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Name Author

Old Man and the Sea

The Alchemist
Harry Potter
Sherlock Holmes
Lord of the Flies
Animal Farm George Orwell
1984 George Orwell
Brave New World
Train to Pakistan
Slaughterhouse 5
The Great Indian Novel
Argumentative Indian
The Last Mughal
The Selfish Gene
Guns, Germs and Steel
The World is Flat
Tipping Point
The Black Swan
Thinking Fast and Slow
Any Novel Sidney Sheldon
Any Novel Scott Fitzgerald
The Kite Runner Khaled Hosseni
Siddhartha Hermann Hesse
Tuesdays With Morrie Mitch Albom
The Undercover Economist Tim Harford
Strategies of War Sun Tzu
Lateral Thinking Edward do Bono
The Great Gatsby Scott Fitzgerald

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