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Season Four Media Guide

Africa AA#3

Lion Conference

Table Of Contents

Season Four Schedule & Preview 3

Opening Day Rosters 4, 5

Opening Day Starting Lineup 6

The Coaching Staff 7, 8

Season Four Uniforms 9 Stadium 10

Season Three In Review 11

Season Three Individual Team Statistics 12-14

Season Three League Statistics 15-21


Season Four Schedule & Preview

With the momentum from a two game winning streak to end the season, with on one of the victories
tories being possible the largest upset of
the year in the league, and a great offseason, the Durban DesertHawks look prone to breakout in the Lion Conference this year and
possibly make the playoffs.

Going into the offseason, the DesertHawks were solid at some pos positions,
itions, and had holes at others. Almost all holes were patched in
he offseason, adding even better players to a team that was already on the brink of something great. Possibly the largest are
area of
concern on the whole team going into the offseason was at linebacker. The linebackers weren’t bad at all; ll; they had nice builds, but
just weren’t there yet in terms of levels. To fix this problem, the DesertHawks brought in two monster linebackers in Bo Bobby Dean
Bush and Eric Norwood, turning linebacker from a weakness into a strength almost instantly. With one of the bes best defensive lines,
linebacking corps, and defensive backfields in the league, the DesertHawks should dominate nearly every opponent they play

Overall, with the great coaching already in set, to go along with an improved talent level, the Deser
tHawks should be a surprising
p in Africa AA #3 play, with a very realistic shot of making the playoffs.

Opening Day Offensive Roster


Opening Day Defensive Roster

Opening Day Special Teams Roster


Opening Day Starting Lineup


The Coaching Staff

Head Coach/Offensive Coordinator

ColaCock- ColaCock serves as both the head coach and offensive coordinator of the Durban DesertHawks, and rightfully so, as he
owns them. As head coach of the team, he keeps his feet in all areas of the team, even the ones he doesn’t coordinate, to make sure
everything goes to plan. As offensive coordinator, he makes sure offensive players are set to play with certain tendencies to take
advantage of opposing defenses weaknesses, as well as coming up with the individual gameplan for each game. As far as coaching
goes, ColaCock is completely committed to the DesertHawks, as he does not hold a GM role on any other team. He also serves as the
agent for three Durban DesertHawks; quarterback Joey Kane, receiver Kris Krocker, and safety Sonny Koufax. He also serves as the
agent for Kurt Brinkley, a linebacker who plays for the AA #1 Perth Pirates.

Assistant Head Coach

OrleansBlitz- Blitz serves as the right hand man to ColaCock, in fact stepping in for him as head coach when the time needs. As the
assistant head coach, Blitz doesn’t specialize in anyone department of the team. Like ColaCock, OrleansBlitz only holds general
manager duties with the Durban DesertHawks. He serves as the agent for two Durban DesertHawks; tight end Van Shredder, and
corner Swifty McSwifterson. He also serves as the agent for guard Aloysius Nickles, who plays for the Vientiane Pirates, a Southeast
Asia AAA #1 team.

Defensive Coordinator

jdellis45, chadrick2- Ellis and Chadrick both serve as the teams defensive coordinator. Like ColaCock on the offensive side of the
ball, their main job is to make sure players are prepared to play a certain way to take advantage of weaknesses, as well as come up
with the gameplan for each contest. Ellis is the lone member of the DesertHawks staff to also hold a general manager position on
another team; he also coaches the PGL Gamers, a Western Europe AA #1 team. Chadrick was name co-defensive
defensive coordinator in the
preseason leading up to season four. Ellis serves
rves as agent for four DesertHawk players; defensive end Travian Robertson, safety
Emmanuel Cook, receiver Syvelle Newton, and tight end Andy Boyd. Along with his Durban players, Ellis also represents three n non-
DesertHawks; corner JD Ellis who plays for thee aforementioned PGL Gamers, linebacker Casper Brinkley who plays for the Eastern
Europe AA #4 Tallaght Outlaws, and corner Captain Munnerlyn, who plays for El Fuego, aan Oceania AA #2 team. Chadrick represents
two players, both whom play for Durban; corner Captain Eraser and receiver Sidney Sharpe.

Recruiting Coordinator

Sneez- Sneez is the lone general manager whose

hose job is to directly coach the team. Instead, Sneez’s task is to identify, and sign new
players when the time needs. Having someone who can focus on recruiting is essential for any team, especially with the growin
competition. Unlike other recruiters, Sneez’s strategy isn’t to just shove as much cash as he can afford at high leveled players;
instead he likes to more reasonable players at the same level, or lower leveled players who can be built up. Sneez does have it
somewhat easier than other recruitingg coordinators, as he can recruit quite effectively, and the players there usually
are demanding ridiculous amounts of cash. Like the majority of the coaching staff, Sneez does not hold a general manager posi position
on another team. He representss four Durban players; punter Ryan Hawkin, corner Captain Courageous, and fullback Clark Ironhead.
He also represents Sneez Eagle, a safety who plays for the Radio City Irrelevants, a team based in the USA BBB #9 League.

Season Four Uniforms

For the second season in a row, the DesertHawks will be sporting the best uniforms in all of Africa. Designed by owner ColaCock in
collaboration with UnderArmour, the DesertHawks uniform has a modern, but not overdone look to it. The DesertHawks switch
between three different uniforms; the green uniform that is usually worn at home games, the white away uniform which is usually
donned at away games, and the gold uniform, which is used for special occasions, both home and away.

