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Topic details

 Validate the meshes generated on a

complex part model

 Mesh generation via NX 7.5 algorithm and


 Meshed geometries are to be simulated

using UGS NX 7.5 Nastran Solver
Need of the Project
 Large scale organization depends heavily on its strategies
towards the Digitization.

 NX is being used for modeling; ANSYS used for meshing and


 Shortfalls in data transfer between these two.

 Tools for translating the NX data into neutral format available.

 But iterative design process make it impractical

 NX is identified here as a tool that can be tried out for meshing

the components.
Unigraphics NX 7.5
 NX Unigraphics, is an advanced CAD/CAM/CAE
software package developed by Siemens PLM

 The NX software integrates geometric modeling,

advanced analysis, graphic simulation, and concurrent

 Offers major enhancements across the existing product

portfolio in the areas of multi-body dynamics, meshing,
laminate composites and support for multiphysics
UGS NX Modeling
 Unique Features
 Feature operations such as Cone, Sphere, Block etc
 Boolean operations to existing bodies viz. Unite,
Subtract and Intersect.
UGS NX Modeling
 Modeling Modes
 History mode
 Creates and edits the model using an ordered sequence of
features that are displayed in the Part Navigator.

 History-Free mode
 User creates and edits the model based on its current
state, without an ordered sequence of features.
 A local feature modifies only the local geometry, without
the need to update and replay a global feature tree.
Synchronous Modeling
 Synchronous Modeling
commands help us work
effectively in History–
free mode. With these
commands, our modeling

 One can use

Synchronous Modeling
commands to easily
modify the model,
regardless of how it was

Move face Example

UGS NX Assemblies
 They are added to the part file in such a
way that the parts are virtual in the
assembly and linked to the original part.

 There are two basic ways of creating any

assembly model.
 Top down approach
 The assembly part file is created first and components
are created in that file. Then individual parts are
 Bottom up approach
 The component parts are created first in the traditional
way and then added to the assembly part file
UGS NX Assemblies
 Component Object
 A component object is a non-geometric pointer
to the file that contains the component
 The component object allows the component
to be displayed in the assembly without
duplicating any geometry.
 Component Part
 A component part is a part file which is
referenced by a component object in an
 Piece part or stand alone part refers to a part
file that is not itself an assembly.
 Component occurrences
 Use component occurrences to create one or
more references to a component without
creating additional geometry
UGS NX Advanced Simulation
 Overview
 Comprehensive finite element modeling and
results visualization product\

 Provides support for industry-standard solvers,

such as NX Nastran, ANSYS, and ABAQUS.

 We specify the solver we plan to use to solve our

model and the type of analysis we want to perform.

 The software then presents all meshing,

boundary conditions, and solution options using
the terminology or “language” of that solver and
analysis type.
CAE model files
 The idealized part file ( i part )

 The idealized part file is the result of geometry clean


 Often many features on the part file are not necessarily

significant to the simulation.

 Include minute grooves, chamfers and fillet.

 The master part is a component of the idealized part.

 All modifications are stored with the idealized part file,

and the original master model geometry is unaltered.
CAE model files
 The Finite Element Method file ( fem part )

 The FEM file is the master model for the Simulation file.

 It is not an assembly and contains no components.

 It contains nodes, elements, and physical and

material property tables.

 May be associative or non-associative.

CAE model files
 The Simulation file ( sim part )

 The Simulation (.sim) file is an NX assembly with the fem

part as its only component.

 Comprises loads, constraints and other boundary

conditions that define our analysis.

 Access to the mesh and polygon geometry in the FEM

file when defining our Simulation.

 Multiple simulation files can include the same FEM as a

component in the same scenario. This allows us to reuse
mesh data for different analyses.
Meshing in UGS NX
 Element shapes and nodes
Mesh types and Options
 3D Tetrahedral mesh

 We can use 3D Tetrahedral Mesh to generate a

mesh of linear or parabolic tetrahedral elements.

 The software abstracts the selected polygon

geometry to remove small surfaces or edges

 The software bases this abstraction on the

specified Element Size and Small Feature
Tolerance in the 3D Tetrahedral Mesh dialog
3D Swept Mesh

 The 3D Swept Mesh command

is used to generate a mapped
mesh of hexahedral.

 Done by weeping a free or

mapped surface mesh through
a solid body.

 Structured mesh with layer by

layer consistency on any 2 ½
dimensional solid body
Mesh control
 Mesh Control to create edge and
face densities for free and
mapped meshes.

 Local control over the number

and distribution pattern of
elements along a particular edge
or across a particular face.

 Options are Number on Edge,

Size on Edge, Size on face, Side
bias etc
Tet Mesh v/s Hex Mesh
 Tet Meshing
 Fully Automated
 Generate millions of elements in short time span
 Adequate for some analysis but not for others

 Hex Meshing
 Partially Automated, some Manual
 Generating elements takes much longer
 Preferred by most analysts for solution quality
Mesh Generation

• Only a single node is required to finish the triangular mesh to a

Tet element.

• To complete the hex element, 4 well positioned nodes are

required, which may not be readily available.
Mesh Generation

• Hexahedral meshes require Larger Minimum Angles than Tetraheral meshes.

• Small angles can be filled with high quality Tets much easier than high
•quality hexes.

For geometrically regular models, hex meshes much faster and has better
convergence rate, i.e. solves faster.
Solution Creation
 NX7.5 creates a folder of the same name as that of the file and at the
same location where the file is located.
 Results generated for the scenarios are saved as .vdm files.
 It creates five different files with the name of the scenario viz. xxx.SIM,
xxx.DAT, xxx.txt, xxx.out and xxx.VDM
Models Completed
 Bracket
 Wastegate diaphragm
 Model Satellite
 Compressor Blade

Work Due
• Under the meshing section of the project,
iterative process of meshing is left over.
• Simulation section work on Automatic Coupling,
Applying Constraint Equations, checking 1D/2D
Connections, Analysis and Identify & Apply BC's
is due to be finished by the first week of April

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