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St Alban’s College


Total: 150 MARKS

Name:_______________________________ Time: 3 HOURS

Examiner: A Heuer


1. This question paper consists of 8 pages, an Information Sheet and an answer sheet
for question 5(b). Please check that your paper is complete.
2. Read the questions carefully.
3. Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.
4. You may use an approved non-programmable calculator, unless otherwise stated.
5. Round off answers to two decimal digits where necessary unless otherwise stated.
6. ALL the necessary working details must be clearly shown.
7. It is in your own interest to write legibly and to present your work neatly.
8. Diagrams are not drawn to scale.

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 TOTAL

16 10 14 18 21 12 18 15 10 11 5 150
Grade 12 Mathematics – Paper 1 20 July 2015 Page 2 of 8


QUESTION 1 [16 marks]

(a) Solve for x :

(1) 3x  x  11  30 (3)

(2) x 2  3x  7  0 (2)

(3) 22 x  2  7.2 x  2 (5)

33 x
(b) Given that y
 243 and 2 x.4 y1  32 find the values of x and y . (6)

QUESTION 2 [10 marks]

(a) Consider the following sequence: 5 ;12 ; 21; 32 ;...

(1) Write down the next term of the sequence. (1)

(2) Determine a formula for the nth term of the sequence. (4)

(b) The Research Institute for mammals monitored the population of an endangered
whale species and found that the population was now increasing at a surprising rate of
7% per year. At first count, the whale population was at 1000.

(1) Determine, if this tendency continues, the total percentage growth over a period
of 5 years. (2)

(2) In how many years, approximated to the nearest year, will this whale population
double itself? (3)

Grade 12 Mathematics – Paper 1 20 July 2015 Page 3 of 8

QUESTION 3 [14marks]

Given f  x   x  5x  c
Determine the value of c if it is given that the solutions of f  x   0

5  41
are (4)

Show that the roots of the equation k x  4kx  4 are equal for all real values
2 2
of k ; k  0 . (4)

(c) For what values of a will x2  2a  x  1   x  2   0

have two real, unequal roots? (6)


QUESTION 4 [18 marks]

Find the derivative of f  x   2 x  x from first principles.

(a) (5)

(b) Differentiate each of the following with respect to x :

 x 2  2x  3
(1) Dx   (3)
 x  1 

4 x3 x
(2) y   (5)
3x 6 x

(3) xy  5  x

QUESTION 5 [21 marks]

(a) Point A  5 ;11 is the turning point of the function f  x  .

Determine the co-ordinates of the new turning point if:

(1) y  2 f  x (2)

(2) y  f x (2)

Grade 12 Mathematics – Paper 1 20 July 2015 Page 4 of 8

(b) A function y  f  x  is shown on the sketch below.

6 y

− 1 3− 1 2− 1 1− 1 0− 9 − 8 − 7 − 6 − 5 − 4 − 3 − 2 − 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13







On the set of axes provided on the answer sheet, sketch the function

g  x   f  x  4  3 (3)
Grade 12 Mathematics – Paper 1 20 July 2015 Page 5 of 8

The graphs of f  x   2  8 and g  x   ax  bx  c are sketched below.

x 2
 9
B and C  0 ;  are the y-intercepts of the graphs f and g respectively.
 2
The two graphs intersect at A , which is the turning point of the graph of g and
the x - intercept of the graphs of f and g .

C(0 ; 4,5)

(1) Determine the co-ordinates of A and B . (4)

(2) Write down an equation of the asymptote of the graph of f . (1)
(3) Determine the equation of h if h  x   f  x   8 (2)
(4) Determine an equation of h 1 in the form y  .... (2)
(5) Write down an equation of p , if p is the reflection of h 1 about
the x -axis. (1)
3 5
(6) Calculate  g  k    g  k  . Show ALL working out. (4)
k 0 k 4
Grade 12 Mathematics – Paper 1 20 July 2015 Page 6 of 8


QUESTION 6 [12 marks]

Jason invests R28 000 in a savings account at 7,5% p.a. compounded monthly.
After 15 months Jason needs money to pay for his text books at university and he
withdraws R5 500. Two years after the first deposit was made, he deposited a further
R12 000 into the same account. Calculate the amount of money in the account after 4
years. (12)

QUESTION 7 [18 marks]

(a) Part of a rally track follows the path of a cubic curve. A plan view of this section is
shown in the diagram below. At a certain instant, cars A and B are at the turning
points of the curve. Car C is at a point where x  150 .
The race starts at the origin O.

1 3 1 2
The function which describes this part of the track is: f  x   x  x  9x
900 5

(1) Determine the co-ordinates of cars A and B. (6)

(2) Find the average gradient of the curve between car A and car C. (3)

(3) At which point between A and B does a car stop turning to the right and start
turning to the left? (2)
Grade 12 Mathematics – Paper 1 20 July 2015 Page 7 of 8

(b) The function p satisfies p 1  3 and p ' 1  . Find an equation for the tangent to
the graph p  x  at the point where x  1 . (4)

(c) q  x   2 x  3 and s  x   x2  3 . For which values of x is q '  x   s '  x  ? (3)


QUESTION 8 [15 marks]

(a) The gradient of the tangent to the curve defined by y  ax 3  bx 2 at the point 1; 5 
is 12.

(1) Calculate the values of a and b . (6)

(2) Calculate the x -co-ordinates of the point(s) where the tangent to the curve is
parallel to the x - axis. (3)

(b) The sum of two positive numbers is 24 . If one number is multiplied by the square of
the other number, find the maximum value of this product. (6)

QUESTION 9 [10 marks]

(a) State, with reasons, whether events A and B are mutually exclusive, independent or
neither if it is given that: P( A)  0,5 ; P( B)  0,3 and P( A  B)  0,65 (4)

(b) Sixty people were questioned to determine how many drink coffee, tea or milo. It was
found that 40 people drink coffee, 35 people drink tea and 12 people drink milo. 6
people drink coffee and milo, 20 people drink coffee and tea and 7 people drink tea and

If everyone drinks at least one of these drinks, calculate how many drank all three.

Grade 12 Mathematics – Paper 1 20 July 2015 Page 8 of 8

QUESTION 10 [11 marks]

(a) A timber merchant stacks  8 p  15 logs so that there are p layers with 8 logs
in the top layer.
Each layer contains one more log than the layer immediately above it.
Calculate the number of logs in the stack.

(b) Find the second term of an arithmetic progression if the first term is 2 , and the first,
third and seventh terms are in geometric progression. (6)


QUESTION 11 [5 marks]

After throwing a dart n times at a dart board, my percentage of hits is p%. With my next
throw, I make a hit and my percentage of hits is now (p + 1)%.
Prove that n  p  99 . (5)



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