The gold uniform is donned during special home games, but occasionally for away games as well; while Durban doesn’t suffer from
record setting heat, some other teams in the league do. As a result, the home team may decide to don the cooler white jerseys
instead of the customary usually darker home jerseys. With white jerseys out of the picture for some away games, the DesertHawks
don the gold jerseys, which is warmer than the whites, but much, much cooler than the dark green uniform.

As for the helmet, the DesertHawks don the same helmet no matter the occasion; a white helmet featuring green and navy blue
lettering, with the iconic DesertHawk logo emblazoned on the side.
10 Stadium
Capacity: 14, 360

This is the second season in a row that the DesertHawks are set to play in their current facility, although it’ll be much different this
year; the DesertHawks have added endzone seating as well as expanding the club section, and the stadium finally has an official

The DesertHawks played their inaugural season with only the basics in terms of seating; basic level seating on both sides as well as a
few club seats for the more privileged fan. However with an ever growing fan support and the money to spend, the DesertHawks
opted to go into construction in the offseason. While the stadium certainly isn’t the largest in the league, it’s much better than it
was. Throughout the offseason the team was able to get basic endzone seating, while also adding more club suites. Overall, the
DesertHawks construction moves meant that thousands more Durban residents can attend a DesertHawks game this season.

There will be one other completely new aspect to the stadium as well; the stadium has finally been named. Throughout the first
season of existence, the stadium kept its original, temporary name; Lightning Stadium. The team had planned to give the stadium an
official name during the first season, but never got around to it once the season actually started. With the much extended offseason
this time around though, the team was finally able to pick a name. The DesertHawks finally settled on Stadium, and
with reason; the team was started by a member and consisted mainly of fellow posters. The name
was a tribute to the website that brought most of the players together and should be a mainstay name for many seasons to come.

Season Three In Review

7-9(10th Place)

Africa AA #3 Lion Conference

Season Three was the inaugural season for the DesertHawks, a team based in Durban, South Africa. In fact, it was an
inaugural season for all African teams. Season three welcomed the first chance for teams to form leagues and play on the African
continent. Leagues had sprung up all over the world and were reaching capacity, so it was only right that Africa, the second largest
as well as second most populous continent in the world, would welcome in new expansion leagues.

The first teams to grace the African soil were to be new completely new, independent clubs. Everything about them would
have to be built from the ground up: Rosters, stadiums, tradition, and any every other football-related aspect. This provided a fresh
start for the players who decided to join the exotic leagues; instead of joining a team that already had an established history, they
could write their own history.

Durban was one of these teams. Beginning as a club based on the tiny islands of Sao Tome and Principe, the team quickly
relocated to the largest port city in all of Africa. It was an ideal fit for a team, boasting a large population, as well as a Mediterranean
climate and many American friendly accommodations.

Unlike most African clubs, the DesertHawks assembled players that were
already familiar with each other. Not that they had played together on past
teams, but that the team was made of mostly South Carolina Gamecocks fans
who belonged to the forum. There was a high level of unity among
the DesertHawks players, as they weren’t total strangers tossed onto a new team.

The DesertHawks weren’t the most talented team in the conference, but
through proper coaching and effort, put together a very respectable 7-9 record
their inaugural season, just missing the playoffs.

The first and second halves of the inaugural season were night and day.
Through the first eight games of the season, the DesertHawks were 5-3. However
they had the easiest first half schedule in the conference, playing only three
teams with a winning record, and those teams were the only ones to defeat
Durban during the first half stretch. All together the teams posted a combined 49-
80 record.

The second half of the season was the complete opposite. The
DesertHawks were rated as having the hardest second half schedule in the conference. The teams in the second half of the schedule
combined to post a 79-50 record. Only two of those teams didn’t make the playoffs, and the DesertHawks travelled to Cape Verde to
play the future league champion Kings during the stretch as well. With the much more difficult schedule came fewer victories. In
fact, the DesertHawks only won two of the eight games during the second half of the season.

However during the stretch would also feature the most memorable moment of the DesertHawks inaugural season. Sitting
at 5-9 and riding a 6 game losing streak, Durban was set to play the then 13-1 South Africa Hitmen, who were ranked as the best
team in the conference. The Hitmen were heavy favorites to be the leagues first champion, with wins over Cape Verde and Sahara.
The Hitmen were heavy favorites to win the game, with most believing the victory would come in a blow out style.
However, through luck, will, and coaching, the DesertHawks would prove the experts wrong. The 15 game of the season
would be recorded as a Durban victory. Whether the Hitmen were overlooking the DesertHawks, or they simply were outcoached,
the DesertHawks pulled off possibly the biggest upset of the season, defeating the then number one team in the conference 26-23.
It was the biggest victory of the season, and provided hope of great season to come. Durban would ride the momentum to an easy
victory of the Zulu Nation, ending the season on a two game winning streak.

Overall, the season was a relative success. While DesertHawks didn’t make the playoffs, they showed they were an up and
coming team not to be overlooked. With improved talent, look for the DesertHawks to be a playoff contender in Season Four.

Season Three Passing Statistics

Season Three Rushing Statistics

Season Three Receiving Statistics

Season Three Kick/Punt Return Statistics

Season Three Kicking/Punting Statistics


Season Three Blocking/Other Statistics


Season Three Defensive Statistics


Season Three League Passing Statistics


Season Three League Rushing Statistics


Season Three League Receiving Statistics


Season Three League Kick/Punt Return Statistics


Season Three League Kicking/Punting Statistics


Season Three League Blocking/Other Statistics


Season Three League Defense Statistics

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