the loss does not occur.
Inflated claims should be regarded as important social cost of insurance. 8. Insurance is not the same as hedging. Insurance involves the transfer of
Premiums must be increased in providing additional losses. As a result a pure risk, whereas hedging involves the transfer of a speculative risk.
disposable income and the consumption of other goods and service are Also, insurance may reduce objective risk because of the law of large
reduced. numbers. Hedging typically involves only risk transfer and not risk
9. Insurance can be classified into private and government insurance.
Private insurance consists of life and health insurance and property and
liability insurance. Government insurance consists of social insurance
and other government insurance programs.
10. The major benefits of insurance to society are as follows:
Summary a. Indemnification for loss
1. There is no single definition of insurance. However, a typical insurance b. Less worry and fear
plan contains four elements. c. Source of investment funds
a. Pooling of loss d. Loss prevention
b. Payment of fortuitous losses e. Enhancement of credit
c. Risk transfer 11. Insurance entails certain social costs to society, which include the
d. Indemnification following:
2. Pooling means that the losses of the few are spread over the group, and a. Cost of doing business
average loss is substituted for actual loss. Fortuitous losses are b. Fraudulent claims
unforeseen and unexpected and occur as a result of chance. Risk transfer c. Inflated claims
involves the transfer of a pure risk to an insurer. Indemnification means
that the victim of a loss is restored in whole or in part by payment,
repair, or replacement by the insurer.
3. The law of larger numbers states that the greater the number of
exposures, the more likely the actual results will approach the expected
results. The law of large numbers permits an insurer to estimate future
losses with some accuracy.
4. There are several ideal requirements of an insurable risk.
a. There must be a large number of exposure units.
b. The loss must be accidental and unintentional.

b. One critic of private insurance states that “Private insurance cannot be

justified economically because the industry uses scarce economic
Theoretical Questions resources that could be used to provide additional goods and services to
society.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your
1. Explain the major characteristics of typical insurance plan. answer.
2. Why is the pooling technique essential to insurance? 4. The potential for adverse selection is present in all forms of insurance.
3. Identify the four classes of insurance based on the marketing approach Underwriting is one technique that is used to control adverse selection.
and explain the distinguishing short characteristics of each. [TU 2064] i. Explain the meaning of ‘adverse selection.”
4. Explain the law of large numbers and show how the law of large ii. Why are insurers concerned about adverse selection?
numbers can be used by an insurer to estimate future losses.
iii. Explain how underwriting can be used to control adverse selection.
5. Explain the major requirements of an insurable risk. [TU 2064]
6. Why are most market risks, financial risks, production risks, and
political risks considered to be uninsurable by private insurers?
7. Write notes on insurance and gambling compared [TU 2064]
8. Write short notes on comparison of insurance and hedging. [TU 2065]
9. Identify the major fields of private and government insurance.
10. How is insurance beneficial to society?
11. Explain the social costs of insurance to society.
12. One author states, "The law of large numbers forms the basis of
insurance." Do you agree or disagree with this statement" Explain your
13. One critic of private insurance states that "private insurance cannot be
justified economically because the industry uses scarce economic
resources that could be used to provide additional goods and service to
society." Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your

Application Questions
1. Although no risk completely meets all of the ideal requirements of an
insurable risk, some risks come much closure to meeting them than
a. Identify the ideal requirements of an insurable risk.
b. Compare and contrast automobile collisions and war in terms of
how well they meet the requirements of an insurable risk.
2. One author states that “The law of large number forms the basis of
insurance,” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your
3. a. Private insurers provide numerous benefits to society. Explain how
private insurance produces each of the following benefits.
i. Identification
ii. Enhancement of credit
iii. Capital accumulation and investment.

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